ERIENCE - Sandringham Yacht Club

ERIENCE - Sandringham Yacht Club

ERIENCE - Sandringham Yacht Club


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COMMODORE’S REPORTThe sailing season has started and I join with you in looking forward to days out onthe water, participating in whatever is your preference - either racing, power andrecreational boating or OTB dinghy sailing.Our Centenary Year has been hugely significant. The year has included a fullprogram of celebratory events and I trust you found something that was special foryou. The celebrations concluded on Opening Day this year so we are now travellingin the second century of SYC’s existence and you are part of that.As Chairman of the Centenary Planning Committee, I thank the considerable effortsof the committee and particularly Kevin Wood who made a wonderful contributionensuring the success of the program.I am sure you are aware that SYC is now an active memberof the International Council of <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>s (ICOYC) whichcomprises 27 leading yacht clubs from around the world. Inearly September this year, Richard Hewett and I attendedour first forum of the ICOYC in Seattle, USA. I came awayfrom the forum thinking that SYC is well positioned amongstour fellow ICOYC members and there is mutual benefitto be gained from continuing our positive interaction anddialogue with our new colleagues.I am delighted to say that we have completed all theobjectives for upgrading the facilities of SYC. We have finallycompleted the OTB beachfront area and the racking for alltheir boats. In my view, it looks great.In September we managed to convince Lou Abrahamsthat the members wanted to acknowledge his contributionto sailing and in particular his promotion of junior sailorsthrough the ranks. Consequently, I was very proud to beable to name the OTB precinct the “Lou Abrahams Off theBeach Sailing Centre” in his honour during a recent specialopening ceremony.Over our winter we had significant successes in overseaschampionships and World Titles, ranging from our juniors inInternational Cadets through to our seniors in Tasers. Welldone to you all.Normally our AGM’s are fairly dry affairs, but the feedbackwe have received from our recent AGM has been verypositive. We had good member participation and theagenda contained good news stories. The Treasurerdelivered a positive outlook for the future of your yacht cluband Vice Commodore Chris Carlile kept us intrigued leadingup to his announcement of a new life member Phil Spry-Bailey. I’m sure you will join with me in congratulating Phil onachieving this recognition – he is a gentleman, a sailor and awonderful club contributor.After five years of serving on General Committee, includinga term as OTB captain, Dean Robson has stepped downfrom committee and has been replaced by Alistair Murray.Thank you Dean for your positive and willing contribution.The annual SYC Ball held in September was a Centenaryevent and once again was a great success. It was mypleasure to announce Robyn Coombs as <strong>Club</strong> Person ofthe Year and Marty Power as the (constructive) ‘Stirrer’ ofthe Year.Opening Day on 2 October was also an outstandingsuccess this year. The theme of ‘Sail 2 C’ was apt and thedisplay of the high-speed boats gave us a glimpse of whereour sport might be heading. The day was well supportedby you all and I was delighted with the sail past numbersincluding OTB, Sail and Power. The day was planned anddirected by Ian Whitbread and the <strong>Club</strong> is indeed fortunateto have such a dedicated and skilled club member. Alsothank you to Peter Turrell who captured the evidence ofthe Sail Past and posted a professionally edited photosequence on the TV’s in the Members’ Bar.The Strategic Planning Committee continues to be mindfulof the six strategic objectives of SYC and some initiativeshave already been implemented. These objectives keep usfocussed on tomorrow with a view to deliver a better yachtclub and improved benefits to members.Steve RichardsCommodore4Summer 2011 | syc off the wind

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