Full report - International Alert

Full report - International Alert

Full report - International Alert

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69 • Women’s Bodies as a Battleground: Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls During the War in the Democratic Republic of CongoC. How victims and their families perceive the rapes and the consequence of the rapesC1. What is your family’s and your community’s attitude towards you?C2. What is the attitude of your community towards children born as a result of rape?C3. What harm is caused by the attackers who commit these rapes?C4. What happens to women who <strong>report</strong> having been raped?C5. What are the consequences of rape and sexual violence for the victims’ health?C6. What are the consequences for the victims’ families?C7. Do rape victims suffer from any behavioural problems? If so, what kind?D. Types of rape and the various groups involvedD1. According to you, what different types of rape and sexual violence have been committed againstwomen in South Kivu?D2. How many women and girls have been raped in your local community?D3. Which communities have been affected the most? Can you explain why?D4. Can you describe the way in which the rape was committed?D5. Do the military leaders of the various fighting forces use particular methods for obtaining women?If so, which ones?E. How victims try to recover from their ordealE1. What have you yourself done to recover from, or to alleviate, the distress that you have suffered?E2. What should support organisations do to give you better assistance?E3. Have your immediate circle, your family and community helped to reintegrate you socially? If so,what do they do, or what have they done for you?1.2. Questionnaire for members of fighting forcesA. General informationA1. AgeA2. Marital statusA3. Number of childrenA4. ReligionA5. RankA6. Length of serviceA7. Which army/armed groupB. Motives of armed forcesB1. In your opinion, why has rape been committed on such a large scale?B2. Which categories of soldiers/militiamen are generally responsible for the rapes?B3. Among those soldiers who committed rape, are any of them carriers of the HIV virus or did anycontract it following the rapes?B4. What drives members of the various armies involved in the war in the DRC to perpetrate acts ofviolence against girls and women?B5. Are these acts of violence motivated by political or ideological factors?B6. How many cases of rape have you heard about? Do you know who committed them?B7. What do you think should be done to put an end to the sexual violence and abuse?

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