Annual Report 2011 - 12 - Nagarjuna Fertilizers

Annual Report 2011 - 12 - Nagarjuna Fertilizers

Annual Report 2011 - 12 - Nagarjuna Fertilizers

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FORM-B (<strong>2011</strong>-<strong>12</strong>)Form for disclosure of particulars with respect to technology absorptionA. Research and Development (R & D):1. Specific areas in which R & D was carried out by the Company:1.a Production facility at Kakinada:There is no separate R & D department at the plant in Kakinada. However, theengineers engaged in technical services, production, general engineering andmaintenance departments undertake activities which are aimed atimprovements in the following areas:i. Energy conservation.ii. Capacity enhancement.iii. Environmental protection.iv. Process and personnel safety.v. Enhancement of plant reliability.vi. Rain water harvesting for conserving raw water intake.vii. Exploration for usage of renewable energy sources like solar among others1.b Production facility at MI and PVC plants:i. Started manufacturing of state-of-the-art technology based PressureCompensated Flat type Integral Drip Laterals in 16mm and 20mm at HalolManufacturing facility.ii. Installed Automation Micro Irrigation System in Tamil Nadu for the first timeiii. Introduced Rain Guns in Tamil Nadu for the first time.iv. Explored the possibilities of process improvement to control various costs likepacking, capacity enhancement, better equipment utilization, indigenization ofcritical spare parts, transportation, packing, space management among others.v. Introduced new sources of raw materials like IOCL, SASOL and differentgrades to reduce the dependency on a single supplier.vi. Doubled the capacity of HDPE pipes by refurbishing the existing line andachieved ever highest production of 13.7 Lakh metres with 50% growth(previous best was 9.13 Lakh metres in 2010-11).vii. Developed Semi-Automation system for HDPE welding machine and improvedthe productivity.viii. Increased the output of Easy Drip and achieved ever highest production ofEasy Drip 16.6 Lakh metres in a single month.2. Benefits derived as a result of the above efforts :2.a Production facility at Kakinada:The improvements achieved in the areas of production performance, treatedeffluent generation, environmental protection, process and personnel safetyare given below:i. During <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>12</strong>, individual plants surpassed previous monthly productionrecords.ii. Complex achieved lowest Specific Effluent Generation of 0.67 m¹ / MT of urea,surpassing the previous best of 0.68 m¹ / MT of urea achieved during 2010-11.iii. With respect to accident free man-hours for associates, achieved 1.5 million(equivalent to 319 days) during <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>12</strong>.AWARDS RECEIVED:1) ‘International Safety Award for Best Safety Performance’ from British SafetyCouncil, UK.2) ‘Prashansa Patra’ award for the year 2010, from National Safety Council of India.3) ‘Excellence in Safety for the year 2010 – 11’ from FAI, Delhi.4) Certificate of Appreciation for implementation of ‘Energy ConservationMeasures’ from NREDCAP, Hyderabad.5) CII Environmental Best Practices Award 20<strong>12</strong>, under ‘Most InnovativeEnvironmental Project’ category in the Fertilizer Sector for ‘Installation of DryDe-dusting System for improving the dust Control in Urea Plants’ from CII -Godrej GBC, Hyderabad.6) ‘EHS Excellence Award – <strong>2011</strong>’ from CII, Chennai.7) ICC has granted permission for use of the Responsible Care Logo with effectfrom June <strong>2011</strong>.2.b Production Facility at MI and PVC plants:i. Increased the productivity of HDPE line from 3000 metres to 6000 metres perday.ii. Increased the production capacity of Easy Drip and maintained continuously.iii. Achieved highest gross revenue of ` 153 Criv. Achieved highest production of 1374 Lakh Metersv. Utilized more than 100% capacity of all prime lines.vi. Saving in packing cost on Cylindrical Drip Laterals by developing new PPstrapping.vii. Expansion / Developments:Organized PC attachments from M/s Metzerplas and commissionedsuccessfully by Internal Team.Manufactured and Launched ‘Pressure Compensated Flat Type Integral Driplaterals’ 16mm and 20mm successfully.Developed new product i.e., Easy Drip <strong>12</strong>mm ECO (0.50mm wall thickness)Arranged injection molding machine to manufacture HDPE couplers inhouseto comply with BIS requirements.Developed and Obtained BIS license for new product Superline 20mm Cl-1(1.2, 2.2, 4.2 LPH).3. Future Plan of Action:3.a Production facility at Kakinada:The following action plans have been made to improve production, plantreliability, specific energy consumption and in the EHS areas as mentionedbelow:Upgradation of Urea-I and Urea-II Carbamate condensers with latesttechnology.Replacement of Urea-II Stripper.Replacement of Tube Bundle in CO 2 Compressor 3rd stage Inter-cooler (EE-<strong>12</strong>7) in Urea-IIReplacement of Ammonia-I Backend Boiler.Replacement of Tube Bundle in GV Re-boiler (EE-301 A/B) in Ammonia-IIUpgradation of Ammonia-II Secondary Reformer Air Gun.Construction of two CT cells in plant 1 and 2.End to end survey of Ammonia Plants for ensuring their adequacy for higherload operation.Phase-III Ammonia Urea Complex:• EIA <strong>Report</strong> was submitted to MoEF in consultation with M/s NEERI.• Public hearing was conducted on August 17, <strong>2011</strong>.• Presentation was given at MoEF, New Delhi on November 17, <strong>2011</strong> forobtaining Environmental Clearance.• For resolving the additional clarifications sought by MoEF, presentation wasmade to MoEF on February 16, 20<strong>12</strong> and the response from them waspositive.• For design, engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning ofplant, technical bids were received from vendors (on lump sum turn keybasis) have been opened and discussions are being held to resolve thepending issues.3.b Production Facility at MI and PVC plants:To set up Injection Moulding Facility to manufacture drippers in-house atNacharam by end of 20<strong>12</strong>-13.To organize new PVC line at Halol to obtain logistical advantage.To start manufacturing HDPE Pipes at Halol to save logistics cost.To set up Filter Manufacturing Facility at Halol.4. Research and Development (R&D)a. Specific areas in which R & D was carried out by the CompanyDevelopment of Plant Nutrition BusinessThe company has initiated a number of programmes to increase the plantnutrition use efficiency of NPK and plant nutrition supplements to bring outnext generation sustainable products. A number of products are at differentstages of testing.Alternate Fuels and FeedstockYour company along with active support from Department of Biotechnology(DBT), Government of India has successfully completed the 1st phase of thePilot Plant and actively engaged in completing the 2nd phase of nextgeneration renewable and sustainable fuel and feedback.b. Benefits derived as a result of the above effortsPlant Nutrition BusinessThe new products and processes developed will provide a sustainablecompetitive advantage and better market share thereby propelling thebusiness growth.<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>12</strong> | 21

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