update mar-apr 2004 - Punj Lloyd

update mar-apr 2004 - Punj Lloyd

update mar-apr 2004 - Punj Lloyd


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<strong>update</strong>tunu field developmentproject phase 9/epsc 2New Horizons, New Aspirations…TUNU, a gas andcondensate fi eld locatedEast of Kalimantan(Indonesia) on the outer<strong>mar</strong>gin of the Mahakamdelta, is partially onshorein swamp areas andpartially offshore inshallow waters.Tunu Phase 9development allowsTOTAL to meet itsproduction requirementsby constructing trunklinesto connect new GatheringTesting Satellite Stationsto the existing pipelinenetwork. <strong>Punj</strong> <strong>Lloyd</strong>was awarded the EPCcontract for Tunu FieldDevelopment Project– Phase 9 /EPSC 2.The offshore pipelayingoperation had to contendwith currents exceeding8.5 knots. The 20” diapipeline had to be laidfrom the shoreline (KP2100) to the offshoreplatform, GatheringTesting Satellite Stationat KP0. The pipestringwas fabricated in twosections of 1300 m and900 m. Lateral guidepiles were driven in tworows, 3 m apart alongthe entire length, to arrestthe lateral movement ofthe pipestring at hightide. Custom built polybuoys were attached tothe pipestring during thepulling operation.A cutter suction dredgerwas deployed for pretrenchingdue to thepresence of clustersof sand dunes in theoffshore sea.A work barge with afour point mooring systemwas positioned to pullthe string. The barge wasequipped with a 75 Tcrane, a dual RTK GPSpositioning system anda 7 T winch with 22 mmwire rope.The wire rope was laidby a push boat betweenthe two lateral guideScope of WorkEngineering and procurement of all material• 20” dia 19.05 mm CC API 5L Grade X 65 15.7 km• 8” dia 18.6 mm API 5L Grade X 65 with a 2” dia piggy back line 1.7 kmPipeline construction• Offshore by conventional method 3.2 km in shallow water• Offshore by Push Pull method 2.3 km• Swamp Push Pull 5.8 km• HDD in swamp with Rig mounted on Barge 4.1 km• Bottom Pull Shore Approach 2 kmpiles. The fi rst string of with design calculations,900 m was successfully sketches, assessment,pulled offshore. The tieinof the two strings was using underwater divers’constant monitoring,completed in a swamp expertise.trench, using four fl exiyokebarges with two dogleg at fi ve platformsInstallation of risers andswamp excavators. As of 8” with 2” piggy backtie-ins, radiography and line and 20” dia wasfi eld joint coating on successfully completed.fl exi-yoke barges are high This was the fi rst time thattide dependent, timing is the installation of risersvery critical.and dogleg assemblyPulling operations was handled by us. Piperesumed at the Gathering laying on an existingTesting Satellite platform pipe rack is a very critical(KP0) in spite of currents activity as it is parallel to aof 3 knots and the pipeline live pipeline within a verywas successfully pulled congested area.

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