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<strong>TO</strong> <strong>BE</strong> <strong>PUBLISHED</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PART</strong>-<strong>II</strong>, <strong>SECTION</strong> – <strong>II</strong>I <strong>SUB</strong> <strong>SECTION</strong> –(i) <strong>TO</strong> THEGAZETTE OF <strong>IN</strong>DIA.No. 6/26/73-SPB.<strong>II</strong>GOVERNMENT OF <strong>IN</strong>DIAM<strong>IN</strong>ISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONDE<strong>PART</strong>MENT OF POSTSDAK BHAWAN, NEW DELHI – 110001DATED: 30-09-1976.G.S.R. 1643__ In exercise of powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 ofthe Constitution and in supersession of the <strong>India</strong>n <strong>Post</strong>s and Telegraphs(Selection Grade <strong>Post</strong>s) Recruitment Rules, 1962, the President hereby makesthe following rules regulating the method of recruitment of persons to SelectionGrade <strong>Post</strong>s in the <strong>Post</strong> Offices, Railway Mail Service Offices, Independent<strong>Post</strong>al Stores Depots, Returned Letter Offices, Foreign <strong>Post</strong> Offices and CircleOffices of the <strong>Post</strong>s and Telegraphs Department under the Ministry ofCommunications, namely:-1. Short title:(1). These rules may be called <strong>Post</strong>s and Telegraphs (Selection Grade<strong>Post</strong>s) Recruitment Rules, 1976.(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in theofficial gazette.2. Application: These rules shall apply to the Selection Grade <strong>Post</strong>sspecified in column 2 of the Schedule annexed to these rules.3. Number of posts, Classification and scale of pay: The number ofposts, their classification and scale of pay attached thereto shall be asspecified in columns 3 to 5 of the said Schedule.4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications etc.: The method ofrecruitment, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewithshall be as specified in columns 6 to 14 of the Schedule aforesaid.5. Disqualifications: No person,(a)Who has entered into or contracted a marriage

) who, having a spouse living, has entered into contracted a marriagewith any person, shall be eligible for appointment to any of the saidposts. Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied thatsuch marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable tosuch person and the other party to the marriage and there are othergrounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of thisrule.6. Power to relax: Where the Central Government is of the opinion it isnecessary or expedient so to do, it may by order, and for reasons to berecorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respectto any class or category of persons.7. Saving: Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations and otherconcessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, theScheduled Tribes and other categories of persons in accordance withorders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.SCHEDULESd/-(V.B. Mulchandani)ADG(SPN)

Name of <strong>Post</strong>Numberof postsSCHEDULEClassification Scale of pay Whetherselection post orNon-selectionpostAge limitfor directrecruitsEducational and otherqualifications requiredfor directrecruits.2 3 4 5 6 7 8Higher Selection 225 General Central Rs.700-30-760- Selection post NotGrade-I in <strong>Post</strong>Services Non-Gazetted 35-900for General line applicableOfficesMinisterial Group-C.officialsHigher Selection 68 General Central Rs.700-30-760- Selection <strong>Post</strong> NotGrade-I in RailwayServices Non-Gazetted 35-900applicableMail ServiceMinisterial Group-COffices.Higher Selection 2 General central Rs.700-30-760- Selection <strong>Post</strong> NotGrade-I in Retuned (1 at Services Non-Gazetted 35-900applicableLetter Offices at Bomba Ministerial Group-CMumbai and y and 1CalcuttaatCalcutta)Higher Selection 705 General central Rs.550-20-650- Non-Selection NotGrade-<strong>II</strong> in <strong>Post</strong>Services Non-Gazetted 25-750<strong>Post</strong>applicableOffices includingMinisterial Group-CForeign <strong>Post</strong>offices other thanat MumbaiHigher Selection 209 General central Rs.550-20-650- Non-Selection Not NotNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicable

Grade-<strong>II</strong> in RailwayMail ServicesofficesHigher SelectionGrade-<strong>II</strong> inRetuned LetterOfficesHigher SelectionGrade-<strong>II</strong> in Foreign<strong>Post</strong> at BombayHigher SelectionGrade-<strong>II</strong> in <strong>Post</strong>OfficesHigher SelectionGrade-<strong>II</strong> in CircleofficesHigher SelectionGrade-<strong>II</strong> inIndependent<strong>Post</strong>al StoresDepotsLower SelectionGrade in <strong>Post</strong>OfficesLower SelectionGrade in RailwayMail Servicesoffices.Lower SelectionGrade in ReturnedServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C14 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C7 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C2 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C11 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C3 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C12960 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C3302 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C57 General centralServices Non-Gazetted25-750 <strong>Post</strong> applicable applicableRs.550-20-650-25-750Rs.550-20-650-25-750Rs.550-20-650-25-750Rs.550-20-650-25-750Rs.550-20-650-25-750Rs.425-15-560-EB-20-640Rs.425-15-560-EB-20-640Rs.425-15-560-EB-20-640Non-Selection<strong>Post</strong>Non-Selection<strong>Post</strong>Non-Selection<strong>Post</strong>Non-Selection<strong>Post</strong>Non-Selection<strong>Post</strong>Selection <strong>Post</strong>Selection <strong>Post</strong>Selection <strong>Post</strong>NotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicable

Letter Offices.Lower SelectionGrade in Foreign<strong>Post</strong> at BombayLower SelectionGradeAccountants in<strong>Post</strong> OfficesLower SelectionGradeAccountants inRailway MailService OfficesLower SelectionGradeIndependent<strong>Post</strong>al StoresDepotsLower SelectionGrade in CircleOfficesLower SelectionGrade Clerks in<strong>Post</strong> & TelegraphsMail Motor ServiceMinisterial Group-C41 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C538 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C76 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C32 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C200 General centralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group-C36 General CentralServices Non-GazettedMinisterial Group – C.Rs.425-15-560-EB-20-640Rs.425-15-560-EB-20-640Rs.425-15-560-EB-20-640Rs.425-15-560-EB-20-640Rs.425-15-500-EB-15-560-20-700Rs.425-15-56-EB-20-640.Selection <strong>Post</strong>Selection <strong>Post</strong>Selection <strong>Post</strong>Selection <strong>Post</strong>Selection <strong>Post</strong>Selection <strong>Post</strong>.NotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableWhether ageandeducationalPeriod ofProbation,if anyMethod ofrecruitmentwhether byIn case of recruitment bypromotion/deputation/transfer, grades from whichIf a Departmental PromotionCommittee exists, what is itscomposition.

qualificationsprescribeddirectrecruitmentpromotion/deputationtransfer to be made.for director byrecruits willpromotionapply in theor bycase ofdeputation/tpromoteesransfer &percentageof thevacanciesto be filledby variousmethods.9 10 11 12 13 14NotapplicableTwoyearsNotapplicableTwoyears50% bypromotionand 50% bytransferBypromotionPromotion from HigherSelection Grade-<strong>II</strong> GeneralLine and transfer fromAssistant Superintendent of<strong>Post</strong> Offices in the ratio of50:50 odd post going togeneral line. In the case ofpromotion the HigherSelection Grade-<strong>II</strong> officialmust have completed 3years regular service in thegrade.Higher Selection Grade-<strong>II</strong> inRailway Mail ServiceOffices with 3 years regularservice in the grade.1. A Director of postal Servicesto be nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or ifthere are no such officers,the <strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General.3. A Class-I officer ofTelecommunications side.1. A Director of postal Servicesto be nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or ifthere are no such officers,NotapplicableNotapplicable

NotapplicableNotapplicableTwoyearsTwoyearsByPromotionByPromotionHigher Selection Grade-<strong>II</strong> inthe respective ReturnedLetter Office at Bombay orCalcutta, as the case maybe, with 3 years regularservice in the gradeLowerSelectionGrade/Inspector of <strong>Post</strong>Offices in <strong>Post</strong> Offices in theratio of 50:50 – odd postgoing to General Lineofficials. In every case theofficial must havecompleted 3 years regularservice in the grade.the <strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General.3. A Class-I officer of1. A Director of postal Servicesto be nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or ifthere are no such officers,the <strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. A Director of postal Servicesto be nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or ifthere are no such officers,the <strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by theNotapplicableNotapplicable

NotapplicableTwoyearsByPromotionLower Selection GradeAccountants and LowerSelection Grade(GeneralLine) officials in Railwaymail Service offices in theratio of 20:80 – with 3 yearsregular service in the gradesubject to the followingconditions:-Out of every five vacanciesthe first four vacancies shallbe filled from the LowerSelection Grade (GeneralLine) in Railway MailService and the fifthvacancy shall be filled fromthe Lower Selection GradeAccountants in Railway MailService.<strong>Post</strong>master General.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. A Director of postal Services tobe nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or if thereare no such officers, the<strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of TelecomsideNotapplicableRailway Mail Serviceprovided that the number ofLower Selection GradeAccountants promoted toHigher Selection Grade-<strong>II</strong>posts does not at any timeexceed one for every five of

NotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableTwoyearsTwoyearsTwoyearsByPromotionByPromotionByPromotionsuch posts or fractionthereof.Lower Selection Grade inthe respective ReturnedLetter Office with 3 yearsregular service in the grade.Lower Selection Grade inForeign <strong>Post</strong> at Bombaywith 3 years regular servicein the grade.Inspector of <strong>Post</strong>Offices/Lower SelectionGrade alternatively, who1. A Director of postal Servicesto be nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or ifthere are no such officers,the <strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. A Director of postal Servicesto be nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or ifthere are no such officers,the <strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. A Director of postal Servicesto be nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or ifNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicable

NotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableTwoyearsTwoyearsTwoyearsByPromotionByPromotion:(i) 66 2/3% on thebasis ofsenioritycum fitness;and(<strong>II</strong>) 33 1/3% byselection.ByPromotion:have passed the <strong>Post</strong> OfficeAccountants examinationand worked as Accountantthereafter for at lest 3 years.Lower Selection Grade inCircle Offices with 3 yearsregular service in the grade.Clerks of Sorters in RailwayMail Service offices with 10years regular service in thegrade.Clerks in the respectiveReturned Letter Offices with10 years regular service inthere are no such officers,the <strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. <strong>Post</strong>master General.2.The Senior most officers on the<strong>Post</strong>al side next to <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. <strong>Post</strong>master General.2. The Senior most officers onthe <strong>Post</strong>al side next to<strong>Post</strong>master General.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. <strong>Post</strong>master General.2. The Senior most officers onthe <strong>Post</strong>al side next toNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicable

NotapplicableNotapplicableTwoyearsTwoyears(i) 66 2/3% on thebasis ofsenioritycum fitness;and(<strong>II</strong>) 33 1/3% byselectionByPromotion:(i) 66 2/3% on thebasis ofsenioritycum fitness;and(<strong>II</strong>) 33 1/3% byselectionByPromotion:(i) 66 2/3% on thebasis ofsenioritycum fitness;andthe grade.Clerks in Foreign <strong>Post</strong> atBombay with 10 yearsregular service in the gradeClerks in <strong>Post</strong> offices with10 years regular services inthe grade who have passedthe <strong>Post</strong> Offices andRailway Mail ServiceAccountant Examination<strong>Post</strong>master General.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. A Director of postal Services tobe nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or if thereare no such officers, the<strong>Post</strong>master General.2.One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/ Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. A Director of postal Services tobe nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or if thereare no such officers, the<strong>Post</strong>master General.2.One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to beNotapplicableNotapplicable

NotapplicableNotapplicableTwoyearsTwoyears(<strong>II</strong>) 33 1/3% byselectionByPromotion:(i) 66. 2/3% on thebasis ofsenioritycum fitness;and(<strong>II</strong>) 33. 1/3% byselectionByPromotion:(i) 66. 2/3% on thebasis ofsenioritycum fitness;and(<strong>II</strong>) 33. 1/3% byselectionClerks or Sorters in RailwayMail Service offices with 10years regular service in thegrade who have passed the<strong>Post</strong> Offices and RailwayMail Service AccountantsExamination.Clerks in Independent<strong>Post</strong>al Stores Depots with10 years regular service inthe gradenominated by the <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. A Director of postal Services tobe nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or if thereare no such officers, the<strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomside1. A Director of postal Services tobe nominated by the<strong>Post</strong>master General or if thereare no such officers, the<strong>Post</strong>master General.2. One Class-I officer of the<strong>Post</strong>al/Railway Mail Serviceside, preferably a director of<strong>Post</strong>al Services to benominated by the <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of TelecomsideNot Two By Upper Division Clerks in the 1. <strong>Post</strong>master General. NotNotapplicableNotapplicable

applicable years Promotion:(i) 66 2/3% on thebasis ofsenioritycum fitness;and(<strong>II</strong>) 33 1/3% byselectionrespective Circle Office with10 years regular service inthe grade.2.The Senior most officers on the<strong>Post</strong>al side next to <strong>Post</strong>masterGeneral.3. A Class-I officer of Telecomsideapplicable

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