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Is there any danger to any option with children?For reasons of liability, I cannot recommend running these systems on children.Use at your own riskI know of individuals who have run systems on children as young as 2 years old.However I would not ground a small child because of the danger of shock. Usingthis on children is a personal matter, and there is always some risk with anydevice. I personally have not seen any negative effects on small children, and havewitnessed cold and flu symptoms completely disappear in 24 hours or less inchildren, while the same program took up to 72 hours to clear an adult with thesame virus.Some have expressed concern over a small child's ability to detox debris createdby such systems after sessions. I have not witnessed such events, but would notargue these concerns.I have never run a small child on an Effectrolysis system. If one chooses to do so, Iwould not use the grounding tube.Using the big bulb I do understand it is used without grounding, but I assumeits more effective and stronger using the ground?The big bulb is used primarily in radiant mode without grounding (holding thegrounding tube). Many people use this bulb and stand to run overnight sets whilesleeping. Run this bulb about 3 feet or less from your body. This bulb has 4X theoutput of the spiral bulb. Every foot closer will give you approximately 4X theenergy to your body. If you choose to make contact with this larger bulb, be awarethat some people may get a hair raising experience on lower frequencies if holdingthe grounding tube. This is the reason for High Energy Grounding Control, so thatsuch high output can be limited while making contact with the large bulb with suchtremendous energy flow.There are effects without grounding. Running the bulb without ground is similar tothe energy flow you would get from a microwave. There is a bulb that emitsfrequencies causing water to oscillate which produces heat and energy flow with nocontact whatsoever. With your bulb there is an Electromagnetic field that carries theenergy through the body. Plasma devices give full body penetration. Contactdevices are like putting a 20 lb turkey on the burner of a stove and trying to heat itup. There is an effect along the surface or area of contact, but no real penetration.Also just because you cannot feel the effects while holding the grounding tube onhigher frequencies does NOT mean there is no energy flow through the ground.8

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