IDEC Exchange - Interior Design Educators Council

IDEC Exchange - Interior Design Educators Council

IDEC Exchange - Interior Design Educators Council

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CONFERENCE RECAP:THE COLOR MARKETING GROUP’S2011 NORTH AMERICAN CONFERENCEImage: palette of thecollaborative efforts ofthe student workshopled by Kiki Titterud andTommy Campanella atColor Marketing Group’sconference.Angelica Medina & Karla Fernandez,University of Texas at San AntonioAs twenty-somethings in the thickof our college careers, we are ageneration that has been frownedupon for the technologically overstimulated childhoods that haveled us to a supposed desensitizationtoward societal issues. But, likeevery other generation before ours,nothing has succeeded in erasing asense of authenticity in everythingwe identify with and consume.It is this consumerism that hassparked trends and transformed thedirection in which creative mindsare evolving. Despite being novicedesigners, as soon as we begandesign school, family and friendsautomatically assumed we were DoIt Yourself-ers and experts in thefield. Being everything but experts,we jumped at the opportunity toattend the North American ColorMarketing Group Conference.As students, we hesitated to sharewhat we did (or did not) know aboutcolor. Our black and white mentalitywas soon taken to a new, expandedspectrum as we learned that color issubjective to personal experience andcultural context.Proper composition of colorand space evokes a symphony ofemotions and meaning; this is as truefor interior design as it is for everyother consumer related profession.Color creates an experience and thatexperience is what is successfullytranslated into our subconsciousminds. It is the duty of a designerto carefully listen to the needs ofa client as this is what carries aproject from a simple transformationthat meets those needs to a spatialexperience that exceeds the client’sdesires.Technology has enabled us to gobeyond traditional methods ofpresenting and interacting withcolor. In order for interior designersto provide memorable sensoryexperiences, not only associated withtouch but also, just as importantly,sight. A lesson we took away wasto be honest and passionate aboutour profession. It is important toexperiment with new trends andtechnologies and, most importantly,have fun in the process of discoveryand learning. Innovation is the keyto success and there are many rightanswers.If your students are interested inparticipating in CMG conference,contact Kiki Titterud at kiki@kikiscolourcouture.com.22

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