AMD G-Series SOC integrates CPU, GPU and I ... - ICC Media GmbH

AMD G-Series SOC integrates CPU, GPU and I ... - ICC Media GmbH

AMD G-Series SOC integrates CPU, GPU and I ... - ICC Media GmbH

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TRANSPORTATIONperipherals, such as storage, Ethernet, keyboard/mouse,<strong>and</strong> display. This modularityallows the designer to upgrade the COM onthe carrier board without changing any otherboard design features, <strong>and</strong> also allows morecustomization of peripherals as dictated by aspecific application.COMs allow system developers to focus ontheir core competencies <strong>and</strong> the unique functionsof their systems. The COM Express formfactor offers flexibility in the development <strong>and</strong>advancement of ultra-rugged embedded applicationsfor a plethora of industries, includingtransportation. By using the modular processingblock, the designer creates a price <strong>and</strong>value advantage; he/she is not locked into asingle vendor for board creation <strong>and</strong> can customizebased on pricing <strong>and</strong> performance requirements.Because it is easily swapped froma carrier board <strong>and</strong> comes in one of thesmallest form factors, COM Express is idealfor long-life embedded applications with acritical development cycle, as well as moreprogressive applications that require frequentprocessor upgrades without affecting otherapplication design elements. Transportationsolutions are most often housed outdoors orin moving vehicles, where exposure to a varietyof climates dictates the need to operate inextended temperatures <strong>and</strong> to power up inany extreme. The easiest initial step is to selecta rugged board or system that is designed forharsh environments from the ground up. Tosupport the extremes of shock, vibration, humidity,<strong>and</strong> temperature, care is given to componentselection, circuit design, printed circuitboard (PCB) layout <strong>and</strong> materials, thermal solutions,enclosure design, <strong>and</strong> manufacturingprocess. Robust test methods, including highlyaccelerated life testing (HALT), ensure optimalproduct design phases in order to meet thestringent requirements of a product, such as-40°C to +85°C operating temperature range,MIL-STD, shock <strong>and</strong> vibration, <strong>and</strong> long-termreliability.Onboard train systems also deal with highconcentrations of sulphur <strong>and</strong> humidity whengoing through tunnels. Designers can look forboards with conformal coating to reduce degradationfrom such exposure. Conformal coatingis used in small form factor manufacturingrather than potting, which is a similar processthat uses a heavier material <strong>and</strong> is harder toinspect, test, <strong>and</strong> repair. Though consideredthe highest level of environmental protection,potting encapsulates the entire PCB, whichadds weight <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong>s dimensions of aunit. Even an extra mm can be critical insmall form factor design, which is why conformalcoating with a single-part material thatconforms to the board is a better option. A varietyof conformal coating materials (such asacrylic, polyurethane, epoxy, <strong>and</strong> silicone) <strong>and</strong>application methods (such as brushing, spraying,<strong>and</strong> dipping) are currently used to protectagainst moisture, dust, chemicals, <strong>and</strong> temperatureextremes that can potentially damageelectronics. The correct coating or applicationmethod varies depending on established st<strong>and</strong>ardoperating conditions for an application.With transportation applications, differentcoatings may be selected based on a primaryneed for moisture resistance versus abrasionresistance versus temperature stability.Transportation applications typically need asmuch functionality as possible in the smallestform factor, meaning the controller may beburdened with extreme loads of information<strong>and</strong> intricate tasks. Rugged computing solutionsalso dem<strong>and</strong> more memory space than everbefore for both data storage <strong>and</strong> applicationperformance. Options for storage include rotatinghard disk drives (HDDs) for economyor solid-state drives (SSDs), which are truly

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