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Viral ComplexOften times when we hear of illness it is categorized as a particular disease orpathogen by name. In reality, illness is often a complex of pathogens, some ofwhich may be categorized as viral, others bacterial and still others asparasitical. The bodies immune system is constantly addressing all of thesefactors to maintain a balance of health.It is because of viral complex or the layering of pathogens that disease is oftenmisdiagnosed and mistreated, and the illness may become chronic andsystemic. Many look for the quick fix, the magic pill or specific treatment thatwill turn the tide, not realizing that just as the illness is a complex ofpathogens, the solution may be a complex of protocols that addresses eachlayer to bring about resolution.Diet does play an important role in the battle against viral complex. ElevatingpH levels alone to 7.0 or higher can eliminate an environment that supportsover 140 diseases. Eliminating carbohydrates short term may also be necessaryto starve out certain yeast infections. (Kicking the beast and then feeding itmay not yield the desired results!)When it comes to using Rife Technology, one would want to research all thepossible links to the disease or condition that they are battling, then beginrunning the programs systematically for weeks or months to burn out eachlayer of the condition. Along with these frequencies, other health protocolsshould be implemented to gain the maximum results.In looking at overall health, one may begin with parasite frequencies. Parasiteshave been determined by some researchers to be the underlying cause of manychronic as well as terminal conditions. Conditions such as arthritis, depression,lupus, and even some cancers have responded well to a parasite kill.The following Rife cleanup protocols may yield substantial progress if usedlong term in dealing with viral complex.See PDF <strong>Download</strong>:http://truerife.com/CleanUpRunMeFirst.pdf10

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