Form 101B Supplementary Documentation Application - Immigration ...

Form 101B Supplementary Documentation Application - Immigration ...

Form 101B Supplementary Documentation Application - Immigration ...


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<strong>Form</strong> <strong>101B</strong><strong>Supplementary</strong><strong>Documentation</strong> <strong>Application</strong>This supplementary application form is for those individualswhose immigration advisers licence expired or was surrenderedwithin 6 months of lodging this application.DOL 12253.5 NOV 12WEB ISBN: 978-0-478-41747-0JANUARY 2014

IMPORTANT NOTES1. On the cover page of this application form is a dateof issue. Please check you are using the latest formbefore continuing as old forms will not be accepted.Check www.iaa.govt.nz for the latest versions of allforms.2. If you have held a New Zealand immigration adviserslicence within the six months before this licenceapplication is lodged and your most recent licenceexpired or was surrendered you must complete• <strong>Form</strong> 101: Initial Licence <strong>Application</strong> and• <strong>Form</strong> 101 B: <strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong><strong>Application</strong>.3. Please note you can only reapply for the licence typethat you previously held.4. If you are applying for a provisional licence you mustalso complete <strong>Form</strong> 101 A: Supervision Arrangement<strong>Application</strong>.5. All information and supporting documentationprovided in this application form must be in English.This includes the client file.6. If any correspondence within the client file youprovide is not in English, the <strong>Immigration</strong> AdvisersAuthority (the Authority) will accept translations thatare not done by a certified translator. The Authoritymay however seek a certified translation of anycorrespondence at any time, and the cost of this willbe passed on to you.7. The Registrar may collect from <strong>Immigration</strong> NewZealand any information about you, or held aboutapplications, requests, appeals, or claims submittedby you or managed in whole or in part by you for thepurpose of determining your application for a licence,for investigating complaints about you and for theadministration of the licensing regime.8. The Registrar may contact the client for whom youhave provided a client file.9. The Registrar may record telephone conversationsheld with you for the purposes of assessing andverifying your application for a licence.10. The Registrar may contact providers of continuingprofessional development activities you haveparticipated in for the purpose of verifying andassessing your participation in those activities, ifapplicable.<strong>Form</strong> <strong>101B</strong> | <strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong> <strong>Application</strong> 1

Section 1Continuing Professional DevelopmentYou should have participated in continuing professional development (CPD) activities relevantto the provision of immigration advice during the 12 month period prior to the expiry orsurrender of your previous licence. CPD activities should relate to competency standards 2 to 6of the <strong>Immigration</strong> Advisers Competency Standards (competency standards).CPD activities must include active learning and may include self-directed learning.Active learning may include participation in a facilitated workshop where there areopportunities to engage in discussion and practise skills.Self-directed learning may include reading books or newsletters, or time spent familiarisingyourself with changes in <strong>Immigration</strong> New Zealand (INZ) policies. Please provide details, forexample, of the websites and newsletters read and reviewed.Any CPD activities completed since the expiry or surrender of your previous licence may also betaken into account.Complete the following tables for any activities you have participated in since your previouslicence was granted. If you have undertaken more than one active learning or self-directedlearning activity please photocopy the pages and fill them out.CONTINUED<strong>Form</strong> <strong>101B</strong> | <strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong> <strong>Application</strong> 2

Active learningActivityDatedaymonthyearTime spentProviderProvider’s website or phone number• Please describe how your participation in this activity has contributed to your development as animmigration adviser. Be specific about how the activity has benefitted you as an adviser, includinghow your clients may have directly or indirectly benefitted through your participation in the activity.• Explain which competency standard(s) the activity relates to and how it is relevant to thosestandard(s).Relevant competency standard(s)ExplanationCONTINUED<strong>Form</strong> <strong>101B</strong> | <strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong> <strong>Application</strong> 3

Self-directed learningDatedaymonthyearTime spentDetails• Please describe how this learning has contributed to your development as an immigration adviser.Be specific about how the learning has benefitted you as an adviser, including how your clients mayhave directly or indirectly benefitted from your learning.• Explain which competency standard(s) the learning relates to and how it is relevant to thosestandard(s).Relevant competency standard(s)ExplanationTotal hours spent on CPDActive learningSelf-directed learning<strong>Form</strong> <strong>101B</strong> | <strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong> <strong>Application</strong> 4

Section 2CLIENT FUNDSDid you ever take money in advance during your most recent licence period?YesNoIf you answered “no”, if you intend to take money in advance you must maintain a separateclient bank account. This account must be used for any money taken in advance.Please go to section 3.If you answered “yes”, please provide bank statements for your client account for the lastthree months that you held a licence and the related client account ledger.Bank statements and the client account ledger must be in consecutive date order with nogaps for the three month period covered.The client account ledger may take the form of an accounting system, an electronic ledgeror a hard copy ledger.It is helpful for your client account ledger to include:• the date of the transaction• the type of the transaction• the amount of the transaction• the client name• the purpose of the transaction• the related invoice number.Section 3client filePlease submit a copy of one client file relating to an application tendered to INZ or the <strong>Immigration</strong> andProtection Tribunal.The client file must have been started within the two years before the expiry or surrender of your previouslicence and must have been finalised within the twelve months prior to the expiry or surrender of yourprevious licence.The file may relate to any immigration matter.You should select a client file that you consider demonstrated your competence and was a fair reflectionof your processes and practices.Client nameDate client file openeddaymonthyearCONTINUED<strong>Form</strong> <strong>101B</strong> | <strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong> <strong>Application</strong> 5

Date of final outcomedaymonthyearType of immigration matter (including visa category, if applicable)Client file checklistPlease tick the circles below to confirm that the required evidence is contained in the clientfile you are submittingDocumented evidence of your assessment of the client’s immigrationeligibility.The written agreement with the client and any supporting information.A copy of the internal complaints procedure provided to the client.Invoices for services.All correspondence with the client, INZ and/or third parties. This includes allemails, letters and file notes of verbal communication.A copy of the signed application form tendered to INZ and cover letter thataccompanied the application;ORIf the client file relates to a request for special directions, a refugee/protectionclaim or an appeal, a complete copy of the request lodged or claim or appealfiled.Exact copies of all supporting documentation provided in support of theimmigration matter.Evidence of the decision (eg letter, visa label).<strong>Form</strong> <strong>101B</strong> | <strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong> <strong>Application</strong> 6

Section 4CLIENT AUTHORISATION AND DECLARATIONPlease ask the client to complete the following authorisation and declaration. You may detach orphotocopy this page for your client to complete. Please complete your details and sign this page beforegiving it to your client. Your client should return it to you for you to submit with your application.<strong>Form</strong>er licensed immigration adviser<strong>Form</strong>er licensed immigration adviser’s name<strong>Form</strong>er licensed immigration adviser’s business addressI authorise the client below to discuss with the <strong>Immigration</strong> Advisers Authority the work I have donefor him or her, for the purpose of assessing my application for a licence to practise as a New Zealandimmigration adviser.<strong>Form</strong>er licensed immigration adviser’s signatureDatedaymonthyearTo the clientYour authorisation and declaration is required by the <strong>Immigration</strong> Advisers Authority in order to assessthe suitability of the immigration adviser named above for the purpose of re-applying for his or herimmigration adviser licence. Please complete this authorisation and declaration and return it to theformer licensed immigration adviser.Client’s nameClient’s addressClient’s daytime phone number+Client’s emailBest time to be contactedCONTINUED<strong>Form</strong> <strong>101B</strong> | <strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong> <strong>Application</strong> 7

I hereby authorise the former licensed immigration adviser named above to disclose personal informationabout me from the former licensed immigration adviser’s files to the Registrar. I hereby authorise<strong>Immigration</strong> New Zealand to disclose personal information about me to the Registrar. I understand thatthe information will be used for the purpose of the assessment of the immigration adviser for the purposeof re-applying to be a licensed immigration adviser and for the administration and maintenance of theimmigration advisers licensing regime. I understand that my personal information will be retained by the<strong>Immigration</strong> Advisers Authority and will not be disclosed or discussed with any other party except for thepurposes for which it is collected and retained.I confirm that I am not related to the former licensed immigration adviser for whom I am providing thisauthorisation and declaration.I am happy to be contacted by the <strong>Immigration</strong> Advisers Authority to discuss the work done for me by theimmigration adviser.I confirm I have read the completed information provided in the Client Authorisation and Declaration andthat the details are correct.Client’s signatureDatedaymonthyearIf you are in New Zealand, you have the right to see the information held by the <strong>Immigration</strong> AdvisersAuthority about you and ask for it to be corrected if you think that is necessary. The <strong>Immigration</strong> AdvisersAuthority can be contacted at 0508 422 422 or info@iaa.govt.nz.<strong>Form</strong> <strong>101B</strong> | <strong>Supplementary</strong> <strong>Documentation</strong> <strong>Application</strong> 8

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