Nutrition Guidance Manual - WI Child Nutrition Programs (FNS)

Nutrition Guidance Manual - WI Child Nutrition Programs (FNS)

Nutrition Guidance Manual - WI Child Nutrition Programs (FNS)


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Focus on MyPlate: MyPlate is a great resource that can be incorporatedinto your program. Visit http://www.ChooseMyPlate.gov to download ororder the available lesson plans and use them to make nutrition fun foryour participants.Go Fish! Give students practice in sorting foods into groups by playing agame of Go Fish with food cards. Duplicate food illustrations from theChoose My Plate website (http://www.choosemyplate.gov/print-materialsordering/graphic-resources.html)and cut into cards.Put students into groups of four and distribute 30 cards to each group. Thedealer deals out four cards to each student in the group and places the restof the deck in the middle. Each group is now ready to play. The firststudent asks the student sitting to his/her left if he/she has a fruit. If thestudent has a fruit, the second student gives the card to the first student andthe first student places the matched pair on the table. The second studentwho gave up the card picks up a card from the middle. He/she then asksthe student to his/her left if they have a vegetable. If the student does nothave a vegetable, the student says “go fish” and the student who asked forthe card, will pick a card from the middle. The students continue to taketurns and ask questions until all the pairs are found. The student with themost pairs wins.Eat Smart. Play Hard. TM : Make learning about nutrition and physicalactivity an adventure they will never forget by incorporating Eat Smart.Play Hard. TM materials and activities into the day. Activity sheets, lessonplans, and comics are just a few of the resources available. Materials canbe downloaded fromhttp://www.teamnutrition.usda.gov/Resources/powerpanther.htmlWhat’s the Mystery Food? Place the child’s hand in a paper bagcontaining a fruit or vegetable and ask him or her to identify it. If he or shecannot identify it, select several children to peek into the bag and provideclues.Food Match: Ask the children to name as many vegetables as they canthat are green…purple…yellow, or start with the letter A, etc.Field Trips: <strong>Child</strong>ren can learn many things from field trips. They candiscover how food is produced, prepared, and sold. If possible, planexcursions to a farm, market, grocery store, dairy, or bakery. After thetrip, have children role-play to recall what they learned. Promote otherrecreational activities such as food drawings, stories, puppet plays withfood characters, songs, and games to help children develop wholesomeattitudes toward nutritious foods.42

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