PARTICLE COATING - TTC Technology Training Center

PARTICLE COATING - TTC Technology Training Center

PARTICLE COATING - TTC Technology Training Center


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<strong>PARTICLE</strong> <strong>COATING</strong>:<br />


Glatt <strong>TTC</strong> Workshop<br />

Binzen, Germany<br />

June 26-28, 2002<br />


The industry workshop, the fifty-third in the Glatt series, attracted fifty participants,<br />

predominantly from industry, including both users and producers of materials and technologies<br />

for the food and life science industries. Attendees from Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and<br />

Australia included academics and representatives from SMEs. The Workshop included<br />

seventeen presentations related to markets, materials and technology, with a practical session<br />

demonstrating granulation, hot melt coating, pellet coating and microcapsule production. The<br />

workshop, which focused on food applications, was held in the Black Forest, just north of Basel.<br />

The networking opportunities were interspersed with some excellent local cuisine as well as a<br />

wine-tasting evening, particularly a variety of reds made from grapes harvested from vines which<br />

are over one hundred years old.<br />


Gabrie Meesters (DSM, The Netherlands): Trends in the Food and Life Science<br />

Industry There are two parallel trends, one in which consumers now spend less time cooking per<br />

day, down to an average of 20 minutes, from 90 minutes fifty years ago. Given this, the<br />

chemical industry sees an opportunity for higher margins in life and food sciences and is<br />

transforming itself into a service provider. The food market is $2.8 trillion per year, with<br />

another trillion not passing through supermarkets. Half of this market is the US and EU, with a<br />

total of 25% of world food consumption on processed “food services”. Only 17% of food<br />

consumption is in Asia, with the majority of “demand” in the raw ingredient category.<br />

However, in the developing world there is a demand for prenatal and infant nutrition, given the<br />

birthrate. The ingredient producers include Kerry Group, CSM, Roche, DSM, Rhodia, CP Kelco.<br />

They sell to manufacturers such as Best Foods, Nestlé, Philip Morris, PepsiCo, Coca Cola, Mars<br />

and Dannon. The top 10 ingredient and food manufacturers have 32% and 18% of the market.<br />

The manufacturers sell to retailers, of which the largest is Walmart ($152B per annum), at times<br />

passing through blenders. The food market also sees many synergies between businesses with<br />

very different products designed to provide a fast or convenient service, including the gasoline<br />

stations which now sell hot meals which can be purchased close to the home.<br />

Meesters notes that there is an increasing demand for innovative ingredients. This<br />

requires technologies which adapt to regional or national markets. Another important driver for<br />

food development is the aging of the population. These demands require supply chain exchange<br />

of information related to application know-how. Other tendencies include the concentration of<br />

retails and the movement of food service providers into the retail market. Ingredient<br />

manufacturers and food manufacturers are also merging, within their respective domains, with<br />

the dietary supplement market expanding rapidly.<br />

Food safety and hygiene is changing the structure of the food market, with meat<br />

replacers increasing rapidly in sales. Issues for the consumers include the consumption of<br />

hormones, genetically modified seeds as well as disease transmission. Food safety also impacts<br />

on equipment (e.g. spray dryer) design and operation, with the need to consider the frequency of<br />

cleaning as well as if wet or dry cleaning will be employed, both of which offer disadvantages.<br />

Engineers must also consider that the selling price of coated enzymes, for example, is 100-1000<br />

times lower than pharmaceuticals, though the demands for high quality, consistent, coated<br />

materials, or pellets, remain constraints. This, therefore, requires combined technical solutions<br />

including spray and fluidized bed drying with feed-foreword/feed-back control. Particle<br />

specifications include density, strength, shape, moisture content and stability, both on average as<br />

well as the distribution of these statistics within and between batches.<br />

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Tage Affertsholt (3A Business Consulting, Denmark): EU Health Claim Regulations<br />

The EU defines a medicinal product as a substance or combination of substances<br />

presented for treating or preventing disease in humans or animals, or restoring, correcting or<br />

modifying physiological functions. Spurred by various national agencies related to food and<br />

health, often regulated by different agencies, the EU is now discussing norms for labeling.<br />

There are also proposals for directives on food supplements and fortified foods, both submitted<br />

in mid 2000. Pan-European claims should come into force in mid 2004.<br />

The EU commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, David Byrne, recently stated<br />

that the “prevention of a disease and (the) reduction of the risk factors of a disease are clearly<br />

not the same, and we must be careful to avoid such confusion. Therefore, the development of<br />

“biomarkers”, or indicators, which are both validated and predictive, as cholesterol and blood<br />

pressure are for cardiovascular diseases. The use of these markers is expected to increase the<br />

growth rate of functional foods and nutraceuticals, up to 10-20% per annum.<br />

Claude Champagne (Agriculture Canada, Quebec): Challenges in the use of Coated<br />

and Non-Coated Cultures in the Development of Foods Containing Probiotics<br />

Probiotics are live microbial supplements, which beneficially affect the host by<br />

improving the intestinal microbial balance. Benefits include facilitated digestion, a lower<br />

incidence of diarrhea, lower cholesterol levels and incidents of colon cancer, as well as an<br />

increase in the non-specific host resistance to pathogens. In the US, 60% of yogurts now<br />

contain probiotic cultures.<br />

Champagne reduced the development of functional foods into seven challenges:<br />

1. Choice of strain<br />

• In addition to cost and quality, religious influences are becoming increasingly more<br />

important. Most strains are, for example, Kosher. Furthermore, the stability in dry and<br />

frozen form is also an issue, as is stability in acidic conditions and compatibility with<br />

other cultures and growth in milk. Oxygen tolerance for growth is almost always<br />

important.<br />

2. Concentration of the active ingredient<br />

• There is a need for clinical data, along with an appreciation that there are significant<br />

differences between people. Dosages vary from 10 6 to 10 9 CFU/mL.<br />

1. Toxicity<br />

• The issues of overdose, particularly in non-healthy individuals, are issues to resolve.<br />

2. Incorporation into food<br />

• The concentration after cold storage for long periods does not always correlate with the<br />

initial level, implying that detailed studies are needed to select strains. Probiotics are also<br />

quite sensitive to sugar level.<br />

• To help the probiotics survive, in cheese for example, higher temperature coagulation of<br />

cheddar and gouda has been advocated.<br />

• Entrapment of culture in polysaccharides can significantly increase strain survival during<br />

frozen storage. Cryoprotectants, such as mannitol and glycerol, within the bead, also<br />

promote survival. Furthermore, beads of 30 micrometers or larger result in longer<br />

probiotic survival.<br />

3. Active component analysis<br />

• Some strains are not easy to detect with typical analytical methods.<br />

4. Storage stability<br />

• Some fruits and extracts can kill the probiotic population.<br />

• Lipid coating can improve stability.<br />

5. Effect on sensory properties<br />

• Examples of advantages include the reduction of undesirable side-flavors..<br />

• Alginate beads can liberate some off-flavors.<br />


Denis Poncelet (ENITIAA, Nantes, France): Methods for the Encapsulation of<br />

Nutraceuticals<br />

Poncelet, the president of the Bioencapsulation Research Group, compared<br />

immobilization methods for nutraceuticals. Spray-based methods include spray drying, jetcutting<br />

and centrifugal extrusion. These compete with emulsion-based coacervation<br />

technologies, film coating via fluidized beds or pan coating, and multi-lamellar vesicles. Film<br />

coating, which remains relatively uncommon, has the advantage of permitting room temperature<br />

processing. For large-scale applications, the static mixers are able to produce emulsions on the<br />

order of seconds, versus minutes for emulsions agitated mechanically. These techniques, which<br />

do not produce monodisperse spheres, can produce ton-sized quantities, as opposed to gram-tokilogram<br />

levels for the balance of the methods.<br />

David Hunkeler (AQUA+TECH, Switzerland): New Materials and Characterization<br />

Methods<br />

Encapsulation and coating materials differ in price by seven orders of magnitude, with<br />

the value derived by the extent of purification as well as the retailing of batches proven for given<br />

applications. Hunkeler’s second theme was the extreme sensitivity of microbead and<br />

microcapsule properties to very minor changes in process conditions (e.g. reaction time, buffer<br />

concentrations). Microcapsule mechanical properties were also shown to correlate with<br />

membrane volume, with permeability decoupled via the use of coatings. Therefore, the control of<br />

capsule quality (e.g. size and permeability distributions within and between batches) by advances<br />

in downstream processing and the application of oligocations is an important in moving toward<br />

reproducible up-scaled sterile systems. Overall, Hunkeler predicted a market opportunity for the<br />

retailing of marine polysaccharides with specific properties (e.g. endotoxin and protein levels,<br />

microstructure, viscosity) and guaranteed application efficacy. The later would include batches<br />

tested and proven for applications in food, pharma/biotech and clinical transplantation.<br />


Jörg Brunemann (Syntapharm, Germany): The Most Popular Excipients for Spray<br />

Coating Film coating with carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, terpenes (e.g. shellac) and pigments<br />

was reviewed. Typically, spray coating on nutraceuticals utilizes cellulose ethers which have the<br />

advantage of solubility in cold water. However, the film elasticity, at least in the case of methyl<br />

cellulose, requires the addition of a plasticizer such as stearic acid. Interestingly, elasticity tends<br />

to correlate with stickiness.<br />

“Biogums” such as Gum Arabic are very low viscosity polysaccharides which render it<br />

suitable as a coating agent. The biogums, including xanthan, Guar gum and Locust Bean gum<br />

all dissolve, or disperse, well in cold water and are good thickeners, where they function better<br />

than as coating agents. Lipids are used for moisture protection and are sprayable at<br />

temperatures as low as 30 o C. In contrast, waxes, such as Carnauba, have a polishing effect and<br />

a higher melting point. Shellac, provides very dense films and is excellent for taste and odor<br />

masking as well as humidity protection. Shellac’s main disadvantage is a loss of solubility of<br />

the coating with storage if sprayed with alcohol, though it is now available in aqueous solutions,<br />

solubilized with ammonium carbonate.<br />

Ian Marison (Swiss Federal Institute of <strong>Technology</strong>): Excipients for Liquid<br />

Encapsulation<br />

“Liquid Core” capsules have been applied in medical, pharmaceutical, food and<br />

bioconversion applications. Excipients include polyelectrolytes of natural and synthetic origin,<br />

crosslinked polymers as well as those gelling thermally (e.g. collagen) or photopolymerizing.<br />

An innovative modification to the standard microcapsule chemistry involved the treatment of<br />

alginate-poly-L-lysine capsules with sodium hydroxide. The resulting dense membrane had<br />

improved durability. Marison, in association with Inotech, encapsulated yeast cells and showed<br />

that the solvent does not influence the cells, with the capsules stable in the fermenter. He also<br />

revealed that autoclaved capsules are smaller and much weaker than the non-purified parents.<br />


Frank Runge (BASF Fine Chemicals, Germany): Formulation of Nutraceuticals for the<br />

Food and Supplement Industry<br />

Micronutrients as food supplements include vitamins, both water- and fat-soluble,<br />

Carotenoids as well as nutraceuticals, such as Omega-3 fatty acids and lycopene. BASF is<br />

preparing oil-in-water emulsions containing 1-micrometer droplets as a means of encapsulation.<br />

Spray agglomeration is preferred to spray drying or spray-formulation/cooling, though the latter<br />

results in solid “beadlets” of 200 micrometers in diameter. Spray-formulation is carried out at<br />

lower temperatures (less than 70 o C) which are misted through the top of a fluidized bed tower<br />

and coated with a fine powder matrix. The stabilizer, typically gelatin, acts as a matrix and<br />

supports the micronutrients. It is subsequently coated in a starch or silica outer layer. The<br />

resulting core-shell beadlets are quite mechanically stable, even to tablet compression, also<br />

providing a good oxygen barrier. They can also have micronutrient loadings on the order of 25-<br />

75%. The BASF system is essentially the opposite of the Glatt coating, where an emulsion is<br />

coated onto a powder.<br />

Carotenoid nanoparticles are produced by milling, precipitation, intense emulsification or<br />

mixed micelle systems. The former two lead to solids. The precipitation process requires a<br />

dissolution of the Carotenoid in hot alcohol (200 o C) at high pressures (50 bars). This is mixed,<br />

rigorously, with a protective colloid, in a continuous process resulting in a precipitation<br />

generating a core of Carotenoid with a colloidal shell.<br />

For beverage applications, colloid stability is the key and the adsorption of emulsifiers,<br />

polymers or polyelectrolytes are common. The natural polyions, such as Gum Arabic or<br />

modified starch, provide the best stability, provided the high molar mass polymers are properly<br />

hydrated.<br />

Friedrich Heinze (National Starch/ICI, Germany): Functional Nutraceutical<br />

Carbohydrates<br />

At least 55%, and as much as 75%, of human energy need is derived from<br />

carbohydrates. The ideal nutritional scenario requires a variety of starches with different<br />

degradation rates in the small intestines and colon. The “resistant” starch intake has been<br />

shown to correlate well with lower incidence of colon cancer. However, EU consumption is<br />

currently at 4 grams per day, tenfold lower then is recommended, though vegetarians eat over 20<br />

g per day. Resistant starches come from unmilled whole grains, fruits, vegetables, green bananas<br />

as well as cooked potatoes. In addition to food supplement, resistant starch is envisioned for<br />

satiety and obesity control.<br />

Glycemic carbohydrates focus on the small intestine. They are used, for example, to increase the<br />

availability of carbohydrates and reduce the peak of the gycemic response following eating.<br />

They are also advocated as sports foods, reducing the pasta intake prior to very strenuous<br />

activities.<br />


Caroline Mähr (<strong>Technology</strong> Transfer <strong>Center</strong>, Bremerhaven, Germany): Encapsulation<br />

in Food <strong>Technology</strong><br />

The German food industry is characterized by SMEs with only 2.4% of the 6000 firms<br />

having more than 500 employees. The Food industry, the fourth largest German economic<br />

sector, has a growth of 1% per annum, despite quite extensive new product introduction. This is<br />

due, in part, to a reduction of disposable income allocated to nutrition, down from 22% in 1990<br />

to 15% a decade later. The <strong>Technology</strong> Transfer <strong>Center</strong> (TTZ) in Bremerhaven is a non-profit<br />

center geared to assisting these SMEs with product innovation. It has five institutes, one of<br />

which, BILB, is dedicated to food process and product development, including encapsulation.<br />

TTZ functions based on queries from firms, providing accelerated product or process<br />

development via an outsourced research development. They also identify partners, write<br />

proposals, and carry out the scientific and administrative co-ordination. At present TTZ<br />

participates in fifty European grants. Bremerhaven has also launched a Biocenter for food and<br />

biotech startups.<br />


Sebastian Pfûtze (Glatt, Germany): Continuous Fluid Bed Coating<br />

Spray granulation is a process where there is a solid incipient used as a starter onlyd,<br />

though their is a larger fraction of powders produced from the liquid itself. It can be contrasted<br />

with coating technology where the incipient always serves as a core. Spray granulation is<br />

preferred for sizes below above 200 micrometers. Typically, the viscosity at the particle has to<br />

be low for good spreading and an even coating. This implies a low solid concentration in the<br />

spray liquid. The final particles are sieved, with the smaller fractions recycled back to the inlet of<br />

the continuous bed. The oversized particles are milled, with, again the smaller fraction fed back.<br />

Importantly, all particles grow at the same rate, implying no change in the breadth of the particle<br />

size distribution with time.<br />

Pfûtze noted that agglomeration is lower for bottom (Wurster) spray fluidized beds than<br />

for top spray based systems. He also mentioned that there is very similar coating properties in<br />

batch and continuous fluidized beds. However, for the latter, the ratio of the mean mixing and<br />

residence times are important influences on the breadth of the particle size distribution.<br />

As an example of the productivity of the continuous beds, a 7.5 m 2 bottom bed area can<br />

produce 5 Tons per hour of product.<br />

Klaus Eichler (Glatt, Germany): Technological and Qualitative Evaluation of Bottom,<br />

Top and Tangential Spray Coating<br />

Eichler compared the advantages and disadvantages of the various spraying techniques.<br />

Key parameters include the spreadability of the droplet on the substrate as well as the ratio of the<br />

droplet to substrate size (must be much less than unity). The spreadability is extremely sensitive<br />

to the bed temperature.<br />

Top spray is a counter-current process, which results in an inhomogeneous coating. It is<br />

useful as a barrier coating, though perhaps not for taste masking. Top spray has the advantage<br />

of having the shortest processing times. Bottom spray prevents these handicaps by reducing the<br />

distance between the spray tip to the surface. This permits smaller spray droplets, whose size is<br />

governed by the air volume through the nozzle’s orifice. Wurster is the most reliable process,<br />

batch to batch, as well as having a very uniform droplet size distribution. The Wurster also has<br />

the advantage of being able to uniformly coat non-spherical, and highly irregular, particles.<br />

Tangential coating (rotating discs) are basically horizontal Wurster’s with essentially<br />

identical coating properties. This technology is usually used to add high quantities of coating<br />

material, up to 300-800% per hour. Its a dry powder coating which basically accumulates in a<br />

snowball effect by rolling up on the disk. However, it is less versatile than the Wurster and has<br />

a high risk for agglomeration.<br />

Muriel Jacquot (ENSIA, Nancy, France): Spray Coating of Enzymes<br />

Lactoperoxidase, thiocyanate and hydrogen peroxide, is a natural “LPS” system present<br />

in raw milk and is, therefore, advocated as an alternative to chemical preservatives for transport to<br />

the dairy. Jacquot is using LPS, in microbeads, to protect the surface of foods, such as fish.<br />

The bead includes a core of acacia gum with glucose, loaded with thiocyanate and spray dried.<br />

Enzymatic coatings are added via fluidized bed with bottom spray. This reduces the risk of<br />

allergy during handling of powders and the health risks associated with dusts. The encapsulated<br />

system had very good flow- and handle-abilities and showed less than 25% losses in activity<br />

over ten months, rendering it a low cost industrial alternative.<br />

David Hunkeler<br />

AQUA+TECH Specialties S.A.<br />

Route de St. Eloi, CH-1350 Orbe<br />

Switzerland<br />

david.hunkeler@aquaplustech.ch<br />

Klaus Eichler<br />

Glatt <strong>TTC</strong><br />

Binzen, Germany<br />

klaus.eichler@glatt.de<br />


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