inequality for geometric Brownian motion

inequality for geometric Brownian motion

inequality for geometric Brownian motion


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(3.27) y 0 2(x) 0 y 0 1(x) 0<strong>for</strong> all x > 0 . Thus the difference x 7! y 2 (x) 0 y 1 (x) is increasing on ]0;1[ . There<strong>for</strong>e:(3.28) max8)9y 3(x 0 ) 0 y 1 (x 0 ) ; y 2 (x 0 ) 0 y3(x 0 y 2 (x 0 ) 0 y 1 (x 0 ) y 2 (x " ) 0 y 1 (x " ) " .Thus, either y 1 (x 0 ) or y 2 (x 0 ) is within " of y3(x 0 ) . This completes the claim.4. The payoff and the optimal stopping strategyIn this section we prove that the explicit <strong>for</strong>mulas <strong>for</strong> the payoff and the optimal stoppingstrategy guessed in Section 2 are correct. This establishes the validity of the principle of smoothfit and the maximality principle <strong>for</strong> the optimal stopping problem under consideration. The resultsobtained here are further applied in the following section. The fundamental result of the paper is<strong>for</strong>mulated in the theorem as follows.Theorem 4.1Let X = (X t ) t0 be <strong>geometric</strong> <strong>Brownian</strong> <strong>motion</strong> with drift < 0 and volatility > 0 asdefined in (2.1), and let S = (S t ) t0 be the maximum process associated with X as defined in(2.4). Consider the optimal stopping problem with the payoff given by:(4.1) V (x; s) := sup Ex;s0S 0c1<strong>for</strong> s x > 0 given and fixed ( under P x;sthe process (X; S) starts at (x; s) ), where thesupremum is taken over all stopping times <strong>for</strong> X .1. Then V (x; s) < 1 if and only if < 0 . The optimal stopping strategy in (4.1) (thestopping time at which the supremum is attained) is given by the following <strong>for</strong>mula:(4.2) 3 = inf8t > 0 j X t g3(S t )9where s 7! g3(s) is the maximal solution of the differential equation:(4.3) g 0 (s) = K g(s)1+1s 1 (s > 0)0g(s) 1under the condition 0 < g(s) < s , with 1 = 1 0 2= 2given by the following <strong>for</strong>mula:(4.4) V (x; s) = 2c1 2 2 xg3(s)!10 logxg3(s)= s , if 0 < x g3(s) .and K = 1 2 =2c . The payoff is!10 1!+ s , if g3(s) < x s2. The optimal stopping boundary s 7! g3(s) is strictly increasing on ]0;1[ and satisfies0 < g3(s) < s <strong>for</strong> all s > 0 , as well as the following limiting conditions:10

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