ENGLISCH A2-B1 neu - Bildungsverein Hannover

ENGLISCH A2-B1 neu - Bildungsverein Hannover

ENGLISCH A2-B1 neu - Bildungsverein Hannover


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7. Jemand fragt: “What does he do?” Welche Antwort erwartet er?a) He´s a teacher. b) He learns English. c) He´s busy. d) Yes, he is.8. Yesterday she ___________ to work late.a) go b) goes c) went d) doesn´t go9. __________ (do) you watch TV yesterday?10. Sie möchten sich für Blumen bedanken, die Ihnen jemand geschickt hat. Wasschreiben Sie?a) Thank you very much for the flowers you sended me. They are beautiful. Yours, Trudy.b) Thank you very much for the flowers you sent me. They are beautiful. Yours, Trudy.c) Thank you very much for the flowers which you sent me. They are beautiful. Yours, Trudy.11. Sally likes pop music, but she __________ classical music.a) likes not b) doesn´t like c) not likes d) don´t like12. Ihr Bruder lebt in einer kleinen Wohnung und arbeitet bei Volkswagen. Er istnicht verheiratet. Was sagen Sie über ihn?a) He live in a small flat. He work for Volkswagen. He is not married.b) He lives in a little flat. He works for Volkswagen. He does not marry.c) He lives in a small flat. He works for Volkswagen. He is not married.13. "What´s Sam doing at the moment"? "He __________ in the garden."a) working b) works c) is working d) work14. Yesterday I _________ (meet) Madonna.15. "Ann, the soup really __________________ (not/need) any more salt".16. “Did you ____________ to the pub last night”?a) went b) go c) goes d) going“Yes; I _________ .a) do b) go c) did d) went17. "Look - _____________ flowers over there – aren´t they beautiful?"a) that b) this c) those d) these© <strong>Bildungsverein</strong> Soziales Lernen und Kommunikation e. V.Wedekindstr. 14 30161 <strong>Hannover</strong> Tel. 0511/ 344 144

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