SDTM Terminology 2012-08-03.pdf - EVS

SDTM Terminology 2012-08-03.pdf - EVS

SDTM Terminology 2012-08-03.pdf - EVS

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CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03NCICodeCDISCSubmissionValue Codelist Name CDISC DefinitionCodelistExtensibleC66726 FRM Pharmaceutical DosageFormC101853 GRSTNLOC Location of MostSevere Stenosis Withina GraftC66797 IECAT Category forInclusion/ExclusionThe form of the completed pharmaceutical product, e.g. tablet, capsule, injection, elixir,suppository. Dosage form can have a significant effect on the onset, duration andintensity of the pharmacological action of a drug. A pharmaceutical dosage formcontrols the rate at which the drug is released into the biological fluids. This release rateaffects its intrinsic absorption pattern and therefore, the bioavailability of the drug.<strong>Terminology</strong> used to describe the part of the graft that is most severely stenotic.A collection of criteria on which subjects are evaluated and that must be met by all studysubjects. (NCI)YesNoNoC99076 INTMODEL Intervention Model The trial design developed to compare treatment groups. YesC99078 INTTYPE Intervention Type The kind of product or procedure studied in a trial. NoC101854 KILLIPC Killip Class Responses A terminology codelist based on the classification developed by Killip and Kimball,which classifies patients with myocardial infarction based on routine physicalexamination parameters, such as the presence or absence of rales, or a decreasedsystolic blood pressure.C99073 LAT Laterality CDISC terminology for anatomical location or specimen further detailing the side(s) ofinterest.NoYesC102580 LBSTRESC Laboratory TestStandard CharacterResult<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the standardized results, in character format, for laboratorytests.NoC67154 LBTEST Laboratory Test Name <strong>Terminology</strong> used for Laboratory Tests of the CDISC Standard Data Tabulation Model. YesC65047 LBTESTCD Laboratory Test Code <strong>Terminology</strong> used for Laboratory Tests of the CDISC Standard Data Tabulation Model. YesC101855 LEADABN Lead Abnormality <strong>Terminology</strong> related to the complications of cardiac lead systems. YesC101856 LEADSTAT Lead Status The status of the lead. YesC74456 LOC Anatomical Location <strong>Terminology</strong> codelist used for anatomical location within CDISC. YesC101857 LSNCMPX Lesion Complexity <strong>Terminology</strong> related to the risk of percutaneous coronary intervention for a particularlesion.NoC101858 LVEFMRE Left VentricularEjection FractionMeasurement Result<strong>Terminology</strong> for results of left ventricular ejection fraction assessments.YesC76348 MARISTAT Marital Status A demographic parameter indicating a person's current conjugal status. YesC102581 MCIDCERT Microbial IdentificationCertaintyC101859 MCRCSPTM Mechanical CirculatorySupport PlacementTiming<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the degree of certainty of the correctness of a microbialidentification test result.A terminology codelist to describe the timing of mechanical circulatory supportplacement.NoNoC96777 MEDEVAL Medical Evaluator The individual responsible for the medical assessment. YesC85492 METHOD Method Method is any technique or procedure (an action) that determines how an observation orclinical finding was made.YesC85491 MICROORG Microorganism Microorganisms, bacteria, fungi and other organisms. YesC85495 MSRESCAT MicrobiologySusceptibility TestingResult CategoryC78738 NCF Never/Current/FormerClassificationUsed to categorize the result of a finding in a standard format.A classification of usage or experience that falls into three categories; never, current, orformer.NoYesSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 3 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03NCICodeCDISCSubmissionValue Codelist Name CDISC DefinitionCodelistExtensibleC66727 NCOMPLT Completion/Reason forNon-CompletionThe status of the subject's completion of the study or a segment of the study, or thereason the subject discontinued the study or segment of the study.YesC66789 ND Not Done Indicates a task, process or examination that has either not been initiated or completed.(NCI)NoC88025 NEOPLASM Neoplasm Type The terminology that includes concepts relevant to benign or malignant tissue growth. YesC101860 NORMABNM Normal AbnormalResponseC78736 NRIND Reference RangeIndicatorC101861 NSYSPCID Non-system Reason forPCI DelayA terminology codelist to describe a normal or abnormal response.A description of the results relative to the normal or expected range of values.A terminology codelist that contains reasons for non-system PCI delay.NoYesNoC66742 NY No Yes Response A term that is used to indicate a question with permissible values of yes/no/unknown/notapplicable.NoC101862 NYHAC New York HeartAssociation ClassResponsesA terminology codelist based on the functional classification developed by the NewYork Heart Association (NYHA), for categorizing patients with defined or presumedcardiac disease.NoC66768 OUT Outcome of Event A condition or event that is attributed to the adverse event and is the result or conclusionof the adverse event. (NCI)NoC95120 PHSPRP Physical Properties TestNameC95121 PHSPRPCD Physical Properties TestCode<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the test names that describe the physical characteristics of anentity.<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the test codes that describe the physical characteristics of anentity.YesYesC85493 PKPARM PK Parameters Parameters used to describe the time-concentration curve. YesC85839 PKPARMCD PK Parameters Code Parameter codes used to describe the time-concentration curve. YesC85494 PKUNIT PK Parameter Units ofMeasureUnits of measure needed for pharmacokinetic parameters.YesC99075 PORTOT Portion/Totality Qualifier for anatomical location or specimen further detailing the portion or totality,which means arrangement of, or apportioning of an entity.YesC71148 POSITION Position <strong>Terminology</strong> codelist used with Body Position within CDISC. YesC102582 PRITBCON Priority of TuberculosisContact<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the prioritization of tuberculosis contacts.YesC101863 PROCEDUR Procedure A terminology codelist to describe an activity that produces an effect, or that is intendedto alter the course of a disease in a patient or population.YesC101864 PRURGNCY Procedure UrgencyStatusA terminology codelist that describes the degree of urgency for a procedure.NoC74457 RACE Race <strong>Terminology</strong> codelist used to identify the race of an individual within the Clinical DataInterchange Standards Consortium Study Data Tabulation Model.YesC102583 REASTINT Reason for TreatmentInterruption<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the reason the drug or therapy was temporarily ceased.YesC102584 REASTRT Reason For Treatment <strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the reason the treatment was administered. YesC102585 REASTRTF Treatment FailureReasonC102586 REASTRTNA Reason Treatment NotAdministered<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the reason the drug or therapy was unsuccessful in treating thecondition.<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the reason the treatment was not administered.YesYesSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 4 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03NCICodeCDISCSubmissionValue Codelist Name CDISC DefinitionCodelistExtensibleC66784 TOXGR Common <strong>Terminology</strong>Criteria for AdverseEventsC87162 TOXGR Common <strong>Terminology</strong>Criteria for AdverseEvents V4.0A standard terminology developed to report adverse events occurring in cancer clinicaltrials. Common terminology criteria for adverse events (CTCAE) are used in studyadverse event summaries and Investigational New Drug reports to the Food and DrugAdministration. The CTCAE contain a grading scale for each adverse event termrepresenting the severity of the event. (NCI)The version 4.0 standard terminology developed to report adverse events occurring incancer clinical trials. Common terminology criteria for adverse events (CTCAE) areused to study adverse event summaries and Investigational New Drug reports to the Foodand Drug Administration. The CTCAE contain a grading scale for each adverse eventterm representing the severity of the event. (NCI)NoNoC66737 TPHASE Trial Phase Clinical trials are broken into three or four phases: Phase I tests a new drug or treatmentfor safety in a small group; Phase II expands the study to a larger group of people; PhaseIII expands the study to an even larger group of people to measure whether the treatmentactually benefits patients, and whether its benefits exceed its risks; and Phase IV takesplace after the drug or treatment has been licensed and marketed. (NCI)C102589 TRTEPSD Treatment Episode <strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to whether an individual is being treated for a disease for the firsttime.YesNoC96778 TRTEST Oncology TumorProperties Test NameC96779 TRTESTCD Oncology TumorProperties Test CodeC67152 TSPARM Trial SummaryParameter Test NameC66738 TSPARMCD Trial SummaryParameter Test Code<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the test names that describe the measurement of a tumor.<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the test codes that describe the measurement of a tumor.Individual characteristics of a clinical trial, e.g. description of trial design, trial blindingschema, and primary objective of trial. (NCI)Individual characteristics of a clinical trial, e.g. description of trial design, trial blindingschema, and primary objective of trial. (NCI)YesYesYesYesC66739 TTYPE Trial Type The type of clinical trial performed e.g. efficacy, safety. (NCI) YesC96780 TUMIDENT Tumor IdentificationResultsC96783 TUTEST Tumor IdentificationTest NameC96784 TUTESTCD Tumor IdentificationTest Code<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to tumor identification results.<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the test names that describe tumor assessments foridentification purposes.<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the test codes that describe tumor assessments foridentification purposes.YesYesYesC71620 UNIT Unit <strong>Terminology</strong> codelist used for units within CDISC. YesC102590 VCNEVD Vaccination EvidenceSourceC66770 VSRESU Units for Vital SignsResults<strong>Terminology</strong> relevant to the source of information regarding the subject's vaccinationstatus.The unit used to record and describe the result of a test investigating a vital sign. (NCI)YesYesC67153 VSTEST Vital Signs Test Name The name given to the test that analyzes a particular set of vital signs includingtemperature, respiratory rate, heart beat (pulse), and blood pressure. (NCI)C66741 VSTESTCD Vital Signs Test Code The name given to the test that analyzes a particular set of vital signs includingtemperature, respiratory rate, heart beat (pulse), and blood pressure. (NCI)YesYesSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 6 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66767 - ACN - Action Taken with Study TreatmentCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49503 DOSE INCREASED An indication that a medication schedule was modifiedby addition; either by changing the frequency, strengthor amount. (NCI)C49504 DOSE NOT CHANGED An indication that a medication schedule wasmaintained. (NCI)C49505 DOSE REDUCED An indication that a medication schedule was modifiedby subtraction, either by changing the frequency,strength or amount. (NCI)C49501 DRUG INTERRUPTED An indication that a medication schedule was modifiedby temporarily terminating a prescribed regimen ofmedication. (NCI)C49502 DRUG WITHDRAWN An indication that a medication schedule was modifiedthrough termination of a prescribed regimen ofmedication. (NCI)Dose IncreasedDose Not ChangedDose ReducedDrug InterruptedDrug WithdrawnC48660 NOT APPLICABLE NA; NotApplicableDetermination of a value is not relevant in the currentcontext. (NCI)Not ApplicableC17998 UNKNOWN U; Unknown Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)UnknownSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 7 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101832 - ACSPCAT - Acute Coronary Syndrome Presentation CategoryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80383NON-ST ELEVATIONMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNSTEMI;NON-STEMIA myocardial infarction that does not produceelevation in the ST segments of the ECG.Non-ST Elevation MyocardialInfarctionC17649 OTHER Other Different than the one(s) previously specified ormentioned. (NCI)OtherC101888ST ELEVATIONMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONSTEMIA myocardial infarction that produces elevation in theST segments of the ECG.ST Elevation Myocardial Infarctionby ECG FindingC66914 STABLE ANGINA Angina pectoris which has not recently changed infrequency, duration or intensity. Stable angina pectorisis relieved by rest or administration of oral, sublingualor transdermal antianginal medications.C66911 UNSTABLE ANGINA Angina pectoris (or equivalent type of ischemicdiscomfort) which has recently changed in frequency,duration, intensity, or occurs at rest.Stable AnginaUnstable AnginaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 8 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66769 - AESEV - Severity/Intensity Scale for Adverse EventsCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC41338 MILD Grade 1; 1 A type of adverse event that is usually transient andmay require only minimal treatment or therapeuticintervention. The event does not generally interferewith usual activities of daily living.C41339 MODERATE Grade 2; 2 A type of adverse event that is usually alleviated withadditional specific therapeutic intervention. The eventinterferes with usual activities of daily living, causingdiscomfort but poses no significant or permanent riskof harm to the research participant.C41340 SEVERE Grade 3; 3 A type of adverse event that interrupts usual activitiesof daily living, or significantly affects clinical status,or may require intensive therapeutic intervention.Mild Adverse EventModerate Adverse EventSevere Adverse EventSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 9 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66780 - AGESPAN - Age SpanCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC27954 ADOLESCENT (12-17YEARS)A juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity;in the state of development between puberty andmaturity. (NCI)AdolescentC49685 ADULT (18-65) A person from 18 years to 65 years of age. (NCI) Adult 18-65 Years OldC49683 CHILDREN (2-11 YEARS) A person from 2 years to 11 years of age. (NCI) Children 2-11 Years OldC16268 ELDERLY (> 65) An age group comprised by people 65 years of age andolder. (NCI)C49641 IN UTERO The period of time during which the embryo or fetus ispresent in the uterus of the female. Also describes thelocation of the embryo or fetus as being in the uterusin contrast to outside the uterus (ex utero). (NCI)ElderlyIn UteroC49643 INFANT AND TODDLER (28DAYS - 23 MONTHS)A person from 28 days to 23 months of age. (NCI)Infant And ToddlerC16731 NEWBORN (0-27 DAYS) An infant during the first month after birth. (NCI) NewbornC49642PRETERM NEWBORNINFANTSAn infant born prior to completion of the normalgestation period. (NCI)Preterm Newborn InfantSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 10 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66781 - AGEU - Age UnitCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25301 DAYS The time for Earth to make a complete rotation on itsaxis; ordinarily divided into twenty-four hours. Thisalso refers to a specific day. (NCI)C25529 HOURS Hour; hr A unit measure of time equal to 3,600 seconds or 60minutes. It is approximately 1/24 of a median day.(NCI)C29846 MONTHS One of the 12 divisions of a year as determined by acalendar. It corresponds to the unit of time ofapproximately to one cycle of the moon's phases,about 30 days or 4 weeks. (NCI)DayHourMonthC29844 WEEKS Any period of seven consecutive days. (NCI) WeekC29848 YEARS The period of time that it takes for Earth to make acomplete revolution around the sun, approximately365 days; a specific one year period. (NCI)YearSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 11 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101833 - CACRDSC - Canadian Cardiovascular Society ClassificationCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC77265 CCS CLASS 1 CanadianCardiovascularSocietyClassification 1C77266 CCS CLASS 2 CanadianCardiovascularSocietyClassification 2C77267 CCS CLASS 3 CanadianCardiovascularSocietyClassification 3C77268 CCS CLASS 4 CanadianCardiovascularSocietyClassification 4Ordinary physical activity, such as walking or climbingstairs, does not cause angina. Angina occurs withstrenuous, rapid, or prolonged exertion at work orrecreation.Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Angina occurs onwalking or climbing stairs rapidly, walking uphill,walking or climbing stairs after meals, or in cold, inwind, or under emotional stress, or only during the fewhours after awakening. Angina occurs on walking morethan 2 blocks on the level and climbing more than 1flight of ordinary stairs at a normal pace and in normalconditions.Marked limitations of ordinary physical activity.Angina occurs on walking 1 to 2 blocks on the leveland climbing 1 flight of stairs in normal conditions andat a normal pace.Inability to perform any physical activity withoutdiscomfort - anginal symptoms may be present at rest.Canadian Cardiovascular SocietyGrading Scale Class ICanadian Cardiovascular SocietyGrading Scale Class IICanadian Cardiovascular SocietyGrading Scale Class IIICanadian Cardiovascular SocietyGrading Scale Class IVSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 12 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101834 - CADPRSN - Coronary Artery Disease PresentationCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80383NON-ST ELEVATIONMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNSTEMI;NON-STEMIA myocardial infarction that does not produceelevation in the ST segments of the ECG.Non-ST Elevation MyocardialInfarctionC101888ST ELEVATIONMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONSTEMIA myocardial infarction that produces elevation in theST segments of the ECG.ST Elevation Myocardial Infarctionby ECG FindingC66914 STABLE ANGINA Angina pectoris which has not recently changed infrequency, duration or intensity. Stable angina pectorisis relieved by rest or administration of oral, sublingualor transdermal antianginal medications.C66911 UNSTABLE ANGINA Angina pectoris (or equivalent type of ischemicdiscomfort) which has recently changed in frequency,duration, intensity, or occurs at rest.C66915 VARIANT ANGINA A variant form of angina pectoris caused by coronaryartery vasospasm, usually occurring spontaneously andfrequently associated with ST segment elevation.Stable AnginaUnstable AnginaVariant AnginaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 13 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101835 - CADRISK - Coronary Artery Disease RiskCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99955 HIGH CAD RISK High CoronaryArtery DiseaseRiskC99966 INTERMEDIATE CAD RISK IntermediateCoronary ArteryDisease RiskC99968 KNOWN CAD Known CoronaryArtery DiseaseC99978 LOW CAD RISK Low CoronaryArtery DiseaseRiskThe likelihood an individual will develop coronaryartery disease is almost certain or greater than90%.(Gibbons RJ, Balady GJ, Bricker JT, Chaitman BR,Fletcher GF, Froelicher VF, Mark DB, McCallisterBD, Mooss AN, O'Reilly MG, Winters WL Jr.ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for exercise testing:a report of the American College ofCardiology/American Heart Association Task Force onPractice Guidelines (Committee on Exercise Testing).2002. American College of Cardiology Web site.Available at:www.acc.org/clinical/guidelines/exercise/dirIndex.htm.)The likelihood an individual will develop coronaryartery disease (CAD) is moderate or between 10% and90%. (Gibbons RJ, Balady GJ, Bricker JT, ChaitmanBR, Fletcher GF, Froelicher VF, Mark DB,McCallister BD, Mooss AN, O'Reilly MG, WintersWL Jr. ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for exercisetesting: a report of the American College ofCardiology/American Heart Association Task Force onPractice Guidelines (Committee on Exercise Testing).2002. American College of Cardiology Web site.Available at:www.acc.org/clinical/guidelines/exercise/dirIndex.htm.)The individual has coronary artery disease (CAD).(Gibbons RJ, Balady GJ, Bricker JT, Chaitman BR,Fletcher GF, Froelicher VF, Mark DB, McCallisterBD, Mooss AN, O'Reilly MG, Winters WL Jr.ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for exercise testing:a report of the American College ofCardiology/American Heart Association Task Force onPractice Guidelines (Committee on Exercise Testing).2002. American College of Cardiology Web site.Available at:www.acc.org/clinical/guidelines/exercise/dirIndex.htm.)The likelihood an individual will develop coronaryartery disease (CAD) is minimal or lessthan10%.(Gibbons RJ, Balady GJ, Bricker JT,Chaitman BR, Fletcher GF, Froelicher VF, Mark DB,McCallister BD, Mooss AN, O'Reilly MG, WintersWL Jr. ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for exercisetesting: a report of the American College ofCardiology/American Heart Association Task Force onPractice Guidelines (Committee on Exercise Testing).2002. American College of Cardiology Web site.Available at:www.acc.org/clinical/guidelines/exercise/dirIndex.htm.)High Coronary Artery Disease RiskIntermediate Coronary ArteryDisease RiskKnown Coronary Artery DiseaseLow Coronary Artery Disease RiskSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 14 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101836 - CADSYMP - Coronary Artery Disease SymptomsCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99917ATYPICAL CORONARYARTERY DISEASESYMPTOMSSharp stabbing chest pain or reproduction of pain onpalpation. Less common isolated presentations,primarily in older adults, include nausea and vomiting,diaphoresis, and unexplained fatigue. J Am CollCardiol, 2007; 50:1-157,doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2007.02.013 (Published online 6August 2007).Atypical Coronary Artery DiseaseSymptomC3833 NO SYMPTOMS The finding of no indications of a particular disease orinjury.AsymptomaticC78504NON-CARDIAC CHESTPAINA discomfort in the chest area that is not related to theheart.Non-Cardiac Chest PainC100024TYPICAL CORONARYARTERY DISEASESYMPTOMSDeep, poorly localized chest or arm discomfort that isreproducibly associated with physical exertion oremotional stress and is relieved promptly (ie, in lessthan 5 minutes) with rest and/or the use of sublingualnitroglycerin. Some patients may have no chestdiscomfort but present solely with jaw, neck, ear, arm,shoulder, back, or epigastric discomfort or withunexplained dyspnea without discomfort. If thesesymptoms have a clear relationship to exertion orstress or are relieved promptly with nitrates, theyshould be considered equivalent to angina. J Am CollCardiol, 2007; 50:1-157,doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2007.02.013 (Published online 6August 2007).Typical Coronary Artery DiseaseSymptomSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 15 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101837 - CARTDOM - Coronary Artery DominanceCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99941 CO-DOMINANT The right coronary artery supplies the posteriordescending artery (PDA) and the circumflex suppliesthe posterolateral artery (PLA). Thus, there isapproximately equal contribution to the inferiorsurface of the left ventricle from both the leftcircumflex and right coronary arteries.C99971 LEFT DOMINANCE The posterior descending artery (PDA) andposterolateral artery (PLA) arises from the leftcircumflex artery.C99942 RIGHT DOMINANCE The posterior descending artery (PDA) andposterolateral artery (PLA) arises from the rightcoronary artery.Co-Dominant ArteryLeft Cardiac Artery DominanceCoronary Artery Right DominanceSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 16 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102575 - CCINVCTYP - Contact Case Investigation Contact TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102606 CASUAL CONTACT A way of contracting a disease through everydayinteractions (nonsexual) with an infected person.Casual ContactC102609CONTACT WITHEXPOSURE DURINGMEDICAL PROCEDUREA way of contracting a disease by interacting with anindividual that has been exposed to the disease whileundergoing a medical procedure.Contact With Exposure DuringMedical ProcedureC102610CONTACT WITHEXPOSURE IN CROWDSETTINGA way of contracting a disease by physicallyassociating with an infected group of individuals.Contact With Exposure In CrowdSettingC102611CONTACT WITH MEDICALRISK FACTORA way of contracting a disease by interacting with anindividual that is considered at high risk for having thedisease.Contact With Medical Risk FactorC102646 HOUSEHOLD CONTACT A way of contracting a disease through interactionswith an infected person in the same residence.Household ContactSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 17 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101838 - CCRCLS - Consensus Cardiac Classification System Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100032ACC/AHA Lesion ComplexityClassACC/AHALesionComplexityClassA classification system for coronary stenosis basedupon characteristics that influence the difficulty ofpercutaneous coronary revascularization.American College of CardiologyAmerican Heart Association LesionComplexity ClassC66910Canadian CV Society GradingScaleCanadian CVSociety GradingScaleA finding associated with a patient based on thefunctional classification developed by the CanadianCardiovascular Society (CCS), for categorizingpatients with angina. The classification systemcomprises four classes, which are defined in terms ofthe level of physical activity associated with thesubject's anginal symptoms.Canadian Cardiovascular SocietyGrading ScaleC66916 Killip Class Killip Class A finding associated with a patient based on theclassification developed by Killip and Kimball, whichclassifies patients with myocardial infarction based onroutine physical examination parameters, such as thepresence or absence of rales, or a decreased systolicblood pressure.Killip ClassC66909New York Heart AssociationClassNew York HeartAssociationClassA finding associated with a patient based on thefunctional classification developed by the New YorkHeart Association (NYHA), for categorizing patientswith defined or presumed cardiac disease. Theclassification system is based on the ability to engagein physical activity. The classification systemcomprises four classes, though NYHA Class III andClass IV are often aggregated for the purpose ofoutcomes analysis.New York Heart Association ClassC100021 TIMI Flow TIMI Flow A grading system for coronary blood flow based on theclassification developed by the Thrombolysis inMyocardial Infarction Group. It classifies coronaryblood flow into four classes based upon theangiographic appearance of the blood vessels.Thrombolysis in MyocardialInfarction FlowSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 18 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101839 - CCRCLSCD - Consensus Cardiac Classification System Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC66910 CCSGRDS Canadian CVSociety GradingScaleA finding associated with a patient based on thefunctional classification developed by the CanadianCardiovascular Society (CCS), for categorizingpatients with angina. The classification systemcomprises four classes, which are defined in terms ofthe level of physical activity associated with thesubject's anginal symptoms.Canadian Cardiovascular SocietyGrading ScaleC66916 KILLIPCL Killip Class A finding associated with a patient based on theclassification developed by Killip and Kimball, whichclassifies patients with myocardial infarction based onroutine physical examination parameters, such as thepresence or absence of rales, or a decreased systolicblood pressure.Killip ClassC100032 LSNCPCLS ACC/AHALesionComplexityClassC66909 NYHACLS New York HeartAssociationClassA classification system for coronary stenosis basedupon characteristics that influence the difficulty ofpercutaneous coronary revascularization.A finding associated with a patient based on thefunctional classification developed by the New YorkHeart Association (NYHA), for categorizing patientswith defined or presumed cardiac disease. Theclassification system is based on the ability to engagein physical activity. The classification systemcomprises four classes, though NYHA Class III andClass IV are often aggregated for the purpose ofoutcomes analysis.American College of CardiologyAmerican Heart Association LesionComplexity ClassNew York Heart Association ClassC100021 TIMIFLOW TIMI Flow A grading system for coronary blood flow based on theclassification developed by the Thrombolysis inMyocardial Infarction Group. It classifies coronaryblood flow into four classes based upon theangiographic appearance of the blood vessels.Thrombolysis in MyocardialInfarction FlowSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 19 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC17884 ABW ARUBA Island in the Caribbean Sea, north of Venezuela. (NCI) ArubaC16267 AFG AFGHANISTAN A country in Southern Asia, north and west of Pakistan,east of Iran. (NCI)C16292 AGO ANGOLA A country in Southern Africa, bordering the SouthAtlantic Ocean, between Namibia and DemocraticRepublic of the Congo. (NCI)C20133 AIA ANGUILLA An island in the Caribbean Sea, east of Puerto Rico.(NCI)AfghanistanAngolaAnguillaC44481 ALA ALANDISLANDSAn archipelago in the Baltic Sea at the entrance to theGulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland. (NCI)Aland IslandsC16271 ALB ALBANIA A country in Southeastern Europe, bordering theAdriatic Sea and Ionian Sea, between Greece andSerbia and Montenegro. (NCI)C16289 AND ANDORRA A country in Southwestern Europe, between France andSpain. (NCI)AlbaniaAndorraC17232 ARE UNITED ARABEMIRATESA country in the Middle East, bordering the Gulf ofOman and the Persian Gulf, between Oman and SaudiArabia. (NCI)United Arab EmiratesC16305 ARG ARGENTINA A country in Southern South America, bordering theSouth Atlantic Ocean, between Chile and Uruguay.(NCI)ArgentinaC16306 ARM ARMENIA A country in Southwestern Asia, east of Turkey. (NCI) ArmeniaC17739 ASM AMERICANSAMOAA group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, abouthalf way between Hawaii and New Zealand. (NCI)American SamoaC18007 ATA ANTARCTICA The continent lying mostly south of the AntarcticCircle. (NCI)AntarcticaC20105 ATF FRENCHSOUTHERNTERRITORIESC16303 ATG ANTIGUA ANDBARBUDAIslands in the southern Indian Ocean, south of Africa,about equidistant between Africa, Antarctica, andAustralia. (NCI)Islands between the Caribbean Sea and the NorthAtlantic Ocean, east-southeast of Puerto Rico. (NCI)French Southern TerritoriesAntigua and BarbudaC16311 AUS AUSTRALIA The continent between the Indian Ocean and the SouthPacific Ocean. (NCI)C16312 AUT AUSTRIA A country in Central Europe, north of Italy andSlovenia. (NCI)C16316 AZE AZERBAIJAN A country in Southwestern Asia, bordering the CaspianSea, between Iran and Russia. (NCI)C16371 BDI BURUNDI A country in Central Africa, east of DemocraticRepublic of the Congo. (NCI)C16329 BEL BELGIUM A country in Western Europe, bordering the North Sea,between France and the Netherlands. (NCI)AustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBurundiBelgiumC16333 BEN BENINREPUBLICA country in Western Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean, between Nigeria and Togo. (NCI)BeninSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 20 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC101224 BES Bonaire, SintEustatius andSabaThree Caribbean islands that are part of the LesserAntilles; Bonaire is east of Aruba and Curacao off thecoast of Venezuela, Sint Eustatius and Saba are locatedsouth of Sint Maarten and northeast of Saint Kitts andNevis. (NCI)Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaC16369 BFA BURKINA FASO A country in Western Africa, north of Ghana. (NCI) Burkina FasoC16323 BGD BANGLADESH A country in Southern Asia, bordering the Bay ofBengal, between Burma and India. (NCI)C16368 BGR BULGARIA A country in Southeastern Europe, bordering the BlackSea, between Romania and Turkey. (NCI)C16322 BHR BAHRAIN An archipelago in the Persian Gulf, east of SaudiArabia. (NCI)C16321 BHS BAHAMAS A chain of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean,southeast of Florida. (NCI)BangladeshBulgariaBahrainBahamasC16361 BIH BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINAC83609 BLM SAINTBARTHELEMYA country in Southeastern Europe, bordering theAdriatic Sea and Croatia. (NCI)An island in the Caribbean sea, between Saint Martinand Saint Kitts and Nevis. (NCI)Bosnia and HerzegovinaSaint BarthelemyC16372 BLR BELARUS A country in Eastern Europe, east of Poland. (NCI) BelarusC16331 BLZ BELIZE A country in Central America, bordering the CaribbeanSea, between Guatemala and Mexico. (NCI)C16334 BMU BERMUDA A group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, east ofSouth Carolina. (NCI)C16359 BOL BOLIVIA A country in Central South America, southwest ofBrazil. (NCI)C16364 BRA BRAZIL A country in Eastern South America, bordering theAtlantic Ocean. (NCI)C16324 BRB BARBADOS An island between the Caribbean Sea and the NorthAtlantic Ocean, northeast of Venezuela. (NCI)C16367 BRN BRUNEI A country in Southeastern Asia, bordering the SouthChina Sea and Malaysia. (NCI)C16336 BTN BHUTAN A country in Southern Asia, between China and India.(NCI)BelizeBermudaBoliviaBrazilBarbadosBrunei DarussalamBhutanC20104 BVT BOUVETISLANDAn island in the South Atlantic Ocean, south-southwestof the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa). (NCI)Bouvet IslandC16363 BWA BOTSWANA A country in Southern Africa, north of South Africa.(NCI)BotswanaC16409 CAF CENTRALAFRICANREPUBLICA country in Central Africa, north of DemocraticRepublic of the Congo. (NCI)Central African RepublicC16380 CAN CANADA A country in Northern North America, bordering theNorth Atlantic Ocean on the east, North Pacific Oceanon the west, and the Arctic Ocean on the north, northof the conterminous US. (NCI)CanadaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 21 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16445 CCK COCOS(KEELING)ISLANDSA group of islands in the Indian Ocean, south ofIndonesia, about halfway from Australia to Sri Lanka.(NCI)Cocos (Keeling) IslandsC17181 CHE SWITZERLAND A country in Central Europe, east of France, north ofItaly. (NCI)C16427 CHL CHILE A country in Southern South America, bordering theSouth Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean,between Argentina and Peru. (NCI)C16428 CHN CHINA A country in Eastern Asia, bordering the East ChinaSea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea,between North Korea and Vietnam. (NCI)C16762 CIV COTE D'IVOIRE A country in Western Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean, between Ghana and Liberia. (NCI)C16379 CMR CAMEROON A country in Western Africa, bordering the Bight ofBiafra, between Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria. (NCI)SwitzerlandChileChinaCote d'IvoireCameroonC17266 COD DEMOCRATICREPUBLIC OFTHE CONGOA country in Central Africa, northeast of Angola.(NCI)Congo, the Democratic Republic oftheC16467 COG CONGO A country in Western Africa, bordering the SouthAtlantic Ocean, between Angola and Gabon. (NCI)C16469 COK COOK ISLANDS A group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, aboutone-half of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand.(NCI)C16449 COL COLOMBIA A country in Northern South America, bordering theCaribbean Sea, between Panama and Venezuela, andbordering the North Pacific Ocean, between Ecuadorand Panama. (NCI)C16458 COM COMOROS A group of islands in the Mozambique Channel, abouttwo-thirds of the way between northern Madagascarand northern Mozambique. (NCI)C16382 CPV CAPE VERDE A group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, west ofSenegal. (NCI)C16470 CRI COSTA RICA A country in Central America, bordering both theCaribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, betweenNicaragua and Panama. (NCI)C16477 CUB CUBA An island between the Caribbean Sea and the NorthAtlantic Ocean, 150 km south of Key West, Florida.(NCI)C101225 CUW Curacao An island nation located in the Caribbean Sea off thecoast of Venezuela. (NCI)CongoCook IslandsColombiaComorosCape VerdeCosta RicaCubaCuracaoC44482 CXR CHRISTMASISLANDC16391 CYM CAYMANISLANDSAn Australian-administered island in the eastern IndianOcean south of Java, Indonesia. (NCI)An island group in the Caribbean Sea, nearly one-halfof the way from Cuba to Honduras. (NCI)Christmas IslandCayman IslandsC16480 CYP CYPRUS An island in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Turkey.(NCI)CyprusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 22 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC17668 CZE CZECHREPUBLICA country in Central Europe, southeast of Germany.(NCI)Czech RepublicC16636 DEU GERMANY A country in Central Europe, bordering the Baltic Seaand the North Sea, between the Netherlands andPoland, south of Denmark. (NCI)C16506 DJI DJIBOUTI A country in Eastern Africa, bordering the Gulf ofAden and the Red Sea, between Eritrea and Somalia.(NCI)C16519 DMA DOMINICA An island between the Caribbean Sea and the NorthAtlantic Ocean, about one-half of the way from PuertoRico to Trinidad and Tobago. (NCI)C16496 DNK DENMARK A country in Northern Europe, bordering the BalticSea and the North Sea, on a peninsula north ofGermany (Jutland); also includes two major islands(Sjaelland and Fyn). (NCI)GermanyDjiboutiDominicaDenmarkC16520 DOM DOMINICANREPUBLICA country comprising the eastern two-thirds of theisland of Hispaniola, between the Caribbean Sea andthe North Atlantic Ocean, east of Haiti. (NCI)Dominican RepublicC16274 DZA ALGERIA A country in Northern Africa, bordering theMediterranean Sea, between Morocco and Tunisia.(NCI)C16528 ECU ECUADOR A country in Western South America, bordering thePacific Ocean at the Equator, between Colombia andPeru. (NCI)C16530 EGY EGYPT A country in Northern Africa, bordering theMediterranean Sea, between Libya and the Gaza Strip.(NCI)C16558 ERI ERITREA A country in Eastern Africa, bordering the Red Sea,between Djibouti and Sudan. (NCI)AlgeriaEcuadorEgyptEritreaC20113 ESH WESTERNSAHARAA country in Northern Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean, between Mauritania and Morocco.(NCI)Western SaharaC17152 ESP SPAIN A country in Southwestern Europe, bordering the Bayof Biscay, Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean,and Pyrenees Mountains, southwest of France. (NCI)C16562 EST ESTONIA A country in Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Seaand Gulf of Finland, between Latvia and Russia. (NCI)SpainEstoniaC16563 ETH ETHIOPIA A country in Eastern Africa, west of Somalia. (NCI) EthiopiaC16584 FIN FINLAND A country in Northern Europe, bordering the BalticSea, Gulf of Bothnia, and Gulf of Finland, betweenSweden and Russia. (NCI)C16582 FJI FIJI An island group in the South Pacific Ocean, abouttwo-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand.(NCI)FinlandFijiC17954 FLK FALKLANDISLANDSIslands in the South Atlantic Ocean, east of southernArgentina. (NCI)Falkland Islands (Malvinas)Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 23 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16592 FRA FRANCE A country in Western Europe, bordering the Bay ofBiscay and English Channel, between Belgium andSpain, southeast of the UK; bordering theMediterranean Sea, between Italy and Spain. (NCI)FranceC16573 FRO FAROEISLANDSC17881 FSM MICRONESIA,FEDERATEDSTATES OFAn island group between the Norwegian Sea and theNorth Atlantic Ocean, about one-half of the way fromIceland to Norway. (NCI)An island group in the North Pacific Ocean, aboutthree-quarters of the way from Hawaii to Indonesia.(NCI)Faroe IslandsMicronesia, Federated States ofC16596 GAB GABON A country in Western Africa, bordering the AtlanticOcean at the Equator, between Republic of the Congoand Equatorial Guinea. (NCI)GabonC17233 GBR UNITEDKINGDOMA country in Western Europe, comprising islands,including the northern one-sixth of the island ofIreland, between the North Atlantic Ocean and theNorth Sea, northwest of France. (NCI)United KingdomC16634 GEO GEORGIA A country in Southwestern Asia, bordering the BlackSea, between Turkey and Russia. (NCI)C64375 GGY GUERNSEY The island of Guernsey and the other Channel Islandsrepresent the last remnants of the medieval Dukedomof Normandy, which held sway in both France andEngland. Guernsey is a British crown dependency, butis not part of the UK. (NCI)C26330 GHA GHANA A country in Western Africa, bordering the Gulf ofGuinea, between Cote d'Ivoire and Togo. (NCI)C16638 GIB GIBRALTAR A dependency in Southwestern Europe, bordering theStrait of Gibraltar, on the southern coast of Spain.(NCI)C16655 GIN GUINEA A country in Western Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean, between Guinea-Bissau and SierraLeone. (NCI)C16651 GLP GUADELOUPE Islands in the eastern Caribbean Sea, southeast ofPuerto Rico. (NCI)C16598 GMB GAMBIA A country in Western Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean and Senegal. (NCI)GeorgiaGuernseyGhanaGibraltarGuineaGuadeloupeGambiaC16656 GNB GUINEA-BISSAUC16557 GNQ EQUATORIALGUINEAA country in Western Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean, between Guinea and Senegal. (NCI)A country in Western Africa, bordering the Bight ofBiafra, between Cameroon and Gabon; composed of amainland portion and five inhabited islands. (NCI)Guinea-BissauEquatorial GuineaC16645 GRC GREECE A country in Southern Europe, bordering the AegeanSea, Ionian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, betweenAlbania and Turkey. (NCI)C16647 GRD GRENADA An island between the Caribbean Sea and AtlanticOcean, north of Trinidad and Tobago. (NCI)C16646 GRL GREENLAND An island between the Arctic Ocean and the NorthAtlantic Ocean, northeast of Canada. (NCI)GreeceGrenadaGreenlandSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 24 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16654 GTM GUATEMALA A country in Central America, bordering the CaribbeanSea, between Honduras and Belize and bordering theNorth Pacific Ocean, between El Salvador and Mexico.(NCI)GuatemalaC16593 GUF FRENCHGUIANAA country in Northern South America, bordering theNorth Atlantic Ocean, between Brazil and Suriname.(NCI)French GuianaC16652 GUM GUAM Island in the North Pacific Ocean, about three-quartersof the way from Hawaii to the Philippines. (NCI)C16657 GUY GUYANA A country in Northern South America, bordering theNorth Atlantic Ocean, between Suriname andVenezuela. (NCI)C16695 HKG HONG KONG A special administrative region of China, bordering theSouth China Sea and China. (NCI)GuamGuyanaHong KongC20106 HMD HEARD ISLANDANDMCDONALDISLANDSIslands in the Indian Ocean, about two-thirds of the wayfrom Madagascar to Antarctica. (NCI)Heard Island and McDonald IslandsC16694 HND HONDURAS A country in Central America, bordering the CaribbeanSea, between Guatemala and Nicaragua and borderingthe North Pacific Ocean, between El Salvador andNicaragua. (NCI)C16474 HRV CROATIA A country in Southeastern Europe, bordering theAdriatic Sea, between Bosnia and Herzegovina andSlovenia. (NCI)C16660 HTI HAITI A country comprising the western one-third of theisland of Hispaniola, between the Caribbean Sea andthe North Atlantic Ocean, west of the DominicanRepublic. (NCI)C16699 HUN HUNGARY A country in Central Europe, northwest of Romania.(NCI)C16728 IDN INDONESIA A country in Southeastern Asia, comprising thearchipelago between the Indian Ocean and the PacificOcean. (NCI)C44480 IMN ISLE OF MAN An island in the Irish Sea, between Great Britain andIreland. (NCI)C16727 IND INDIA A country in Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Seaand the Bay of Bengal, between Burma and Pakistan.(NCI)C16365 IOT BRITISHINDIAN OCEANTERRITORYAn archipelago in the Indian Ocean, about one-half theway from Africa to Indonesia. (NCI)C16757 IRL IRELAND A country in Western Europe, occupying five-sixths ofthe island of Ireland in the North Atlantic Ocean, westof Great Britain. (NCI)C16755 IRN IRAN A country in the Middle East, bordering the Gulf ofOman, the Persian Gulf, and the Caspian Sea, betweenIraq and Pakistan. (NCI)HondurasCroatiaHaitiHungaryIndonesiaIsle of ManIndiaBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryIrelandIran, Islamic Republic ofSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 25 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16756 IRQ IRAQ A country in the Middle East, bordering the PersianGulf, between Iran and Kuwait. (NCI)C16704 ISL ICELAND A country in Northern Europe, island between theGreenland Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, northwestof the UK. (NCI)C16760 ISR ISRAEL A country in the Middle East, bordering theMediterranean Sea, between Egypt and Lebanon. (NCI)C16761 ITA ITALY A country in Southern Europe, occupying a peninsulaextending into the central Mediterranean Sea,northeast of Tunisia. (NCI)IraqIcelandIsraelItalyC16763 JAM JAMAICA An island in the Caribbean Sea, south of Cuba. (NCI) JamaicaC64374 JEY JERSEY Jersey and the other Channel Islands represent the lastremnants of the medieval Dukedom of Normandy thatheld sway in both France and England. Jersey is aBritish crown dependency, but is not part of the UK.(NCI)C16765 JOR JORDAN A country in the Middle East, northwest of SaudiArabia. (NCI)C16764 JPN JAPAN A country in Eastern Asia, occupying an island chainbetween the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan,east of the Korean Peninsula. (NCI)JerseyJordanJapanC20107 KAZ KAZAKHSTAN A country in Central Asia, northwest of China. (NCI) KazakhstanC16769 KEN KENYA A country in Eastern Africa, bordering the IndianOcean, between Somalia and Tanzania. (NCI)KenyaC16771 KGZ KYRGYZSTAN A country in Central Asia, west of China. (NCI) KyrgyzstanC16378 KHM CAMBODIA A country in Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf ofThailand, between Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. (NCI)C16639 KIR KIRIBATI A group of 33 coral atolls in the Pacific Ocean,straddling the equator; the capital Tarawa is aboutone-half of the way from Hawaii to Australia. (NCI)CambodiaKiribatiC17885 KNA SAINT KITTSAND NEVISIslands in the Caribbean Sea, about one-third of theway from Puerto Rico to Trinidad and Tobago. (NCI)Saint Kitts and NevisC16774 KOR SOUTH KOREA A country in Eastern Asia, occupying the southern halfof the Korean Peninsula, bordering the Sea of Japanand the Yellow Sea. (NCI)C16775 KWT KUWAIT A country in the Middle East, bordering the PersianGulf, between Iraq and Saudi Arabia. (NCI)Korea, Republic ofKuwaitC16780 LAO LAO PEOPLE'SDEMOCRATICREPUBLICA country in Southeastern Asia, northeast of Thailand,west of Vietnam. (NCI)Lao People's Democratic RepublicC16784 LBN LEBANON A country in the Middle East, bordering theMediterranean Sea, between Israel and Syria. (NCI)C16791 LBR LIBERIA A country in Western Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean, between Cote d'Ivoire and SierraLeone. (NCI)LebanonLiberiaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 26 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16793 LBY LIBYAN ARABJAMAHIRIYAA country in Northern Africa, bordering theMediterranean Sea, between Egypt and Tunisia. (NCI)Libyan Arab JamahiriyaC17113 LCA SAINT LUCIA A country in the Caribbean, occupying an islandbetween the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean,north of Trinidad and Tobago. (NCI)Saint LuciaC16794 LIE LIECHTENSTEINA country in Central Europe, between Austria andSwitzerland. (NCI)LiechtensteinC17163 LKA SRI LANKA A country in Southern Asia, occupying an island in theIndian Ocean, south of India. (NCI)C16787 LSO LESOTHO A country in Southern Africa, an enclave of SouthAfrica. (NCI)C16799 LTU LITHUANIA A country in Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea,between Latvia and Russia. (NCI)C16803 LUX LUXEMBOURG A country in Western Europe, between France,Belgium, and Germany. (NCI)C16783 LVA LATVIA A country in Eastern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea,between Estonia and Lithuania. (NCI)C16807 MAC MACAO A country in Eastern Asia, bordering the South ChinaSea and China. (NCI)Sri LankaLesothoLithuaniaLuxembourgLatviaMacaoC83610 MAF SAINT MARTIN,FRENCHAn island in the Caribbean sea, between Anguilla andSaint Barthelemy. (NCI)Saint Martin, FrenchC16878 MAR MOROCCO A country in Northern Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, betweenAlgeria and Western Sahara. (NCI)C16874 MCO MONACO A country in Western Europe, bordering theMediterranean Sea on the southern coast of France,near the border with Italy. (NCI)MoroccoMonacoC16871 MDA MOLDOVA,REPUBLIC OFA country in Eastern Europe, northeast of Romania.(NCI)Moldova, Republic ofC168<strong>08</strong> MDG MADAGASCAR A country in Southern Africa, occupying an island inthe Indian Ocean, east of Mozambique. (NCI)C16815 MDV MALDIVES A country in Southern Asia, occupying a group ofatolls in the Indian Ocean, south-southwest of India.(NCI)C16850 MEX MEXICO A country in Central America, bordering the CaribbeanSea and the Gulf of Mexico, between Belize and theUS and bordering the North Pacific Ocean, betweenGuatemala and the US. (NCI)MadagascarMaldivesMexicoC16822 MHL MARSHALLISLANDSC17654 MKD REPUBLIC OFMACEDONIAA group of atolls and reefs in the North Pacific Ocean,about one-half of the way from Hawaii to Australia.(NCI)A country in Southeastern Europe, north of Greece.(NCI)Marshall IslandsMacedonia, the Former YugoslavRepublic ofC16816 MLI MALI A country in Western Africa, southwest of Algeria.(NCI)MaliSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 27 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16817 MLT MALTA A country in Southern Europe, occupying islands in theMediterranean Sea, south of Sicily (Italy). (NCI)C16370 MMR MYANMAR A country in Southeastern Asia, bordering theAndaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, betweenBangladesh and Thailand. (NCI)C64378 MNE MONTENEGRO A republic in Southeastern Europe, bordering theAdriatic Sea, between Albania and Bosnia andHerzegovina. Formerly part of Serbia and Montenegro(Federation Republic of Yugoslavia). (NCI)C16875 MNG MONGOLIA A country in Northern Asia, between China and Russia.(NCI)MaltaMyanmarMontenegroMongoliaC17882 MNP NORTHERNMARIANAISLANDSA country in the Pacific, comprising islands in theNorth Pacific Ocean, about three-quarters of the wayfrom Hawaii to the Philippines. (NCI)Northern Mariana IslandsC16882 MOZ MOZAMBIQUE A country in Southern Africa, bordering theMozambique Channel, between South Africa andTanzania. (NCI)C16826 MRT MAURITANIA A country in Northern Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean, between Senegal and Western Sahara.(NCI)C16876 MSR MONTSERRAT A country in the Caribbean, occupying an island in theCaribbean Sea, southeast of Puerto Rico. (NCI)C16823 MTQ MARTINIQUE An island in the Caribbean Sea, north of Trinidad andTobago. (NCI)C16827 MUS MAURITIUS A country in Southern Africa, occupying an island inthe Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar. (NCI)MozambiqueMauritaniaMontserratMartiniqueMauritiusC16813 MWI MALAWI A country in Southern Africa, east of Zambia. (NCI) MalawiC16814 MYS MALAYSIA A country in Southeastern Asia, occupying a peninsulaand the northern one-third of the island of Borneo,bordering Indonesia and the South China Sea, south ofVietnam. (NCI)C16828 MYT MAYOTTE A country in Southern Africa, occupying an island inthe Mozambique Channel, about one-half of the wayfrom northern Madagascar to northern Mozambique.(NCI)C16891 NAM NAMIBIA A country in Southern Africa, bordering the SouthAtlantic Ocean, between Angola and South Africa.(NCI)MalaysiaMayotteNamibiaC16913 NCL NEWCALEDONIAA country in the Pacific, comprised of islands in theSouth Pacific Ocean, east of Australia. (NCI)New CaledoniaC16916 NER NIGER A country in Western Africa, southeast of Algeria.(NCI)NigerC16919 NFK NORFOLKISLANDA country in the Pacific, occupying an island in theSouth Pacific Ocean, east of Australia. (NCI)Norfolk IslandC16917 NGA NIGERIA A country in Western Africa, bordering the Gulf ofGuinea, between Benin and Cameroon. (NCI)NigeriaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 28 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16915 NIC NICARAGUA A country in Central America, bordering both theCaribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, betweenCosta Rica and Honduras. (NCI)C16918 NIU NIUE A country in the Pacific, occupying an island in theSouth Pacific Ocean, east of Tonga. (NCI)C16903 NLD NETHERLANDS A country in Western Europe, bordering the North Sea,between Belgium and Germany. (NCI)C16920 NOR NORWAY A country in Northern Europe, bordering the North Seaand the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Sweden. (NCI)C16901 NPL NEPAL A country in Southern Asia, between China and India.(NCI)C16896 NRU NAURU A country in Oceania, occupying an island in the SouthPacific Ocean, south of the Marshall Islands. (NCI)C16914 NZL NEW ZEALAND A country in the Pacific, comprised of islands in theSouth Pacific Ocean, southeast of Australia. (NCI)C16933 OMN OMAN A country in the Middle East, bordering the ArabianSea, Gulf of Oman, and Persian Gulf, between Yemenand the United Arab Emirates. (NCI)C16949 PAK PAKISTAN A country in Southern Asia, bordering the Arabian Sea,between India on the east and Iran and Afghanistan onthe west and China in the north. (NCI)C16951 PAN PANAMA A country in Central America, bordering both theCaribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, betweenColombia and Costa Rica. (NCI)C16993 PCN PITCAIRN A country in the Pacific, comprised of islands in theSouth Pacific Ocean, about midway between Peru andNew Zealand. (NCI)C16972 PER PERU A country in Western South America, bordering theSouth Pacific Ocean, between Chile and Ecuador.(NCI)C16978 PHL PHILIPPINES A country in Southeastern Asia, comprised of anarchipelago between the Philippine Sea and the SouthChina Sea, east of Vietnam. (NCI)C17733 PLW PALAU A country in the Pacific, comprising a group of islandsin the North Pacific Ocean, southeast of thePhilippines. (NCI)NicaraguaNiueNetherlandsNorwayNepalNauruNew ZealandOmanPakistanPanamaPitcairnPeruPhilippinesPalauC16952 PNG PAPUA NEWGUINEAA country in Southeastern Asia, comprising a group ofislands and including the eastern half of the island ofNew Guinea, between the Coral Sea and the SouthPacific Ocean, east of Indonesia. (NCI)Papua New GuineaC17002 POL POLAND A country in Central Europe, east of Germany. (NCI) PolandC17043 PRI PUERTO RICO An island between the Caribbean Sea and the NorthAtlantic Ocean, east of the Dominican Republic. (NCI)C16773 PRK NORTH KOREA A country in Eastern Asia, occupying the northern halfof the Korean Peninsula, bordering the Korea Bay andthe Sea of Japan, between China and South Korea.(NCI)Puerto RicoKorea, Democratic People'sRepublic ofSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 29 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC17006 PRT PORTUGAL A country in Southwestern Europe, bordering theNorth Atlantic Ocean, west of Spain. (NCI)C16953 PRY PARAGUAY A country in Central South America, northeast ofArgentina. (NCI)PortugalParaguayC20110 PSE PALESTINIANTERRITORY,OCCUPIEDC16594 PYF FRENCHPOLYNESIAA collective name for the West Bank and the GazaStrip, two territories in Palestine. (NCI)An archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, aboutone-half of the way from South America to Australia.(NCI)Palestinian Territory, OccupiedFrench PolynesiaC17045 QAT QATAR A country in the Middle East, occupying a peninsulabordering the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia. (NCI)C17095 REU REUNION A country in Southern Africa, occupying an island inthe Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar. (NCI)C171<strong>08</strong> ROU ROMANIA A country in Southeastern Europe, bordering the BlackSea, between Bulgaria and Ukraine. (NCI)QatarReunionRomaniaC17111 RUS RUSSIANFEDERATIONA country in Northern Asia (that part west of the Uralsis sometimes included with Europe), bordering theArctic Ocean, between Europe and the North PacificOcean. (NCI)Russian FederationC17112 RWA RWANDA A country in Central Africa, east of DemocraticRepublic of the Congo. (NCI)C17117 SAU SAUDI ARABIA A country in the Middle East, bordering the PersianGulf and the Red Sea, north of Yemen. (NCI)C17170 SDN SUDAN A country in Northern Africa, bordering the Red Sea,between Egypt and Eritrea. (NCI)C17121 SEN SENEGAL A country in Western Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean, between Guinea-Bissau andMauritania. (NCI)C17134 SGP SINGAPORE A country in Southeastern Asia, comprised of islandsbetween Malaysia and Indonesia. (NCI)RwandaSaudi ArabiaSudanSenegalSingaporeC20111 SGS SOUTHGEORGIA ANDTHE SOUTHSANDWICHISLANDSA group of islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, east ofthe tip of South America. (NCI)South Georgia and the SouthSandwich IslandsC17164 SHN SAINT HELENA Islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, about midwaybetween South America and Africa. (NCI)Saint HelenaC17178 SJM SVALBARDAND JANMAYENC17148 SLB SOLOMONISLANDSIslands between the Arctic Ocean, Barents Sea,Greenland Sea, and Norwegian Sea, northeast ofIceland and north of Norway. (NCI)A group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, east ofPapua New Guinea. (NCI)Svalbard and Jan MayenSolomon IslandsC17130 SLE SIERRA LEONE A country in Western Africa, bordering the NorthAtlantic Ocean, between Guinea and Liberia. (NCI)Sierra LeoneSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 30 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16532 SLV EL SALVADOR A country in Central America, bordering the NorthPacific Ocean, between Guatemala and Honduras.(NCI)C17115 SMR SAN MARINO A country in Southern Europe, an enclave in centralItaly. (NCI)C17149 SOM SOMALIA A country in Eastern Africa, bordering the Gulf ofAden and the Indian Ocean, east of Ethiopia. (NCI)El SalvadorSan MarinoSomaliaC17165 SPM SAINT PIERREANDMIQUELONA country in Northern North America, comprised ofislands in the North Atlantic Ocean, south ofNewfoundland (Canada). (NCI)Saint Pierre and MiquelonC64377 SRB SERBIA A republic in Southeastern Europe, bordering theAdriatic Sea, between Albania and Bosnia andHerzegovina. Formerly part of Serbia and Montenegro(Federation Republic of Yugoslavia). (NCI)C97351 SSD South Sudan A northeastern African country located in the Sahelregion and bordered by Sudan in the north, Uganda andKenya in the south and Ethiopia in the west. (NCI)SerbiaSouth SudanC17116 STP SAO TOMEAND PRINCIPEA country in Western Africa, comprised of islands inthe Gulf of Guinea, straddling the Equator, west ofGabon. (NCI)Sao Tome and PrincipeC17175 SUR SURINAME A country in Northern South America, bordering theNorth Atlantic Ocean, between French Guiana andGuyana. (NCI)SurinameC17669 SVK SLOVAKIA A country in Central Europe, south of Poland. (NCI) SlovakiaC17138 SVN SLOVENIA A country in Central Europe, bordering the AdriaticSea, between Austria and Croatia. (NCI)C17180 SWE SWEDEN A country in Northern Europe, bordering the BalticSea, Gulf of Bothnia, Kattegat, and Skagerrak, betweenFinland and Norway. (NCI)C17179 SWZ SWAZILAND A country in Southern Africa, between Mozambiqueand South Africa. (NCI)C101226 SXM SINT MAARTEN(DUTCH)The southern portion of an island in the Caribbean sea,between Anguilla and Saint Barthelemy. (NCI)C17129 SYC SEYCHELLES A country in Eastern Africa, comprised of a group ofislands in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar.(NCI)SloveniaSwedenSwazilandSint Maarten (Dutch Part)SeychellesC17182 SYR SYRIAN ARABREPUBLICC17224 TCA TURKS ANDCAICOSISLANDSA country in the Middle East, bordering theMediterranean Sea, between Lebanon and Turkey.(NCI)Two island groups in the North Atlantic Ocean,southeast of The Bahamas. (NCI)Syrian Arab RepublicTurks and Caicos IslandsC16412 TCD CHAD A country in Central Africa, south of Libya. (NCI) ChadC17202 TGO TOGO A country in Western Africa, bordering the Bight ofBenin, between Benin and Ghana. (NCI)TogoSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 31 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC17192 THA THAILAND A country in Southeastern Asia, bordering theAndaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, southeast ofBurma. (NCI)ThailandC17183 TJK TAJIKISTAN A country in Central Asia, west of China. (NCI) TajikistanC17704 TKL TOKELAU A group of three atolls in the South Pacific Ocean,about one-half of the way from Hawaii to NewZealand. (NCI)TokelauC17223 TKM TURKMENISTANA country in Central Asia, bordering the Caspian Sea,between Iran and Kazakhstan. (NCI)TurkmenistanC17200 TLS TIMOR-LESTE A country in Southeastern Asia, northwest of Australiain the Lesser Sunda Islands at the eastern end of theIndonesian archipelago. East Timor includes theeastern half of the island of Timor, the Oecussi(Ambeno) region on the northwest portion of theisland of Timor, and the islands of Pulau Atauro andPulau Jaco. (NCI)C17205 TON TONGA An archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, abouttwo-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand.(NCI)Timor-LesteTongaC17217 TTO TRINIDAD ANDTOBAGOIslands between the Caribbean Sea and the NorthAtlantic Ocean, northeast of Venezuela. (NCI)Trinidad and TobagoC17221 TUN TUNISIA A country in Northern Africa, bordering theMediterranean Sea, between Algeria and Libya. (NCI)C17222 TUR TURKEY A country in southeastern Europe and southwesternAsia (that portion of Turkey west of the Bosporus isgeographically part of Europe), bordering the BlackSea, between Bulgaria and Georgia, and bordering theAegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, betweenGreece and Syria. (NCI)C17225 TUV TUVALU An island group consisting of nine coral atolls in theSouth Pacific Ocean, about one-half of the way fromHawaii to Australia. (NCI)C17184 TWN TAIWAN A group of islands bordering the East China Sea,Philippine Sea, South China Sea, and Taiwan Strait,north of the Philippines, off the southeastern coast ofChina. (NCI)TunisiaTurkeyTuvaluTaiwan, Province of ChinaC17185 TZA TANZANIA,UNITEDREPUBLIC OFA country in Eastern Africa, bordering the IndianOcean, between Kenya and Mozambique. (NCI)Tanzania, United Republic ofC17228 UGA UGANDA A country in Eastern Africa, west of Kenya. (NCI) UgandaC17229 UKR UKRAINE A country in Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea,between Poland and Russia. (NCI)UkraineC20112 UMI UNITEDSTATES MINOROUTLYINGISLANDSThe U.S. Minor Outlying Islands consist of BakerIsland, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll,Kingman Reef, Midway Island, Navassa Island, PalmyraAtoll, and Wake Island (Wake Atoll). (NCI)United States Minor Outlying IslandsC17244 URY URUGUAY A country in Southern South America, bordering theSouth Atlantic Ocean, between Argentina and Brazil.(NCI)UruguaySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 32 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66786 - COUNTRY - CountryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC17234 USA UNITEDSTATESA country in North America, bordering both the NorthAtlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean, betweenCanada and Mexico. (NCI)United StatesC17246 UZB UZBEKISTAN A country in Central Asia, north of Afghanistan. (NCI) UzbekistanC17249 VAT VATICAN CITYSTATEC17114 VCT SAINTVINCENT ANDTHEGRENADINESAn enclave of Rome (Italy). (NCI)A country in the Caribbean, comprised of islands in theCaribbean Sea, north of Trinidad and Tobago. (NCI)Holy See (Vatican City State)Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesC17250 VEN VENEZUELA A country in Northern South America, bordering theCaribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, betweenColombia and Guyana. (NCI)VenezuelaC17653 VGB VIRGINISLANDS,BRITISHC17255 VIR VIRGINISLANDS, U.S.Islands between the Caribbean Sea and the NorthAtlantic Ocean, east of Puerto Rico. (NCI)Islands between the Caribbean Sea and the NorthAtlantic Ocean, east of Puerto Rico. (NCI)Virgin Islands, BritishVirgin Islands, U.S.C17252 VNM VIETNAM A country in Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf ofThailand, Gulf of Tonkin, and South China Sea,alongside China, Laos, and Cambodia. (NCI)C17247 VUT VANUATU A group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, aboutthree-quarters of the way from Hawaii to Australia.(NCI)Viet NamVanuatuC17259 WLF WALLIS ANDFUTUNAIslands in the South Pacific Ocean, about two-thirds ofthe way from Hawaii to New Zealand. (NCI)Wallis and FutunaC17740 WSM SAMOA A group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, aboutone-half of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand.(NCI)C17264 YEM YEMEN A country in the Middle East, bordering the ArabianSea, Gulf of Aden, and Red Sea, between Oman andSaudi Arabia. (NCI)C17151 ZAF SOUTH AFRICA A country in Southern Africa, at the southern tip of thecontinent of Africa. (NCI)SamoaYemenSouth AfricaC17267 ZMB ZAMBIA A country in Southern Africa, east of Angola. (NCI) ZambiaC17268 ZWE ZIMBABWE A country in Southern Africa, between South Africaand Zambia. (NCI)ZimbabweSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 33 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101840 - CRYDFMAN - Cardiac Rhythm Device Failure ManifestationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99921ATRIAL PACINGMALFUNCTIONThe cardiac rhythm device malfunction affected atrialpacing.Cardiac Atrial Pacing MalfunctionC99923DEFIBRILLATIONMALFUNCTIONThe cardiac rhythm device malfunction affected thedefibrillator.Cardiac Defibrillator MalfunctionC99973LEFT VENTRICULARPACING MALFUNCTIONThe cardiac rhythm device malfunction affected theleft ventricular (LV) pacing.Left Cardiac Ventricular PacingMalfunctionC100011RIGHT VENTRICULARPACING MALFUNCTIONThe cardiac rhythm device malfunction affected theright ventricular (RV) pacing.Right Cardiac Ventricle PacingMalfunctionSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 34 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101841 - CSLVLNIM - Reason CS/LV Lead Not ImplantedCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100025Could Not Obtain AcceptablePacing ThresholdsThe coronary sinus/left ventricular lead was notimplanted because the operator was unable to obtainacceptable pacing thresholds.Unable to Obtain Acceptable PacingThresholdsC99933Lead Position Results inUndesirable Stimulation of theDiaphragmThe coronary sinus/left ventricular lead was notimplanted because the lead position resulted inundesirable stimulation of the diaphragm.Cardiac Lead Position Results inUndesirable Stimulation ofDiaphragmC100007 Previously Implanted The coronary sinus/left ventricular lead was notimplanted because a lead had been previouslyimplanted.Previously Implanted Cardiac LeadC100026Unable to Obtain SatisfactoryCoronary Sinus AccessThe coronary sinus/left ventricular lead was notimplanted because the operator was unable to obtainsatisfactory coronary sinus access.Unable to Obtain SatisfactoryCoronary Sinus AccessC100027Unable to Obtain SatisfactoryVascular AccessThe coronary sinus/left ventricular lead was notimplanted because the operator was unable to obtainsatisfactory vascular access.Unable to Obtain SatisfactoryVascular AccessC100028Unable to Position Lead Dueto Coronary Sinus DissectionThe coronary sinus/left ventricular lead was notimplanted because the coronary sinus was dissected.Unable to Position Lead Due toCoronary Sinus DissectionC100029Unable to Position Lead inTributary Vein of CoronarySinusThe coronary sinus/left ventricular lead was notimplanted because the operator was unable to positionthe lead in the tributary vein of the coronary sinus.Unable to Position Lead In tributaryVein of Coronary SinusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 35 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101842 - CVEXAM - Cardiovascular Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102244Cardiac Valvular RegurgitationSeverityCardiac ValvularRegurgitationSeverityThe qualitative measurement of the severity of cardiacvalvular regurgitation.Cardiac Valvular RegurgitationSeverityC102245Cardiac Valvular StenosisSeverityCardiac ValvularStenosis SeverityThe qualitative measurement of the severity of cardiacvalvular stenosis.Cardiac Valvular Stenosis SeverityC100<strong>08</strong>6 Coronary Artery Dominance Coronary ArteryDominance;CoronaryAnatomyDominanceThe contribution of blood supply from the right or leftvessel system to the posterior descending artery.(ACC)Coronary Artery DominanceC80494Ischemic MyocardiumPercentageIschemicMyocardiumPercentageThe percentage of myocardial tissue which exhibitscharacteristics of inadequate blood flow (ischemia).Ischemic Myocardium PercentageC99970 Left Atrium Dimension Left AtriumDimensionThe diameter across the left atrium measured at theend of systole.Left Atrium DimensionC99976Left Ventricle Dimension,End-DiastoleLeft VentricleDimension,End-DiastoleThe diameter across the ventricle at the end ofdiastole, excluding the thickness of the walls.Left Ventricle Dimension atEnd-DiastoleC99977Left Ventricular Dimension,End-SystoleLeft VentricularDimension,End-SystoleThe diameter across the ventricle at the end of systole,excluding the thickness of the walls.Left Ventricular Dimension atEnd-SystoleC99524Left Ventricular EjectionFractionLeft VentricularEjection FractionThe percent or fraction of the left ventricular enddiastolic volume ejected in systole. The leftventricular ejection fraction is equal to the leftventricular stroke volume divided by the leftventricular end diastolic volume.Left Ventricle Ejection FractionC99996Number of Diseased CoronaryVesselsNumber ofDiseasedCoronaryVesselsNumber of major epicardial vessels with greater thanor equal to 70% reduction in diameter or greater thanor equal to 50% reduction in cross-sectional area.Number of Diseased CoronaryArtery VesselsSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 36 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101843 - CVEXAMCD - Cardiovascular Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100<strong>08</strong>6 COARTDOM Coronary ArteryDominance;CoronaryAnatomyDominanceC102244 CVLREGTS Cardiac ValvularRegurgitationSeverityC102245 CVLSTNS Cardiac ValvularStenosis SeverityC80494 ISHMYOP IschemicMyocardiumPercentageC99970 LADMN Left AtriumDimensionC99976 LVDMNED Left VentricleDimension,End-DiastoleC99977 LVDMNES Left VentricularDimension,End-SystoleC99524 LVEF Left VentricularEjection FractionC99996 NUMDCAV Number ofDiseasedCoronaryVesselsThe contribution of blood supply from the right or leftvessel system to the posterior descending artery.(ACC)The qualitative measurement of the severity of cardiacvalvular regurgitation.The qualitative measurement of the severity of cardiacvalvular stenosis.The percentage of myocardial tissue which exhibitscharacteristics of inadequate blood flow (ischemia).The diameter across the left atrium measured at theend of systole.The diameter across the ventricle at the end ofdiastole, excluding the thickness of the walls.The diameter across the ventricle at the end of systole,excluding the thickness of the walls.The percent or fraction of the left ventricular enddiastolic volume ejected in systole. The leftventricular ejection fraction is equal to the leftventricular stroke volume divided by the leftventricular end diastolic volume.Number of major epicardial vessels with greater thanor equal to 70% reduction in diameter or greater thanor equal to 50% reduction in cross-sectional area.Coronary Artery DominanceCardiac Valvular RegurgitationSeverityCardiac Valvular Stenosis SeverityIschemic Myocardium PercentageLeft Atrium DimensionLeft Ventricle Dimension atEnd-DiastoleLeft Ventricular Dimension atEnd-SystoleLeft Ventricle Ejection FractionNumber of Diseased CoronaryArtery VesselsSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 37 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101844 - CVLSTSEV - Cardiac Valvular Stenosis SeverityCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99986MILD CARDIAC VALVESTENOSISThe cardiac valve orifice is abnormally narrow, to amild degree.Mild Cardiac Valve StenosisC99990MODERATE CARDIACVALVE STENOSISThe cardiac valve orifice is abnormally narrow, to amoderate degree.Moderate Cardiac Valve StenosisC99992NO CARDIAC VALVESTENOSISThe cardiac valve orifice is not abnormally narrow.No Cardiac Valve StenosisC100013SEVERE CARDIAC VALVESTENOSISThe cardiac valve orifice is abnormally narrow, to asevere degree.Severe Cardiac Valve StenosisSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 38 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101845 - CVLVRSEV - Cardiac Valvular Regurgitation SeverityCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99985MILD CARDIAC VALVEREGURGITATIONEvidence of mild retrograde blood flow through thevalve(s) of the heart.Mild Cardiac Valve RegurgitationC99989MODERATE CARDIACVALVE REGURGITATIONEvidence of moderate retrograde blood flow throughthe valve(s) of the heart.Moderate Cardiac ValveRegurgitationC99991NO CARDIAC VALVEREGURGITATIONNo evidence of any retrograde blood flow through thevalve(s) in the heart.No Cardiac Valve RegurgitationC100012SEVERE CARDIAC VALVEREGURGITATIONEvidence of severe retrograde blood flow through thevalve(s) of the heart.Severe Cardiac Valve RegurgitationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 39 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101846 - CVPRCIND - Cardiac Procedure IndicationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99919Candidate to Receive CardiacTransplantThe intended recipient of a heart transplant.Candidate to Receive CardiacTransplantC100033Cardiac Arrest/ArrhythmiaEtiology UnknownAn episode of cardiac arrest or arrhythmia where theetiology was unknown.Cardiac Arrest Arrhythmia EtiologyUnknownC34830 Cardiomyopathy A disease of the heart muscle or myocardium proper.Cardiomyopathies may be classified as either primaryor secondary, on the basis of etiology, or on thepathophysiology of the lesion: hypertrophic, dilated,or restrictive.CardiomyopathyC99938 Chronic Total Occlusion A longstanding, complete blockage of a vessel. Chronic Total Occlusion VesselC99947 Donor for Cardiac Transplant The subject contributing a heart for a cardiactransplant.C99949 End of Expected Battery Life The battery that supplies the device has reached the endof its life.Donor for Cardiac TransplantEnd of Expected Battery LifeC100035 Faulty Connector/Header There is a faulty connector/header in the device. Faulty Device Connector HeaderC99943 Generator Malfunction The device has a generator malfunction. Device Generator MalfunctionC99925Generator is Being Replacedat the Time of Lead RevisionA cardiac lead requires revision, at which time thegenerator to the device will be replaced.Cardiac Device Generator is BeingReplaced at Time of Lead RevisionC99961Immediate PercutaneousCoronary Intervention (PCI)for St Elevation MyocardialInfarction (STEMI)An immediate percutaneous coronary intervention isnecessary for a myocardial infarction that presentswith ST segment elevation.Immediate Percutaneous CoronaryIntervention for ST ElevationMyocardial InfarctionC26726 Infection A disorder resulting from the presence and activity ofa microbial, viral, or parasitic agent. It can betransmitted by direct or indirect contact. -- 2003(NCI)C99931 Lead Erosion A cardiac lead has damaged local tissue enough torequire treatment.Infectious DisorderCardiac Lead ErosionC99974Left Ventricular SystolicDysfunctionThe degree of impairment of the left cardiac ventricleto contract efficiently.Left Cardiac Ventricular SystolicDysfunctionC100045 Manufacturer Recall An imperative issued by the manufacturer of a devicethat the device needs to be returned to a designatedsource for repair or replacement.Manufacturer RecallC99980Manufacturer Recognized aRecurring PerformanceFailureThe device manufacturer had recognized a recurrentperformance failure in the device.Manufacturer Recognized aRecurring Performance FailureC99982Medical Condition OrProcedure AffectsImplantation SiteThe medical condition or the procedure affects thedevice implantation site.Medical Condition or ProcedureAffects Implantation SiteC99983Medical Or SurgicalProcedure RequiringRelocation of LeadAn intended medical or surgical procedurenecessitates the relocation of a cardiac lead.Medical or Surgical ProcedureRequiring Relocation of LeadSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 40 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101846 - CVPRCIND - Cardiac Procedure IndicationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99999Percutaneous CoronaryIntervention (PCI) for HighRisk Non-St ElevationMyocardial Infarction OrUnstable AnginaIncludes patients with unstable angina or Non-STEMIwho have high risk features for short-term risk ofdeath or nonfatal MI. High risk features includes atleast one of the following: history of acceleratingtempo of ischemic symptoms in preceding 48 hours;character of pain - prolonged ongoing (greater than 20minutes) rest pain; clinical findings - pulmonaryedema, most likely due to ischemia or new orworsening mitral regurgitation murmur; or S3 or newworsening rales or Hypotension, bradycardia,tachycardia or age greater than 75 years; ECG - anginaat rest with transient ST-segment changes greater than0.5 mm or bundle-branch block, new or presumed newor sustained ventricular tachycardia; cardiacmarkers - NSTEMI patients with elevated cardiac TnT,Tnl, or CK-MB.Percutaneous Coronary Interventionfor High Risk Non-ST ElevationMyocardial Infarction or UnstableAnginaC100001Percutaneous CoronaryIntervention (PCI) for StElevation MyocardialInfarction (STEMI) (StableAfter Successful Full-DoseThrombolytics)A percutaneous coronary intervention is necessary fora myocardial infarction that presents with ST segmentelevation and the subject does not have recurrent orpersistent symptoms, symptoms of heart failure orventricular arrhythmia after a successful dose ofthrombolytic therapy.Percutaneous Coronary Interventionfor ST Elevation MyocardialInfarction - Stable After SuccessfulFull-Dose Thrombolytic TherapyC100000Percutaneous CoronaryIntervention (PCI) for StElevation MyocardialInfarction (STEMI) (Stable,>12 Hrs From SymptomOnset)A percutaneous coronary intervention is necessary fora myocardial infarction that presents with ST segmentelevation and the subject does not have recurrent orpersistent symptoms, symptoms of heart failure orventricular arrhythmia. The presentation is past twelvehours since onset of symptoms.Percutaneous Coronary Interventionfor ST Elevation MyocardialInfarction - Stable - Over 12 HoursFrom Symptom OnsetC100002Percutaneous CoronaryIntervention (PCI) for StElevation MyocardialInfarction (STEMI) (Unstable,>12 Hrs From SymptomOnset)A percutaneous coronary intervention is necessary fora myocardial infarction that presents with ST segmentelevation and the subject has recurrent or persistentsymptoms, symptoms of heart failure or ventriculararrhythmia. The presentation is past twelve hours sinceonset of symptoms.Percutaneous Coronary Interventionfor ST Elevation MyocardialInfarction - Unstable - Over 12Hours From Symptom OnsetC100005 Post-Cardiac Transplant A procedure to evaluate the health of the an individualafter receiving a heart transplant.Post-Cardiac Transplant EvaluationC100006Pre-Operative Evaluation forNon-Cardiovascular SurgeryA procedure to evaluate the health of the cardiacsystem to determine feasibility of a non-cardiacrelated surgical procedure.Pre-Operative Evaluation forNon-Cardiovascular SurgeryC15306 Primary Prevention A procedure performed to avoid the first occurrenceof a disease condition.Primary PreventionC1000<strong>08</strong>Rescue PercutaneousCoronary Intervention (PCI)for St Elevation MyocardialInfarction (STEMI) (AfterFailed Full-DoseThrombolytics)A percutaneous coronary intervention is imperative fora myocardial infarction that presents with ST segmentelevation after an unsatisfactory response to a fulldose of thrombolytic therapy.Rescue Percutaneous CoronaryIntervention for ST ElevationMyocardial Infarction After FailedFull-Dose Thrombolytic TherapyC15712 Secondary Prevention A procedure performed to avoid a subsequentoccurrence of a disease condition.Secondary PreventionC100014Spontaneous SustainedVentricular TachycardiaVentricular tachycardia that occurs withoutprovocation and does not resolve spontaneously.Spontaneous Sustained VentricularTachycardiaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 41 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101846 - CVPRCIND - Cardiac Procedure IndicationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100015Staged Percutaneous CoronaryIntervention (PCI)A subsequent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in aplanned series of procedures, where the first PCIcould have been during a prior admission, or duringthis admission.Staged Percutaneous CoronaryInterventionC100018Syncope with High RiskCharacteristicsA sudden loss of consciousness with loss of posturaltone not related to anesthesia with high riskcharacteristics. High risk characteristics includenon-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, or ischemicheart disease with significant ventricular dysfunction,hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Brugada Syndrome, orLong QT Syndrome.Syncope with High Risk CardiacCharacteristicsC100019Syncope with InducibleVentricular TachycardiaSudden loss of consciousness with loss of posturaltone not related to anesthesia with ventriculartachycardia (VT) that can be induced during anelectrophysiological study.Syncope with Inducible VentricularTachycardiaC17998 Unknown Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)UnknownC100030Upgrade to a Device withAdditional Pacing CapabilitiesA device with additional pacing capabilities isreplacing the current device.Upgrade to Cardiac Device withAdditional Pacing CapabilitiesC50799 Ventricular Fibrillation Ventricular Fibrillation is characterized by rapid,usually more than 300 bpm (cycle length: 180 ms orless), grossly irregular ventricular rhythm with markedvariability in QRS cycle length, morphology, andamplitude.Ventricular FibrillationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 42 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101847 - CVSLDEXT - Coronary Vessel Disease ExtentCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC48658 INDETERMINATE Cannot distinguish between two or more possiblevalues in the current context. (NCI)C99993 NO DISEASE There was less than 50% stenosis (reduction incross-sectional area) in all coronary artery branches.C99997 ONE VESSEL DISEASE There was greater than or equal to 50% stenosis(reduction in cross-sectional area) in one coronaryartery.C100020 THREE VESSEL DISEASE There was greater than or equal to 50% stenosis(reduction in cross-sectional area) in three coronaryarteries (or greater than or equal to 50% stenosis inthe left main coronary artery and greater than or equalto 50% stenosis in the right coronary artery).C100023 TWO VESSEL DISEASE There was greater than or equal to 50% stenosis(reduction in cross-sectional area) in two coronaryarteries (or greater than or equal to 50% stenosis inthe left main coronary artery).C17998 UNKNOWN Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)IndeterminateNo Evidence of Coronary ArteryDiseaseOne Coronary Vessel DiseaseThree Vessel Coronary DiseaseTwo Vessel Coronary DiseaseUnknownSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 43 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78731 - DATEST - Drug Accountability Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC78721 Dispensed Amount DispensedAmountC78722 Returned Amount ReturnedAmountThe quantity of a product that has been dispensed.(NCI)The quantity of a product that has been returned. (NCI)Dispensed AmountReturned AmountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 44 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78732 - DATESTCD - Drug Accountability Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC78721 DISPAMT DispensedAmountC78722 RETAMT ReturnedAmountThe quantity of a product that has been dispensed.(NCI)The quantity of a product that has been returned. (NCI)Dispensed AmountReturned AmountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 45 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101848 - DIABTHPY - Diabetes TherapyCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC15383 DIET A form of therapy which includes dietary approachesand special diets.C2271 INSULIN A synthetic or animal-derived form of insulin used inthe treatment of diabetes mellitus.Special Diet TherapyInsulinC99994 NO TREATMENT No treatment for diabetes. No Treatment for DiabetesC102246 ORAL MEDICATION A pharmacological medication intended foradministration through the mouth.Oral MedicationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 46 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66788 - DICTNAM - Dictionary NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49471 COSTART Coding Symbolsfor a Thesaurusof AdverseReaction TermsC49474 ICD InternationalClassification ofDiseasesC49476 LOINC LogicalObservationIdentifiersNames andCodesC43820 MedDRA MedicalDictionary forRegulatoryActivitiesC53489 SNOMED SystematizedNomenclature ofMedicineC49468 WHOART World HealthOrganizationAdverseReaction TermsC49475 WHODD World HealthOrganizationDrug DictionaryA terminology developed and used by the Food andDrug Administration (FDA) for the coding, filing andretrieving of post marketing adverse reaction reports.(NCI)A system of categories to which morbid entries areassigned according to established criteria. Included isthe entire range of conditions in a manageable numberof categories, grouped to facilitate mortality reporting.It is produced by the World Health Organization (fromICD-10, p1). The Clinical Modifications, produced bythe United States Dept. of Health and Human Services,are larger extensions used for morbidity and generalepidemiological purposes, primarily in the U.S.(MSH2005_2004_10_12)Published by The Regenstrief Institute, the LogicalObservation Identifiers Names and Codes coversclinical and clinical laboratory terminology. (NCI)MedDRA is an international medical terminologydesigned to support the classification, retrieval,presentation, and communication of medicalinformation throughout the medical product regulatorycycle. MedDRA was developed under the auspices ofthe International Conference on Harmonisation ofTechnical Requirements for Registration ofPharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). The MedDRAMaintenance and Support Services Organization(MSSO) holds a contract with the InternationalFederation of Pharmaceutical ManufacturersAssociations (IFPMA) to maintain and support theimplementation of the terminology. (NCI)A multiaxial, hierarchical classification system fordiseases in man developed by the College of AmericanPathologists. (NCI)A terminology implemented by the World HealthOrganization to describe adverse reactions to aprescribed medication or treatment regimen. (NCI)A reference source of drugs and drug associatedinformation maintained by the World HealthOrganization. (NCI)Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction TermCoding SymbolsInternational Classification ofDiseasesLogical Observation IdentifiersNames and CodesMedDRASystematized Nomenclature ofMedicineWorld Health Organization AdverseReaction <strong>Terminology</strong>World Health Organization DrugDictionarySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 47 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C99074 - DIR - DirectionalityCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25231 ANTERIOR Denoting the front portion of the body or a structure. AnteriorC25423 APICAL Relating to or located at the apex. ApicalC90067 BASAL Relating to or located at the lowest portion of astructure.BasalC73851 CAUDAL Toward the tail in a body. CaudalC25445 CENTRAL A point or area that is approximately central withinsome larger region or structure. (NCI)CenterC37936 CRANIAL Toward the head in a body. CranialC25240 DEEP Extending relatively far inward. (NCI) DeepC25237 DISTAL Situated farthest from a point of reference. DistalC45874 DORSAL Pertaining to the back or upper surface of the body. DorsalC90376 DORSOLATERAL Toward the back and side of a body. DorsolateralC90386 FORE Of or involving the front of a main body. (NCI) ForeC90393 HIND Of or involving the back of a main body. (NCI) HindC25353 INFERIOR Pertaining to a point below a given reference point. InferiorC37980 INNER Inside or closer to the inside of the body or object.(NCI)InnerC73705 INTERMEDIATE Located between two points or extremes. IntermediateC25309 LOWER The bottom one of two. (NCI) LowerC25232 MEDIAL Toward the middle or in a limb toward the medianplane.C81170 MIDLINE A medial line, especially the medial line or medialplane of the body (or some part of the body).C38166 OUTER Being on or toward the outside of the body or object.(NCI)C25233 PERIPHERAL On or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary;the outer area. (NCI)MedialMidlineOuterPeripheralC25622 POSTERIOR Denoting the back portion of the body or a structure. PosteriorC25236 PROXIMAL Situated nearest to a point of reference. ProximalC94393 ROSTRAL Toward the muzzle in the head. RostralC25239 SUPERFICIAL Of or pertaining to the exterior surface. (NCI) SuperficialC25235 SUPERIOR Pertaining to a point above a given reference point. SuperiorC25245 SURFACE The extended two-dimensional outer layer or area of athree-dimensional object. (NCI)SurfaceC90069 TIP The pointed end of a structure. TipC25355 UPPER The top one of two. UpperC45875 VENTRAL Pertaining to the front or lower surface of the body. VentralC98798 VENTROLATERAL Of or pertaining to the front and side of a main body.(NCI)VentrolateralSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 48 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101849 - DISCHDX - Discharge DispositionCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC28554 Expired Died The absence of life or state of being dead. (NCI) DeathC99944 Expired in a Medical Facility The patient died while in a medical center such as ahospital, skilled nursing facility (SNF), intermediatecare facility (ICF), or a freestanding hospice center.C99909 Federal Health Care Facility The patient will be admitted to a medical center that isfunded by the federal government (e.g. VeteransAffairs Hospital).Died in a Medical FacilityFederal Health Care FacilityC99959Home Under Care ofOrganized Home HealthService Organization inAnticipation of CoveredSkilled CareThe patient will return home but personal healthmaintenance will be administered and monitored by amember of a healthcare organization that is eligible toreceive Medicare funding.Home Under Care of OrganizedHome Health Service Organization inAnticipation of Covered Skilled CareC99958 Home, Hospice The patient will receive end-of-life care which will beadministered in the patient's home.C99957 Home, Self Care A routine discharge where personal health maintenancewill be administered and monitored by the patient fromtheir home.C99910 Hospice - Medical Facility The patient will receive end-of-life care which will beadministered in a medical center.Home HospiceHome CareHospice Care at Medical FacilityC99960Hospital-basedMedicare-approved Swing BedThe patient will be admitted into a medical center andreceive a type of hospital bed that will be paid for myMedicare.Hospital with Medicare ApprovedSwing BedC99911Inpatient RehabilitationFacility (IRF) IncludingRehabilitation Distinct PartUnits of a HospitalThe patient will be admitted full time into a freestanding rehabilitation center or a rehabilitation centerwithin a general medical facility.Inpatient Rehabilitation FacilityIncluding Rehabilitation distinct PartUnits of a HospitalC102247 Institution Not Defined The patient will be admitted into an alternative facilitynot listed.C99912 Intermediate Care Facility The patient will be admitted into a medical center thatprovides care 24 hours per day.Institution Not DefinedIntermediate Care FacilityC99969Left Against Medical Adviceor Discontinued CareThe patient vacated the medical center or ceasedmedical care contrary to the recommendation of atrained healthcare provider.Left Against Medical AdviceC99984Medicare-certified Long TermCare Hospital (LTCH)The patient will be admitted into a Medicare fundedmedical center for a considerable length of time.Medicare Certified Long Term CareHospitalC99913Nursing Facility CertifiedUnder Medicaid but NotCertified Under MedicareThe patient will be admitted into a medical centerwhich is eligible to receive funding from Medicaid butnot Medicare.Nursing Facility Certified UnderMedicaid but Not Certified UnderMedicareC53536Psychiatric Hospital or aPsychiatric-distinct Part Unitof a HospitalThe patient will be admitted into a free standingmedical facility or a unit within a general medicalfacility used for the treatment of mental healthdisorders.Psychiatric FacilityC102248 Short Term General Hospital The patient will remain in a basic hospital environmentfor a brief time.Short Term General HospitalC99914Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)with Medicare Certification inAnticipation of CoveredSkilled CareThe patient will be admitted into a medical centerequipped with a trained nursing staff that is eligible toreceive Medicare funding.Skilled Nursing Facility withMedicare Certification inAnticipation of Covered Skilled CareSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 49 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102576 - DOBSTLOC - Directly Observed Therapy LocationCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102650 FIELD A setting outside the clinic or a comparable health carefacility, e.g. a doctor's office, the subject's home orworkplace, a school, a public park, or a restaurant.C21541 HEALTH FACILITY The buildings and organizations where healthcareservices are provided.In the FieldHealthcare FacilitySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 50 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66734 - DOMAIN - Domain AbbreviationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49563 AD Analysis Dataset Datasets used for statistical analysis and reporting bythe sponsor. These are submitted in addition to the datatabulation datasets.C49562 AE Adverse Events Adverse events may be captured either as free text or apre-specified list of terms.C49565 AU Autopsy Additional data about deaths, specific to findings fromautopsies.Analysis Dataset DomainAdverse Event DomainAutopsy DomainC95<strong>08</strong>3 BG Body WeightGainBody weight gain is the actual difference between twobody weight measurements for any given interval for asubject. This is most commonly shown as thedifference between two consecutive body weightmeasurements.Body Weight Gain DomainC95<strong>08</strong>4 BH Behavioral This domain captures behavioral testing measurementson individual subjects.Behavioral DomainC49566 BM BoneMeasurementsFindings resulting from evaluations of bone mineraldensity.Bone Measurements DomainC49567 BR Biopsy Findings resulting from biopsies. Biopsy DomainC95<strong>08</strong>5 BW Body Weight This domain captures body weights collected forsubjects during the study and at the end of the study(terminal body weights).C85441 CE Clinical Events A dataset used to capture clinical events of interestthat would not be classified as adverse events.Body Weight DomainClinical Events DomainC95<strong>08</strong>6 CL ClinicalObservationC49568 CM ConcomitantMedsThis domain captures clinical sign informationincluding ophthalmology, physical examination, anddermal examination collected in life while executingthe study.Case report form (CRF) data that captures theConcomitant and Prior Medications/Therapies used bythe subject. Examples are the ConcomitantMedications/Therapies given on an as needed basis andthe usual Background Medications/Therapies given fora condition.Clinical Observation DomainConcomitant Medication DomainC49569 CO Comments The Comments dataset accommodates two sources ofcomments: 1) those collected alongside other data ontopical case report form (CRF) pages such as AdverseEvents and 2) those collected on a separate pagespecifically dedicated to comments.Comment DomainC102605 CV CardiovascularSystem FindingsC49578 DA DrugAccountabilityC49570 DC DiseaseCharacteristicsA domain for physiological findings related to thecardiovascular system, including the heart, bloodvessels and lymphatic vessels.Data regarding the accountability of study drug, such asinformation on the receipt, dispensing, return, andpackaging.Data related to the characteristics of a specific diseasestate under study for a subject.Cardiovascular System FindingsDomainDrug Accountability DomainDisease Characteristics DomainC95<strong>08</strong>7 DD Death Diagnosis This domain captures the diagnosis of the cause ofdeath for a subject.Death Diagnosis DomainC102616 DE Device Events A domain for device-related events. Device Events DomainSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 51 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66734 - DOMAIN - Domain AbbreviationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102618 DI DeviceIdentifiersA domain for the submission of information thatidentifies a specific device unit.Device Identifiers DomainC49572 DM Demographics The Demographics domain includes a set of essentialstandard variables that describe each subject in aclinical study. It is the parent domain for all otherobservations for human clinical subjectsDemographics DomainC102619 DO DevicePropertiesC95<strong>08</strong>8 DP DevelopmentalMilestoneC102620 DR Device toSubjectRelationshipA domain for the characteristics of the device that donot vary over the course of the study.This domain captures the outcome of developmentalmilestone testing during a scheduled period ofobservation.A domain for the linkage of each subject to thedevice(s) to which they may have been exposed.Device Properties DomainDevelopmental Milestone DomainDevice to Subject RelationshipDomainC49576 DS Disposition A subject domain utilized for the submission ofinformation encompassing and representing data,vocabulary or records related to disposition. (NCI)Disposition DomainC102621 DT Device Trackingand DispositionA domain for logistics and disposition informationspecific to a given device.Device Tracking and DispositionDomainC102622 DU Device-In-Use A domain for the findings for the values ofmeasurements and settings that are intentionally set ona device when it is in use. These are characteristics thatexist for the device, and have a specific setting for ause instance.Device-In-Use DomainC49585 DV ProtocolDeviationsThe intent of the domain is to capture protocolviolations and deviations during the course of the studyand will store only those criteria violation by ordeviated from by the subject and not a response to eachviolation or deviation.Protocol Deviations DomainC102617 DX Device Exposure A domain for a subject's exposure to a medical deviceunder study.Device Exposure DomainC102630 ED EndocrineSystem FindingsC49625 EE ElectroencephalogramC49626 EG ElectrocardiogramA domain for physiological findings related to theendocrine system, including the glands and cells thatmake hormones that are released directly into theblood and travel to tissues and organs all over the body.Findings resulting from electroencephalogram (EEG)tests.Findings related to the collection of ECG data,including position of the subject, method ofevaluation, all cycle measurements and all findingsfrom the ECG including an overall interpretation ifcollected or derived.Endocrine System Findings DomainElectroencephalogram DomainElectrocardiogram DomainC49587 EX Exposure The Exposure domain model records the details of asubject's exposure to protocol-specified studytreatment. Study treatment may be any intervention thatis prospectively defined as a test material within astudy, and is typically but not always supplied to thesubject.Exposure DomainSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 52 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66734 - DOMAIN - Domain AbbreviationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85442 FA Findings AboutEvents orInterventionsA dataset used to capture the findings about an event orintervention that cannot be represented within an eventor intervention record or as a supplemental qualifier.Findings About Events orInterventions DomainC95<strong>08</strong>9 FE Fertility This domain captures test results relative to male andfemale fertility.C102637 FF Fetal Findings Fetal examinations and measurements for nonclinicaldevelopmental and reproductive toxicology studies.C49588 FH Family History A subject domain utilized for the submission ofinformation encompassing and representing data,vocabulary or records related to family history. (NCI)C95090 FW Food And Water This domain captures food/water consumption ofanimals in the study. The data in this domain is deriveddata.Fertility DomainFetal Findings DomainFamily History DomainFood and Water ConsumptionDomainC95091 FX Fetal andNeonatalDevelopmentalMorphologyC102640 GI GastrointestinalSystem FindingsC102641 HM HematopoieticSystem FindingsC49589 HU HealthcareResourceUtilizationC95092 IC ImplantationClassificationC61536 IE Inclusion/ExclusionC102651 IG IntegumentarySystem FindingsC102649 IM Immune SystemFindingsThis domain captures observations for fetal and pupmorphological examinations.A domain for physiological findings related to thegastrointestinal system, including the esophagus,stomach, small and large intestine, anus, liver, biliarytract and pancreas.A domain for physiological findings related to thehematopoietic system, including the bone marrow andlymph nodes involved in the production of blood.Healthcare resource utilization data such as subjectvisits to physicians, hospitalizations, and nursing homestays.The Implantation Classification domain provides arecord for each implantation identified for thescheduled cesarean section component of a study.The intent of the domain model is to only collect thosecriteria that cause the subject to be in violation of theinclusion/exclusion criteria not a response to eachcriterion.A domain for physiological findings related to theintegumentary system, including the epidermis,dermis, all of the derivatives of the epidermis, hairs,nails, sudoriferous and sebaceous glands, andmammary glands.A domain for physiological findings related to theimmune system, including the thymus, spleen andtonsils.Fetal and Neonatal DevelopmentalMorphology DomainGastrointestinal System FindingsDomainHematopoietic System FindingsDomainHealthcare Resource UtilizationDomainImplantation Classification DomainInclusion Exclusion DomainIntegumentary System FindingsDomainImmune System Findings DomainC49592 LB Laboratory Data Laboratory test findings including, but is not limited tohematology, clinical chemistry and urinalysis data.This domain does not include microbiology orpharmacokinetic data, which are stored in separatedomains.Laboratory Data DomainSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 53 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66734 - DOMAIN - Domain AbbreviationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC95093 LR Cesarean Sectionand DeliveryLitter ResultsC95094 MA MacroscopicFindingsThis domain captures litter based results in femaleanimals for cesarean section and/or deliverycomponents of a study, including litter survival duringpreweaning.The gross pathology findings recorded at necropsy.Cesarean Section and Delivery LitterResults DomainMacroscopic Findings DomainC49602 MB Microbiology Microbiology specimen findings, including gram stainresults, and organisms found.C49603 MH Medical History The medical history dataset includes the subject's priorhistory at the start of the trial. Examples of subjectmedical history information could include generalmedical history, gynecological history, and primarydiagnosis.Microbiology Specimen DomainMedical History DomainC95095 MI MicroscopicFindingsC102674 MK MusculoskeletalFindings,Connective andSoft TissueFindingsThe histopathology findings and microscopicevaluations recorded.A domain for physiological findings related to thesystem of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, jointsand associated tissues.Microscopic Findings DomainMusculoskeletal Findings,Connective and Soft Tissue FindingsDomainC49604 ML Meal Data Information regarding the subject's meal consumption,such as fluid intake, amounts, form (solid or liquidstate), frequency, etc., typically used forpharmacokinetic analysis.Meal Data DomainC102671 MO MorphologyFindingsC61531 MS MicrobiologySusceptibilityC102677 NV Nervous SystemFindingsC49605 OM OrganMeasurementsA domain relevant to the science of the form andstructure of an organism or of its parts.This includes microbiology susceptibility test results,plus results of any other organism-related tests.A domain for physiological findings related to thenervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, thecranial and spinal nerves, autonomic ganglia andplexuses.Findings from organ measurement evaluations.Morphology Findings DomainMicrobiology Susceptibility DomainNervous System Findings DomainOrgan Measurement DomainC102694 PA Pairing Events Nonclinical pairing records for the fertility componentof a study.Pairing Events DomainC49606 PC PharmacokineticConcentrationConcentrations of drugs/metabolites in fluids ortissues as a function of time.Pharmacokinetic ConcentrationDomainC496<strong>08</strong> PE Physical Exam Findings collected during a physical examination ofthe subject. It has findings that are discovered that arerelated to body systems. Does not include vital signsmeasurements, which are stored in the vital signsdomain.Physical Exam DomainC61529 PG PharmacogenomicsPharmacogenomics findings that initially focus ongenotype and gene expression data.Pharmacogenomics DomainC95097 PM Palpable Masses This domain captures information of any palpablemasses examined during the experimental phase.Palpable Masses DomainSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 54 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66734 - DOMAIN - Domain AbbreviationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49607 PP PharmacokineticParametersPharmacokinetic parameters derived frompharmacokinetic concentration-time (PC) data.Pharmacokinetic Parameters DomainC102700 PR Procedure A domain relevant to an interventional activity that isintended to have diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, orpalliative effects.Procedure DomainC102678 PY NonclinicalPregnancyResultsPregnancy results of female nonclinical subjects.Nonclinical Pregnancy ResultsDomainC49609 QS Questionnaires Questionnaire data may include, but are not limited tothe following: subject reported outcomes, validated ornon-validated questionnaires, and validated ornon-validated diaries (i.e. data with a commontopicality).Questionnaire DomainC95098 RE RespiratorySystem FindingsC102707 RP ReproductiveSystem FindingsA domain for physiological findings related to therespiratory system, including the organs that areinvolved in breathing such as the nose, throat, larynx,trachea, bronchi and lungs.A domain for physiological findings related to themale and female reproductive systems.Respiratory DomainReproductive System FindingsDomainC102722 RS Tumor Response A domain for tumor response evaluations determinedfrom the data in the tumor results domain.Tumor Response DomainC49610 SC SubjectCharacteristicsThe subject characteristics domain is for data notcollected in other domains that is subject-related.Subject Characteristics DomainC49616 SE Subject Element The subject element table describes the actual order ofelements followed by the subject, together with thestart date/time and end date/time for each element.Subject Element DomainC49611 SG Surgery Surgical information. Surgery DomainC95099 SJ Subject Stages The Subject Stages domain captures subject levelnon-treatment related blocks of time known as stages,such as Gestation, Lactation and Premating.Subject Stages DomainC49612 SK Skin Test Findings from diagnostic skin tests. Skin Test DomainC49613 SL SleepPolysomnography DataC49614 ST Stress (Exercise)Test DataFindings from diagnostic sleep tests(polysomnography).Findings from exercise stress tests.Sleep Polysomnography DomainStress Exercise Test Data DomainC49615 SU Substance Use The intent of the domain is to capture substance useinformation that may be used to assess the efficacyand/or safety of therapies that look to mitigate theeffects of chronic substance use.C49617 SV Subject Visits The subject visits table describes the actual start andend data/time for each visit of each individual subject.C49618 TA Trial Arms The trial arms table describes each planned arm in thetrial. An arm is described as an ordered sequence ofelements.Substance Use DomainSubject Visits DomainTrial Arms DomainSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 55 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66734 - DOMAIN - Domain AbbreviationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49619 TE Trial Elements The trial elements table describes the element codethat is unique for each element, the elementdescription, and the rules for starting and ending anelement.C95100 TF Tumor Findings This domain captures the tumor findings of thenonclinical subject.Trial Elements DomainTumor Findings DomainC49620 TI TrialInclusion/ExclusionCriteriaThe trial summary information domain is not subjectoriented. It contains one record for each of theinclusion and exclusion criteria for the trial.Trial Inclusion and ExclusionCriteria DomainC95101 TP Trial Paths The trial paths domain is not subject oriented. Thisdomain provides the complete planned non-treatmentrelated sequences of stages for each path in a study.C53483 TS Trial Summary The trial summary information domain is not subjectoriented. It contains one record for each trial summarycharacteristic.C95102 TT Trial Stages The trial stages domain is not subject oriented. Itcaptures non-treatment related planned blocks of timeknown as stages, such as Gestation, Lactation andPremating.C49621 TV Trial Visits The trial visits table describes the planned order andnumber of visits in the study within each arm.C95103 TX Trial Sets The trial stages domain is not subject oriented. Itcontains one record for each trial set characteristicincluding experimental factors, treatment factors,inherent characteristics, or distinct sponsordesignations.Trial Paths DomainTrial Summary DomainTrial Stages DomainTrial Visits DomainTrial Sets DomainC102726 UR Urinary SystemFindingsA domain for physiological findings related to theurinary tract, including the organs involved in thecreation and excretion of urine such as the kidneys,ureters, bladder and urethra.Urinary System Findings DomainC49622 VS Vital Signs Measurements including but not limited to bloodpressure, temperature, respiration, body surface area,BMI, height and weight.Vital Signs DomainSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 56 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102577 - DRSTAT - Drug Resistance StatusCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102633EXTENSIVE DRUGRESISTANCEXDRResistance to nearly all known drugs, particularly themost efficacious or non-first line drugs, used in thetreatment of a particular disease.Extensively Drug Resistance ProcessC17745MULTIPLE DRUGRESISTANCEMDRSimultaneous resistance to a spectrum of unrelateddrugs following exposure to a single agent.Mechanisms involve expression of multidrug effluxpumps (p-glycoprotein), altered glutathionemetabolism, decreased topoisomerase II activity, andchanges in various cellular proteins.Multidrug ResistanceC85563 SUSCEPTIBLE The growth of microorganisms are inhibited by theusually achievable concentrations of antimicrobialagent when the recommended dosage is used for thesite of infection.Antimicrobial Susceptibility ResultSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 57 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74558 - DSCAT - Category for Disposition EventCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74590 DISPOSITION EVENT DispositionEventThe group of incidents that occur during a clinical trialand describe whether a subject completed the studyepoch or the reason this event did not occur. Thesubject's disposition is often described for each phaseof the study.Protocol Disposition EventC74589 OTHER EVENT Other Event Other important events that occur during a trial but arenot driven by protocol requirements.Protocol EventC74588 PROTOCOL MILESTONE ProtocolMilestoneOccurrences within some epochs that are initiated by aprotocol-specified event. The most common protocolmilestone is "Informed Consent Obtained" whichusually documents the start of the study.Protocol MilestoneSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 58 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102578 - DSSOUT - Disease OutcomeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102600 BACTERIOLOGICAL CURE There are no indicators of bacterial infection in anindividual who previously had an infection.Bacteriological CureC102601BACTERIOLOGICALFAILUREThere are indicators of bacterial infection in theindividual who previously had an infection.Bacteriological FailureC102607 CLINICAL CURE There are no signs or symptoms of disease in theindividual who previously had a disease.C1026<strong>08</strong> CLINICAL FAILURE There are still signs or symptoms of disease in theindividual who previously had an infection.Clinical CureClinical FailureC38155 RECURRENT DISEASE RecurrentDiseaseThe return of a disease after a period of remission.Recurrent DiseaseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 59 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C90013 - EGLEAD - ECG LeadCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC90404 LEAD CM5 A bipolar EKG lead with the right thoracic limbelectrode placed on the manubrium and left thoraciclimb electrode placed at the surface marking of the V5position (just above the 5th interspace in the anterioraxillary line). The left pelvic limb lead acts as a neutraland may be placed anywhere. The C refers to 'clavicle'where it is often placed. (NCI)C90405 LEAD CV5RL A unipolar chest lead used mostly in large animals.Placed on the sixth ICS on the right side of the thoraxalong a line parallel to the level of the point of thehumeralradial joint.C90406 LEAD CV6LL V1 electrode (+) placed in the 6th intercostal space onthe left side of the thorax along a line parallel to thelevel of the point of the humeralradial joint.C90407 LEAD CV6LU V2 electrode (+) placed in the 6th intercostal space onthe left side of the thorax along a line parallel to thelevel of the point of the shoulder. (NCI)C904<strong>08</strong> LEAD I A bipolar electrocardiogram limb lead which recordsthe voltage between the negative electrode on the rightthoracic limb and the positive electrode on the leftthoracic limb. (NCI)C90409 LEAD II A bipolar electrocardiogram limb lead which recordsthe voltage between the negative electrode on the rightthoracic limb and the positive electrode on the leftpelvic limb. (NCI)C90410 LEAD III A bipolar electrocardiogram limb lead which recordsthe voltage between the negative electrode on the leftthoracic limb and the positive electrode on the leftpelvic limb. (NCI)C90412 LEAD V1 A unipolar electrocardiogram lead site; the electrodeis placed at the fourth intercostal space on the anteriorchest wall (between ribs 4 and 5) to the right of thesternal border. In small animals, it is placed at the rightfifth intercostal space near the sternum. (NCI)C90413 LEAD V10 A unipolar chest lead at which the electrode is placedover the dorsal spinous process of 7th thoracicvertebra. (NCI)C90414 LEAD V2 A unipolar electrocardiogram lead site; the electrodeis placed on the anterior chest wall at the fourthintercostal space (between ribs 4 and 5) to the left ofthe sternal border. In small animals it corresponds toV2-V3 where it is placed at the 6th left intercostalspace near the sternum. In large animals it is placedover the 6th rib at the level of the costochondraljunction on the left side of the thorax.C90415 LEAD V3 A unipolar electrocardiogram lead site; the electrodeis placed on the anterior chest wall midway betweenleads V2 and V4. In large and small animals, it isplaced over the dorsal spinous process of the 7ththoracic vertebra. (NCI)Lead Site CM5Lead Site CV5RLLead Site CV6LLLead Site CV6LULead Site ILead Site IILead Site IIILead Site V1Lead Site V10Lead Site V2Lead Site V3Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 60 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C90013 - EGLEAD - ECG LeadCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC90416 LEAD V4 A unipolar electrocardiogram lead site; the electrodeis placed at the fifth intercostal space on the anteriorchest wall (between ribs 5 and 6) at the leftmidclavicular line. In small animals it corresponds toV4-V6 where it is placed at the 6th left intercostalspace near the costochondral junction. In large animalsit is placed over the 6th rib at the level of a horizontalline drawn through the scapulohumeral articulation onthe left side of the thorax. (NCI)C90417 LEAD V5 A unipolar electrocardiogram lead site; the electrodeis placed on the anterior chest wall level with lead V4at the left anterior axillary line. In large animals it isplaced on the sixth ICS on the right side of the thoraxalong a line parallel to the level of the point of theshoulder corresponding to the electrical center of theheart (central terminal). (NCI)C90418 LEAD V6 A unipolar electrocardiogram lead site at which theelectrode is placed on the anterior chest wall levelwith lead V5 at the left midaxillary line .C90403 LEAD aV6 An augmented unipolar lead placed at the sixthintercostal space on the midaxillary line. (NCI)C90360 LEAD aVF An augmented unipolar electrocardiogram limb lead inwhich the positive (red) electrode is situated on theleft pelvic limb and the negative electrode is acombination of the right thoracic limb (white)electrode and the left thoracic limb (black) electrode.Measures the electrical activity of the electrode on theleft pelvic limb.C90361 LEAD aVL An augmented unipolar electrocardiogram limb lead inwhich the positive (black) electrode is situated on theleft thoracic limb and the negative electrode is acombination of the right thoracic limb (white)electrode and the left pelvic limb (red) electrode.Measures the electrical activity of the electrode on theleft thoracic limb. (NCI)C90362 LEAD aVR An augmented unipolar electrocardiogram limb lead inwhich the positive (white) electrode is situated on theright thoracic limb and the negative electrode is acombination of the left thoracic limb (black) electrodeand the left pelvic limb (red) electrode. Measures theelectrical activity of the electrode on the right thoraciclimb. (NCI)C90411 LEAD rV2 A unipolar precordial lead placed at the secondintercostal space to the left of the sternum. (NCI)Lead Site V4Lead Site V5Lead Site V6Lead Site aV6Augmented Vector FootAugmented Vector LeftAugmented Vector RightLead Site rV2Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 61 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71151 - EGMETHOD - ECG Test MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC90349 10 LEAD STANDARD 10 Lead Standard An electrocardiogram lead placement on the subjectusing a ten electrode lead set to synthesize standard 12lead electrocardiograph data to elicit an electrical viewof the heart.10 Lead StandardC71125 12 LEAD 1 LEAD MISSING 12 Lead 1 LeadMissingAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby12 leadpoints are recorded but one standard leadposition is missing therefore requiring a Mortarasource consistency filter. (NCI)12 Lead Placement 1 Lead MissingC71116 12 LEAD CABRERA 12 Lead Cabrera An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement wherebythe display of the 12 standard ECG leads is in anorderly sequence in a single horizontal display of:aVL, I, -aVR, II, aVF, III, V1 to V6. In the Cabreradisplay the limb lead aVR is inverted (-aVR) to obtainthe same positive leftward orientation as the other 5limbs. (NCI)12 Lead Placement CabreraC7112312 LEAD EASI DOWERTRANSFORMATION12 Lead EASIDowerTransformationAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby4 chest electrodes and 1 reference electrode are usedto allow for continuous monitoring at the clinicallevel. This placement creates a 12 lead ECG thatallows the acquisition of simultaneous events in thefrontal, horizontal and sagittal heart planes with thelinear transformation of vectors. This system providesa three-dimensional portrayal of the heart and usesmathematical and fixed coefficients for each lead.(NCI)Lead Placement EASI DowerTransformationC71103 12 LEAD MASON LIKAR 12 Lead MasonLikarAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby12 leadpoints are recorded but the standard leadpositions have been modified for ECG recordingduring exercise. Exercise stress testing requiresmoving the limb electrodes to more central positionson the thorax. The electrodes are placed in bonyprominences close to the bases of the respective limbsin order to avoid skeletal muscle artifact, providestability for recording electrodes and to recordwaveforms similar to the standard limb sites. (NCI)12 Lead Placement Mason LikarC7111012 LEAD MODIFIEDMASON LIKAR12 LeadModified MasonLikarAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby12 leadpoints are recorded but the Mason Likar leadpositions have been modified so that V1 to V6 on thechest are part of a single electrode pad. In addition,lead CM5 is substituted for lead aVR. (NCI)12 Lead Placement Mason LikarModifiedC71114 12 LEAD NON-STANDARD 12 LeadNon-StandardC71112 12 LEAD SINGLE PAD 12 Lead SinglePadAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement wherebythe limb leads are placed on the torso for easier andfaster application in emergency situations. (NCI)An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby12 leadpoints are recorded but the standard leadpositions have been modified so that all leads on thechest are part of a single electrode pad. (NCI)12 Lead Placement Non-Standard12 Lead Placement ChestSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 62 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71151 - EGMETHOD - ECG Test MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71102 12 LEAD STANDARD 12 Lead Standard An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby12 leads are recorded, with each lead representing anelectrical view of the heart. The six leads recorded inthe frontal plane are derived from the placement of 3electrodes (RA or Right Arm, LA, or Left Arm, and LLor Left Leg). These bipolar frontal leads form the basisof Einthoven's triangle, and are represented by leads I,II, and III. Three other derived (or augmented) bipolarfrontal vectors are also recorded on a standard 12-leadEKG, aVR, aVF, and aVL. 6 unipolar leads,corresponding to V1 - V6 measure the electricalactivity in the horizontal plane. The placement for theV leads is as follows: V1: right 4th intercostalspace,V2: left 4th intercostal space, V3: halfwaybetween V2 and V4, V4: left 5th intercostal space,mid-clavicular line, V5: horizontal to V4, anterioraxillary line, V6: horizontal to V5, mid-axillary line.(NCI)12 Lead Placement StandardC71101 12 LEAD UNSPECIFIED 12 LeadUnspecifiedAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby12 leadpoints are recorded but the position of theleads is unspecified. (NCI)12 Lead Placement UnspecifiedC90350 6 LEAD STANDARD 6 Lead Standard An electrocardiogram lead placement on the subjectusing a six electrode lead set with three standard leadsand three augmented derived leads to elicit anelectrical view of the heart.6 Lead StandardC71121BIPOLAR UNCORRECTEDXYZ LEAD SYSTEMBipolaruncorrected XYZlead systemAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement wherebythe X+ lead is placed at the right mid-axillary line atethe 4th intercostal space, X- at the left mid-axillaryline at he 4th intercostal space, Y+ at the proximal leftleg, Y- at the superior aspect of the manubrium, Z+ atthe direct posterior to Z- and Z- at the 4th intercostalspace at the left sternal margin. (NCI)Lead Placement Bipolar UncorrectedXYZC71120 CUBE LEAD SYSTEM Cube lead system An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement that is atype of uncorrected vectorcardiograph. This leadsystem is based on a rectangular body axis. It uses anextra number of electrodes to make itthree-dimensional. (NCI)Lead Placement CubeC71118 FRANK LEAD SYSTEM Frank leadsystemAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement fordetermining 3 orthogonal components X (right to leftdirection), Y (foot to head direction) and Z (back tofront direction) of the heart. For this method aminimum of 4 electrodes are needed that represent theright arm, left arm, left leg and back. However, usually7 electrodes are used to avoid dependence on thedipole location and facilitate interpretation. (NCI)Lead Placement FrankC71119MCFEE-PARUNGAO LEADSYSTEMMcFee-Parungaolead systemAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement fordetermining 3 orthogonal components X (back tofront), Y (right to left) and Z (foot to head) of theheart. This system places the electrodes closer to theheart to achieve better orthogonality and ahomogeneous lead field. (NCI)Lead Placement McFee-ParungaoSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 63 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71151 - EGMETHOD - ECG Test MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71122PSEUDO-ORTHOGONALXYZ LEAD SYSTEMPseudo-orthogonal XYZ leadsystemAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement thatallows monitoring and recording of cardiac electricalactivity. A V1-type lead is used whose positiveelectrode is localized in the 4th intercostal space,2.5cm from the sternum. Its negative electrode isplaced below the left clavicle. An addition of lead V5and aVF can be made to facilitate interpretation. (NCI)Lead Placement Pseudo OrthogonalXYZC71128STANDARD 12-LEAD ANDCC5-CM5-MLStandard 12-leadandCC5-CM5-MLAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby12 leadpoints are recorded but the standard leadpositions have been modified so that the negativereference is at CM5 and the active electrode is at theleft leg position. (NCI)12 Lead Placement Standard AndCC5-CM5-MLC71126STANDARD 12-LEAD ANDCM5-CC5-CH5Standard 12-leadandCM5-CC5-CH5An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement whereby12 leadpoints are recorded but the standard leadpositions have been modified so that the bipolar leadgroups place the negative of the reference electrodeover the manubrium (CM5), the right scapula (CB5),V5R (CC5) or on the forehead (CH5) and the activeelectrode at V5. (NCI)12 Lead Placement Standard AndCC5-CM5-CH5C71131STANDARD 12-LEADEXTENDED LEFTStandard 12-leadextended to theleft by V7, V8,V9An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement wherebythe standard lead placement is modified by havingleads V7, V8 and V9. (NCI)12 Lead Placement StandardExtended LeftC71130STANDARD 12-LEADEXTENDED RIGHTStandard 12-leadextended to theright by V5R,V4R, V3RAn electrocardiogram (ECG) lead placement wherebythe rightward oriented V leads progress from V1R,placed instead of the standard V2, to V6R. The V3 leadin the standard placement is replaced by V4R. (NCI)12 Lead Placement StandardExtended RightC71115STANDARD LEADS FORBICYCLE EXERCISEStandard leadsfor bicycleexercise. Limbleads on the back(shoulder and onthe hips)Limb leads on the back (shoulder and on the hips).(NCI)Lead Placement BicycleC71117STANDARD LEADS ONEINTERCOSTAL SPACEHIGHERStandard leadsone intercostalspace higherAn electrocardiographic lead placement schema inwhich the V leads are placed one intercostal spacecephalad to the position they would have in thestandard lead placement schema. (NCI)Lead Placement Standard IntercostalSpace HigherC71092VECTORCARDIOGRAPHCORRECTEDVectorcardiograph CorrectedA recording of the electrical activity of the heartdisplayed in the form of a vector loop, corrected foranatomic inconsistencies. (NCI)Vectorcardiograph CorrectedC71093VECTORCARDIOGRAPHUNCORRECTEDVectorcardiograph UncorrectedA recording of the electrical activity of the heartdisplayed in the form of a vector loop, uncorrected foranatomic inconsistencies. (NCI)Vectorcardiograph UncorrectedSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 64 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62015 1ST DEGREE AV BLOCK 1st degree AVblockA delay in the time required for the conduction of anelectrical impulse through the atrioventricular (AV)node beyond 0.2 seconds; prolongation of the PRinterval beyond 200 milliseconds. (NCI)AV Block First DegreeC71044 2:1 AV BLOCK 2:1 AV block A electrocardiographic finding of an electricalphenomenon in which the ratio of electrical impulsegenerated above the atrioventricular node to thenumber of impulses conducted through to theventricles is 2:1. (NCI)2:1 Atrioventricular BlockC62016 2ND DEGREE AV BLOCK 2nd degree AVblockC50501 3RD DEGREE AV BLOCK 3rd degree AVblockIntermittent failure of atrial electrical impulseconduction through the atrioventricular (AV) node tothe ventricles. (NCI)Complete failure of atrial electrical impulseconduction through the AV node to the ventricles.(NCI)AV Block Second DegreeAV Block Third DegreeC62266ACCELERATEDIDIOVENTRICULARRHYTHMAcceleratedidioventricularrhythmThe term accelerated idioventricular rhythm describesan ectopic ventricular rhythm with 3 or moreconsecutive ventricular premature beats with a ratefaster than the normal ventricular intrinsic escape rateof 30 to 40 beats per minute, but slower thanventricular tachycardia. Accelerated idioventricularrhythm differs from ventricular tachycardia byadditional features such as the onset with a longcoupling interval and the end by a gradual decrease ofthe ventricular rate or increase of the sinus rate. (NCI)Accelerated Idioventricular RhythmC71065ACUTE ANTERIOR WALLMIAcute AnteriorWall MyocardialInfarctionElectrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe anterior wall of the heart. (NCI)Acute Anterior Wall MyocardialInfarctionC102591ACUTE ANTEROLATERALWALL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONAcuteAnterolateralWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe anterolateral wall of the heart.Acute Anterolateral MyocardialInfarction by ECG FindingC102592ACUTE ANTEROSEPTALWALL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONAcuteAnteroseptalWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe anteroseptal wall of the heart.Acute Anteroseptal MyocardialInfarction by ECG FindingC102593ACUTE HIGH LATERALWALL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONAcute HighLateral WallMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe high lateral wall of the heart.Acute High Lateral MyocardialInfarction by ECG FindingC71066 ACUTE INFERIOR WALL MI Acute InferiorWall MyocardialInfarctionC71067 ACUTE LATERAL WALL MI Acute LateralWall MyocardialInfarctionElectrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe inferior wall of the heart. (NCI)Electrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe lateral wall of the heart. (NCI)Acute Inferior Wall MyocardialInfarctionAcute Lateral Wall MyocardialInfarctionC101596ACUTE MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONAcuteMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury without specifying the anatomic region of theheart.Acute Myocardial Infarction by EKGFindingSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 65 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71068ACUTE POSTERIOR WALLMIAcute PosteriorWall MyocardialInfarctionElectrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe posterior wall of the heart. (NCI)Acute Posterior Wall MyocardialInfarctionC102594ACUTE RIGHTVENTRICULAR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONAcute RightVentricular WallMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe right ventricular wall of the heart.Acute Right Ventricular MyocardialInfarction by ECG FindingC102595ACUTE SEPTAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONAcute SeptalWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing a current ofinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe septal wall of the heart.Acute Septal Myocardial Infarctionby ECG FindingC71057ADENOSINE-SENSITIVEVENTRICULARTACHYCARDIAAdenosine-sensitive ventriculartachycardiaA condition that occurs as a result of cAMP-mediatedtriggered activity and typically originates from theright ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). This type oftachycardia occurs in patients with apparently normalhearts. (NCI)Adenosine-Sensitive VentricularTachycardiaC102642ADVANCED/HIGH GRADEAV BLOCKAdvanced/HighGrade AV BlockAn electrocardiographic finding of intermittent failureof atrial electrical impulse conduction through theatrioventricular (AV) node to the ventricles,characterized by two or more consecutivenon-conducted P waves.High Grade Atrioventricular BlockC71069ANTERIOR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONAnterior WallMyocardialInfarctionElectrocardiographic finding showing an injury inleads corresponding to the anatomic region of theanterior wall of the heart. (NCI)Anterior Wall Myocardial InfarctionC35303ANTEROLATERAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONAnterolateralWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury inleads corresponding to the anatomic region of theanterolateral wall of the heart.Anterolateral Myocardial InfarctionC35304ANTEROSEPTAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONAnteroseptalWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury inleads corresponding to the anatomic region of theanteroseptal wall of the heart.Anteroseptal Myocardial InfarctionC102596 ATRIAL BIGEMINY Atrial Bigeminy An electrocardiographic finding of a sinus beatfollowed by a premature atrial contraction for three ormore consecutive cycles; a regularly irregular rhythmof normal and abnormal P waves in a 1-1 ratio.C102597 ATRIAL COUPLETS Atrial Couplets An electrocardiographic finding in which twopremature atrial contractions occur in a row.Atrial BigeminyAtrial CoupletC71039 ATRIAL ENLARGEMENT AtrialEnlargementAn electrocardiographic finding which comprises left,right or bilateral atrial enlargement. (NCI)EKG Finding Atrial EnlargementC50466 ATRIAL FIBRILLATION Atrial fibrillation A supraventricular arrhythmia characterized byuncoordinated atrial myocardium activation due tomultiple reentry circuits with consequent deteriorationof atrial mechanical function. Instead of intermittentlycontracting, the atria quiver continuously in a chaoticpattern, causing a totally irregular, often tachycardiaventricular rate. On the ECG it is described by thereplacement of consistent P waves by rapidoscillations or fibrillatory waves that vary in size,shape, and timing, associated with an irregular,frequently rapid ventricular response whenatrioventricular conduction is intact. (NCI)Atrial FibrillationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 66 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC51224 ATRIAL FLUTTER Atrial flutter An electrocardiographic finding of an organizedrhythmic contraction of the atria which is generally ata rate of 200-300 beats per minute. (NCI)Atrial FlutterC35481 ATRIAL TACHYCARDIA AtrialtachycardiaAny rapid heart rhythm originating in the atria. Atrialfibrillation and atrial flutter are varieties of atrialtachycardia. Atrial tachycardia is an electrical circuitoriginating in the upper or atrial chambers. Thiselectrical circuit or focus takes over and generatesrapid impulses across the atrial chambers. Theseimpulses are transmitted to the ventricular chambersresulting in a rapid rate. These arrhythmias mayoriginate from a variety of places across the atria. Theymay exist as an isolated problem or be related to anongoing structural problem within the heart. (NCI)Atrial TachycardiaC102598 ATRIAL TRIGEMINY Atrial Trigeminy An electrocardiographic finding of two sinus beatsfollowed by a premature atrial contraction for 3 ormore consecutive cycles; a regularly irregular rhythmof normal and abnormal P waves in a 2-1 ratio.Atrial TrigeminyC71045ATRIOVENTRICULARDISSOCIATIONAtrioventriculardissociationAn electrocardiographic finding in which the electricalactivity of the atria and ventricles are causallyindependent of one another. (NCI)Atrioventricular DissociationC62017 AV MOBITZ I AV Mobitz I Intermittent failure of atrial electrical impulseconduction through the atrioventricular (AV) node tothe ventricles, characterized by a progressivelylengthening PR interval prior to the block of an atrialimpulse.C62018 AV MOBITZ II AV Mobitz II Intermittent failure of atrial electrical impulseconduction through the atrioventricular (AV) node tothe ventricles, characterized by a relatively constantPR interval prior to the block of an atrial impulse.C35058 AV NODE RE-ENTRY AV node re-entry A supraventricular tachycardia due to reentry along acircuit contained within the AV node. AVNRT is themost common form of supraventricular tachycardiaand usually presents as a narrow QRS complextachycardia at a rate between 150 and 250 beats perminute. (NCI)AV Mobitz IAV Mobitz IIAtrioventricular Nodal ReentryTachycardiaC62261AV RE-ENTRANTTACHYCARDIAAV re-entranttachycardiaA supraventricular tachycardia due to reentry along acircuit including a concealed AV nodal bypass tract.This tachycardia circuit proceeds in an antegradefashion through the AV node and then is conductedretrograde through the bypass tract into the atria. (NCI)Atrioventricular ReentrantTachycardiaC71046 BIFASCICULAR BLOCK BifascicularblockAn electrocardiographic finding comprising rightbundle branch block and left anterior fascicular block,or right bundle branch block and left posteriorfascicular block. Defects occurring in two of the threedivisions of the conduction system of the heart areconsidered bifascicular blocks. Technically left bundlebranch block may be considered a bifascicular block.(NCI)Bifascicular BlockC71054 BIGEMINY Bigeminy An electrocardiographic finding of a normal QRSfollowed by a premature ventricular contraction; arhythmic pairing of normal and abnormal beatsoriginating in the ventricles in a 1-1 ratio. (NCI)BigeminySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 67 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92228 BORDERLINE QTcB Borderline QTcB An electrocardiographic finding in which the QTcB isapproximately 430-470 msec. There is variationamong subpopulations.C92229 BORDERLINE QTcF Borderline QTcF An electrocardiographic finding in which the QTcF isapproximately 430-470 msec. There is variationamong subpopulations.Borderline QTcBBorderline QTcFC37920 BRADYCARDIA Bradycardia Non-sinus origin slow heart rate. BradycardiaC71062BUNDLE BRANCHREENTRANTTACHYCARDIABundle branchreentranttachycardiaAn uncommon form of ventricular tachycardia (VT)incorporating both bundle branches into the reentrycircuit. Surface electrocardiogram (ECG) of sinusrhythm (SR) characteristically shows intraventricularconduction defects. Patients typically present withpresyncope, syncope or sudden death because of VTwith fast rates frequently above 200 beats per minute.The QRS morphology during VT is a typical bundlebranch block pattern, usually left bundle branch block,and may be identical to that in SR. (NCI)Bundle Branch Re-EntrantVentricular TachycardiaC62258 DELTA WAVE Delta wave An initial slurring (delta wave) of the QRS complexdue to the presence of an accessory pathway. Thischaracteristic EKG pattern is typically seen inWolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. (NCI)C102623 DEXTROCARDIA Dextrocardia An electrocardiographic finding suggestive ofdextrocardia with situs inversus, characterized byreversal of normal anterior R wave progression and theappearance of reversal of the right and left armelectrodes.EKG Delta WaveDextrocardia by ECG FindingC92230EARLY R WAVEPROGRESSIONEarly R WaveProgressionAn electrocardiographic finding in which the amplitudeof the R wave is abnormally increased in the anteriorprecordial leads.Early R Wave ProgressionC102628EARLY R WAVETRANSITIONEarly R WaveTransitionAn electrocardiographic finding where the amplitudeof the R wave becomes greater than the amplitude ofthe S wave in the QRS complex at an unusually earlypoint in the precordial leads, usually in leads V1 or V2.Early R Wave TransitionC102629 EARLY REPOLARIZATION EarlyRepolarizationC62245 ECTOPIC ATRIAL RHYTHM Ectopic atrialrhythmAn electrocardiographic finding of J point and STsegment elevation in the absence of other signs ofacute ischemia that is often a normal variant.A cardiac rhythm resulting from either an abnormalelectrical focus in the atria or intra-atrial reentry.Atrial ectopic beats (AEB) refer to a contraction of theupper heart chamber which occurs before it would beexpected. Atrial ectopic beats are also known aspremature atrial beats, premature atrial complex(PAC), or atrial extrasystole. (NCI)Early RepolarizationEctopic Atrial RhythmC71043ECTOPICSUPRAVENTRICULARRHYTHMEctopicsupraventricularrhythmAn electrocardiographic finding of a rhythmoriginating at a site other than the sinoatrial node,which is also above the atrioventricular node. (NCI)Ectopic Supraventricular RhythmSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 68 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71042ECTOPIC VENTRICULARRHYTHMEctopicventricularrhythmA cardiac rhythm resulting from either an abnormalelectrical focus in the ventricle. Ventricular ectopicbeats (VEB) refer to a contraction of the lower heartchamber which occurs before it would be expected.Ventricular ectopic beats are also known as prematureventricular beats, premature ventricular complex(PVC), or ventricular extrasystole. (NCI)Ectopic Ventricular RhythmC71035 ELECTRICAL ALTERNANS ElectricalalternansAn electrocardiographic finding in which there is analternating pattern of any of the waveformcomponents. (NCI)Electrical AlternansC71061FASCICULARTACHYCARDIAFasciculartachycardiaA distinct subgroup of idiopathic ventriculartachycardia (VT) that may be confused with eithertypical VT or supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). It ischaracterized by the absence of structural heart diseaseand classic electrocardiographic andelectrophysiological features. It originates from theregion of the posterior fascicle (or occasionally theanterior fascicle) of the left bundle branch and is partlypropagated by the His-Purkinje network. It thereforeproduces QRS complexes of relatively short duration(0.11-0.14)s. (NCI)Fascicular TachycardiaC102639 FUSION COMPLEX Fusion Complex An electrocardiographic finding that occurs whenelectrical activation of the atria or ventricles occursfrom two separate sites. This results in a P wave orQRS complex that displays merged characteristics ofbeats originating from the two different sites.Fusion ComplexC102643HIGH LATERAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONHigh LateralWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury inleads corresponding to the anatomic region of the highlateral wall of the heart.High Lateral Myocardial Infarctionby ECG FindingC71063IDIOPATHIC RIGHTBUNDLE BRANCH BLOCKVENTRICULARTACHYCARDIAIdiopathic rightbundle branchblock ventriculartachycardiaIdiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) is a type ofventricular tachycardia occurring unrelated to anyorganic cardiac disease. The abnormality is probablycongenital, be it a focus of abnormal automaticity ormyocardial tissue that can sustain re-entry. The clinicalpresentation for idiopathic VT can be very much like aparoxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. That is, mostpatients are generally younger without overt cardiacdisease and present with paroxysmal palpitations.Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia is not generallylife-threatening. (NCI)Idiopathic Right Bundle BranchBlockC50599IDIOVENTRICULARRHYTHMIdioventricularRhythmAn electrocardiographic finding of an ectopicventricular rhythm with three or more consecutiveventricular premature beats with a rate less than 100beats per minute.Idioventricular RhythmC62253INAPPROPRIATE SINUSTACHYCARDIAInappropriatesinus tachycardiaInappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST) is a rare form ofsupraventricular tachycardia involving the sinus node,in which a patient has an abnormally high heart rate,occurring both at rest and in response to stressors(such as physical activity). (NCI)Inappropriate Sinus TachycardiaC71049INCOMPLETE BUNDLEBRANCH BLOCKIncompletebundle branchblockAn electrocardiographic finding of bundle branchblock which does not meet the criteria for a morespecific bundle branch block. (NCI)Incomplete Bundle Branch BlockSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 69 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71047INCOMPLETE LEFTBUNDLE BRANCH BLOCKIncomplete leftbundle branchblockAn partial impairment of transmission of the cardiacelectrical impulse along the fibers of the left bundlebranch. (NCI)Incomplete Left Bundle BranchBlockC71048INCOMPLETE RIGHTBUNDLE BRANCH BLOCKIncomplete rightbundle branchblockVarious mechanisms may result in a pattern showing anincomplete right bundle branch block (RBBB). Theseinclude different degrees of conduction delay throughthe main trunk of the right bundle branch; increasedconduction time through an elongated right bundlebranch; diffuse Purkinje-myocardial delay due to rightventricular stretch or dilatation; surgical trauma ordisease-related interruption of the major ramificationsof the right branch (distal RBBB or right fascicularblocks); congenital variations of the distribution of themajor ramifications resulting in a slight delay in theactivation of the crista supraventricularis. (NCI)Incomplete Right Bundle BranchBlockC102701INDETERMINATE QRS AXIS QRS AxisIndeterminate;IndeterminateAxis;IndeterminateQRS AxisAn electrocardiographic finding in which the frontalplane QRS axis cannot be calculated.QRS Axis IndeterminateC35398INFERIOR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONInferior WallMyocardialInfarctionElectrocardiographic finding showing an injury inleads corresponding to the anatomic region of theinferior wall of the heart. (NCI)Inferior Wall Myocardial InfarctionC71073INTRAATRIALCONDUCTION DELAYIntraatrialConductionDelayA delay in impulse propagation through the atria. (NCI)Intra-Atrial Conduction DelayC62271INTRAVENTRICULARCONDUCTION DELAY,NONSPECIFICIntraventricularconductiondelay,nonspecificA delay in transmission of cardiac electrical impulsesin the His-Purkinje system, diagnosed when the QRS ismodestly prolonged (< 120 msec) and the QRS patternand axis are not typical of a hemiblock. The conductiondelay is considered to occur beyond the Purkinje'smyocardial gates and arises from slow cell-to-cellconduction. The phenomenon is common in patientswith acute MI. (NCI)Nonspecific IntraventricularConduction DelayC62248ISORHYTHMICDISSOCIATIONIsorhythmicdissociationA type of atrioventricular dissociation characterized byatria and ventricles beating at similar rates, althoughindependently. (NCI)Isorhythmic AtrioventricularDissociationC71030 J POINT ELEVATION J point elevation Elevation of the J point above the baseline; the J pointrepresents the end of ventricular depolarization andlocated at the terminus of the QRS complex. (NCI)J Point ElevationC71074JUNCTIONALBRADYCARDIAJunctionalbradycardiaAn electrocardiographic finding in which the pacer ofthe heart is located in the AV junction, normallypresenting with a narrow QRS complex at a rate lessthan 60 beats per minute. (NCI)Junctional BradycardiaC102652JUNCTIONAL PREMATURECOMPLEXJunctionalPrematureComplexAn ectopic impulse originating in the AV junctionpresenting as a QRS complex of supraventricularorigin which is not preceded by a P wave.Junctional Premature ComplexC71051 JUNCTIONAL RHYTHM JunctionalrhythmAn electrocardiographic finding in which the pacer ofthe heart is located in the AV junction, normallypresenting with a narrow QRS complex and a rate of60-100 beats per minute. (NCI)Junctional RhythmSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 70 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC35059JUNCTIONALTACHYCARDIAJunctionaltachycardiaAn automatic tachycardia originating in theatrioventricular junction, typically arising in theconduction tissues surrounding the atrioventricularnode. A junctional tachycardia tends to be a regular,narrow complex tachycardia and usually occurs duringmyocardial infarction, after heart surgery, or indigitalis intoxication. The rate may range from 140 to250 beats per minute. (NCI)Junctional TachycardiaC102653LATE R WAVE TRANSITION Late R WaveTransitionAn electrocardiographic finding where the amplitudeof the R wave does not become greater than theamplitude of the S wave until an unusually late point inthe precordial leads, usually in leads V4 or V5.Late R Wave TransitionC35586LATERAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONLateral WallMyocardialInfarctionElectrocardiographic finding showing an injury inleads corresponding to the anatomic region of thelateral wall of the heart. (NCI)Lateral Wall Myocardial InfarctionC62267LEFT ANTERIORFASCICULAR BLOCKLeft anteriorfascicular blockAn impairment of transmission of the cardiacelectrical impulse along the fibers of the left anteriorfascicle. In left anterior fascicular block (LAFB) theposteroinferior regions of the left ventricularendocardium are activated abnormally before theanterosuperior left ventricular area. After emergingfrom the posteroinferior division of the left bundlebranch, the impulse first propagates in an inferior,rightward, and usually anterior direction for a shortperiod of time. This orientation is responsible for thesmall Q waves in leads 1 and aVL and for the R wavesin leads II, III, and aVF. (NCI)Left Anterior Fascicular BlockC71040LEFT ATRIALENLARGEMENTP-mitraleAn electrocardiographic finding suggesting underlyinghypertrophy or dilatation of the left atrium.Electrocardiographic criteria used for the diagnosis ofleft atrial abnormality may include a bifid p wave, abiphasic p wave and/or a p wave duration of greaterthan 0.12 seconds. (NCI)P-mitraleC62269LEFT BUNDLE BRANCHBLOCKLeft bundlebranch blockAn impairment of transmission of the cardiacelectrical impulse along the fibers of the left mainbundle branch, or both the left anterior fascicle andleft posterior fascicle. This conduction disturbance ischaracterized by wide (greater than 0.11s) QRScomplexes. The diagnostic criteria consist ofprolongation of the QRS complexes (over 0.11s) withneither a Q wave nor an S wave in lead V1 and in theproperly placed V6. A wide R wave with a notch on itstop (plateau) is seen in these leads. In hearts with anelectrical (and anatomic) vertical position a small Qwave may be seen in AVL in the absence of MI. Rightchest lead V1 may or may not show an initial R wave,but the latter should be present in lead V2. (NCI)Left Bundle Branch BlockSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 71 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62268LEFT POSTERIORFASCICULAR BLOCKLeft posteriorfascicular blockAn impairment of transmission of the cardiacelectrical impulse along the fibers of the left posteriorfascicle. In pure left posterior fascicular block(LPFB), the impulse emerges from the unblockedanterosuperior division, thus producing small q wavesin leads II, III, and aVF. Thereafter, the impulse movesthrough the electrically predominant left ventricle inan inferior and rightward direction, thus explaining theS waves in leads I and aVL as well as the R waves inleads II, III, and aVF. (NCI)Left Posterior Fascicular BlockC92231LEFT VENTRICULARCONDUCTION DELAYLeft VentricularConductionDelayAn electrocardiographic finding in which there isevidence that electrical transmission through the leftventricle is impaired.Left Ventricular Conduction DelayC71076LEFT VENTRICULARHYPERTROPHYLeft VentricularHypertrophyElectrocardiographic findings suggestive of ahypertrophic left ventricle. (NCI)EKG Finding Left VentricularHypertrophyC102655LEFT VENTRICULARHYPERTROPHY WITHSTRAINLeft VentricularHypertrophyWith StrainAn electrocardiographic finding suggestive of ahypertrophied left ventricle, characterized by largeQRS amplitudes, ST depression and T wave inversion.Left Ventricular Hypertrophy withStrain by ECG FindingC71078 LOW QRS VOLTAGE Low QRS voltage An electrocardiographic finding of a QRS amplitudeless than or equal to 5mm in the limb leads or QRSamplitude less than or equal to 10mm in the precordialleads. (NCI)Low QRS VoltageC71050MULTIFOCAL ATRIALTACHYCARDIAMultifocal atrialtachycardiaAn electrocardiographic finding in which the electricalaxis of the p wave is variable and the rate is greaterthan 100 beats per minute. To meet criteria formultifocal atrial tachycardia, the p wave must exhibitthree distinct morphologies on the rhythm strip. (NCI)Multifocal Atrial TachycardiaC101589MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injurywithout specifying the anatomic region of the heart.Myocardial Infarction byElectrocardiographic FindingC102675 MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA MyocardialIschemiaAn electrocardiographic finding of ST and T wavechanges consistent with impaired myocardialperfusion.Myocardial Ischemia by ECGFindingC102732NEW ANTERIOR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNew AnteriorWall MyocardialInfarctionA new electrocardiographic finding showing an injuryin leads corresponding to the anatomic region of theanterior wall of the heart.New Anterior Myocardial Infarctionby ECG FindingC102733NEW ANTEROLATERALWALL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNewAnterolateralWall MyocardialInfarctionA new electrocardiographic finding showing an injuryin leads corresponding to the anatomic region of theanterolateral wall of the heart.New Anterolateral MyocardialInfarction by ECG FindingC102734NEW ANTEROSEPTALWALL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNewAnteroseptalWall MyocardialInfarctionA new electrocardiographic finding showing an injuryin leads corresponding to the anatomic region of theanteroseptal wall of the heart.New Anteroseptal MyocardialInfarction by ECG FindingC102735NEW EXTENSIVEANTERIOR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNew ExtensiveAnterior WallMyocardialInfarctionA new electrocardiographic finding showing extensiveinjury in leads corresponding to the anatomic region ofthe anterior wall of the heart.New Extensive Anterior MyocardialInfarction by ECG FindingC102736NEW HIGH LATERALWALL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNew HighLateral WallMyocardialInfarctionA new electrocardiographic finding showing an injuryin leads corresponding to the anatomic region of thehigh lateral wall of the heart.New High Lateral MyocardialInfarction by ECG FindingSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 72 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102737NEW INFERIOR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNew InferiorWall MyocardialInfarctionA new electrocardiographic finding showing an injuryin leads corresponding to the anatomic region of theinferior wall of the heart.New Inferior Myocardial Infarctionby ECG FindingC102738NEW LATERAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNew LateralWall MyocardialInfarctionA new electrocardiographic finding showing an injuryin leads corresponding to the anatomic region of thelateral wall of the heart.New Lateral Myocardial Infarctionby ECG FindingC102731NEW MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNew MyocardialInfarctionA new electrocardiographic finding showing an injuryin leads without specifying the anatomic region of theheart.New Myocardial Infarction by ECGFindingC102739NEW SEPTAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNew Septal WallMyocardialInfarctionA new electrocardiographic finding showing an injuryin leads corresponding to the anatomic region of theseptal wall of the heart.New Septal Myocardial Infarction byECG FindingC71<strong>08</strong>0NON Q WAVEMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONNon Q WaveMyocardialInfarctionA myocardial infarction in the absence of observable Qwave abnormalities in the ECG. (NCI)Non Q Wave Myocardial InfarctionC71031NON-SPECIFIC ST-TCHANGESNon-specificST-T changesAn electrocardiographic finding of changes in the STsegment and T wave that do not meet criteria forischemia or infarction. (NCI)Non-Specific ST-T ChangesC102680NON-SUSTAINED ATRIALTACHYCARDIANon-SustainedAtrialTachycardiaAn electrocardiographic finding of an atrial rategreater than 100 beats per minute, P wave morphologywhich is not consistent with sinus rhythm, and whichterminates in less than 30 seconds.Non-sustained Atrial TachycardiaC71053NON-SUSTAINEDVENTRICULARTACHYCARDIANon-sustainedventriculartachycardiaAn electrocardiographic finding of ventriculartachycardia less than 30 seconds in duration. (NCI)Non-Sustained VentricularTachycardiaC102681 NORMAL SINUS RHYTHM Normal SinusRhythmAn electrocardiographic finding of an atrial rhythmwhich originates from the sinoatrial node that isconsidered normal for the population.Normal Sinus RhythmC102634 NORTHWEST AXIS Northwest Axis Q axis from -90 to +180 degrees. Extreme Right Axis DeviationC71032 NOTCHED T-WAVES Notched T-waves Any depression occurring in a positive t wave. (NCI) Notched T-WavesC102684OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATEANTERIOR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateAnterior WallMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the anterior wall of the heart.Old or Age Indeterminate AnteriorMyocardial Infarction by ECGFindingC102685OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATEANTEROLATERAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateAnterolateralWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the anterolateral wall of the heart.Old or Age IndeterminateAnterolateral Myocardial Infarctionby ECG FindingC102686OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATEANTEROSEPTAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateAnteroseptalWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the anteroseptal wall of the heart.Old or Age IndeterminateAnteroseptal Myocardial Infarctionby ECG FindingSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 73 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102687OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATEEXTENSIVE ANTERIORWALL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateExtensiveAnterior WallMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing extensiveinjury of indeterminate age in leads corresponding tothe anatomic region of the anterior wall of the heart.Old or Age Indeterminate ExtensiveAnterior Myocardial Infarction byECG FindingC102688OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATE HIGHLATERAL WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateHigh LateralWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the high lateral wall of the heart.Old or Age Indeterminate HighLateral Myocardial Infarction byECG FindingC102689OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATEINFERIOR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateInferior WallMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the inferior wall of the heart.Old or Age Indeterminate InferiorMyocardial Infarction by ECGFindingC102690OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATE LATERALWALL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateLateral WallMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the lateral wall of the heart.Old or Age Indeterminate LateralMyocardial Infarction by ECGFindingC102691OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATEPOSTERIOR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminatePosterior WallMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the posterior wall of the heart.Old or Age Indeterminate PosteriorMyocardial Infarction by ECGFindingC102692OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATE RIGHTVENTRICULAR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateRight VentricularWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the right ventricular wall of theheart.Old or Age Indeterminate RightVentricular Myocardial Infarction byECG FindingC102693OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATE SEPTALWALL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateSeptal WallMyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the septal wall of the heart.Old or Age Indeterminate SeptalMyocardial Infarction by ECGFindingC101597OLD OR AGEINDETERMINATE WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONOld Or AgeIndeterminateWall MyocardialInfarctionAn electrocardiographic finding showing an injury ofindeterminate age in leads corresponding to theanatomic region of the wall of the heart.Old Myocardial Infarction by EKGFindingC71064OUTFLOW TRACTVENTRICULARTACHYCARDIAOutflow tractventriculartachycardiaRight ventricular outflow tract tachycardia (RVOT) isthe most common with a female predominance. It isoften exercise induced or enhanced. The site of originis the right ventricular outflow tract and hence theelectrocardiographic appearance is that of left bundlebranch block and inferior axis. The mechanism isthought to be abnormal automaticity that is sensitive toadenosine. (NCI)Right Ventricular Outflow TractTachycardiaC90430 P WAVE ABNORMALITY P WaveAbnormalityAn electrocardiographic finding for the P wave that isatypical either for the shape, duration, amplitude, axisor polarity. Abnormality of the P wave signifiesaberrant propagation of the electrical impulse throughthe atria. (NCI)P Wave AbnormalitySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 74 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC90431 P WAVE NOTCHED P Wave Notched P waves with two peaks longer in duration than normaland amplitude greater than normal. (NCI)P Wave NotchedC92232PACED ATRIAL ANDVENTRICULAR RHYTHMPaced Atrial AndVentricularRhythmAn electrocardiographic finding in which both theatrial and ventricular rhythm is controlled by anelectrical impulse from a mechanical cardiacpacemaker.Paced Atrial And Ventricular RhythmC92233 PACED ATRIAL RHYTHM Paced AtrialRhythmC88140 PACED RHYTHM Paced Rhythm;Atrial and/orVentricularPaced RhythmAn electrocardiographic finding in which the atrialrhythm is controlled by an electrical impulse from amechanical cardiac pacemaker.An electrocardiographic finding in which the cardiacrhythm is controlled by an electrical impulse from amechanical cardiac pacemaker.Paced Atrial RhythmPaced RhythmC92234PACED VENTRICULARRHYTHMPacedVentricularRhythmAn electrocardiographic finding in which theventricular rhythm is controlled by an electricalimpulse from a mechanical cardiac pacemaker.Paced Ventricular RhythmC62250 PAROXYSMAL AV BLOCK Paroxysmal AVblockSudden onset AV block, often associated withpreexisting conduction disorders. (NCI)Paroxysmal Atrioventricular BlockC34902PAROXYSMALVENTRICULARTACHYCARDIAParoxysmalVentricularTachycardiaAn episodic form of ventricular tachycardia, withabrupt onset and termination. (NCI)Paroxysmal Ventricular TachycardiaC71033POOR R WAVEPROGRESSIONPoor R WaveProgressionLack of progression of R wave height acrossprecordial leads. (NCI)Poor R Wave ProgressionC71<strong>08</strong>1POSTERIOR WALLMYOCARDIALINFARCTIONPosterior WallMyocardialInfarctionElectrocardiographic finding showing an injury inleads corresponding to the anatomic region of theposterior wall of the heart. (NCI)Posterior Wall MyocardialInfarctionC62247 PR PROLONGATION PR prolongation A PR interval of more than 0.20 seconds in adults.(NCI)C34940 PRE-EXCITATION Pre-excitation A condition characterized by the activation of thewhole or some part of the ventricle by thetransmission of an atrial impulse along an accessorypathway rather than by way of the normal specificconduction system which includes a delay at theatrioventricular node. (NCI)Prolonged PR IntervalPre-Excitation SyndromeC62257PREMATURE ATRIALCOMPLEXESPremature atrialcomplexesEctopic impulses originating in the atria. (NCI)Atrial Premature ComplexC102603PREMATURE ATRIALCOMPLEXES BLOCKEDPremature AtrialComplexesBlockedAn electrocardiographic finding of premature atrialcomplexes which are not conducted to the ventricle,and which are not followed by a QRS complex.Blocked Atrial Premature ComplexC102672PREMATURE ATRIALCOMPLEXES MULTIFOCALPremature AtrialComplexesMultifocalAn electrocardiographic finding of premature atrialcomplexes which have 2 or more distinctmorphologies, suggesting origin at more than oneatrial site.Multifocal Atrial PrematureComplexC102724PREMATURE ATRIALCOMPLEXES UNIFOCALPremature AtrialComplexesUnifocalAn electrocardiographic finding of premature atrialcomplexes which have a single distinct morphology,suggesting origin at one atrial site.Unifocal Atrial Premature ComplexC62256PREMATUREVENTRICULAR COMPLEXPVC Ectopic impulses originating in the ventricles. (NCI) Ventricular Premature ComplexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 75 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102604PREMATUREVENTRICULARCOMPLEXESINTERPOLATEDPrematureVentricularComplexesInterpolatedAn electrocardiographic finding of a prematureventricular complex which occurs between two normalQRS complexes which have normal timing.Blocked Ventricular PrematureComplexC102673PREMATUREVENTRICULARCOMPLEXES MULTIFOCALPrematureVentricularComplexesMultifocalAn electrocardiographic finding of prematureventricular complexes which have two or more distinctmorphologies, suggesting origin at more than oneventricular site.Multifocal Ventricular PrematureComplexC102725PREMATUREVENTRICULARCOMPLEXES UNIFOCALPrematureVentricularComplexesUnifocalAn electrocardiographic finding of prematureventricular complexes which have a single distinctmorphology, suggesting origin at one ventricular site.Unifocal Ventricular PrematureComplexC71034 PROLONGED QT Prolonged QT A QT interval that is prolonged. The length of the QTinterval varies with the heart rate. (NCI)Prolonged QT IntervalC71094Q AXIS, LEFT AXISDEVIATIONQ Axis, Left axisdeviationQ axis from -30 to -90 degrees. (NCI)Q Axis Left Axis DeviationC71095Q AXIS, RIGHT AXISDEVIATIONQ Axis, Rightaxis deviationQ axis from +90 to +180 degrees. (NCI)Q Axis Right Axis DeviationC90440QRS COMPLEXABNORMALITYQRS ComplexAbnormalityAn electrocardiographic finding for the QRS complexthat is atypical either for the shape, duration,amplitude, axis or polarity. (NCI)QRS Complex AbnormalityC90441 QRS COMPLEX ABSENT QRS ComplexAbsentC83817 QTC PROLONGATION QTcProlongationA disturbance in the depolarization of the ventricularmyocardium which leads to an absence of the QRScomplex in the electrocardiogram tracing. (NCI)An electrocardiographic finding of a QT intervalcorrected for heart rate that is prolonged.QRS Complex AbsentCorrected Prolonged QT IntervalC71096QTCB PROLONGATION>500 MSECQTcBprolongation>500 msecCorrected QT interval longer than 500 msec, inaccordance with Bazett's correction formula. (NCI)QTcB Prolongation Greater Than500 msecC71097QTCF PROLONGATION>500 MSECQTcFprolongation>500 msecCorrected QT interval greater than 500 msec, inaccordance with Fridericia's correction formula. (NCI)QTcF Prolongation Greater Than 500msecC61395 R ON T PHENOMENON R on TphenomenonC90443 R WAVE ABNORMALITY R WaveAbnormalityAn electrocardiographic finding phenomena in whichthe R wave occurs on top of the T wave; this can triggerventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia.(NCI)An abnormal R wave that is part of the QRS complex inan electrocardiographic recording, which occurs dueto a disturbance in the depolarization mechanism ofthe ventricular myocardium. (NCI)R On T PhenomenonR Wave AbnormalityC90444 R WAVE NOTCHED R Wave Notched An R wave variant in which there is a small deflectionof the R wave, with changing polarity, within the QRScomplex. (NCI)R Wave NotchedC102574REPOLARIZATIONABNORMALITYRepolarizationAbnormalityAn electrocardiographic finding of an abnormality of Twave duration or morphology or of earlyrepolarization.Ventricular RepolarizationAbnormalitySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 76 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102706REPOLARIZATIONABNORMALITYSECONDARY TOVENTRICULARHYPERTROPHYRepolarizationAbnormalitySecondary ToVentricularHypertrophyAn electrocardiographic finding of ST depression andT wave inversion in the presence of increased QRSamplitude which are thought to be due to leftventricular hypertrophy.Repolarization AbnormalitySecondary To VentricularHypertrophyC90450RESPIRATORY SINUSARRHYTHMIARespiratorySinus ArrhythmiaThe inherent change of a subject's heart rate associatedwith each excursion of breath, which can be traced inan electrocardiographic recording. (NCI)Respiratory Sinus ArrhythmiaC71041RIGHT ATRIALABNORMALITYP-pulmonaleAn electrocardiographic finding suggesting underlyinghypertrophy or dilatation of the right atrium.Electrocardiographic criteria used for the diagnosis ofright atrial abnormality may include a peaked p wavegreater than 2.5 millimeters in amplitude in theinferior leads. (NCI)P-pulmonaleC62270RIGHT BUNDLE BRANCHBLOCKRight BundleBranch BlockAn impairment of transmission of the cardiacelectrical impulse along the fibers of the right bundlebranch. A "complete RBBB pattern" (with QRSduration > 0.11s) does not necessarily reflect theexistence of a total conduction block in the rightbranch. This pattern only indicates that the entire ormajor parts of both ventricles are activated by theimpulse emerging from the left branch. Thus, asignificant degree of conduction delay ("high-grade" or"incomplete RBBB") can produce a similar pattern.(NCI)Right Bundle Branch BlockC92235RIGHT VENTRICULARCONDUCTION DELAYRight VentricularConductionDelay; RightVentricularDelayAn electrocardiographic finding in which there isevidence that electrical transmission through the rightventricle is impaired.Right Ventricular Conduction DelayC71077RIGHT VENTRICULARHYPERTROPHYRight ventricularHypertrophyElectrocardiographic findings suggestive of anenlarged right ventricle. (NCI)EKG Finding Right VentricularHypertrophyC92227 RSR PRIME RSR' An electrocardiographic finding in which there are twoR waves, which are two deflections above the baselineresulting from a single ventricular depolarization. Thefirst upward deflection in the complex is the R wave.The S is the first downward deflection. A secondupward deflection is called the R-prime wave.RSR'C90451 S WAVE ABNORMALITY S WaveAbnormalityAn abnormal S wave that is part of the QRS complex inan electrocardiographic recording, which occurs dueto a disturbance in the depolarization of the ventricularmyocardium. (NCI)S Wave AbnormalityC71<strong>08</strong>2SEPTAL MYOCARDIALINFARCTIONSeptalmyocardialinfarctionElectrocardiographic findings suggesting an infarctionin the anatomic location of the cardiac septum. (NCI)Septal Myocardial InfarctionC62246 SHORT PR INTERVAL Short PR interval A PR interval of less than 0.12 seconds. (NCI) Short PR IntervalC102709 SHORT QTC INTERVAL Short QTcIntervalAn electrocardiographic finding of a QT intervalcorrected for heart rate that is shorter than the lowerlimit of normal.Short QTc IntervalSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 77 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62244 SICK SINUS SYNDROME Sick sinussyndromeC50553 SINOATRIAL EXIT BLOCK Sinoatrial exitblockC62242 SINUS ARREST/PAUSE Sinusarrest/pauseA constellation of signs and symptoms which mayinclude syncope, fatigue, dizziness, and alternatingperiods of bradycardia and atrial tachycardia, which iscaused by sinoatrial node dysfunction. (NCI)A blockage of electrical conduction within thesinoatrial node resulting in the failure of impulsetransmission from the sinoatrial node. (NCI)A failure of impulse formation in the sinus node. Sinusarrest is indistinguishable from third degree sinoatrialexit block on the standard ECG. (NCI)Sick Sinus SyndromeSinoatrial Node Exit BlockSinus ArrestC62239 SINUS ARRHYTHMIA Sinus arrhythmia Irregularity of the heartbeat due to a variation in thesinus rhythm resulting in cyclic changes in the heartrate during breathing. This rhythm is most commonlyseen with breathing due to fluctuations inparasympathetic vagal tone. During inspiration stretchreceptors in the lungs stimulate the cardioinhibitorycenters in the medulla via fibers in the vagus nerve.Irregularity of the heartbeat due to a variation in thesinus rhythm resulting in cyclic changes in the heartrate during breathing. This rhythm is most commonlyseen with breathing due to fluctuations inparasympathetic vagal tone. During inspiration stretchreceptors in the lungs stimulate the cardioinhibitorycenters in the medulla via fibers in the vagus nerve.(NCI)C26923 SINUS BRADYCARDIA Sinus bradycardia A heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute, with itsorigin in the sinus node. (NCI)Sinus ArrhythmiaSinus BradycardiaC62243SINUS NODEDYSFUNCTION(BRADYCARDIA)Sinus nodedysfunction(bradycardia)A derangement in the normal functioning of thesinoatrial node. Typically, SA node dysfunction ismanifest as sinoatrial exit block or sinus arrest, butmay present as an absolute or relative bradycardia inthe presence of a stressor. It may be associated withbradycardia-tachycardia syndrome. (NCI)Sinus Node DysfunctionC100076 SINUS RHYTHM Sinus Rhythm An electrocardiographic finding of an atrial rhythmwhich originates from the sinoatrial node.C26889 SINUS TACHYCARDIA Sinus tachycardia A heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute, withits origin in the sinus node. (NCI)C71027 ST DEPRESSION ST depression An electrocardiographic finding of ST segmentdepression below the baseline, often described as upsloping, down sloping or horizontal. (NCI)C50540 ST ELEVATION ST elevation An electrocardiographic finding of ST segmentelevation above the baseline. (NCI)Sinus RhythmSinus TachycardiaST DepressionST ElevationC71029ST ELEVATIONPERICARDITISST elevationpericarditisAn electrocardiographic finding of ST changesconsistent with pericarditis. (NCI)ST Elevation PericarditisC71026ST SEGMENTABNORMALITYST segmentabnormalityAn electrocardiographic finding of the ST segmentelevation or depression which is not indicative ofischemia or infarction. (NCI)ST Segment AbnormalityC35061SUPRAVENTRICULARTACHYCARDIASupraventriculartachycardiaA generic expression for any tachycardia thatoriginates in the atria or the atrioventricular node.(NCI)Supraventricular TachycardiaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 78 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71052SUSTAINED VENTRICULARTACHYCARDIASustainedventriculartachycardiaAn electrocardiographic finding of ventriculartachycardia greater than 30 seconds in duration. (NCI)Sustained Ventricular TachycardiaC71<strong>08</strong>3 T WAVE ABNORMALITY T waveabnormalityC102718 T WAVE ALTERNANS T WaveAlternansAn electrocardiographic finding of a T wave whichappears peaked, inverted, flattened or biphasic. (NCI)An electrocardiographic finding in which there arevariations in the shape, amplitude, or direction of the Twave from one beat to the next.T Wave AbnormalityT Wave AlternansC71<strong>08</strong>5 T WAVE INVERSION T Wave Inversion An electrocardiographic finding of an inversion of theT wave from the expected axis. (NCI)C71<strong>08</strong>6 T WAVE PEAKED T wave peaked An electrocardiographic finding in which the T waveappears increased in amplitude and cresting at a point.(NCI)C71<strong>08</strong>7 T WAVES BIPHASIC T waves biphasic An electrocardiographic finding in which the T wave isasymmetric. (NCI)C71<strong>08</strong>8 T WAVES FLAT T waves flat An electrocardiographic finding in which the T waveappears decreased in amplitude. (NCI)C38029 TACHYCARDIA Tachycardia An abnormally rapid heartbeat, usually applied to aheart rate above 100 per minute.T Wave InversionT Wave PeakedT Waves BiphasicT Waves FlatTachycardiaC50779 TORSADES DE POINTES Torsades depointesAn atypical rapid polymorphic ventricular tachycardiawith a characteristic rotation of the QRS complexaround the isoelectric baseline. In addition the QRScomplex displays a periodic waxing and waning ofamplitude on the electrogram. (NCI)Torsades De PointesC71055 TRIGEMINY Trigeminy An electrocardiographic finding of normal QRSfollowed by a premature ventricular contraction; arhythmic pairing of normal and abnormal beatsoriginating from the ventricles in a 1-2 ratio. (NCI)C71<strong>08</strong>9 U WAVES U waves An electrocardiographic finding of a small humpfollowing the T wave occurring during the final phaseof Purkinje repolarization. (NCI)TrigeminyU WavesC71059VENTRICULARARRHYTHMIAASSOCIATED WITHBRUGADA SYNDROMEVentriculararrhythmiaassociated withBrugadasyndromePolymorphic ventricular tachycardia in the absence ofstructural heart disease, associated with a baselineECG pattern during sinus rhythm showing right bundlebranch block with ST segment elevation in leads V1through V3. It can also be characterized bydocumentation of ECG patterns associated withBrugada Syndrome, some of which may be unmaskedwhen provoked with drugs. The most common geneticmutations identified for Brugada syndrome are in thesodium channel gene SCN5A.Brugada SyndromeC34786VENTRICULARARRHYTHMIAASSOCIATED WITH LONGQT SYNDROMEVentriculararrhythmiaassociated withlong QTsyndromeLong QT Syndrome includes prolongation of thecorrected QT interval beyond 440 ms for adult males,460 ms for adult females and 50 ms in the presence ofventricular depolarization abnormalities (i.e., bundlebranch blocks or IVCB more than 120 ms. A normalQT interval in a resting ECG with a failure to shortenwith an increase in heart rate qualifies as Long QTSyndrome.Long QT SyndromeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 79 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71060VENTRICULARARRHYTHMIAASSOCIATED WITH SHORTQT SYNDROMEVentriculararrhythmiaassociated withshort QTsyndromeShort QT Syndrome is characterized by a QT intervalof less than or equal to 300 ms.Short QT SyndromeC62259 VENTRICULAR COUPLET VentricularcoupletTwo sequential ventricular premature complexes. Anotherwise normal finding, but possibly indicative ofelectrical heart disease particularly in comparison witha single ventricular premature complexes. (NCI)Ventricular CoupletC90483VENTRICULAR ESCAPEBEATVentricularEscape BeatA compensatory ectopic beat that occurs in theventricle after a pause in the ventricular rhythm, whichis due to an absence in electrical activity to theventricles. (NCI)Ventricular Escape BeatC50799VENTRICULARFIBRILLATIONVentricularfibrillationVentricular Fibrillation is characterized by rapid,usually more than 300 bpm (cycle length: 180 ms orless), grossly irregular ventricular rhythm with markedvariability in QRS cycle length, morphology, andamplitude.Ventricular FibrillationC5<strong>08</strong>00 VENTRICULAR FLUTTER VentricularflutterA ventricular tachyarrhythmia characterized by a highventricular rate (180 and 250 beats per minute) with aregular rhythm. The electrocardiogram shows largeoscillating sine wave-like complexes occurring as aresult of QRS complexes and T waves being merged.The P wave is not visible. (NCI)Ventricular FlutterC71<strong>08</strong>4VENTRICULARHYPERTROPHYVentricularHypertrophyElectrocardiographic findings suggestive of enlargedcardiac ventricles. (NCI)Ventricular HypertrophyC102728VENTRICULARPARASYSTOLEVentricularParasystoleAn electrocardiographic finding of normal sinusrhythm coexisting with a regular ectopic ventricularrhythm.Ventricular ParasystoleC5<strong>08</strong>02VENTRICULARTACHYCARDIAVentriculartachycardiaA tachycardia arising distal to bundle of His, with arate greater than 100 beats per minute. (NCI)Ventricular TachycardiaC71056VENTRICULARTACHYCARDIA STORMVentriculartachycardiastormMultiple, temporally related, episodes of ventriculartachycardia or fibrillation, occurring three or moretimes in a 24 hour period. (NCI)Ventricular Tachycardia StormC62234VENTRICULARTACHYCARDIA,MONOMORPHICVentriculartachycardia,monomorphicA ventricular tachycardia in which the ventricularactivation sequence is constant. The morphology of theelectrocardiographic waveform is unchanging and isreferred to as monomorphic. (NCI)Monomorphic VentricularTachycardiaC62236VENTRICULARTACHYCARDIA,POLYMORPHICVentriculartachycardia,polymorphicA ventricular tachycardia in which the ventricularactivation sequence is variable. The morphology of theelectrocardiographic waveform is variable and isreferred to as polymorphic. (NCI)Polymorphic VentricularTachycardiaC71058VERAPAMIL-SENSITIVEVENTRICULARTACHYCARDIAVerapamil-sensitive ventriculartachycardiaA well-recognized condition that is believed to resultfrom triggered activity. Despite its uniform responseto verapamil, however, this uncommon form ofventricular tachycardia may not be as homogeneous acondition as first believed. (NCI)Verapamil-Sensitive VentricularTachycardiaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 80 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71150 - EGSTRESC - ECG ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62240WANDERING ATRIALPACEMAKERWandering atrialpacemakerA condition characterized by the site of origin ofimpulses, controlling the heart rate, changing withinthe atria, including the sinus node. Variations within Pwaves and PR intervals occur and an irregular rate ofimpulse formation is observed. (NCI)Wandering Atrial PacemakerC71090 WIDE QRS TACHYCARDIA Wide QRStachycardiaAn electrocardiographic finding of a QRS complex.(NCI)Wide QRS TachycardiaC35132WOLFF-PARKINSON-WHITE SYNDROMEWolff-Parkinson-White syndromeA type of ventricular pre-excitation resulting from theactivation of an accessory pathway known as theBundle of Kent. This pathway presents an abnormalelectrical communication from the atria to theventricles. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome ischaracterized by a short PR interval and a long QRSinterval with a delta wave. (NCI)Wolff-Parkinson-White SyndromeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 81 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71152 - EGTEST - ECG Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC41255 Interpretation Interpretation An act or process of elucidation; explication, orexplanation of the meaning of the event or thing via theassignment of objects from the domain to theconstants of a formal language, truth-values to theproposition symbols, truth-functions to theconnectives, other functions to the function symbols,and extensions to the predicates, if any. Theassignments are result of human logic application andare not native to the symbols of the formal language.InterpretationC62118JTcB - Bazett's CorrectionFormulaJTcB - Bazett'sCorrectionFormulaA formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the JT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the JTinterval across a range of rates. It is mathematicallydefined as: JTcB = JT/SqRootRR(seconds) andtheoretically corrects the JT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)JTcB-Bazett's Correction FormulaC62119JTcF - Fridericia's CorrectionFormulaJTcF -Fridericia'sCorrectionFormulaA formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the JT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the JTinterval across a range of rates. It is mathematicallydefined as: JTcF = JT/CubeRootRR(seconds) andtheoretically corrects the JT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)JTcF-Fridericia's CorrectionFormulaC62120JTcLC - Linear CorrectionFormulaJTcLC - LinearCorrectionFormulaA formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the JT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the JTinterval across a range of rates. The linear correctionformula uses population-based data obtained andvalidated using a large cohort of subjects. Using thismethod, the corrected JT interval is independent of theventricular rate. (NCI)JTcLC-Linear Correction FormulaC100390QRS Duration VentricularPacedQRS DurationVentricularPacedThe average (mean) duration (time) of the QRSinterval, obtained from a set of measurements of theQRS interval while the ventricle rhythm is controlledby an electrical impulse from a mechanical cardiacpacemaker. The QRS interval is defined as the timefrom the beginning of the QRS complex to the end ofthe QRS complex, representing the time it takes forthe ventricles to depolarize.EKG Mean QRS DurationVentricular PacedC100391 QT Interval, Corrected QT Interval,CorrectedThe time interval between the start of the Q wave andthe end of the T wave in the cardiac cycle as correctedwith a non-specified correction formula.Corrected QT IntervalC62112QTcB - Bazett's CorrectionFormulaQTcB - Bazett'sCorrectionFormulaA formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the QT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the QTinterval across a range of rates. It is mathematicallydefined as: QTcB = QT/SqRootRR(seconds) andtheoretically corrects the QT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)QTcB-Bazett's Correction FormulaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 82 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71152 - EGTEST - ECG Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62113QTcF - Fridericia's CorrectionFormulaQTcF -Fridericia'sCorrectionFormulaA formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the QT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the QTinterval across a range of rates. It is mathematicallydefined as: QTcF = QT/CubeRootRR(seconds) andtheoretically corrects the QT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)QTcF-Fridericia's CorrectionFormulaC62114QTcLC - Linear CorrectionFormulaQTcLC - LinearCorrectionFormulaA formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the QT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the QTinterval across a range of rates. The linear correctionformula uses population-based data obtained andvalidated using a large cohort of subjects. This methodtheoretically corrects the QT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)QTcLC-Linear Correction FormulaC90442QTcV - Van de Water'sCorrection FormulaQTcV - Van deWater'sCorrectionFormulaA mathematic formula defined as:QTcV = QT-0.<strong>08</strong>7[(60/Heart Rate)-1](seconds). Itpermits comparison of the QT interval across a rangeof rates, while accounting for the progressiveshortening of the QT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases. (NCI)QTcV Van de Water's CorrectionFormulaC39779 Summary (Max) Heart Rate Summary (Max)Heart RateC62117 Summary (Max) JT Interval Summary (Max)JT IntervalC62131 Summary (Max) PR Duration Summary (Max)PR DurationC62135 Summary (Max) QT Duration Summary (Max)QT DurationThe minimum time between successive cycles ofcontraction and subsequent relaxation of the heart,usually expressed as beats per minute, obtained from aset of measurements of the heart rate. (NCI)The maximum duration (time) of the JT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the JTinterval. The JT interval is defined as the time from theJ point (end of ventricular depolarization, the point atwhich the QRS meets the ST segment) to the end ofthe T wave (representing the end of ventricularrepolarization). (NCI)The maximum duration (time) of the PR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the PRinterval. The PR interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the P wave (representing the onset ofatrial depolarization) to the beginning of the R wave(representing the onset of ventricular depolarization).In some cases, a Q wave will precede the R wave, inwhich case the PR interval is measured from thebeginning of the P wave to the beginning of the Qwave. (NCI)The maximum duration (time) of the QT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval. The QT interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the Twave, representing the time it takes for the ventriclesto depolarize and subsequently repolarize. In somecases, the Q wave will be absent, in which case the QTinterval is measured from the beginning of the R waveto the end of the T wave. (NCI)Maximum Heart RateEKG Maximum JT DurationEKG Maximum PR DurationEKG Maximum QT DurationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 83 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71152 - EGTEST - ECG Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62094 Summary (Max) RR Duration Summary (Max)RR DurationThe maximum duration (time) between successivepeaks of R waves in a particular set of RR intervals.(NCI)EKG Maximum RR DurationC62163Summary (Max) STDepressionSummary (Max)ST DepressionThe maximum depression (negative deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the depressionof the ST segment. (NCI)EKG Maximum ST SegmentDepressionC62157 Summary (Max) ST Deviation Summary (Max)ST DeviationC62160 Summary (Max) ST Elevation Summary (Max)ST ElevationThe maximum deviation (distance from baseline,positive or negative, usually measured in mm) of theST segment, obtained from a set of measurements ofthe deviation of the ST segment. (NCI)The maximum elevation (positive deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the elevationof the ST segment. (NCI)EKG Maximum ST DeviationEKG Maximum ST SegmentElevationC62154Summary (Max) VentricularRateSummary (Max)Ventricular RateThe maximum time between successive cycles ofcontraction and subsequent relaxation of theventricles, usually expressed as beats per minute,obtained from a set of measurements of the ventricularrate. (NCI)Maximum Ventricular Heart RateC62095 Summary (Mean) Heart Rate Summary (Mean)Heart RateC62115 Summary (Mean) JT Interval Summary (Mean)JT IntervalC62121 Summary (Mean) P Axis Summary (Mean)P AxisThe average (mean) number of cycles of contractionand subsequent relaxation of the heart, usuallyexpressed as beats per minute, obtained from a set ofmeasurements of the heart rate. (NCI)The average (mean) duration (time) of the JT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the JTinterval. The JT interval is defined as the time from theJ point (end of ventricular depolarization, the point atwhich the QRS meets the ST segment) to the end ofthe T wave (representing the end of ventricularrepolarization). (NCI)The mean (average) direction (range -180 degrees to180 degrees) of the electrical potential generated byatrial depolarization in a particular plane (usually thefrontal plane). (NCI)Mean Heart RateEKG Mean JT DurationEKG Mean P AxisC62123Summary (Mean) P WaveDurationSummary (Mean)P Wave DurationThe average (mean) duration (time) from the onset ofatrial depolarization to the completion of atrialdepolarization (length of the P wave), obtained from aset of measurements of the time from beginning to endof atrial depolarization. (NCI)EKG Mean P Wave DurationC62124Summary (Mean) P WaveHeightSummary (Mean)P Wave HeightThe average (mean) height (usually measured in mm)of the maximum deflection from baseline of the Pwave (representing atrial depolarization), obtainedfrom a set of measurements of the P wave, from asingle lead or set of leads. Typically this measurementis obtained by analysis of Lead II. (NCI)EKG Mean P Wave HeightSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 84 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71152 - EGTEST - ECG Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62<strong>08</strong>6 Summary (Mean) PR Duration Summary (Mean)PR DurationC62132 Summary (Mean) QRS Axis Summary (Mean)QRS AxisThe average (mean) duration (time) of the PR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the PRinterval. The PR interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the P wave (representing the onset ofatrial depolarization) to the beginning of the R wave(representing the onset of ventricular depolarization).In some cases, a Q wave will precede the R wave, inwhich case the PR interval is measured from thebeginning of the P wave to the beginning of the Qwave. (NCI)The mean (average) direction of the electricalpotential generated by ventricular depolarization.(NCI)EKG Mean PR DurationMean QRS AxisC62<strong>08</strong>7Summary (Mean) QRSDurationSummary (Mean)QRS DurationThe average (mean) duration (time) of the QRSinterval, obtained from a set of measurements of theQRS interval. The QRS interval is defined as the timefrom the beginning of the QRS complex to the end ofthe QRS complex, representing the time it takes forthe ventricles to depolarize. (NCI)EKG Mean QRS DurationC62<strong>08</strong>9 Summary (Mean) QT Duration Summary (Mean)QT DurationThe average (mean) duration (time) of the QT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval. The QT interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the Twave, representing the time it takes for the ventriclesto depolarize and subsequently repolarize. In somecases, the Q wave will be absent, in which case the QTinterval is measured from the beginning of the R waveto the end of the T wave. (NCI)EKG Mean QT DurationC62136Summary (Mean) R WaveAmplitudeSummary (Mean)R WaveAmplitudeThe average (mean) amplitude (usually in mm) of the Rwave, obtained from a set of measurements of the Rwave, in a particular lead or set of leads. (NCI)EKG Mean R Wave AmplitudeC62144Summary (Mean) R+SAmplitudeSummary (Mean)R+S AmplitudeThe average (mean) amplitude (usually in mm) of thesummation of the R and S waves, obtained from a setof measurements of the R and S waves, in a particularlead or set of leads. (NCI)EKG Mean R+S AmplitudeC62090 Summary (Mean) RR Duration Summary (Mean)RR DurationThe average (mean) duration (time) of the RR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the RRinterval. The RR interval is defined as the time betweensuccessive peaks of the R wave and can be used tomeasure the ventricular rate. (NCI)EKG Mean RR DurationC62137Summary (Mean) S WaveAmplitudeSummary (Mean)S WaveAmplitudeThe average (mean) amplitude (usually in mm) of the Swave, obtained from a set of measurements of the Swave, in a particular lead or set of leads. (NCI)EKG Mean S Wave AmplitudeC62161Summary (Mean) STDepressionSummary (Mean)ST DepressionThe average (mean) depression (negative deflectionfrom baseline, usually measured in mm) of the STsegment, obtained from a set of measurements of thedepression of the ST segment. (NCI)EKG Mean ST Segment DepressionC62155Summary (Mean) STDeviationSummary (Mean)ST DeviationThe average (mean) deviation (distance from baseline,positive or negative, usually measured in mm) of theST segment, obtained from a set of measurements ofthe deviation of the ST segment. (NCI)EKG Mean ST DeviationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 85 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71152 - EGTEST - ECG Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62158 Summary (Mean) ST Elevation Summary (Mean)ST ElevationThe average (mean) elevation (positive deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the elevationof the ST segment. (NCI)EKG Mean ST Segment ElevationC62145Summary (Mean) ST SegmentDurationSummary (Mean)ST SegmentDurationThe average (mean) duration (time) from the end ofventricular depolarization (end of QRS complex) tothe end of ventricular repolarization (end of the Twave). (NCI)EKG Mean ST Segment DurationC62148 Summary (Mean) T Wave Area Summary (Mean)T Wave AreaC62146 Summary (Mean) T Wave Axis Summary (Mean)T Wave AxisThe average (mean) area under the curve of thedeflection from baseline of the T wave (representingventricular repolarization), obtained from a set ofmeasurements of the T wave, from a single lead or setof leads. (NCI)The mean (average) direction of the electricalpotential generated by ventricular repolarization. (NCI)EKG Mean T Wave AreaEKG Mean T Wave AxisC62147Summary (Mean) T WaveDurationSummary (Mean)T Wave DurationThe average (mean) duration (time) from the onset ofventricular repolarization to the completion ofventricular repolarization (length of the T wave),obtained from a set of measurements of the time frombeginning to end of ventricular repolarization. (NCI)EKG Mean T Wave DurationC62149Summary (Mean) T WaveHeightSummary (Mean)T Wave HeightThe average (mean) height (usually measured in mm)of the maximum deflection from baseline of the Twave (representing ventricular repolarization),obtained from a set of measurements of the T wave,from a single lead or set of leads. (NCI)EKG Mean T Wave HeightC62152Summary (Mean) VentricularRateSummary (Mean)Ventricular RateThe average (mean) number of cycles of contractionand subsequent relaxation of the ventricles, usuallyexpressed as beats per minute, obtained from a set ofmeasurements of the ventricular rate. (NCI)Mean Ventricular Heart RateC102249 Summary (Median) Heart Rate Summary(Median) HeartRateThe median number of cycles of contraction andsubsequent relaxation of the heart, usually expressedas beats per minute, obtained from a set ofmeasurements of the heart rate.Median Heart RateC102250Summary (Median) PRDurationSummary(Median) PRDurationThe median duration (time) of the PR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the PRinterval. The PR interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the P wave (representing the onset ofatrial depolarization) to the beginning of the R wave(representing the onset of ventricular depolarization).In some cases, a Q wave will precede the R wave, inwhich case the PR interval is measured from thebeginning of the P wave to the beginning of the Qwave.Median PR DurationC102251Summary (Median) QRSDurationSummary(Median) QRSDurationThe median duration (time) of the QRS interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QRSinterval. The QRS interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of theQRS complex, representing the time it takes for theventricles to depolarize.Median QRS DurationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 86 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71152 - EGTEST - ECG Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102252Summary (Median) QTDurationSummary(Median) QTDurationThe median duration (time) of the QT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval. The QT interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the Twave, representing the time it takes for the ventriclesto depolarize and subsequently repolarize. In somecases, the Q wave will be absent, in which case the QTinterval is measured from the beginning of the R waveto the end of the T wave.Median QT DurationC102253 Summary (Median) QTcF Summary(Median) QTcFThe median duration (time) of the QTc interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval and corrected using the Fridericia's correctionFormula.Median QTcFC102254Summary (Median) RRDurationSummary(Median) RRDurationThe median duration (time) of the RR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the RRinterval. The RR interval is defined as the time betweensuccessive peaks of the R wave and can be used tomeasure the ventricular rate.Median RR DurationC62096 Summary (Min) Heart Rate Summary (Min)Heart RateC62116 Summary (Min) JT Interval Summary (Min)JT IntervalC62125 Summary (Min) PR Duration Summary (Min)PR DurationC62133 Summary (Min) QT Duration Summary (Min)QT DurationC62093 Summary (Min) RR Duration Summary (Min)RR DurationThe maximum time between successive cycles ofcontraction and subsequent relaxation of the heart,usually expressed as beats per minute, obtained from aset of measurements of the heart rate. (NCI)The minimum duration (time) of the JT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the JTinterval. The JT interval is defined as the time from theJ point (end of ventricular depolarization, the point atwhich the QRS meets the ST segment) to the end ofthe T wave (representing the end of ventricularrepolarization). (NCI)The minimum duration (time) of the PR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the PRinterval. The PR interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the P wave (representing the onset ofatrial depolarization) to the beginning of the R wave(representing the onset of ventricular depolarization).In some cases, a Q wave will precede the R wave, inwhich case the PR interval is measured from thebeginning of the P wave to the beginning of the Qwave. (NCI)The minimum duration (time) of the QT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval. The QT interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the Twave, representing the time it takes for the ventriclesto depolarize and subsequently repolarize. In somecases, the Q wave will be absent, in which case the QTinterval is measured from the beginning of the R waveto the end of the T wave. (NCI)The minimum duration (time) between successivepeaks of R waves in a particular set of RR intervals.(NCI)Minimum Heart RateEKG Minimum JT DurationEKG Minimum PR DurationMinimum QT DurationEKG Minimum RR DurationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 87 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71152 - EGTEST - ECG Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62162Summary (Min) STDepressionSummary (Min)ST DepressionThe minimum depression (negative deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the depressionof the ST segment. (NCI)EKG Minimum ST SegmentDepressionC62156 Summary (Min) ST Deviation Summary (Min)ST DeviationC62159 Summary (Min) ST Elevation Summary (Min)ST ElevationThe minimum deviation (distance from baseline,positive or negative, usually measured in mm) of theST segment, obtained from a set of measurements ofthe deviation of the ST segment. (NCI)The minimum elevation (positive deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the elevationof the ST segment. (NCI)EKG Minimum ST DeviationEKG Minimum ST SegmentElevationC62153Summary (Min) VentricularRateSummary (Min)Ventricular RateThe minimum time between successive cycles ofcontraction and subsequent relaxation of theventricles, usually expressed as beats per minute,obtained from a set of measurements of the ventricularrate. (NCI)Minimum Ventricular Heart RateSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 88 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71153 - EGTESTCD - ECG Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC39779 HRMAX Summary (Max)Heart RateC62095 HRMEAN Summary (Mean)Heart RateC102249 HRMED Summary(Median) HeartRateC62096 HRMIN Summary (Min)Heart RateThe minimum time between successive cycles ofcontraction and subsequent relaxation of the heart,usually expressed as beats per minute, obtained from aset of measurements of the heart rate. (NCI)The average (mean) number of cycles of contractionand subsequent relaxation of the heart, usuallyexpressed as beats per minute, obtained from a set ofmeasurements of the heart rate. (NCI)The median number of cycles of contraction andsubsequent relaxation of the heart, usually expressedas beats per minute, obtained from a set ofmeasurements of the heart rate.The maximum time between successive cycles ofcontraction and subsequent relaxation of the heart,usually expressed as beats per minute, obtained from aset of measurements of the heart rate. (NCI)Maximum Heart RateMean Heart RateMedian Heart RateMinimum Heart RateC41255 INTP Interpretation An act or process of elucidation; explication, orexplanation of the meaning of the event or thing via theassignment of objects from the domain to theconstants of a formal language, truth-values to theproposition symbols, truth-functions to theconnectives, other functions to the function symbols,and extensions to the predicates, if any. Theassignments are result of human logic application andare not native to the symbols of the formal language.InterpretationC62118 JTCB JTcB - Bazett'sCorrectionFormulaC62119 JTCF JTcF -Fridericia'sCorrectionFormulaC62120 JTCLC JTcLC - LinearCorrectionFormulaA formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the JT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the JTinterval across a range of rates. It is mathematicallydefined as: JTcB = JT/SqRootRR(seconds) andtheoretically corrects the JT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)A formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the JT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the JTinterval across a range of rates. It is mathematicallydefined as: JTcF = JT/CubeRootRR(seconds) andtheoretically corrects the JT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)A formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the JT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the JTinterval across a range of rates. The linear correctionformula uses population-based data obtained andvalidated using a large cohort of subjects. Using thismethod, the corrected JT interval is independent of theventricular rate. (NCI)JTcB-Bazett's Correction FormulaJTcF-Fridericia's CorrectionFormulaJTcLC-Linear Correction FormulaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 89 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71153 - EGTESTCD - ECG Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62117 JTMAX Summary (Max)JT IntervalC62115 JTMEAN Summary (Mean)JT IntervalC62116 JTMIN Summary (Min)JT IntervalC62121 PAXIS Summary (Mean)P AxisC62131 PRMAX Summary (Max)PR DurationC62<strong>08</strong>6 PRMEAN Summary (Mean)PR DurationC102250 PRMED Summary(Median) PRDurationThe maximum duration (time) of the JT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the JTinterval. The JT interval is defined as the time from theJ point (end of ventricular depolarization, the point atwhich the QRS meets the ST segment) to the end ofthe T wave (representing the end of ventricularrepolarization). (NCI)The average (mean) duration (time) of the JT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the JTinterval. The JT interval is defined as the time from theJ point (end of ventricular depolarization, the point atwhich the QRS meets the ST segment) to the end ofthe T wave (representing the end of ventricularrepolarization). (NCI)The minimum duration (time) of the JT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the JTinterval. The JT interval is defined as the time from theJ point (end of ventricular depolarization, the point atwhich the QRS meets the ST segment) to the end ofthe T wave (representing the end of ventricularrepolarization). (NCI)The mean (average) direction (range -180 degrees to180 degrees) of the electrical potential generated byatrial depolarization in a particular plane (usually thefrontal plane). (NCI)The maximum duration (time) of the PR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the PRinterval. The PR interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the P wave (representing the onset ofatrial depolarization) to the beginning of the R wave(representing the onset of ventricular depolarization).In some cases, a Q wave will precede the R wave, inwhich case the PR interval is measured from thebeginning of the P wave to the beginning of the Qwave. (NCI)The average (mean) duration (time) of the PR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the PRinterval. The PR interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the P wave (representing the onset ofatrial depolarization) to the beginning of the R wave(representing the onset of ventricular depolarization).In some cases, a Q wave will precede the R wave, inwhich case the PR interval is measured from thebeginning of the P wave to the beginning of the Qwave. (NCI)The median duration (time) of the PR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the PRinterval. The PR interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the P wave (representing the onset ofatrial depolarization) to the beginning of the R wave(representing the onset of ventricular depolarization).In some cases, a Q wave will precede the R wave, inwhich case the PR interval is measured from thebeginning of the P wave to the beginning of the Qwave.EKG Maximum JT DurationEKG Mean JT DurationEKG Minimum JT DurationEKG Mean P AxisEKG Maximum PR DurationEKG Mean PR DurationMedian PR DurationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 90 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71153 - EGTESTCD - ECG Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62125 PRMIN Summary (Min)PR DurationC62123 PWAVEDUR Summary (Mean)P Wave DurationC62124 PWAVEHT Summary (Mean)P Wave HeightC62132 QRSAXIS Summary (Mean)QRS AxisC62<strong>08</strong>7 QRSDUR Summary (Mean)QRS DurationC100390 QRSDURVP QRS DurationVentricularPacedC102251 QRSMED Summary(Median) QRSDurationC100391 QTC QT Interval,CorrectedThe minimum duration (time) of the PR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the PRinterval. The PR interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the P wave (representing the onset ofatrial depolarization) to the beginning of the R wave(representing the onset of ventricular depolarization).In some cases, a Q wave will precede the R wave, inwhich case the PR interval is measured from thebeginning of the P wave to the beginning of the Qwave. (NCI)The average (mean) duration (time) from the onset ofatrial depolarization to the completion of atrialdepolarization (length of the P wave), obtained from aset of measurements of the time from beginning to endof atrial depolarization. (NCI)The average (mean) height (usually measured in mm)of the maximum deflection from baseline of the Pwave (representing atrial depolarization), obtainedfrom a set of measurements of the P wave, from asingle lead or set of leads. Typically this measurementis obtained by analysis of Lead II. (NCI)The mean (average) direction of the electricalpotential generated by ventricular depolarization.(NCI)The average (mean) duration (time) of the QRSinterval, obtained from a set of measurements of theQRS interval. The QRS interval is defined as the timefrom the beginning of the QRS complex to the end ofthe QRS complex, representing the time it takes forthe ventricles to depolarize. (NCI)The average (mean) duration (time) of the QRSinterval, obtained from a set of measurements of theQRS interval while the ventricle rhythm is controlledby an electrical impulse from a mechanical cardiacpacemaker. The QRS interval is defined as the timefrom the beginning of the QRS complex to the end ofthe QRS complex, representing the time it takes forthe ventricles to depolarize.The median duration (time) of the QRS interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QRSinterval. The QRS interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of theQRS complex, representing the time it takes for theventricles to depolarize.The time interval between the start of the Q wave andthe end of the T wave in the cardiac cycle as correctedwith a non-specified correction formula.EKG Minimum PR DurationEKG Mean P Wave DurationEKG Mean P Wave HeightMean QRS AxisEKG Mean QRS DurationEKG Mean QRS DurationVentricular PacedMedian QRS DurationCorrected QT IntervalSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 91 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71153 - EGTESTCD - ECG Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62112 QTCB QTcB - Bazett'sCorrectionFormulaC62113 QTCF QTcF -Fridericia'sCorrectionFormulaC102253 QTCFMED Summary(Median) QTcFC62114 QTCLC QTcLC - LinearCorrectionFormulaC90442 QTCV QTcV - Van deWater'sCorrectionFormulaC62135 QTMAX Summary (Max)QT DurationC62<strong>08</strong>9 QTMEAN Summary (Mean)QT DurationA formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the QT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the QTinterval across a range of rates. It is mathematicallydefined as: QTcB = QT/SqRootRR(seconds) andtheoretically corrects the QT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)A formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the QT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the QTinterval across a range of rates. It is mathematicallydefined as: QTcF = QT/CubeRootRR(seconds) andtheoretically corrects the QT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)The median duration (time) of the QTc interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval and corrected using the Fridericia's correctionFormula.A formula which takes into account the physiologicshortening of the QT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases, permitting comparison of the QTinterval across a range of rates. The linear correctionformula uses population-based data obtained andvalidated using a large cohort of subjects. This methodtheoretically corrects the QT interval to that whichwould be observed at a heart rate of 1 cycle persecond. (NCI)A mathematic formula defined as:QTcV = QT-0.<strong>08</strong>7[(60/Heart Rate)-1](seconds). Itpermits comparison of the QT interval across a rangeof rates, while accounting for the progressiveshortening of the QT interval which occurs as the heartrate increases. (NCI)The maximum duration (time) of the QT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval. The QT interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the Twave, representing the time it takes for the ventriclesto depolarize and subsequently repolarize. In somecases, the Q wave will be absent, in which case the QTinterval is measured from the beginning of the R waveto the end of the T wave. (NCI)The average (mean) duration (time) of the QT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval. The QT interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the Twave, representing the time it takes for the ventriclesto depolarize and subsequently repolarize. In somecases, the Q wave will be absent, in which case the QTinterval is measured from the beginning of the R waveto the end of the T wave. (NCI)QTcB-Bazett's Correction FormulaQTcF-Fridericia's CorrectionFormulaMedian QTcFQTcLC-Linear Correction FormulaQTcV Van de Water's CorrectionFormulaEKG Maximum QT DurationEKG Mean QT DurationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 92 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71153 - EGTESTCD - ECG Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102252 QTMED Summary(Median) QTDurationC62133 QTMIN Summary (Min)QT DurationC62094 RRMAX Summary (Max)RR DurationC62090 RRMEAN Summary (Mean)RR DurationC102254 RRMED Summary(Median) RRDurationC62093 RRMIN Summary (Min)RR DurationC62144 RSAMP Summary (Mean)R+S AmplitudeC62136 RWAVEAMP Summary (Mean)R WaveAmplitudeC62163 STDPMAX Summary (Max)ST DepressionC62161 STDPMEAN Summary (Mean)ST DepressionC62162 STDPMIN Summary (Min)ST DepressionThe median duration (time) of the QT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval. The QT interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the Twave, representing the time it takes for the ventriclesto depolarize and subsequently repolarize. In somecases, the Q wave will be absent, in which case the QTinterval is measured from the beginning of the R waveto the end of the T wave.The minimum duration (time) of the QT interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the QTinterval. The QT interval is defined as the time fromthe beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the Twave, representing the time it takes for the ventriclesto depolarize and subsequently repolarize. In somecases, the Q wave will be absent, in which case the QTinterval is measured from the beginning of the R waveto the end of the T wave. (NCI)The maximum duration (time) between successivepeaks of R waves in a particular set of RR intervals.(NCI)The average (mean) duration (time) of the RR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the RRinterval. The RR interval is defined as the time betweensuccessive peaks of the R wave and can be used tomeasure the ventricular rate. (NCI)The median duration (time) of the RR interval,obtained from a set of measurements of the RRinterval. The RR interval is defined as the time betweensuccessive peaks of the R wave and can be used tomeasure the ventricular rate.The minimum duration (time) between successivepeaks of R waves in a particular set of RR intervals.(NCI)The average (mean) amplitude (usually in mm) of thesummation of the R and S waves, obtained from a setof measurements of the R and S waves, in a particularlead or set of leads. (NCI)The average (mean) amplitude (usually in mm) of the Rwave, obtained from a set of measurements of the Rwave, in a particular lead or set of leads. (NCI)The maximum depression (negative deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the depressionof the ST segment. (NCI)The average (mean) depression (negative deflectionfrom baseline, usually measured in mm) of the STsegment, obtained from a set of measurements of thedepression of the ST segment. (NCI)The minimum depression (negative deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the depressionof the ST segment. (NCI)Median QT DurationMinimum QT DurationEKG Maximum RR DurationEKG Mean RR DurationMedian RR DurationEKG Minimum RR DurationEKG Mean R+S AmplitudeEKG Mean R Wave AmplitudeEKG Maximum ST SegmentDepressionEKG Mean ST Segment DepressionEKG Minimum ST SegmentDepressionSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 93 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71153 - EGTESTCD - ECG Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62157 STDVMAX Summary (Max)ST DeviationC62155 STDVMEAN Summary (Mean)ST DeviationC62156 STDVMIN Summary (Min)ST DeviationC62160 STELMAX Summary (Max)ST ElevationC62158 STELMEAN Summary (Mean)ST ElevationC62159 STELMIN Summary (Min)ST ElevationC62145 STSEGDUR Summary (Mean)ST SegmentDurationC62137 SWAVEAMP Summary (Mean)S WaveAmplitudeC62146 TAXIS Summary (Mean)T Wave AxisC62148 TWAVAREA Summary (Mean)T Wave AreaC62147 TWAVEDUR Summary (Mean)T Wave DurationC62149 TWAVEHT Summary (Mean)T Wave HeightThe maximum deviation (distance from baseline,positive or negative, usually measured in mm) of theST segment, obtained from a set of measurements ofthe deviation of the ST segment. (NCI)The average (mean) deviation (distance from baseline,positive or negative, usually measured in mm) of theST segment, obtained from a set of measurements ofthe deviation of the ST segment. (NCI)The minimum deviation (distance from baseline,positive or negative, usually measured in mm) of theST segment, obtained from a set of measurements ofthe deviation of the ST segment. (NCI)The maximum elevation (positive deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the elevationof the ST segment. (NCI)The average (mean) elevation (positive deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the elevationof the ST segment. (NCI)The minimum elevation (positive deflection frombaseline, usually measured in mm) of the ST segment,obtained from a set of measurements of the elevationof the ST segment. (NCI)The duration (time) of the ST segment, measured fromthe J point at the end of the QRS complex to thebeginning of the T wave. (NCI)The average (mean) amplitude (usually in mm) of the Swave, obtained from a set of measurements of the Swave, in a particular lead or set of leads. (NCI)The mean (average) direction of the electricalpotential generated by ventricular repolarization. (NCI)The average (mean) area under the curve of thedeflection from baseline of the T wave (representingventricular repolarization), obtained from a set ofmeasurements of the T wave, from a single lead or setof leads. (NCI)The average (mean) duration (time) from the onset ofventricular repolarization to the completion ofventricular repolarization (length of the T wave),obtained from a set of measurements of the time frombeginning to end of ventricular repolarization. (NCI)The average (mean) height (usually measured in mm)of the maximum deflection from baseline of the Twave (representing ventricular repolarization),obtained from a set of measurements of the T wave,from a single lead or set of leads. (NCI)EKG Maximum ST DeviationEKG Mean ST DeviationEKG Minimum ST DeviationEKG Maximum ST SegmentElevationEKG Mean ST Segment ElevationEKG Minimum ST SegmentElevationEKG Mean ST Segment DurationEKG Mean S Wave AmplitudeEKG Mean T Wave AxisEKG Mean T Wave AreaEKG Mean T Wave DurationEKG Mean T Wave HeightSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 94 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71153 - EGTESTCD - ECG Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62154 VRMAX Summary (Max)Ventricular RateC62152 VRMEAN Summary (Mean)Ventricular RateC62153 VRMIN Summary (Min)Ventricular RateThe maximum time between successive cycles ofcontraction and subsequent relaxation of theventricles, usually expressed as beats per minute,obtained from a set of measurements of the ventricularrate. (NCI)The average (mean) number of cycles of contractionand subsequent relaxation of the ventricles, usuallyexpressed as beats per minute, obtained from a set ofmeasurements of the ventricular rate. (NCI)The minimum time between successive cycles ofcontraction and subsequent relaxation of theventricles, usually expressed as beats per minute,obtained from a set of measurements of the ventricularrate. (NCI)Maximum Ventricular Heart RateMean Ventricular Heart RateMinimum Ventricular Heart RateSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 95 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C99079 - EPOCH - EpochCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102255 BLINDED TREATMENT A period in a clinical study during which subjectsreceive blinded therapeutic treatment.C99158 FOLLOW-UP A period in a clinical study during which informationabout the health status of an individual is obtained afterstudy procedures and treatments have concluded.C102256 OPEN LABEL TREATMENT A period in a clinical study during which subjectsreceive open label therapeutic treatment.C98779 RUN-IN A period in a clinical study that occurs before thecommencement of the primary clinical studyinvestigation, during which subjects may be assessedfor suitability in the clinical study, withdrawn fromexisting therapy, trained in study methodology orevaluated for any other protocol-specified reason.C48262 SCREENING A period in a clinical study during which subjects areevaluated for participation in the study.C101526 TREATMENT A period in a clinical study during which subjectsreceive therapeutic treatment.C42872 WASHOUT A period of time during a clinical study when aparticipant is taken off of a study drug or othermedication in order to eliminate the effects of thetreatment.Blinded Treatment EpochClinical Study Follow-upOpen Label Treatment EpochRun-in PeriodTrial ScreeningTreatment EpochWashout PeriodSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 96 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66790 - ETHNIC - Ethnic GroupCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC17459 HISPANIC OR LATINO A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central orSouth American or other Spanish culture or origin,regardless of race. (NCI)C41222 NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO A person not of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Southor Central American, or other Spanish culture ororigin, regardless of race. An arbitrary ethnicclassification. (NCI)Hispanic or LatinoNot Hispanic or LatinoC43234 NOT REPORTED Not reported Not provided or available. Not StatedC17998 UNKNOWN U; Unknown Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)UnknownSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 97 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78735 - EVAL - EvaluatorCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC78726ADJUDICATIONCOMMITTEEAn external committee whose purpose is to evaluatestudy data and decide whether a study endpoint or othercriterion has been met. (NCI)Adjudication CommitteeC17445 CAREGIVER Caregiver The primary person in charge of the care of a patient,usually a family member or a designated health careprofessional. (NCI)CaregiverC427<strong>08</strong> CHILD A son or a daughter. ChildC25465CLINICAL RESEARCHASSOCIATEResearchAssociateA person who is employed by a study sponsor or by acontract research organization (CRO), operatesindependently from the clinical study site andfunctions as a monitor, and/or auditor, and/or a projectdirector within a particular trial or institution. (NCI)Clinical Research AssociateC51811CLINICAL RESEARCHCOORDINATORA person to whom a clinical investigator delegatesroutine administrative requirements of a protocol. Theduties and responsibilities of a clinical researchcoordinator may vary across different infrastructures.Generally, the coordinator manages the subject'sclinical trial participation and provides a vital linkagebetween the subject, the investigator, and the sponsor.(NCI)Clinical CoordinatorC70793CLINICAL STUDYSPONSORClinical StudySponsor; StudySponsor,SponsorAn entity that is responsible for the initiation,management, and/or financing of a clinical study.Clinical Study SponsorC53262 DOMESTIC PARTNER DomesticPartnerA person who is a member of an unmarried couple,including same sex couples living together inlongstanding relationships, that are registered orunregistered. (NCI)Domestic PartnershipC72884 FRIEND A person whom an individual knows, likes, and trusts.(NCI)C51828 GUARDIAN An individual who is authorized under applicable Stateor local law to consent on behalf of a child orincapable person to general medical care includingparticipation in clinical research. (NCI)FriendGuardianC53287HEALTH CAREPROFESSIONALA person qualified to be engaged in activity directed atpreservation of mental and physical health by diseasesprevention and treatment as a source of livelihood.(NCI)Health Care ProfessionalC78720 INDEPENDENT ASSESSOR An individual qualified to perform an evaluation who ismasked from a subject's data in order to minimize biasor maximize consistency and quality. (NCI)C25936 INVESTIGATOR A person responsible for the conduct of the clinicaltrial at a trial site. If a trial is conducted by a team ofindividuals at the trial site, the investigator is theresponsible leader of the team and may be called theprinciple investigator.Independent RaterInvestigatorC42709 PARENT A mother or a father. ParentSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 98 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78735 - EVAL - EvaluatorCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62649 SPOUSE Spouse A person's partner in marriage. (NCI) SpouseC41189 STUDY SUBJECT An individual who is observed, analyzed, examined,investigated, experimented upon, or/and treated in thecourse of a particular study.Study SubjectSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 99 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102579 - EVDRETRT - Supporting Evidence for Re-TreatmentCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102602BACTERIOLOGICALFINDINGObjective evidence of bacterial infection perceptibleto the examiner by laboratory procedure.Bacteriological FindingC100104 CLINICAL FINDING Objective evidence of disease perceptible to theexaminer (sign) and subjective evidence of diseaseperceived by the subject (symptom).C35869 RADIOLOGIC FINDING Objective evidence of disease perceptible to theexaminer by radiological procedure.Sign or SymptomRadiologic FindingSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 100 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101851 - FATEST - Findings About Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102626 Drug Resistance Status Drug ResistanceStatusThe state or condition of not responding to apharmacological agent.Drug Resistance StatusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 101 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101852 - FATESTCD - Findings About Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102626 DRSTAT Drug ResistanceStatusThe state or condition of not responding to apharmacological agent.Drug Resistance StatusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 102 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71113 - FREQ - FrequencyCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64526 1 TIME PER WEEK One Time PerWeekOne time per week. (NCI)Once WeeklyC98861 2 TIMES PER YEAR 2 Times Per Year Two times per year. (NCI) Two Times YearlyC98859 3 TIMES PER MONTH 3 Times PerMonthThree times per month. (NCI)Three Times MonthlyC98860 3 TIMES PER YEAR 3 Times Per Year Three times per year. (NCI) Three Times YearlyC98852 4 TIMES PER MONTH 4 Times PerMonthFour times per month. (NCI)Four Times MonthlyC98853 4 TIMES PER YEAR 4 Times Per Year Four times per year. (NCI) Four Times YearlyC98849 5 TIMES PER DAY 5 Times Daily Five times per day. (NCI) Five Times DailyC98850 5 TIMES PER MONTH 5 Times PerMonthC85552 5 TIMES PER WEEK 5 Times PerWeekFive times per month. (NCI)Five times per week. (NCI)Five Times MonthlyFive Times WeeklyC98851 5 TIMES PER YEAR 5 Times Per Year Five times per year. (NCI) Five Times YearlyC98855 6 TIMES PER DAY 6 Times Daily Six times per day. (NCI) Six Times DailyC98856 6 TIMES PER MONTH 6 Times PerMonthC98857 6 TIMES PER WEEK 6 Times PerWeekSix times per month. (NCI)Six times per week. (NCI)Six Times MonthlySix Times WeeklyC98858 6 TIMES PER YEAR 6 Times Per Year Six times per year. (NCI) Six Times YearlyC98854 7 TIMES PER WEEK 7 Times PerWeekSeven times per week. (NCI)Seven Times WeeklyC64636 AD LIBITUM Ad Libitum As much as desired. As Much as DesiredC64496 BID BD; Twice perdayTwo times per day, at unspecified times. (NCI)Twice DailyC71129 BIM Twice per month Twice per month. (NCI) Twice Per MonthC64497 BIS Twice per week Two times per week. (NCI) Twice WeeklyC53279 CONTINUOUS Continuous Remain in force or carry on without letup; keep ormaintain in unaltered condition; exist in time or spacewithout stop or interruption. (NCI)ContinueC71325 INTERMITTENT Intermittent Periodically stopping and starting. (NCI) IntermittentC64954 OCCASIONAL Occasional Not occurring regularly or at short intervals. InfrequentC64576 ONCE Once A one time intervention. (NCI) OnceC17649 OTHER Other Different than the one(s) previously specified ormentioned. (NCI)OtherC74924 PA Per Annum; PerYear; Every YearA frequency rate of occurrences of something within aperiod of time equal to three hundred sixty-five days.Per YearC64499 PRN As needed As needed. (NCI) As NecessaryC64500 Q10H Every 10 hours Every ten hours. (NCI) Every Ten HoursSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 103 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71113 - FREQ - FrequencyCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64501 Q11H Every 11 hours Every eleven hours. (NCI) Every Eleven HoursC64502 Q12H Every 12 hours Every twelve hours. (NCI) Every Twelve HoursC64503 Q13H Every 13 hours Every thirteen hours. (NCI) Every Thirteen HoursC64504 Q14H Every 14 hours Every fourteen hours. (NCI) Every Fourteen HoursC64505 Q15H Every 15 hours Every fifteen hours. (NCI) Every Fifteen HoursC64506 Q16H Every 16 hours Every sixteen hours. (NCI) Every Sixteen HoursC64507 Q17H Every 17 hours Every seventeen hours. (NCI) Every Seventeen HoursC645<strong>08</strong> Q18H Every 18 hours Every eighteen hours. (NCI) Every Eighteen HoursC64509 Q19H Every 19 hours Every nineteen hours. (NCI) Every Nineteen HoursC64511 Q20H Every 20 hours Every twenty hours. (NCI) Every Twenty HoursC64512 Q21H Every 21 hours Every twenty-one hours. (NCI) Every Twenty-One HoursC64513 Q22H Every 22 hours Every twenty-two hours. (NCI) Every Twenty-Two HoursC64514 Q23H Every 23 hours Every twenty-three hours. (NCI) Every Twenty-Three HoursC64515 Q24H Every 24 hours Every twenty-four hours. (NCI) Every Twenty-Four HoursC64516 Q2H Every 2 hours Every two hours. (NCI) Every Two HoursC64536 Q2M Every twomonthsEvery two months. (NCI)Every Two MonthsC71127 Q2S Every 2 weeks Every two weeks. (NCI) Every Two WeeksC64533 Q3D Every 3 days Every three days. (NCI) Every Three DaysC64517 Q3H Every 3 hours Every three hours. (NCI) Every Three HoursC64537 Q3M Every 3 months Every three months. (NCI) Every Three MonthsC64535 Q3S Every 3 weeks Every three weeks. (NCI) Every Three WeeksC64534 Q4D Every 4 days Every four days. (NCI) Every Four DaysC64518 Q4H Every 4 hours Every four hours. (NCI) Every Four HoursC64538 Q4M Every 4 months Every four months. (NCI) Every Four MonthsC64529 Q4S Every 4 weeks Every four weeks. (NCI) Every Four WeeksC71124 Q5D Every 5 days Every five days. (NCI) Every Five DaysC64519 Q5H Every 5 hours Every five hours. (NCI) Every Five HoursC64520 Q6H Every 6 hours Every six hours. (NCI) Every Six HoursC89788 Q6S Every 6 Weeks Every six weeks. (NCI) Every Six WeeksC64521 Q7H Every 7 hours Every seven hours. (NCI) Every Seven HoursC64523 Q8H Every 8 hours Every eight hours. (NCI) Every Eight HoursC64524 Q9H Every 9 hours Every nine hours. (NCI) Every Nine HoursC25473 QD Daily Occurring or done each day. DailyC64510 QH Every hour Every hour. (NCI) Every HourSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 104 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71113 - FREQ - FrequencyCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64530 QID 4 times per day Four times per day. (NCI) Four Times DailyC64531 QIS 4 times per week Four times per week. (NCI) Four Times WeeklyC64498 QM Every Month;Per MonthEvery month. (NCI)MonthlyC64525 QOD Every other day Every other day. (NCI) Every Other DayC67069 QS Every week; PerWeekEvery week. (NCI)WeeklyC64527 TID 3 times per day Three times per day. (NCI) Three Times DailyC64528 TIS Three times aweekThree times per week. (NCI)Three Times WeeklyC17998 UNKNOWN U; Unknown Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)UnknownSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 105 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42887 AEROSOL aer A product that is packaged under pressure and containstherapeutically active ingredients that are releasedupon activation of an appropriate valve system; it isintended for topical application to the skin as well aslocal application into the nose (nasal aerosols), mouth(lingual aerosols), or lungs (inhalation aerosols).(FDA)C42888 AEROSOL, FOAM A dosage form containing one or more activeingredients, surfactants, aqueous or non-aqueousliquids, and the propellants; if the propellant is in theinternal (discontinuous) phase (i.e., of the oil-in-watertype), a stable foam is discharged, and if the propellantis in the external (continuous) phase (i.e., of thewater-in-oil type), a spray or a quick-breaking foam isdischarged. (FDA)C42960 AEROSOL, METERED A pressurized dosage form consisting of metered dosevalves which allow for the delivery of a uniformquantity of spray upon each activation. (NCI)C42971 AEROSOL, POWDER A product that is packaged under pressure and containstherapeutically active ingredients, in the form of apowder, that are released upon activation of anappropriate valve system. (NCI)C42889 AEROSOL, SPRAY An aerosol product which utilizes a compressed gas asthe propellant to provide the force necessary to expelthe product as a wet spray; it is applicable to solutionsof medicinal agents in aqueous solvents. (NCI)C42892 BAR, CHEWABLE A solid dosage form usually in the form of a rectanglethat is meant to be chewed. (NCI)Aerosol Dosage FormAerosol Foam Dosage FormMetered Aerosol Dosage FormPowder Aerosol Dosage FormAerosol Spray Dosage FormChewable Bar Dosage FormC42890 BEAD A solid dosage form in the shape of a small ball. (NCI) Bead Dosage FormC43451BEAD, IMPLANT,EXTENDED RELEASEA small sterile solid mass consisting of a highlypurified drug intended for implantation in the bodywhich would allow at least a reduction in dosingfrequency as compared to that drug presented as aconventional dosage form. (NCI)Extended Release Bead ImplantDosage FormC42891 BLOCK Solid dosage form, usually in the shape of a square orrectangle. (NCI)C97197 CAPLET A solid dosage form in which a tablet has beencompacted into capsule shape.C25158 CAPSULE cap A solid pharmaceutical dosage form that containsmedicinal agent within either a hard or soft solublecontainer or shell, usually used for the oraladministration of medicine. The shells are made of asuitable form of gelatin or other substance. (NCI)C42895 CAPSULE, COATED A solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosedwithin either a hard or soft soluble container or "shell"made from a suitable form of gelatin; additionally, thecapsule is covered in a designated coating. (NCI)Block Dosage FormCaplet Dosage FormCapsule Dosage FormCoated Capsule Dosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 106 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42896CAPSULE, COATEDPELLETSA solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosedwithin either a hard or soft soluble container or "shell"made from a suitable form of gelatin; the drug itself isin the form of granules to which varying amounts ofcoating have been applied. (NCI)Coated Pellets in Capsule DosageFormC42917CAPSULE, COATED,EXTENDED RELEASEA solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosedwithin either a hard or soft soluble container or "shell"made from a suitable form of gelatin; additionally, thecapsule is covered in a designated coating, and whichreleases a drug (or drugs) in such a manner to allow atleast a reduction in dosing frequency as compared tothat drug (or drugs) presented as a conventional dosageform. (NCI)Extended Release Coated CapsuleDosage FormC42902CAPSULE, DELAYEDRELEASEA solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosedwithin either a hard or soft soluble container madefrom a suitable form of gelatin, and which releases adrug (or drugs) at a time other than promptly afteradministration. Enteric-coated articles are delayedrelease dosage forms. (NCI)Delayed Release Capsule DosageFormC42904CAPSULE, DELAYEDRELEASE PELLETSA solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosedwithin either a hard or soft soluble container or "shell"made from a suitable form of gelatin; the drug itself isin the form of granules to which enteric coating hasbeen applied, thus delaying release of the drug until itspassage into the intestines. (NCI)Delayed Release Pellets in CapsuleDosage FormC42916CAPSULE, EXTENDEDRELEASEA solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosedwithin either a hard or soft soluble container madefrom a suitable form of gelatin, and which releases adrug (or drugs) in such a manner to allow a reductionin dosing frequency as compared to that drug (ordrugs) presented as a conventional dosage form. (NCI)Extended Release Capsule DosageFormC42928CAPSULE, FILM COATED,EXTENDED RELEASEA solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosedwithin either a hard or soft soluble container or "shell"made from a suitable form of gelatin; additionally, thecapsule is covered in a designated film coating, andwhich releases a drug (or drugs) in such a manner toallow at least a reduction in dosing frequency ascompared to that drug (or drugs) presented as aconventional dosage form. (NCI)Extended Release Film CoatedCapsule Dosage FormC42936CAPSULE, GELATINCOATEDA solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosedwithin either a hard or soft soluble container madefrom a suitable form of gelatin; through a bandingprocess, the capsule is coated with additional layers ofgelatin so as to form a complete seal. (NCI)Gelatin Coated Capsule DosageFormC42954 CAPSULE, LIQUID FILLED A solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosedwithin a soluble, gelatin shell which is plasticized bythe addition of a polyol, such as sorbitol or glycerin,and is therefore of a somewhat thicker consistencythan that of a hard shell capsule; typically, the activeingredients are dissolved or suspended in a liquidvehicle. (NCI)C45414 CEMENT A substance that serves to produce solid union betweentwo surfaces. (NCI)Liquid Filled Capsule Dosage FormCement Dosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 107 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42678 CIGARETTE A narrow tube filled with material that is capable toburn with release of therapeutically-activesubstance(s) during the process of smoking. Cigaretteis a very efficient drug-delivery inhaler system forfast-acting substances.(FDA)C6<strong>08</strong>84 CLOTH A large piece of relatively flat, absorbent material thatcontains a drug. It is typically used for applyingmedication or for cleansing. (FDA)C6<strong>08</strong>91 CONCENTRATE A liquid preparation of increased strength and reducedvolume which is usually diluted prior toadministration. (NCI)C42900 CONE A solid dosage form bounded by a circular base and thesurface formed by line segments joining every point ofthe boundary of the base to a common vertex. A cone(usually containing antibiotics) is normally placedbelow the gingiva after a dental extraction. (NCI)Cigarette Dosage FormCloth Dosage FormConcentrate Dosage FormCone Dosage FormC42919CORE, EXTENDEDRELEASEAn ocular system placed in the eye from which thedrug diffuses through a membrane at a constant rateover a specified period. (NCI)Extended Release Core DosageFormC28944 CREAM A semisolid emulsion of either the oil-in-water or thewater-in-oil type, ordinarily intended for topical use.(NCI)C6<strong>08</strong>97 CREAM, AUGMENTED A cream dosage form that enhances drug delivery.Augmentation does not refer to the strength of thedrug in the dosage form. NOTE: CDER has decided torefrain from expanding the use of this dosage form dueto difficulties in setting specific criteria that must bemet to be considered augmented. (FDA)C42901 CRYSTAL A naturally produced angular solid of definite form inwhich the ultimate units from which it is built up aresystematically arranged; they are usually evenly spacedon a regular space lattice.C45415 CULTURE The propagation of microorganisms or of living tissuecells in special media conducive to their growth. (NCI)C47890 DIAPHRAGM A device usually dome-shaped, worn during copulationover the cervical mouth for prevention of conceptionor infection. (NCI)Cream Dosage FormAugmented Cream Dosage FormCrystal Dosage FormCulture Dosage FormDiaphragm Dosage FormC43525 DISC A circular plate-like organ or structure. (FDA) Disc Dosage FormC42679 DOUCHE A liquid preparation, intended for the irrigativecleansing of the vagina, that is prepared from powders,liquid solutions, or liquid concentrates and containsone or more chemical substances dissolved in asuitable solvent or mutually miscible solvents. (NCI)C42763 DRESSING The application of various materials for protecting awound.(FDA)C17423 DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEM Modern technology, distributed with or as a part of adrug product that allows for the uniform release ortargeting of drugs to the body. (FDA)Douche Dosage FormDressing Dosage FormDrug Delivery SystemSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 1<strong>08</strong> of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42912 ELIXIR A clear, pleasantly flavored, sweetened hydroalcoholicliquid containing dissolved medicinal agents; it isintended for oral use. (NCI)C42913 EMULSION A dosage form consisting of a two-phase systemcomprised of at least two immiscible liquids (1), oneof which is dispersed as droplets (internal or dispersedphase) within the other liquid (external or continuousphase), generally stabilized with one or moreemulsifying agents. Note 1: A liquid is pourable; itflows and conforms to its container at roomtemperature. It displays Newtonian or pseudoplasticflow behavior. Note 2: Emulsion is used as a dosageform term unless a more specific term is applicable,e.g. cream, lotion, ointment. (NCI)C42915 ENEMA A rectal preparation for therapeutic, diagnostic, ornutritive purposes. (NCI)C42929 EXTRACT A concentrated preparation of vegetable or animaldrugs obtained by removal of the active constituents ofthe respective drugs with a suitable menstrua,evaporation of all or nearly all of the solvent, andadjustment of the residual masses or powders to theprescribed standards. (NCI)Elixir Dosage FormEmulsion Dosage FormEnema Dosage FormExtract Dosage FormC60926FIBER, EXTENDEDRELEASEA slender and elongated solid thread-like substancethat delivers drug in such a manner to allow a reductionin dosing frequency as compared to that drug (ordrugs) presented as a conventional dosage form. (FDA)Extended Release Fiber DosageFormC42932 FILM A thin layer or coating. (NCI) Film Dosage FormC42920 FILM, EXTENDED RELEASE A drug delivery system in the form of a film thatreleases the drug over an extended period in such a wayas to maintain constant drug levels in the blood ortarget tissue. (NCI)C42984 FILM, SOLUBLE A thin layer or coating which is susceptible to beingdissolved when in contact with a liquid. (NCI)C60927 FOR SOLUTION A product, usually a solid, intended for solution priorto administration. (FDA)C60928 FOR SUSPENSION A product, usually a solid, intended for suspensionprior to administration. (FDA)Extended Release Film Dosage FormSoluble Film Dosage FormDosage Form For SolutionDosage Form For SuspensionC60929FOR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED RELEASEA product, usually a solid, intended for suspensionprior to administration; once the suspension isadministered, the drug will be released at a constantrate over a specified period. (FDA)Extended Release Dosage Form ForSuspensionC42933 GAS Any elastic aeriform fluid in which the molecules areseparated from one another and have free paths. (NCI)Gas Dosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 109 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42934 GEL A semisolid (1) dosage form that contains a gellingagent to provide stiffness to a solution or a colloidaldispersion (2). A gel may contain suspended particles.Note 1: A semisolid is not pourable; it does not flowor conform to its container at room temperature. Itdoes not flow at low shear stress and generally exhibitsplastic flow behavior. Note 2: A colloidal dispersion isa system in which particles of colloidal dimension(i.e., typically between 1 nm and 1 micrometer) aredistributed uniformly throughout a liquid. (NCI)C42906 GEL, DENTIFRICE A combination of a dentifrice (formulation intended toclean and/or polish the teeth, and which may containcertain additional agents), and a gel. It is used with atoothbrush for the purpose of cleaning and polishingthe teeth. (NCI)C60930 GEL, METERED A gel preparation, with metered dose valves, whichallow for the delivery of a uniform quantity of gel uponeach activation. (FDA)C48193 GENERATOR An apparatus for the formation of vapor or gas from aliquid or solid by heat or chemical action. The termGENERATOR also applies to radioactive columnsfrom which radionuclides are provided. (NCI)C42937 GLOBULE Also called pellets or pilules, are made of puresucrose, lactose, or other polysaccharides. They areformed into small globular masses of various sizes,and are medicated by placing them in a vial and addingthe liquid drug attenuation in the proportion not lessthan one percent (v/w). After shaking, the medicatedglobules are dried at temperatures not to exceed 40degrees Centigrade. (NCI)C45416 GRAFT A slip of skin or of other tissue for implantation.(NCI)Gel Dosage FormDentifrice Gel Dosage FormMetered Gel Dosage FormGenerator Dosage FormGlobule Dosage FormGraft Dosage FormC42938 GRANULE A small particle or grain. (NCI) Granule Dosage FormC42903GRANULE, DELAYEDRELEASEA small medicinal particle or grain to which an entericor other coating has been applied, thus delaying releaseof the drug until its passage into the intestines. (NCI)Delayed Release Granule DosageFormC42909 GRANULE, EFFERVESCENT A small particle or grain containing a medicinal agentin a dry mixture usually composed of sodiumbicarbonate, citric acid, and tartaric acid which, whenin contact with water, has the capability to release gas,resulting in effervescence. (NCI)C42939 GRANULE, FOR SOLUTION A small medicinal particle or grain made available inits more stable dry form, to be reconstituted withsolvent just before dispensing; the granules are soprepared to contain not only the medicinal agent, butthe colorants, flavorants, and any other desiredpharmaceutic ingredient. (NCI)Effervescent Granule Dosage FormGranule For Solution Dosage FormC42940GRANULE, FORSUSPENSIONA small medicinal particle or grain made available inits more stable dry form, to be reconstituted withsolvent just before dispensing to form a suspension;the granules are so prepared to contain not only themedicinal agent, but the colorants, flavorants, and anyother desired pharmaceutic ingredient. (NCI)Granule For Suspension DosageFormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 110 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42921GRANULE, FORSUSPENSION, EXTENDEDRELEASEA small medicinal particle or grain made available inits more stable dry form, to be reconstituted withsolvent just before dispensing to form a suspension;the extended release system achieves slow release ofthe drug over an extended period of time and maintainsconstant drug levels in the blood or target tissue. (NCI)Extended Release Granule ForSuspension Dosage FormC42941 GUM A mucilaginous excretion from various plants. (NCI) Gum Dosage FormC42894 GUM, CHEWING A sweetened and flavored insoluble plastic material ofvarious shapes which when chewed, releases a drugsubstance into the oral cavity. (NCI)C42978 GUM, RESIN Natural mixture of gum and resin, usually obtained asexudations from plants. (NCI)C42942 IMPLANT A material containing drug intended to be insertedsecurely and deeply in a living site for growth, slowrelease, or formation of an organic union. (NCI)C42944 INHALANT A special class of inhalations consisting of a drug orcombination of drugs, that by virtue of their high vaporpressure, can be carried by an air current into the nasalpassage where they exert their effect; the containerfrom which the inhalant generally is administered isknown as an inhaler. (NCI)C60931 INJECTABLE, LIPOSOMAL An injection, which either consists of or formsliposomes (a lipid bilayer vesicle usually composed ofphospholipids which is used to encapsulate an activedrug substance). (FDA)C42946 INJECTION A sterile preparation intended for parenteral use; fivedistinct classes of injections exist as defined by theUSP. (NCI)C42914 INJECTION, EMULSION An emulsion consisting of a sterile, pyrogen-freepreparation intended to be administeredparenterally.(FDA)Chewing Gum Dosage FormResin Gum Dosage FormImplant Dosage FormInhalant Dosage FormLiposomal Injection Dosage FormInjectable Dosage FormEmulsion for Injection Dosage FormC42950INJECTION, LIPIDCOMPLEX[definition pending](FDA)Injectable Lipid Complex DosageFormC42974INJECTION, POWDER, FORSOLUTIONA sterile preparation intended for reconstitution toform a solution for parenteral use. (NCI)Powder For Injectable SolutionDosage FormC42976INJECTION, POWDER, FORSUSPENSIONA sterile preparation intended for reconstitution toform a suspension for parenteral use. (NCI)Powder For Injectable SuspensionDosage FormC42977INJECTION, POWDER, FORSUSPENSION, EXTENDEDRELEASEA dried preparation intended for reconstitution to forma suspension for parenteral use which has beenformulated in a manner to allow at least a reduction indosing frequency as compared to that drug presentedas a conventional dosage form (e.g., as asolution).(FDA)Powder For Injectable ExtendedRelease Suspension Dosage FormC42959INJECTION, POWDER,LYOPHILIZED, FORLIPOSOMAL SUSPENSIONA sterile freeze dried preparation intended forreconstitution for parenteral use which has beenformulated in a manner that would allow liposomes (alipid bilayer vesicle usually composed ofphospholipids which is used to encapsulate an activedrug substance, either within a lipid bilayer or in anaqueous space) to be formed upon reconstitution.(NCI)Lyophilized Powder For InjectableLiposomal Suspension Dosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 111 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42957INJECTION, POWDER,LYOPHILIZED, FORSOLUTIONA dosage form intended for the solution prepared bylyophilization ('freeze drying'), a process whichinvolves the removal of water from products in thefrozen state at extremely low pressures; this isintended for subsequent addition of liquid to create asolution that conforms in all respects to therequirements for Injections. (NCI)Lyophilized Powder For InjectableSolution Dosage FormC42958INJECTION, POWDER,LYOPHILIZED, FORSUSPENSIONA liquid preparation, intended for parenteral use, thatcontains solids suspended in a suitable fluid mediumand conforms in all respects to the requirements forSterile Suspensions; the medicinal agents intended forthe suspension are prepared by lyophilization ("freezedrying"), a process which involves the removal of waterfrom products in the frozen state at extremely lowpressures. (NCI)Lyophilized Powder For InjectableSuspension Dosage FormC42956INJECTION, POWDER,LYOPHILIZED, FORSUSPENSION, EXTENDEDRELEASEA sterile freeze dried preparation intended forreconstitution for parenteral use which has beenformulated in a manner to allow at least a reduction indosing frequency as compared to that drug presentedas a conventional dosage form (e.g., as a solution).(NCI)Lyophilized Powder For ExtendedRelease Injectable SuspensionDosage FormC42945 INJECTION, SOLUTION A liquid preparation containing one or more drugsubstances dissolved in a suitable solvent or mixture ofmutually miscible solvents that is suitable forinjection. (NCI)Injectable Solution Dosage FormC42899INJECTION, SOLUTION,CONCENTRATEA sterile preparation for parenteral use which, upon theaddition of suitable solvents, yields a solutionconforming in all respects to the requirements forInjections. (NCI)Concentrate for Injectable SolutionDosage FormC42995 INJECTION, SUSPENSION A liquid preparation, suitable for injection, whichconsists of solid particles dispersed throughout aliquid phase in which the particles are not soluble. Itcan also consist of an oil phase dispersed throughoutan aqueous phase, or vice-versa. (NCI)Injectable Suspension Dosage FormC42926INJECTION, SUSPENSION,EXTENDED RELEASEA sterile preparation intended for parenteral use whichhas been formulated in a manner to allow at least areduction in dosing frequency as compared to that drugpresented as a conventional dosage form (e.g., as asolution or a prompt drug-releasing, conventional soliddosage form). (NCI)Injectable Extended ReleaseSuspension Dosage FormC42951INJECTION, SUSPENSION,LIPOSOMALA liquid parenteral pharmaceutical dosage formstructured as a multilamellar composition ofconcentric phospholipid spheres that encapsulate thedrug (drug delivery systems) separated by layers ofwater. Drug release is facilitated and controlled by invivo erosion of the liposomes. To further increase thein vivo circulation time, liposomes in somepreparations are covalently derivatized with PEG toproduce PEGylated or stealth liposomes. Covalentattachment of drugs to the outer surface of liposomescan potentially serve as a delayed-release product.(NCI)Injectable Liposomal SuspensionDosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 112 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42988INJECTION, SUSPENSION,SONICATEDA liquid preparation, suitable for injection, whichconsists of solid particles dispersed throughout aliquid phase in which the particles are not soluble. Inaddition, the product is sonicated while a gas isbubbled through the suspension, and this results in theformation of microspheres by the solid particles.(NCI)Injectable Sonicated SuspensionDosage FormC60933 INSERT A specially formulated and shaped non-encapsulatedsolid preparation intended to be placed into anon-rectal orifice of the body, where drug is released,generally for localized effects. (FDA)Insert Dosage FormC42922INSERT, EXTENDEDRELEASEA specially formulated and shaped solid preparation(e.g., ring, tablet, or stick) intended to be placed in thevagina by special inserters, where the medication isreleased, generally for localized effects; the extendedrelease preparation is designed to allow a reduction indosing frequency. (NCI)Extended Release Insert DosageFormC47915 INTRAUTERINE DEVICE A device inserted and left in the uterus to preventeffective conception. (NCI)C42947 IRRIGANT A sterile solution intended to bathe or flush openwounds or body cavities; they're used topically, neverparenterally. (NCI)C42948 JELLY A class of gels--semisolid systems which consist ofsuspensions made up of either small inorganicparticles or large organic molecules interpenetrated bya liquid--in which the structural coherent matrixcontains a high portion of liquid, usually water. (NCI)Intrauterine Device Dosage FormIrrigant Dosage FormJelly Dosage FormC47916 KIT A packaged collection of related material. (NCI) Kit Dosage FormC45413 LINER, DENTAL A material applied to the inside of the dental cavity, forprotection or insulation of the surface.(FDA)C42949 LINIMENT A solution or mixture of various substances in oil,alcoholic solutions of soap, or emulsions intended forexternal application. (NCI)C42952 LIPSTICK A waxy solid, usually colored cosmetic, in stick formfor the lips. (NCI)C42953 LIQUID A dosage form consisting of a pure chemical in itsliquid state. This dosage form term should not beapplied to solutions. Note: A liquid is pourable; itflows and conforms to its container at roomtemperature. It displays Newtonian or pseudoplasticflow behavior.(FDA)Dental Liner Dosage FormLiniment Dosage FormLipstick Dosage FormLiquid Dosage FormC60934LIQUID, EXTENDEDRELEASEA liquid that delivers a drug in such a manner to allow areduction in dosing frequency as compared to that drug(or drugs) presented as a conventional dosage form.(FDA)Extended Release Liquid DosageFormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 113 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC29167 LOTION An emulsion, liquid (1) dosage form. This dosage formis generally for external application to the skin (2).Note 1: A liquid is pourable; it flows and conforms toits container at room temperature. It displaysNewtonian or pseudoplastic flow behavior. Note 2:Previously the definition of a lotion was: The termlotion has been used to categorize many topicalsuspensions, solutions, and emulsions intended forapplication to the skin. The current definition of alotion is restricted to an emulsion. (FDA)C60957 LOTION, AUGMENTED A lotion dosage form that enhances drug delivery.Augmentation does not refer to the strength of thedrug in the dosage form. NOTE: CDER has decided torefrain from expanding the use of this dosage form dueto difficulties in setting specific criteria that must bemet to be considered augmented. (FDA)C60958 LOTION/SHAMPOO A lotion dosage form which has a soap or detergentthat is usually used to clean the hair and scalp; it isoften used as a vehicle for dermatologic agents. (FDA)C42955 LOZENGE A solid preparation containing one or moremedicaments, usually in a flavored, sweetened basewhich is intended to dissolve or disintegrate slowly inthe mouth. A lollipop is a lozenge on a stick.(FDA)C29269 MOUTHWASH An aqueous solution which is most often used for itsdeodorant, refreshing, or antiseptic effect. (NCI)C48624 NOT APPLICABLE The use of a dosage form term is not relevant orappropriate. (NCI)C42965 OIL An unctuous, combustible substance which is liquid, oreasily liquefiable, on warming, and is soluble in etherbut insoluble in water. Such substances, depending ontheir origin, are classified as animal, mineral, orvegetable oils. (NCI)C42966 OINTMENT oint A suspension or emulsion, semisolid (1) dosage form,usually containing < 20% water and volatiles (2)and > 50% hydrocarbons, waxes, or polyols as thevehicle. This dosage form is generally for externalapplication to the skin or mucous membranes. Note 1:A semisolid is not pourable; it does not flow orconform to its container at room temperature. It doesnot flow at low shear stress and generally exhibitsplastic flow behavior. Note 2: Percent water andvolatiles are measured by a loss on drying test in whichthe sample is heated at 105 degrees C until constantweight is achieved. (NCI)C60984 OINTMENT, AUGMENTED An ointment dosage form that enhances drug delivery.Augmentation does not refer to the strength of thedrug in the dosage form. NOTE: CDER has decided torefrain from expanding the use of this dosage form dueto difficulties in setting specific criteria that must bemet to be considered augmented. (FDA)C47887 PACKING A material, usually covered by or impregnated with adrug, that is inserted into a body cavity or between thetooth enamel and the gingival margin.(FDA)Lotion Dosage FormAugmented Lotion Dosage FormLotion Shampoo Dosage FormLozenge Dosage FormMouthwash Dosage FormDosage Form Not ApplicableOil Dosage FormOintment Dosage FormAugmented Ointment Dosage FormPacking Dosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 114 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42967 PASTE A semisolid dosage form, containing a largeproportion (20 - 50%) of solids finely dispersed in afatty vehicle. This dosage form is generally forexternal application to the skin or mucous membranes.Note: A semisolid is not pourable; it does not flow orconform to its container at room temperature. It doesnot flow at low shear stress and generally exhibitsplastic flow behavior. (NCI)C42907 PASTE, DENTIFRICE A paste formulation intended to clean and/or polish theteeth, and which may contain certain additional agents.(NCI)C60985 PASTILLE An aromatic preparation, often with a pleasing flavor,usually intended to dissolve in the mouth. (FDA)C42968 PATCH A drug delivery system that often contains an adhesivebacking that is usually applied to an external site on thebody. Its ingredients either passively diffuse from, orare actively transported from, some portion of thepatch. Depending upon the patch, the ingredients areeither delivered to the outer surface of the body orinto the body. A patch is sometimes synonymous withthe terms Extended Release Film and System. (NCI)Paste Dosage FormDentifrice Paste Dosage FormPastille Dosage FormPatch Dosage FormC42923PATCH, EXTENDEDRELEASEA drug delivery system in the form of a patch thatreleases the drug in such a manner that a reduction indosing frequency compared to that drug presented as aconventional dosage form (e.g., a solution or a promptdrug-releasing, conventional solid dosage form). (NCI)Extended Release Patch DosageFormC42911PATCH, EXTENDEDRELEASE, ELECTRICALLYCONTROLLEDA drug delivery system in the form of a patch which iscontrolled by an electric current that releases the drugin such a manner that a reduction in dosing frequencycompared to that drug presented as a conventionaldosage form (e.g., a solution or a promptdrug-releasing, conventional solid dosage form). (NCI)Electrically Controlled ExtendedRelease Patch Dosage FormC42969 PELLET A small sterile solid mass consisting of a highlypurified drug (with or without excipients) made by theformation of granules, or by compression and molding.(NCI)C42943 PELLET, IMPLANTABLE A small sterile solid mass consisting of a highlypurified drug (with or without excipients) made by theformation of granules, or by compression and molding;they are intended for implantation in the body (usuallysubcutaneously) for the purpose of providingcontinuous release of the drug over long periods oftime. (NCI)Pellet Dosage FormImplantable Pellet Dosage FormC42918PELLETS, COATED,EXTENDED RELEASEA solid dosage form in which the drug itself is in theform of granules to which varying amounts of coatinghave been applied, and which releases a drug (or drugs)in such a manner to allow a reduction in dosingfrequency as compared to that drug (or drugs)presented as a conventional dosage form. (NCI)Extended Release Coated PelletsDosage FormC25394 PILL A dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet.(NCI)Pill Dosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 115 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42970 PLASTER Substance intended for external application made ofsuch materials and of such consistency as to adhere tothe skin and attach to a dressing; plasters are intendedto afford protection and support and/or to furnish anocclusion and macerating action and to bringmedication into close contact with the skin. (NCI)C47913 POULTICE A soft, moist mass of meal, herbs, seed, etc., usuallyapplied hot in cloth that consists of gruel-likeconsistency. (NCI)C42972 POWDER An intimate mixture of dry, finely divided drugs and/orchemicals that may be intended for internal or externaluse. (NCI)C429<strong>08</strong> POWDER, DENTIFRICE A powder formulation intended to clean and/or polishthe teeth, and which may contain certain additionalagents. (NCI)C42973 POWDER, FOR SOLUTION An intimate mixture of dry, finely divided drugs and/orchemicals, which, upon the addition of suitablevehicles, yields a solution. (NCI)Plaster Dosage FormPoultice Dosage FormPowder Dosage FormDentifrice Powder Dosage FormPowder for Solution Dosage FormC42975POWDER, FORSUSPENSIONAn intimate mixture of dry, finely divided drugs and/orchemicals, which, upon the addition of suitablevehicles, yields a suspension (a liquid preparationcontaining the solid particles dispersed in the liquidvehicle). (NCI)Powder for Suspension Dosage FormC42961 POWDER, METERED A powder dosage form that is situated inside acontainer that has a mechanism to deliver a specifiedquantity. (NCI)C60988 RING A small circular object with a vacant circular centerthat is usually intended to be placed in the body byspecial inserters, where the medication is released,generally for localized effects. (FDA)Metered Powder Dosage FormRing Dosage FormC42979 RINSE A liquid used to cleanse by flushing. (NCI) Rinse Dosage FormC42980 SALVE A thick ointment or cerate (a fat or wax basedpreparation with a consistency between an ointmentand a plaster). (NCI)C42981 SHAMPOO A liquid soap or detergent used to clean the hair andscalp and is often used as a vehicle for dermatologicagents. (NCI)C42982 SHAMPOO, SUSPENSION A liquid soap or detergent containing one or moresolid, insoluble substances dispersed in a liquidvehicle that is used to clean the hair and scalp and isoften used as a vehicle for dermatologic agents. (NCI)C42983 SOAP Any compound of one or more fatty acids, or theirequivalents, with an alkali; soap is detergent and ismuch employed in liniments, enemas, and in makingpills. It is also a mild aperient, antacid and antiseptic.(NCI)Salve Dosage FormShampoo Dosage FormShampoo Suspension Dosage FormSoap Dosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 116 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42986 SOLUTION A clear, homogeneous liquid dosage form that containsone or more chemical substances dissolved in asolvent or mixture of mutually miscible solvents.Note: A liquid is pourable; it flows and conforms to itscontainer at room temperature. It displays Newtonianor pseudoplastic flow behavior. (NCI)C42898 SOLUTION, CONCENTRATE A liquid preparation (i.e., a substance that flows readilyin its natural state) that contains a drug dissolved in asuitable solvent or mixture of mutually misciblesolvents; the drug has been strengthened by theevaporation of its non-active parts. (NCI)C42987 SOLUTION, FOR SLUSH A solution for the preparation of an iced saline slush,which is administered by irrigation and used to induceregional hypothermia (in conditions such as certainopen heart and kidney surgical procedures) by itsdirect application. (NCI)Solution Dosage FormConcentrate for Solution DosageFormSolution For Slush Dosage FormC60994SOLUTION, GELFORMING / DROPSA solution, which after usually being administered in adrop-wise fashion, forms a gel. (FDA)Gel Forming Drops Solution DosageFormC42935SOLUTION, GEL FORMING,EXTENDED RELEASEA solution that forms a gel when it comes in contactwith ocular fluid, and which allows at least a reductionin dosing frequency. (FDA)Extended Release Gel FormingSolution Dosage FormC60992 SOLUTION/ DROPS A solution which is usually administered in adrop-wise fashion. (FDA)C47912 SPONGE A porous, interlacing, absorbent material that containsa drug. It is typically used for applying or introducingmedication, or for cleansing. A sponge usually retainsits shape.(FDA)C42989 SPRAY A liquid minutely divided as by a jet of air or steam.(NCI)C42962 SPRAY, METERED A non-pressurized dosage form consisting of valveswhich allow the dispensing of a specified quantity ofspray upon each activation. (NCI)C42990 SPRAY, SUSPENSION A liquid preparation containing solid particlesdispersed in a liquid vehicle and in the form of coarsedroplets or as finely divided solids to be appliedlocally, most usually to the nasal-pharyngeal tract, ortopically to the skin. (NCI)C42991 STICK A dosage form prepared in a relatively long and slenderoften cylindrical form. (NCI)Drops Solution Dosage FormSponge Dosage FormSpray Dosage FormMetered Spray Dosage FormSpray Suspension Dosage FormStick Dosage FormC47914 STRIP A long narrow piece of material. Strip Dosage FormC42993 SUPPOSITORY supp A solid body of various weights and shapes, adapted forintroduction into the rectal, vaginal, or urethral orificeof the human body; they usually melt, soften, ordissolve at body temperature. (NCI)Suppository Dosage FormC42924SUPPOSITORY, EXTENDEDRELEASEA drug delivery system in the form of a suppositorythat allows at least a reduction in dosing frequency.(NCI)Extended Release SuppositoryDosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 117 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42994 SUSPENSION susp A liquid dosage form that contains solid particlesdispersed in a liquid vehicle. Note: A liquid ispourable; it flows and conforms to its container atroom temperature. It displays Newtonian orpseudoplastic flow behavior.(FDA)Suspension Dosage FormC42925SUSPENSION, EXTENDEDRELEASEA liquid preparation consisting of solid particlesdispersed throughout a liquid phase in which theparticles are not soluble; the suspension has beenformulated in a manner to allow at least a reduction indosing frequency as compared to that drug presentedas a conventional dosage form (e.g., as a solution or aprompt drug-releasing, conventional solid dosageform). (NCI)Extended Release SuspensionDosage FormC60995 SUSPENSION/DROPS A suspension which is usually administered in adropwise fashion. (FDA)C47889 SUTURE A strand or fiber used to hold wound edges inapposition during healing. (NCI)C47898 SWAB A small piece of relatively flat absorbent material thatcontains a drug. A swab may also be attached to oneend of a small stick. A swab is typically used forapplying medication or for cleansing. (NCI)C42996 SYRUP An oral solution containing high concentrations ofsucrose or other sugars; the term has also been used toinclude any other liquid dosage form prepared in asweet and viscid vehicle, including oral suspensions.(NCI)C42998 TABLET tab A solid dosage form containing medicinal substanceswith or without suitable diluents. (NCI)C42893 TABLET, CHEWABLE A solid dosage form containing medicinal substanceswith or without suitable diluents that is intended to bechewed, producing a pleasant tasting residue in the oralcavity that is easily swallowed and does not leave abitter or unpleasant after-taste. (NCI)C42897 TABLET, COATED A solid dosage form that contains medicinalsubstances with or without suitable diluents and iscovered with a designated coating. (NCI)Drops Suspension Dosage FormSuture Dosage FormSwab Dosage FormSyrup Dosage FormTablet Dosage FormChewable Tablet Dosage FormCoated Tablet Dosage FormC60997TABLET, COATEDPARTICLESA solid dosage form containing a conglomerate ofmedicinal particles that have each been covered with acoating. (FDA)Tablet Coated Particles DosageFormC42905TABLET, DELAYEDRELEASEA solid dosage form which releases a drug (or drugs)at a time other than promptly after administration.Enteric-coated articles are delayed release dosageforms. (NCI)Delayed Release Tablet DosageFormC42997TABLET, DELAYEDRELEASE PARTICLESA solid dosage form containing a conglomerate ofmedicinal particles that have been covered with acoating which releases a drug (or drugs) at a time otherthan promptly after administration. Enteric-coatedarticles are delayed release dosage forms. (NCI)Delayed Release Particles TabletDosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 118 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42910 TABLET, EFFERVESCENT A solid dosage form containing mixtures of acids (e.g.,citric acid, tartaric acid) and sodium bicarbonate,which release carbon dioxide when dissolved in water;it is intended to be dissolved or dispersed in waterbefore administration.(FDA)Effervescent Tablet Dosage FormC42927TABLET, EXTENDEDRELEASEA solid dosage form containing a drug which allows atleast a reduction in dosing frequency as compared tothat drug presented in conventional dosage form. (NCI)Extended Release Tablet DosageFormC42931 TABLET, FILM COATED A solid dosage form that contains medicinalsubstances with or without suitable diluents and iscoated with a thin layer of a water-insoluble orwater-soluble polymer. (NCI)Film Coated Tablet Dosage FormC42930TABLET, FILM COATED,EXTENDED RELEASEA solid dosage form that contains medicinalsubstances with or without suitable diluents and iscoated with a thin layer of a water-insoluble orwater-soluble polymer; the tablet is formulated in suchmanner as to make the contained medicament availableover an extended period of time following ingestion.(NCI)Film Coated Extended ReleaseTablet Dosage FormC61004 TABLET, FOR SOLUTION A tablet that forms a solution when placed in a liquid.(FDA)C61005 TABLET, FOR SUSPENSION A tablet that forms a suspension when placed in aliquid (formerly referred to as a Dispersible Tablet).C42964 TABLET, MULTILAYER A solid dosage form containing medicinal substancesthat have been compressed to form a multiple-layeredtablet or a tablet-within-a-tablet, the inner tablet beingthe core and the outer portion being the shell. (NCI)Tablet For Solution Dosage FormTablet For Suspension Dosage FormMultilayered Tablet Dosage FormC42963TABLET, MULTILAYER,EXTENDED RELEASEA solid dosage form containing medicinal substancesthat have been compressed to form a multiple-layeredtablet or a tablet-within-a-tablet, the inner tablet beingthe core and the outer portion being the shell, which,additionally, is covered in a designated coating; thetablet is formulated in such manner as to allow at leasta reduction in dosing frequency as compared to thatdrug presented as a conventional dosage form. (NCI)Multilayered Extended ReleaseTablet Dosage FormC42999TABLET, ORALLYDISINTEGRATINGA solid dosage form containing medicinal substanceswhich disintegrates rapidly, usually within a matter ofseconds, when placed upon the tongue. (NCI)Orally Disintegrating Tablet DosageFormC61006TABLET, ORALLYDISINTEGRATING,DELAYED RELEASEA solid dosage form containing medicinal substanceswhich disintegrates rapidly, usually within a matter ofseconds, when placed upon the tongue, but whichreleases a drug (or drugs) at a time other than promptlyafter administration. (FDA)Tablet Orally Disintegrating DelayedRelease Dosage FormC42985 TABLET, SOLUBLE A solid dosage form that contains medicinalsubstances with or without suitable diluents andpossesses the ability to dissolve in fluids. (NCI)C42992 TABLET, SUGAR COATED A solid dosage form that contains medicinalsubstances with or without suitable diluents and iscoated with a colored or an uncolored water-solublesugar. (NCI)Soluble Tablet Dosage FormSugar Coated Tablet Dosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 119 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66726 - FRM - Pharmaceutical Dosage FormCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC47892 TAMPON A plug made of cotton, sponge, or oakum variouslyused in surgery to plug the nose, vagina, etc., for thecontrol of hemorrhage or the absorption of secretions.(NCI)C47897 TAPE A narrow woven fabric, or a narrow extruded synthetic(such as plastic), usually with an adhesive on one orboth sides. (NCI)C43000 TINCTURE An alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solution prepared fromvegetable materials or from chemical substances.(NCI)C43001 TROCHE A discoid-shaped solid containing the medicinal agentin a suitably flavored base; troches are placed in themouth where they slowly dissolve, liberating the activeingredients. (NCI)Tampon Dosage FormTape Dosage FormTincture Dosage FormTroche Dosage FormC43002 UNASSIGNED A dosage form has yet to be assigned. (NCI) Unassigned Dosage FormC43003 WAFER A thin slice of material containing a medicinal agent.(NCI)Wafer Dosage FormSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 120 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101853 - GRSTNLOC - Location of Most Severe Stenosis Within a GraftCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99915AORTIC ANASTOMOSIS OFTHE GRAFTThe connection where the graft joins the aorta usuallyless than or equal to 3 mm from insertion point.Aortic Anastomosis of GraftC99918 BODY OF THE GRAFT The portion of the graft that lies between itsanastomoses.Body of GraftC80476CORONARY ANASTOMOSISOF THE GRAFTCoronary GraftAnastomosesThe connection where the graft joins the coronaryartery usually less than or equal to 3 mm frominsertion point.Coronary Graft AnastomosesSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 121 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66797 - IECAT - Category for Inclusion/ExclusionCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25370 EXCLUSION List of characteristics in a protocol, any one of whichmay exclude a potential subject from participation in astudy. (CDISC glossary)C25532 INCLUSION The criteria in a protocol that prospective subjectsmust meet to be eligible for participation in a study.NOTE: Exclusion and inclusion criteria define thestudy population. See also exclusion criteria. (CDISCglossary)Exclusion CriteriaInclusion CriteriaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 122 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C99076 - INTMODEL - Intervention ModelCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC82637 CROSS-OVER Participants receive one of two or more alternativeintervention(s) during the initial epoch of the study andreceive other intervention(s) during the subsequentepoch(s) of the study.C82638 FACTORIAL Two or more interventions, each alone and incombination, are evaluated in parallel against a controlgroup.C82639 PARALLEL Participants are assigned to one of two or more armsin parallel for the duration of the study.Crossover StudyFactorial StudyParallel StudyC82640 SINGLE GROUP Single arm study. Single Group StudySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 123 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C99078 - INTTYPE - Intervention TypeCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC15184 BEHAVIORAL THERAPY A technique used to change subjects' behavior, forexample, psychotherapy, lifestyle counseling orhypnosis.C307 BIOLOGIC A substance made from living organisms or things theyproduce, for example: virus, therapeutic serum, toxin,antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component orderivative, allergenic product, or analogous product.C16830 DEVICE An instrument, apparatus, implement, machine,contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similaror related article, including any component, part, oraccessory, which is recognized in the official NationalFormulary, or the United States Pharmacopeia, or anysupplement to them, intended for use in the diagnosisof disease or other conditions, or in the cure,mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, in manor other animals, or intended to affect the structure orany function of the body of man or other animals, andwhich does not achieve its primary intended purposesthrough chemical action within or on the body of manor other animals and which is not dependent uponbeing metabolized for the achievement of its primaryintended purposes. (FDA)C1505 DIETARY SUPPLEMENT Oral preparations containing dietary ingredient(s)intended to supplement the diet. Dietary ingredientsinclude vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, extractsand metabolites.C1909 DRUG An active natural, synthetic or semi-syntheticingredient including endogenous body substance that isintended to furnish pharmacological activity or otherdirect effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect thestructure or any function of the human body, but doesnot include intermediates used in the synthesis of suchingredient (21 CFR 314.3(b)).C15238 GENETIC Application of genetic material into cells in order tocorrect an inherited or acquired disease.C17649 OTHER Other Different than the one(s) previously specified ormentioned. (NCI)C98769 PROCEDURE A treatment procedure performed by manual and/orinstrumental means, for example: surgery, lithotripsy,or external manipulation.C15313 RADIATION Treatment of a disease by means of exposure of thetarget or the whole body to radiation.Behavioral InterventionBiological AgentMedical DeviceNutritional SupplementPharmacologic SubstanceGene TherapyOtherPhysical Medical ProcedureRadiation TherapySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 124 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101854 - KILLIPC - Killip Class ResponsesCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC77269 Killip CLASS I The absence of rales over the lung fields and absenceof third heart sound (S3). (ACC/AHA)C77270 Killip CLASS II The presence of rales over 50% or less of the lungfields or the presence of a third heart sound(S3).(ACC/AHA)C77271 Killip CLASS III The presence of rales over more than 50% of the lungfields. (ACC/AHA)C77272 Killip CLASS IV The presence of cardiogenic shock (systolic BP lessthan 90 mm Hg) for greater than 30 minutes, notresponsive to fluid resuscitation alone, and felt to besecondary to cardiac dysfunction. (ACC/AHA)Killip Class IKillip Class IIKillip Class IIIKillip Class IVSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 125 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C99073 - LAT - LateralityCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC13332 BILATERAL Affecting both sides of the body, or a pair of organs. BilateralC25307 CONTRALATERAL Having to do with the opposite side of the body, inrelation to a pre-existing reference point.C253<strong>08</strong> IPSILATERAL Having to do with the same side of the body, in relationto a pre-existing reference point.ContralateralIpsilateralC25230 LATERAL Situated at or extending to the side. LateralC25229 LEFT Being or located on or directed toward the side of thebody to the west when facing north.C25228 RIGHT Being or located on or directed toward the side of thebody to the east when facing north.C28012 UNILATERAL Affecting one side of the body or one of a pair oforgans.LeftRightUnilateralSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 126 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102580 - LBSTRESC - Laboratory Test Standard Character ResultCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC14157 BORDERLINE Straddling the dividing line between two categories. BorderlineC48658 INDETERMINATE Cannot distinguish between two or more possiblevalues in the current context. (NCI)IndeterminateC50913 INVALID Not valid data. Invalid DataC38757 NEGATIVE A finding of normality following an examination orinvestigation looking for the presence of amicroorganism, disease, or condition.C38758 POSITIVE An observation confirming something, such as thepresence of a disease, condition, or microorganism.Negative FindingPositive FindingSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 127 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92267 1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D; ActiveVitamin DC92268 25-Hydroxyvitamin D 25-Hydroxyvitamin D; InactiveVitamin DC101017 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol; 3.4DihydroxyphenylglycolC79437 5 Prime Nucleotidase 5 PrimeNucleotidase;5'-RibonucleotidePhosphohydrolaseC74876 6-Monoacetylmorphine 6-MonoacetylmorphineA measurement of the total active Vitamin D in abiological specimen.A measurement of the total inactive Vitamin D in abiological specimen.A measurement of the catecholamine metabolite,3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol in a biological specimen.A measurement of the 5'-nucleotidase in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the 6-monoacetylmorphine presentin a biological specimen.1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin DMeasurement25-Hydroxyvitamin D Measurement3,4-DihydroxyphenylglycolMeasurement5 Prime Nucleotidase Measurement6-MonoacetylmorphineMeasurementC96565A Fetoprotein L3/AFetoproteinA FetoproteinL3/A FetoproteinA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of alphafetoprotein L3 to total alpha fetoprotein in a biologicalspecimen.Alpha Fetoprotein L3 to Total AlphaFetoprotein Ratio MeasurementC98705 ADV Viral Load ADV Viral Load A measurement of the adenovirus viral load in abiological specimen.C74699 Acanthocytes Acanthocytes A measurement of the acanthocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Adenovirus Viral Load MeasurementAcanthocyte CountC74633 Acanthocytes/Erythrocytes Acanthocytes/ErythrocytesC92247 Acetoacetic Acid AcetoaceticAcid;AcetoacetateA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofacanthocytes to all erythrocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the acetoacetic acid in a biologicalspecimen.Acanthocyte to Erythrocyte RatioMeasurementAcetoacetic Acid MeasurementC74838 Acetylcholine Acetylcholine A measurement of the acetylcholine hormone in abiological specimen.Acetylcholine MeasurementC96559Acetylcholine ReceptorAntibodyAcetylcholineReceptorAntibodyA measurement of the acetylcholine receptor antibodyin a biological specimen.Acetylcholine Receptor AntibodyMeasurementC96560 Acetylcholinesterase AcetylcholinesteraseC80163 Acid Phosphatase AcidPhosphataseC74912 Acid Urate Crystals Acid UrateCrystalsC98862 Activated PTT/Standard ActivatedPTT/StandardA measurement of the acetylcholinesterase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the acid phosphatase in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the acid urate crystals present in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thesubject's partial thromboplastin time to a standard orcontrol partial thromboplastin time.Acetylcholinesterase MeasurementAcid Phosphatase MeasurementAcid Urate Crystal MeasurementActivated PTT/Standard RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 128 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100421 Activated PTT/Standard PTT ActivatedPTT/StandardPTT; ActivatedPartialThromboplastinTime/StandardThromboplastinTimeA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thesubject's activated partial thromboplastin time to astandard or control partial thromboplastin time.Activated PTT to Standard PTT RatioMeasurementC38462Activated PartialThromboplastin TimeActivated PartialThromboplastinTimeA measurement of the length of time that it takes forclotting to occur when reagents are added to a plasmaspecimen. The test is partial due to the absence oftissue factor (Factor III) from the reaction mixture.Partial Thromboplastin TimeC100471Activated Protein CResistanceActivated ProteinC Resistance;Factor V LeidenScreenA measurement of the resistance in the anticoagulationresponse to activated protein C in a biologicalspecimen.Activated Protein C ResistanceMeasurementC92286 Acyl Coenzyme A Oxidase Acyl CoenzymeA Oxidase; FattyAcyl CoenzymeA Oxidase; AcylCoA OxidaseC102257 Adenosine Diphosphate AdenosineDiphosphateA measurement of the acyl coenzyme A oxidase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the adenosine diphosphate in abiological specimen.Acyl Coenzyme A OxidaseMeasurementAdenosine DiphosphateMeasurementC74839 Adiponectin Adiponectin A measurement of the adiponectin hormone in abiological specimen.Adiponectin MeasurementC74780AdrenocorticotropicHormoneAdrenocorticotropic HormoneA measurement of the adrenocorticotropic hormone ina biological specimen.Adrenocorticotropic HormoneMeasurementC100430 Alanine Aminopeptidase AlanineAminopeptidaseC64433 Alanine Aminotransferase AlanineAminotransferase; SGPTC64431 Albumin Albumin;MicroalbuminC74761 Albumin/Creatinine Albumin/Creatinine;Microalbumin/Creatinine RatioC74894 Albumin/Globulin Albumin/GlobulinA measurement of the alanine aminopeptidase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alanine aminotransferase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the albumin protein in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thealbumin to the creatinine in a biological specimen.The ratio of albumin to globulin in a biologicalspecimen.Alanine AminopeptidaseMeasurementAlanine AminotransferaseMeasurementAlbumin MeasurementAlbumin To Creatinine Protein RatioMeasurementAlbumin to Globulin RatioMeasurementC74731 Aldolase Aldolase A measurement of the aldolase enzyme in a biologicalspecimen.C74841 Aldosterone Aldosterone A measurement of the aldosterone hormone in abiological specimen.Aldolase MeasurementAldosterone MeasurementC64432 Alkaline Phosphatase AlkalinePhosphataseA measurement of the alkaline phosphatase in abiological specimen.Alkaline Phosphatase MeasurementC79438AlkalinePhosphatase/CreatinineAlkalinePhosphatase/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thealkaline phosphatase to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.Alkaline Phosphatase to CreatinineRatio MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 129 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74732 Alpha Fetoprotein AlphaFetoproteinC96562 Alpha Fetoprotein L1 AlphaFetoprotein L1C96563 Alpha Fetoprotein L2 AlphaFetoprotein L2C96564 Alpha Fetoprotein L3 AlphaFetoprotein L3A measurement of the alpha fetoprotein in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the alpha fetoprotein L1 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alpha fetoprotein L2 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alpha fetoprotein L3 in abiological specimen.Alpha-fetoprotein MeasurementAlpha Fetoprotein L1 MeasurementAlpha Fetoprotein L2 MeasurementAlpha Fetoprotein L3 MeasurementC79433AlphaGlutathione-S-TransferaseAlphaGlutathione-S-TransferaseA measurement of the alpha form of glutathioneS-transferase in a biological specimen.Alpha Glutathione-S-TransferaseMeasurementC100429 Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein Alpha-1 AcidGlycoproteinC80167 Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Alpha-1Antitrypsin;Serum TrypsinInhibitorC92252 Alpha-1 Globulin Alpha-1Globulin;A1-GlobulinA measurement of the alpha-1 acid glycoprotein in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alpha-1 antitrypsin in abiological specimen.A measurement of the proteins contributing to thealpha 1 fraction in a biological specimen.Alpha-1 Acid GlycoproteinMeasurementAlpha-1 Antitrypsin MeasurementAlpha-1 Globulin MeasurementC92253Alpha-1 Globulin/TotalProteinAlpha-1Globulin/TotalProteinA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofalpha-1-fraction proteins to total proteins in abiological specimen.Alpha-1 Globulin to Total ProteinRatio MeasurementC100461 Alpha-1 Microglobulin Alpha-1Microglobulin;Protein HCA measurement of the alpha-1 microglobulin in abiological specimen.Alpha-1 Microglobulin MeasurementC100462Alpha-1Microglobulin/CreatinineAlpha-1Microglobulin/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thealpha-1 microglobulin to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.Alpha-1 Microglobulin to CreatinineRatio MeasurementC92254 Alpha-2 Globulin Alpha-2Globulin;A2-GlobulinA measurement of the proteins contributing to thealpha 2 fraction in a biological specimen.Alpha-2 Globulin MeasurementC92255Alpha-2 Globulin/TotalProteinAlpha-2Globulin/TotalProteinA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofalpha-2-fraction proteins to total proteins in abiological specimen.Alpha-2 Globulin to Total ProteinRatio MeasurementC80168 Alpha-2 Macroglobulin Alpha-2MacroglobulinA measurement of the alpha-2 macroglobulin in abiological specimen.Alpha-2 MacroglobulinMeasurementC74799 Ammonia Ammonia; NH3 A measurement of the ammonia in a biologicalspecimen.Ammonia MeasurementC74758 Ammonium Biurate Crystals AmmoniumBiurate Crystals;AmmoniumUrate Crystals;Acid AmmoniumUrate CrystalsC74759 Ammonium Oxalate Crystals AmmoniumOxalate CrystalsA measurement of the ammonium biurate crystalspresent in a biological specimen.A measurement of the ammonium oxalate crystalspresent in a urine specimen.Urine Ammonium Biurate CrystalMeasurementUrine Ammonium Oxalate CrystalMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 130 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74665 Amorphous Crystals AmorphousCrystalsA measurement of the amorphous (Note: phosphate orurate, depending on pH) crystals present in a biologicalspecimen.Amorphous Crystal MeasurementC92243Amorphous PhosphateCrystalsAmorphousPhosphateCrystalsA measurement of the amorphous phosphate crystalsin a biological specimen.Amorphous Phosphate CrystalsMeasurementC74666 Amorphous Sediment AmorphousSediment;AmorphousDebrisC92244 Amorphous Urate Crystals AmorphousUrate CrystalsA measurement of the amorphous sediment present ina biological specimen.A measurement of the amorphous urate crystals in abiological specimen.Amorphous Sediment MeasurementAmorphous Urate CrystalsMeasurementC74687 Amphetamine Amphetamine A measurement of any amphetamine class drug presentin a biological specimen.C64434 Amylase Amylase A measurement of the total enzyme amylase in abiological specimen.Amphetamine Drug ClassMeasurementAmylase MeasurementC98767 Amylase, Pancreatic Amylase,PancreaticC98780 Amylase, Salivary Amylase,SalivaryC84809 Amyloid Beta 42 Amyloid Beta42; AmyloidBeta 42 ProteinA measurement of the pancreatic enzyme amylase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the salivary enzyme amylase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the 42 amino acid amyloid betaprotein isoform in a biological specimen.Pancreatic Amylase MeasurementSalivary Amylase MeasurementBeta Amyloid 42 MeasurementC81998 Amyloid P Amyloid P A measurement of the total amyloid P in a biologicalspecimen.Amyloid P MeasurementC81999 Amyloid, Beta Amyloid, Beta;Beta AmyloidA measurement of the total amyloid beta in abiological specimen.Beta Amyloid MeasurementC74842 Androstenediol Androstenediol A measurement of the androstenediol metabolite in abiological specimen.Androstenediol MetaboliteMeasurementC74843 Androstenedione Androstenedione;4-AndrostenedioneA measurement of the androstenedione hormone in abiological specimen.Androstenedione MeasurementC80169Angiotensin ConvertingEnzymeAngiotensinConvertingEnzymeA measurement of the angiotensin converting enzymein a biological specimen.Angiotensin Converting EnzymeMeasurementC74844 Angiotensin I Angiotensin I A measurement of the angiotensin I hormone in abiological specimen.C74845 Angiotensin II Angiotensin II A measurement of the angiotensin II hormone in abiological specimen.Angiotensin I MeasurementAngiotensin II MeasurementC74846 Angiotensinogen Angiotensinogen;AngiotensinPrecursorA measurement of the angiotensinogen hormone in abiological specimen.Angiotensinogen MeasurementC74685 Anion Gap Anion Gap A computed estimate of the unmeasured anions (thoseother than the chloride and bicarbonate anions) in abiological specimen.Anion Gap MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 131 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74797 Anisocytes Anisocytes A measurement of the inequality in the size of the redblood cells in a whole blood specimen.Anisocyte MeasurementC81973 Anti-DNA Antibodies Anti-DNAAntibodies;Anti-ds-DNAAntibodiesC74913 Anti-Double Stranded DNA Anti-DoubleStranded DNAC98706 Anti-Factor Xa Activity Anti-Factor XaActivityA measurement of the anti-DNA antibodies in abiological specimen.A measurement of the anti-double stranded DNAantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the anti-activated Factor X in abiological specimen. This test is used to monitor lowmolecular weight or unfractionated heparin levels in abiological specimen.Anti-DNA Antibody MeasurementAnti-Double Stranded DNAMeasurementAnti-Factor Xa ActivityMeasurementC81976Anti-Saccharomycescerevisiae AntibodyAnti-Saccharomyces cerevisiaeAntibodyA measurement of the anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiaeantibody in a biological specimen.Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiaeAntibody MeasurementC92269 Anti-Single Stranded DNA IgG Anti-SingleStranded DNAIgGA measurement of the anti-single stranded DNA IgGantibody in a biological specimen.Anti-Single Stranded DNA IgGMeasurementC74691 Antidepressants Antidepressants A measurement of any antidepressant class drugpresent in a biological specimen.Antidepressant MeasurementC74847 Antidiuretic Hormone AntidiureticHormone;VasopressinC81974 Antiglobulin Test, Direct AntiglobulinTest, Direct;Direct CoombsTestC81975 Antimitochondrial Antibodies Antimitochondrial Antibodies;MitochondrialAntibodyC74916 Antinuclear Antibodies AntinuclearAntibodiesC102258 Antiphospholipid Antibodies AntiphospholipidAntibodiesC81958 Antithrombin Antithrombin;Antithrombin III;AntithrombinActivity;Antithrombin IIIActivityC81977 Antithrombin Antigen AntithrombinAntigen;Antithrombin IIIAntigenC74733 Apolipoprotein A1 ApolipoproteinA1A measurement of the antidiuretic hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antibody or complement-coatederythrocytes in a biological specimen in vivo.A measurement of the antimitochondrial antibodies ina biological specimen.A measurement of the antinuclear antibodies(antibodies that attack the body's own tissue) in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antiphospholipid antibodies in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antithrombin activity in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antithrombin antigen in abiological specimen.A measurement of the apolipoprotein A1 in the highdensity lipoproteins of a biological specimen.Antidiuretic Hormone MeasurementDirect Antiglobulin TestAntimitochondrial AntibodyMeasurementAntinuclear Antibody MeasurementAntiphospholipid AntibodyMeasurementAntithrombin MeasurementAntithrombin Antigen MeasurementApolipoprotein A1 MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 132 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC82000 Apolipoprotein AII ApolipoproteinAIIA measurement of the apolipoprotein AII in abiological specimen.Apolipoprotein AII MeasurementC74734 Apolipoprotein B Apolipoprotein B A measurement of the apolipoprotein B in the lowdensity lipoproteins of a biological specimen.Apolipoprotein B MeasurementC100427 Apolipoprotein C2 ApolipoproteinC2;ApolipoproteinCIIC82001 Apolipoprotein CIII ApolipoproteinCIIIA measurement of the apolipoprotein C2 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the apolipoprotein CIII in abiological specimen.Apolipoprotein C2 MeasurementApolipoprotein CIII MeasurementC82002 Apolipoprotein E Apolipoprotein E A measurement of the apolipoprotein E in a biologicalspecimen.Apolipoprotein E MeasurementC92293 Apolipoprotein E4 ApolipoproteinE4C82003 Apolipoprotein H ApolipoproteinHC100428 Apolipoprotein J Apolipoprotein J;ClusterinA measurement of the apolipoprotein E4 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the apolipoprotein H in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the apolipoprotein J in a biologicalspecimen.Apolipoprotein E4 MeasurementApolipoprotein H MeasurementApolipoprotein J MeasurementC102259 Arachidonic Acid Arachidonic Acid A measurement of the arachidonic acid present in abiological specimen.Arachidonic Acid MeasurementC64467 Aspartate Aminotransferase AspartateAminotransferase; SGOTA measurement of the aspartate aminotransferase in abiological specimen.Aspartate AminotransferaseMeasurementC81978Aspartate AminotransferaseAntigenAspartateAminotransferase Antigen; SGOTAntigenA measurement of the aspartate aminotransferaseantigen in a biological specimen.Aspartate Aminotransferase AntigenMeasurementC74886 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Atrial NatriureticPeptide;AtriopeptinA measurement of the atrial natriuretic peptide in abiological specimen.Atrial Natriuretic PeptideMeasurementC74657 Auer Rods Auer Rods A measurement of the Auer rods (elongated needlestructures that are found in the cytoplasm of leukemicblasts and are formed by clumps of azurophilicgranular material) in a biological specimen.C98710 BKV Viral Load BKV Viral Load A measurement of the BK virus viral load in abiological specimen.C74753 BUN/Creatinine BUN/Creatinine A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) (ratio) ofthe blood urea nitrogen (BUN) to the creatinine in abiological specimen.C64469 Bacteria Bacteria A measurement of the bacteria in a biologicalspecimen.C74762 Bacterial Casts Bacterial Casts A measurement of the bacterial casts present in abiological specimen.C74688 Barbiturates Barbiturates A measurement of any barbiturate class drug present ina biological specimen.Auer Rod MeasurementBK Virus Viral Load MeasurementBlood Urea Nitrogen To CreatinineRatio MeasurementBacterial CountBacterial Cast MeasurementBarbiturate Drug Class MeasurementC96567 Basophilic Stippling BasophilicStipplingA measurement of the basophilic stippling in abiological specimen.Basophilic Stippling MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 133 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64470 Basophils Basophils A measurement of the basophils in a biologicalspecimen.Total Basophil CountC64471 Basophils/Leukocytes Basophils/LeukocytesC98865 Basophils/Total Cells Basophils/TotalCellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thebasophils to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thebasophils to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).Basophil To Leukocyte RatioBasophil to Total CellRatioMeasurementC74692 Benzodiazepine Benzodiazepine A measurement of any benzodiazepine class drugpresent in a biological specimen.Benzodiazepine MeasurementC75350 Benzoylecgonine Benzoylecgonine; CocaineMetaboliteC100472 Beta Carotene Beta Carotene;b-Carotene; BetaCarotinA measurement of the benzoylecgonine in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the beta carotene in a biologicalspecimen.Benzoylecgonine MeasurementBeta Carotene MeasurementC92256 Beta Globulin Beta Globulin A measurement of the proteins contributing to the betafraction in a biological specimen.Beta Globulin MeasurementC92294 Beta Globulin/Total Protein BetaGlobulin/TotalProteinC81979 Beta-2 Glycoprotein Antibody Beta-2GlycoproteinAntibodyC81980 Beta-2 Microglobulin Beta-2MicroglobulinC96568 Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Beta-Hydroxybutyrate;B-Hydroxybutyrate;3-HydroxybutyrateC100426 Beta-Trace Protein Beta-TraceProteinC74667 Bicarbonate Bicarbonate;HCO3C74800 Bile Acid Bile Acid; BileSalts; Bile Acids;Bile SaltC38037 Bilirubin Bilirubin; TotalBilirubinC74668 Bilirubin Crystals BilirubinCrystalsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of betafraction proteins to total proteins in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the beta-2 glycoprotein antibody ina biological specimen.A measurement of the beta-2 microglobulin in abiological specimen.A measurement of the total Beta-hydroxybutyrate in abiological specimen.A measurement of the beta-trace protein in abiological specimen.A measurement of the bicarbonate in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total bile acids in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total bilirubin in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the bilirubin crystals present in abiological specimen.Beta Globulin to Total Protein RatioMeasurementBeta-2 Glycoprotein AntibodyMeasurementBeta-2 Microglobulin MeasurementBeta-Hydroxybutyrate MeasurementBeta-Trace Protein MeasurementBicarbonate MeasurementBile Acid MeasurementTotal Bilirubin MeasurementBilirubin Crystal MeasurementC74700 Bite Cells Bite Cells A measurement of the bite cells (erythrocytes with theappearance of a bite having been removed, due tooxidative hemolysis) in a biological specimen .Bite Cell CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 134 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74634 Bite Cells/Erythrocytes BiteCells/ErythrocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of bitecells (erythrocytes with the appearance of a bite havingbeen removed, due to oxidative hemolysis) to allerythrocytes in a biological specimen .Bite Cell to Erythrocyte RatioMeasurementC74605 Blasts Blasts A measurement of the blast cells in a biologicalspecimen.Blast CountC64487 Blasts/Leukocytes Blasts/LeukocytesC61019 Blood Urea Nitrogen Blood UreaNitrogenA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theblasts to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the urea nitrogen in a bloodspecimen.Blast To Leukocyte RatioBlood Urea Nitrogen MeasurementC92287Bone Specific AlkalinePhosphataseBone SpecificAlkalinePhosphataseA measurement of the bone specific alkalinephosphatase isoform in a biological specimen.Bone Specific Alkaline PhosphataseMeasurementC74735 Brain Natriuretic Peptide Brain NatriureticPeptide; B-TypeNatriureticPeptideA measurement of the brain (B-type) natriureticpeptide in a biological specimen.Brain Natriuretic PeptideMeasurementC82004Brain-Derived NeurotrophicFactorBrain-DerivedNeurotrophicFactorA measurement of the brain-derived neurotrophicfactor in a biological specimen.Brain-Derived Neurotrophic FactorMeasurementC96588 Broad Casts Broad Casts A measurement of the broad casts in a biologicalspecimen.Broad Casts MeasurementC74701 Burr Cells Burr Cells;KeratocytesC64548 C Reactive Protein C ReactiveProteinA measurement of the Burr cells (erythrocytescharacterized by the presence of small, bluntprojections evenly distributed across the cell surface)in a biological specimen.A measurement of the C reactive protein in abiological specimen.Burr Cell CountC-Reactive Protein MeasurementC74736 C-peptide C-peptide A measurement of the C (connecting) peptide ofinsulin in a biological specimen.C74606 CD19 CD19 A measurement of the CD19 B cells in a biologicalspecimen.C-peptide MeasurementCD19 Expressing B Cell CountC74635 CD19/Lymphocytes CD19/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD19B cells to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.CD19 B Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC74607 CD3 CD3 A measurement of the CD3 T cells in a biologicalspecimen.CD3 Expressing T Cell CountC74636 CD3/Lymphocytes CD3/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD3 Tcells to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.CD3 T Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC102260 CD34 CD34 A measurement of the CD34 expressing cells per unitin a biological specimen.C746<strong>08</strong> CD4 CD4 A measurement of the CD4 T cells in a biologicalspecimen.C74637 CD4/CD8 CD4/CD8 A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD4 Tcells to the CD8 T cells in a biological specimen.CD34 MeasurementCD4 Expressing T Cell CountCD4 T Cell to CD8 T Cell RatioMeasurementC74638 CD4/Lymphocytes CD4/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD4 Tcells to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.CD4 T Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 135 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC82006 CD40 CD40 A measurement of the CD40 in a biological specimen. CD40 MeasurementC82007 CD40 Ligand CD40 Ligand A measurement of the CD40 ligand in a biologicalspecimen.C74609 CD8 CD8 A measurement of the CD8 T cells in a biologicalspecimen.CD40 Ligand MeasurementCD8 Expressing T Cell CountC74639 CD8/Lymphocytes CD8/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD8 Tcells to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.CD8 T Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC98716 CMV Viral Load CMV Viral Load A measurement of the cytomegalovirus viral load in abiological specimen.C74702 Cabot Rings Cabot Rings A measurement of the Cabot rings (red-purple staining,threadlike, ring or figure 8 shaped filaments in anerythrocyte) in a biological specimen.C74848 Calcitonin Calcitonin A measurement of the calcitonin hormone in abiological specimen.C74849 Calcitriol Calcitriol A measurement of the calcitriol hormone in abiological specimen.C64488 Calcium Calcium A measurement of the calcium in a biologicalspecimen.Cytomegalovirus Viral LoadMeasurementCabot Ring CountCalcitonin MeasurementCalcitriol MeasurementCalcium MeasurementC74669 Calcium Carbonate Crystals CalciumCarbonateCrystalsC96589 Calcium Clearance CalciumClearanceC74670 Calcium Oxalate Crystals Calcium OxalateCrystalsC74671 Calcium Phosphate Crystals CalciumPhosphateCrystalsA measurement of the calcium carbonate crystalspresent in a biological specimen.A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of calcium by excretion of urine fora specified unit of time (e.g. one minute).A measurement of the calcium oxalate crystals presentin a biological specimen.A measurement of the calcium phosphate crystalspresent in a biological specimen.Calcium Carbonate CrystalMeasurementCalcium Clearance MeasurementCalcium Oxalate CrystalMeasurementCalcium Phosphate CrystalMeasurementC96590 Calcium Sulphate Calcium Sulphate A measurement of the calcium sulphate in a biologicalspecimen.C81948 Calcium, Ionized Calcium, Ionized A measurement of the ionized calcium in a biologicalspecimen.Calcium Sulphate MeasurementIonized Calcium MeasurementC79439 Calcium/Creatinine Calcium/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thecalcium to creatinine in a biological specimen.Calcium to Creatinine RatioMeasurementC82005 Calprotectin Calprotectin A measurement of the calprotectin in a biologicalspecimen.Calprotectin MeasurementC81981 Cancer Antigen 125 Cancer Antigen125C81982 Cancer Antigen 19-9 Cancer Antigen19-9A measurement of the cancer antigen 125 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the cancer antigen 19-9 in abiological specimen.Cancer Antigen 125 MeasurementCancer Antigen 19-9 MeasurementC74689 Cannabinoids Cannabinoids A measurement of any cannabinoid class drug presentin a biological specimen.Cannabinoid Drug ClassMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 136 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC101016Carbohydrate-DeficientTransferrinCarbohydrate-DeficientTransferrinA measurement of transferrin with a reduced numberof carbohydrate moieties in a biological specimen.Carbohydrate-Deficient TransferrinMeasurementC64545 Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide A measurement of the carbon dioxide gas in abiological specimen.Carbon Dioxide MeasurementC96591 Carboxyhemoglobin CarboxyhemoglobinC81983 Carcinoembryonic Antigen Carcinoembryonic AntigenA measurement of the carboxyhemoglobin in abiological specimen.A measurement of the carcinoembryonic antigen in abiological specimen.Carboxyhemoglobin MeasurementCarcinoembryonic AntigenMeasurementC74682 Carnitine Carnitine A measurement of the total carnitine in a biologicalspecimen.Total Carnitine MeasurementC92288 Carnitine Acetyl Transferase Carnitine AcetylTransferaseA measurement of the carnitine acetyl transferase in abiological specimen.Carnitine Acetyl TransferaseMeasurementC74677 Carnitine, Free Carnitine, Free A measurement of the free carnitine in a biologicalspecimen.C74763 Casts Casts A statement that indicates casts were looked for in abiological specimen.C74764 Cellular Casts Cellular Casts A measurement of the cellular (white blood cell, redblood cell, epithelial and bacterial) casts present in abiological specimen.Free Carnitine MeasurementCast Present Or AbsentCellular Cast MeasurementC100432 Ceruloplasmin Ceruloplasmin;CaeruloplasminA measurement of ceruloplasmin in a biologicalspecimen.Ceruloplasmin MeasurementC100431Chemokine (C-X-C Motif)Receptor 3Chemokine(C-X-C Motif)Receptor 3;GPR9, CD183,CXCR3A measurement of the CXCR3, chemokine (C-X-Cmotif) receptor 3, in a biological specimen.Chemokine Receptor CXCR3MeasurementC92432Chlamydia pneumoniae IgAAntibodyChlamydiapneumoniae IgAAntibodyA measurement of the Chlamydia pneumoniae IgAantibody in a biological specimen.Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA AntibodyMeasurementC92433Chlamydia pneumoniae IgMAntibodyChlamydiapneumoniae IgMAntibodyA measurement of the Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM in abiological specimen.Chlamydia pneumoniae IgMAntibody MeasurementC100464Chlamydia trachomatis IgAAntibodyChlamydiatrachomatis IgAAntibodyA measurement of the Chlamydia trachomatis IgAantibody in a biological specimen.Chlamydia trachomatis IgA AntibodyMeasurementC100466Chlamydia trachomatis IgGAntibodyChlamydiatrachomatis IgGAntibodyA measurement of the Chlamydia trachomatis IgGantibody in a biological specimen.Chlamydia trachomatis IgG AntibodyMeasurementC100465Chlamydia trachomatis IgMAntibodyChlamydiatrachomatis IgMAntibodyA measurement of the Chlamydia trachomatis IgMantibody in a biological specimen.Chlamydia trachomatis IgM AntibodyMeasurementC64495 Chloride Chloride A measurement of the chloride in a biologicalspecimen.Chloride MeasurementC79440 Chloride/Creatinine Chloride/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thechloride to creatinine in a biological specimen.Chloride to Creatinine RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 137 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74850 Cholecystokinin Cholecystokinin;PancreozyminC61032 Cholesterol Cholesterol;TotalCholesterolC74672 Cholesterol Crystals CholesterolCrystalsC80171 Cholesterol/HDL-Cholesterol Cholesterol/HDL-CholesterolA measurement of the cholecystokinin hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the cholesterol in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the cholesterol crystals present in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of totalcholesterol to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C) in a biological specimen.Cholecystokinin MeasurementSerum Total CholesterolMeasurementCholesterol Crystal MeasurementCholesterol to HDL-CholesterolRatio MeasurementC92289 Cholinesterase Cholinesterase A measurement of the cholinesterase in a biologicalspecimen.Cholinesterase MeasurementC64851 Choriogonadotropin Beta Choriogonadotropin Beta;Pregnancy TestC96592 Circulating Endothelial Cells CirculatingEndothelial CellsC96593 Circulating Tumor Cells CirculatingTumor CellsA measurement of the Choriogonadotropin Beta in abiological specimen.A measurement of the circulating endothelial cells in abiological specimen.A measurement of the circulating tumor cells in abiological specimen.Choriogonadotropin BetaMeasurementCirculating Endothelial Cell CountCirculating Tumor Cell CountC92248 Citrate Citrate A measurement of the citrate in a biological specimen. Citrate MeasurementC96594 Clarity Clarity A measurement of the transparency of a biologicalspecimen.C102261 Clue Cells Clue Cells A measurement of the clue cells in a biologicalspecimen.C74690 Cocaine Cocaine A measurement of the cocaine present in a biologicalspecimen.C74877 Codeine Codeine A measurement of the codeine present in a biologicalspecimen.Clarity MeasurementClue Cell CountCocaine MeasurementCodeine MeasurementC64546 Color Color A measurement of the color of a biological specimen. Color AssessmentC80172 Complement Bb Complement Bb A measurement of the complement Bb in a biologicalspecimen.Complement Bb MeasurementC80173 Complement C1q Antibody ComplementC1q AntibodyA measurement of the complement C1q antibody in abiological specimen.Complement C1q AntibodyMeasurementC80174 Complement C3 Complement C3 A measurement of the complement C3 in a biologicalspecimen.Complement C3 MeasurementC80175 Complement C3a ComplementC3a; ASP,Complement C3DesArg,Acetylation-stimulating ProteinC80176 Complement C3b ComplementC3bA measurement of the complement C3a in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the complement C3b in a biologicalspecimen.Complement C3a MeasurementComplement C3b MeasurementC80177 Complement C4 Complement C4 A measurement of the complement C4 in a biologicalspecimen.Complement C4 MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 138 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80178 Complement C4a Complement C4a A measurement of the complement C4a in a biologicalspecimen.C80179 Complement C5a Complement C5a A measurement of the complement C5a in a biologicalspecimen.Complement C4a MeasurementComplement C5a MeasurementC100423 Complement CH50 ComplementCH50; TotalHemolyticComplement;CH50C80160 Complement Total ComplementTotalA measurement of the complement required to lyse 50percent of red blood cells in a biological specimen.A measurement of the total complement in abiological specimen.CH50 MeasurementComplement MeasurementC79434 Corticosterone Corticosterone A measurement of corticosterone in a biologicalspecimen.Corticosterone MeasurementC74851Corticotropin ReleasingHormoneCorticotropinReleasingHormone;CorticotropinReleasing FactorA measurement of the corticotropin releasinghormone in a biological specimen.Corticotropin Releasing HormoneMeasurementC74781 Cortisol Cortisol; TotalCortisolA measurement of the cortisol in a biologicalspecimen.Cortisol MeasurementC88113 Cortisol, Free Cortisol, Free A measurement of the free, unbound cortisol in abiological specimen.C92249 Cotinine Cotinine A measurement of the cotinine in a biologicalspecimen.C64489 Creatine Kinase Creatine Kinase A measurement of the total creatine kinase in abiological specimen.Free Cortisol MeasurementCotinine MeasurementCreatine Kinase MeasurementC64490 Creatine Kinase BB Creatine KinaseBBA measurement of the homozygous B-type creatinekinase in a biological specimen.Creatine Kinase BB MeasurementC79466Creatine Kinase BB/TotalCreatine KinaseCreatine KinaseBB/TotalCreatine KinaseA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theBB-type creatine kinase to total creatine kinase in abiological specimen.Creatine Kinase BB to Total CreatineKinase Ratio MeasurementC64491 Creatine Kinase MB Creatine KinaseMBA measurement of the heterozygous MB-type creatinekinase in a biological specimen.Creatine Kinase MB MeasurementC79441Creatine Kinase MB/TotalCreatine KinaseCreatine KinaseMB/TotalCreatine KinaseA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theMB-type creatine kinase to total creatine kinase in abiological specimen.Creatine Kinase MB to TotalCreatine Kinase Ratio MeasurementC64494 Creatine Kinase MM Creatine KinaseMMA measurement of the homozygous M-type creatinekinase in a biological specimen.Creatine Kinase MM MeasurementC79442Creatine Kinase MM/TotalCreatine KinaseCreatine KinaseMM/TotalCreatine KinaseA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theMM-type creatine kinase to total creatine kinase in abiological specimen.Creatine Kinase MM to TotalCreatine Kinase Ratio MeasurementC64547 Creatinine Creatinine A measurement of the creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.Creatinine MeasurementC25747 Creatinine Clearance CreatinineClearanceA measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of creatinine by excretion of urinefor a specified unit of time (e.g. one minute).Creatinine ClearanceSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 139 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74703 Crenated Cells Crenated Cells;EchinocytesA measurement of the Burr cells (erythrocytescharacterized by the presence of multiple small, sharpprojections evenly distributed across the cell surface)in a biological specimen.Crenated Cell MeasurementC74673 Crystals Crystals A statement that indicates crystals were looked for in abiological specimen.Crystal Present Or AbsentC96595Cyclic Citrullinated PeptideAntibodyCyclicCitrullinatedPeptide AntibodyA measurement of the cyclic citrullinated peptideantibody in a biological specimen.Cyclic Citrullinated PeptideAntibody MeasurementC92290 Cystatin C Cystatin C A measurement of the cystatin C in a biologicalspecimen.C74674 Cystine Crystals Cystine Crystals A measurement of the cystine crystals present in abiological specimen.Cystatin C MeasurementCystine Crystal MeasurementC96596Cytomegalovirus IgGAntibodyCytomegalovirusIgG AntibodyA measurement of the cytomegalovirus IgG antibodyin a biological specimen.Cytomegalovirus IgG AntibodyMeasurementC96597Cytomegalovirus IgMAntibodyCytomegalovirusIgM AntibodyA measurement of the cytomegalovirus IgM antibodyin a biological specimen.Cytomegalovirus IgM AntibodyMeasurementC82621 D-Dimer D-Dimer A measurement of the d-dimers in a biologicalspecimen.D-Dimer MeasurementC100463 DNase-B Antibody DNase-BAntibody;Anti-Dnase BA measurement of Dnase-B antibody in a biologicalspecimen.DNase-B Antibody MeasurementC100441 DTPA Clearance DTPA Clearance A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of Diethylenetriamine pentaacetate(DTPA) through its excretion for a specified unit oftime.Diethylene Triamine PentaaceticAcid ClearanceC64801 Dacryocytes Dacryocytes;Tear ShapedErythrocytes;Teardrop CellsC74852 Dehydroepiandrosterone Dehydroepiandrosterone;DehydroisoandrosteroneA measurement of dacryocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the dehydroepiandrosteronehormone in a biological specimen.Dacryocyte AnalysisDehydroepiandrosteroneMeasurementC96629DehydroepiandrosteroneSulfateDehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate;DHEA-S;sDHEA; DHEASulfateA measurement of the sulfatedDehydroepiandrosterone in a biological specimen.Sulfated DHEA MeasurementC79443 Deoxypyridinoline DeoxypyridinolineC79444 Deoxypyridinoline/Creatinine Deoxypyridinoline/CreatinineC102262 Dextroamphetamine Dextroamphetamine;d-amphetamineA measurement of the deoxypyridinoline in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thedeoxypyridinoline to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the dextroamphetamine in abiological specimen.Deoxypyridinoline MeasurementDeoxypyridinoline to CreatinineRatio MeasurementDextroamphetamine MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 140 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74878 Dihydrocodeine Dihydrocodeine A measurement of the dihydrocodeine present in abiological specimen.Dihydrocodeine MeasurementC74853 Dihydrotestosterone Dihydrotestosterone;AndrostanaloneA measurement of the dihydrotestosterone hormone ina biological specimen.Dihydrotestosterone MeasurementC96696Dilute Russell's Viper VenomTimeDilute Russell'sViper VenomTimeA measurement of the time it takes a plasma sample toclot after adding dilute Russell's viper venom.Dilute Russell's Viper Venom TimeMeasurementC64481 Direct Bilirubin Direct Bilirubin A measurement of the conjugated or water-solublebilirubin in a biological specimen.C74610 Dohle Bodies Dohle Bodies A measurement of the Dohle bodies (blue-gray,basophilic, leukocyte inclusions located in theperipheral cytoplasm of neutrophils) in a biologicalspecimen.C74854 Dopamine Dopamine A measurement of the dopamine hormone in abiological specimen.C78139 Drug Screen Drug Screen An indication of the presence or absence ofrecreational drugs or drugs of abuse in a biologicalspecimen.C98721 EBV Viral Load EBV Viral Load A measurement of the Epstein-Barr virus viral load in abiological specimen.C100440 EDTA Clearance EDTA Clearance A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid(EDTA) through its excretion for a specified unit oftime.Direct Bilirubin MeasurementDohle Body MeasurementDopamine MeasurementDrug TestEpstein-Barr Virus Viral LoadMeasurementEDTA ClearanceC102263 ETP Area Under Curve ETP Area UnderCurve;EndogenousThrombinPotential AreaUnder CurveC102264 ETP Lag Time ETP Lag Time;EndogenousThrombinPotential LagTimeC102265 ETP Lag Time Relative ETP Lag TimeRelative;EndogenousThrombinPotential LagTime RelativeC102267 ETP Peak Height ETP PeakHeight;EndogenousThrombinPotential PeakHeightA measurement of the area under the thrombingeneration curve.A measurement of time from the start of the thrombingeneration test to the point where a predeterminedamount of thrombin is generated.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of timefrom the start of the thrombin generation test to thepoint where a predetermined amount of thrombin isgenerated.A measurement of the maximum concentration ofthrombin generated during a thrombin generation test.Endogenous Thrombin PotentialArea Under Curve MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin Potential LagTime MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin Potential LagTime Relative MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin PotentialPeak Height MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 141 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102268 ETP Peak Height Relative ETP Peak HeightRelative;EndogenousThrombinPotential PeakHeight RelativeC102269 ETP Time to Peak ETP Time toPeak;EndogenousThrombinPotential Time toPeakC102270 ETP Time to Peak Relative ETP Time toPeak Relative;EndogenousThrombinPotential Time toPeak RelativeC100422 Ecarin Clotting Time Ecarin ClottingTimeA relative (ratio or percentage) of the maximumconcentration of thrombin generated during a thrombingeneration test.A measurement of the time it takes to generate themaximum concentration of thrombin.A relative (ratio or percentage) measurement of thetime it takes to generate the maximum concentrationof thrombin.A measurement of the activity of thrombin inhibitorsin a biological specimen based on the generation ofmeizothrombin.Endogenous Thrombin PotentialPeak Height Relative MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin PotentialTime to Peak MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin PotentialTime to Peak Relative MeasurementEcarin Clotting Time MeasurementC96598 Eccentrocytes Eccentrocytes A measurement of the eccentrocytes (erythrocytes inwhich the hemoglobin is localized to a particularportion of the cell, noticeable as localized staining) ina biological specimen.Eccentrocyte CountC64549 Elliptocytes Elliptocytes;OvalocytesA measurement of the elliptically shaped erythrocytesin a biological specimen.Elliptocyte CountC102266Endogenous ThrombinPotentialEndogenousThrombinPotentialA measurement of the total concentration of thrombingenerated in the presence of a substrate in a plasma orblood sample.Endogenous Thrombin PotentialMeasurementC820<strong>08</strong> Endothelin-1 Endothelin-1 A measurement of the endothelin-1 in a biologicalspecimen.Endothelin-1 MeasurementC84819 Eosinophilic Metamyelocytes EosinophilicMetamyelocytesC84821 Eosinophilic Myelocytes EosinophilicMyelocytesA measurement of the eosinphilic metamyelocytes in abiological specimen.A measurement of the eosinophilic myelocytes in abiological specimen.Eosinophilic Metamyelocyte CountEosinophilic Myelocyte CountC64550 Eosinophils Eosinophils A measurement of the eosinophils in a biologicalspecimen.Eosinophil CountC64604 Eosinophils/Leukocytes Eosinophils/LeukocytesC98720 Eosinophils/Total Cells Eosinophils/Total CellsC81952 Eotaxin-1 Eotaxin-1;ChemokineLigand 11C81953 Eotaxin-2 Eotaxin-2;ChemokineLigand 24A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theeosinophils to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theeosinophils to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the eotaxin-1 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the eotaxin-2 in a biologicalspecimen.Eosinophil To Leukocyte RatioEosinophils to Total Cell RatioMeasurementEotaxin-1 MeasurementEotaxin-2 MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 142 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC81954 Eotaxin-3 Eotaxin-3;ChemokineLigand 26C82009 Epidermal Growth Factor EpidermalGrowth FactorC79445 Epinephrine Epinephrine;AdrenalineA measurement of the eotaxin-3 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the epidermal growth factor in abiological specimen.A measurement of the epinephrine hormone in abiological specimen.Eotaxin-3 MeasurementEpidermal Growth FactorMeasurementEpinephrine MeasurementC82010Epith Neutrophil-ActivatingPeptide 78EpithNeutrophil-Activating Peptide 78A measurement of the epithelial neutrophil-activatingpeptide in a biological specimen.Epithelial Neutrophil-ActivatingPeptide 78 MeasurementC74779 Epithelial Casts Epithelial Casts A measurement of the epithelial cell casts present in abiological specimen.C64605 Epithelial Cells Epithelial Cells A measurement of the epithelial cells in a biologicalspecimen.Epithelial-Cast MeasurementEpithelial Cell CountC96600Epstein-Barr Capsid IgGAntibodyEpstein-BarrCapsid IgGAntibodyA measurement of the Epstein-Barr capsid IgGantibody in a biological specimen.Epstein-Barr Capsid IgG AntibodyMeasurementC96601Epstein-Barr Capsid IgMAntibodyEpstein-BarrCapsid IgMAntibodyA measurement of the Epstein-Barr capsid IgMantibody in a biological specimen.Epstein-Barr Capsid IgM AntibodyMeasurementC96602 Epstein-Barr Early Antigen Epstein-BarrEarly AntigenA measurement of the Epstein-Barr early antigen in abiological specimen.Epstein-Barr Early AntigenMeasurementC96603Epstein-Barr NuclearAntibodyEpstein-BarrNuclearAntibodyA measurement of the Epstein-Barr nuclear antibody ina biological specimen.Epstein-Barr Nuclear AntibodyMeasurementC96604 Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen Epstein-BarrNuclear AntigenA measurement of the Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen ina biological specimen.Epstein-Barr Nuclear AntigenMeasurementC64798Ery. Mean Corpuscular HGBConcentrationEry. MeanCorpuscularHGBConcentrationA quantitative measurement of the mean amount ofhemoglobin per erythrocytes in a specified volume ofa biological specimen.Erythrocyte Mean CorpuscularHemoglobin ConcentrationC64797Ery. Mean CorpuscularHemoglobinEry. MeanCorpuscularHemoglobinA quantitative measurement of the mean amount ofhemoglobin per erythrocyte in a biological specimen.Erythrocyte Mean CorpuscularHemoglobinC64799Ery. Mean CorpuscularVolumeEry. MeanCorpuscularVolumeA quantitative measurement of the mean volume oferythrocytes in a biological specimen.Erythrocyte Mean CorpuscularVolumeC92245 Erythrocyte Cell Clumps Erythrocyte CellClumps; RedBlood CellClumps; RBCClumpsC92296 Erythrocyte Cell Morphology Erythrocyte CellMorphology;Red Blood CellMorphology;RBCMorphologyA measurement of red blood cell clumps in abiological specimen.An examination or assessment of the form andstructure of red blood cells.Erythrocyte Cell ClumpsMeasurementErythrocyte Cell MorphologySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 143 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96605 Erythrocyte Ghosts ErythrocyteGhosts; RBCGhostsA measurement of the erythrocyte ghosts(erythrocytes in which hemoglobin has been removedthrough hemolysis) in a biological specimen.Erythrocyte Ghost CountC74611Erythrocyte SedimentationRateErythrocyteSedimentationRate; BiernackiReactionThe distance (e.g. millimeters) that red blood cellssettle in unclotted blood over a specified unit of time(e.g. one hour).Erythrocyte Sedimentation RateMeasurementC51946 Erythrocytes Erythrocytes;Red Blood CellsA measurement of the total erythrocytes in abiological specimen.Erythrocyte CountC64800Erythrocytes DistributionWidthErythrocytesDistributionWidthA value derived from mean corpuscular volume and thestandard deviation of the red blood cell volume in awhole blood specimen.Erythrocyte Distribution WidthMeasurementC74855 Erythropoietin Erythropoietin;HematopoietinC74782 Estradiol Estradiol;OestradiolA measurement of the erythropoietin hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the estradiol in a biologicalspecimen.Erythropoietin MeasurementEstradiol MeasurementC74856 Estriol Estriol; Oestriol A measurement of the estriol hormone in a biologicalspecimen.C81963 Estriol, Free Estriol, Free A measurement of the free estriol in a biologicalspecimen.Estriol MeasurementFree Estriol MeasurementC74857 Estrone Estrone;OestroneA measurement of the estrone hormone in a biologicalspecimen.Estrone MeasurementC74693 Ethanol Ethanol; Alcohol A measurement of the ethanol present in a biologicalspecimen.Ethanol MeasurementC82011Extracell Newly Ident RAGEBind ProteinExtracell NewlyIdent RAGE BindProtein; S100Calcium BindingProtein A12A measurement of the extracellular newly identifiedRAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end products)binding protein in a biological specimen.Extracell Newly Ident RAGE BindProtein MeasurementC92270Extractable Nuclear AntigenAntibodyAnti-ENA;ExtractableNuclear AntigenAntibodyA measurement of the extractable nuclear antigenantibody in a biological specimen.Extractable Nuclear AntigenAntibody MeasurementC80180 F2-Isoprostane F2-Isoprostane A measurement of the F2-isoprostane in a biologicalspecimen.F2 Isoprostane MeasurementC96626 Factor II Factor II;ProthrombinC81959 Factor III Factor III; TissueFactor, CD142A measurement of the Factor II in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the factor III in a biologicalspecimen.Prothrombin MeasurementFactor III MeasurementC98725 Factor IX Factor IX A measurement of the factor IX in a biologicalspecimen.C98726 Factor V Factor V A measurement of the factor V in a biologicalspecimen.C102271 Factor V Leiden Factor V Leiden A measurement of the Factor V Leiden in a biologicalspecimen.C81960 Factor VII Factor VII A measurement of the factor VII in a biologicalspecimen.Factor IX MeasurementFactor V MeasurementFactor V Leiden MeasurementFactor VII MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 144 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC81961 Factor VIII Factor VIII A measurement of the factor VIII in a biologicalspecimen.C98727 Factor X Factor X A measurement of the factor X in a biologicalspecimen.Factor VIII MeasurementFactor X MeasurementC102272 Factor XIV Factor XIV;AutoprothrombinIIA; Protein CA measurement of the factor XIV in a biologicalspecimen.Factor XIV MeasurementC96648 Fat Fat A measurement of the fat in a biological specimen. Fat MeasurementC81947 Fat Bodies, Oval Fat Bodies, Oval A measurement of the oval-shaped fat bodies, usuallyrenal proximal tubular cells with lipid aggregates in thecytoplasm, in a biological specimen.C98728 Fat Droplet Fat Droplet A measurement of the triglyceride aggregates within abiological specimen.Oval Fat Body MeasurementFat Droplet MeasurementC8<strong>2012</strong> Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1 Fatty AcidBinding Protein1A measurement of the fatty acid binding protein 1 in abiological specimen.Fatty Acid Binding Protein 1MeasurementC74766 Fatty Casts Fatty Casts A measurement of the fatty casts present in abiological specimen.C74737 Ferritin Ferritin A measurement of the ferritin in a biologicalspecimen.Fatty Cast MeasurementFerritin MeasurementC82013 Fibrin Degradation Products FibrinDegradationProductsA measurement of the fibrin degradation products in abiological specimen.Fibrin Degradation ProductsMeasurementC64606 Fibrinogen Fibrinogen A measurement of the fibrinogen in a biologicalspecimen.Fibrinogen MeasurementC96650 Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 FibroblastGrowth Factor23; PhosphatoninA measurement of the fibroblast growth factor 23 in abiological specimen.Fibroblast Growth Factor 23MeasurementC82014Fibroblast Growth FactorBasic FormFibroblastGrowth FactorBasic Form;FGF2A measurement of the basic form of fibroblast growthfactor in a biological specimen.Fibroblast Growth Factor BasicForm MeasurementC74783 Follicle Stimulating Hormone FollicleStimulatingHormoneC80200 Free Fatty Acid Free Fatty Acid;Non-EsterifiedFatty Acid, FreeC80206 Free Fatty Acid, Saturated Free Fatty Acid,Saturated;Non-esterifiedFatty Acid,SaturatedC80209 Free Fatty Acid, Unsaturated Free Fatty Acid,Unsaturated;Non-esterifiedFatty Acid,UnsaturatedA measurement of the follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) in a biological specimen.A measurement of the total non-esterified fatty acidsin a biological specimen.A measurement of the saturated non-esterified fattyacids in a biological specimen.A measurement of the unsaturated non-esterified fattyacids in a biological specimen.Follicle Stimulating HormoneMeasurementNon-esterified Fatty AcidsMeasurementSaturated Non-esterified Fatty AcidsMeasurementUnsaturated Non-esterified FattyAcids MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 145 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100448 Free Glycerol Free Glycerol;Free GlycerinC74678 Fructosamine Fructosamine;Glycated SerumProteinA measurement of the amount of unbound glycerol in abiological specimen.A measurement of the fructosamine in a biologicalspecimen.Free Glycerol MeasurementFructosamine MeasurementC100450GFR from B-2 MicroglobulinAdj for BSAGFR from B-2MicroglobulinAdj for BSAA measurement of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)based on the clearance of beta-2 microglobulin afteradjusting it for the body surface area.Glomerular Filtration Rate from B-2Microglobulin Adjusted for BSAMeasurementC100449GFR from Beta-Trace ProteinAdj for BSAGFR fromBeta-TraceProtein Adj forBSAA measurement of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)based on the clearance of beta-trace protein afteradjusting it for the body surface area.Glomerular Filtration Rate fromBeta-Trace Protein Adjusted for BSAMeasurementC98735GFR from Creatinine Adjustedfor BSAGFR fromCreatinineAdjusted forBSAAn estimation of the glomerular filtration rate adjustedfor body size based on creatinine.Glomerular Filtration Rate fromCreatinine Adjusted for BSAC98736GFR from Cystatin C Adjustedfor BSAGFR fromCystatin CAdjusted forBSAAn estimation of the glomerular filtration rate adjustedfor body size based on cystatin C.Glomerular Filtration Rate fromCystatin C Adjusted for BSAC80182 Galanin Galanin A measurement of the galanin in a biologicalspecimen.C92257 Gamma Globulin Gamma Globulin A measurement of the proteins contributing to thegamma fraction in a biological specimen.Galanin MeasurementGamma Globulin MeasurementC92295Gamma Globulin/TotalProteinGammaGlobulin/TotalProteinA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofgamma fraction proteins to total proteins in abiological specimen.Gamma Globulin to Total ProteinRatio MeasurementC64847 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Gamma GlutamylTransferaseA measurement of the gamma glutamyl transferase in abiological specimen.Gamma Glutamyl TranspeptidaseMeasurementC79446Gamma GlutamylTransferase/CreatinineGamma GlutamylTransferase/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thegamma glutamyl transferase to creatinine in abiological specimen.Gamma Glutamyl Transferase toCreatinine Ratio MeasurementC74858 Gastrin Gastrin A measurement of the gastrin hormone in a biologicalspecimen.Gastrin MeasurementC96651 Giant Neutrophils GiantNeutrophilsA measurement of the giant neutrophils in a biologicalspecimen.Giant Neutrophil CountC74728 Giant Platelets Giant Platelets A measurement of the giant (larger than 7um indiameter) platelets in a biological specimen.C74738 Globulin Globulin A measurement of the globulin protein in a biologicalspecimen.Giant Platelet CountGlobulin Protein MeasurementC90505 Glomerular Filtration Rate GlomerularFiltration RateA kidney function test that measures the fluid volumethat is filtered from the kidney glomeruli to theBowman's capsule per unit of time.Glomerular Filtration RateC98734Glomerular Filtration RateAdj for BSAGlomerularFiltration RateAdj for BSAA measurement of the glomerular filtration rateadjusted for body size.Glomerular Filtration Rate Adjustedfor BSAC74859 Glucagon Glucagon A measurement of the glucagon hormone in abiological specimen.Glucagon MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 146 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80183 Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Glucagon-LikePeptide-1; TotalGlucagon-LikePeptide-1A measurement of the total glucagon-like peptide-1 ina biological specimen.Glucagon-like Peptide-1MeasurementC80164Glucagon-Like Peptide-1,Active FormGlucagon-LikePeptide-1, ActiveFormA measurement of the active form of glucagon-likepeptide-1 in a biological specimen.Active Glucagon-like Peptide-1MeasurementC41376 Glucose Glucose A measurement of the glucose in a biologicalspecimen.Plasma Glucose MeasurementC96652 Glucose Clearance GlucoseClearanceA measurement of the glucose clearance in abiological specimen.Glucose Clearance MeasurementC80184Glucose-6-PhosphateDehydrogenaseGlucose-6-PhosphateDehydrogenaseA measurement of the glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.Glucose-6-PhosphateDehydrogenase MeasurementC79447 Glucose/Creatinine Glucose/CreatinineC80165 Glucuronidase, Alpha Glucuronidase,AlphaC80170 Glucuronidase, Beta Glucuronidase,BetaC74739 Glutamate Glutamate;Glutamic AcidC79448 Glutamate Dehydrogenase GlutamateDehydrogenaseA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theglucose to creatinine in a biological specimen.A measurement of the alpha glucuronidase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the beta glucuronidase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the glutamate in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the glutamate dehydrogenase in abiological specimen.Glucose to Creatinine RatioMeasurementAlpha Glucuronidase MeasurementBeta Glucuronidase MeasurementGlutamate MeasurementGlutamate DehydrogenaseMeasurementC82015Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase1Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase 1;Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase67A measurement of the glutamic acid decarboxylase 1in a biological specimen.Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 1MeasurementC82016Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase2Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase 2;Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase65A measurement of the glutamic acid decarboxylase 2in a biological specimen.Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2MeasurementC82017Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase2 AntibodyGlutamic AcidDecarboxylase 2Antibody;Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase65 AntibodyA measurement of the glutamic acid decarboxylase 2antibody in a biological specimen.Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2Antibody MeasurementC96653Glutamic Acid DecarboxylaseAntibodyGlutamic AcidDecarboxylaseAntibody; GADAntibodyA measurement of the glutamic acid decarboxylaseantibody in a biological specimen.Glutamic Acid DecarboxylaseAntibody MeasurementC80166Glutathione S-Transferase,Alpha/CreatGlutathioneS-Transferase,Alpha/CreatA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thealpha glutathione-S-transferase to creatinine in abiological specimen.Alpha Glutathione-S-Transferase toCreatinine Ratio MeasurementC80203 Glutathione S-Transferase, Pi GlutathioneS-Transferase, PiA measurement of the Pi glutathione-s-transferase in abiological specimen.Pi Glutathione S-TransferaseMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 147 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80207Glutathione S-Transferase,ThetaGlutathioneS-Transferase,ThetaA measurement of the theta glutathione-s-transferasein a biological specimen.Theta Glutathione S-TransferaseMeasurementC80185Glutathione S-Transferase,TotalGlutathioneS-Transferase,TotalA measurement of the total glutathione-s-transferasein a biological specimen.Glutathione-S-TransferaseMeasurementC79435Glutathione-S-Transferase/CreatinineGlutathione-S-Transferase/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theglutathione S-transferase to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.Glutathione-S-Transferase toCreatinine Ratio MeasurementC80186 Gold Gold A measurement of the gold in a biological specimen. Gold MeasurementC74860Gonadotropin ReleasingHormoneGonadotropinReleasingHormone;LuteinisingHormoneReleasingHormoneA measurement of the gonadotropin releasinghormone in a biological specimen.Gonadotropin Releasing HormoneMeasurementC74768 Granular Casts Granular Casts A measurement of the granular (coarse and fine) castspresent in a biological specimen.Granular Cast MeasurementC74765 Granular Coarse Casts Granular CoarseCastsC74769 Granular Fine Casts Granular FineCastsA measurement of the coarse granular casts present ina biological specimen.A measurement of the fine granular casts present in abiological specimen.Coarse Granular Cast MeasurementGranular Fine Cast MeasurementC82018Granulocyte ColonyStimulating FactorGranulocyteColonyStimulatingFactorA measurement of the granulocyte colony stimulatingfactor in a biological specimen.Granulocyte Colony StimulatingFactor MeasurementC82019Granulocyte MacrophageColony Stm FactorGranulocyteMacrophageColony StmFactorA measurement of the granulocyte macrophage colonystimulating factor in a biological specimen.Granulocyte Macrophage ColonyStm Factor MeasurementC96654 Granulocytes Granulocytes A measurement of the granulocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Granulocyte CountC98866 Granulocytes/Total Cells Granulocytes/Total CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thegranulocytes to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).Granulocyte to Total CellRatioMeasurementC74861Growth Hormone InhibitingHormoneGrowthHormoneInhibitingHormone;SomatostatinA measurement of the growth hormone inhibitinghormone in a biological specimen.Growth Hormone InhibitingHormone MeasurementC74862Growth Hormone ReleasingHormoneGrowthHormoneReleasingHormone;SomatocrininA measurement of the growth hormone releasinghormone in a biological specimen.Growth Hormone ReleasingHormone MeasurementC92541 HAV Viral Load HAV Viral Load A measurement of the hepatitis A viral load in abiological specimen.Hepatitis A Viral Load MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 148 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92542 HBV Viral Load HBV Viral Load A measurement of the hepatitis B viral load in abiological specimen.Hepatitis B Viral Load MeasurementC102274HCT CorrectedReticulocytes/ErythrocytesHCT CorrectedReticulocytes/ErythrocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thehematocrit corrected reticulocytes to erythrocytes in abiological specimen.Hematocrit Corrected Reticulocytesto Erythrocytes Ratio MeasurementC92543 HCV Viral Load HCV Viral Load A measurement of the hepatitis C viral load in abiological specimen.C61041 HDL Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol A measurement of the high density lipoproteincholesterol in a biological specimen.Hepatitis C Viral Load MeasurementSerum HDL CholesterolMeasurementC100425HDL Cholesterol/LDLCholesterol RatioHDLCholesterol/LDLCholesterolRatioA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theamount of HDL cholesterol compared to LDLcholesterol in a biological specimen.HDL Cholesterol to LDLCholesterol Ratio MeasurementC80187 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2C80188 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3A measurement of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL)cholesterol subclass 2 in a biological specimen.A measurement of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL)cholesterol subclass 3 in a biological specimen.HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2MeasurementHDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3MeasurementC92544 HIV Viral Load HIV Viral Load A measurement of the HIV viral load in a biologicalspecimen.C74713 HIV-1 Antibody HIV-1 Antibody A measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the HIV-1 virus.HIV Viral Load MeasurementHIV-1 Antibody MeasurementC92263HIV-1 Group M and ONucleic AcidHIV-1 Group Mand O NucleicAcidA measurement of the HIV-1 group M and O nucleicacids in a biological specimen.HIV-1 Group M and O Nucleic AcidMeasurementC92264 HIV-1 Group O Antibody HIV-1 Group OAntibodyC92265 HIV-1 p24 Antigen HIV-1 p24AntigenC74714 HIV-1/2 Antibody HIV-1/2AntibodyA measurement of the HIV-1 group O antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the HIV-1 p24 antigen in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the either the HIV-1 or HIV-2virus.HIV-1 Group O AntibodyMeasurementHIV-1 p24 Antigen MeasurementHIV-1 HIV-2 Antibody MeasurementC74715 HIV-2 Antibody HIV-2 Antibody A measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the HIV-2 virus.HIV-2 Antibody MeasurementC92266 HIV-2 Nucleic Acid HIV-2 NucleicAcidC100460 HLA-B27 Antigen HLA-B27Antigen; HumanLeukocyteAntigen B27A measurement of the HIV-2 nucleic acids in abiological specimen.A measurement of the human leukocyte antigen B27(HLA-B27) in a biological specimen.HIV-2 Nucleic Acid MeasurementHLA-B27 Antigen MeasurementC74604 Hairy Cells Hairy Cells A measurement of the hairy cells (b-cell lymphocyteswith hairy projections from the cytoplasm) in abiological specimen.Hairy Cell CountC74640 Hairy Cells/Lymphocytes HairyCells/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thehairy cells (b-cell lymphocytes with hairy projectionsfrom the cytoplasm) to all lymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen .Hairy Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 149 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74740 Haptoglobin Haptoglobin A measurement of the haptoglobin protein in abiological specimen.Haptoglobin Protein MeasurementC74709 Heinz Bodies Heinz Bodies;Heinz-ErhlichBodiesA measurement of the Heinz bodies (small roundinclusions within the body of a red blood cell) in abiological specimen.Heinz-Ehrlich Body MeasurementC74658 Helmet Cells Helmet Cells A measurement of the Helmet cells (specializedKeratocytes with two projections on either end that aretapered and hornlike) in a biological specimen.C64796 Hematocrit Hematocrit The percentage of a whole blood specimen that iscomposed of red blood cells (erythrocytes).Helmet Cell CountHematocritC102273Hematocrit CorrectedReticulocytesHematocritCorrectedReticulocytesA measurement of the hematocrit correctedreticulocytes in a biological specimen.Hematocrit Corrected ReticulocyteCountC64848 Hemoglobin Hemoglobin A measurement of the hemoglobin in a biologicalspecimen.C92258 Hemoglobin A Hemoglobin A A measurement of the hemoglobin A in a biologicalspecimen.Hemoglobin MeasurementHemoglobin A MeasurementC64849 Hemoglobin A1C HemoglobinA1CA measurement of the glycosylated hemoglobin in abiological specimen.Glycosylated HemoglobinMeasurementC92259 Hemoglobin A2 Hemoglobin A2 A measurement of the hemoglobin A2 in a biologicalspecimen.C92260 Hemoglobin B Hemoglobin B A measurement of the hemoglobin B in a biologicalspecimen.C92261 Hemoglobin C Hemoglobin C A measurement of the hemoglobin C in a biologicalspecimen.Hemoglobin A2 MeasurementHemoglobin B MeasurementHemoglobin C MeasurementC92262 Hemoglobin F Hemoglobin F;FetalHemoglobinA measurement of the hemoglobin F in a biologicalspecimen.Hemoglobin F MeasurementC96659 Hemosiderin Hemosiderin A measurement of the hemosiderin complex in abiological specimen.Hemosiderin MeasurementC92534 Hepatitis A Virus Antibody Hepatitis A VirusAntibodyA measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the Hepatitis A virus.Hepatitis A Antibody MeasurementC92271Hepatitis A Virus AntibodyIgMHepatitis A VirusAntibody IgMA measurement of hepatitis A virus antibody IgM in abiological specimen.Hepatitis A Virus Antibody IgMMeasurementC96660Hepatitis B Virus CoreAntibodyHepatitis B VirusCore AntibodyA measurement of the hepatitis B virus core antibodyin a biological specimen.Hepatitis B Virus Core AntibodyMeasurementC96661Hepatitis B Virus Core IgMAntibodyHepatitis B VirusCore IgMAntibodyA measurement of the hepatitis B virus core IgMantibody in a biological specimen.Hepatitis B Virus Core IgM AntibodyMeasurementC74711Hepatitis B Virus SurfaceAntibodyAnti-HBs;HBsAb; HepatitisB Virus SurfaceAntibodyA measurement of the surface antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the Hepatitis B virus.Hepatitis B Surface AntibodyMeasurementC64850Hepatitis B Virus SurfaceAntigenHBsAg; HepatitisB Virus SurfaceAntigenA measurement of the surface antigen reaction of abiological specimen to the Hepatitis B virus.Hepatitis B Virus Surface AntigenMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 150 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96662 Hepatitis B Virus e Antibody Hepatitis B Viruse AntibodyC96663 Hepatitis B Virus e Antigen Hepatitis B Viruse AntigenC92535 Hepatitis C Virus Antibody Hepatitis C VirusAntibodyC96664 Hepatitis D Virus Antibody Hepatitis D VirusAntibody;Hepatitis DeltaAntibodyA measurement of the hepatitis B e antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the hepatitis B e antigen in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the Hepatitis C virus.A measurement of the hepatitis D virus antibody in abiological specimen.Hepatitis B Virus e AntibodyMeasurementHepatitis B Virus e AntigenMeasurementHepatitis C Antibody MeasurementHepatitis D Virus AntibodyMeasurementC96665Hepatitis E Virus IgMAntibodyHepatitis E VirusIgM AntibodyA measurement of the hepatitis E virus IgM antibody ina biological specimen.Hepatitis E Virus IgM AntibodyMeasurementC92272 Hepatitis G RNA Hepatitis G RNA A measurement of the Hepatitis G RNA in a biologicalspecimen.Hepatitis G RNA MeasurementC96697Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgGAntibodyHerpes SimplexVirus 1 IgGAntibody; HSV-1IgG AntibodyA measurement of the herpes simplex virus 1 IgGantibody in a biological specimen.Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgGAntibody MeasurementC98738Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgMAntibodyHerpes SimplexVirus 1 IgMAntibodyA measurement of the Herpes Simplex virus 1 IgMantibodies in a biological specimen.Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgMAntibody MeasurementC96698Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgGAntibodyHerpes SimplexVirus 1/2 IgGAntibody;HSV-1/2 IgG AbA measurement of the herpes simplex virus 1 and 2IgG antibody in a biological specimen.Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgGAntibody MeasurementC96666Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgMAntibodyHerpes SimplexVirus 1/2 IgMAntibody;HSV-1/2 IgM AbA measurement of the herpes simplex virus 1 and 2IgM antibody in a biological specimen.Herpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgMAntibody MeasurementC96667Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgGAntibodyHerpes SimplexVirus 2 IgGAntibody; HSV-2IgG AntibodyA measurement of the herpes simplex virus 2 IgGantibody in a biological specimen.Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgGAntibody MeasurementC98739Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgMAntibodyHerpes SimplexVirus 2 IgMAntibodyA measurement of the Herpes Simplex virus 2 IgMantibodies in a biological specimen.Herpes Simplex Virus 2 IgMAntibody MeasurementC81984 Heterophile Antibodies HeterophileAntibodiesA measurement of the heterophile antibodies in abiological specimen.Heterophile Antibody MeasurementC96668 Hexokinase Hexokinase A measurement of the hexokinase in a biologicalspecimen.Hexokinase MeasurementC74754 Hippuric Acid Crystals Hippuric AcidCrystalsA measurement of the hippuric acid crystals present ina biological specimen.Hippuric Acid Crystal MeasurementC80189 Histamine Histamine A measurement of the histamine in a biologicalspecimen.C74741 Homocysteine Homocysteine A measurement of the homocysteine amino acid in abiological specimen.Histamine MeasurementHomocysteine Acid MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 151 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100447Homostat Model Assess ofInsulin RstnHomostat ModelAssess of InsulinRstn;HomeostaticModelAssessment ofInsulinResistanceAn assessment of beta-cell function and insulinresistance based on fasting blood glucose and insulinconcentrations.Homeostatic Model Assessment ofInsulin ResistanceC74863 Homovanillic Acid HomovanillicAcidC74704 Howell-Jolly Bodies Howell-JollyBodiesA measurement of the homovanillic acid metabolite ina biological specimen.A measurement of the Howell-Jolly bodies (spherical,blue-black condensed DNA inclusions within the bodyof a red blood cell that appear under Wright-stain) in abiological specimen.Homovanillic Acid MeasurementHowell-Jolly Body MeasurementC98740Human Anti-Sheep IgEAntibodyHumanAnti-Sheep IgEAntibodyA measurement of the human anti-sheep IgE antibodiesin a biological specimen.Human Anti-Sheep IgE AntibodyMeasurementC98741Human Anti-Sheep IgGAntibodyHumanAnti-Sheep IgGAntibodyA measurement of the human anti-sheep IgGantibodies in a biological specimen.Human Anti-Sheep IgG AntibodyMeasurementC98742Human Anti-Sheep IgMAntibodyHumanAnti-Sheep IgMAntibodyA measurement of the human anti-sheep IgMantibodies in a biological specimen.Human Anti-Sheep IgM AntibodyMeasurementC74770 Hyaline Casts Hyaline Casts A measurement of the hyaline casts present in abiological specimen.C74879 Hydrocodone Hydrocodone A measurement of the hydrocodone present in abiological specimen.C102275 Hydrogen Hydrogen A measurement of the hydrogen in a biologicalspecimen.C74880 Hydromorphone Hydromorphone A measurement of the hydromorphone present in abiological specimen.C80190 Hydroxyproline Hydroxyproline A measurement of the total hydroxyproline in abiological specimen.C96669 Hyperchromia Hyperchromia A measurement of the prevalence of the erthrocyteswith an elevated hemoglobin concentration.Hyaline Cast MeasurementHydrocodone MeasurementHydrogen MeasurementHydromorphone MeasurementHydroxyproline MeasurementHyperchromia MeasurementC74612 Hypersegmented Cells HypersegmentedCellsA measurement of the hypersegmented (more than fivelobes) neutrophils in a biological specimen.Hypersegmented NeutrophilMeasurementC64802 Hypochromia Hypochromia An observation which indicates that the hemoglobinconcentration in a red blood cell specimen has fallenbelow a specified level.HypochromiaC96670 Immature Basophils ImmatureBasophilsA measurement of the immature basophils in abiological specimen.Immature Basophil CountC96671ImmatureBasophils/LeukocytesImmatureBasophils/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofimmature basophils to total leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Immature Basophil to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementC96672 Immature Cells Immature Cells A measurement of the total immature cells in a bloodspecimen.Immature Cell CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 152 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96673 Immature Eosinophils ImmatureEosinophilsA measurement of the immature eosinophils in abiological specimen.Immature Eosinophil CountC96674ImmatureEosinophils/LeukocytesImmatureEosinophils/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofimmature eosinophils to total leukocytes in abiological specimen.Immature Eosinophil to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementC96675 Immature Granulocytes ImmatureGranulocytesA measurement of the total immature granulocytes in abiological specimen.Immature Granulocyte CountC100445ImmatureGranulocytes/LeukocytesImmatureGranulocytes/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theimmature granulocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen (for example a bone marrow specimen).Immature Granulocytes toLeukocytes Ratio MeasurementC100444 Immature Lymphocytes ImmatureLymphocytesA measurement of the immature lymphocytes in abiological specimen.Immature LymphocytesMeasurementC100443ImmatureLymphocytes/LeukocytesImmatureLymphocytes/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theimmature lymphocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Immature Lymphocytes toLeukocytes Ratio MeasurementC96676 Immature Monocytes ImmatureMonocytesA measurement of the immature monocytes in abiological specimen.Immature Monocyte CountC96677ImmatureMonocytes/LeukocytesImmatureMonocytes/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofimmature monocytes to total leukocytes in abiological specimen.Immature Monocyte to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementC96678 Immature Neutrophils ImmatureNeutrophilsA measurement of the total immature neutrophils in abiological specimen.Immature Neutrophil CountC100442ImmatureNeutrophils/LeukocytesImmatureNeutrophils/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theimmature neutrophils to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Immature Neutrophils to LeukocytesRatio MeasurementC96679 Immature Plasma Cells Immature PlasmaCellsA measurement of the immature plasma cells in abiological specimen.Immature Plasma Cell CountC96680Immature PlasmaCells/LymphocytesImmature PlasmaCells/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofimmature plasma cells to total lymphocytes in abiological specimen.Immature Plasma Cell toLymphocyte Ratio MeasurementC102276Immature ReticulocyteFractionImmatureReticulocyteFractionA measurement of the immature reticulocyte fractionpresent in a biological specimen.Immature Reticulocyte FractionMeasurementC81969 Immunoglobulin A ImmunoglobulinAC98745 Immunoglobulin D ImmunoglobulinDC81970 Immunoglobulin E ImmunoglobulinEC81971 Immunoglobulin G ImmunoglobulinGC81972 Immunoglobulin M ImmunoglobulinMA measurement of the Immunoglobulin A in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Immunoglobulin D in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Immunoglobulin E in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Immunoglobulin G in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Immunoglobulin M in abiological specimen.Immunoglobulin A MeasurementImmunoglobulin D MeasurementImmunoglobulin E MeasurementImmunoglobulin G MeasurementImmunoglobulin M MeasurementC82044 Indican Indican A measurement of the indican present in a biologicalspecimen.Indican MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 153 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64483 Indirect Bilirubin Indirect Bilirubin A measurement of the unconjugated ornon-water-soluble bilirubin in a biological specimen.Indirect Bilirubin MeasurementC92273 Influenza A H1N1 Viral Load Influenza AH1N1 Viral LoadC92274 Influenza A Viral Load Influenza A ViralLoadA measurement of the Influenza A H1N1 viral load in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Influenza A viral load in abiological specimen.Influenza A H1N1 Viral LoadMeasurementInfluenza A Viral Load MeasurementC82020 Inhibin A Inhibin A A measurement of the inhibin A in a biologicalspecimen.C96681 Inhibin B Inhibin B A measurement of the inhibin B in a biologicalspecimen.Inhibin A MeasurementInhibin B MeasurementC74788 Insulin Insulin A measurement of the insulin in a biological specimen. Insulin MeasurementC74864 Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Insulin-likeGrowth Factor-1C74865 Insulin-like Growth Factor-2 Insulin-likeGrowth Factor-2A measurement of the insulin-like growth factor-1 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the insulin-like growth factor-2 in abiological specimen.Insulin Like Growth Factor-1MeasurementInsulin Like Growth Factor-2MeasurementC81994 Interferon Alpha Interferon Alpha A measurement of the interferon alpha in a biologicalspecimen.C81995 Interferon Beta Interferon Beta A measurement of the interferon beta in a biologicalspecimen.Interferon Alpha MeasurementInterferon Beta MeasurementC81996 Interferon Gamma InterferonGammaA measurement of the interferon gamma in abiological specimen.Interferon Gamma MeasurementC74805 Interleukin 1 Interleukin 1 A measurement of the interleukin 1 in a biologicalspecimen.C74806 Interleukin 10 Interleukin 10 A measurement of the interleukin 10 in a biologicalspecimen.C74807 Interleukin 11 Interleukin 11 A measurement of the interleukin 11 in a biologicalspecimen.C748<strong>08</strong> Interleukin 12 Interleukin 12 A measurement of the interleukin 12 in a biologicalspecimen.C74809 Interleukin 13 Interleukin 13 A measurement of the interleukin 13 in a biologicalspecimen.C74810 Interleukin 14 Interleukin 14 A measurement of the interleukin 14 in a biologicalspecimen.C74811 Interleukin 15 Interleukin 15 A measurement of the interleukin 15 in a biologicalspecimen.C74812 Interleukin 16 Interleukin 16 A measurement of the interleukin 16 in a biologicalspecimen.C74813 Interleukin 17 Interleukin 17 A measurement of the interleukin 17 in a biologicalspecimen.C74814 Interleukin 18 Interleukin 18 A measurement of the interleukin 18 in a biologicalspecimen.C74815 Interleukin 19 Interleukin 19 A measurement of the interleukin 19 in a biologicalspecimen.Interleukin 1 MeasurementInterleukin 10 MeasurementInterleukin 11 MeasurementInterleukin 12 MeasurementInterleukin 13 MeasurementInterleukin 14 MeasurementInterleukin 15 MeasurementInterleukin 16 MeasurementInterleukin 17 MeasurementInterleukin 18 MeasurementInterleukin 19 MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 154 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74816 Interleukin 2 Interleukin 2 A measurement of the interleukin 2 in a biologicalspecimen.C74817 Interleukin 20 Interleukin 20 A measurement of the interleukin 20 in a biologicalspecimen.C74818 Interleukin 21 Interleukin 21 A measurement of the interleukin 21 in a biologicalspecimen.C74819 Interleukin 22 Interleukin 22 A measurement of the interleukin 22 in a biologicalspecimen.C74820 Interleukin 23 Interleukin 23 A measurement of the interleukin 23 in a biologicalspecimen.C74821 Interleukin 24 Interleukin 24 A measurement of the interleukin 24 in a biologicalspecimen.C74822 Interleukin 25 Interleukin 25 A measurement of the interleukin 25 in a biologicalspecimen.C74823 Interleukin 26 Interleukin 26 A measurement of the interleukin 26 in a biologicalspecimen.C74824 Interleukin 27 Interleukin 27 A measurement of the interleukin 27 in a biologicalspecimen.C74825 Interleukin 28 Interleukin 28 A measurement of the interleukin 28 in a biologicalspecimen.C74826 Interleukin 29 Interleukin 29 A measurement of the interleukin 29 in a biologicalspecimen.C74827 Interleukin 3 Interleukin 3 A measurement of the interleukin 3 in a biologicalspecimen.C74828 Interleukin 30 Interleukin 30 A measurement of the interleukin 30 in a biologicalspecimen.C74829 Interleukin 31 Interleukin 31 A measurement of the interleukin 31 in a biologicalspecimen.C74830 Interleukin 32 Interleukin 32 A measurement of the interleukin 32 in a biologicalspecimen.C74831 Interleukin 33 Interleukin 33 A measurement of the interleukin 33 in a biologicalspecimen.C74832 Interleukin 4 Interleukin 4 A measurement of the interleukin 4 in a biologicalspecimen.C74833 Interleukin 5 Interleukin 5 A measurement of the interleukin 5 in a biologicalspecimen.C74834 Interleukin 6 Interleukin 6 A measurement of the interleukin 6 in a biologicalspecimen.C74835 Interleukin 7 Interleukin 7 A measurement of the interleukin 7 in a biologicalspecimen.C74836 Interleukin 8 Interleukin 8 A measurement of the interleukin 8 in a biologicalspecimen.C74837 Interleukin 9 Interleukin 9 A measurement of the interleukin 9 in a biologicalspecimen.Interleukin 2 MeasurementInterleukin 20 MeasurementInterleukin 21 MeasurementInterleukin 22 MeasurementInterleukin 23 MeasurementInterleukin 24 MeasurementInterleukin 25 MeasurementInterleukin 26 MeasurementInterleukin 27 MeasurementInterleukin 28 MeasurementInterleukin 29 MeasurementInterleukin 3 MeasurementInterleukin 30 MeasurementInterleukin 31 MeasurementInterleukin 32 MeasurementInterleukin 33 MeasurementInterleukin 4 MeasurementInterleukin 5 MeasurementInterleukin 6 MeasurementInterleukin 7 MeasurementInterleukin 8 MeasurementInterleukin 9 MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 155 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98748 Inulin Clearance Inulin Clearance A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of inulin by excretion of urine for aspecified unit of time (e.g. one minute).Inulin ClearanceC100439 Iohexol Clearance IohexolClearanceC98749 Iothalamate Clearance IothalamateClearanceA measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of Iohexol through excretion for aspecified unit of time.A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of iothalamate by excretion of urinefor a specified unit of time (e.g. one minute).Iohexol ClearanceIothalamate ClearanceC98750Iothalamate ClearanceAdjusted for BSAIothalamateClearanceAdjusted forBSAA measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of iothalamate by excretion of urinefor a specified unit of time (e.g. one minute), adjustedfor body size.Iothalamate Clearance Adjusted forBSAC74679 Iron Iron; FE A measurement of the iron in a biological specimen. Iron MeasurementC81985 Islet Cell 512 Antibody Islet Cell 512AntibodyC81986 Islet Cell 512 Antigen Islet Cell 512AntigenA measurement of the islet cell 512 antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the islet cell 512 antigen in abiological specimen.Islet Cell 512 AntibodyMeasurementIslet Cell 512 Antigen MeasurementC81987Islet Neogenesis AssocProtein AntibodyIslet NeogenesisAssoc ProteinAntibodyA measurement of the islet neogenesis associatedprotein antibody in a biological specimen.Islet Neogenesis Associated ProteinAntibody MeasurementC100459 Jo-1 Antibody Jo-1 Antibody A measurement of the Jo-1 antibody in a biologicalspecimen.Jo-1 Antibody MeasurementC98730 Kappa Light Chain, Free Kappa LightChain, FreeA measurement of the free kappa light chain in abiological specimen.Free Kappa Light ChainMeasurementC98731Kappa Lt Chain,Free/LambdaLt Chain,FreeKappa LtChain,Free/Lambda LtChain,FreeA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thefree kappa light chain to the free lambda light chain ina biological specimen.Free Kappa Light Chain to FreeLambda Light Chain RatioMeasurementC64854 Ketones Ketones A measurement of the ketones in a biologicalspecimen.Ketone MeasurementC100433 Kidney Injury Molecule-1 Kidney InjuryMolecule-1;KIM-1; HepatitisA Virus CellularReceptor 1A measurement of the kidney injury molecule-1(Kim-1) in a biological specimen.Kidney Injury Molecule-1MeasurementC96682 Kurloff Cells Kurloff Cells A measurement of the large secretorygranule-containing immune cells in a biologicalspecimen taken from members of certain genera of theCaviidae family.Kurloff Cells MeasurementC74887 LDH Isoenzyme 1 LDH Isoenzyme1C79451 LDH Isoenzyme 1/LDH LDH Isoenzyme1/LDHC74888 LDH Isoenzyme 2 LDH Isoenzyme2A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 1 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 1 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 2 in a biological specimen.Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 1MeasurementLDH Isoenzyme 1 to LDH RatioMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 2MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 156 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC79452 LDH Isoenzyme 2/LDH LDH Isoenzyme2/LDHC74889 LDH Isoenzyme 3 LDH Isoenzyme3C79453 LDH Isoenzyme 3/LDH LDH Isoenzyme3/LDHC74890 LDH Isoenzyme 4 LDH Isoenzyme4C79454 LDH Isoenzyme 4/LDH LDH Isoenzyme4/LDHC74891 LDH Isoenzyme 5 LDH Isoenzyme5C79455 LDH Isoenzyme 5/LDH LDH Isoenzyme5/LDHA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 2 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 3 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 3 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 4 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 4 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 5 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 5 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.LDH Isoenzyme 2 to LDH RatioMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 3MeasurementLDH Isoenzyme 3 to LDH RatioMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 4MeasurementLDH Isoenzyme 4 to LDH RatioMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 5MeasurementLDH Isoenzyme 5 to LDH RatioMeasurementC61042 LDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol A measurement of the low density lipoproteincholesterol in a biological specimen.Serum LDL CholesterolMeasurementC64855 Lactate Dehydrogenase LactateDehydrogenaseA measurement of the lactate dehydrogenase in abiological specimen.Lactate DehydrogenaseMeasurementC79449LactateDehydrogenase/CreatinineLactateDehydrogenase/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.Lactate Dehydrogenase to CreatinineRatio MeasurementC79450 Lactic Acid Lactic Acid;2-hydroxypropanoic acid; LactateC82021 Lactoferrin Lactoferrin;LactotransferrinC98732 Lambda Light Chain, Free Lambda LightChain, FreeA measurement of the lactic acid in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the lactoferrin in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the free lambda light chain in abiological specimen.Lactic Acid MeasurementLactoferrin MeasurementFree Lambda Light ChainMeasurementC74729 Large Platelets Large Platelets A measurement of the large (between 4 um and 7um indiameter) platelets in a biological specimen.Large Platelet CountC74659 Large Unstained Cells Large UnstainedCellsA measurement of the large, peroxidase-negative cellswhich cannot be further characterized (i.e. as largelymphocytes, virocytes, or stem cells) present in abiological specimen.Large Unstained Cell CountC79467Large UnstainedCells/LeukocytesLarge UnstainedCells/LeukocytesA relative measure (ratio or percentage) of the largeunstained cells to leukocytes in a biological specimen.Large Unstained Cells to LeukocytesRatio MeasurementC92275Legionella pneumophilaAntigenLegionellapneumophilaAntigenA measurement of the Legionella pneumophila antigenin a biological specimen.Legionella pneumophila AntigenMeasurementC92276Legionella pneumophila IgGAntibodyLegionellapneumophila IgGAntibodyA measurement of the Legionella pneumophila IgGantibody in a biological specimen.Legionella pneumophila IgGAntibody MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 157 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92277Legionella pneumophila IgGIgM AntibodyLegionellapneumophila IgGIgM AntibodyA measurement of the Legionella pneumophila IgG andIgM in a biological specimen.Legionella pneumophila IgG IgMAntibody MeasurementC92278Legionella pneumophila IgMAntibodyLegionellapneumophila IgMAntibodyA measurement of the Legionella pneumophila IgMantibody in a biological specimen.Legionella pneumophila IgMAntibody MeasurementC74866 Leptin Leptin A measurement of the leptin hormone in a biologicalspecimen.C74680 Leucine Crystals Leucine Crystals A measurement of the leucine crystals present in abiological specimen.Leptin MeasurementLeucine Crystal MeasurementC74630 Leukemic Blasts Leukemic Blasts;LeukemicLymphoblasts;ImmunoblasticLymphocytesA measurement of the leukemic blasts (lymphoblaststhat remain in an immature state even when outside thebone marrow) in a biological specimen.Leukemic Blast CountC74641LeukemicBlasts/LymphocytesLeukemicBlasts/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theleukemic blasts (immature lymphoblasts) to maturelymphocytes in a biological specimen.Leukemic Blast to LymphocyteRatio MeasurementC92246 Leukocyte Cell Clumps Leukocyte CellClumps; WhiteBlood CellClumps; WBCClumpsC92297 Leukocyte Cell Morphology Leukocyte CellMorphology;White BloodCellMorphology;WBCMorphologyC64856 Leukocyte Esterase LeukocyteEsteraseC51948 Leukocytes Leukocytes;White BloodCellsA measurement of white blood cell clumps in abiological specimen.An examination or assessment of the form andstructure of white blood cells.A measurement of the enzyme which indicates thepresence of white blood cells in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Leukocyte Cell ClumpsMeasurementLeukocyte Cell MorphologyLeukocyte Esterase MeasurementLeukocyte CountC82022 Lipoprotein-a Lipoprotein-a A measurement of the lipoprotein-a in a biologicalspecimen.Lipoprotein a MeasurementC96683Liver Kidney MicrosomalType 1 AntibodyLiver KidneyMicrosomalType 1 Antibody;LKM-1A measurement of the liver kidney microsomal type 1antibody in a biological specimen.Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1Antibody MeasurementC100456Liver Kidney MicrosomalType 1 IgA AbLiver KidneyMicrosomalType 1 IgA AbA measurement of the liver kidney microsomal type 1IgA antibodies in a biological specimen.Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1IgA Antibody MeasurementC100454Liver Kidney MicrosomalType 1 IgG AbLiver KidneyMicrosomalType 1 IgG AbA measurement of the liver kidney microsomal type 1IgG antibodies in a biological specimen.Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1IgG Antibody MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 158 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100455Liver Kidney MicrosomalType 1 IgM AbLiver KidneyMicrosomalType 1 IgM AbA measurement of the liver kidney microsomal type 1IgM antibodies in a biological specimen.Liver Kidney Microsomal Type 1IgM Antibody MeasurementC102277Lupus Anticoagulant SensitiveAPTTLupusAnticoagulantSensitive APTT;APPT-LAA measurement of the length of time that it takes forclotting to occur when a lupus sensitive reagent isadded to a plasma specimen.Lupus Anticoagulant Sensitive APTTMeasurementC74790 Luteinizing Hormone LuteinizingHormoneA measurement of the luteinizing hormone in abiological specimen.Luteinizing Hormone MeasurementC102278 Lymphoblasts Lymphoblasts A measurement of the lymphoblasts (immature cellsthat differentiate to form lymphocytes) in a biologicalspecimen.C51949 Lymphocytes Lymphocytes A measurement of the lymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Lymphoblast CountLymphocyte CountC64818 Lymphocytes Atypical LymphocytesAtypicalA measurement of the atypical lymphocytes in abiological specimen.Atypical Lymphocyte CountC64819LymphocytesAtypical/LeukocytesLymphocytesAtypical/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theatypical lymphocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Atypical Lymphocyte To LeukocyteRatioC64820 Lymphocytes/Leukocytes Lymphocytes/LeukocytesC98751 Lymphocytes/Total Cells Lymphocytes/Total CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelymphocytes to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelymphocytes to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).Lymphocyte To Leukocyte RatioLymphocyte to Total Cell RatioMeasurementC74613 Lymphoma Cells Lymphoma Cells A measurement of the malignant lymphocytes in abiological specimen.Lymphoma Cell CountC74910LymphomaCells/LymphocytesLymphomaCells/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themalignant lymphocytes to all lymphocytes in abiological specimen.Lymphoma Cell to LymphocyteRatio MeasurementC81955 Lymphotactin Lymphotactin;ChemokineLigand 1A measurement of the lymphotactin in a biologicalspecimen.Lymphotactin MeasurementC92241M. tuberculosis IFN GammaResponseMycobacteriumtuberculosis IFNGammaResponseA measurement of the amount of interferon gammathat is released when Mycobacterium tuberculosisantigen is incubated with a biological specimen,usually blood. Increased amounts of interferon gammasuggests a prior or existing M. tuberculosis infection.Mycobacterium tuberculosisInterferon Gamma ResponseC64821 Macrocytes Macrocytes A measurement of the macrocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Macrocyte CountC80191Macrophage ColonyStimulating FactorMacrophageColonyStimulatingFactorA measurement of the macrophage colony stimulatingfactor in a biological specimen.Macrophage Colony StimulatingFactor MeasurementC82023Macrophage InflammatoryProtein 1 AlphaMacrophageInflammatoryProtein 1 Alpha;ChemokineLigand 3A measurement of the macrophage inflammatoryprotein 1 alpha in a biological specimen.Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1Alpha MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 159 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC82024Macrophage InflammatoryProtein 1 BetaMacrophageInflammatoryProtein 1 Beta;ChemokineLigand 4A measurement of the macrophage inflammatoryprotein 1 beta in a biological specimen.Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1Beta MeasurementC81956Macrophage-DerivedChemokineMacrophage-Derived Chemokine;ChemokineLigand 22A measurement of the macrophage-derived chemokinein a biological specimen.Macrophage-Derived ChemokineMeasurementC64840 Magnesium Magnesium A measurement of the magnesium in a biologicalspecimen.Magnesium MeasurementC79456 Magnesium/Creatinine Magnesium/CreatinineC74660 Malignant Cells, NOS Malignant Cells,NOSA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themagnesium to creatinine in a biological specimen.A measurement of the malignant cells of all types in abiological specimen.Magnesium to Creatinine RatioMeasurementMalignant Cell CountC74643Malignant Cells, NOS/BloodCellsMalignant Cells,NOS/BloodCellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themalignant cells of all types to all blood cells in abiological specimen.Malignant Cell to Blood Cell RatioMeasurementC80192 Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 MatrixMetalloproteinase 1; InterstitialCollagenaseC80193 Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 MatrixMetalloproteinase 2; Gelatinase AC80194 Matrix Metalloproteinase 3 MatrixMetalloproteinase 3; Stromelysin1C80195 Matrix Metalloproteinase 7 MatrixMetalloproteinase 7; MatrilysinC80196 Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 MatrixMetalloproteinase 8; NeutrophilCollagenaseC80197 Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 MatrixMetalloproteinase 9; Gelatinase BC74661 Mature Plasma Cells Mature PlasmaCells;PlasmacytesA measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 1 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 2 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 3 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 7 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 8 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 9 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the mature plasma cells(plasmacytes) in a biological specimen.Matrix Metalloproteinase 1MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 2MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 3MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 7MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 8MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 9MeasurementMature Plasma Cell CountC74911Mature PlasmaCells/LymphocytesMature PlasmaCells/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themature plasma cells (plasmacytes) to all lymphocytesin a biological specimen.Mature Plasma Cell to LymphocyteRatio MeasurementC74614 May-Hegglin Anomaly May-HegglinAnomalyA measurement of the May-Hegglin anomaly in ablood sample. This anomaly is characterized by large,misshapen platelets and the presence of Dohle bodiesin leukocytes.May-Hegglin Anomaly MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 160 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96686 Mean Platelet Component Mean PlateletComponentC74730 Mean Platelet Volume Mean PlateletVolumeA measurement of the mean platelet component(platelet activity) in a blood specimen.A measurement of the average size of the plateletspresent in a blood sample.Mean Platelet ComponentMeasurementMean Platelet Volume MeasurementC98752 Megakaryoblasts Megakaryoblasts A measurement of the megakaryoblasts in a biologicalspecimen.Megakaryoblast Cell CountC98753 Megakaryoblasts/Total Cells Megakaryoblasts/Total CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themegakaryoblasts to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).Megakaryoblast to Total Cell RatioMeasurementC96688 Megakaryocytes Megakaryocytes A measurement of the megakaryocytes per unit of abiological specimen.Megakaryocyte CountC98867 Megakaryocytes/Total Cells Megakaryocytes/Total CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themegakaryocytes to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).Megakaryocyte to Total CellRatioMeasurementC74867 Melatonin Melatonin A measurement of the melatonin hormone in abiological specimen.C74615 Metamyelocytes Metamyelocytes A measurement of the metamyelocytes (small,myelocytic neutrophils with an indented nucleus) in abiological specimen.Melatonin MeasurementMetamyelocyte CountC74645 Metamyelocytes/Leukocytes Metamyelocytes/LeukocytesC98754 Metamyelocytes/Total Cells Metamyelocytes/Total CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themetamyelocytes (small, myelocytic neutrophils withan indented nucleus) to all leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage ) of themetamyelocytes (small, myelocytic neutrophils withan indented nucleus) to total cells in a biologicalspecimen (for example a bone marrow specimen).Metamyelocyte to Leukocyte RatioMeasurementMetamyelocyte to Total Cell RatioMeasurementC74881 Methadone Methadone A measurement of the methadone present in abiological specimen.Methadone MeasurementC75348 Methamphetamine MethamphetamineA measurement of the methamphetamine drug presentin a biological specimen.Methamphetamine MeasurementC74882 Methaqualone Methaqualone A measurement of the methaqualone present in abiological specimen.C96689 Methemoglobin Methemoglobin A measurement of the methemoglobin in a biologicalspecimen.Methaqualone MeasurementMethemoglobin MeasurementC96690 Methylmalonic Acid MethylmalonicAcidA measurement of the methylmalonic acid in abiological specimen.Methylmalonic Acid MeasurementC64822 Microcytes Microcytes A measurement of the microcytes in a biologicalspecimen.C74771 Mixed Casts Mixed Casts A measurement of the mixed (the cast contains amixture of cell types) casts present in a biologicalspecimen.C74631 Monoblasts Monoblasts A measurement of the monoblast cells in a biologicalspecimen.Microcyte CountMixed Cast CountMonoblast CountC74646 Monoblasts/Leukocytes Monoblasts/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themonoblasts to leukocytes in a biological specimen.Monoblast to Leukocyte RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 161 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92291 Monoclonal Protein MonoclonalImmunoglobulinProtein;ParaproteinA measurement of homogenous immunoglobulinresulting from the proliferation of a single clone ofplasma cells in a biological specimen.Monoclonal Protein MeasurementC82025Monocyte ChemotacticProtein 1MonocyteChemotacticProtein 1A measurement of the monocyte chemotactic protein1 in a biological specimen.Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1MeasurementC64823 Monocytes Monocytes A measurement of the monocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Monocyte CountC64824 Monocytes/Leukocytes Monocytes/LeukocytesC98872 Monocytes/Total Cells Monocytes/TotalCellsC74681 Monosodium Urate Crystals MonosodiumUrate CrystalsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themonocytes to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themonocytes to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the monosodium urate crystalspresent in a biological specimen.Monocyte To Leukocyte RatioMonocytes to TotalCellRatioMeasurementMonosodium Urate CrystalMeasurementC74883 Morphine Morphine A measurement of the morphine present in a biologicalspecimen.Morphine MeasurementC79457 Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase MuGlutathione-S-TransferaseA measurement of the mu form of glutathioneS-transferase in a biological specimen.Mu Glutathione-S-TransferaseMeasurementC79458MuGlutathione-S-Transferase/CreatinineMuGlutathione-S-Transferase/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themu gamma glutamyl transpeptidase to creatinine in abiological specimen.Mu Glutathione-S-Transferase toCreatinine Ratio MeasurementC74721 Mucous Threads Mucous Threads A measurement of the mucous threads present in abiological specimen.Mucous Thread MeasurementC92279Mycobacterium tuberculosisNucleic AcidMycobacteriumtuberculosisNucleic AcidA measurement of the Mycobacterium tuberculosisnucleic acid in a biological specimen.Mycobacterium tuberculosis NucleicAcid MeasurementC74632 Myeloblasts Myeloblasts A measurement of the myeloblast cells in a biologicalspecimen.Myeloblast CountC64825 Myeloblasts/Leukocytes Myeloblasts/LeukocytesC98761 Myeloblasts/Total Cells Myeloblasts/Total CellsA relative measure (ratio or percentage) of themyeloblasts to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themyeloblasts to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).Myeloblast To Leukocyte RatioMyeloblast to Total Cell RatioMeasurementC74662 Myelocytes Myelocytes A measurement of the myelocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Myelocyte CountC64826 Myelocytes/Leukocytes Myelocytes/LeukocytesC98868 Myelocytes/Total Cells Myelocytes/Total CellsC92242 Myeloid/Erythroid Ratio Myeloid/Erythroid RatioA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themyelocytes to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themyelocytes to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofmyeloid progenitor cells to erythrocyte precursorcells in a biological specimen.Myelocyte To Leukocyte RatioMyelocyte to Total CellRatioMeasurementMyeloid to Erythroid RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 162 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80198 Myeloperoxidase Myeloperoxidase A measurement of the myeloperoxidase in a biologicalspecimen.Myeloperoxidase MeasurementC92280 Myeloperoxidase Antibody MyeloperoxidaseAntibodyA measurement of the myeloperoxidase antibody in abiological specimen.Myeloperoxidase AntibodyMeasurementC79436 Myoglobin Myoglobin A measurement of myoglobin in a biologicalspecimen.Myoglobin MeasurementC79459 N-Acetyl Glucosamide N-AcetylGlucosamide;N-AcetylGlucosamineA measurement of N-acetyl glucosamide in abiological specimen.N-Acetyl Glucosamide MeasurementC79460N-AcetylGlucosamide/CreatinineN-AcetylGlucosamide/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theN-acetyl glucosamide to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.N-Acetyl Glucosamide to CreatinineRatio MeasurementC96610N-Terminal ProB-typeNatriuretic PeptideN-TerminalProB-typeNatriureticPeptide; NTproBNP II;N-terminalpro-BrainNatriureticPeptideA measurement of the N-terminal proB-typenatriuretic peptide in a biological specimen.N-Terminal ProB-type NatriureticPeptide MeasurementC74743 N-telopeptide N-telopeptide A measurement of the N-telopeptide in a biologicalspecimen.N-telopeptide MeasurementC98762 Natural Killer Cells Natural KillerCellsA measurement of the total natural killer cells in abiological specimen.Natural Killer Cell CountC92298Neisseria gonorrhoeaeScreeningNeisseriagonorrhoeaeScreeningExamination of a biological specimen to detect thepresence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.Neisseria gonorrhoeae ScreeningC80199 Neopterin Neopterin A measurement of the neopterin in a biologicalspecimen.C74892 Neuropeptide Y Neuropeptide Y A measurement of the neuropeptide Y in a biologicalspecimen.Neopterin MeasurementNeuropeptide Y MeasurementC82026 Neutrophil Elastase NeutrophilElastaseA measurement of the neutrophil elastase in abiological specimen.Neutrophil Elastase MeasurementC82027Neutrophil Elastase,PolymorphonuclearNeutrophilElastase,PolymorphonuclearA measurement of the polymorphonuclear neutrophilelastase in a biological specimen.Polymorphonuclear NeutrophilElastase MeasurementC84822 Neutrophilic Metamyelocytes NeutrophilicMetamyelocytesC84823 Neutrophilic Myelocytes NeutrophilicMyelocytesA measurement of the neutrophilic metamyelocytes ina biological specimen.A measurement of the neutrophilic myelocytes in abiological specimen.Neutrophilic Metamyelocyte CountNeutrophilic Myelocyte CountC63321 Neutrophils Neutrophils A measurement of the neutrophils in a biologicalspecimen.Absolute Neutrophil CountC64830 Neutrophils Band Form Neutrophils BandFormA measurement of the banded neutrophils in abiological specimen.Neutrophil Band Form CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 163 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64831Neutrophils BandForm/LeukocytesNeutrophils BandForm/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thebanded neutrophils to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Neutrophil Band Form To LeukocyteRatioC81997 Neutrophils, Segmented Neutrophils,SegmentedA measurement of the segmented neutrophils in abiological specimen.Segmented Neutrophil CountC82045Neutrophils,Segmented/LeukocytesNeutrophils,Segmented/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofsegmented neutrophils to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Segmented Neutrophil to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementC64827 Neutrophils/Leukocytes Neutrophils/LeukocytesC98763 Neutrophils/Total Cells Neutrophils/Total CellsC74899 Niacin Niacin; VitaminB3A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theneutrophils to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theneutrophils to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the niacin in a biological specimen.Neutrophil To Leukocyte RatioNeutrophil to Total Cell RatioMeasurementVitamin B3 MeasurementC64810 Nitrite Nitrite A measurement of the nitrite in a urine specimen. Nitrite MeasurementC84811Non-Phosphorylated TauProteinNon-Phosphorylated Tau ProteinA measurement of the non-phosphorylated Tau proteinin a biological specimen.Nonphosphorylated Tau ProteinMeasurementC100434Non-Prostatic AcidPhosphataseNon-ProstaticAcidPhosphataseA measurement of the non-prostatic acid phosphatasein a biological specimen.Non-Prostatic Acid PhosphataseMeasurementC74868 Norepinephrine Noradrenaline;NorepinephrineC98764 Normoblasts/Total Cells Normoblasts/Total CellsC74705 Nucleated Erythrocytes NucleatedErythrocytes;Nucleated RedBlood CellsA measurement of the norepinephrine hormone in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thenormoblasts to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the nucleated erythrocytes (large,immature nucleated erythrocytes) in a biologicalspecimen.Noradrenaline MeasurementNormoblast to Total Cell RatioMeasurementNucleated Red Blood Cell CountC74647NucleatedErythrocytes/ErythrocytesNucleatedErythrocytes/Erythrocytes;Nucleated RedBloodCells/ErythrocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thenucleated erythrocytes (large, immature nucleatederythrocytes) to all erythrocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Nucleated Red Blood Cell toErythrocyte Ratio MeasurementC82046NucleatedErythrocytes/LeukocytesNucleatedErythrocytes/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofnucleated erythrocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Nucleated Erythrocyte to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementC74686 Occult Blood Occult Blood A measurement of the blood in body products such as astool sample, not detectable on gross examination.C74796 Opiate Opiate A measurement of any opiate class drug present in abiological specimen.C74801 Osmolality Osmolality A measurement of the osmoles of solute per unit ofbiological specimen.C74802 Osmolarity Osmolarity A measurement of the osmoles of solute per liter ofsolution.Occult Blood MeasurementOpiate MeasurementOsmolality MeasurementOsmolarity MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 164 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74744 Osteocalcin Osteocalcin A measurement of the osteocalcin in a biologicalspecimen.C100452 Ova and Parasite Ova and Parasite A measurement of the parasites and ova in a biologicalspecimen.Osteocalcin MeasurementOva and Parasite MeasurementC92250 Oxalate Oxalate;EthanedioateC74884 Oxycodone Oxycodone;OxycontinA measurement of the oxalate in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the oxycodone present in abiological specimen.Oxalate MeasurementOxycodone MeasurementC96614 Oxygen Capacity Oxygen Capacity A measurement of the maximum amount of oxygenthat can be combined chemically with hemoglobin in avolume of blood.Oxygen Capacity MeasurementC68032 Oxygen Saturation OxygenSaturationA measurement of the oxygen-hemoglobin saturationof a volume of blood.Oxygen Saturation MeasurementC96616 Oxyhemoglobin Oxyhemoglobin A measurement of the oxyhemoglobin in a biologicalspecimen.Oxyhemoglobin MeasurementC74869 Oxytocin Oxytocin;OxytoxinA measurement of the oxytocin hormone in abiological specimen.Oxytocin MeasurementC102279 P50 Oxygen P50 Oxygen A measurement of the partial pressure of oxygen whenhemoglobin is half saturated in a biological specimen.P50 Oxygen MeasurementC82028 Pancreatic Elastase 1 PancreaticElastase 1A measurement of the pancreatic elastase 1 in abiological specimen.Pancreatic Elastase MeasurementC82029 Pancreatic Elastase 1,PolymorphonuclearPancreaticElastase 1,PolymorphonuclearA measurement of the polymorphonuclear pancreaticelastase 1 in a biological specimen.Polymorphonuclear PancreaticElastase MeasurementC80201 Pancreatic Polypeptide PancreaticPolypeptideC74616 Pappenheimer Bodies PappenheimerBodiesA measurement of the pancreatic polypeptide in abiological specimen.A measurement of the cells containing PappenheimerBodies (violet or blue staining ferritin granules usuallyfound along the periphery of the red blood cells) in abiological specimen.Pancreatic PolypeptideMeasurementPappenheimer Body CountC81964Parathyroid Hormone,C-TerminalParathyroidHormone,C-TerminalA measurement of the C-terminal fragment ofparathyroid hormone in a biological specimen.C-Terminal Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementC74784Parathyroid Hormone,FragmentedParathyroidHormone,FragmentedA measurement of the fragmented parathyroidhormone in a biological specimen.Fragmented Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementC74789 Parathyroid Hormone, Intact ParathyroidHormone, IntactA measurement of the intact parathyroid hormone in abiological specimen.Intact Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementC81965Parathyroid Hormone,Mid-MoleculeParathyroidHormone,Mid-MoleculeA measurement of the mid-molecule fragment ofparathyroid hormone in a biological specimen.Mid-Molecule Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementC81966Parathyroid Hormone,N-TerminalParathyroidHormone,N-TerminalA measurement of the N-terminal fragment ofparathyroid hormone in a biological specimen.N-Terminal Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementC82625Partial Pressure CarbonDioxidePartial PressureCarbon DioxideA measurement of the pressure of carbon dioxide in abiological specimen.Partial Pressure of Carbon DioxideMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 165 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71251 Partial Pressure Oxygen Partial PressureOxygenC96617 Parvovirus B19 IgG Antibody Parvovirus B19IgG AntibodyC96618 Parvovirus B19 IgM Antibody Parvovirus B19IgM AntibodyC74617 Pelger Huet Anomaly Pelger HuetAnomalyC81988 Pemphigoid Antibodies PemphigoidAntibodiesA measurement of the pressure of oxygen in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Parvovirus B19 IgG antibody ina biological specimen.A measurement of the Parvovirus B19 IgM antibody ina biological specimen.A measurement of the Pelger Huet Anomaly (nuclei ofneutrophils and eosinophils appear rod-like, sphericalor dumbbell shaped) in a biological specimen.A measurement of the pemphigoid antibodies in abiological specimen.Partial Pressure of OxygenMeasurementParvovirus B19 IgG AntibodyMeasurementParvovirus B19 IgM AntibodyMeasurementPelger Huet Anomaly MeasurementPemphigoid Antibody MeasurementC100122 Pepsinogen Pepsinogen A measurement of the pepsinogen in a biologicalspecimen.Pepsinogen MeasurementC100469 Pepsinogen A Pepsinogen A;PGAC100470 Pepsinogen C Pepsinogen C;PGCC100467 Pepsinogen I Pepsinogen I;PGIC100468 Pepsinogen II Pepsinogen II;PGIIC80202 Peptide YY Peptide YY;Peptide TyrosineTyrosineC74694 Phencyclidine Phencyclidine;PhenylcyclohexylpiperidineC74695 Phenothiazine Phenothiazine;DibenzothiazineC64857 Phosphate Phosphate;Phosphorus;InorganicPhosphateC79461 Phosphate/Creatinine Phosphate/CreatinineA measurement of the pepsinogen A in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the pepsinogen C in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the pepsinogen I in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the pepsinogen II in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the peptide YY in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the phencyclidine present in abiological specimen.A measurement of the phenothiazine present in abiological specimen.A measurement of the phosphate in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thephosphate to creatinine in a biological specimen.Pepsinogen A MeasurementPepsinogen C MeasurementPepsinogen I MeasurementPepsinogen II MeasurementPeptide YY MeasurementPhencyclidine MeasurementPhenothiazine MeasurementPhosphate MeasurementPhosphate to Creatinine RatioMeasurementC96623 Phospholipid Phospholipid A measurement of the phospholipids in a biologicalspecimen.Phospholipid MeasurementC84812 Phosphorylated Tau Protein PhosphorylatedTau ProteinC98869 Plasma Cells/Total Cells PlasmaCells/Total CellsC74618 Plasmacytoid Lymphocytes PlasmacytoidLymphocytes;PlymphocytesA measurement of the phosphorylated Tau protein in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themature plasma cells (plasmacytes) to total cells in abiological specimen (for example a bone marrowspecimen).A measurement of the plasmacytoid lymphocytes(lymphocytes with peripherally clumped chromatin andoften deep blue cytoplasm, and that appear similar toplasma cells) in a biological specimen.Phosphorylated Tau ProteinMeasurementPlasma Cell to Total CellRatioMeasurementPlasmacytoid Lymphocyte CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 166 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74648PlasmacytoidLymphocytes/LymphocytesPlasmacytoidLymphocytes/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theplasmacytoid lymphocytes (lymphocytes withperipherally clumped chromatin and often deep bluecytoplasm, and that appear similar to plasma cells) toall lymphocytes in a biological specimen.Plasmacytoid Lymphocyte toLymphocyte Ratio MeasurementC82030Plasminogen ActivatorInhibitor-1PlasminogenActivatorInhibitor-1A measurement of the plasminogen activatorinhibitor-1 in a biological specimen.Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1MeasurementC81989Plasminogen ActivatorInhibitor-1 AGPlasminogenActivatorInhibitor-1 AGA measurement of the plasminogen activatorinhibitor-1 antigen in a biological specimen.Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1Antigen MeasurementC100453 Plasmodium Plasmodium Examination of a biological specimen to detect thepresence of any protozoan belonging to thePlasmodium genus.Plasmodium MeasurementC96624 Platelet Clumps Platelet Clumps;PLT ClumpsC81962 Platelet Distribution Width PlateletDistributionWidthC100424 Platelet Hematocrit PlateletHematocrit;ThrombocytocritA measurement of the platelet clumps in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the range of platelet sizes in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theproportion of the volume of blood taken up byplatelets.Platelet Clumps CountPlatelet Distribution WidthPlatelet Hematocrit MeasurementC51951 Platelets Platelets A measurement of the platelets in a biologicalspecimen.C79602 Poikilocytes Poikilocytes A measurement of the odd-shaped erythrocytes in awhole blood specimen.Platelet CountPoikilocyte MeasurementC74649 Poikilocytes/Erythrocytes Poikilocytes/ErythrocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepoikilocytes, or irregularly shaped erythrocytes, to allerythrocytes in a biological specimen.Poikilocyte to Erythrocyte RatioMeasurementC64803 Polychromasia Polychromasia A measurement of the blue-staining characteristic ofnewly generated erythrocytes.C64853 Potassium Potassium A measurement of the potassium in a biologicalspecimen.PolychromasiaPotassium MeasurementC79462 Potassium/Creatinine Potassium/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepotassium to creatinine in a biological specimen.Potassium to Creatinine RatioMeasurementC100435 Prealbumin Prealbumin A measurement of the prealbumin in a biologicalspecimen.Prealbumin MeasurementC74619 Precursor Plasma Cells PrecursorPlasma Cells;PlasmablastA measurement of the precursor (blast stage) plasmacells (antibody secreting cells derived from B cells viaantigen stimulation) in a biological specimen.Precursor Plasma Cell CountC74650Precursor PlasmaCells/LymphocytesPrecursorPlasmaCells/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theprecursor (blast stage) plasma cells (antibodysecreting cells derived from B cells via antigenstimulation) to all lymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Precursor Plasma Cell toLymphocyte Ratio MeasurementC82031Pregnancy-Associated PlasmaProtein-APregnancy-Associated PlasmaProtein-AA measurement of the pregnancy-associated plasmaprotein-A in a biological specimen.Pregnancy-Associated PlasmaProtein-A MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 167 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC82032 ProB-type Natriuretic Peptide ProB-typeNatriureticPeptide;proBNP;Pro-BrainNatriureticPeptideA measurement of the proB-type natriuretic peptide ina biological specimen.ProB-Type Natriuretic PeptideMeasurementC96625Procollagen 1 N-TerminalPropeptideProcollagen 1N-TerminalPropeptide;Amino-terminalpropeptide oftype 1procollagen;P1NPAminoterm Type1A measurement of the procollagen 1 N-terminalpropeptide in a biological specimen.Procollagen 1 N-TerminalPropeptide MeasurementC82033Procollagen Type I CarboxyTerm PeptideProcollagenType I CarboxyTerm PeptideA measurement of the procollagen-1 carboxy-terminalpeptide in a biological specimen.Procollagen Type I CarboxyTerminal Peptide MeasurementC100446 Proerythroblast Proerythroblast A measurement of the proerythroblasts in a biologicalspecimen.C74791 Progesterone Progesterone A measurement of the progesterone hormone in abiological specimen.C81967 Proinsulin Proinsulin A measurement of the proinsulin in a biologicalspecimen.C74870 Prolactin Prolactin A measurement of the prolactin hormone in abiological specimen.C74620 Prolymphocytes Prolymphocytes A measurement of the prolymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Proerythroblast MeasurementProgesterone MeasurementProinsulin MeasurementProlactin MeasurementProlymphocyte CountC64829 Prolymphocytes/Leukocytes Prolymphocytes/LeukocytesC74651 Prolymphocytes/Lymphocytes Prolymphocytes/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofprolymphocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theprolymphocytes to all lymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Prolymphocyte To Leukocyte RatioProlymphocyte to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC74621 Promonocytes Promonocytes A measurement of the promonocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Promonocyte CountC74652 Promonocytes/Leukocytes Promonocytes/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepromonocytes to all leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Promonocyte to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC74622 Promyelocytes Promyelocytes A measurement of the promyelocytes (immaturemyelocytes) in a biological specimen.Promyelocyte CountC74653 Promyelocytes/Leukocytes Promyelocytes/LeukocytesC98773 Promyelocytes/Total Cells Promyelocytes/Total CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepromyelocytes (immature myelocytes) to allleukocytes in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepromyelocytes (immature myelocytes) to total cells ina biological specimen (for example a bone marrowspecimen).Promyelocyte to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementPromyelocyte to Total Cell RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 168 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98870 Pronormoblasts/Total Cells Pronormoblasts/Total CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepronormoblasts to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).Pronormoblast to Total CellRatioMeasurementC74885 Propoxyphene Propoxyphene A measurement of the propoxyphene present in abiological specimen.Propoxyphene MeasurementC17634 Prostate Specific Antigen Prostate SpecificAntigenC80204 Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Prostatic AcidPhosphataseA measurement of the prostate specific antigen in abiological specimen.A measurement of the prostatic acid phosphatase in abiological specimen.Prostate Specific AntigenMeasurementProstatic Acid PhosphataseMeasurementC64858 Protein Protein A measurement of a group of complex organicmacromolecules composed of one or morealpha-L-amino acid chains in a biological specimen.C100436 Protein S Protein S A measurement of the protein S in a biologicalspecimen.Total Protein MeasurementProtein S MeasurementC79463 Protein/Creatinine Protein/CreatinineC92240 Protein/Osmolality Protein/Osmolality;Protein/Osmolality RatioC98774 Prothrombin Activity ProthrombinActivityC82034 Prothrombin Fragments 1 + 2 ProthrombinFragments 1 + 2A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theprotein to creatinine in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of totalproteins to the osmolality of a biological specimen.A measurement of the biological activity ofprothrombin in a biological specimen.A measurement of the prothrombin fragments 1 and 2in a biological specimen.Protein to Creatinine RatioMeasurementProtein to Osmolality RatioMeasurementProthrombin Activity MeasurementProthrombin Fragments 1 and 2MeasurementC64805Prothrombin Intl. NormalizedRatioProthrombin Intl.NormalizedRatioA ratio that represents the prothrombin time for aplasma specimen, divided by the result for a controlplasma specimen, further standardized for theInternational Sensitivity Index of the tissue factor(thromboplastin) used in the test.International Normalized Ratio ofProthrombin TimeC62656 Prothrombin Time ProthrombinTimeA blood clotting measurement that evaluates theextrinsic pathway of coagulation.Prothrombin TimeC74696 Pseudoephedrine Pseudoephedrine A measurement of the pseudoephedrine present in abiological specimen.C80211 Pyridinoline Pyridinoline A measurement of the pyridinoline in a biologicalspecimen.C74772 RBC Casts RBC Casts A measurement of the red blood cell casts present in abiological specimen.Pseudoephedrine MeasurementPyridinoline MeasurementRed Blood Cell Cast MeasurementC74716 Rapid Plasma Reagin Rapid PlasmaReaginC74629 Reactive Lymphocytes ReactiveLymphocytesA measurement of the antibodies produced by cellulardamage caused by Treponema pallidum (syphilis) in abiological specimen.A measurement of the reactive lymphocytes(lymphocytes which have become large due to anantigen reaction) in a biological specimen.Rapid Plasma Reagin MeasurementReactive Lymphocyte CountMeasurementC74654ReactiveLymphocytes/LymphocytesReactiveLymphocytes/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thereactive lymphocytes (lymphocytes which havebecome large due to an antigen reaction) to alllymphocytes in a biological specimen.Reactive Lymphocyte toLymphocyte Ratio MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 169 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC81957Reg upon Act Normal T-cellExprd SecrtdReg upon ActNormal T-cellExprd Secrtd;ChemokineLigand 5A measurement of the RANTES (regulated onactivation, normally, T-cell expressed, and secreted)chemokine in a biological specimen.Reg upon Act Normal T-cell ExprdSecrtd MeasurementC74893 Renin Renin;AngiotensinogenaseA measurement of the renin in a biological specimen.Renin MeasurementC96628 Reptilase Time Reptilase Time A measurement of the time it takes a plasma sample toclot after adding the active enzyme reptilase.C80205 Resistin Resistin A measurement of the resistin in a biologicalspecimen.Reptilase Time MeasurementResistin MeasurementC98776 Reticulocyte Hemoglobin ReticulocyteHemoglobinA measurement of the amount of hemoglobin inreticulocytes.Reticulocyte HemoglobinMeasurementC51947 Reticulocytes Reticulocytes A measurement of the reticulocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Reticulocyte CountC64828 Reticulocytes/Erythrocytes Reticulocytes/ErythrocytesC100437 Retinol Binding Protein Retinol BindingProteinC74717 Rheumatoid Factor RheumatoidFactorC74898 Riboflavin Riboflavin;Vitamin B2C100457 Ribonucleoprotein Antibody Ribonucleoprotein Antibody;RNP AntibodyC100419 Ringed Sideroblasts RingedSideroblastsC74624 Rouleaux Formation RouleauxFormationC74698 Round Epithelial Cells Round EpithelialCellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofreticulocytes to erythrocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the total retinol binding protein in abiological specimen.A measurement of the rheumatoid factor antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the riboflavin in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the ribonucleoprotein antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the ringed sideroblasts (abnormalnucleated erythroblasts with a large number of irondeposits in the perinuclear mitochondria, forming aring around the nucleus) in a biological specimen.A measurement of the number of stacking red bloodcells within a biological specimen.A measurement of the round epithelial cells present ina biological specimen.Reticulocyte To Erythrocyte RatioRetinol Binding ProteinMeasurementRheumatoid Factor MeasurementVitamin B2 MeasurementRibonucleoprotein AntibodyMeasurementRinged Sideroblast MeasurementRouleaux Formation CountRound Epithelial Cell CountC74706 Schistocytes Schistocytes A measurement of the schistocytes (fragmented redblood cells) in a biological specimen.Schistocyte CountC100458 Scl-70 Antibody Scl-70 Antibody;Scleroderma-70AntibodyA measurement of the Scl-70 antibody in a biologicalspecimen.Scl-70 Antibody MeasurementC74871 Secretin Secretin A measurement of the secretin hormone in abiological specimen.C74872 Serotonin Serotonin A measurement of the serotonin hormone in abiological specimen.Secretin MeasurementSerotonin MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 170 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74745Sex Hormone BindingGlobulinSex HormoneBindingGlobulin; SexHormoneBinding ProteinA measurement of the sex hormone binding (globulin)protein in a biological specimen.Sex Hormone Binding ProteinMeasurementC74625 Sezary Cells Sezary Cells A measurement of the Sezary cells (atypicallymphocytes with cerebriform nuclei) in a biologicalspecimen.Sezary Cell CountC74655 Sezary Cells/Lymphocytes SezaryCells/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage of theSezary cells (atypical lymphocytes with cerebriformnuclei) to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.Sezary Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC74626 Sickle Cells Sickle Cells A measurement of the sickle cells (sickle shaped redblood cells) in a biological specimen.Sickle Cell CountC74656 Sickle Cells/Erythrocytes SickleCells/ErythrocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thesickle cells (sickle shaped red blood cells) to allerythrocytes in a biological specimen.Sickle Cell to Erythrocyte RatioMeasurementC100418 Sideroblast Sideroblast A measurement of the sideroblasts (nucleatederythroblasts with iron granules in the cytoplasm) in abiological specimen.Sideroblast MeasurementC92236 Sjogrens SS-A Antibody Ro Antibody;Sjogrens SS-AAntibodyC92237 Sjogrens SS-B Antibody La Antibody;Sjogrens SS-BAntibodyA measurement of the Sjogrens SS-A antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Sjogrens SS-B antibody in abiological specimen.Sjogren's SS-A AntibodyMeasurementSjogren's SS-B AntibodyMeasurementC92281 Smith Antibody Smith Antibody A measurement of the Smith antibody in a biologicalspecimen.Smith Antibody MeasurementC74627 Smudge Cells Smudge Cells;Basket CellsA measurement of the smudge cells (the nuclearremnant of a ruptured white blood cell) in a biologicalspecimen.Smudge Cell CountC64809 Sodium Sodium A measurement of the sodium in a biologicalspecimen.Sodium MeasurementC79464 Sodium/Creatinine Sodium/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thesodium to creatinine in a biological specimen.Sodium to Creatinine RatioMeasurementC102280 Soluble Interleukin 2Receptor ActivitySolubleInterleukin 2ReceptorActivityA measurement of the soluble interleukin 2 receptoractivity in a biological specimen.Soluble Interleukin 2 ReceptorActivity MeasurementC100438 Soluble Transferrin Receptor SolubleTransferrinReceptorA measurement of the soluble transferrin receptor in abiological specimen.Soluble Transferrin ReceptorMeasurementC92533Soluble Vasc Cell AdhesionMolecule 1Soluble VascularCell AdhesionMolecule 1A measurement of the soluble vascular cell adhesionmolecule 1 in a biological specimen.Soluble Vascular Cell AdhesionMolecule 1C80360 Somatotrophin Somatotrophin;GrowthHormoneA measurement of the somatotrophin (growth)hormone in a biological specimen.Somatotropin MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 171 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC79465 Sorbitol Dehydrogenase SorbitolDehydrogenaseA measurement of the sorbitol dehydrogenase in abiological specimen.Sorbitol DehydrogenaseMeasurementC64832 Specific Gravity Specific Gravity A ratio of the density of a fluid to the density of water. Specific GravityC25377 Specimen Appearance SpecimenAppearanceThe outward or visible aspect of a specimen.AppearanceC102281 Sperm Motility Sperm Motility A measurement of the sperm capable of forward,progressive movement in a semen specimen.C74663 Spermatozoa Spermatozoa A measurement of the spermatozoa cells present in abiological specimen.C74707 Spherocytes Spherocytes A measurement of the spherocytes (small,sphere-shaped red blood cells) in a biologicalspecimen.Sperm Motility MeasurementSpermatozoa Cell CountSpherocyte CountC74773 Squamous Epithelial Cells SquamousEpithelial CellsA measurement of the squamous epithelial cellspresent in a biological specimen.Squamous Epithelial Cell CountC74774Squamous TransitionalEpithelial CellsSquamousTransitionalEpithelial Cells;Epithelial CellsA measurement of the squamous transitional epithelialcells present in a biological specimen.Squamous Transitional EpithelialCell CountC81951 Starch Crystals Starch Crystals A measurement of the starch crystals in a biologicalspecimen.Starch Crystal MeasurementC82035 Stem Cell Factor Stem CellFactor; KITLigandA measurement of the stem cell factor in a biologicalspecimen.Stem Cell Factor MeasurementC747<strong>08</strong> Stomatocytes Stomatocytes A measurement of the stomatocytes (red blood cellswith an oval or rectangular area of central pallor,producing the appearance of a cell mouth) in abiological specimen.Stomatocyte CountC92282 Streptolysin O Antibody Streptolysin OAntibody;AntistreptolysinOA measurement of Streptolysin O Antibody in abiological specimen.Streptolysin O AntibodyMeasurementC74755 Sulfa Crystals Sulfa Crystals A measurement of the sulfa crystals present in abiological specimen.Sulfa Crystal MeasurementC96636 Target Cells Leptocytes;Target Cells;Codocytes;Mexican HatCellsC84810 Tau Protein Tau Protein;Total Tau ProteinC74793 Testosterone Testosterone;TotalTestosteroneC74785 Testosterone, Free Testosterone,FreeC74896 Thiamine Thiamine;Vitamin B1A measurement of the target cells in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total Tau protein in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total (free and bound)testosterone in a biological specimen.A measurement of the free testosterone in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the thiamine in a biologicalspecimen.Target Cell CountTau Protein MeasurementTotal Testosterone MeasurementFree Testosterone MeasurementVitamin B1 MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 172 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80365 Thrombin Time Thrombin Time A measurement of the time it takes a plasma sample toclot after adding the active enzyme thrombin. (NCI)C74873 Thrombopoietin Thrombopoietin A measurement of the thrombopoietin hormone in abiological specimen.Thrombin TimeThrombopoietin MeasurementC81990 Thyroid Antibodies ThyroidAntibodiesA measurement of the thyroid antibodies in abiological specimen.Thyroid Antibody MeasurementC81991Thyroid AntimicrosomalAntibodiesThyroidAntimicrosomalAntibodiesA measurement of the thyroid antimicrosomalantibodies in a biological specimen.Thyroid Antimicrosomal AntibodyMeasurementC81992Thyroid AntithyroglobulinAntibodiesThyroidAntithyroglobulin AntibodiesA measurement of the thyroid antithyroglobulinantibodies in a biological specimen.Thyroid Antithyroglobulin AntibodyMeasurementC96639 Thyroperoxidase Thyroperoxidase;ThyroidPeroxidaseC96638 Thyroperoxidase Antibody ThyroperoxidaseAntibodyA measurement of the thyroperoxidase in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the thyroperoxidase antibody in abiological specimen.Thyroperoxidase MeasurementThyroperoxidase AntibodyMeasurementC64813 Thyrotropin Thyrotropin A measurement of the thyrotropin in a biologicalspecimen.Thyrotropin MeasurementC74874Thyrotropin ReleasingHormoneThyrotropinReleasingHormone;ThyrotropinReleasing FactorA measurement of the thyrotropin releasing hormonein a biological specimen.Thyrotropin Releasing HormoneMeasurementC74794 Thyroxine Thyroxine; TotalT4C74746 Thyroxine Binding Globulin ThyroxineBinding GlobulinC74786 Thyroxine, Free Thyroxine, Free;Free T4A measurement of the total (free and bound) thyroxinein a biological specimen.A measurement of the thyroxine binding globulinprotein in a biological specimen.A measurement of the free thyroxine in a biologicalspecimen.Total Thyroxine MeasurementThyroxine Binding Globulin ProteinMeasurementFree Thyroxine MeasurementC82036Tissue Inhibitor ofMetalloproteinase 1Tissue InhibitorofMetalloproteinase 1A measurement of the tissue inhibitor ofmetalloproteinase 1 in a biological specimen.Tissue Inhibitor ofMetalloproteinase 1 MeasurementC81993Tissue Plasminogen ActivatorAntigenTissuePlasminogenActivatorAntigenA measurement of the tissue plasminogen activatorantigen in a biological specimen.Tissue Plasminogen ActivatorAntigen MeasurementC74718 Total Iron Binding Capacity Total IronBinding CapacityA measurement of the amount of iron needed to fullysaturate the transferrin in a biological specimen.Total Iron Binding CapacityC802<strong>08</strong>Total Radical-Trap AntioxidantPotentialTotalRadical-TrapAntioxidantPotentialA measurement of the ability of the antioxidants in abiological specimen to buffer free radicals in asuspension.Total Radical-Trap AntioxidantPotential MeasurementC96641 Toxic Granulation ToxicGranulationA measurement of the toxic granulation in neutrophilicblood cells.Toxic Granulation MeasurementC82037 Transferrin Transferrin A measurement of the transferrin in a biologicalspecimen.Transferrin MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 173 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98792 Transferrin Saturation TransferrinSaturationC92251 Transitional Epithelial Cells TransitionalEpithelial CellsC64807 Triacylglycerol Lipase TriacylglycerolLipaseA measurement of the iron bound to transferrin in abiological specimen.A measurement of the transitional epithelial cellspresent in a biological specimen.A measurement of the pancreatic lipase in a biologicalspecimen.Transferrin Saturation MeasurementTransitional Epithelial CellsMeasurementTriacylglycerol Lipase MeasurementC92238 Trichomonas Trichomonas Examination of a biological specimen to detect thepresence of any protozoan belonging to theTrichomonas genus.Trichomonas ScreeningC100420 Tricyclic Antidepressants TricyclicAntidepressantsA measurement of tricyclic antidepressants in abiological specimen.Tricyclic AntidepressantMeasurementC64812 Triglycerides Triglycerides A measurement of the triglycerides in a biologicalspecimen.Triglyceride MeasurementC74747 Triiodothyronine Triiodothyronine; Total T3C74748 Triiodothyronine Uptake TriiodothyronineUptakeC74787 Triiodothyronine, Free Triiodothyronine, Free; Free T3C81968 Triiodothyronine, Reverse Triiodothyronine, ReverseC74756 Triple Phosphate Crystals Triple PhosphateCrystalsA measurement of the total (free and bound)triiodothyronine in a biological specimen.A measurement of the binding of triiodothyonine tothyroxine binding globulin protein in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the free triiodothyronine in abiological specimen.A measurement of the reverse triiodothyronine in abiological specimen.A measurement of the triple phosphate crystals presentin a biological specimen.Triiodothyronine MeasurementTriiodothyronine UptakeMeasurementFree Triiodothyronine MeasurementReverse TriiodothyronineMeasurementTriple Phosphate CrystalMeasurementC74749 Troponin I Troponin I A measurement of the actin binding troponin in abiological specimen.C74750 Troponin T Troponin T A measurement of the tropomyosin binding troponin ina biological specimen.C92292 Tryptase Tryptase A measurement of the tryptase in a biologicalspecimen.Troponin I MeasurementTroponin T MeasurementTryptase MeasurementC74775 Tubular Epithelial Cells TubularEpithelial Cells;Renal TubularEpithelial CellsC74751 Tumor Necrosis Factor Tumor NecrosisFactor; TumorNecrosis FactoralphaA measurement of the tubular epithelial cells presentin a biological specimen.A measurement of the total tumor necrosis factor(cachexin) cytokine in a biological specimen.Tubular Epithelial Cell CountTumor Necrosis FactorMeasurementC74723 Turbidity Turbidity A measurement of the opacity of a biologicalspecimen.Turbidity MeasurementC82038Type I CollagenC-TelopeptidesType I CollagenC-Telopeptides;Type I CollagenX-linkedC-telopeptideA measurement of the type I collagen C-telopeptidesin a biological specimen.Type I Collagen C-TelopeptideMeasurementC82039Type I CollagenN-TelopeptidesType I CollagenN-TelopeptidesA measurement of the type I collagen N-telopeptidesin a biological specimen.Type I Collagen N-TelopeptideMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 174 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92283 Type I Myeloblasts Type IMyeloblastsA measurement of type I myeloblast cells per unit of abiological specimen.Type I Myeloblasts MeasurementC82040Type II CollagenC-TelopeptidesType II CollagenC-TelopeptidesA measurement of the type II collagen C-telopeptidesin a biological specimen.Type II Collagen C-TelopeptideMeasurementC82041Type II CollagenN-TelopeptidesType II CollagenN-TelopeptidesA measurement of the type II collagen N-telopeptidesin a biological specimen.Type II Collagen N-TelopeptideMeasurementC92284 Type II Myeloblasts Type IIMyeloblastsC92285 Type III Myeloblasts Type IIIMyeloblastsC74683 Tyrosine Crystals TyrosineCrystalsC74776 Unclassified Casts UnclassifiedCastsC74757 Unclassified Crystals UnclassifiedCrystalsA measurement of type II myeloblast cells per unit of abiological specimen.A measurement of type III myeloblast cells per unit ofa biological specimen.A measurement of the triple phosphate crystals presentin a biological specimen.A measurement of the unclassifiable casts present in abiological specimen.A measurement of the unclassifiable crystals presentin a biological specimen.Type II Myeloblasts MeasurementType III Myeloblasts MeasurementTyrosine Crystal MeasurementUnclassified Cast MeasurementUnclassified Crystal MeasurementC74719Unsaturated Iron BindingCapacityUnsaturated IronBinding CapacityA measurement of the binding capacity of unsaturatediron in a biological specimen.Unsaturated Iron Binding CapacityMeasurementC64814 Urate Urate; Uric Acid A measurement of the urate in a biological specimen. Urate MeasurementC64815 Urea Urea A measurement of the urea in a biological specimen. Urea MeasurementC96645 Urea/Creatinine Urea/Creatinine A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theurea to creatinine in a biological specimen.Urea to Creatinine RatioMeasurementC74684 Uric Acid Crystals Uric AcidCrystalsC102282 Urine Conductivity UrineConductivityA measurement of the uric acid crystals present in abiological specimen.A measurement of the urine conductivity which is anon-linear function of the electrolyte concentration inthe urine.Uric Acid Crystal MeasurementUrine ConductivityC64816 Urobilinogen Urobilinogen A measurement of the urobilinogen in a biologicalspecimen.Urobilinogen MeasurementC64806 VLDL Cholesterol VLDLCholesterolC74628 Vacuolated Neutrophils VacuolatedNeutrophilsC74875 Vanillyl Mandelic Acid VanillylMandelic Acid;VanilmandelicAcidA measurement of the very low density lipoproteincholesterol in a biological specimen.A measurement of the neutrophils containing smallvacuoles in a biological specimen.A measurement of the vanillyl mandelic acidmetabolite in a biological specimen.Serum VLDL CholesterolMeasurementVacuolated Neutrophil CountVanillyl Mandelic AcidMeasurementC98795Varicella Zoster Virus IgAAntibodyVaricella ZosterVirus IgAAntibodyA measurement of the Varicella Zoster virus IgAantibodies in a biological specimen.Varicella Zoster Virus IgA AntibodyMeasurementC98796Varicella Zoster Virus IgGAntibodyVaricella ZosterVirus IgGAntibodyA measurement of the Varicella Zoster virus IgGantibodies in a biological specimen.Varicella Zoster Virus IgG AntibodyMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 175 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98797Varicella Zoster Virus IgMAntibodyVaricella ZosterVirus IgMAntibodyA measurement of the Varicella Zoster virus IgMantibodies in a biological specimen.Varicella Zoster Virus IgM AntibodyMeasurementC82042Vascular Cell AdhesionMolecule 1Vascular CellAdhesionMolecule 1A measurement of the vascular cell adhesion molecule1 in a biological specimen.Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1MeasurementC92514Vascular Endothelial GrowthFactorVascularEndothelialGrowth FactorA measurement of the vascular endothelial growthfactor in a biological specimen.Vascular Endohelial Growth FactorMeasurementC75912 Viscosity Viscosity The resistance of a liquid to sheer forces and flow.(NCI)ViscosityC74895 Vitamin A Vitamin A;RetinolA measurement of the Vitamin A in a biologicalspecimen.Vitamin A MeasurementC64817 Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 A measurement of the Vitamin B12 in a serumspecimen.Vitamin B12 MeasurementC74897 Vitamin B17 Vitamin B17;AmygdalinC74900 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B5;Pantothenic AcidC74901 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6;PyridoxineC74902 Vitamin B7 Vitamin B7;BiotinC74676 Vitamin B9 Folic Acid;Vitamin B9C74903 Vitamin C Vitamin C;Ascorbic AcidC84818 Vitamin D Vitamin D; TotalVitamin DC74904 Vitamin D2 Vitamin D2;ErgocalciferolC74905 Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3;CholecalciferolC74906 Vitamin E Vitamin E;TocopherolC74907 Vitamin K Vitamin K;NaphthoquinoneA measurement of the Vitamin B17 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin B5 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin B6 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin B7 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the folic acid in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin C in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total Vitamin D in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin D2 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin D3 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin E in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin K in a biologicalspecimen.Vitamin B17 MeasurementVitamin B5 MeasurementVitamin B6 MeasurementVitamin B7 MeasurementFolic Acid MeasurementVitamin C MeasurementVitamin D MeasurementVitamin D2 MeasurementVitamin D3 MeasurementVitamin E MeasurementVitamin K MeasurementC74720 Volume Volume A measurement of the volume of a biologicalspecimen.C74778 WBC Casts WBC Casts A measurement of the white blood cell casts present ina biological specimen.C74777 Waxy Casts Waxy Casts A measurement of the waxy casts present in abiological specimen.C74664 Yeast Cells Yeast Cells A measurement of the yeast cells present in abiological specimen.Volume MeasurementWhite Blood Cell Cast MeasurementWaxy Cell Cast MeasurementYeast Cell MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 176 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67154 - LBTEST - Laboratory Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92239 Yeast Hyphae Yeast Hyphae Examination of a biological specimen to detect thepresence of any yeast cells that are in the long,filamentous and branching phase of growth.Yeast Hyphae ScreeningC80210 Zinc Zinc A measurement of the zinc in a biological specimen. Zinc MeasurementC45997 pH pH A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a fluid on ascale of 0 to 14.pHC98799 von Willebrand Factor von WillebrandFactor; vonWillebrandFactor AntigenA measurement of the von Willebrand factor in abiological specimen.von Willebrand Factor MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 177 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100429 A1AGLP Alpha-1 AcidGlycoproteinC80167 A1ANTRYP Alpha-1Antitrypsin;Serum TrypsinInhibitorC100462 A1MCREAT Alpha-1Microglobulin/CreatinineC100461 A1MICG Alpha-1Microglobulin;Protein HCC80168 A2MACG Alpha-2MacroglobulinC100430 AAP AlanineAminopeptidaseA measurement of the alpha-1 acid glycoprotein in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alpha-1 antitrypsin in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thealpha-1 microglobulin to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the alpha-1 microglobulin in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alpha-2 macroglobulin in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alanine aminopeptidase in abiological specimen.Alpha-1 Acid GlycoproteinMeasurementAlpha-1 Antitrypsin MeasurementAlpha-1 Microglobulin to CreatinineRatio MeasurementAlpha-1 Microglobulin MeasurementAlpha-2 MacroglobulinMeasurementAlanine AminopeptidaseMeasurementC74699 ACANT Acanthocytes A measurement of the acanthocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Acanthocyte CountC74633 ACANTRBC Acanthocytes/ErythrocytesC80169 ACE AngiotensinConvertingEnzymeC92247 ACETOAC AcetoaceticAcid;AcetoacetateA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofacanthocytes to all erythrocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the angiotensin converting enzymein a biological specimen.A measurement of the acetoacetic acid in a biologicalspecimen.Acanthocyte to Erythrocyte RatioMeasurementAngiotensin Converting EnzymeMeasurementAcetoacetic Acid MeasurementC74838 ACH Acetylcholine A measurement of the acetylcholine hormone in abiological specimen.Acetylcholine MeasurementC96560 ACHE AcetylcholinesteraseC96559 ACHRAB AcetylcholineReceptorAntibodyC80163 ACPHOS AcidPhosphataseC74780 ACTH Adrenocorticotropic HormoneC92286 ACYLCAOX Acyl CoenzymeA Oxidase; FattyAcyl CoenzymeA Oxidase; AcylCoA OxidaseC74847 ADH AntidiureticHormone;VasopressinC102257 ADP AdenosineDiphosphateA measurement of the acetylcholinesterase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the acetylcholine receptor antibodyin a biological specimen.A measurement of the acid phosphatase in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the adrenocorticotropic hormone ina biological specimen.A measurement of the acyl coenzyme A oxidase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antidiuretic hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the adenosine diphosphate in abiological specimen.Acetylcholinesterase MeasurementAcetylcholine Receptor AntibodyMeasurementAcid Phosphatase MeasurementAdrenocorticotropic HormoneMeasurementAcyl Coenzyme A OxidaseMeasurementAntidiuretic Hormone MeasurementAdenosine DiphosphateMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 178 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74839 ADPNCTN Adiponectin A measurement of the adiponectin hormone in abiological specimen.Adiponectin MeasurementC74913 ADSDNA Anti-DoubleStranded DNAA measurement of the anti-double stranded DNAantibody in a biological specimen.Anti-Double Stranded DNAMeasurementC98705 ADVVLD ADV Viral Load A measurement of the adenovirus viral load in abiological specimen.Adenovirus Viral Load MeasurementC98706 AFACTXAA Anti-Factor XaActivityC74732 AFP AlphaFetoproteinC96562 AFPL1 AlphaFetoprotein L1C96563 AFPL2 AlphaFetoprotein L2C96564 AFPL3 AlphaFetoprotein L3C96565 AFPL3AFP A FetoproteinL3/A FetoproteinC64431 ALB Albumin;MicroalbuminC74761 ALBCREAT Albumin/Creatinine;Microalbumin/Creatinine RatioC74894 ALBGLOB Albumin/GlobulinA measurement of the anti-activated Factor X in abiological specimen. This test is used to monitor lowmolecular weight or unfractionated heparin levels in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alpha fetoprotein in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the alpha fetoprotein L1 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alpha fetoprotein L2 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the alpha fetoprotein L3 in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of alphafetoprotein L3 to total alpha fetoprotein in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the albumin protein in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thealbumin to the creatinine in a biological specimen.The ratio of albumin to globulin in a biologicalspecimen.Anti-Factor Xa ActivityMeasurementAlpha-fetoprotein MeasurementAlpha Fetoprotein L1 MeasurementAlpha Fetoprotein L2 MeasurementAlpha Fetoprotein L3 MeasurementAlpha Fetoprotein L3 to Total AlphaFetoprotein Ratio MeasurementAlbumin MeasurementAlbumin To Creatinine Protein RatioMeasurementAlbumin to Globulin RatioMeasurementC74731 ALDOLASE Aldolase A measurement of the aldolase enzyme in a biologicalspecimen.C74841 ALDSTRN Aldosterone A measurement of the aldosterone hormone in abiological specimen.Aldolase MeasurementAldosterone MeasurementC64432 ALP AlkalinePhosphataseC92287 ALPBS Bone SpecificAlkalinePhosphataseC79438 ALPCREAT AlkalinePhosphatase/CreatinineC64433 ALT AlanineAminotransferase; SGPTA measurement of the alkaline phosphatase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the bone specific alkalinephosphatase isoform in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thealkaline phosphatase to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the alanine aminotransferase in abiological specimen.Alkaline Phosphatase MeasurementBone Specific Alkaline PhosphataseMeasurementAlkaline Phosphatase to CreatinineRatio MeasurementAlanine AminotransferaseMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 179 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC81975 AMA Antimitochondrial Antibodies;MitochondrialAntibodyA measurement of the antimitochondrial antibodies ina biological specimen.Antimitochondrial AntibodyMeasurementC74799 AMMONIA Ammonia; NH3 A measurement of the ammonia in a biologicalspecimen.Ammonia MeasurementC74666 AMORPHSD AmorphousSediment;AmorphousDebrisA measurement of the amorphous sediment present ina biological specimen.Amorphous Sediment MeasurementC74687 AMPHET Amphetamine A measurement of any amphetamine class drug presentin a biological specimen.Amphetamine Drug ClassMeasurementC102262 AMPHETD Dextroamphetamine;d-amphetamineA measurement of the dextroamphetamine in abiological specimen.Dextroamphetamine MeasurementC64434 AMYLASE Amylase A measurement of the total enzyme amylase in abiological specimen.Amylase MeasurementC98767 AMYLASEP Amylase,PancreaticC98780 AMYLASES Amylase,SalivaryC84809 AMYLB42 Amyloid Beta42; AmyloidBeta 42 ProteinC81999 AMYLOIDB Amyloid, Beta;Beta AmyloidA measurement of the pancreatic enzyme amylase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the salivary enzyme amylase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the 42 amino acid amyloid betaprotein isoform in a biological specimen.A measurement of the total amyloid beta in abiological specimen.Pancreatic Amylase MeasurementSalivary Amylase MeasurementBeta Amyloid 42 MeasurementBeta Amyloid MeasurementC81998 AMYLOIDP Amyloid P A measurement of the total amyloid P in a biologicalspecimen.Amyloid P MeasurementC74916 ANA AntinuclearAntibodiesA measurement of the antinuclear antibodies(antibodies that attack the body's own tissue) in abiological specimen.Antinuclear Antibody MeasurementC74842 ANDSTNDL Androstenediol A measurement of the androstenediol metabolite in abiological specimen.Androstenediol MetaboliteMeasurementC74843 ANDSTNDN Androstenedione;4-AndrostenedioneC81974 ANGLOBDR AntiglobulinTest, Direct;Direct CoombsTestA measurement of the androstenedione hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antibody or complement-coatederythrocytes in a biological specimen in vivo.Androstenedione MeasurementDirect Antiglobulin TestC74844 ANGTNS1 Angiotensin I A measurement of the angiotensin I hormone in abiological specimen.C74845 ANGTNS2 Angiotensin II A measurement of the angiotensin II hormone in abiological specimen.Angiotensin I MeasurementAngiotensin II MeasurementC74846 ANGTNSGN Angiotensinogen;AngiotensinPrecursorA measurement of the angiotensinogen hormone in abiological specimen.Angiotensinogen MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 180 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74685 ANIONG Anion Gap A computed estimate of the unmeasured anions (thoseother than the chloride and bicarbonate anions) in abiological specimen.C74797 ANISO Anisocytes A measurement of the inequality in the size of the redblood cells in a whole blood specimen.Anion Gap MeasurementAnisocyte MeasurementC74886 ANP Atrial NatriureticPeptide;AtriopeptinC81958 ANTHRM Antithrombin;Antithrombin III;AntithrombinActivity;Antithrombin IIIActivityC81977 ANTHRMAG AntithrombinAntigen;Antithrombin IIIAntigenA measurement of the atrial natriuretic peptide in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antithrombin activity in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antithrombin antigen in abiological specimen.Atrial Natriuretic PeptideMeasurementAntithrombin MeasurementAntithrombin Antigen MeasurementC74691 ANTIDPRS Antidepressants A measurement of any antidepressant class drugpresent in a biological specimen.Antidepressant MeasurementC102258 APLAB AntiphospholipidAntibodiesC74733 APOA1 ApolipoproteinA1C82000 APOA2 ApolipoproteinAIIA measurement of the antiphospholipid antibodies in abiological specimen.A measurement of the apolipoprotein A1 in the highdensity lipoproteins of a biological specimen.A measurement of the apolipoprotein AII in abiological specimen.Antiphospholipid AntibodyMeasurementApolipoprotein A1 MeasurementApolipoprotein AII MeasurementC74734 APOB Apolipoprotein B A measurement of the apolipoprotein B in the lowdensity lipoproteins of a biological specimen.Apolipoprotein B MeasurementC100427 APOC2 ApolipoproteinC2;ApolipoproteinCIIC82001 APOC3 ApolipoproteinCIIIA measurement of the apolipoprotein C2 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the apolipoprotein CIII in abiological specimen.Apolipoprotein C2 MeasurementApolipoprotein CIII MeasurementC82002 APOE Apolipoprotein E A measurement of the apolipoprotein E in a biologicalspecimen.Apolipoprotein E MeasurementC92293 APOE4 ApolipoproteinE4C82003 APOH ApolipoproteinHC100428 APOJ Apolipoprotein J;ClusterinC25377 APPEAR SpecimenAppearanceC102277 APPTLAS LupusAnticoagulantSensitive APTT;APPT-LAA measurement of the apolipoprotein E4 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the apolipoprotein H in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the apolipoprotein J in a biologicalspecimen.The outward or visible aspect of a specimen.A measurement of the length of time that it takes forclotting to occur when a lupus sensitive reagent isadded to a plasma specimen.Apolipoprotein E4 MeasurementApolipoprotein H MeasurementApolipoprotein J MeasurementAppearanceLupus Anticoagulant Sensitive APTTMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 181 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100471 APROTCRS Activated ProteinC Resistance;Factor V LeidenScreenC38462 APTT Activated PartialThromboplastinTimeC100421 APTTSPTT ActivatedPTT/StandardPTT; ActivatedPartialThromboplastinTime/StandardThromboplastinTimeC98862 APTTSTND ActivatedPTT/StandardA measurement of the resistance in the anticoagulationresponse to activated protein C in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the length of time that it takes forclotting to occur when reagents are added to a plasmaspecimen. The test is partial due to the absence oftissue factor (Factor III) from the reaction mixture.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thesubject's activated partial thromboplastin time to astandard or control partial thromboplastin time.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thesubject's partial thromboplastin time to a standard orcontrol partial thromboplastin time.Activated Protein C ResistanceMeasurementPartial Thromboplastin TimeActivated PTT to Standard PTT RatioMeasurementActivated PTT/Standard RatioMeasurementC102259 ARA Arachidonic Acid A measurement of the arachidonic acid present in abiological specimen.Arachidonic Acid MeasurementC81976 ASCAB Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiaeAntibodyC92269 ASSDNA Anti-SingleStranded DNAIgGC64467 AST AspartateAminotransferase; SGOTC81978 ASTAG AspartateAminotransferase Antigen; SGOTAntigenA measurement of the anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiaeantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the anti-single stranded DNA IgGantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the aspartate aminotransferase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the aspartate aminotransferaseantigen in a biological specimen.Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiaeAntibody MeasurementAnti-Single Stranded DNA IgGMeasurementAspartate AminotransferaseMeasurementAspartate Aminotransferase AntigenMeasurementC74657 AUERRODS Auer Rods A measurement of the Auer rods (elongated needlestructures that are found in the cytoplasm of leukemicblasts and are formed by clumps of azurophilicgranular material) in a biological specimen.Auer Rod MeasurementC81979 B2GLYAB Beta-2GlycoproteinAntibodyC81980 B2MICG Beta-2MicroglobulinA measurement of the beta-2 glycoprotein antibody ina biological specimen.A measurement of the beta-2 microglobulin in abiological specimen.Beta-2 Glycoprotein AntibodyMeasurementBeta-2 Microglobulin MeasurementC64469 BACT Bacteria A measurement of the bacteria in a biologicalspecimen.C74688 BARB Barbiturates A measurement of any barbiturate class drug present ina biological specimen.C64470 BASO Basophils A measurement of the basophils in a biologicalspecimen.Bacterial CountBarbiturate Drug Class MeasurementTotal Basophil CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 182 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98865 BASOCE Basophils/TotalCellsC96670 BASOIM ImmatureBasophilsC96671 BASOIMLE ImmatureBasophils/LeukocytesC64471 BASOLE Basophils/LeukocytesC82004 BDNF Brain-DerivedNeurotrophicFactorC100472 BETACRTN Beta Carotene;b-Carotene; BetaCarotinC96568 BHYXBTR Beta-Hydroxybutyrate;B-Hydroxybutyrate;3-HydroxybutyrateC74667 BICARB Bicarbonate;HCO3A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thebasophils to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the immature basophils in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofimmature basophils to total leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thebasophils to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the brain-derived neurotrophicfactor in a biological specimen.A measurement of the beta carotene in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total Beta-hydroxybutyrate in abiological specimen.A measurement of the bicarbonate in a biologicalspecimen.Basophil to Total CellRatioMeasurementImmature Basophil CountImmature Basophil to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementBasophil To Leukocyte RatioBrain-Derived Neurotrophic FactorMeasurementBeta Carotene MeasurementBeta-Hydroxybutyrate MeasurementBicarbonate MeasurementC64481 BILDIR Direct Bilirubin A measurement of the conjugated or water-solublebilirubin in a biological specimen.Direct Bilirubin MeasurementC74800 BILEAC Bile Acid; BileSalts; Bile Acids;Bile SaltC38037 BILI Bilirubin; TotalBilirubinA measurement of the total bile acids in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total bilirubin in a biologicalspecimen.Bile Acid MeasurementTotal Bilirubin MeasurementC64483 BILIND Indirect Bilirubin A measurement of the unconjugated ornon-water-soluble bilirubin in a biological specimen.C74700 BITECE Bite Cells A measurement of the bite cells (erythrocytes with theappearance of a bite having been removed, due tooxidative hemolysis) in a biological specimen .C98710 BKVVLD BKV Viral Load A measurement of the BK virus viral load in abiological specimen.C74605 BLAST Blasts A measurement of the blast cells in a biologicalspecimen.Indirect Bilirubin MeasurementBite Cell CountBK Virus Viral Load MeasurementBlast CountC64487 BLASTLE Blasts/LeukocytesC74630 BLASTLM Leukemic Blasts;LeukemicLymphoblasts;ImmunoblasticLymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theblasts to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the leukemic blasts (lymphoblaststhat remain in an immature state even when outside thebone marrow) in a biological specimen.Blast To Leukocyte RatioLeukemic Blast CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 183 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74641 BLSTLMLY LeukemicBlasts/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theleukemic blasts (immature lymphoblasts) to maturelymphocytes in a biological specimen.Leukemic Blast to LymphocyteRatio MeasurementC102278 BLSTLY Lymphoblasts A measurement of the lymphoblasts (immature cellsthat differentiate to form lymphocytes) in a biologicalspecimen.Lymphoblast CountC98761 BLSTMBCE Myeloblasts/Total CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themyeloblasts to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).Myeloblast to Total Cell RatioMeasurementC98752 BLSTMGK Megakaryoblasts A measurement of the megakaryoblasts in a biologicalspecimen.Megakaryoblast Cell CountC98753 BLSTMKCE Megakaryoblasts/Total CellsC98764 BLSTNMCE Normoblasts/Total CellsC98870 BLSTPNCE Pronormoblasts/Total CellsC100419 BLSTRSID RingedSideroblastsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themegakaryoblasts to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thenormoblasts to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepronormoblasts to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the ringed sideroblasts (abnormalnucleated erythroblasts with a large number of irondeposits in the perinuclear mitochondria, forming aring around the nucleus) in a biological specimen.Megakaryoblast to Total Cell RatioMeasurementNormoblast to Total Cell RatioMeasurementPronormoblast to Total CellRatioMeasurementRinged Sideroblast MeasurementC100418 BLSTSID Sideroblast A measurement of the sideroblasts (nucleatederythroblasts with iron granules in the cytoplasm) in abiological specimen.Sideroblast MeasurementC74735 BNP Brain NatriureticPeptide; B-TypeNatriureticPeptideC82032 BNPPRO ProB-typeNatriureticPeptide;proBNP;Pro-BrainNatriureticPeptideC96610 BNPPRONT N-TerminalProB-typeNatriureticPeptide; NTproBNP II;N-terminalpro-BrainNatriureticPeptideA measurement of the brain (B-type) natriureticpeptide in a biological specimen.A measurement of the proB-type natriuretic peptide ina biological specimen.A measurement of the N-terminal proB-typenatriuretic peptide in a biological specimen.Brain Natriuretic PeptideMeasurementProB-Type Natriuretic PeptideMeasurementN-Terminal ProB-type NatriureticPeptide MeasurementC74692 BNZDZPN Benzodiazepine A measurement of any benzodiazepine class drugpresent in a biological specimen.Benzodiazepine MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 184 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC75350 BNZLCGN Benzoylecgonine; CocaineMetaboliteC74634 BTECERBC BiteCells/ErythrocytesC100426 BTP Beta-TraceProteinC61019 BUN Blood UreaNitrogenA measurement of the benzoylecgonine in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of bitecells (erythrocytes with the appearance of a bite havingbeen removed, due to oxidative hemolysis) to allerythrocytes in a biological specimen .A measurement of the beta-trace protein in abiological specimen.A measurement of the urea nitrogen in a bloodspecimen.Benzoylecgonine MeasurementBite Cell to Erythrocyte RatioMeasurementBeta-Trace Protein MeasurementBlood Urea Nitrogen MeasurementC74753 BUNCREAT BUN/Creatinine A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) (ratio) ofthe blood urea nitrogen (BUN) to the creatinine in abiological specimen.Blood Urea Nitrogen To CreatinineRatio MeasurementC74701 BURRCE Burr Cells;KeratocytesC80173 C1QAB ComplementC1q AntibodyA measurement of the Burr cells (erythrocytescharacterized by the presence of small, bluntprojections evenly distributed across the cell surface)in a biological specimen.A measurement of the complement C1q antibody in abiological specimen.Burr Cell CountComplement C1q AntibodyMeasurementC80174 C3 Complement C3 A measurement of the complement C3 in a biologicalspecimen.Complement C3 MeasurementC80175 C3A ComplementC3a; ASP,Complement C3DesArg,Acetylation-stimulating ProteinC80176 C3B ComplementC3bA measurement of the complement C3a in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the complement C3b in a biologicalspecimen.Complement C3a MeasurementComplement C3b MeasurementC80177 C4 Complement C4 A measurement of the complement C4 in a biologicalspecimen.C80178 C4A Complement C4a A measurement of the complement C4a in a biologicalspecimen.C80179 C5A Complement C5a A measurement of the complement C5a in a biologicalspecimen.C64488 CA Calcium A measurement of the calcium in a biologicalspecimen.Complement C4 MeasurementComplement C4a MeasurementComplement C5a MeasurementCalcium MeasurementC81981 CA125AG Cancer Antigen125C81982 CA19_9AG Cancer Antigen19-9A measurement of the cancer antigen 125 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the cancer antigen 19-9 in abiological specimen.Cancer Antigen 125 MeasurementCancer Antigen 19-9 MeasurementC74702 CABOT Cabot Rings A measurement of the Cabot rings (red-purple staining,threadlike, ring or figure 8 shaped filaments in anerythrocyte) in a biological specimen.Cabot Ring CountC96589 CACLR CalciumClearanceA measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of calcium by excretion of urine fora specified unit of time (e.g. one minute).Calcium Clearance MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 185 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC79439 CACREAT Calcium/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thecalcium to creatinine in a biological specimen.Calcium to Creatinine RatioMeasurementC81948 CAION Calcium, Ionized A measurement of the ionized calcium in a biologicalspecimen.C82005 CALPRO Calprotectin A measurement of the calprotectin in a biologicalspecimen.C74689 CANNAB Cannabinoids A measurement of any cannabinoid class drug presentin a biological specimen.Ionized Calcium MeasurementCalprotectin MeasurementCannabinoid Drug ClassMeasurementC96591 CARBXHGB CarboxyhemoglobinA measurement of the carboxyhemoglobin in abiological specimen.Carboxyhemoglobin MeasurementC74682 CARNIT Carnitine A measurement of the total carnitine in a biologicalspecimen.Total Carnitine MeasurementC92288 CARNITAT Carnitine AcetylTransferaseA measurement of the carnitine acetyl transferase in abiological specimen.Carnitine Acetyl TransferaseMeasurementC74677 CARNITF Carnitine, Free A measurement of the free carnitine in a biologicalspecimen.C74763 CASTS Casts A statement that indicates casts were looked for in abiological specimen.C96590 CASULPH Calcium Sulphate A measurement of the calcium sulphate in a biologicalspecimen.C80172 CBB Complement Bb A measurement of the complement Bb in a biologicalspecimen.Free Carnitine MeasurementCast Present Or AbsentCalcium Sulphate MeasurementComplement Bb MeasurementC74850 CCK Cholecystokinin;PancreozyminC96595 CCPAB CyclicCitrullinatedPeptide AntibodyA measurement of the cholecystokinin hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the cyclic citrullinated peptideantibody in a biological specimen.Cholecystokinin MeasurementCyclic Citrullinated PeptideAntibody MeasurementC74606 CD19 CD19 A count of the CD19 B cells per unit of a biologicalspecimen.CD19 Expressing B Cell CountC74635 CD19LY CD19/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD19B cells to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.CD19 B Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC74607 CD3 CD3 A count of the CD3 T cells per unit of a biologicalspecimen.C102260 CD34 CD34 A measurement of the CD34 expressing cells per unitin a biological specimen.CD3 Expressing T Cell CountCD34 MeasurementC74636 CD3LY CD3/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD3 Tcells to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.CD3 T Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC746<strong>08</strong> CD4 CD4 A count of the CD4 T cells per unit of a biologicalspecimen.CD4 Expressing T Cell CountC82006 CD40 CD40 A measurement of the CD40 in a biological specimen. CD40 MeasurementC82007 CD40L CD40 Ligand A measurement of the CD40 ligand in a biologicalspecimen.C74637 CD4CD8 CD4/CD8 A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD4 Tcells to the CD8 T cells in a biological specimen.CD40 Ligand MeasurementCD4 T Cell to CD8 T Cell RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 186 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74638 CD4LY CD4/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD4 Tcells to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.CD4 T Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC74609 CD8 CD8 A count of the CD8 T cells per unit of a biologicalspecimen.CD8 Expressing T Cell CountC74639 CD8LY CD8/LymphocytesC101016 CDT Carbohydrate-DeficientTransferrinC81983 CEA Carcinoembryonic AntigenC96592 CEC CirculatingEndothelial CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of CD8 Tcells to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of transferrin with a reduced numberof carbohydrate moieties in a biological specimen.A measurement of the carcinoembryonic antigen in abiological specimen.A measurement of the circulating endothelial cells in abiological specimen.CD8 T Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementCarbohydrate-Deficient TransferrinMeasurementCarcinoembryonic AntigenMeasurementCirculating Endothelial Cell CountC96672 CELLSIM Immature Cells A measurement of the total immature cells in a bloodspecimen.Immature Cell CountC100423 CH50 ComplementCH50; TotalHemolyticComplement;CH50C61032 CHOL Cholesterol;TotalCholesterolC80171 CHOLHDL Cholesterol/HDL-CholesterolA measurement of the complement required to lyse 50percent of red blood cells in a biological specimen.A measurement of the cholesterol in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of totalcholesterol to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C) in a biological specimen.CH50 MeasurementSerum Total CholesterolMeasurementCholesterol to HDL-CholesterolRatio MeasurementC92289 CHOLINES Cholinesterase A measurement of the cholinesterase in a biologicalspecimen.Cholinesterase MeasurementC92248 CITRATE Citrate A measurement of the citrate in a biological specimen. Citrate MeasurementC64489 CK Creatine Kinase A measurement of the total creatine kinase in abiological specimen.Creatine Kinase MeasurementC64490 CKBB Creatine KinaseBBC79466 CKBBCK Creatine KinaseBB/TotalCreatine KinaseC64491 CKMB Creatine KinaseMBC79441 CKMBCK Creatine KinaseMB/TotalCreatine KinaseC64494 CKMM Creatine KinaseMMC79442 CKMMCK Creatine KinaseMM/TotalCreatine KinaseA measurement of the homozygous B-type creatinekinase in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theBB-type creatine kinase to total creatine kinase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the heterozygous MB-type creatinekinase in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theMB-type creatine kinase to total creatine kinase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the homozygous M-type creatinekinase in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theMM-type creatine kinase to total creatine kinase in abiological specimen.Creatine Kinase BB MeasurementCreatine Kinase BB to Total CreatineKinase Ratio MeasurementCreatine Kinase MB MeasurementCreatine Kinase MB to TotalCreatine Kinase Ratio MeasurementCreatine Kinase MM MeasurementCreatine Kinase MM to TotalCreatine Kinase Ratio MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 187 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64495 CL Chloride A measurement of the chloride in a biologicalspecimen.C96594 CLARITY Clarity A measurement of the transparency of a biologicalspecimen.Chloride MeasurementClarity MeasurementC79440 CLCREAT Chloride/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thechloride to creatinine in a biological specimen.Chloride to Creatinine RatioMeasurementC74848 CLCTONN Calcitonin A measurement of the calcitonin hormone in abiological specimen.C74849 CLCTRIOL Calcitriol A measurement of the calcitriol hormone in abiological specimen.C102261 CLUECE Clue Cells A measurement of the clue cells in a biologicalspecimen.Calcitonin MeasurementCalcitriol MeasurementClue Cell CountC96596 CMVIGGAB CytomegalovirusIgG AntibodyC96597 CMVIGMAB CytomegalovirusIgM AntibodyA measurement of the cytomegalovirus IgG antibodyin a biological specimen.A measurement of the cytomegalovirus IgM antibodyin a biological specimen.Cytomegalovirus IgG AntibodyMeasurementCytomegalovirus IgM AntibodyMeasurementC98716 CMVVLD CMV Viral Load A measurement of the cytomegalovirus viral load in abiological specimen.C64545 CO2 Carbon Dioxide A measurement of the carbon dioxide gas in abiological specimen.C74690 COCAINE Cocaine A measurement of the cocaine present in a biologicalspecimen.C74877 CODEINE Codeine A measurement of the codeine present in a biologicalspecimen.Cytomegalovirus Viral LoadMeasurementCarbon Dioxide MeasurementCocaine MeasurementCodeine MeasurementC64546 COLOR Color A measurement of the color of a biological specimen. Color AssessmentC102282 CONDUCTU UrineConductivityA measurement of the urine conductivity which is anon-linear function of the electrolyte concentration inthe urine.Urine ConductivityC88113 CORTFR Cortisol, Free A measurement of the free, unbound cortisol in abiological specimen.Free Cortisol MeasurementC74781 CORTISOL Cortisol; TotalCortisolA measurement of the cortisol in a biologicalspecimen.Cortisol MeasurementC92249 COTININE Cotinine A measurement of the cotinine in a biologicalspecimen.C74736 CPEPTIDE C-peptide A measurement of the C (connecting) peptide ofinsulin in a biological specimen.Cotinine MeasurementC-peptide MeasurementC92432 CPNIGAAB Chlamydiapneumoniae IgAAntibodyC92433 CPNIGMAB Chlamydiapneumoniae IgMAntibodyA measurement of the Chlamydia pneumoniae IgAantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM in abiological specimen.Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA AntibodyMeasurementChlamydia pneumoniae IgMAntibody MeasurementC64547 CREAT Creatinine A measurement of the creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.Creatinine MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 188 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25747 CREATCLR CreatinineClearanceC74703 CRENCE Crenated Cells;EchinocytesC74851 CRH CorticotropinReleasingHormone;CorticotropinReleasing FactorC100432 CRLPLSMN Ceruloplasmin;CaeruloplasminC64548 CRP C ReactiveProteinA measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of creatinine by excretion of urinefor a specified unit of time (e.g. one minute).A measurement of the Burr cells (erythrocytescharacterized by the presence of multiple small, sharpprojections evenly distributed across the cell surface)in a biological specimen.A measurement of the corticotropin releasinghormone in a biological specimen.A measurement of ceruloplasmin in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the C reactive protein in abiological specimen.Creatinine ClearanceCrenated Cell MeasurementCorticotropin Releasing HormoneMeasurementCeruloplasmin MeasurementC-Reactive Protein MeasurementC79434 CRTRONE Corticosterone A measurement of corticosterone in a biologicalspecimen.C74673 CRYSTALS Crystals A statement that indicates crystals were looked for in abiological specimen.C74762 CSBACT Bacterial Casts A measurement of the bacterial casts present in abiological specimen.C96588 CSBROAD Broad Casts A measurement of the broad casts in a biologicalspecimen.C74764 CSCELL Cellular Casts A measurement of the cellular (white blood cell, redblood cell, epithelial and bacterial) casts present in abiological specimen.C74779 CSEPI Epithelial Casts A measurement of the epithelial cell casts present in abiological specimen.C74766 CSFAT Fatty Casts A measurement of the fatty casts present in abiological specimen.C74768 CSGRAN Granular Casts A measurement of the granular (coarse and fine) castspresent in a biological specimen.Corticosterone MeasurementCrystal Present Or AbsentBacterial Cast MeasurementBroad Casts MeasurementCellular Cast MeasurementEpithelial-Cast MeasurementFatty Cast MeasurementGranular Cast MeasurementC74765 CSGRANC Granular CoarseCastsC74769 CSGRANF Granular FineCastsA measurement of the coarse granular casts present ina biological specimen.A measurement of the fine granular casts present in abiological specimen.Coarse Granular Cast MeasurementGranular Fine Cast MeasurementC74770 CSHYAL Hyaline Casts A measurement of the hyaline casts present in abiological specimen.C74771 CSMIX Mixed Casts A measurement of the mixed (the cast contains amixture of cell types) casts present in a biologicalspecimen.C74772 CSRBC RBC Casts A measurement of the red blood cell casts present in abiological specimen.Hyaline Cast MeasurementMixed Cast CountRed Blood Cell Cast MeasurementC74776 CSUNCLA UnclassifiedCastsA measurement of the unclassifiable casts present in abiological specimen.Unclassified Cast MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 189 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74777 CSWAX Waxy Casts A measurement of the waxy casts present in abiological specimen.C74778 CSWBC WBC Casts A measurement of the white blood cell casts present ina biological specimen.Waxy Cell Cast MeasurementWhite Blood Cell Cast MeasurementC96593 CTC CirculatingTumor CellsC80160 CTOT ComplementTotalC100464 CTRIGAAB Chlamydiatrachomatis IgAAntibodyC100466 CTRIGGAB Chlamydiatrachomatis IgGAntibodyC100465 CTRIGMAB Chlamydiatrachomatis IgMAntibodyC82038 CTXI Type I CollagenC-Telopeptides;Type I CollagenX-linkedC-telopeptideC82040 CTXII Type II CollagenC-TelopeptidesC100431 CXCR3 Chemokine(C-X-C Motif)Receptor 3;GPR9, CD183,CXCR3C74912 CYACIDU Acid UrateCrystalsC74758 CYAMMBIU AmmoniumBiurate Crystals;AmmoniumUrate Crystals;Acid AmmoniumUrate CrystalsC74759 CYAMMOX AmmoniumOxalate CrystalsC74665 CYAMORPH AmorphousCrystalsC92243 CYAMPPH AmorphousPhosphateCrystalsC92244 CYAMPURT AmorphousUrate CrystalsA measurement of the circulating tumor cells in abiological specimen.A measurement of the total complement in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Chlamydia trachomatis IgAantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Chlamydia trachomatis IgGantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Chlamydia trachomatis IgMantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the type I collagen C-telopeptidesin a biological specimen.A measurement of the type II collagen C-telopeptidesin a biological specimen.A measurement of the CXCR3, chemokine (C-X-Cmotif) receptor 3, in a biological specimen.A measurement of the acid urate crystals present in abiological specimen.A measurement of the ammonium biurate crystalspresent in a biological specimen.A measurement of the ammonium oxalate crystalspresent in a urine specimen.A measurement of the amorphous (Note: phosphate orurate, depending on pH) crystals present in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the amorphous phosphate crystalsin a biological specimen.A measurement of the amorphous urate crystals in abiological specimen.Circulating Tumor Cell CountComplement MeasurementChlamydia trachomatis IgA AntibodyMeasurementChlamydia trachomatis IgG AntibodyMeasurementChlamydia trachomatis IgM AntibodyMeasurementType I Collagen C-TelopeptideMeasurementType II Collagen C-TelopeptideMeasurementChemokine Receptor CXCR3MeasurementAcid Urate Crystal MeasurementUrine Ammonium Biurate CrystalMeasurementUrine Ammonium Oxalate CrystalMeasurementAmorphous Crystal MeasurementAmorphous Phosphate CrystalsMeasurementAmorphous Urate CrystalsMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 190 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74668 CYBILI BilirubinCrystalsC74669 CYCACAR CalciumCarbonateCrystalsC74670 CYCAOXA Calcium OxalateCrystalsC74671 CYCAPHOS CalciumPhosphateCrystalsC74672 CYCHOL CholesterolCrystalsA measurement of the bilirubin crystals present in abiological specimen.A measurement of the calcium carbonate crystalspresent in a biological specimen.A measurement of the calcium oxalate crystals presentin a biological specimen.A measurement of the calcium phosphate crystalspresent in a biological specimen.A measurement of the cholesterol crystals present in abiological specimen.Bilirubin Crystal MeasurementCalcium Carbonate CrystalMeasurementCalcium Oxalate CrystalMeasurementCalcium Phosphate CrystalMeasurementCholesterol Crystal MeasurementC74674 CYCYSTIN Cystine Crystals A measurement of the cystine crystals present in abiological specimen.Cystine Crystal MeasurementC74754 CYHIPPAC Hippuric AcidCrystalsA measurement of the hippuric acid crystals present ina biological specimen.Hippuric Acid Crystal MeasurementC74680 CYLEUC Leucine Crystals A measurement of the leucine crystals present in abiological specimen.Leucine Crystal MeasurementC74681 CYMSU MonosodiumUrate CrystalsA measurement of the monosodium urate crystalspresent in a biological specimen.Monosodium Urate CrystalMeasurementC81951 CYSTARCH Starch Crystals A measurement of the starch crystals in a biologicalspecimen.C92290 CYSTATC Cystatin C A measurement of the cystatin C in a biologicalspecimen.C74755 CYSULFA Sulfa Crystals A measurement of the sulfa crystals present in abiological specimen.Starch Crystal MeasurementCystatin C MeasurementSulfa Crystal MeasurementC74756 CYTRPHOS Triple PhosphateCrystalsC74683 CYTYRO TyrosineCrystalsC74757 CYUNCLA UnclassifiedCrystalsC74684 CYURIAC Uric AcidCrystalsA measurement of the triple phosphate crystals presentin a biological specimen.A measurement of the triple phosphate crystals presentin a biological specimen.A measurement of the unclassifiable crystals presentin a biological specimen.A measurement of the uric acid crystals present in abiological specimen.Triple Phosphate CrystalMeasurementTyrosine Crystal MeasurementUnclassified Crystal MeasurementUric Acid Crystal MeasurementC82621 DDIMER D-Dimer A measurement of the d-dimers in a biologicalspecimen.D-Dimer MeasurementC74852 DHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone;DehydroisoandrosteroneC96629 DHEAS Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate;DHEA-S;sDHEA; DHEASulfateA measurement of the dehydroepiandrosteronehormone in a biological specimen.A measurement of the sulfatedDehydroepiandrosterone in a biological specimen.DehydroepiandrosteroneMeasurementSulfated DHEA MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 191 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC101017 DHPG 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol; 3.4DihydroxyphenylglycolC74853 DHT Dihydrotestosterone;AndrostanaloneA measurement of the catecholamine metabolite,3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol in a biological specimen.A measurement of the dihydrotestosterone hormone ina biological specimen.3,4-DihydroxyphenylglycolMeasurementDihydrotestosterone MeasurementC74878 DIHYDCDN Dihydrocodeine A measurement of the dihydrocodeine present in abiological specimen.Dihydrocodeine MeasurementC81973 DNAAB Anti-DNAAntibodies;Anti-ds-DNAAntibodiesC100463 DNASEBAB DNase-BAntibody;Anti-Dnase BA measurement of the anti-DNA antibodies in abiological specimen.A measurement of Dnase-B antibody in a biologicalspecimen.Anti-DNA Antibody MeasurementDNase-B Antibody MeasurementC74610 DOHLE Dohle Bodies A measurement of the Dohle bodies (blue-gray,basophilic, leukocyte inclusions located in theperipheral cytoplasm of neutrophils) in a biologicalspecimen.C74854 DOPAMINE Dopamine A measurement of the dopamine hormone in abiological specimen.Dohle Body MeasurementDopamine MeasurementC79443 DPD DeoxypyridinolineC79444 DPDCREAT Deoxypyridinoline/CreatinineA measurement of the deoxypyridinoline in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thedeoxypyridinoline to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.Deoxypyridinoline MeasurementDeoxypyridinoline to CreatinineRatio MeasurementC78139 DRUGSCR Drug Screen An indication of the presence or absence ofrecreational drugs or drugs of abuse in a biologicalspecimen.Drug TestC96696 DRVVT Dilute Russell'sViper VenomTimeA measurement of the time it takes a plasma sample toclot after adding dilute Russell's viper venom.Dilute Russell's Viper Venom TimeMeasurementC100441 DTPACLR DTPA Clearance A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of Diethylenetriamine pentaacetate(DTPA) through its excretion for a specified unit oftime.Diethylene Triamine PentaaceticAcid ClearanceC96600 EBCIGGAB Epstein-BarrCapsid IgGAntibodyC96601 EBCIGMAB Epstein-BarrCapsid IgMAntibodyC96602 EBEAG Epstein-BarrEarly AntigenC96603 EBNAB Epstein-BarrNuclearAntibodyA measurement of the Epstein-Barr capsid IgGantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Epstein-Barr capsid IgMantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Epstein-Barr early antigen in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Epstein-Barr nuclear antibody ina biological specimen.Epstein-Barr Capsid IgG AntibodyMeasurementEpstein-Barr Capsid IgM AntibodyMeasurementEpstein-Barr Early AntigenMeasurementEpstein-Barr Nuclear AntibodyMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 192 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96604 EBNAG Epstein-BarrNuclear AntigenA measurement of the Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen ina biological specimen.Epstein-Barr Nuclear AntigenMeasurementC98721 EBVVLD EBV Viral Load A measurement of the Epstein-Barr virus viral load in abiological specimen.C96598 ECCENTCY Eccentrocytes A measurement of the eccentrocytes (erythrocytes inwhich the hemoglobin is localized to a particularportion of the cell, noticeable as localized staining) ina biological specimen.Epstein-Barr Virus Viral LoadMeasurementEccentrocyte CountC100422 ECT Ecarin ClottingTimeA measurement of the activity of thrombin inhibitorsin a biological specimen based on the generation ofmeizothrombin.Ecarin Clotting Time MeasurementC100440 EDTACLR EDTA Clearance A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid(EDTA) through its excretion for a specified unit oftime.EDTA ClearanceC82009 EGF EpidermalGrowth FactorC82028 ELA1 PancreaticElastase 1C82029 ELA1PMN PancreaticElastase 1,PolymorphonuclearC82026 ELA2 NeutrophilElastaseC82027 ELA2PMN NeutrophilElastase,PolymorphonuclearC64549 ELLIPCY Elliptocytes;OvalocytesC82010 ENA78 EpithNeutrophil-Activating Peptide 78C92270 ENAAB Anti-ENA;ExtractableNuclear AntigenAntibodyA measurement of the epidermal growth factor in abiological specimen.A measurement of the pancreatic elastase 1 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the polymorphonuclear pancreaticelastase 1 in a biological specimen.A measurement of the neutrophil elastase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the polymorphonuclear neutrophilelastase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the elliptically shaped erythrocytesin a biological specimen.A measurement of the epithelial neutrophil-activatingpeptide in a biological specimen.A measurement of the extractable nuclear antigenantibody in a biological specimen.Epidermal Growth FactorMeasurementPancreatic Elastase MeasurementPolymorphonuclear PancreaticElastase MeasurementNeutrophil Elastase MeasurementPolymorphonuclear NeutrophilElastase MeasurementElliptocyte CountEpithelial Neutrophil-ActivatingPeptide 78 MeasurementExtractable Nuclear AntigenAntibody MeasurementC820<strong>08</strong> ENDOTH1 Endothelin-1 A measurement of the endothelin-1 in a biologicalspecimen.C82011 ENRAGE Extracell NewlyIdent RAGE BindProtein; S100Calcium BindingProtein A12A measurement of the extracellular newly identifiedRAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end products)binding protein in a biological specimen.C64550 EOS Eosinophils A measurement of the eosinophils in a biologicalspecimen.Endothelin-1 MeasurementExtracell Newly Ident RAGE BindProtein MeasurementEosinophil CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 193 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98720 EOSCE Eosinophils/Total CellsC96673 EOSIM ImmatureEosinophilsC96674 EOSIMLE ImmatureEosinophils/LeukocytesC64604 EOSLE Eosinophils/LeukocytesC84819 EOSMM EosinophilicMetamyelocytesC84821 EOSMYL EosinophilicMyelocytesC81952 EOTAXIN1 Eotaxin-1;ChemokineLigand 11C81953 EOTAXIN2 Eotaxin-2;ChemokineLigand 24C81954 EOTAXIN3 Eotaxin-3;ChemokineLigand 26A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theeosinophils to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the immature eosinophils in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofimmature eosinophils to total leukocytes in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theeosinophils to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the eosinphilic metamyelocytes in abiological specimen.A measurement of the eosinophilic myelocytes in abiological specimen.A measurement of the eotaxin-1 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the eotaxin-2 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the eotaxin-3 in a biologicalspecimen.Eosinophils to Total Cell RatioMeasurementImmature Eosinophil CountImmature Eosinophil to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementEosinophil To Leukocyte RatioEosinophilic Metamyelocyte CountEosinophilic Myelocyte CountEotaxin-1 MeasurementEotaxin-2 MeasurementEotaxin-3 MeasurementC64605 EPIC Epithelial Cells A measurement of the epithelial cells in a biologicalspecimen.Epithelial Cell CountC79445 EPIN Epinephrine;AdrenalineC74698 EPIROCE Round EpithelialCellsC74773 EPISQCE SquamousEpithelial CellsC74774 EPISQTCE SquamousTransitionalEpithelial Cells;Epithelial CellsC92251 EPITCE TransitionalEpithelial CellsC74775 EPITUCE TubularEpithelial Cells;Renal TubularEpithelial CellsC74855 EPO Erythropoietin;HematopoietinC74611 ESR ErythrocyteSedimentationRate; BiernackiReactionA measurement of the epinephrine hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the round epithelial cells present ina biological specimen.A measurement of the squamous epithelial cellspresent in a biological specimen.A measurement of the squamous transitional epithelialcells present in a biological specimen.A measurement of the transitional epithelial cellspresent in a biological specimen.A measurement of the tubular epithelial cells presentin a biological specimen.A measurement of the erythropoietin hormone in abiological specimen.The distance (e.g. millimeters) that red blood cellssettle in unclotted blood over a specified unit of time(e.g. one hour).Epinephrine MeasurementRound Epithelial Cell CountSquamous Epithelial Cell CountSquamous Transitional EpithelialCell CountTransitional Epithelial CellsMeasurementTubular Epithelial Cell CountErythropoietin MeasurementErythrocyte Sedimentation RateMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 194 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74782 ESTRDIOL Estradiol;OestradiolA measurement of the estradiol in a biologicalspecimen.Estradiol MeasurementC74856 ESTRIOL Estriol; Oestriol A measurement of the estriol hormone in a biologicalspecimen.C81963 ESTRIOLF Estriol, Free A measurement of the free estriol in a biologicalspecimen.Estriol MeasurementFree Estriol MeasurementC74857 ESTRONE Estrone;OestroneA measurement of the estrone hormone in a biologicalspecimen.Estrone MeasurementC74693 ETHANOL Ethanol; Alcohol A measurement of the ethanol present in a biologicalspecimen.Ethanol MeasurementC102266 ETP EndogenousThrombinPotentialC102263 ETPAUC ETP Area UnderCurve;EndogenousThrombinPotential AreaUnder CurveC102264 ETPLT ETP Lag Time;EndogenousThrombinPotential LagTimeC102265 ETPLTR ETP Lag TimeRelative;EndogenousThrombinPotential LagTime RelativeC102267 ETPPH ETP PeakHeight;EndogenousThrombinPotential PeakHeightC102268 ETPPHR ETP Peak HeightRelative;EndogenousThrombinPotential PeakHeight RelativeC102269 ETPTP ETP Time toPeak;EndogenousThrombinPotential Time toPeakA measurement of the total concentration of thrombingenerated in the presence of a substrate in a plasma orblood sample.A measurement of the area under the thrombingeneration curve.A measurement of time from the start of the thrombingeneration test to the point where a predeterminedamount of thrombin is generated.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of timefrom the start of the thrombin generation test to thepoint where a predetermined amount of thrombin isgenerated.A measurement of the maximum concentration ofthrombin generated during a thrombin generation test.A relative (ratio or percentage) of the maximumconcentration of thrombin generated during a thrombingeneration test.A measurement of the time it takes to generate themaximum concentration of thrombin.Endogenous Thrombin PotentialMeasurementEndogenous Thrombin PotentialArea Under Curve MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin Potential LagTime MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin Potential LagTime Relative MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin PotentialPeak Height MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin PotentialPeak Height Relative MeasurementEndogenous Thrombin PotentialTime to Peak MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 195 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102270 ETPTPR ETP Time toPeak Relative;EndogenousThrombinPotential Time toPeak RelativeC8<strong>2012</strong> FABP1 Fatty AcidBinding Protein1C96626 FACTII Factor II;ProthrombinC81959 FACTIII Factor III; TissueFactor, CD142A relative (ratio or percentage) measurement of thetime it takes to generate the maximum concentrationof thrombin.A measurement of the fatty acid binding protein 1 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Factor II in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the factor III in a biologicalspecimen.Endogenous Thrombin PotentialTime to Peak Relative MeasurementFatty Acid Binding Protein 1MeasurementProthrombin MeasurementFactor III MeasurementC98725 FACTIX Factor IX A measurement of the factor IX in a biologicalspecimen.C98726 FACTV Factor V A measurement of the factor V in a biologicalspecimen.C81960 FACTVII Factor VII A measurement of the factor VII in a biologicalspecimen.C81961 FACTVIII Factor VIII A measurement of the factor VIII in a biologicalspecimen.C102271 FACTVL Factor V Leiden A measurement of the Factor V Leiden in a biologicalspecimen.Factor IX MeasurementFactor V MeasurementFactor VII MeasurementFactor VIII MeasurementFactor V Leiden MeasurementC98799 FACTVW von WillebrandFactor; vonWillebrandFactor AntigenA measurement of the von Willebrand factor in abiological specimen.von Willebrand Factor MeasurementC98727 FACTX Factor X A measurement of the factor X in a biologicalspecimen.Factor X MeasurementC102272 FACTXIV Factor XIV;AutoprothrombinIIA; Protein CA measurement of the factor XIV in a biologicalspecimen.Factor XIV MeasurementC96648 FAT Fat A measurement of the fat in a biological specimen. Fat MeasurementC80200 FATACFR Free Fatty Acid;Non-EsterifiedFatty Acid, FreeC80206 FATACFRS Free Fatty Acid,Saturated;Non-esterifiedFatty Acid,SaturatedC80209 FATACFRU Free Fatty Acid,Unsaturated;Non-esterifiedFatty Acid,UnsaturatedA measurement of the total non-esterified fatty acidsin a biological specimen.A measurement of the saturated non-esterified fattyacids in a biological specimen.A measurement of the unsaturated non-esterified fattyacids in a biological specimen.Non-esterified Fatty AcidsMeasurementSaturated Non-esterified Fatty AcidsMeasurementUnsaturated Non-esterified FattyAcids MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 196 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC81947 FATBODOV Fat Bodies, Oval A measurement of the oval-shaped fat bodies, usuallyrenal proximal tubular cells with lipid aggregates in thecytoplasm, in a biological specimen.C98728 FATDROP Fat Droplet A measurement of the triglyceride aggregates within abiological specimen.Oval Fat Body MeasurementFat Droplet MeasurementC82013 FDP FibrinDegradationProductsA measurement of the fibrin degradation products in abiological specimen.Fibrin Degradation ProductsMeasurementC74737 FERRITIN Ferritin A measurement of the ferritin in a biologicalspecimen.Ferritin MeasurementC96650 FGF23 FibroblastGrowth Factor23; PhosphatoninC82014 FGFBF FibroblastGrowth FactorBasic Form;FGF2A measurement of the fibroblast growth factor 23 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the basic form of fibroblast growthfactor in a biological specimen.Fibroblast Growth Factor 23MeasurementFibroblast Growth Factor BasicForm MeasurementC64606 FIBRINO Fibrinogen A measurement of the fibrinogen in a biologicalspecimen.Fibrinogen MeasurementC74678 FRUCT Fructosamine;Glycated SerumProteinC74783 FSH FollicleStimulatingHormoneC80184 G6PD Glucose-6-PhosphateDehydrogenaseC82015 GAD1 Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase 1;Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase67C82016 GAD2 Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase 2;Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase65C82017 GAD2AB Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase 2Antibody;Glutamic AcidDecarboxylase65 AntibodyC96653 GADAB Glutamic AcidDecarboxylaseAntibody; GADAntibodyA measurement of the fructosamine in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) in a biological specimen.A measurement of the glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the glutamic acid decarboxylase 1in a biological specimen.A measurement of the glutamic acid decarboxylase 2in a biological specimen.A measurement of the glutamic acid decarboxylase 2antibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the glutamic acid decarboxylaseantibody in a biological specimen.Fructosamine MeasurementFollicle Stimulating HormoneMeasurementGlucose-6-PhosphateDehydrogenase MeasurementGlutamic Acid Decarboxylase 1MeasurementGlutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2MeasurementGlutamic Acid Decarboxylase 2Antibody MeasurementGlutamic Acid DecarboxylaseAntibody MeasurementC80182 GALANIN Galanin A measurement of the galanin in a biologicalspecimen.Galanin MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 197 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74858 GASTRIN Gastrin A measurement of the gastrin hormone in a biologicalspecimen.Gastrin MeasurementC82018 GCSF GranulocyteColonyStimulatingFactorC90505 GFR GlomerularFiltration RateC98734 GFRBSA GlomerularFiltration RateAdj for BSAC100450 GFRBSB2M GFR from B-2MicroglobulinAdj for BSAC100449 GFRBSBTP GFR fromBeta-TraceProtein Adj forBSAC98735 GFRBSCRT GFR fromCreatinineAdjusted forBSAC98736 GFRBSCYC GFR fromCystatin CAdjusted forBSAC64847 GGT Gamma GlutamylTransferaseC79446 GGTCREAT Gamma GlutamylTransferase/CreatinineC79448 GLDH GlutamateDehydrogenaseC92252 GLOBA1 Alpha-1Globulin;A1-GlobulinC92253 GLOBA1PT Alpha-1Globulin/TotalProteinC92254 GLOBA2 Alpha-2Globulin;A2-GlobulinC92255 GLOBA2PT Alpha-2Globulin/TotalProteinA measurement of the granulocyte colony stimulatingfactor in a biological specimen.A kidney function test that measures the fluid volumethat is filtered from the kidney glomeruli to theBowman's capsule per unit of time.A measurement of the glomerular filtration rateadjusted for body size.A measurement of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)based on the clearance of beta-2 microglobulin afteradjusting it for the body surface area.A measurement of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)based on the clearance of beta-trace protein afteradjusting it for the body surface area.An estimation of the glomerular filtration rate adjustedfor body size based on creatinine.An estimation of the glomerular filtration rate adjustedfor body size based on cystatin C.A measurement of the gamma glutamyl transferase in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thegamma glutamyl transferase to creatinine in abiological specimen.A measurement of the glutamate dehydrogenase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the proteins contributing to thealpha 1 fraction in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofalpha-1-fraction proteins to total proteins in abiological specimen.A measurement of the proteins contributing to thealpha 2 fraction in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofalpha-2-fraction proteins to total proteins in abiological specimen.Granulocyte Colony StimulatingFactor MeasurementGlomerular Filtration RateGlomerular Filtration Rate Adjustedfor BSAGlomerular Filtration Rate from B-2Microglobulin Adjusted for BSAMeasurementGlomerular Filtration Rate fromBeta-Trace Protein Adjusted for BSAMeasurementGlomerular Filtration Rate fromCreatinine Adjusted for BSAGlomerular Filtration Rate fromCystatin C Adjusted for BSAGamma Glutamyl TranspeptidaseMeasurementGamma Glutamyl Transferase toCreatinine Ratio MeasurementGlutamate DehydrogenaseMeasurementAlpha-1 Globulin MeasurementAlpha-1 Globulin to Total ProteinRatio MeasurementAlpha-2 Globulin MeasurementAlpha-2 Globulin to Total ProteinRatio MeasurementC92256 GLOBB Beta Globulin A measurement of the proteins contributing to the betafraction in a biological specimen.Beta Globulin MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 198 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92294 GLOBBPT BetaGlobulin/TotalProteinA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of betafraction proteins to total proteins in a biologicalspecimen.Beta Globulin to Total Protein RatioMeasurementC92257 GLOBG Gamma Globulin A measurement of the proteins contributing to thegamma fraction in a biological specimen.Gamma Globulin MeasurementC92295 GLOBGPT GammaGlobulin/TotalProteinA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofgamma fraction proteins to total proteins in abiological specimen.Gamma Globulin to Total ProteinRatio MeasurementC74738 GLOBUL Globulin A measurement of the globulin protein in a biologicalspecimen.Globulin Protein MeasurementC80183 GLP1 Glucagon-LikePeptide-1; TotalGlucagon-LikePeptide-1C80164 GLP1AC Glucagon-LikePeptide-1, ActiveFormA measurement of the total glucagon-like peptide-1 ina biological specimen.A measurement of the active form of glucagon-likepeptide-1 in a biological specimen.Glucagon-like Peptide-1MeasurementActive Glucagon-like Peptide-1MeasurementC41376 GLUC Glucose A measurement of the glucose in a biologicalspecimen.C74859 GLUCAGON Glucagon A measurement of the glucagon hormone in abiological specimen.Plasma Glucose MeasurementGlucagon MeasurementC96652 GLUCCLR GlucoseClearanceC79447 GLUCCRT Glucose/CreatinineC74739 GLUTAM Glutamate;Glutamic AcidC100448 GLYCRLFR Free Glycerol;Free GlycerinC82019 GMCSF GranulocyteMacrophageColony StmFactorC74860 GNRH GonadotropinReleasingHormone;LuteinisingHormoneReleasingHormoneA measurement of the glucose clearance in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theglucose to creatinine in a biological specimen.A measurement of the glutamate in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the amount of unbound glycerol in abiological specimen.A measurement of the granulocyte macrophage colonystimulating factor in a biological specimen.A measurement of the gonadotropin releasinghormone in a biological specimen.Glucose Clearance MeasurementGlucose to Creatinine RatioMeasurementGlutamate MeasurementFree Glycerol MeasurementGranulocyte Macrophage ColonyStm Factor MeasurementGonadotropin Releasing HormoneMeasurementC80186 GOLD Gold A measurement of the gold in a biological specimen. Gold MeasurementC96654 GRAN Granulocytes A measurement of the granulocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Granulocyte CountC98866 GRANCE Granulocytes/Total CellsC96675 GRANIM ImmatureGranulocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thegranulocytes to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the total immature granulocytes in abiological specimen.Granulocyte to Total CellRatioMeasurementImmature Granulocyte CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 199 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100445 GRANIMLE ImmatureGranulocytes/LeukocytesC74861 GRWHIH GrowthHormoneInhibitingHormone;SomatostatinC74862 GRWHRH GrowthHormoneReleasingHormone;SomatocrininC80185 GST GlutathioneS-Transferase,TotalC79433 GSTAL AlphaGlutathione-S-TransferaseC80166 GSTALCRT GlutathioneS-Transferase,Alpha/CreatC79435 GSTCREAT Glutathione-S-Transferase/CreatinineC79457 GSTMU MuGlutathione-S-TransferaseC79458 GSTMUCRT MuGlutathione-S-Transferase/CreatinineC80203 GSTPI GlutathioneS-Transferase, PiC80207 GSTTH GlutathioneS-Transferase,ThetaC80165 GUSA Glucuronidase,AlphaC80170 GUSB Glucuronidase,BetaC92534 HAAB Hepatitis A VirusAntibodyC92271 HAABIGM Hepatitis A VirusAntibody IgMA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theimmature granulocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen (for example a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the growth hormone inhibitinghormone in a biological specimen.A measurement of the growth hormone releasinghormone in a biological specimen.A measurement of the total glutathione-s-transferasein a biological specimen.A measurement of the alpha form of glutathioneS-transferase in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thealpha glutathione-S-transferase to creatinine in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theglutathione S-transferase to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the mu form of glutathioneS-transferase in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themu gamma glutamyl transpeptidase to creatinine in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Pi glutathione-s-transferase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the theta glutathione-s-transferasein a biological specimen.A measurement of the alpha glucuronidase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the beta glucuronidase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the Hepatitis A virus.A measurement of hepatitis A virus antibody IgM in abiological specimen.Immature Granulocytes toLeukocytes Ratio MeasurementGrowth Hormone InhibitingHormone MeasurementGrowth Hormone ReleasingHormone MeasurementGlutathione-S-TransferaseMeasurementAlpha Glutathione-S-TransferaseMeasurementAlpha Glutathione-S-Transferase toCreatinine Ratio MeasurementGlutathione-S-Transferase toCreatinine Ratio MeasurementMu Glutathione-S-TransferaseMeasurementMu Glutathione-S-Transferase toCreatinine Ratio MeasurementPi Glutathione S-TransferaseMeasurementTheta Glutathione S-TransferaseMeasurementAlpha Glucuronidase MeasurementBeta Glucuronidase MeasurementHepatitis A Antibody MeasurementHepatitis A Virus Antibody IgMMeasurementC74604 HAIRYCE Hairy Cells A measurement of the hairy cells (b-cell lymphocyteswith hairy projections from the cytoplasm) in abiological specimen.Hairy Cell CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 200 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74740 HAPTOG Haptoglobin A measurement of the haptoglobin protein in abiological specimen.Haptoglobin Protein MeasurementC98740 HASIGEAB HumanAnti-Sheep IgEAntibodyC98741 HASIGGAB HumanAnti-Sheep IgGAntibodyC98742 HASIGMAB HumanAnti-Sheep IgMAntibodyA measurement of the human anti-sheep IgE antibodiesin a biological specimen.A measurement of the human anti-sheep IgGantibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the human anti-sheep IgMantibodies in a biological specimen.Human Anti-Sheep IgE AntibodyMeasurementHuman Anti-Sheep IgG AntibodyMeasurementHuman Anti-Sheep IgM AntibodyMeasurementC92541 HAVVLD HAV Viral Load A measurement of the hepatitis A viral load in abiological specimen.Hepatitis A Viral Load MeasurementC64849 HBA1C HemoglobinA1CC96660 HBCAB Hepatitis B VirusCore AntibodyC96661 HBCIGMAB Hepatitis B VirusCore IgMAntibodyC96662 HBEAB Hepatitis B Viruse AntibodyC96663 HBEAG Hepatitis B Viruse AntigenC74711 HBSAB Anti-HBs;HBsAb; HepatitisB Virus SurfaceAntibodyC64850 HBSAG HBsAg; HepatitisB Virus SurfaceAntigenA measurement of the glycosylated hemoglobin in abiological specimen.A measurement of the hepatitis B virus core antibodyin a biological specimen.A measurement of the hepatitis B virus core IgMantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the hepatitis B e antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the hepatitis B e antigen in abiological specimen.A measurement of the surface antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the Hepatitis B virus.A measurement of the surface antigen reaction of abiological specimen to the Hepatitis B virus.Glycosylated HemoglobinMeasurementHepatitis B Virus Core AntibodyMeasurementHepatitis B Virus Core IgM AntibodyMeasurementHepatitis B Virus e AntibodyMeasurementHepatitis B Virus e AntigenMeasurementHepatitis B Surface AntibodyMeasurementHepatitis B Virus Surface AntigenMeasurementC92542 HBVVLD HBV Viral Load A measurement of the hepatitis B viral load in abiological specimen.Hepatitis B Viral Load MeasurementC92535 HCAB Hepatitis C VirusAntibodyC64851 HCG Choriogonadotropin Beta;Pregnancy TestA measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the Hepatitis C virus.A measurement of the Choriogonadotropin Beta in abiological specimen.Hepatitis C Antibody MeasurementChoriogonadotropin BetaMeasurementC64796 HCT Hematocrit The percentage of a whole blood specimen that iscomposed of red blood cells (erythrocytes).C92543 HCVVLD HCV Viral Load A measurement of the hepatitis C viral load in abiological specimen.HematocritHepatitis C Viral Load MeasurementC96664 HDAB Hepatitis D VirusAntibody;Hepatitis DeltaAntibodyA measurement of the hepatitis D virus antibody in abiological specimen.Hepatitis D Virus AntibodyMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 201 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC61041 HDL HDL Cholesterol A measurement of the high density lipoproteincholesterol in a biological specimen.Serum HDL CholesterolMeasurementC80187 HDL2 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2C80188 HDL3 HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3C100425 HDLCLDLC HDLCholesterol/LDLCholesterolRatioC96665 HEIGMAB Hepatitis E VirusIgM AntibodyC74709 HEINZ Heinz Bodies;Heinz-ErhlichBodiesA measurement of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL)cholesterol subclass 2 in a biological specimen.A measurement of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL)cholesterol subclass 3 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theamount of HDL cholesterol compared to LDLcholesterol in a biological specimen.A measurement of the hepatitis E virus IgM antibody ina biological specimen.A measurement of the Heinz bodies (small roundinclusions within the body of a red blood cell) in abiological specimen.HDL-Cholesterol Subclass 2MeasurementHDL-Cholesterol Subclass 3MeasurementHDL Cholesterol to LDLCholesterol Ratio MeasurementHepatitis E Virus IgM AntibodyMeasurementHeinz-Ehrlich Body MeasurementC74658 HELMETCE Helmet Cells A measurement of the Helmet cells (specializedKeratocytes with two projections on either end that aretapered and hornlike) in a biological specimen.C96668 HEXK Hexokinase A measurement of the hexokinase in a biologicalspecimen.C64848 HGB Hemoglobin A measurement of the hemoglobin in a biologicalspecimen.C92258 HGBA Hemoglobin A A measurement of the hemoglobin A in a biologicalspecimen.C92259 HGBA2 Hemoglobin A2 A measurement of the hemoglobin A2 in a biologicalspecimen.C92260 HGBB Hemoglobin B A measurement of the hemoglobin B in a biologicalspecimen.C92261 HGBC Hemoglobin C A measurement of the hemoglobin C in a biologicalspecimen.Helmet Cell CountHexokinase MeasurementHemoglobin MeasurementHemoglobin A MeasurementHemoglobin A2 MeasurementHemoglobin B MeasurementHemoglobin C MeasurementC92262 HGBF Hemoglobin F;FetalHemoglobinA measurement of the hemoglobin F in a biologicalspecimen.Hemoglobin F MeasurementC96689 HGBMET Methemoglobin A measurement of the methemoglobin in a biologicalspecimen.C96616 HGBOXY Oxyhemoglobin A measurement of the oxyhemoglobin in a biologicalspecimen.C92272 HGRNA Hepatitis G RNA A measurement of the Hepatitis G RNA in a biologicalspecimen.C80189 HISTAMIN Histamine A measurement of the histamine in a biologicalspecimen.Methemoglobin MeasurementOxyhemoglobin MeasurementHepatitis G RNA MeasurementHistamine MeasurementC74714 HIV12AB HIV-1/2AntibodyA measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the either the HIV-1 or HIV-2virus.HIV-1 HIV-2 Antibody MeasurementC74713 HIV1AB HIV-1 Antibody A measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the HIV-1 virus.HIV-1 Antibody MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 202 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74715 HIV2AB HIV-2 Antibody A measurement of the antibody reaction of abiological specimen to the HIV-2 virus.HIV-2 Antibody MeasurementC92266 HIV2NUAC HIV-2 NucleicAcidC92265 HIVI24AG HIV-1 p24AntigenC92263 HIVIMONA HIV-1 Group Mand O NucleicAcidC92264 HIVIOAB HIV-1 Group OAntibodyA measurement of the HIV-2 nucleic acids in abiological specimen.A measurement of the HIV-1 p24 antigen in abiological specimen.A measurement of the HIV-1 group M and O nucleicacids in a biological specimen.A measurement of the HIV-1 group O antibody in abiological specimen.HIV-2 Nucleic Acid MeasurementHIV-1 p24 Antigen MeasurementHIV-1 Group M and O Nucleic AcidMeasurementHIV-1 Group O AntibodyMeasurementC92544 HIVVLD HIV Viral Load A measurement of the HIV viral load in a biologicalspecimen.HIV Viral Load MeasurementC100460 HLAB27AG HLA-B27Antigen; HumanLeukocyteAntigen B27A measurement of the human leukocyte antigen B27(HLA-B27) in a biological specimen.HLA-B27 Antigen MeasurementC96659 HMOSIDRN Hemosiderin A measurement of the hemosiderin complex in abiological specimen.Hemosiderin MeasurementC100447 HOMAIR Homostat ModelAssess of InsulinRstn;HomeostaticModelAssessment ofInsulinResistanceAn assessment of beta-cell function and insulinresistance based on fasting blood glucose and insulinconcentrations.Homeostatic Model Assessment ofInsulin ResistanceC74741 HOMOCY Homocysteine A measurement of the homocysteine amino acid in abiological specimen.Homocysteine Acid MeasurementC74704 HOWJOL Howell-JollyBodiesA measurement of the Howell-Jolly bodies (spherical,blue-black condensed DNA inclusions within the bodyof a red blood cell that appear under Wright-stain) in abiological specimen.Howell-Jolly Body MeasurementC64802 HPOCROM Hypochromia An observation which indicates that the hemoglobinconcentration in a red blood cell specimen has fallenbelow a specified level.HypochromiaC74640 HRYCELY HairyCells/LymphocytesC96698 HS12GGAB Herpes SimplexVirus 1/2 IgGAntibody;HSV-1/2 IgG AbC96666 HS12GMAB Herpes SimplexVirus 1/2 IgMAntibody;HSV-1/2 IgM AbA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thehairy cells (b-cell lymphocytes with hairy projectionsfrom the cytoplasm) to all lymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen .A measurement of the herpes simplex virus 1 and 2IgG antibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the herpes simplex virus 1 and 2IgM antibody in a biological specimen.Hairy Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementHerpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgGAntibody MeasurementHerpes Simplex Virus 1/2 IgMAntibody MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 203 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96697 HS1IGGAB Herpes SimplexVirus 1 IgGAntibody; HSV-1IgG AntibodyC98738 HS1IGMAB Herpes SimplexVirus 1 IgMAntibodyC96667 HS2IGGAB Herpes SimplexVirus 2 IgGAntibody; HSV-2IgG AntibodyC98739 HS2IGMAB Herpes SimplexVirus 2 IgMAntibodyC81984 HTPHAB HeterophileAntibodiesC74863 HVA HomovanillicAcidA measurement of the herpes simplex virus 1 IgGantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Herpes Simplex virus 1 IgMantibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the herpes simplex virus 2 IgGantibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Herpes Simplex virus 2 IgMantibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the heterophile antibodies in abiological specimen.A measurement of the homovanillic acid metabolite ina biological specimen.Herpes Simplex Virus 1 IgGAntibody MeasurementHerpes Simplex Virus 1 IgMAntibody MeasurementHerpes Simplex Virus 2 IgGAntibody MeasurementHerpes Simplex Virus 2 IgMAntibody MeasurementHeterophile Antibody MeasurementHomovanillic Acid MeasurementC74879 HYDCDN Hydrocodone A measurement of the hydrocodone present in abiological specimen.C74880 HYDMRPHN Hydromorphone A measurement of the hydromorphone present in abiological specimen.C102275 HYDROGEN Hydrogen A measurement of the hydrogen in a biologicalspecimen.C96669 HYPERCHR Hyperchromia A measurement of the prevalence of the erthrocyteswith an elevated hemoglobin concentration.C80190 HYPRLN Hydroxyproline A measurement of the total hydroxyproline in abiological specimen.Hydrocodone MeasurementHydromorphone MeasurementHydrogen MeasurementHyperchromia MeasurementHydroxyproline MeasurementC74612 HYPSEGCE HypersegmentedCellsC92273 IAH1N1VL Influenza AH1N1 Viral LoadC74718 IBCT Total IronBinding CapacityC74719 IBCU Unsaturated IronBinding CapacityC81985 IC512AB Islet Cell 512AntibodyC81986 IC512AG Islet Cell 512AntigenA measurement of the hypersegmented (more than fivelobes) neutrophils in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Influenza A H1N1 viral load in abiological specimen.A measurement of the amount of iron needed to fullysaturate the transferrin in a biological specimen.A measurement of the binding capacity of unsaturatediron in a biological specimen.A measurement of the islet cell 512 antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the islet cell 512 antigen in abiological specimen.Hypersegmented NeutrophilMeasurementInfluenza A H1N1 Viral LoadMeasurementTotal Iron Binding CapacityUnsaturated Iron Binding CapacityMeasurementIslet Cell 512 AntibodyMeasurementIslet Cell 512 Antigen MeasurementC81994 IFNA Interferon Alpha A measurement of the interferon alpha in a biologicalspecimen.C81995 IFNB Interferon Beta A measurement of the interferon beta in a biologicalspecimen.Interferon Alpha MeasurementInterferon Beta MeasurementC81996 IFNG InterferonGammaA measurement of the interferon gamma in abiological specimen.Interferon Gamma MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 204 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC81969 IGA ImmunoglobulinAC98745 IGD ImmunoglobulinDC81970 IGE ImmunoglobulinEC74864 IGF1 Insulin-likeGrowth Factor-1C74865 IGF2 Insulin-likeGrowth Factor-2C81971 IGG ImmunoglobulinGC81972 IGM ImmunoglobulinMC102280 IL2SRA SolubleInterleukin 2ReceptorActivityA measurement of the Immunoglobulin A in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Immunoglobulin D in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Immunoglobulin E in abiological specimen.A measurement of the insulin-like growth factor-1 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the insulin-like growth factor-2 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Immunoglobulin G in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Immunoglobulin M in abiological specimen.A measurement of the soluble interleukin 2 receptoractivity in a biological specimen.Immunoglobulin A MeasurementImmunoglobulin D MeasurementImmunoglobulin E MeasurementInsulin Like Growth Factor-1MeasurementInsulin Like Growth Factor-2MeasurementImmunoglobulin G MeasurementImmunoglobulin M MeasurementSoluble Interleukin 2 ReceptorActivity MeasurementC82044 INDICAN Indican A measurement of the indican present in a biologicalspecimen.Indican MeasurementC92274 INFAVLD Influenza A ViralLoadC81987 INGAPAB Islet NeogenesisAssoc ProteinAntibodyA measurement of the Influenza A viral load in abiological specimen.A measurement of the islet neogenesis associatedprotein antibody in a biological specimen.Influenza A Viral Load MeasurementIslet Neogenesis Associated ProteinAntibody MeasurementC82020 INHIBINA Inhibin A A measurement of the inhibin A in a biologicalspecimen.C96681 INHIBINB Inhibin B A measurement of the inhibin B in a biologicalspecimen.C98748 INLCLR Inulin Clearance A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of inulin by excretion of urine for aspecified unit of time (e.g. one minute).Inhibin A MeasurementInhibin B MeasurementInulin ClearanceC64805 INR Prothrombin Intl.NormalizedRatioA ratio that represents the prothrombin time for aplasma specimen, divided by the result for a controlplasma specimen, further standardized for theInternational Sensitivity Index of the tissue factor(thromboplastin) used in the test.International Normalized Ratio ofProthrombin TimeC74788 INSULIN Insulin A measurement of the insulin in a biological specimen. Insulin MeasurementC74805 INTLK1 Interleukin 1 A measurement of the interleukin 1 in a biologicalspecimen.C74806 INTLK10 Interleukin 10 A measurement of the interleukin 10 in a biologicalspecimen.C74807 INTLK11 Interleukin 11 A measurement of the interleukin 11 in a biologicalspecimen.C748<strong>08</strong> INTLK12 Interleukin 12 A measurement of the interleukin 12 in a biologicalspecimen.Interleukin 1 MeasurementInterleukin 10 MeasurementInterleukin 11 MeasurementInterleukin 12 MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 205 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74809 INTLK13 Interleukin 13 A measurement of the interleukin 13 in a biologicalspecimen.C74810 INTLK14 Interleukin 14 A measurement of the interleukin 14 in a biologicalspecimen.C74811 INTLK15 Interleukin 15 A measurement of the interleukin 15 in a biologicalspecimen.C74812 INTLK16 Interleukin 16 A measurement of the interleukin 16 in a biologicalspecimen.C74813 INTLK17 Interleukin 17 A measurement of the interleukin 17 in a biologicalspecimen.C74814 INTLK18 Interleukin 18 A measurement of the interleukin 18 in a biologicalspecimen.C74815 INTLK19 Interleukin 19 A measurement of the interleukin 19 in a biologicalspecimen.C74816 INTLK2 Interleukin 2 A measurement of the interleukin 2 in a biologicalspecimen.C74817 INTLK20 Interleukin 20 A measurement of the interleukin 20 in a biologicalspecimen.C74818 INTLK21 Interleukin 21 A measurement of the interleukin 21 in a biologicalspecimen.C74819 INTLK22 Interleukin 22 A measurement of the interleukin 22 in a biologicalspecimen.C74820 INTLK23 Interleukin 23 A measurement of the interleukin 23 in a biologicalspecimen.C74821 INTLK24 Interleukin 24 A measurement of the interleukin 24 in a biologicalspecimen.C74822 INTLK25 Interleukin 25 A measurement of the interleukin 25 in a biologicalspecimen.C74823 INTLK26 Interleukin 26 A measurement of the interleukin 26 in a biologicalspecimen.C74824 INTLK27 Interleukin 27 A measurement of the interleukin 27 in a biologicalspecimen.C74825 INTLK28 Interleukin 28 A measurement of the interleukin 28 in a biologicalspecimen.C74826 INTLK29 Interleukin 29 A measurement of the interleukin 29 in a biologicalspecimen.C74827 INTLK3 Interleukin 3 A measurement of the interleukin 3 in a biologicalspecimen.C74828 INTLK30 Interleukin 30 A measurement of the interleukin 30 in a biologicalspecimen.C74829 INTLK31 Interleukin 31 A measurement of the interleukin 31 in a biologicalspecimen.C74830 INTLK32 Interleukin 32 A measurement of the interleukin 32 in a biologicalspecimen.Interleukin 13 MeasurementInterleukin 14 MeasurementInterleukin 15 MeasurementInterleukin 16 MeasurementInterleukin 17 MeasurementInterleukin 18 MeasurementInterleukin 19 MeasurementInterleukin 2 MeasurementInterleukin 20 MeasurementInterleukin 21 MeasurementInterleukin 22 MeasurementInterleukin 23 MeasurementInterleukin 24 MeasurementInterleukin 25 MeasurementInterleukin 26 MeasurementInterleukin 27 MeasurementInterleukin 28 MeasurementInterleukin 29 MeasurementInterleukin 3 MeasurementInterleukin 30 MeasurementInterleukin 31 MeasurementInterleukin 32 MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 206 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74831 INTLK33 Interleukin 33 A measurement of the interleukin 33 in a biologicalspecimen.C74832 INTLK4 Interleukin 4 A measurement of the interleukin 4 in a biologicalspecimen.C74833 INTLK5 Interleukin 5 A measurement of the interleukin 5 in a biologicalspecimen.C74834 INTLK6 Interleukin 6 A measurement of the interleukin 6 in a biologicalspecimen.C74835 INTLK7 Interleukin 7 A measurement of the interleukin 7 in a biologicalspecimen.C74836 INTLK8 Interleukin 8 A measurement of the interleukin 8 in a biologicalspecimen.C74837 INTLK9 Interleukin 9 A measurement of the interleukin 9 in a biologicalspecimen.Interleukin 33 MeasurementInterleukin 4 MeasurementInterleukin 5 MeasurementInterleukin 6 MeasurementInterleukin 7 MeasurementInterleukin 8 MeasurementInterleukin 9 MeasurementC100439 IOHEXCLR IohexolClearanceC98749 IOTCLR IothalamateClearanceC98750 IOTCLRBS IothalamateClearanceAdjusted forBSAC102276 IRF ImmatureReticulocyteFractionA measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of Iohexol through excretion for aspecified unit of time.A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of iothalamate by excretion of urinefor a specified unit of time (e.g. one minute).A measurement of the volume of serum or plasma thatwould be cleared of iothalamate by excretion of urinefor a specified unit of time (e.g. one minute), adjustedfor body size.A measurement of the immature reticulocyte fractionpresent in a biological specimen.Iohexol ClearanceIothalamate ClearanceIothalamate Clearance Adjusted forBSAImmature Reticulocyte FractionMeasurementC74679 IRON Iron; FE A measurement of the iron in a biological specimen. Iron MeasurementC80180 ISOPRF2 F2-Isoprostane A measurement of the F2-isoprostane in a biologicalspecimen.C100459 JO1AB Jo-1 Antibody A measurement of the Jo-1 antibody in a biologicalspecimen.C64853 K Potassium A measurement of the potassium in a biologicalspecimen.F2 Isoprostane MeasurementJo-1 Antibody MeasurementPotassium MeasurementC79462 KCREAT Potassium/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepotassium to creatinine in a biological specimen.Potassium to Creatinine RatioMeasurementC64854 KETONES Ketones A measurement of the ketones in a biologicalspecimen.Ketone MeasurementC100433 KIM1 Kidney InjuryMolecule-1;KIM-1; HepatitisA Virus CellularReceptor 1C98730 KLCFR Kappa LightChain, FreeA measurement of the kidney injury molecule-1(Kim-1) in a biological specimen.A measurement of the free kappa light chain in abiological specimen.Kidney Injury Molecule-1MeasurementFree Kappa Light ChainMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 207 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98731 KLCLLCFR Kappa LtChain,Free/Lambda LtChain,FreeA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thefree kappa light chain to the free lambda light chain ina biological specimen.Free Kappa Light Chain to FreeLambda Light Chain RatioMeasurementC96688 KRCYMG Megakaryocytes A measurement of the megakaryocytes per unit of abiological specimen.Megakaryocyte CountC98867 KRCYMGCE Megakaryocytes/Total CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themegakaryocytes to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).Megakaryocyte to Total CellRatioMeasurementC96682 KURLOFCE Kurloff Cells A measurement of the large secretorygranule-containing immune cells in a biologicalspecimen taken from members of certain genera of theCaviidae family.Kurloff Cells MeasurementC79450 LACTICAC Lactic Acid;2-hydroxypropanoic acid; LactateC64855 LDH LactateDehydrogenaseC74887 LDH1 LDH Isoenzyme1C79451 LDH1LDH LDH Isoenzyme1/LDHC74888 LDH2 LDH Isoenzyme2C79452 LDH2LDH LDH Isoenzyme2/LDHC74889 LDH3 LDH Isoenzyme3C79453 LDH3LDH LDH Isoenzyme3/LDHC74890 LDH4 LDH Isoenzyme4C79454 LDH4LDH LDH Isoenzyme4/LDHC74891 LDH5 LDH Isoenzyme5C79455 LDH5LDH LDH Isoenzyme5/LDHC79449 LDHCREAT LactateDehydrogenase/CreatinineA measurement of the lactic acid in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 1 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 1 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 2 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 2 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 3 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 3 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 4 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 4 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A measurement of the lactate dehydrogenaseisoenzyme 5 in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 5 to total lactatedehydrogenase in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelactate dehydrogenase to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.Lactic Acid MeasurementLactate DehydrogenaseMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 1MeasurementLDH Isoenzyme 1 to LDH RatioMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 2MeasurementLDH Isoenzyme 2 to LDH RatioMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 3MeasurementLDH Isoenzyme 3 to LDH RatioMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 4MeasurementLDH Isoenzyme 4 to LDH RatioMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzyme 5MeasurementLDH Isoenzyme 5 to LDH RatioMeasurementLactate Dehydrogenase to CreatinineRatio MeasurementC61042 LDL LDL Cholesterol A measurement of the low density lipoproteincholesterol in a biological specimen.Serum LDL CholesterolMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 2<strong>08</strong> of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74866 LEPTIN Leptin A measurement of the leptin hormone in a biologicalspecimen.Leptin MeasurementC64856 LEUKASE LeukocyteEsteraseC79467 LGLUCLE Large UnstainedCells/LeukocytesC74659 LGUNSCE Large UnstainedCellsC74790 LH LuteinizingHormoneC64807 LIPASE TriacylglycerolLipaseC96683 LKM1AB Liver KidneyMicrosomalType 1 Antibody;LKM-1C100456 LKM1IAAB Liver KidneyMicrosomalType 1 IgA AbC100454 LKM1IGAB Liver KidneyMicrosomalType 1 IgG AbC100455 LKM1IMAB Liver KidneyMicrosomalType 1 IgM AbC98732 LLCFR Lambda LightChain, FreeA measurement of the enzyme which indicates thepresence of white blood cells in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measure (ratio or percentage) of the largeunstained cells to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the large, peroxidase-negative cellswhich cannot be further characterized (i.e. as largelymphocytes, virocytes, or stem cells) present in abiological specimen.A measurement of the luteinizing hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the pancreatic lipase in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the liver kidney microsomal type 1antibody in a biological specimen.A measurement of the liver kidney microsomal type 1IgA antibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the liver kidney microsomal type 1IgG antibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the liver kidney microsomal type 1IgM antibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the free lambda light chain in abiological specimen.Leukocyte Esterase MeasurementLarge Unstained Cells to LeukocytesRatio MeasurementLarge Unstained Cell CountLuteinizing Hormone MeasurementTriacylglycerol Lipase MeasurementLiver Kidney Microsomal Type 1Antibody MeasurementLiver Kidney Microsomal Type 1IgA Antibody MeasurementLiver Kidney Microsomal Type 1IgG Antibody MeasurementLiver Kidney Microsomal Type 1IgM Antibody MeasurementFree Lambda Light ChainMeasurementC82022 LPA Lipoprotein-a A measurement of the lipoprotein-a in a biologicalspecimen.Lipoprotein a MeasurementC92275 LPNAG LegionellapneumophilaAntigenC92277 LPNGMAB Legionellapneumophila IgGIgM AntibodyC92276 LPNIGGAB Legionellapneumophila IgGAntibodyA measurement of the Legionella pneumophila antigenin a biological specimen.A measurement of the Legionella pneumophila IgG andIgM in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Legionella pneumophila IgGantibody in a biological specimen.Legionella pneumophila AntigenMeasurementLegionella pneumophila IgG IgMAntibody MeasurementLegionella pneumophila IgGAntibody MeasurementC92278 LPNIGMAB Legionellapneumophila IgMAntibodyA measurement of the Legionella pneumophila IgMantibody in a biological specimen.Legionella pneumophila IgMAntibody MeasurementC82021 LTF Lactoferrin;LactotransferrinA measurement of the lactoferrin in a biologicalspecimen.Lactoferrin MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 209 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC51949 LYM Lymphocytes A measurement of the lymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Lymphocyte CountC64818 LYMAT LymphocytesAtypicalC64819 LYMATLE LymphocytesAtypical/LeukocytesC98751 LYMCE Lymphocytes/Total CellsC100444 LYMIM ImmatureLymphocytesC100443 LYMIMLE ImmatureLymphocytes/LeukocytesC64820 LYMLE Lymphocytes/LeukocytesA measurement of the atypical lymphocytes in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theatypical lymphocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelymphocytes to total cells in a biological specimen(for example a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the immature lymphocytes in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theimmature lymphocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thelymphocytes to leukocytes in a biological specimen.Atypical Lymphocyte CountAtypical Lymphocyte To LeukocyteRatioLymphocyte to Total Cell RatioMeasurementImmature LymphocytesMeasurementImmature Lymphocytes toLeukocytes Ratio MeasurementLymphocyte To Leukocyte RatioC74613 LYMMCE Lymphoma Cells A measurement of the malignant lymphocytes in abiological specimen.Lymphoma Cell CountC74910 LYMMCELY LymphomaCells/LymphocytesC81955 LYMPHOTC Lymphotactin;ChemokineLigand 1C74618 LYMPL PlasmacytoidLymphocytes;PlymphocytesC74648 LYMPLLY PlasmacytoidLymphocytes/LymphocytesC74629 LYMRCT ReactiveLymphocytesC74654 LYMRCTLY ReactiveLymphocytes/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themalignant lymphocytes to all lymphocytes in abiological specimen.A measurement of the lymphotactin in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the plasmacytoid lymphocytes(lymphocytes with peripherally clumped chromatin andoften deep blue cytoplasm, and that appear similar toplasma cells) in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theplasmacytoid lymphocytes (lymphocytes withperipherally clumped chromatin and often deep bluecytoplasm, and that appear similar to plasma cells) toall lymphocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the reactive lymphocytes(lymphocytes which have become large due to anantigen reaction) in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thereactive lymphocytes (lymphocytes which havebecome large due to an antigen reaction) to alllymphocytes in a biological specimen.Lymphoma Cell to LymphocyteRatio MeasurementLymphotactin MeasurementPlasmacytoid Lymphocyte CountPlasmacytoid Lymphocyte toLymphocyte Ratio MeasurementReactive Lymphocyte CountMeasurementReactive Lymphocyte toLymphocyte Ratio MeasurementC64821 MACROCY Macrocytes A measurement of the macrocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Macrocyte CountC74614 MAYHEG May-HegglinAnomalyA measurement of the May-Hegglin anomaly in ablood sample. This anomaly is characterized by large,misshapen platelets and the presence of Dohle bodiesin leukocytes.May-Hegglin Anomaly MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 210 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64797 MCH Ery. MeanCorpuscularHemoglobinC64798 MCHC Ery. MeanCorpuscularHGBConcentrationC82025 MCP1 MonocyteChemotacticProtein 1C92291 MCPROT MonoclonalImmunoglobulinProtein;ParaproteinC80191 MCSF MacrophageColonyStimulatingFactorC64799 MCV Ery. MeanCorpuscularVolumeC81956 MDC Macrophage-Derived Chemokine;ChemokineLigand 22A quantitative measurement of the mean amount ofhemoglobin per erythrocyte in a biological specimen.A quantitative measurement of the mean amount ofhemoglobin per erythrocytes in a specified volume ofa biological specimen.A measurement of the monocyte chemotactic protein1 in a biological specimen.A measurement of homogenous immunoglobulinresulting from the proliferation of a single clone ofplasma cells in a biological specimen.A measurement of the macrophage colony stimulatingfactor in a biological specimen.A quantitative measurement of the mean volume oferythrocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the macrophage-derived chemokinein a biological specimen.Erythrocyte Mean CorpuscularHemoglobinErythrocyte Mean CorpuscularHemoglobin ConcentrationMonocyte Chemotactic Protein 1MeasurementMonoclonal Protein MeasurementMacrophage Colony StimulatingFactor MeasurementErythrocyte Mean CorpuscularVolumeMacrophage-Derived ChemokineMeasurementC74615 METAMY Metamyelocytes A measurement of the metamyelocytes (small,myelocytic neutrophils with an indented nucleus) in abiological specimen.Metamyelocyte CountC98754 METAMYCE Metamyelocytes/Total CellsC74645 METAMYLE Metamyelocytes/LeukocytesC75348 METHAMPH MethamphetamineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage ) of themetamyelocytes (small, myelocytic neutrophils withan indented nucleus) to total cells in a biologicalspecimen (for example a bone marrow specimen).A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themetamyelocytes (small, myelocytic neutrophils withan indented nucleus) to all leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the methamphetamine drug presentin a biological specimen.Metamyelocyte to Total Cell RatioMeasurementMetamyelocyte to Leukocyte RatioMeasurementMethamphetamine MeasurementC74881 METHDN Methadone A measurement of the methadone present in abiological specimen.C74882 METHQLDN Methaqualone A measurement of the methaqualone present in abiological specimen.C64840 MG Magnesium A measurement of the magnesium in a biologicalspecimen.C79436 MGB Myoglobin A measurement of myoglobin in a biologicalspecimen.Methadone MeasurementMethaqualone MeasurementMagnesium MeasurementMyoglobin MeasurementC79456 MGCREAT Magnesium/CreatinineA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themagnesium to creatinine in a biological specimen.Magnesium to Creatinine RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 211 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64822 MICROCY Microcytes A measurement of the microcytes in a biologicalspecimen.Microcyte CountC82023 MIP1A MacrophageInflammatoryProtein 1 Alpha;ChemokineLigand 3C82024 MIP1B MacrophageInflammatoryProtein 1 Beta;ChemokineLigand 4A measurement of the macrophage inflammatoryprotein 1 alpha in a biological specimen.A measurement of the macrophage inflammatoryprotein 1 beta in a biological specimen.Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1Alpha MeasurementMacrophage Inflammatory Protein 1Beta MeasurementC74867 MLATONIN Melatonin A measurement of the melatonin hormone in abiological specimen.Melatonin MeasurementC74660 MLIGCE Malignant Cells,NOSC74643 MLIGCEBC Malignant Cells,NOS/BloodCellsC96690 MMA MethylmalonicAcidC80192 MMP1 MatrixMetalloproteinase 1; InterstitialCollagenaseC80193 MMP2 MatrixMetalloproteinase 2; Gelatinase AC80194 MMP3 MatrixMetalloproteinase 3; Stromelysin1C80195 MMP7 MatrixMetalloproteinase 7; MatrilysinC80196 MMP8 MatrixMetalloproteinase 8; NeutrophilCollagenaseC80197 MMP9 MatrixMetalloproteinase 9; Gelatinase BA measurement of the malignant cells of all types in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themalignant cells of all types to all blood cells in abiological specimen.A measurement of the methylmalonic acid in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 1 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 2 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 3 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 7 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 8 in abiological specimen.A measurement of the matrix metalloproteinase 9 in abiological specimen.Malignant Cell CountMalignant Cell to Blood Cell RatioMeasurementMethylmalonic Acid MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 1MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 2MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 3MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 7MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 8MeasurementMatrix Metalloproteinase 9MeasurementC64823 MONO Monocytes A measurement of the monocytes in a biologicalspecimen.C74631 MONOBL Monoblasts A measurement of the monoblast cells in a biologicalspecimen.Monocyte CountMonoblast CountC74646 MONOBLLE Monoblasts/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themonoblasts to leukocytes in a biological specimen.Monoblast to Leukocyte RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 212 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98872 MONOCE Monocytes/TotalCellsC96676 MONOIM ImmatureMonocytesC96677 MONOIMLE ImmatureMonocytes/LeukocytesC64824 MONOLE Monocytes/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themonocytes to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the immature monocytes in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofimmature monocytes to total leukocytes in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themonocytes to leukocytes in a biological specimen.Monocytes to TotalCellRatioMeasurementImmature Monocyte CountImmature Monocyte to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementMonocyte To Leukocyte RatioC74883 MORPHINE Morphine A measurement of the morphine present in a biologicalspecimen.Morphine MeasurementC96686 MPC Mean PlateletComponentA measurement of the mean platelet component(platelet activity) in a blood specimen.Mean Platelet ComponentMeasurementC80198 MPO Myeloperoxidase A measurement of the myeloperoxidase in a biologicalspecimen.Myeloperoxidase MeasurementC92280 MPOAB MyeloperoxidaseAntibodyC74730 MPV Mean PlateletVolumeA measurement of the myeloperoxidase antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the average size of the plateletspresent in a blood sample.Myeloperoxidase AntibodyMeasurementMean Platelet Volume MeasurementC74721 MUCTHR Mucous Threads A measurement of the mucous threads present in abiological specimen.C74632 MYBLA Myeloblasts A measurement of the myeloblast cells in a biologicalspecimen.Mucous Thread MeasurementMyeloblast CountC64825 MYBLALE Myeloblasts/LeukocytesC92283 MYBLAT1 Type IMyeloblastsC92284 MYBLAT2 Type IIMyeloblastsC92285 MYBLAT3 Type IIIMyeloblastsA relative measure (ratio or percentage) of themyeloblasts to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of type I myeloblast cells per unit of abiological specimen.A measurement of type II myeloblast cells per unit of abiological specimen.A measurement of type III myeloblast cells per unit ofa biological specimen.Myeloblast To Leukocyte RatioType I Myeloblasts MeasurementType II Myeloblasts MeasurementType III Myeloblasts MeasurementC74662 MYCY Myelocytes A measurement of the myelocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Myelocyte CountC98868 MYCYCE Myelocytes/Total CellsC64826 MYCYLE Myelocytes/LeukocytesC92242 MYPCERPC Myeloid/Erythroid RatioA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themyelocytes to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themyelocytes to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofmyeloid progenitor cells to erythrocyte precursorcells in a biological specimen.Myelocyte to Total CellRatioMeasurementMyelocyte To Leukocyte RatioMyeloid to Erythroid RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 213 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92241 MYTBGIR Mycobacteriumtuberculosis IFNGammaResponseC92279 MYTBNUAC MycobacteriumtuberculosisNucleic AcidC79464 NACREAT Sodium/CreatinineC79459 NAG N-AcetylGlucosamide;N-AcetylGlucosamineC79460 NAGCREAT N-AcetylGlucosamide/CreatinineC79437 NCTD5P 5 PrimeNucleotidase;5'-RibonucleotidePhosphohydrolaseA measurement of the amount of interferon gammathat is released when Mycobacterium tuberculosisantigen is incubated with a biological specimen,usually blood. Increased amounts of interferon gammasuggests a prior or existing M. tuberculosis infection.A measurement of the Mycobacterium tuberculosisnucleic acid in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thesodium to creatinine in a biological specimen.A measurement of N-acetyl glucosamide in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theN-acetyl glucosamide to creatinine in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the 5'-nucleotidase in a biologicalspecimen.Mycobacterium tuberculosisInterferon Gamma ResponseMycobacterium tuberculosis NucleicAcid MeasurementSodium to Creatinine RatioMeasurementN-Acetyl Glucosamide MeasurementN-Acetyl Glucosamide to CreatinineRatio Measurement5 Prime Nucleotidase MeasurementC80199 NEOPTERN Neopterin A measurement of the neopterin in a biologicalspecimen.C63321 NEUT Neutrophils A measurement of the neutrophils in a biologicalspecimen.Neopterin MeasurementAbsolute Neutrophil CountC64830 NEUTB Neutrophils BandFormC64831 NEUTBLE Neutrophils BandForm/LeukocytesC98763 NEUTCE Neutrophils/Total CellsC96651 NEUTGT GiantNeutrophilsC96678 NEUTIM ImmatureNeutrophilsC100442 NEUTIMLE ImmatureNeutrophils/LeukocytesC64827 NEUTLE Neutrophils/LeukocytesC84822 NEUTMM NeutrophilicMetamyelocytesC84823 NEUTMY NeutrophilicMyelocytesA measurement of the banded neutrophils in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thebanded neutrophils to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theneutrophils to total cells in a biological specimen (forexample a bone marrow specimen).A measurement of the giant neutrophils in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total immature neutrophils in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theimmature neutrophils to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theneutrophils to leukocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the neutrophilic metamyelocytes ina biological specimen.A measurement of the neutrophilic myelocytes in abiological specimen.Neutrophil Band Form CountNeutrophil Band Form To LeukocyteRatioNeutrophil to Total Cell RatioMeasurementGiant Neutrophil CountImmature Neutrophil CountImmature Neutrophils to LeukocytesRatio MeasurementNeutrophil To Leukocyte RatioNeutrophilic Metamyelocyte CountNeutrophilic Myelocyte CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 214 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC81997 NEUTSG Neutrophils,SegmentedC82045 NEUTSGLE Neutrophils,Segmented/LeukocytesC74628 NEUTVAC VacuolatedNeutrophilsC92298 NGON NeisseriagonorrhoeaeScreeningA measurement of the segmented neutrophils in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofsegmented neutrophils to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the neutrophils containing smallvacuoles in a biological specimen.Examination of a biological specimen to detect thepresence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.Segmented Neutrophil CountSegmented Neutrophil to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementVacuolated Neutrophil CountNeisseria gonorrhoeae ScreeningC64810 NITRITE Nitrite A measurement of the nitrite in a urine specimen. Nitrite MeasurementC98762 NKCE Natural KillerCellsC74868 NOREPIN Noradrenaline;NorepinephrineC100434 NPAP Non-ProstaticAcidPhosphataseA measurement of the total natural killer cells in abiological specimen.A measurement of the norepinephrine hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the non-prostatic acid phosphatasein a biological specimen.Natural Killer Cell CountNoradrenaline MeasurementNon-Prostatic Acid PhosphataseMeasurementC74892 NPY Neuropeptide Y A measurement of the neuropeptide Y in a biologicalspecimen.C74743 NTELOP N-telopeptide A measurement of the N-telopeptide in a biologicalspecimen.Neuropeptide Y MeasurementN-telopeptide MeasurementC82039 NTXI Type I CollagenN-TelopeptidesC82041 NTXII Type II CollagenN-TelopeptidesA measurement of the type I collagen N-telopeptidesin a biological specimen.A measurement of the type II collagen N-telopeptidesin a biological specimen.Type I Collagen N-TelopeptideMeasurementType II Collagen N-TelopeptideMeasurementC74686 OCCBLD Occult Blood A measurement of the blood in body products such as astool sample, not detectable on gross examination.C74796 OPIATE Opiate A measurement of any opiate class drug present in abiological specimen.C74801 OSMLTY Osmolality A measurement of the osmoles of solute per unit ofbiological specimen.C74802 OSMRTY Osmolarity A measurement of the osmoles of solute per liter ofsolution.C74744 OSTEOC Osteocalcin A measurement of the osteocalcin in a biologicalspecimen.C100452 OVAPARS Ova and Parasite A measurement of the parasites and ova in a biologicalspecimen.Occult Blood MeasurementOpiate MeasurementOsmolality MeasurementOsmolarity MeasurementOsteocalcin MeasurementOva and Parasite MeasurementC92250 OXALATE Oxalate;EthanedioateA measurement of the oxalate in a biologicalspecimen.Oxalate MeasurementC96614 OXYCAP Oxygen Capacity A measurement of the maximum amount of oxygenthat can be combined chemically with hemoglobin in avolume of blood.Oxygen Capacity MeasurementC74884 OXYCDN Oxycodone;OxycontinA measurement of the oxycodone present in abiological specimen.Oxycodone MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 215 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC68032 OXYSAT OxygenSaturationC74869 OXYTOCIN Oxytocin;OxytoxinC96625 P1NP Procollagen 1N-TerminalPropeptide;Amino-terminalpropeptide oftype 1procollagen;P1NPAminoterm Type1A measurement of the oxygen-hemoglobin saturationof a volume of blood.A measurement of the oxytocin hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the procollagen 1 N-terminalpropeptide in a biological specimen.Oxygen Saturation MeasurementOxytocin MeasurementProcollagen 1 N-TerminalPropeptide MeasurementC102279 P50OXYGN P50 Oxygen A measurement of the partial pressure of oxygen whenhemoglobin is half saturated in a biological specimen.P50 Oxygen MeasurementC82030 PAI1 PlasminogenActivatorInhibitor-1C81989 PAI1AG PlasminogenActivatorInhibitor-1 AGC80204 PAP Prostatic AcidPhosphataseC82031 PAPPA Pregnancy-Associated PlasmaProtein-AC74616 PAPPEN PappenheimerBodiesC96617 PB19GGAB Parvovirus B19IgG AntibodyC96618 PB19GMAB Parvovirus B19IgM AntibodyC82625 PCO2 Partial PressureCarbon DioxideC74694 PCP Phencyclidine;PhenylcyclohexylpiperidineC81962 PDW PlateletDistributionWidthC74617 PELGERH Pelger HuetAnomalyC81988 PEMAB PemphigoidAntibodiesA measurement of the plasminogen activatorinhibitor-1 in a biological specimen.A measurement of the plasminogen activatorinhibitor-1 antigen in a biological specimen.A measurement of the prostatic acid phosphatase in abiological specimen.A measurement of the pregnancy-associated plasmaprotein-A in a biological specimen.A measurement of the cells containing PappenheimerBodies (violet or blue staining ferritin granules usuallyfound along the periphery of the red blood cells) in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Parvovirus B19 IgG antibody ina biological specimen.A measurement of the Parvovirus B19 IgM antibody ina biological specimen.A measurement of the pressure of carbon dioxide in abiological specimen.A measurement of the phencyclidine present in abiological specimen.A measurement of the range of platelet sizes in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Pelger Huet Anomaly (nuclei ofneutrophils and eosinophils appear rod-like, sphericalor dumbbell shaped) in a biological specimen.A measurement of the pemphigoid antibodies in abiological specimen.Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1MeasurementPlasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1Antigen MeasurementProstatic Acid PhosphataseMeasurementPregnancy-Associated PlasmaProtein-A MeasurementPappenheimer Body CountParvovirus B19 IgG AntibodyMeasurementParvovirus B19 IgM AntibodyMeasurementPartial Pressure of Carbon DioxideMeasurementPhencyclidine MeasurementPlatelet Distribution WidthPelger Huet Anomaly MeasurementPemphigoid Antibody MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 216 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100122 PEPSNG Pepsinogen A measurement of the pepsinogen in a biologicalspecimen.Pepsinogen MeasurementC100469 PEPSNGA Pepsinogen A;PGAC100470 PEPSNGC Pepsinogen C;PGCC100467 PEPSNGI Pepsinogen I;PGIC100468 PEPSNGII Pepsinogen II;PGIIA measurement of the pepsinogen A in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the pepsinogen C in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the pepsinogen I in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the pepsinogen II in a biologicalspecimen.Pepsinogen A MeasurementPepsinogen C MeasurementPepsinogen I MeasurementPepsinogen II MeasurementC100446 PERTHRBL Proerythroblast A measurement of the proerythroblasts in a biologicalspecimen.C45997 PH pH A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a fluid on ascale of 0 to 14.Proerythroblast MeasurementpHC74695 PHENTHZ Phenothiazine;DibenzothiazineC64857 PHOS Phosphate;Phosphorus;InorganicPhosphateC79461 PHOSCRT Phosphate/CreatinineA measurement of the phenothiazine present in abiological specimen.A measurement of the phosphate in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thephosphate to creatinine in a biological specimen.Phenothiazine MeasurementPhosphate MeasurementPhosphate to Creatinine RatioMeasurementC96623 PHOSLPD Phospholipid A measurement of the phospholipids in a biologicalspecimen.Phospholipid MeasurementC82033 PICP ProcollagenType I CarboxyTerm PeptideA measurement of the procollagen-1 carboxy-terminalpeptide in a biological specimen.Procollagen Type I CarboxyTerminal Peptide MeasurementC51951 PLAT Platelets A measurement of the platelets in a biologicalspecimen.Platelet CountC96624 PLATCLMP Platelet Clumps;PLT ClumpsA measurement of the platelet clumps in a biologicalspecimen.Platelet Clumps CountC74728 PLATGNT Giant Platelets A measurement of the giant (larger than 7um indiameter) platelets in a biological specimen.Giant Platelet CountC100424 PLATHCT PlateletHematocrit;ThrombocytocritA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theproportion of the volume of blood taken up byplatelets.Platelet Hematocrit MeasurementC74729 PLATLRG Large Platelets A measurement of the large (between 4 um and 7um indiameter) platelets in a biological specimen.Large Platelet CountC96679 PLSIMCE Immature PlasmaCellsC96680 PLSIMCLY Immature PlasmaCells/LymphocytesC74661 PLSMCE Mature PlasmaCells;PlasmacytesA measurement of the immature plasma cells in abiological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofimmature plasma cells to total lymphocytes in abiological specimen.A measurement of the mature plasma cells(plasmacytes) in a biological specimen.Immature Plasma Cell CountImmature Plasma Cell toLymphocyte Ratio MeasurementMature Plasma Cell CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 217 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98869 PLSMCECE PlasmaCells/Total CellsC74911 PLSMCELY Mature PlasmaCells/LymphocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themature plasma cells (plasmacytes) to total cells in abiological specimen (for example a bone marrowspecimen).A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of themature plasma cells (plasmacytes) to all lymphocytesin a biological specimen.Plasma Cell to Total CellRatioMeasurementMature Plasma Cell to LymphocyteRatio MeasurementC100453 PLSMDM Plasmodium Examination of a biological specimen to detect thepresence of any protozoan belonging to thePlasmodium genus.Plasmodium MeasurementC74619 PLSPCE PrecursorPlasma Cells;PlasmablastC74650 PLSPCELY PrecursorPlasmaCells/LymphocytesC80201 PNCTPP PancreaticPolypeptideC71251 PO2 Partial PressureOxygenA measurement of the precursor (blast stage) plasmacells (antibody secreting cells derived from B cells viaantigen stimulation) in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theprecursor (blast stage) plasma cells (antibodysecreting cells derived from B cells via antigenstimulation) to all lymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the pancreatic polypeptide in abiological specimen.A measurement of the pressure of oxygen in abiological specimen.Precursor Plasma Cell CountPrecursor Plasma Cell toLymphocyte Ratio MeasurementPancreatic PolypeptideMeasurementPartial Pressure of OxygenMeasurementC79602 POIKILO Poikilocytes A measurement of the odd-shaped erythrocytes in awhole blood specimen.Poikilocyte MeasurementC74649 POIKRBC Poikilocytes/ErythrocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepoikilocytes, or irregularly shaped erythrocytes, to allerythrocytes in a biological specimen.Poikilocyte to Erythrocyte RatioMeasurementC64803 POLYCHR Polychromasia A measurement of the blue-staining characteristic ofnewly generated erythrocytes.C100435 PREALB Prealbumin A measurement of the prealbumin in a biologicalspecimen.PolychromasiaPrealbumin MeasurementC64829 PRLYMLE Prolymphocytes/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofprolymphocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Prolymphocyte To Leukocyte RatioC74791 PROGEST Progesterone A measurement of the progesterone hormone in abiological specimen.C81967 PROINSUL Proinsulin A measurement of the proinsulin in a biologicalspecimen.C74870 PROLCTN Prolactin A measurement of the prolactin hormone in abiological specimen.C74620 PROLYM Prolymphocytes A measurement of the prolymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Progesterone MeasurementProinsulin MeasurementProlactin MeasurementProlymphocyte CountC74651 PROLYMLY Prolymphocytes/LymphocytesC74652 PROMONLE Promonocytes/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theprolymphocytes to all lymphocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepromonocytes to all leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Prolymphocyte to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementPromonocyte to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 218 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74621 PROMONO Promonocytes A measurement of the promonocytes in a biologicalspecimen.C74622 PROMY Promyelocytes A measurement of the promyelocytes (immaturemyelocytes) in a biological specimen.Promonocyte CountPromyelocyte CountC98773 PROMYCE Promyelocytes/Total CellsC74653 PROMYLE Promyelocytes/LeukocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepromyelocytes (immature myelocytes) to total cells ina biological specimen (for example a bone marrowspecimen).A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thepromyelocytes (immature myelocytes) to allleukocytes in a biological specimen.Promyelocyte to Total Cell RatioMeasurementPromyelocyte to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementC74885 PROPOX Propoxyphene A measurement of the propoxyphene present in abiological specimen.C64858 PROT Protein A measurement of a group of complex organicmacromolecules composed of one or morealpha-L-amino acid chains in a biological specimen.Propoxyphene MeasurementTotal Protein MeasurementC79463 PROTCRT Protein/CreatinineC92240 PROTOSML Protein/Osmolality;Protein/Osmolality RatioA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theprotein to creatinine in a biological specimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of totalproteins to the osmolality of a biological specimen.Protein to Creatinine RatioMeasurementProtein to Osmolality RatioMeasurementC100436 PROTS Protein S A measurement of the protein S in a biologicalspecimen.Protein S MeasurementC17634 PSA Prostate SpecificAntigenA measurement of the prostate specific antigen in abiological specimen.Prostate Specific AntigenMeasurementC74696 PSDEPHD Pseudoephedrine A measurement of the pseudoephedrine present in abiological specimen.Pseudoephedrine MeasurementC62656 PT ProthrombinTimeC98774 PTA ProthrombinActivityC82034 PTF1_2 ProthrombinFragments 1 + 2C81964 PTHCT ParathyroidHormone,C-TerminalC74784 PTHFG ParathyroidHormone,FragmentedC74789 PTHI ParathyroidHormone, IntactC81965 PTHMM ParathyroidHormone,Mid-MoleculeA blood clotting measurement that evaluates theextrinsic pathway of coagulation.A measurement of the biological activity ofprothrombin in a biological specimen.A measurement of the prothrombin fragments 1 and 2in a biological specimen.A measurement of the C-terminal fragment ofparathyroid hormone in a biological specimen.A measurement of the fragmented parathyroidhormone in a biological specimen.A measurement of the intact parathyroid hormone in abiological specimen.A measurement of the mid-molecule fragment ofparathyroid hormone in a biological specimen.Prothrombin TimeProthrombin Activity MeasurementProthrombin Fragments 1 and 2MeasurementC-Terminal Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementFragmented Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementIntact Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementMid-Molecule Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 219 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC81966 PTHNT ParathyroidHormone,N-TerminalA measurement of the N-terminal fragment ofparathyroid hormone in a biological specimen.N-Terminal Parathyroid HormoneMeasurementC80211 PYRIDNLN Pyridinoline A measurement of the pyridinoline in a biologicalspecimen.Pyridinoline MeasurementC80202 PYY Peptide YY;Peptide TyrosineTyrosineC81957 RANTES Reg upon ActNormal T-cellExprd Secrtd;ChemokineLigand 5C51946 RBC Erythrocytes;Red Blood CellsC92245 RBCCLMP Erythrocyte CellClumps; RedBlood CellClumps; RBCClumpsC96605 RBCGHOST ErythrocyteGhosts; RBCGhostsC92296 RBCMORPH Erythrocyte CellMorphology;Red Blood CellMorphology;RBCMorphologyC74705 RBCNUC NucleatedErythrocytes;Nucleated RedBlood CellsC82046 RBCNUCLE NucleatedErythrocytes/LeukocytesC74647 RBCNURBC NucleatedErythrocytes/Erythrocytes;Nucleated RedBloodCells/ErythrocytesC100437 RBP Retinol BindingProteinC64800 RDW ErythrocytesDistributionWidthC74893 RENIN Renin;AngiotensinogenaseA measurement of the peptide YY in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the RANTES (regulated onactivation, normally, T-cell expressed, and secreted)chemokine in a biological specimen.A measurement of the total erythrocytes in abiological specimen.A measurement of red blood cell clumps in abiological specimen.A measurement of the erythrocyte ghosts(erythrocytes in which hemoglobin has been removedthrough hemolysis) in a biological specimen.An examination or assessment of the form andstructure of red blood cells.A measurement of the nucleated erythrocytes (large,immature nucleated erythrocytes) in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofnucleated erythrocytes to leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thenucleated erythrocytes (large, immature nucleatederythrocytes) to all erythrocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total retinol binding protein in abiological specimen.A value derived from mean corpuscular volume and thestandard deviation of the red blood cell volume in awhole blood specimen.A measurement of the renin in a biological specimen.Peptide YY MeasurementReg upon Act Normal T-cell ExprdSecrtd MeasurementErythrocyte CountErythrocyte Cell ClumpsMeasurementErythrocyte Ghost CountErythrocyte Cell MorphologyNucleated Red Blood Cell CountNucleated Erythrocyte to LeukocyteRatio MeasurementNucleated Red Blood Cell toErythrocyte Ratio MeasurementRetinol Binding ProteinMeasurementErythrocyte Distribution WidthMeasurementRenin MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 220 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80205 RESISTIN Resistin A measurement of the resistin in a biologicalspecimen.Resistin MeasurementC102274 RETCRRBC HCT CorrectedReticulocytes/ErythrocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thehematocrit corrected reticulocytes to erythrocytes in abiological specimen.Hematocrit Corrected Reticulocytesto Erythrocytes Ratio MeasurementC51947 RETI Reticulocytes A measurement of the reticulocytes in a biologicalspecimen.Reticulocyte CountC102273 RETIHCR HematocritCorrectedReticulocytesC98776 RETIHGB ReticulocyteHemoglobinC64828 RETIRBC Reticulocytes/ErythrocytesC74717 RF RheumatoidFactorC100457 RNPAB Ribonucleoprotein Antibody;RNP AntibodyC74624 ROULEAUX RouleauxFormationC74716 RPR Rapid PlasmaReaginA measurement of the hematocrit correctedreticulocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the amount of hemoglobin inreticulocytes.A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) ofreticulocytes to erythrocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the rheumatoid factor antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the ribonucleoprotein antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the number of stacking red bloodcells within a biological specimen.A measurement of the antibodies produced by cellulardamage caused by Treponema pallidum (syphilis) in abiological specimen.Hematocrit Corrected ReticulocyteCountReticulocyte HemoglobinMeasurementReticulocyte To Erythrocyte RatioRheumatoid Factor MeasurementRibonucleoprotein AntibodyMeasurementRouleaux Formation CountRapid Plasma Reagin MeasurementC96628 RPTLTIME Reptilase Time A measurement of the time it takes a plasma sample toclot after adding the active enzyme reptilase.Reptilase Time MeasurementC81968 RT3 Triiodothyronine, ReverseC82035 SCF Stem CellFactor; KITLigandA measurement of the reverse triiodothyronine in abiological specimen.A measurement of the stem cell factor in a biologicalspecimen.Reverse TriiodothyronineMeasurementStem Cell Factor MeasurementC74706 SCHISTO Schistocytes A measurement of the schistocytes (fragmented redblood cells) in a biological specimen.Schistocyte CountC74656 SCKCERBC SickleCells/ErythrocytesA relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of thesickle cells (sickle shaped red blood cells) to allerythrocytes in a biological specimen.Sickle Cell to Erythrocyte RatioMeasurementC74626 SCKLCE Sickle Cells A measurement of the sickle cells (sickle shaped redblood cells) in a biological specimen.Sickle Cell CountC100458 SCL70AB Scl-70 Antibody;Scleroderma-70AntibodyC79465 SDH SorbitolDehydrogenaseA measurement of the Scl-70 antibody in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the sorbitol dehydrogenase in abiological specimen.Scl-70 Antibody MeasurementSorbitol DehydrogenaseMeasurementC74871 SECRETIN Secretin A measurement of the secretin hormone in abiological specimen.Secretin MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 221 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74625 SEZCE Sezary Cells A measurement of the Sezary cells (atypicallymphocytes with cerebriform nuclei) in a biologicalspecimen.Sezary Cell CountC74655 SEZCELY SezaryCells/LymphocytesC74745 SHBG Sex HormoneBindingGlobulin; SexHormoneBinding ProteinC74876 SIXMAM 6-MonoacetylmorphineC92236 SJSSAAB Ro Antibody;Sjogrens SS-AAntibodyC92237 SJSSBAB La Antibody;Sjogrens SS-BAntibodyC100438 SLTFRNRC SolubleTransferrinReceptorC74627 SMDGCE Smudge Cells;Basket CellsA relative measurement (ratio or percentage of theSezary cells (atypical lymphocytes with cerebriformnuclei) to all lymphocytes in a biological specimen.A measurement of the sex hormone binding (globulin)protein in a biological specimen.A measurement of the 6-monoacetylmorphine presentin a biological specimen.A measurement of the Sjogrens SS-A antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Sjogrens SS-B antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the soluble transferrin receptor in abiological specimen.A measurement of the smudge cells (the nuclearremnant of a ruptured white blood cell) in a biologicalspecimen.Sezary Cell to Lymphocyte RatioMeasurementSex Hormone Binding ProteinMeasurement6-MonoacetylmorphineMeasurementSjogren's SS-A AntibodyMeasurementSjogren's SS-B AntibodyMeasurementSoluble Transferrin ReceptorMeasurementSmudge Cell CountC92281 SMTHAB Smith Antibody A measurement of the Smith antibody in a biologicalspecimen.C64809 SODIUM Sodium A measurement of the sodium in a biologicalspecimen.Smith Antibody MeasurementSodium MeasurementC80360 SOMATRO Somatotrophin;GrowthHormoneA measurement of the somatotrophin (growth)hormone in a biological specimen.Somatotropin MeasurementC74663 SPERM Spermatozoa A measurement of the spermatozoa cells present in abiological specimen.C102281 SPERMMTL Sperm Motility A measurement of the sperm capable of forward,progressive movement in a semen specimen.Spermatozoa Cell CountSperm Motility MeasurementC64832 SPGRAV Specific Gravity A ratio of the density of a fluid to the density of water. Specific GravityC74707 SPHERO Spherocytes A measurement of the spherocytes (small,sphere-shaped red blood cells) in a biologicalspecimen.C74872 SRTONIN Serotonin A measurement of the serotonin hormone in abiological specimen.Spherocyte CountSerotonin MeasurementC96567 STIPBASO BasophilicStipplingA measurement of the basophilic stippling in abiological specimen.Basophilic Stippling MeasurementC747<strong>08</strong> STOMCY Stomatocytes A measurement of the stomatocytes (red blood cellswith an oval or rectangular area of central pallor,producing the appearance of a cell mouth) in abiological specimen.Stomatocyte CountSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 222 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92282 STRPLOAB Streptolysin OAntibody;AntistreptolysinOC92533 SVCAM1 Soluble VascularCell AdhesionMolecule 1C74747 T3 Triiodothyronine; Total T3C74787 T3FR Triiodothyronine, Free; Free T3C74748 T3UP TriiodothyronineUptakeC74794 T4 Thyroxine; TotalT4C74786 T4FR Thyroxine, Free;Free T4C74746 TBG ThyroxineBinding GlobulinC64801 TEARDCY Dacryocytes;Tear ShapedErythrocytes;Teardrop CellsC74793 TESTOS Testosterone;TotalTestosteroneC74785 TESTOSFR Testosterone,FreeA measurement of Streptolysin O Antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the soluble vascular cell adhesionmolecule 1 in a biological specimen.A measurement of the total (free and bound)triiodothyronine in a biological specimen.A measurement of the free triiodothyronine in abiological specimen.A measurement of the binding of triiodothyonine tothyroxine binding globulin protein in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total (free and bound) thyroxinein a biological specimen.A measurement of the free thyroxine in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the thyroxine binding globulinprotein in a biological specimen.A measurement of dacryocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total (free and bound)testosterone in a biological specimen.A measurement of the free testosterone in a biologicalspecimen.Streptolysin O AntibodyMeasurementSoluble Vascular Cell AdhesionMolecule 1Triiodothyronine MeasurementFree Triiodothyronine MeasurementTriiodothyronine UptakeMeasurementTotal Thyroxine MeasurementFree Thyroxine MeasurementThyroxine Binding Globulin ProteinMeasurementDacryocyte AnalysisTotal Testosterone MeasurementFree Testosterone MeasurementC82037 TFERRIN Transferrin A measurement of the transferrin in a biologicalspecimen.Transferrin MeasurementC98792 TFRRNSAT TransferrinSaturationA measurement of the iron bound to transferrin in abiological specimen.Transferrin Saturation MeasurementC74873 THRMPTN Thrombopoietin A measurement of the thrombopoietin hormone in abiological specimen.Thrombopoietin MeasurementC81990 THYAB ThyroidAntibodiesC81991 THYAMAB ThyroidAntimicrosomalAntibodiesC81992 THYATAB ThyroidAntithyroglobulin AntibodiesC96639 THYPXD Thyroperoxidase;ThyroidPeroxidaseA measurement of the thyroid antibodies in abiological specimen.A measurement of the thyroid antimicrosomalantibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the thyroid antithyroglobulinantibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the thyroperoxidase in a biologicalspecimen.Thyroid Antibody MeasurementThyroid Antimicrosomal AntibodyMeasurementThyroid Antithyroglobulin AntibodyMeasurementThyroperoxidase MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 223 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96638 THYPXDAB ThyroperoxidaseAntibodyC82036 TIMP1 Tissue InhibitorofMetalloproteinase 1C74751 TNF Tumor NecrosisFactor; TumorNecrosis FactoralphaC96641 TOXGRAN ToxicGranulationC81993 TPAAG TissuePlasminogenActivatorAntigenC84811 TPRONP Non-Phosphorylated Tau ProteinC84810 TPROT Tau Protein;Total Tau ProteinC84812 TPROTP PhosphorylatedTau ProteinC802<strong>08</strong> TRAP TotalRadical-TrapAntioxidantPotentialC100420 TRCYANDP TricyclicAntidepressantsC96636 TRGTCE Leptocytes;Target Cells;Codocytes;Mexican HatCellsC74874 TRH ThyrotropinReleasingHormone;ThyrotropinReleasing FactorA measurement of the thyroperoxidase antibody in abiological specimen.A measurement of the tissue inhibitor ofmetalloproteinase 1 in a biological specimen.A measurement of the total tumor necrosis factor(cachexin) cytokine in a biological specimen.A measurement of the toxic granulation in neutrophilicblood cells.A measurement of the tissue plasminogen activatorantigen in a biological specimen.A measurement of the non-phosphorylated Tau proteinin a biological specimen.A measurement of the total Tau protein in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the phosphorylated Tau protein in abiological specimen.A measurement of the ability of the antioxidants in abiological specimen to buffer free radicals in asuspension.A measurement of tricyclic antidepressants in abiological specimen.A measurement of the target cells in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the thyrotropin releasing hormonein a biological specimen.Thyroperoxidase AntibodyMeasurementTissue Inhibitor ofMetalloproteinase 1 MeasurementTumor Necrosis FactorMeasurementToxic Granulation MeasurementTissue Plasminogen ActivatorAntigen MeasurementNonphosphorylated Tau ProteinMeasurementTau Protein MeasurementPhosphorylated Tau ProteinMeasurementTotal Radical-Trap AntioxidantPotential MeasurementTricyclic AntidepressantMeasurementTarget Cell CountThyrotropin Releasing HormoneMeasurementC92238 TRICH Trichomonas Examination of a biological specimen to detect thepresence of any protozoan belonging to theTrichomonas genus.C64812 TRIG Triglycerides A measurement of the triglycerides in a biologicalspecimen.C74749 TROPONI Troponin I A measurement of the actin binding troponin in abiological specimen.C74750 TROPONT Troponin T A measurement of the tropomyosin binding troponin ina biological specimen.Trichomonas ScreeningTriglyceride MeasurementTroponin I MeasurementTroponin T MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 224 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92292 TRYPTASE Tryptase A measurement of the tryptase in a biologicalspecimen.C64813 TSH Thyrotropin A measurement of the thyrotropin in a biologicalspecimen.C80365 TT Thrombin Time A measurement of the time it takes a plasma sample toclot after adding the active enzyme thrombin. (NCI)C74723 TURB Turbidity A measurement of the opacity of a biologicalspecimen.Tryptase MeasurementThyrotropin MeasurementThrombin TimeTurbidity MeasurementC64814 URATE Urate; Uric Acid A measurement of the urate in a biological specimen. Urate MeasurementC64815 UREA Urea A measurement of the urea in a biological specimen. Urea MeasurementC96645 UREACRT Urea/Creatinine A relative measurement (ratio or percentage) of theurea to creatinine in a biological specimen.C64816 UROBIL Urobilinogen A measurement of the urobilinogen in a biologicalspecimen.Urea to Creatinine RatioMeasurementUrobilinogen MeasurementC82042 VCAM1 Vascular CellAdhesionMolecule 1C92514 VEGF VascularEndothelialGrowth FactorA measurement of the vascular cell adhesion molecule1 in a biological specimen.A measurement of the vascular endothelial growthfactor in a biological specimen.Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1MeasurementVascular Endohelial Growth FactorMeasurementC75912 VISC Viscosity The resistance of a liquid to sheer forces and flow.(NCI)ViscosityC74895 VITA Vitamin A;RetinolC74896 VITB1 Thiamine;Vitamin B1A measurement of the Vitamin A in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the thiamine in a biologicalspecimen.Vitamin A MeasurementVitamin B1 MeasurementC64817 VITB12 Vitamin B12 A measurement of the Vitamin B12 in a serumspecimen.Vitamin B12 MeasurementC74897 VITB17 Vitamin B17;AmygdalinC74898 VITB2 Riboflavin;Vitamin B2C74899 VITB3 Niacin; VitaminB3C74900 VITB5 Vitamin B5;Pantothenic AcidC74901 VITB6 Vitamin B6;PyridoxineC74902 VITB7 Vitamin B7;BiotinC74676 VITB9 Folic Acid;Vitamin B9C74903 VITC Vitamin C;Ascorbic AcidA measurement of the Vitamin B17 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the riboflavin in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the niacin in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Vitamin B5 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin B6 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin B7 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the folic acid in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin C in a biologicalspecimen.Vitamin B17 MeasurementVitamin B2 MeasurementVitamin B3 MeasurementVitamin B5 MeasurementVitamin B6 MeasurementVitamin B7 MeasurementFolic Acid MeasurementVitamin C MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 225 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC84818 VITD Vitamin D; TotalVitamin DC74904 VITD2 Vitamin D2;ErgocalciferolC74905 VITD3 Vitamin D3;CholecalciferolC92267 VITDAT 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D; ActiveVitamin DC92268 VITDIT 25-Hydroxyvitamin D; InactiveVitamin DC74906 VITE Vitamin E;TocopherolC74907 VITK Vitamin K;NaphthoquinoneC64806 VLDL VLDLCholesterolC74875 VMA VanillylMandelic Acid;VanilmandelicAcidA measurement of the total Vitamin D in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin D2 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin D3 in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the total active Vitamin D in abiological specimen.A measurement of the total inactive Vitamin D in abiological specimen.A measurement of the Vitamin E in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the Vitamin K in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of the very low density lipoproteincholesterol in a biological specimen.A measurement of the vanillyl mandelic acidmetabolite in a biological specimen.Vitamin D MeasurementVitamin D2 MeasurementVitamin D3 Measurement1, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin DMeasurement25-Hydroxyvitamin D MeasurementVitamin E MeasurementVitamin K MeasurementSerum VLDL CholesterolMeasurementVanillyl Mandelic AcidMeasurementC74720 VOLUME Volume A measurement of the volume of a biologicalspecimen.Volume MeasurementC98795 VZVIGAAB Varicella ZosterVirus IgAAntibodyC98796 VZVIGGAB Varicella ZosterVirus IgGAntibodyC98797 VZVIGMAB Varicella ZosterVirus IgMAntibodyC51948 WBC Leukocytes;White BloodCellsC92246 WBCCLMP Leukocyte CellClumps; WhiteBlood CellClumps; WBCClumpsC92297 WBCMORPH Leukocyte CellMorphology;White BloodCellMorphology;WBCMorphologyA measurement of the Varicella Zoster virus IgAantibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Varicella Zoster virus IgGantibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the Varicella Zoster virus IgMantibodies in a biological specimen.A measurement of the leukocytes in a biologicalspecimen.A measurement of white blood cell clumps in abiological specimen.An examination or assessment of the form andstructure of white blood cells.Varicella Zoster Virus IgA AntibodyMeasurementVaricella Zoster Virus IgG AntibodyMeasurementVaricella Zoster Virus IgM AntibodyMeasurementLeukocyte CountLeukocyte Cell ClumpsMeasurementLeukocyte Cell MorphologySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 226 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C65047 - LBTESTCD - Laboratory Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74664 YEAST Yeast Cells A measurement of the yeast cells present in abiological specimen.C92239 YEASTHYP Yeast Hyphae Examination of a biological specimen to detect thepresence of any yeast cells that are in the long,filamentous and branching phase of growth.Yeast Cell MeasurementYeast Hyphae ScreeningC80210 ZINC Zinc A measurement of the zinc in a biological specimen. Zinc MeasurementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 227 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101855 - LEADABN - Lead AbnormalityCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99924 CONDUCTOR FAILURE Conductor failure manifests by high lead impedanceeither absolutely (above manufacturer's productspecifications) or by a significant increase frompreviously stable chronic values.C99922 DEFIBRILLATION ISSUES The cardiac lead is not performing as expected withissues such as oversensing with or without shock orATP, or failed shocks or inadequate DFT safetymargins defibrillation activity.Cardiac Device Conductor FailureCardiac Defibrillator IssueC99951EXTRACARDIACSTIMULATIONThis manifests as stimulation by the lead ofnon-cardiac structures such as the diaphragm, chestwall, or pectoral muscle.Extracardiac StimulationC99954FAILED TO SHOCK WITHINADEQUATE DFT SAFETYMARGINThe cardiac lead failed to administer a shock and hadan inadequate defibrillator threshold safety margin.Failure to Shock with InadequateDefibrillator Threshold SafetyMarginC99953FAILURE TO CAPTUREWITH ACCEPTABLESAFETY MARGINFailure to capture manifests as a high pacing thresholdthat results in either intermittent failure to capture atmaximal programmed output or excessive battery drainleading to premature battery exhaustion.Failure to Capture with AcceptableSafety MarginC99528 FAILURE TO PACE Failure to pace manifests as absence of pacemakerstimulation artifacts on electrocardiographicrecordings despite rates below pacemakerprogrammed rate.C99932 INSULATION FAILURE Insulation failure manifests as low lead impedanceeither absolutely (below manufacturer's productspecifications) or by a significant decrease frompreviously stable chronic values.Failure of Cardiac Pacemaker toPaceCardiac Lead Insulation FailureC100034LEAD DISLODGEMENTREQUIRINGREPOSITION/REOPERATIONThe movement (macroscopic or microscopic) of anexisting lead within the heart or vascular tree awayfrom the original implantation site.Cardiac Lead DislodgementRequiring Reposition ReoperationC99926 OVERSENSING Oversensing manifests as sensing of electrical signalsnot related to cardiac depolarization of the leadchamber that cannot be resolved acceptably by devicereprogramming.Cardiac Device OversensingC99927OVERSENSING WITHSHOCK OR ATPThis manifests as sensing of non-cardiacdepolarization signals that met arrhythmia detectioncriteria and elicited programmed tachyarrhythmiatherapy.Cardiac Device Oversensing withShock or Anti-Tachycardia PacingC99928OVERSENSING WITHOUTSHOCK OR ATPThis manifests as sensing of non-cardiacdepolarization signals that did not meet arrhythmiadetection criteria and do not elicit programmedtachyarrhythmia therapy.Cardiac Device Oversensing withoutShock or Anti-Tachycardia PacingC99929 SET SCREW PROBLEM The pacing and/or sensing problem associated withhigh impedance due to a poor connection between alead and generator caused by a loose set screw.C99930 UNDERSENSING Undersensing manifests as failure to sense appropriatecardiac depolarizations that cannot be resolved withreprogramming.Cardiac Device Set Screw ProblemCardiac Device UndersensingSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 228 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101856 - LEADSTAT - Lead StatusCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99906 ABANDONED The lead has been left in situ but is not in use. Abandoned LeadC102283 EXTRACTED The lead has been removed from the body. Extracted LeadC102284 REUSED The lead has been left in situ and reused. Reused LeadSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 229 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12664 ABDOMINAL CAVITY Abdomen;AbdominalCavityThe portion of the body that lies between the thoraxand the pelvis. (NCI)Abdominal CavityC52758 ABDOMINAL SKIN Abdominal Skin The skin or integument surrounding the abdomen.(NCI)Abdominal SkinC12665 ABDUCENS NERVE The sixth cranial nerve. Abducens NerveC32042 ACETABULUM Acetabulum Two cup shaped areas, one each on the lateral side ofthe lower pelvis that house the head of the femur toform the ball and socket joint of the hip. (NCI)AcetabulumC32047ACROMIOCLAVICULARJOINTAcromioclavicular JointThe junction of the upper distal end of the scapula tothe distal edge of the collarbone, also known as theacromion and the clavicle. (NCI)Acromioclavicular JointC32048 ACROMION Acromion The upper distal process of the scapula. (NCI) AcromionC102285ACUTE MARGINALARTERYAMARG;ACUTEMARGINALARTERYSEGMENT(S)The arteries that arise at the junction of the proximaland mid-right coronary artery conduit segments.Acute Marginal ArteryC12666 ADRENAL GLAND Adrenal Gland Suprarenal gland. A flattened, roughly triangular bodyresting upon the upper end of each kidney; it is one ofthe ductless glands furnishing internal secretions(epinephrine and norepinephrine from the medulla andsteroid hormones from the cortex). (NCI)Adrenal GlandC12440 AMYGDALA AmygdaloidNucleusAn almond-shaped group of basal nuclei anterior to theinferior horn of the lateral ventricle of the brain,within the temporal lobe. The amygdala is part of thelimbic system. (MESH)AmygdalaC15609 ANASTOMOSIS Anastomosis A natural or surgically-induced connection betweentubular structures in the body. (NCI)AnastomosisC32078 ANKLE JOINT Ankle Joint;AnkleA gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia andfibula and the proximal end of the talus. (NCI)Ankle JointC12259 ANTRUM PYLORI Antrum Pylori The initial part of the pyloric canal of the stomach.This site contains endocrine cells that produce gastrinand somatostatin. (NCI)C43362 ANUS Anus The lower opening of the digestive tract, lying in thecleft between the buttocks, through which fecal matteris extruded. (NCI)C12669 AORTA Aorta The major arterial trunk that carries oxygenated bloodfrom the left ventricle into the ascending aorta behindthe heart, the aortic arch, through the thorax as thedescending aorta and through the abdomen as theabdominal aorta; it bifurcates into the left and rightcommon iliac arteries. (NCI)C32123 AORTIC ARCH Aortic Arch The curved section of the aorta between the ascendingand the descending tracts. The brachiocephalic, leftcommon carotid and left subclavian arteries branchfrom the aorta at this section. (NCI)Antrum PyloriAnusAortaAortic ArchC83470 APPENDICEAL TIP The distal end of the appendix. (NCI) Appendiceal TipSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 230 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12380 APPENDIX Appendix Small tissue projection existing as a cecaldiverticulum with a questionable history of vestigialversus specialized organ. (NCI)C32141 ARM Arm The portion of the upper extremity between theshoulder and the elbow. For clinical purposes this termis also used to refer to the whole superior limb. (NCI)AppendixArmC52754 ARM SKIN Arm Skin The skin or integument covering the arm. (NCI) Arm SkinC12372 ARTERY Artery A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.(NCI)C12674 AXILLA Axilla The underside concavity where the arm and theshoulder are joined. (NCI)C32169 AXILLARY ARTERY An artery that originates from the subclavian artery atthe lateral margin of the first rib. It supplies thebrachial artery.ArteryAxillaAxillary ArteryC12904 AXILLARY LYMPH NODE Axillary LymphNodeOne of approximately 20-30 lymph nodes in chainformation that traverse the concavity of the underarmto the clavicle. (NCI)Axillary Lymph NodeC32171 AXILLARY VEIN A large blood vessel which returns blood to the heartfrom the lateral thorax, axilla and upper limb. Eachside of the body contains one axillary vein.C13062 BACK Back The dorsal area between the base of the neck and thesacrum. (NCI)C12447 BASAL GANGLIA Basal Ganglia Clusters of neurons comprising the globus pallidus,putamen, caudate, nucleus accumbens, substantia nigraand subthalamic nucleus. They are involved with highlevel aspects of inhibitory motor activity incoordination with the excitation commands issuedfrom the cerebellum. (NCI)C32197 BASILIC VEIN Basilic Vein One of the moderately large superficial veins of theforearm that transports blood from the hand and themedial aspect of the forearm to the axillary vein. (NCI)C12678 BILIARY TRACT Biliary Tract The duct system that transports bile from itsorigination by hepatocytes in the liver to the smallintestine. It is comprised of the common bile duct thatconnects the liver and gall bladder to the smallintestine and the cystic duct that connects the gallbladder to the common bile duct. (NCI)C12414 BLADDER Bladder The distensible sac-like organ that functions as areservoir of urine, collecting from the kidneys andeliminating via the urethra. (NCI)Axillary VeinBackBasal GangliaBasilic VeinBiliary TractBladderC12332 BLADDER, DOME Dome of theBladderC48939 BLADDER, FUNDUS Fundus of theBladderC12336 BLADDER, NECK Neck of theBladderThe upper, convex surface of the bladder. (NCI)The portion of the bladder that is formed by theposterior wall and is located opposite to the bladderopening. (NCI)The inferior portion of the urinary bladder which isformed as the walls of the bladder converge andbecome contiguous with the proximal urethra. (NCI)Dome of the BladderBladder FundusBladder NeckSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 231 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12331 BLADDER, TRIGONE Trigone of theBladderThe triangular area in the bladder mucosa that isformed by the two ureteral orifices and the urethralorifice. (NCI)Bladder TrigoneC12434 BLOOD Blood A liquid tissue; its major function is to transportoxygen throughout the body. It also supplies thetissues with nutrients, removes waste products, andcontains various components of the immune systemdefending the body against infection. Severalhormones also travel in the blood. (NCI)C12679 BLOOD VESSEL Blood Vessel A tubular structure through which the blood circulatesin the body. Blood vessels constitute a networkcomposed of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules,and veins. (NCI)C13041 BODY Body The entire physical structure of an organism. It iscomposed of anatomic systems, regions, cavities, andspaces. (NCI)C12258 BODY OF STOMACH Body of Stomach The main section of the digestive tube that connectsthe esophagus to the small intestine. The body properexcludes the upper and lower sections of the fundusand pyloric portion respectively. (NCI)C12366 BONE Bone Connective tissue that forms the skeletal componentsof the body. (NCI)C12431 BONE MARROW Bone Marrow The tissue occupying the spaces of bone. It consists ofblood vessel sinuses and a network of hematopoieticcells which give rise to the red cells, white cells, andmegakaryocytes. (NCI)C12681 BRACHIAL ARTERY Brachial Artery An artery originating at the axillary artery andbranching into the radial and ulnar arteries. (NCI)C12682 BRACHIAL PLEXUS Brachial Plexus A nerve network originating from C5 to T1 thatsupplies cutaneous and muscular innervation to the armand hand. (NCI)BloodBlood VesselBodyBody of StomachBoneBone MarrowBrachial ArteryBrachial PlexusC12439 BRAIN Brain; NervousSystem, BrainAn organ composed of grey and white mattercontaining billions of neurons that is the center forintelligence and reasoning. It is protected by the bonycranium. (NCI)BrainC12441 BRAIN STEM Brain Stem The part of the brain that connects the cerebralhemispheres with the spinal cord. It consists of themesencephalon, pons, and medulla oblongata. (NCI)C12356 BRAIN VENTRICLE Brain Ventricle The four connected cavities (hollow spaces) centrallylocated within the brain that connect posteriorly withthe central canal of the spinal cord. (NCI)C12971 BREAST Breast One of two hemispheric projections of variable sizesituated in the subcutaneous layer over the pectoralismajor muscle on either side of the chest. (NCI)Brain StemBrain VentricleBreastC12683 BRONCHUS Bronchi;BronchusTubular structure in continuation with the trachea,serving as air passage. It terminates in the lung(terminal bronchiole). (NCI)BronchusC89806 BUTTOCK Buttock Either of the fleshy mounds in the rear pelvic area ofthe human body formed by the gluteal muscles.ButtockSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 232 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC32239 C1 VERTEBRA C1 Vertebra The first of the seven cervical vertebrae. (NCI) C1 VertebraC32240 C2 VERTEBRA C2 Vertebra The second of the seven cervical vertebrae. (NCI) C2 VertebraC32241 C3 VERTEBRA C3 Vertebra The third of the seven cervical vertebrae. (NCI) C3 VertebraC32242 C4 VERTEBRA C4 Vertebra The fourth of the seven cervical vertebrae. (NCI) C4 VertebraC32243 C5 VERTEBRA C5 Vertebra The fifth of the seven cervical vertebrae. (NCI) C5 VertebraC32244 C6 VERTEBRA C6 Vertebra The sixth of the seven cervical vertebrae. (NCI) C6 VertebraC32245 C7 VERTEBRA C7 Vertebra The seventh of the seven cervical vertebrae. (NCI) C7 VertebraC32252 CALCARINE SULCUS A cerebral fissure that originates near the occipitallobe and terminates below the corpus callosum. (NCI)C32258 CANINE TOOTH Canine Tooth A single-cusped (pointed) and usually single-rootedtooth located between the incisors and premolars.(NCI)C12856 CAPITATE BONE Capitate Bone The largest of eight carpal bones, located in the centerof the hand. (NCI)C12371 CARDIAC MUSCLE TISSUE Myocardium The striated muscle tissue of the heart enveloped bythe epicardium and the endocardium. (NCI)C12687 CAROTID ARTERY Carotid Artery One of two arteries that supply oxygenated blood tothe head and neck; the left common carotid branchesfrom the aorta and the right common carotid from theinnominate (brachiocephalic artery). (NCI)C12451 CAUDATE NUCLEUS An elongated gray mass of the neostriatum locatedadjacent to the lateral ventricle of the brain. (MeSH)C12381 CECUM Cecal; Cecum A blind pouch-like commencement of the colon in theright lower quadrant of the abdomen at the end of thesmall intestine and the start of the large intestine.(NCI)Calcarine SulcusCanine ToothCapitate BoneMyocardiumCarotid ArteryCaudate NucleusCecumC65166 CELIAC LYMPH NODE Celiac LymphNodeA lymph node at the base of the celiac artery. (NCI)Celiac Lymph NodeC12438CENTRAL NERVOUSSYSTEMThe part of the nervous system that consists of thebrain, spinal cord, and meninges. (NCI)Central Nervous SystemC32286 CEPHALIC VEIN Cephalic Vein;Vena CephalicaOne of five superficial veins of the upper extremity,beginning at the radial aspect of the wrist area,wrapping around the forearm and emptying into theaxillary vein. (NCI)Cephalic VeinC12445 CEREBELLUM The portion of the brain located at the base of the skullthat is responsible for balance, equilibrium andmovement. (NCI)C12443 CEREBRAL CORTEX Cerebral Cortex The outer layer of the cerebrum composed of neuronsand unmyelinated nerve fibers. It is responsible formemory, attention, consciousness and other higherlevels of mental function.CerebellumCortexC98712 CEREBRAL SUBCORTEX CerebralSubcortexThe layer located below the cerebral cortex thatincludes the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. (NCI)Cerebral SubcortexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 233 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12351 CEREBRUM CerebralHemisphereC32298 CERVICAL LYMPH NODE Cervical LymphNodeC12693 CERVICAL VERTEBRA CervicalVertebraC12311 CERVIX UTERI Cervix Uteri;Uterine CervixOne half of the cerebrum, the part of the brain thatcontrols muscle functions and also controls speech,thought, emotions, reading, writing, and learning. Theright hemisphere controls the muscles on the left sideof the body, and the left hemisphere controls themuscles on the right side of the body. (NCI)Any of the lymph nodes located in the neck. (NCI)Any one of the seven vertebrae that start with C1,connecting the skull to the spine, and ends with C7,which joins the cervical with the thoracic spine. (NCI)The lower part of the uterus occupying the regionbetween the isthmus of the uterus and the vagina. It isdivided into supravaginal and vaginal portions. (NCI)Cerebral HemisphereCervical Lymph NodeCervical VertebraCervix UteriC25389 CHEST Chest The anterior side of the thorax from the neck to theabdomen. The shape of the chest is often regarded aspotential insight into a disease process, as in the caseof barrel chest and respiratory dysfunction. (NCI)C62484 CHEST WALL Chest Wall The total system of structures outside the lungs thatmove as a part of breathing; it includes all structuresfrom the skin to the parietal pleura. (NCI)C12694 CHOROID PLEXUS Choroid Plexus Blood vessels forming villous structures in the third,fourth, and lateral ventricles of the brain. (NCI)ChestChest WallChoroid PlexusC52713 CINGULATE CORTEX Part of the medial aspect of the cerebral cortex. (NCI) Cingulate CortexC102287CIRCUMFLEX ARTERY AVGROOVE CONTINUATIONARTERYCIRC AV;CIRCUMFLEXARTERY AVGROOVECONTINUATION ARTERYSEGMENTThe segment of the left circumflex artery that is distalto the third marginal branch, located in theatrioventricular groove.Circumflex Artery AV GrooveContinuation ArteryC102286CIRCUMFLEX, OBTUSEMARGINALS, LEFTPOSTEROLETERAL ANDLEFT POSTERIORDESCENDING ARTERYBRANCHESThe left circumflex coronary artery and all of itsbranches.Circumflex Artery and its BranchesC12695 CLAVICLE Clavicle One of a pair of bones linking the scapula and thesternum. The clavicle is part of the pectoral girdle.(NCI)ClavicleC32334 COCCYGEAL VERTEBRA CoccygealVertebraFour vertebral segments positioned at the base of thespine that are fused. (NCI)Coccygeal VertebraC12696 COCCYX Coccyx A small bone located at the bottom of the spine. Thecoccyx is a result of 3-5 fused rudimentary vertebrae.(NCI)C12382 COLON Colon The part of the large intestine measured from thececum to the rectum consisting of ascending,transverse, descending and sigmoid portions. Thepurpose of the colon is to remove water from digestedfood prior to excretion. (NCI)CoccyxColonSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 234 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12265 COLON, ASCENDING Ascending Colon The first part of the colon (large intestine) that startsin the right lower quadrant of the abdomen and ends atthe transverse colon in the right upper quadrant of theabdomen. (NCI)Ascending ColonC12268 COLON, DESCENDING DescendingColonThe fourth portion of the large intestine (colon) thatcommunicates with the transverse colon in theleft-upper quadrant of the abdomen and the rectumbelow. (NCI)Descending ColonC33929 COLON, LEFT Left Colon The portion of the large intestine that includes thedescending and sigmoid colon. (NCI)C12383 COLON, RIGHT Right Colon The proximal segment of the large intestine that islocated in the right side of the abdominal cavity. Itincludes the cecum (with the attached appendix) andthe ascending colon. (NCI)C12384 COLON, SIGMOID Sigmoid Colon The portion of the colon that connects to thedescending colon above and the rectum below. (NCI)C12385 COLON, TRANSVERSE Transverse Colon The third division of the colon (large intestine). Itcommunicates with the ascending colon in the upperright-hand quadrant of the abdomen and the descendingcolon in the upper left-hand quadrant. (NCI)C12341 CONJUNCTIVA Conjunctiva A thin, transparent tissue divided into the palpebralconjunctiva (covering the inner side of the eye lid) andthe bulbar conjunctiva (covering the eyeball). (NCI)C12342 CORNEA Cornea A dome-shaped, transparent, avascular tissue coveringthe front of the eye. It is composed of five layers:squamous epithelium, Bowman's membrane, stroma,Descemet's membrane, and endothelium. Refraction oflight contributing to eye's focusing ability is itscharacteristic function. It contains unmyelinated nerveendings which are responsible for the high sensitivityof the tissue. (NCI)C12843 CORONARY ARTERY Coronary Artery A principal artery that originates in the aorta. Itsupplies blood to the muscular tissue of the heart.(NCI)Left ColonRight ColonSigmoid ColonTransverse ColonConjunctivaCorneaCoronary ArteryC32<strong>08</strong>9CORONARY ARTERY,ANTERIOR DESCENDINGAnteriorDescendingCoronary ArteryA left coronary artery branch that descends on theanterior portion of the heart through the anteriorinterventricular groove. (NCI)Anterior Descending CoronaryArteryC12872 CORONARY ARTERY, LEFT Left CoronaryArtery; LeftMain CoronaryArtery; LeftMain CoronaryArtery Segment;LMA coronary artery that arises from the aorta andbifurcates into the left anterior descending artery andthe left circumflex artery. (NCI)Left Coronary ArteryC12875CORONARY ARTERY,RIGHTRight CoronaryArteryA coronary artery that originates above the rightcoronary cusp and supplies blood predominantly to theright side of the heart. (NCI)Right Coronary ArteryC32378 CORONARY SINUS The coronary vein that terminates in the right atriumand transports deoxygenated blood from the coronarycirculation.Coronary SinusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 235 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12882 CORONARY VEIN A blood vessel in the heart which returns coronaryblood to the right atrium.C26465 CORPUS LUTEUM Corpus Luteum A group of cells that remain of the Graafian folliclefollowing ovulation. This structure is composed ofendocrine tissue and produces progesterone. This isneeded to prepare the uterine lining for implantationby the fertilized egg. (NCI)C32391 COSTAL CARTILAGE Costal Cartilage The cartilage positioned between the anterior end ofthe rib and the sternum. Its elasticity allows the ribcageto expand while breathing. (NCI)C102288 COSTOCHONDRAL JOINT 1 The first hyaline cartilaginous joint between the ribsand costal cartilage.C102289 COSTOCHONDRAL JOINT 7 The seventh hyaline cartilaginous joint between theribs and costal cartilage.C32414 CUBOID BONE Cuboid Bone A bone on the lateral side of the tarsus between thecalcaneus and the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones.(NCI)C12702 DIAPHRAGM Fibromuscular tissue that separates the thoracic fromthe abdominal cavity. It increases the volume of thethoracic cavity through contractions, thus facilitatingrespiration.Coronary VeinCorpus LuteumCostal CartilageCostochondral Joint 1Costochondral Joint 7Cuboid BoneDiaphragmC102290DISTAL CIRCUMFLEXARTERYDCIRC; DISTALCIRCUMFLEXARTERYSEGMENTThe segment of the left circumflex artery that isbetween the second and third obtuse marginalbranches.Distal Circumflex ArteryC102291DISTALINTERPHALANGEAL JOINT2DIP2A condyloid synovial joint within the second digit ofthe hand connecting the middle and distal phalanges.Distal Interphalangeal Joint 2C102292DISTALINTERPHALANGEAL JOINT3DIP3A condyloid synovial joint within the third digit of thehand connecting the middle and distal phalanges.Distal Interphalangeal Joint 3C102293DISTALINTERPHALANGEAL JOINT4DIP4A condyloid synovial joint within the fourth digit ofthe hand connecting the middle and distal phalanges.Distal Interphalangeal Joint 4C102294DISTALINTERPHALANGEAL JOINT5DIP5A condyloid synovial joint within the fifth digit of thehand connecting the middle and distal phalanges.Distal Interphalangeal Joint 5C102295 DISTAL LAD ARTERY DLAD; DISTALLAD ARTERYSEGMENTThe segment of the left anterior descending (LAD)artery that is distal to the third diagonal branch.Distal Left Anterior DescendingArteryC102296DISTAL RIGHT CORONARYARTERY CONDUITDRCA; DISTALRIGHTCORONARYARTERYCONDUITSEGMENTThe section of the right coronary artery distal to theorigin of the acute marginal artery.Distal Right Coronary ArteryConduitC12934 DORSAL MOTOR NUCLEUS A brain nucleus located in the medulla oblongata.(NCI)Dorsal Motor NucleusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 236 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC32478 DORSALIS PEDIS ARTERY Dorsalis PedisArteryAn artery of the dorsal surface of the foot, originatingfrom the anterior tibial artery of the lower leg. Thefollowing arterial branches originate from the dorsalispedis artery: the arcuate artery of the foot and deepplantar artery. (NCI)Dorsalis Pedis ArteryC12263 DUODENUM A jointed tube 25-30 cm long that connects thestomach to the jejunum. (NCI)C102627 DURAL VENOUS SINUS Venous channels within the dura mater of the brainwhich receives both blood from blood vessels withinthe brain as well as cerebrospinal fluid then drains intothe internal jugular vein. Unlike other blood vessels,dural venous sinuses lack valves and other vesselassociated layers.C12394 EAR Ear A sense organ needed for the detection of sound andfor establishing balance. The outer ear consists of theauricle, the ear canal as well as the tympanicmembrane. The middle ear is made up of an air-filledcavity behind the tympanic membrane that contains theossicles (malleus, incus and stapes). The inner ear ismade up of the cochlea needed for hearing and thevestibular apparatus required for balance. (NCI)DuodenumDural Venous SinusEarC12499 EAR, INNER Cochlea; InternalEar; LabyrinthC12292 EAR, OUTER Auricle; ExternalEarThe portion of the ear located within the temporalbone that is involved in both hearing and balance andincludes the semicircular canals, vestibule, andcochlea. (from American Heritage Dictionary online)The external part of the ear. (NCI)Internal EarExternal EarC32497 ELBOW JOINT Elbow Joint A type of hinge joint located between the forearm andupper arm. (NCI)C13004 ENDOCARDIUM The layer of endothelial cells and connective tissuelining the chambers of the heart. (NCI)Elbow JointEndocardiumC32514 ENDOMETRIAL CAVITY EndometrialCavityA space inside the uterus lined by a layer of mucusmembranes called the endometrium. (NCI)Endometrial CavityC97338 ENTORHINAL CORTEX A brain region in the medial temporal lobe near thehippocampus. (NCI)C13164 EPICARDIUM The outer membranous connective tissue layer of theheart tissue. (NCI)C69300 EPICONDYLE Epicondyle A bone prominence to which ligaments and tendons ofthe joints are attached. (NCI)C12328 EPIDIDYMIS A crescent-like structure located in the upper andposterior surfaces of the testis. It consists of theefferent ductules and the duct of the epididymis. Itfacilitates the maturation of sperm that is produced inthe testis. (NCI)C12709 EPIGLOTTIS Epiglottis A small cartilagenous flap-like valve that closes overthe larynx during swallowing to prevent food enteringthe lungs. (NCI)Entorhinal CortexEpicardiumEpicondyleEpididymisEpiglottisSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 237 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12389 ESOPHAGUS Esophagus The portion of the digestive canal between the pharynxand stomach. It is about 25 cm long and consists ofthree parts: the cervical part, from the cricoid cartilageto the thoracic inlet; thoracic part, from thoracic inletto the diaphragm; and abdominal part, below thediaphragm to the cardiac opening of the stomach.(NCI)EsophagusC12252 ESOPHAGUS, ABDOMINAL AbdominalEsophagusC12250 ESOPHAGUS, CERVICAL CervicalEsophagusClinical esophageal segment composed of smoothmuscle. It corresponds to the inferior part of the lowerthird topographic segment of the esophagus. (NCI)Clinical esophageal segment composed of skeletalmuscle. It corresponds to the superior part of theupper third topographic segment of the esophagus.(NCI)Abdominal EsophagusCervical EsophagusC12255ESOPHAGUS, LOWERTHIRDLower Third ofthe EsophagusThe lower one third of the esophagus in which themuscle layer is composed of muscle cellspredominantly of the smooth type. (NCI)Lower Third of the EsophagusC12254ESOPHAGUS, MIDDLETHIRDMiddle Third ofthe EsophagusThe middle one third of the esophagus in which themuscle layer is composed of muscle cells of thestriated and smooth types.Middle Third of the EsophagusC12251 ESOPHAGUS, THORACIC ThoracicEsophagusClinical esophageal segment composed of smoothmuscle. It includes the middle third topographicsegment, as well as parts of the upper and lower thirds.(NCI)Thoracic EsophagusC12253ESOPHAGUS, UPPERTHIRDUpper Third ofthe EsophagusThe upper one third of esophagus in which the musclelayer is composed of muscle cells of the striated type.(NCI)Upper Third of the EsophagusC12711 ETHMOID BONE Ethmoid Bone A light and spongy bone that is cubical in shape. Thisbone is positioned at the anterior part of the cranium,sitting between the two orbits, at the roof of the nose.It consists of four parts: a horizontal or cribriformplate; a perpendicular plate; and two lateral masses orlabyrinths. (NCI)Ethmoid BoneC12276 ETHMOID SINUS Ethmoid Sinus A sinus of the meatuses of the nasal cavity. (NCI) Ethmoid SinusC32573 EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCT The portion of the biliary tract outside the liver; thecommon hepatic duct joins the cystic duct to form thecommon bile duct. (NCI)Extrahepatic Bile DuctC12401 EYE Eye; Eyeball The organ of sight or vision. (NCI) EyeC32576 EYELASH Anyone of the short hairs that grow on the edge of theeyelid. (NCI)C12713 EYELID Eyelid; Palpebra A thin membrane of skin with the purpose of coveringand protecting an eye. (NCI)C13071 FACE Face; Facial The anterior portion of the head extending from theforehead to the chin and ear to ear. The facialstructures contain the eyes, nose and mouth, cheeksand jaws. (NCI)C32577 FACET JOINT Facet Joint A synovial joint between two adjacent vertebrae. Thefacet joint links the articular process of one vertebraand the inferior articular process of the adjacentvertebra. (NCI)EyelashEyelidFaceFacet JointSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 238 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC63706 FACIAL BONE Facial Bone Any bone that contributes to the facial structures,except those bones that are part of the braincase. (NCI)Facial BoneC12714 FACIAL NERVE Seventh CranialNerveThe 7th cranial nerve. The facial nerve has two parts,the larger motor root which may be called the facialnerve proper, and the smaller intermediate or sensoryroot. Together they provide efferent innervation to themuscles of facial expression and to the lacrimal andsalivary glands, and convey afferent information fortaste from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and fortouch from the external ear. (MeSH)Facial NerveC12403 FALLOPIAN TUBE Fallopian Tube One of a pair of tubes that extend from the uterus toeach of the ovaries. Following ovulation the egg travelsdown the fallopian tube to the uterus wherefertilization may or may not occur. (NCI)Fallopian TubeC61600 FEMALE GENITALIA Female Genitalia Female internal and external organs of reproduction. Female GenitaliaC12402FEMALE REPRODUCTIVESYSTEMThe sex organs of the female.Female Reproductive SystemC12715 FEMORAL ARTERY Femoral Artery An artery that starts within the inguinal region andextends to the lower extremities. (NCI)C61563 FEMORAL NECK Femoral Neck The short, constricted portion of the thigh bonebetween the femur head and the trochanter. (NCI)C12716 FEMORAL VEIN Femoral Vein A vein that starts within the inguinal region and extendsto the lower extremities. (NCI)Femoral ArteryFemoral NeckFemoral VeinC12717 FEMUR Bone, Femoral;FemurThe upper leg bone positioned between the pelvis andthe knee. (NCI)FemurC12718 FIBULA Fibula The small, lateral calf bone extending from the knee tothe ankle. (NCI)FibulaC326<strong>08</strong> FINGER Finger Any of the digits of the hand. (NCI) FingerC32609 FINGERNAIL Fingernail The nail at the end of a finger. (NCI) FingernailC102297FIRST DIAGONAL BRANCHARTERY1ST DIAG;FIRSTDIAGONALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe first artery arising from the left anteriordescending (LAD) artery that supplies the anterolateralwall, when counted from proximal to distal.First Diagonal Branch ArteryC102298FIRST LEFTPOSTEROLATERALBRANCH ARTERY1ST LPL; FIRSTLEFTPOSTEROLATERAL BRANCHARTERYSEGMENTIn an individual with a left-dominant heart, this is thefirst branch that arises from the circumflex arteryatrioventricular groove continuation when countedfrom proximal to distal. It supplies the posterolateralwall.First Left Posterolateral BranchArteryC102299FIRST OBTUSE MARGINALBRANCH ARTERY1ST OM; FIRSTOBTUSEMARGINALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe first artery arising from the left circumflex arterythat supplies the lateral wall, when counted fromproximal to distal.First Obtuse Marginal Branch ArterySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 239 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102300FIRST RIGHTPOSTEROLATERALARTERY1ST RPL; FIRSTRIGHTPOSTEROLATERAL ARTERYSEGMENTIn an individual with a right-dominant heart, this is thefirst branch that arises from the right coronary arterydistal to the right posterior descending artery, whencounted from proximal to distal.First Right Posterolateral ArteryC32622 FOOT Feet; Foot The structure found below the ankle joint required forlocomotion. (NCI)FootC52772 FOOT PHALANX Foot Phalanx A bone of the foot. (NCI) Foot PhalanxC32628 FOREARM Forearm The structure on the upper limb, between the elbow andthe wrist. (NCI)C40185 FOREBRAIN The largest part of the brain composed of the cerebralhemispheres, thalamus, hypothalamus, and the limbicsystem. (NCI)C89803 FOREHEAD Forehead The part of the face between the eyebrows and thenormal hairline.C12352 FRONTAL LOBE Frontal Lobe The part of the brain located anterior to the parietallobes at the front of each cerebral hemisphere. (NCI)C12277 FRONTAL SINUS Frontal Sinus The paired, mucosal lined air spaces located above theorbit and communicating with the nasal passages.(NCI)ForearmForebrainForeheadFrontal LobeFrontal SinusC12257FUNDUS OF THE STOMACH Fundus of theStomachThe portion of the stomach that lies above the cardiacnotch. It allows for the accumulation of gasesproduced by chemical digestion. (NCI)Fundus of the StomachC12377 GALLBLADDER Gallbladder A pear-shaped organ located under the liver that storesand concentrates bile secreted by the liver. From thegallbladder the bile is delivered through the bile ductsinto the intestine thereby aiding the digestion offat-containing foods. (NCI)GallbladderC12719 GANGLION Ganglia;Ganglion; NeuralGanglionA cluster of nervous tissue principally composed ofneuronal cell bodies external to the central nervoussystem (CNS). (NCI)GanglionC13307 GASTRIC Gastric Relating to the stomach. (NCI) GastricC12256 GASTRIC CARDIA Gastric Cardia The area around the esophagogastric mucosal junctionwhere the esophageal mucosa transitions into thegastric mucosa. (NCI)Gastric CardiaC32668GASTROESOPHAGEALJUNCTIONGastroesophageal JunctionThe anatomical location where the esophagus joins tothe stomach. (NCI)Gastroesophageal JunctionC12378GASTROINTESTINALSYSTEMGastrointestinalSystemThe system that includes the esophagus, stomach,small and large intestine, anus, liver, biliary tract, andpancreas. (NCI)Gastrointestinal SystemC34<strong>08</strong>2GASTROINTESTINALTRACTGastrointestinalTractThe upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract is comprised ofmouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach while thelower GI tract consists of intestines and anus. Theprimary function of the GI tract is to ingest, digest,absorb and ultimately excrete food stuff. (NCI)Gastrointestinal TractC33010GASTROINTESTINALTRACT, LOWERLowerGastrointestinalTractThe lower part of the gastrointestinal tract thatincludes the jejunum and ileum of the small intestineand the large intestine. (NCI)Lower Gastrointestinal TractSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 240 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC33837GASTROINTESTINALTRACT, UPPERUpperGastrointestinalTractThe upper part of the gastrointestinal tract thatincludes the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. (NCI)Upper Gastrointestinal TractC25177 GENITALIA The external sex organs. (NCI) GenitaliaC32677 GINGIVA Gingiva; Gum The soft tissue surrounding the neck of individual teethas well as covering the alveolar bone. The tissue isfibrous and continuous with the periodontal ligamentand mucosal covering. (NCI)C32682 GLENOID FOSSA Glenoid Fossa The trough in the head of the scapula that receives thehead of the humerus to form the shoulder joint. (NCI)GingivaGlenoid FossaC12723GLOSSOPHARYNGEALNERVEThe ninth cranial nerve.Glossopharyngeal NerveC12724 GLOTTIS Glottis The space in which the vocal cords are located. (NCI) GlottisC32698 GREAT TROCHANTER Great Trochanter A large, irregular, quadrilateral area of bone found atthe neck of the femur. (NCI)Great TrochanterC12262GREATER CURVATURE OFTHE STOMACHGreaterCurvature of theStomachThe lateral and inferior border of the stomach.Attached to it is the greater omentum. (NCI)Greater Curvature of the StomachC32705 HAIR Hair The filamentous outgrowth of the epidermis. (NCI) HairC32706 HAIR BULB The lower segment of the hair that circles the dermalpapilla and the hair matrix. (NCI)C13317 HAIR FOLLICLE A tube-like invagination of the epidermis from whichthe hair shaft develops and into which the sebaceousglands open; the follicle is lined by a cellular inner andouter root sheath of epidermal origin and is investedwith a fibrous sheath derived from the dermis. (NCI)C32711 HAIR ROOT The portion of the hair that is enclosed within the hairfollicle. (NCI)C33543 HAIR SHAFT Shaft of the Hair The segment of the hair that projects above the skinsurface. (NCI)C12860 HAMATE BONE Hamate Bone The medial bone in the distal row of carpal bones.(NCI)C32712 HAND Hand The distal portion of the upper extremity. It consists ofthe carpus, metacarpus, and digits. (NCI)Hair BulbHair FollicleHair RootShaft of the HairHamate BoneHandC52771 HAND PHALANX Hand Phalanx A bone of the hand. (NCI) Hand PhalanxC12230 HARD PALATE Hard Palate The bony anterior part of the roof of the mouthseparating the nose from the mouth. (NCI)C12419 HEAD Head The anterior and superior part of a human or animalbearing the mouth, the brain and sensory organs.Hard PalateHeadC32720 HEAD OF THE HUMERUS Head of theHumerusThe upper rounded part of the humerus that fits into theglenoid cavity of the scapula. (NCI)Head of the HumerusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 241 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12727 HEART Cardiac; Heart A hollow muscular organ which receives the bloodfrom the veins and propels it into the arteries. It isdivided by a musculomembranous septum into twohalves -- right or venous and left or arterial -- each ofwhich consists of a receiving chamber (atrium) and anejecting chamber (ventricle). (NCI)HeartC32126 HEART, APEX Apex of theHeartThe most outer superficial part of the heart which issituated on the left 5th intercostal space. (NCI)Apex of the HeartC12728 HEART, ATRIUM Cardiac Atrium The paired upper chambers of the heart. The left atriumreceives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veinand pumps blood into the left ventricle. The rightatrium receives venous deoxygenated blood from theentire body via the superior and inferior vena cavae andpumps blood into the right ventricle. (NCI)C48589 HEART, BASE Base of the Heart The superior portion of the heart located opposite tothe apical portion. It is formed mainly by the leftatrium. (NCI)C12871 HEART, LEFT VENTRICLE Left Ventricle The left lower chamber of the heart that receives bloodfrom the left atrium and pumps it through the aorta tothe body. (NCI)C12870 HEART, RIGHT VENTRICLE Right Ventricle The lower chamber of the heart located in the rightside. It receives blood from the right atrium that is nolonger oxygenated and it pumps it to the pulmonaryartery. (NCI)C49485 HEART, SEPTUM Cardiac Septum The tissue in the heart that separates the two atria(atrial septum) and the two ventricles (ventricularseptum). (NCI)Cardiac AtriumBase of the HeartLeft VentricleRight VentricleHeart SeptumC12730 HEART, VENTRICLE CardiacVentricleThe lower right and left chambers of the heart. Theright pumps venous blood into the lungs and the leftpumps oxygenated blood into the systemic arterialcirculation. (MeSH)Cardiac VentricleC133<strong>08</strong> HEPATIC Hepatic Pertaining to, affecting, or associated with the liver.(NCI)HepaticC25724 HILAR Hilar Refers to the area associated with the hilum. (NCI) HilarC64193 HIP Hip The lateral prominence of the pelvis from the waist tothe thigh. (NCI)HipC32742 HIP JOINT CoxofemoralJoint; Hip JointA ball-and-socket joint between the head of the femurand the acetabulum. (NCI)Hip JointC12444 HIPPOCAMPUS Hippocampus A curved gray matter structure of the temporal lobelying on the floor of the lateral ventricle of the brain.(NCI)HippocampusC12731 HUMERUS Bone, Humeral;HumerusThe upper arm bone between the shoulder and elbow.(NCI)HumerusC32752 HYOID BONE Hyoid Bone A U-shaped bone supporting the tongue. This bone islocated at the base of the tongue and is suspended fromthe tips of the styloid processes of the temporal bonesby the stylohyoid ligaments. (NCI)Hyoid BoneC12732 HYPOGLOSSAL NERVE The twelfth cranial nerve. Hypoglossal NerveSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 242 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12246 HYPOPHARYNX Hypopharynx The lower part of the pharynx that connects to theesophagus. (NCI)C12458 HYPOTHALAMUS Hypothalamus The supervisory center in the brain, rich in ganglia,nerve fibers, and synaptic connections. It is composedof several sections called nuclei, each of whichcontrols a specific function.HypopharynxHypothalamusC12387 ILEUM Ileum The final section of the small intestine. (NCI) IleumC33757 ILEUM, TERMINAL Terminal Ileum The most distal section of the ileum that is continuouswith the cecum. (NCI)Terminal IleumC32761 ILIAC LYMPH NODE Iliac LymphNodeOne of the three lymph nodes of the pelvis: thesuperior gluteal, interior gluteal or sacral. (NCI)Iliac Lymph NodeC32765 ILIUM Ilium The broad, dorsal, upper, and widest of the threeprincipal bones composing either half of the pelvis.(NCI)C32769 INCISOR Incisor One of the teeth in front of the canines in either jawdesigned for cutting or gnawing. (NCI)C32770 INCUS Incus One of the three bones comprising the middle ear. Thisanvil-shaped bone is positioned between the malleusand the stapes. (NCI)IliumIncisorIncusC63705INFRACLAVICULARLYMPH NODEInfraclavicularLymph NodeA lymph node located in the area below the clavicle.(NCI)Infraclavicular Lymph NodeC32801 INGUINAL LYMPH NODE Inguinal LymphNodeA superficial or deep lymph node located in theinguinal area. (NCI)Inguinal Lymph NodeC12726 INGUINAL REGION Inguinal Region The lower region of the anterior abdominal walllocated laterally to the pubic region. (NCI)Inguinal RegionC52941INTERNAL MAMMARYARTERYThe blood vessel that supplies the breast and theanterior chest wall with arterial blood. It is located inthe chest wall. (NCI)Internal Mammary ArteryC102301INTERPHALANGEAL JOINT1IP1A ginglymoid (hinge) synovial joint within the firstdigit of the foot connecting the proximal and distalphalanges.Interphalangeal Joint 1C102302INTERPHALANGEAL JOINT2IP2A ginglymoid (hinge) synovial joint within the seconddigit of the foot connecting the proximal and middlephalanges.Interphalangeal Joint 2C102303INTERPHALANGEAL JOINT3IP3A ginglymoid (hinge) synovial joint within the thirddigit of the foot connecting the proximal and middlephalanges.Interphalangeal Joint 3C102304INTERPHALANGEAL JOINT4IP4A ginglymoid (hinge) synovial joint within the fourthdigit of the foot connecting the proximal and middlephalanges.Interphalangeal Joint 4C102305INTERPHALANGEAL JOINT5IP5A ginglymoid (hinge) synovial joint within the fifthdigit of the foot connecting the proximal and middlephalanges.Interphalangeal Joint 5C32868INTERPHALANGEAL JOINTOF THE HANDInterphalangealJoint of the HandThe hinge synovial joints between the phalanges of thefingers. (NCI)Interphalangeal Joint of the HandC102306INTERPHALANGEALTHUMB JOINTIP THUMBA condyloid synovial joint within the thumbconnecting the proximal and distal phalanges.Interphalangeal Thumb JointSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 243 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12736 INTESTINE Intestine The portion of the gastrointestinal tract between thestomach and the anus. It includes the small intestineand large intestine. (NCI)C12677 INTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCT The bile ducts that pass through and drain bile from theliver. (NCI)IntestineIntrahepatic Bile DuctC12359INTRATHORACIC LYMPHNODEAny lymph node within the thoracic cavity.Intrathoracic Lymph NodeC32884 ISCHIUM Ischium The most posterior and ventral bone making up thepelvis. (NCI)C12388 JEJUNUM Jejunum The portion of the small intestine that extends fromthe duodenum to the ileum. (NCI)IschiumJejunumC13044 JOINT Articulation;JointThe connection point between two bones or skeletalelements. The joint may be fixed or movable. (NCI)JointC12738 JUGULAR VEIN Veins in the neck which drain the brain, face, and neckinto the brachiocephalic or subclavian veins. (NCI)C12415 KIDNEY Kidney One of the two bean-shaped organs located on eachside of the spine in the retroperitoneum. The rightkidney is located below the liver and the left kidneybelow the diaphragm. The kidneys filter and secret themetabolic products and minerals from the blood, thusmaintaining the homeostasis. On the superior pole ofeach kidney there is an adrenal gland. Each kidney andadrenal gland is surrounded by fat. (NCI)C12739 KIDNEY, CORTEX Renal Cortex The outer zone of the KIDNEY, beneath the capsule,consisting of KIDNEY GLOMERULUS; KIDNEYTUBULES, DISTAL; and KIDNEY TUBULES,PROXIMAL. (MSH2001)Jugular VeinKidneyRenal CortexC32740 KIDNEY, HILUM Hilar Area of theKidneyC93180 KIDNEY, LOWER LOBE Lower Lobe ofthe KidneyThe concave area of the kidney through which the renalartery enters and the renal vein and ureter exit theorgan. (NCI)The lobe of the kidney located in the lowest portion ofthe kidney. (NCI)Hilar Area of the KidneyLower Lobe of KidneyC12740 KIDNEY, MEDULLA Renal Medulla The internal portion of the kidney, consisting ofstriated conical masses, the renal pyramids, whosebases are adjacent to the cortex and whose apices formprominent papillae projecting into the lumen of theminor calyces. (MSH2001)Renal MedullaC93179 KIDNEY, UPPER LOBE Upper Lobe ofthe KidneyC32898 KNEE JOINT Knee Joint;TibiofemoralJointThe lobe of the kidney located in the uppermost regionof the kidney. (NCI)A joint connecting the lower part of the femur with theupper part of the tibia. The lower part of the femur andthe upper part of the tibia are attached to each other byligaments. Other structures of the knee joint includethe upper part of the fibula, located below and parallelto the tibia, and the patella which moves as the kneebends. (NCI)Upper Lobe of KidneyKnee JointC32899 L1 VERTEBRA L1 Vertebra The first lumbar vertebra counting from the top down.(NCI)L1 VertebraSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 244 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC32900 L2 VERTEBRA L2 Vertebra The second lumbar vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C32901 L3 VERTEBRA L3 Vertebra The third lumbar vertebra counting from the top down.(NCI)C32902 L4 VERTEBRA L4 Vertebra The fourth lumbar vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C32903 L5 VERTEBRA L5 Vertebra The fifth lumbar vertebra counting from the top down.(NCI)C32906 LACRIMAL BONE Lacrimal Bone A small rectangular thin plate forming part of themedial orbit wall. It is located posterior to the frontalprocess of the maxilla and articulates with the inferiornasal concha, ethmoid, frontal, and maxillary bones.(NCI)L2 VertebraL3 VertebraL4 VertebraL5 VertebraLacrimal BoneC102313LAD SEPTAL PERFORATORARTERYLAD SP; LADSEPTALPERFORATORARTERYSEGMENTSThe arteries that arise from the left anteriordescending (LAD) artery that supply theinterventricular septum.Left Anterior Descending SeptalPerforator ArteryC12379 LARGE INTESTINE Large Intestine A muscular tube that extends from the end of the smallintestine to the anus. (NCI)C12420 LARYNX Larynx The cartilaginous structure of the respiratory tractbetween the pharynx and the trachea. It contains elasticvocal cords required for sound production. (NCI)Large IntestineLarynxC102307LATERAL FIRST DIAGONALBRANCH ARTERYLAT 1ST DIAG;LATERAL FIRSTDIAGONALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe lateral branch distal to a bifurcation of the firstdiagonal artery.Lateral First Diagonal Branch ArteryC1023<strong>08</strong>LATERAL FIRST OBTUSEMARGINAL BRANCHARTERYLAT 1ST OM;LATERAL FIRSTOBTUSEMARGINALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe lateral branch distal to a bifurcation of the firstobtuse marginal artery.Lateral First Obtuse Marginal BranchArteryC102309LATERAL RAMUSINTERMEDIUS ARTERYLAT RAMUS;LATERALRAMUSINTERMEDIUSARTERYSEGMENTThe lateral branch distal to a bifurcation of the ramusintermedius artery.Lateral Ramus Intermedius ArteryC102310LATERAL SECONDDIAGONAL BRANCHARTERYLAT 2ND DIAG;LATERALSECONDDIAGONALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe lateral branch distal to a bifurcation of the seconddiagonal artery.Lateral Second Diagonal BranchArterySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 245 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102311LATERAL SECOND OBTUSEMARGINAL BRANCHARTERYLAT 2ND OM;LATERALSECONDOBTUSEMARGINALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe lateral branch distal to a bifurcation of the secondobtuse marginal artery.Lateral Second Obtuse MarginalBranch ArteryC102312LATERAL THIRDDIAGONAL BRANCHARTERYLAT 3RD DIAG;LATERALTHIRDDIAGONALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe lateral branch distal to a bifurcation of the thirddiagonal artery.Lateral Third Diagonal Branch ArteryC102425LATERAL THIRD OBTUSEMARGINAL BRANCHARTERYLAT 3RD OM;LATERALTHIRD OBTUSEMARGINALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe lateral branch distal to a bifurcation of the thirdobtuse marginal artery.Lateral Third Obtuse MarginalBranch ArteryC102314LEFT POSTEROLATERALDESCENDING ARTERYLPDA; LEFTPOSTEROLATERALDESCENDINGARTERYSEGMENTIn an individual with a left-dominant heart, this brancharises from the circumflex artery atrioventriculargroove continuation and supplies the inferior apex ofthe heart.Left Posterolateral DescendingArteryC102315LEFT VENTRICULAREPICARDIUMThe outermost layer of cardiac tissue lining of the leftventricle.Left Ventricular EpicardiumC32974 LEG Leg One of the two lower extremities in humans used forlocomotion and support. (NCI)LegC52749 LEG SKIN Leg Skin The skin or integument surrounding the leg. (NCI) Leg SkinC12743 LENS Crystalline Lens;Lens; Lens OfEye; Ocular LensA biconvex transparent structure of the eye throughwhich light is focused on the retina. The lens sitsbehind the iris and is supported by the zonule, whichconnects it to the ciliary body. The lens is an avascularstructure. (NCI)LensC32982 LESSER TROCHANTER A cone-shaped projection in the shaft of the femur inwhich the iliopsoas muscle is attached. (NCI)C13046 LIGAMENT Ligament Band of fibrous tissue connecting bone to bone orcartilage to bone thereby supporting or strengthening ajoint. (NCI)C12429 LIMB Limb A body region referring to an upper or lowerextremity. (NCI)C12742 LIMB, LOWER Lower Extremity The limb that is composed of the hip, thigh, leg andfoot. (NCI)C12671 LIMB, UPPER Upper Extremity The region of the body that includes the arm, theforearm, and hand. (NCI)C40373 LINGULA OF THE LUNG A small tongue-like projection from the lower portionof the upper lobe of the left lung.Lesser TrochanterLigamentLimbLower ExtremityUpper ExtremityLingulaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 246 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12220 LIP Lip Fleshy fold which surrounds the opening of the mouth.(NCI)LipC12222 LIP, LOWER External LowerLipC12221 LIP, UPPER External UpperLipThe external surface of the lower lip. (NCI)The external surface of the upper lip. (NCI)External Lower LipExternal Upper LipC12392 LIVER Liver A triangular-shaped organ located under the diaphragmin the right hypochondrium. It is the largest internalorgan of the body, weighting up to 2 kg. Metabolismand bile secretion are its main functions. It iscomposed of cells which have the ability to regenerate.(NCI)LiverC32996 LIVER FISSURE Liver Fissure A groove on the surface of the liver. Liver FissureC97333 LOCUS CERULEUS A brainstem nucleus. It is the major brain site for thesynthesis and secretion of norepinephrine. (NCI)C12744 LUMBAR VERTEBRA Lumbar Vertebra One of the five bones situated between the thoracicvertebrae and the sacrum in the lower part of the spine.(NCI)C12786 LUNATE BONE Lunate Bone The bone in the proximal row of carpal bones that liesbetween the scaphoid and triquetral bones. (NCI)C12468 LUNG Lung One of a pair of viscera occupying the pulmonarycavities of the thorax, the organs of respiration inwhich aeration of the blood takes place. As a rule, theright lung is slightly larger than the left and is dividedinto three lobes (an upper, a middle, and a lower orbasal), while the left has two lobes (an upper and alower or basal). Each lung is irregularly conical inshape, presenting a blunt upper extremity (the apex), aconcave base following the curve of the diaphragm, anouter convex surface (costal surface), an inner ormediastinal surface (mediastinal surface), a thin andsharp anterior border, and a thick and roundedposterior border. (NCI)Locus CoeruleusLumbar VertebraLunate BoneLungC49282 LUNG, HILUM Hilar Area of theLungThe wedge-shaped area at the central portion of thelung through which the bronchi, vessels and nervesenter or exit the organ. (NCI)Hilar Area of the LungC32967 LUNG, LEFT Left Lung The 2-lobed lung located on the left side of the body.(NCI)Left LungC33020 LUNG, LEFT LOWER LOBE Lower Lobe ofthe Left LungC33021 LUNG, LEFT UPPER LOBE Upper Lobe ofthe Left LungThe larger lobe of the left lung, situated below andbehind the oblique fissure. (NCI)The smaller lobe of the left lung, situated above and infront the oblique fissure, which includes the apex.(NCI)Lower Lobe of the Left LungUpper Lobe of the Left LungC33483 LUNG, RIGHT Right Lung The 3-lobed lung located on the right side of the body.(NCI)Right LungC33022LUNG, RIGHT LOWERLOBELower Lobe ofthe Right LungThe lobe of the right lung situated below the obliquefissure. (NCI)Lower Lobe of the Right LungC12286LUNG, RIGHT MIDDLELOBEMiddle Lobe ofthe Right LungThe smallest lobe of the right lung, situated above theoblique fissure and below the horizontal fissure. (NCI)Middle Lobe of the Right LungSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 247 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC33023 LUNG, RIGHT UPPER LOBE Upper Lobe ofthe Right LungThe lobe of the right lung, situated above the horizontalfissure, which includes the apex. (NCI)Upper Lobe of the Right LungC12745 LYMPH NODE Lymph Node A bean-shaped organ surrounded by a connective tissuecapsule. It is part of the lymphatic system and is foundthrough out the body. It is composed predominantly oflymphocytes and its main function is immuneprotection. (NCI)Lymph NodeC33031 LYMPH NODE HILUM Lymph NodeHilumC32968 MAIN BRONCHUS, LEFT Left MainBronchusC33486 MAIN BRONCHUS, RIGHT Right MainBronchusThe concave side of the lymph node. (NCI)One of the two main bronchi. It is narrower but longerthan the right main bronchus and connects to the leftlung. (NCI)One of the two main bronchi. It is wider but shorterthan the left main bronchus and connects to the rightlung. (NCI)Lymph Node HilumLeft Main BronchusRight Main BronchusC61599 MALE GENITALIA Male Genitalia Male internal and external organs of reproduction. Male GenitaliaC12722MALE REPRODUCTIVESYSTEMThe sex organs of the male.Male Reproductive SystemC33051 MALLEUS Malleus A hammer-shaped bone, part of three interconnectedsmall bones located in the middle ear. It is attached tothe inner surface of the tympanic membrane and itsfunction is to transmit sound vibrations. (NCI)MalleusC12290 MANDIBLE Bone,Mandibular;Mandible;InferiorMaxillary Bone;JawThe lower jaw bone holding the lower teeth. (NCI)MandibleC12503 MASTOID PROCESS Mastoid Process A honeycombed section of bone located near the baseof the skull, protruding behind the outer ear. It isconnected to the middle ear. (NCI)C26470 MAXILLA Maxilla The upper jawbone in vertebrates: it is fused to thecranium. (NCI)C12275 MAXILLARY SINUS Maxillary Sinus A pyramidal-shaped, thin-walled, air-filled cavitylocated in the maxilla. It is lined by mucus membraneand periosteum (mucoperiosteum) which containscilia. It is adjacent to the nasal cavity andcommunicates with the middle meatus of the nose. It isthe largest paranasal sinus and is composed of threerecesses: alveolar, zygomatic, and infraorbital. (NCI)Mastoid ProcessMaxillaMaxillary SinusC33073MEDIASTINAL LYMPHNODEMediastinalLymph NodeA lymph node located in the mediastinum. Mediastinallymph nodes are arranged in three groups, one on thelateral, another on the medial, and a third on theanterior aspect of the vessels; the third group is,however, sometimes absent. (NCI)Mediastinal Lymph NodeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 248 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12748 MEDIASTINUM Mediastinum A group of organs surrounded by loose connectivetissue, separating the two pleural sacs, between thesternum anteriorly and the vertebral columnposteriorly as well as from the thoracic inletsuperiorly to the diaphragm inferiorly. Themediastinum contains the heart and pericardium, thebases of the great vessels, the trachea and bronchi,esophagus, thymus, lymph nodes, thoracic duct,phrenic and vagus nerves, and other structures andtissues. (NCI)MediastinumC32098 MEDIASTINUM, ANTERIOR AnteriorMediastinumC33123 MEDIASTINUM, MIDDLE MiddleMediastinumThe area between the lungs; it contains the thymus,some lymph nodes, and vessels and branches of theinternal thoracic artery. (NCI)The broadest part of the lower portion of themediastinum. It contains the heart and the greatvessels. (NCI)Anterior MediastinumMiddle MediastinumC33368MEDIASTINUM,POSTERIORPosteriorMediastinumThe part of the lower portion of the mediastinum thatis located behind the pericardium. (NCI)Posterior MediastinumC33684 MEDIASTINUM, SUPERIOR SuperiorMediastinumC12442 MEDULLA OBLONGATA MedullaOblongataThe part of the mediastinum that is located between theupper part of the sternum in the front and the upperthoracic vertebrae in the back. (NCI)The lower portion of the brainstem located betweenthe pons and brainstem. This structure contains severaldescending and ascending tracts, lower cranial nervenuclei, a significant proportion of the reticular systemof the brainstem and other structures. (NCI)Superior MediastinumMedulla OblongataC102316METACARPOPHALANGEALJOINT 1MCP1A condyloid synovial joint within the first digit of thehand connecting the metacarpal to the proximalphalanx.Metacarpophalangeal Joint 1C102317METACARPOPHALANGEALJOINT 2MCP2A condyloid synovial joint within the second digit ofthe hand connecting the metacarpal to the proximalphalanx.Metacarpophalangeal Joint 2C102318METACARPOPHALANGEALJOINT 3MCP3A condyloid synovial joint within the third digit of thehand connecting the metacarpal to the proximalphalanx.Metacarpophalangeal Joint 3C102319METACARPOPHALANGEALJOINT 4MCP4A condyloid synovial joint within the fourth digit ofthe hand connecting the metacarpal to the proximalphalanx.Metacarpophalangeal Joint 4C102320METACARPOPHALANGEALJOINT 5MCP5A condyloid synovial joint within the fifth digit of thehand connecting the metacarpal to the proximalphalanx.Metacarpophalangeal Joint 5C12752 METATARSAL BONE Metatarsal Bone A bone belonging to the middle part of the foot locatedbetween toes and ankle. There are 5 metatarsal bonesand they are numbered from the medial side. (NCI)Metatarsal BoneC331<strong>08</strong>METATARSOPHALANGEALJOINTMetatarsophalangeal JointA spheroid joint located between the heads of themetatarsal bone and the base of the proximal phalanxof the toe. (NCI)Metatarsophalangeal JointC102321METATARSOPHALANGEALJOINT 1MTP1A condyloid synovial joint within the first digit of thefoot connecting metatarsal with the proximal phalanx.Metatarsophalangeal Joint 1Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 249 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102322METATARSOPHALANGEALJOINT 2MTP2A condyloid synovial joint within the second digit ofthe foot connecting metatarsal with the proximalphalanx.Metatarsophalangeal Joint 2C102323METATARSOPHALANGEALJOINT 3MTP3A condyloid synovial joint within the third digit of thefoot connecting metatarsal with the proximal phalanx.Metatarsophalangeal Joint 3C102324METATARSOPHALANGEALJOINT 4MTP4A condyloid synovial joint within the fourth digit ofthe foot connecting metatarsal with the proximalphalanx.Metatarsophalangeal Joint 4C102325METATARSOPHALANGEALJOINT 5MTP5A condyloid synovial joint within the fifth digit of thefoot connecting metatarsal with the proximal phalanx.Metatarsophalangeal Joint 5C102326MID-CIRCUMFLEXARTERYMCIRC;MID-CIRCUMFLEX ARTERYSEGMENTThe segment of the left circumflex artery between thefirst and second marginal branches.Mid-Circumflex ArteryC102328 MID-LAD ARTERY MLAD;MID-LADARTERYSEGMENTThe segment of the left anterior descending (LAD)artery between the first and third diagonal branches.Mid-Left Anterior DescendingArteryC102329MID-RIGHT CORONARYARTERY CONDUITMRCA;MID-RIGHTCORONARYARTERYCONDUITSEGMENTThe section of the right coronary artery between theright ventricular artery and the acute marginal artery.Mid-Right Coronary Artery ConduitC102327MID/DISTAL LEFTANTERIOR DESCENDINGCORONARY ARTERY ANDALL DIAGONALCORONARY BRANCHESAll of the arterial branches distal to the proximal leftanterior descending coronary artery.Mid-Distal Left Anterior DescendingCoronary Artery and All DiagonalCoronary BranchesC12510 MIDBRAIN Mesencephalon;MidbrainThe uppermost portion of the brainstem locatedbetween the pons and the diencephalon. The midbraincontains the cerebral peduncles, oculomotor, trochlearand red nuclei, substantia nigra and various other nucleiand tracts. (NCI)MesencephalonC12274 MIDDLE EAR Middle Ear The part of the ear including the eardrum and ossicles.The middle ear leads to the inner ear. (NCI)C97339 MOTOR CORTEX A brain region that is located in the dorsal part of theprecentral gyrus. (NCI)Middle EarPrimary Motor CortexC13166 MUCOSA Mucosa Mucous membrane. (NCI) MucosaC12435 MUSCLE TISSUE Muscle Tissue Tissue responsible for the body movements and theshape and size changes of interna organs. Muscletissue is composed of specialized contractile cells.There are two types of muscle tissue recognized:striated and smooth muscle. The striated muscle tissueis further subdivided into skeletal, visceral striated, andcardiac muscle. (NCI)C91405 MUSCLE TISSUE, DISTAL Distal Muscle A muscle located away from the trunk of the body.(NCI)Muscle TissueDistal MuscleC91404MUSCLE TISSUE,PROXIMALProximal Muscle A muscle located close to the trunk of the body. (NCI) Proximal MuscleSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 250 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12314 MYOMETRIUM Myometrium The smooth muscle lining the uterus. (NCI) MyometriumC33156 NAIL Nail The cutaneous plate on the dorsal surface of the distalend of a finger or toe. (NCI)C33157 NASAL BONE Nasal Bone One of two small oblong bones placed side by side atthe middle and upper part of the face. (NCI)C12424 NASAL CAVITY Nasal Cavity The proximal portion of the respiratory passages oneither side of the nasal septum lying between the floorof the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extendingfrom the face to the pharynx. The nasal cavity is linedwith ciliated mucosa, extending from the nares to thepharynx. (NCI)NailNasal BoneNasal CavityC33160 NASAL SEPTUM Nasal Septum The thin wall between the two nasal cavities. (NCI) Nasal SeptumC12423 NASOPHARYNX Nasopharynx The part of the pharynx in the back of the throat, at andabove the soft palate. The nasopharynx is continuouswith the nasal passages. (NCI)C33162 NAVICULAR BONE Navicular Bone An oval-shaped bone of the tarsus found on the medialside of the foot. (NCI)C13063 NECK Neck The region that connects the head to the rest of thebody. (NCI)C12299 NIPPLE Nipple The pigmented protuberance on the surface of thebreast through which milk is drawn from the breast.(NCI)C12756 NOSE Nose A structure of special sense serving as an organ of thesense of smell and as an entrance to the respiratorytract. (NCI)C33178 NOSTRIL Nostril One of the two channels of the nose, from the pointwhere they divide to the external opening. (NCI)NasopharynxNavicular BoneNeckNippleNoseNostrilC97342NUCLEUS OF DIAGONALBANDBASALNUCLEUS/DIAGONALBANDA brain structure that is part of the septal nuclearcomplex. It is connected with the hippocampus,hypothalamus and amygdala.Nucleus of Diagonal BandC12355 OCCIPITAL LOBE The posterior part of the cerebral hemisphere. (MeSH) Occipital LobeC98188 OCCIPITAL LYMPH NODE A lymph node located in the back of the head adjacentto the trapezius muscle.Occipital Lymph NodeC12758 OCULOMOTOR NERVE The third cranial nerve. Oculomotor NerveC33794 ODONTOGENIC TISSUE Teeth The tissue that forms the tooth. It consists of thedental pulp, dentin, enamel, cementum, odontogenicepithelium, and periodontium. (NCI)C33200 OLECRANON Olecranon A prominence at the proximal end of the ulna. It formsthe tip of the elbow. (NCI)C28401 OLFACTORY BULB Olfactory Bulb Anatomical structure located in the vertebral forebrainthat receives neural input regarding odors that havebeen detected by cells within the nasal cavity. Theaxons of olfactory receptor cells extend into theolfactory bulb. (NCI)Tooth TissueOlecranonOlfactory BulbSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 251 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC33205 OLFACTORY MUCOSA OlfactoryMucosaThe part of the nasal mucosa composed ofneuroepithelial tissue and mucus-producing Bowman'sglands. The mucus moistens the epithelium and helpsdissolve odor-containing gases. (NCI)Olfactory MucosaC12759 OLFACTORY NERVE The first cranial nerve. Olfactory NerveC12761 OPTIC NERVE Optic Nerve The second cranial nerve. (NCI) Optic NerveC12421 ORAL CAVITY Oral Cavity The cavity located at the upper end of the alimentarycanal, behind the teeth and gums that is bounded on theoutside by the lips, above by the hard and soft palatesand below by the tongue. (NCI)Oral CavityC12347 ORBIT Eye Socket;Ocular Orbit;Orbit; OrbitalCavityThe bony cavity of the skull which contains the eye,anterior portion of the optic nerve, ocular muscles andocular adnexa. Seven bones contribute to the structureof the orbit: the frontal, maxillary, zygomatic,sphenoid, lacrimal, ethmoid, and palatine bones. (NCI)OrbitC12762 OROPHARYNX The part of the pharynx between the soft palate and theupper portion of the epiglottis. (NCI)C12404 OVARY Ovary One of the paired female reproductive glandscontaining the ova or germ cells; the ovary's stroma isa vascular connective tissue containing numbers ofovarian follicles enclosing the ova. (NCI)C52745 PALATINE BONE Palatine Bone An irregularly shaped bone positioned at the back partof the nasal cavity between the maxilla and thepterygoid process of the sphenoid. It forms theposterior part of the hard palate and the lateral wall ofthe nasal fossa and helps to form the floor of the orbitas well as several adjoining parts. (NCI)C12393 PANCREAS Pancreas An organ behind the lower part of the stomach that isthe shape of a fish and about the size of a hand. It is acompound gland composed of both exocrine andendocrine tissues. The endocrine pancreas makesinsulin so that the body can use glucose (sugar) forenergy. The exocrine pancreas makes enzymes thathelp the body digest food. Spread all over the pancreasare areas called the Islets of Langerhans. The cells inthese areas each have a special purpose. The alpha cellsmake glucagon, which raises the level of glucose in theblood; the beta cells make insulin; the delta cells makesomatostatin. There are also PP cells and D1 cells,about which little is known. (NCI)OropharynxOvaryPalatine BonePancreasC12270 PANCREAS, BODY Body of thePancreasC32509 PANCREAS, ENDOCRINE EndocrinePancreasC32546 PANCREAS, EXOCRINE ExocrinePancreasThe part of the pancreas from the point where itcrosses the portal vein to the point where it enters thelienorenal ligament. (NCI)The pancreatic tissue that contains the islets ofLangerhans. It is responsible for the production andsecretions of the pancreatic hormones. (NCI)An enzyme producing region of the pancreatic tissuecontaining the pancreatic acini and exocrineintralobular ducts which collectively secrete thedigestive enzymes into the main pancreatic duct todrain into the duodenal part of the small intestine.(NCI)Body of the PancreasEndocrine PancreasExocrine PancreasSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 252 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12269 PANCREAS, HEAD Head of thePancreasC12271 PANCREAS, TAIL Tail of thePancreasThat portion of the pancreas lying in the concavity ofthe duodenum. (NCI)The left extremity of the pancreas within the lienorenalligament. (NCI)Head of the PancreasTail of the PancreasC77643PARA-AORTIC LYMPHNODELymph Node,Para-AorticA lymph node located adjacent to the lumbar region ofthe spine. (NCI)Paraaortic Lymph NodeC12320 PARAMETRIUM Parametrium The subserous connective tissue of the pelvic floor ofthe supracervical portion of the uterus. Theparametrium extends laterally between the layers ofthe broad ligament. (NCI)ParametriumC12763 PARANASAL SINUS AccessorySinuses; NasalCavity; NasalSinuses;Paranasal SinusAn air-filled cavity adjacent to the nasal cavity lined bya mucous membrane and located in the bones of theskull. There are four paranasal sinuses on each side ofthe face: ethmoid, frontal, maxillary, and sphenoidsinus. (NCI)Paranasal SinusC52557PARASYMPATHETICGANGLIAA usually small autonomic ganglion of theparasympathetic nervous system. The majority arelocated near or in the organs that they innervate. (NCI)Parasympathetic GanglionC12765 PARATHYROID GLAND One of two small paired endocrine glands, superior andinferior, usually found embedded in the connectivetissue capsule on the posterior surface of the thyroidgland; these glands secrete parathyroid hormone thatregulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.The parenchyma is composed of chief and oxyphiliccells arranged in anastomosing cords. (NCI)Parathyroid GlandC97925PARAVERTEBRALGANGLIAA cluster of neuronal cell bodies and their dendriteslocated just ventral and lateral to the spinal cord thatgive rise to the sympathetic nervous system.Para-Spinal GanglionC12354 PARIETAL LOBE Parietal Lobe One of the lobes of the cerebral hemisphere locatedsuperiorly to the occipital lobe and posteriorly to thefrontal lobe. Cognition and visuospatial processing areits main function. (NCI)C12427 PAROTID GLAND Parotid Gland The largest of the three paired salivary glands, locatedin front of the ear. (NCI)Parietal LobeParotid GlandC33278PAROTID GLAND LYMPHNODEParotid GlandLymph NodeA lymph node located close to, on, or within theparotid gland. (NCI)Parotid Gland Lymph NodeC97341 PARS COMPACTA A part of the substantia nigra. The pars compacta nervecells contain melanin and are involved in motorcontrol. (NCI)C33282 PATELLA Patella A small flat triangular bone in front of the knee thatarticulates with the femur and protects the knee joint.(NCI)Pars CompactaPatellaC33287 PELVIC BONE Pelvic Bone;PelvisC12363 PELVIC LYMPH NODE Pelvic LymphNodeThe caudal portion of the trunk, bounded anteriorly andlaterally by the two hip bones incorporating the socketportion of the hip joint for each leg. Posteriorly it isbounded by the sacrum and coccyx. (NCI)Any lymph node within the pelvic region. (NCI)Pelvic BonePelvic Lymph NodeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 253 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12767 PELVIS Pelvic Cavity;Pelvis; PelvicRegionThe bony, basin-shaped structure formed by thehipbones and the base of the backbone supporting thelower limbs in humans. (NCI)PelvisC12409 PENIS Penis The male organ of urination and copulation. (NCI) PenisC13005 PERICARDIUM Pericardium A conical membranous sac filled with serous fluid inwhich the heart as well as the roots of the aorta andother large blood vessels are contained. (NCI)C13005 PERICARDIUM A conical membranous sac filled with serous fluid inwhich the heart as well as the roots of the aorta andother large blood vessels are contained. (NCI)PericardiumPericardiumC102330 PERIHILAR LYMPH NODE A lymph node located in the area around the hilum. Perihilar Lymph NodeC33301 PERINEUM Perineum The area located between the anus and vulva in females,and anus and scrotum in males. (NCI)PerineumC77642PERIPANCREATIC LYMPHNODEA lymph node of the pancreas. (NCI)Pancreatic Lymph NodeC12768 PERIPHERAL NERVE Peripheral Nerve Any nerve outside the brain or spinal cord thatconnects with peripheral receptors or effectors. (NCI)C12770 PERITONEUM Peritoneum The tissue that lines the wall of the abdominal cavity,intestine, and mesentery. It consists of the parietalperitoneum that covers the inside of the abdominalwall and the visceral peritoneum that covers thesurface of the intestine and mesentery. (NCI)Peripheral NervePeritoneumC33318 PHARYNGEAL TONSIL PharyngealTonsilA fold of lymphatic tissue covered by ciliatedepithelium at the very back of the nose, in the roof ofthe nasopharynx. (NCI)Pharyngeal TonsilC12425 PHARYNX Pharynx A hollow tube that starts posterior to the mouth andnasal cavity and ends superior to the trachea andesophagus. (NCI)C12855 PISIFORM BONE Pisiform Bone The medial bone of the proximal row of carpal bones.(NCI)PharynxPisiform BoneC12399 PITUITARY GLAND HypophysisCerebri;HypophysisPea-sized endocrine gland located at the base of thebrain in the pituitary fossa. It produces and secreteshormones such as oxytocin and vasopressin, toregulate the activities of the hypothalamus. (NCI)Pituitary GlandC12840 PLEURAL CAVITY Pleural Cavity The cavity lined by the pleura, located in the thorax andcontains heart and lungs. (NCI)Pleural CavityC33343 PORTAL VEIN Hepatic PortalVein; Portal VeinA short thick trunk vein that transports bloodcontaining the absorbed products of digestion from theintestine directly to the liver. (NCI)Portal VeinC102348POSTERIOR DESCENDINGSEPTAL PERFORATORSARTERYPDSP;POSTERIORDESCENDINGSEPTALPERFORATORSARTERYSEGMENTThe arteries arising from the right posteriordescending artery that supply the interventricularseptum.Septal Perforator ArteryC97340 PRIMARY VISUAL CORTEX A brain region in the occipital cortex that receivesvisual stimuli from the retina. (NCI)Primary Visual CortexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 254 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12410 PROSTATE GLAND Prostate Gland The walnut shaped accessory sex gland of the malereproductive system. It is located in the pelvis justbelow the bladder, surrounding the prostatic part of theurethra. The prostate gland secretes a fluid which ispart of the semen. (NCI)Prostate GlandC13092PROSTATE GLAND,LATERAL LOBELateral Lobe ofthe ProstateThe prostate gland lobe that is located on the lateralside of the organ. (NCI)Lateral Lobe of the ProstateC13094PROSTATE GLAND,MIDDLE LOBEMiddle Lobe ofthe ProstateThe upper, smaller part of the prostate between theejaculatory ducts and the urethra. (NCI)Middle Lobe of the ProstateC13093PROSTATE GLAND,POSTERIOR LOBEPosterior Lobeof the ProstateThe prostate gland lobe that is located on the posteriorside of the organ. (NCI)Posterior Lobe of the ProstateC102331PROXIMAL CIRCUMFLEXARTERYPCIRC;PROXIMALCIRCUMFLEXARTERYSEGMENTThe section of the left circumflex coronary artery thatarises from the left main coronary artery and extendsto the first marginal branch.Proximal Circumflex ArteryC102332PROXIMALINTERPHALANGEAL JOINT2PIP2A condyloid synovial joint within the second digit ofthe hand connecting the proximal and middlephalanges.Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 2C102333PROXIMALINTERPHALANGEAL JOINT3PIP3A condyloid synovial joint within the third digit of thehand connecting the proximal and middle phalanges.Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 3C102334PROXIMALINTERPHALANGEAL JOINT4PIP4A condyloid synovial joint within the fourth digit ofthe hand connecting the proximal and middlephalanges.Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 4C102335PROXIMALINTERPHALANGEAL JOINT5PIP5A condyloid synovial joint within the fifth digit of thehand connecting the proximal and middle phalanges.Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 5C102336 PROXIMAL LAD ARTERY PLAD;PROXIMALLAD ARTERYSEGMENTThe section of the left anterior descending coronaryartery that arises from the left main coronary arteryand extends to the first diagonal branch.Proximal Left Anterior DescendingArteryC102337PROXIMAL RIGHTCORONARY ARTERYCONDUITPRCA;PROXIMALRIGHTCORONARYARTERYCONDUITSEGMENTThe section of the right coronary artery proximal tothe origin of the right ventricular artery.Proximal Right Coronary ArteryConduitC12452 PUTAMEN Putamen The largest and most lateral of the basal ganglia lyingbetween the lateral medullary lamina of the globuspallidus and the external capsule. It is part of theneostriatum and forms part of the lentiform nucleusalong with the globus pallidus. (MeSH)PutamenC33433 PYLORIC SPHINCTER PyloricSphincterThe muscular structure at the distal portion of thestomach, opening into the duodenum. (NCI)Pyloric SphincterC12838 RADIAL ARTERY Radial Artery The branch of the brachial artery that passes down theforearm. (NCI)Radial ArterySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 255 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12777 RADIUS Radius; RadiusBoneThe long bone of the forearm that extends from thelateral aspect of the elbow to the thumb-side of thewrist. (NCI)Radius BoneC102338RAMUS INTERMEDIUSARTERYRAMUS;RAMUSARTERY;RAMUSINTERMEDIUSARTERYSEGMENTAn artery that arises from the left main coronary arteryand is positioned between the left anterior descendingcoronary artery and the circumflex artery.Ramus Intermedius ArteryC97335 RAPHE A group of nuclei that are located in the midline of thebrainstem and release serotonin. (NCI)C12390 RECTUM The terminal portion of the gastrointestinal tract,extending from the rectosigmoid junction to the analcanal. (NCI)Raphe NucleiRectumC49018 REGIONAL LYMPH NODE Regional LymphNodeA lymph node that drains lymph from a region ofinterest. (NCI)Regional Lymph NodeC12343 RETINA Retina A light-sensitive membrane that lines the back wall ofthe eyeball. The retina is continuous with the opticnerve and this way transmits optical images to thebrain. (NCI)RetinaC12298 RETROPERITONEUM RETROPERITIONEAL CAVITYThe back of the abdomen where the kidneys lie and thegreat blood vessels run. (NCI)RetroperitoneumC12782 RIB Rib Any one of the paired bones, 12 on either side,extending from the thoracic vertebrae toward themedian line on the ventral aspect of the trunk. The longcurved bones which form the rib cage. Generally, ribs1 to 7 are connected to the sternum' by their costalcartilages and are called true ribs, whereas ribs 8 to 12are termed false ribs. (NCI)C52770 RIB 1 Rib 1 The first rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52769 RIB 10 Rib 10 The tenth rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52768 RIB 11 Rib 11 The eleventh rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52767 RIB 12 Rib 12 The twelfth rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52766 RIB 2 Rib 2 The second rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52765 RIB 3 Rib 3 The third rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52764 RIB 4 Rib 4 The fourth rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52763 RIB 5 Rib 5 The fifth rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52762 RIB 6 Rib 6 The sixth rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)RibRib 1Rib 10Rib 11Rib 12Rib 2Rib 3Rib 4Rib 5Rib 6Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 256 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC52761 RIB 7 Rib 7 The seventh rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52760 RIB 8 Rib 8 The eighth rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)C52759 RIB 9 Rib 9 The ninth rib counting from the top of the rib cagedown. (NCI)Rib 7Rib 8Rib 9C102339RIGHT ATRIALENDOCARDIUMThe innermost layer of endothelial cells andconnective tissue that lines the right atrium.Right Atrial EndocardiumC102340RIGHT CORONARYARTERY, RIGHTPOSTERIOR DESCENDING,RIGHT POSTERIOLATERALAND ACUTE MARGINALBRANCHESThe right coronary artery and all of its branches.Right Coronary Artery and itsBranchesC102341RIGHT POSTERIORATRIOVENTRICULARARTERYRPAV; RIGHTPOSTERIORATRIOVENTRICULAR ARTERYSEGMENTThe arterial branch between the right posteriordescending artery segment and the first rightposterolateral segment.Right Posterior AtrioventricularArteryC102342RIGHT POSTERIORDESCENDING ARTERYRPDA; RIGHTPOSTERIORDESCENDINGARTERYSEGMENTIn an individual with a right-dominant heart, the arterialbranch that arises from the distal right coronary arterybetween the acute marginal artery and the first rightposterolateral segment. It supplies the inferior apex ofthe heart.Right Posterior Descending ArteryC102343RIGHT VENTRICULARENDOCARDIUMThe innermost layer of endothelial cells andconnective tissue that lines the right ventricle.Right Ventricular EndocardiumC12853 SACRAL VERTEBRA Sacral Vertebra One of the usually five fused vertebrae forming thetriangular bone just below the lumbar vertebrae. (NCI)C33507 SACROILIAC JOINT Sacroiliac Joint The joint located between the sacrum and the ilium.(NCI)C335<strong>08</strong> SACRUM Sacrum The triangular bone, made up of 5 fused bones of thespine, located in the lower area of the spine betweenthe fifth lumbar vertebra and the coccyx. (NCI)C12426 SALIVARY GLAND An exocrine gland that secretes saliva. Salivary glandsare mostly located in and around the oral cavity.C33511 SAPHENOUS VEIN Saphenous Vein One of two (Greater, Small) superficial veins of theleg and thigh. (NCI)C89807 SCALP The skin which covers the top of the head and which isusually covered by hair. (NCI)C12854 SCAPHOID BONE Scaphoid Bone A nut-shaped bone of the wrist located in the radial siteof the hand. It is one of the eight carpal bones. (NCI)Sacral VertebraSacroiliac JointSacrumSalivary GlandSaphenous VeinScalpScaphoid BoneC12783 SCAPULA Scapula;Shoulder BladeThe flat triangle-shaped bone that connects thehumerus with the clavicle in the back of the shoulder.(NCI)ScapulaC52810 SCIATIC NERVE Sciatic Nerve The longest single nerve that is formed by the mergingof the ventral rami of the L4, L5, and S1 in the pelvisand passes down the lower limb where it divides intothe common peroneal and tibial nerves. (NCI)Sciatic NerveSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 257 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12784 SCLERA The white, opaque, fibrous, outer tunic of the eyeball,covering it entirely excepting the segment coveredanteriorly by the cornea. It is essentially avascular butcontains apertures for vessels, lymphatics, and nerves.It receives the tendons of insertion of the extraocularmuscles and at the corneoscleral junction contains thecanal of Schlemm. (From Cline et al., Dictionary ofVisual Science, 4th ed)C12785 SCROTUM Scrotum The musculocutaneous pouch that encloses thetesticles. (NCI)ScleraScrotumC102344SECOND DIAGONALBRANCH ARTERY2ND DIAG;SECONDDIAGONALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe second artery arising from the left anteriordescending (LAD) artery that supplies the anterolateralwall, when counted from proximal to distal.Second Diagonal Branch ArteryC102345SECOND LEFTPOSTEROLATERALBRANCH ARTERY2ND LPL;SECOND LEFTPOSTEROLATERAL BRANCHARTERYSEGMENTIn an individual with a left-dominant heart, this is thesecond branch that arises from the circumflex arteryatrioventricular groove continuation when countedfrom proximal to distal. It supplies the posterolateralwall.Second Left Posterolateral BranchArteryC102346SECOND OBTUSEMARGINAL BRANCHARTERY2ND OM;SECONDOBTUSEMARGINALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe second artery arising from the left circumflexartery that supplies the lateral wall, when counted fromproximal to distal.Second Obtuse Marginal BranchArteryC102347SECOND RIGHTPOSTEROLATERALARTERY2ND RPL;SECOND RIGHTPOSTEROLATERAL ARTERYSEGMENTIn an individual with a right-dominant heart, this is thesecond branch that arises from the right coronaryartery distal to the right posterior descending artery,when counted from proximal to distal.Second Right Posterolateral ArteryC12787 SEMINAL VESICLE Seminal Sacs One of the two paired glands in the male genitourinarysystem, posterior to the bladder and superior to theprostate gland, that produces fructose-rich seminalfluid which is a component of semen. These glandsjoin the ipsilateral ductus deferens to form theejaculatory duct. (NCI)C25203 SHOULDER Shoulder The region of the body between the neck and the upperarm. (NCI)C33548 SHOULDER JOINT Shoulder Joint A ball-and-socket joint at the upper end of thehumerus, located at the junction of humerus andscapula. (NCI)Seminal VesicleShoulderShoulder JointC33556 SINUS Sinus A recess, cavity, or channel. (NCI) SinusC13050SKELETAL MUSCLETISSUESkeletal MuscleTissueStriated muscles that are under voluntary control of theorganism. They are connected at either or both ends toa bone and are utilized for locomotion and othermovements. (NCI)Skeletal Muscle TissueSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 258 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12470 SKIN Integument; Skin An organ that constitutes the external surface of thebody. It consists of the epidermis, dermis, and skinappendages. (NCI)C12295 SKIN OF THE TRUNK Skin of the Trunk The skin or integument surrounding the trunk of thebody. (NCI)SkinSkin of the TrunkC12789 SKULL Bone, Cranial;Cranium; SkullThe bones that form the head, made up of the bones ofthe braincase and face. (NCI)SkullC12386 SMALL INTESTINE Small Intestine The section of the intestines between the pylorus andcecum. The small intestine is approximately 20 feetlong and consists of the duodenum, the jejunum, andthe ileum. Its main function is to absorb nutrients fromfood as the food is transported to the large intestine.(NCI)C12437 SMOOTH MUSCLE TISSUE Involuntary muscle tissue of the internal organs. It iscomposed of elongated muscle cells or fibers that arenot arranged in a striated pattern and form layers ofmuscle tissue. The smooth muscle cells contain acontractile apparatus composed of thin and thickfilaments and a cytoskeleton composed ofintermediate filaments. (NCI)C12231 SOFT PALATE A movable fold suspended from the posterior borderof the hard palate. (MeSH)C12471 SOFT TISSUE Soft Tissue Refers to muscle, fat, fibrous tissue, blood vessels orother supporting tissue of the body.Small IntestineSmooth Muscle TissueSoft PalateSoft TissueC32041SPINAL ACCESSORYNERVEACCESSORYNERVE;CRANIALACCESSORYNERVEThe eleventh cranial nerve.Accessory NerveC12464 SPINAL CORD Medulla Spinalis The elongated, approximately cylindrical part of thecentral nervous system of vertebrates that lies in thevertebral canal and from which the spinal nervesemerge. (NCI)C12432 SPLEEN Spleen An organ that is part of the hematopoietic and immunesystems. It is composed of the white pulp and the redpulp and is surrounded by a capsule. It is located in theleft hypochondriac region. Its functions includelymphocyte production, blood cell storage, and bloodcell destruction. (NCI)C33601 SPLEEN, HILUM Splenic Hilum The area of the spleen through which the vessels andnerves enter or exit the organ. (NCI)Spinal CordSpleenSplenic HilumC52730 STERNAL MANUBRIUM SternalManubriumThe upper segment of the sternum, quadrangular inshape, as well as wider superiorly and narrowerinferiorly. The sternal manubrium articulates with theclavicle and first two ribs. (NCI)Sternal ManubriumC33615STERNOCLAVICULARJOINTSternoclavicularJointThe synovial juncture between the medial end of theclavicle and the anterior segment of the sternum.(NCI)Sternoclavicular JointC12793 STERNUM Sterna; Sternum The long, flat bone connecting with the cartilages ofthe first seven ribs and the clavicle. (NCI)SternumSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 259 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12391 STOMACH Stomach An organ located under the diaphragm, between theliver and the spleen as well as between the esophagusand the small intestine. The stomach is the primaryorgan of food digestion. (NCI)C12436 STRIATED MUSCLE TISSUE Striated muscles are appendicular and axial musclestypically connected at either or both ends to the bonyskeleton of the body. Striated muscle fibers contain ahighly organized, contractile cytoskeletal apparatuswith a striated microscopic appearance; musclecontraction is typically under voluntary control. (NCI)C12794 SUBCLAVIAN VEIN The vein that drains the axillary vein and joins theinternal jugular vein to form the brachiocephalic vein.It runs parallel to the subclavian artery.C12280 SUBGLOTTIS Subglottis The area of the larynx below the vocal cords down tothe trachea. (NCI)C102349 SUBLINGUAL REGION A body region relating to the area under or adjacent tothe tongue.C12453 SUBSTANTIA NIGRA Substantia Nigra A large cell mass extending forward, over the dorsalsurface of the crus cerebri, from the rostral border ofthe pons into the subthalamic region. It is composed ofa dorsal stratum of closely spaced pigmented cells, thepars compacta, and a larger ventral region of widelyscattered cells, the pars reticulata. The pars compactaincludes numerous cells that project forward to thestriatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) and containdopamine, which acts as the primary neurotransmitterat the synaptic endings. Other, apparentlynon-dopaminergic cells project to portions of theventral nucleus of thalamus, the superior colliculus andreticular formation. The nigrostriatal projection isreciprocated by a striatonigral fiber system withmultiple neurotransmitters, chief among which isgamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The substantianigra is involved in the metabolic disturbancesassociated with Parkinson's disease and Huntington'sdisease. (NCI)StomachStriated Muscle TissueSubclavian VeinSubglottisSublingual RegionSubstantia NigraC102716SUPERFICIAL LYMPHNODEA lymph node located in a superficial part of the body.Superficial Lymph NodeC12816 SUPERIOR VENA CAVA The large vein that terminates in the right atrium andtransports deoxygenated blood from the head, neck,arms, and chest to the heart.Superior Vena CavaC12903SUPRACLAVICULARLYMPH NODESupraclavicularLymph NodeA lymph node which is located above the clavicle.(NCI)Supraclavicular Lymph NodeC12467 SYMPATHETIC GANGLIA A mass containing the cell bodies of sympatheticnerves. Sympathetic ganglia exist as paravertebralganglia (located bilaterally adjacent to the spinal cord)or prevertebral ganglia (located close to the targetorgan).Sympathetic GanglionC33718 SYNOVIAL FLUID Synovial Fluid;SynoviaA viscid fluid secreted by the synovial membrane,serving as a lubricant. (NCI)Synovial FluidC33720 T1 VERTEBRA T1 Vertebra The first thoracic vertebra counting from the top down.(NCI)T1 VertebraSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 260 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC33721 T10 VERTEBRA T10 Vertebra The tenth thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C33722 T11 VERTEBRA T11 Vertebra The eleventh thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C33723 T12 VERTEBRA T12 Vertebra The twelfth thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C33724 T2 VERTEBRA T2 Vertebra The second thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C33725 T3 VERTEBRA T3 Vertebra The third thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C33726 T4 VERTEBRA T4 Vertebra The fourth thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C33727 T5 VERTEBRA T5 Vertebra The fifth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down.(NCI)C33728 T6 VERTEBRA T6 Vertebra The sixth thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C33729 T7 VERTEBRA T7 Vertebra The seventh thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C33730 T8 VERTEBRA T8 Vertebra The eighth thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C33731 T9 VERTEBRA T9 Vertebra The ninth thoracic vertebra counting from the topdown. (NCI)C52799 TALUS Talus The bone of the foot that connects with the tibia andfibula to form the ankle joint. (NCI)T10 VertebraT11 VertebraT12 VertebraT2 VertebraT3 VertebraT4 VertebraT5 VertebraT6 VertebraT7 VertebraT8 VertebraT9 VertebraTalusC12796 TARSUS BONE Bone, Tarsal;Tarsus Bone;TarsusAny one of the seven bones forming the instep of thefoot. (NCI)Tarsal BoneC12797 TEMPORAL BONE Temporal Bone A large irregular bone situated at the base and side ofthe skull, connected with the mandible via thetemporomandibular joint. The temporal bone consistsof the squamous, tympanic and petrous parts. Thepetrous portion of the temporal bone contains thevestibulocochlear organ of the inner ear. (NCI)C12353 TEMPORAL LOBE Lower lateral part of the cerebral hemisphere.(MSH2001)Temporal BoneTemporal LobeC32888TEMPOROMANDIBULARJOINTJaw Joint; TMJThe joint between the head of the lower mandible andthe temporal bone. (NCI)Jaw JointC12412 TESTIS Testicle; Testis Either of the paired male reproductive glands thatproduce the male germ cells and the male hormones.(NCI)TestisSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 261 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12459 THALAMUS Thalamus An ovoid mass composed predominantly of graysubstance and associated laminae of white substance.The thalamus is divided into anterior, medial, andlateral parts. The function of the thalamus is to relaysensory impulses and cerebellar and basal gangliaprojections to the cerebral cortex. The thalamus ispositioned within the posterior part of thediencephalon forming most of each lateral wall of thethird ventricle. (NCI)C33763 THIGH Thigh A part of the lower limb, located between hip and knee.(NCI)ThalamusThighC102350THIRD DIAGONALBRANCH ARTERY3RD DIAG;THIRDDIAGONALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe third artery arising from the left anteriordescending (LAD) artery that supplies the anterolateralwall, when counted from proximal to distal.Third Diagonal Branch ArteryC102351THIRD OBTUSE MARGINALBRANCH ARTERY3RD OM;THIRD OBTUSEMARGINALBRANCHARTERYSEGMENTThe third artery arising from the left circumflex arterythat supplies the lateral wall, when counted fromproximal to distal.Third Obtuse Marginal Branch ArteryC102352THIRD POSTEROLATERALDESCENDING ARTERY3RD LPL;THIRDPOSTEROLATERALDESCENDINGARTERYSEGMENTIn an individual with a left-dominant heart, this is thethird branch that arises from the circumflex arteryatrioventricular groove continuation when countedfrom proximal to distal. It supplies the posterolateralwall.Third Posterolateral DescendingArteryC102353THIRD RIGHTPOSTEROLATERALARTERY3RD RPL;THIRD RIGHTPOSTEROLATERAL ARTERYSEGMENTIn an individual with a right-dominant heart, this is thethird branch that arises from the right coronary arterydistal to the right posterior descending artery, whencounted from proximal to distal.Third Right Posterolateral ArteryC12905 THORACIC CAVITY Thoracic Cavity The cavity in the vertebrate body enclosed by the ribsbetween the diaphragm and the neck and containing thelungs and heart. (NCI)Thoracic CavityC12798 THORACIC VERTEBRA ThoracicVertebraOne of 12 vertebrae in the human vertebral column.The thoracic vertebrae are situated between the seventhcervical vertebra down to the first lumbar vertebra.(NCI)Thoracic VertebraC12799 THORAX Thorax The division of the body lying between the neck andthe abdomen. (NCI)C54272 THROAT Throat The narrow passage from the mouth to the cavity at theback of the mouth. (NCI)ThoraxThroatSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 262 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12433 THYMUS GLAND Thymus Gland A bi-lobed organ surrounded by a connective tissuecapsule. It is located in the upper anterior portion ofthe chest, behind the sternum. It is composedpredominantly of lymphocytes and fewer epithelialcells. Connective tissue septa separate the lobes intolobules. The lobules contain an outer portion (corticalzone) which is rich in lymphocytes and an innerportion (medullary zone) which is rich in epithelialcells. It is an organ essential for the development ofthe immune system. Its function is the maturation ofthe progenitor lymphoid cells to thymocytes andsubsequently to mature T-cells. It reaches its greatestweight at puberty and subsequently begins to involute.(NCI)C12400 THYROID GLAND Thyroid Gland An endocrine gland located at the base of the neck thatproduces and secretes thyroxine and other hormones.Thyroxine is important for metabolic control. (NCI)C32887 THYROID GLAND ISTHMUS The narrow, central portion of the thyroid gland thatcrosses the trachea anteriorly and connects the twolobes of the gland. (NCI)Thymus GlandThyroid GlandThyroid Gland IsthmusC32973THYROID GLAND, LEFTLOBELeft ThyroidGland LobeThe cone-like lobe of the thyroid gland that is locatedin the left side of the trachea. (NCI)Left Thyroid Gland LobeC33491THYROID GLAND, RIGHTLOBERight ThyroidGland LobeThe cone-like lobe of the thyroid gland that is locatedin the right side of the trachea. (NCI)Right Thyroid Gland LobeC12800 TIBIA Tibia A bone located between the femur and the tarsus, beingpart of the lower leg. (NCI)TibiaC33788 TOE Toe One of the terminal digits of the foot. (NCI) ToeC33790 TOENAIL Toenail A thin, horny translucent plate covering the end of eachtoe. (NCI)C12422 TONGUE Tongue The muscular organ located in the floor of the mouthand serving as the principal organ of taste andmodification of the voice in speech. (NCI)C12802 TONSIL Tonsil The two organs situated in the throat on either side ofthe narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx.They are composed of lymphoid tissues. (NCI)C66864 TOOTH CANAL Tooth Canal The anatomic space in the root of a tooth that containsnerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. (NCI)ToenailTongueTonsilTooth CanalC12428 TRACHEA Trachea;WindpipeThe fibrocartilaginous, mucous-lined tube passingfrom the larynx to the bronchi. (NCI)TracheaC102354TRANSVERSE TARSALJOINTA combination of syndesmosis and synovial jointsformed by the articulation of the talus with thenavicular and the calcaneus with the cuboid.Transverse Tarsal JointC12857 TRAPEZIAL BONE Trapezial Bone A carpal bone on the thumb side of the hand thatarticulates with the 1st and 2nd metacarpals. (NCI)Trapezial BoneC33809 TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE TrapeziusMuscleOne of a pair of flat, large, triangular muscles thatextend from the external occipital protuberance andthe medial third of the superior nuchal line of theoccipital bone to the middle of the back. The trapeziusmuscle is involved in moving the shoulder and arm.(NCI)Trapezius MuscleSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 263 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12859 TRAPEZOID BONE Trapezoid Bone A carpal bone located between the trapezium andcapitate bones. (NCI)C12858 TRIANGULAR BONE Triangular Bone A carpal bone located between the lunate and pisiformbones. (NCI)Trapezoid BoneTriangular BoneC12806 TRIGEMINAL NERVE Fifth CranialNerve; NervusTrigeminus;Trigeminal NerveThe fifth set of paired nerves of the face that emergefrom the brain steam. These nerves have sensory andmotor functions in the face, oral cavity, and nasalcavity. (NCI)Trigeminal NerveC33814 TROCHANTER Trochanter A bony protrusion on the femoral bone to whichmuscles are attached. (NCI)C128<strong>08</strong> TROCHLEAR NERVE Trochlear Nerve The cranial nerve that controls the superior obliquemuscle of the eye. (NCI)TrochanterTrochlear NerveC33816 TRUNK Trunk The body excluding the head and neck and limbs. (NCI) TrunkC33820 TUNICA INTIMA Tunica Intima The inner most layer of the blood vessel wall. Theconsistency of the intima will vary depending on thetype of blood vessel, but will always have anendothelial layer with a basal lamina. It may containcollagen and elastic fibers. (NCI)Tunica IntimaC12502 TYMPANIC MEMBRANE TympanicMembraneA thin membrane that separates the external auditorycanal from the middle ear. The movement of thetympanic membrane in response to air pressurechanges in the external ear facilitates the transmissionof sound energy by causing vibration of the ossicularchain. (NCI)Tympanic MembraneC12809 ULNA Ulna Bone One of the bones that comprise the forearm. Thelargest aspect articulates with the humerus at the elbowjoint and the smallest portion of the ulna articulateswith the carpal bones in the wrist. (NCI)UlnaC62432UNCINATE PROCESS OFPANCREASUncinateProcess ofPancreasA portion of the pancreas that extends behind thesuperior mesenteric artery and superior mesentericvein. (NCI)Uncinate Process of PancreasC33839UPPER RESPIRATORYSYSTEMThe sinuses and those parts of the respiratory systemabove the trachea. It includes the nares, nasopharynx,oropharynx, larynx, vocal cords, glottis and uppertrachea.Upper Respiratory SystemC12416 URETER Ureter The thick-walled tube that carries urine from eachkidney to the bladder. (NCI)C12417 URETHRA Urethra The tube carrying urine from the bladder to outside ofthe body. (NCI)UreterUrethraC61125 URETHRA, ANTERIOR Anterior Portionof the UrethraC61123 URETHRA, PENILE Penile Portion ofthe UrethraC61126 URETHRA, POSTERIOR PosteriorPortion of theUrethraThe portion of the urethra that extends from themeatus to the membranous urethra. (NCI)The portion of the urethra that spans the corpusspongiosum. (NCI)The portion of the urethra that is located on theposterior aspect of the urogenital diaphragm. (NCI)Anterior Portion of the UrethraPenile Portion of the UrethraPosterior Portion of the UrethraC13101 URETHRA, PROSTATIC Prostatic Urethra That part of the male urethra that passes through theprostate gland. (NCI)Prostatic UrethraSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 264 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74456 - LOC - Anatomical LocationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12413 URINARY SYSTEM Urinary System The organs involved in the creation and excretion ofurine. (NCI)C12405 UTERUS Uterus; Womb A hollow, thick-walled, muscular organ located withinthe pelvic cavity of a woman. Within the uterus thefertilized egg implants and the fetus develops duringpregnancy. (NCI)C12811 UVEA Uvea The pigmented layer of the eyeball between the tough,white outer coat of the eye and the retina. (NCI)C12407 VAGINA Vagina The female genital canal, extending from the uterus tothe vulva. (NCI)C12812 VAGUS NERVE The 10th cranial nerve. The vagus is a mixed nervewhich contains somatic afferents (from skin in back ofthe ear and the external auditory meatus), visceralafferents (from the pharynx, larynx, thorax, andabdomen), parasympathetic efferents (to the thorax andabdomen), and efferents to striated muscle (of thelarynx and pharynx). (MSH2001)Urinary SystemUterusUveaVaginaVagus NerveC12813 VAS DEFERENS Duct carrying spermatozoa. (NCI) Vas DeferensC12814 VEIN Vein A blood vessel that carries blood towards the heart. VeinC12817 VENA CAVA Vena Cava A large vein which returns blood from the head, neckand extremities to the heart. (NCI)Vena CavaC12998 VERTEBRAL COLUMN VertebralColumnA series of bones, muscles, tendons, and other tissuesreaching from the base of the skull to the tailbone. Thevertebral column forms the axis of the skeleton andencloses as well as protects the spinal cord and thefluid surrounding the spinal cord. (NCI)Vertebral ColumnC12996VESTIBULOCOCHLEARNERVEThe eighth cranial nerve.Vestibulocochlear NerveC12822 VOCAL CORD Vocal Cord A pair of small bands of muscle that stretch from thethyroid cartilage in front to the arytenoid cartilage inback of the larynx. The vocal cords help prevent foodentering the lungs and produce sound throughvibration. (NCI)C33888 VOMER Vomer A thin, paired or unpaired, trapezoidal bone of the skulllocated in the floor of the nasal cavity. The vomerforms the posterior and inferior parts of the nasalseptum. (NCI)Vocal CordVomerC124<strong>08</strong> VULVA ExternalGenitalia; VulvaThe external, visible part of the female genitaliasurrounding the urethral and vaginal opening. The vulvaincludes the clitoris and inner as well as outer labia.(NCI)VulvaC64192 WAIST Waist The abdominal circumference at the navel. (NCI) WaistC33894 WRIST JOINT Wrist Joint A joint between the distal end of the radius and theproximal row of carpal bones. (NCI)Wrist JointC33895 XIPHOID PROCESS Xiphoid Process The cartilage just below the sternal body. (NCI) Xiphoid ProcessSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 265 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101857 - LSNCMPX - Lesion ComplexityCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100037ACC/AHA LESIONCOMPLEXITY SCORE ALow RiskDiscrete (less than 10 mm length) and concentric andreadily accessible and non-angulated segment less than45 degrees and smooth contour and little or nocalcification and less than totally occlusive and notostial in location and no major branch involvement andabsence of thrombus.American College of CardiologyAmerican Heart Association LesionComplexity Score AC100038ACC/AHA LESIONCOMPLEXITY SCORE BMedium RiskTubular (10-20 mm length) or eccentric or moderatetortuosity of proximal segment or moderatelyangulated segment, 45-90 degrees or irregular contouror moderate to heavy calcification or ostial in locationor bifurcation lesions requiring double guidewires orsome thrombus present or total occlusion less than3months old.American College of CardiologyAmerican Heart Association LesionComplexity Score BC100039ACC/AHA LESIONCOMPLEXITY SCORE CHigh RiskDiffuse (length greater than 2cm) or excessivetortuosity of proximal segment or extremely angulatedsegments greater than 90 degrees or total occlusionsgreater than 3 months old and/or bridging collateralsor inability to protect major side branches ordegenerated vein grafts with friable lesions.American College of CardiologyAmerican Heart Association LesionComplexity Score CSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 266 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101858 - LVEFMRE - Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Measurement ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99512 HYPERDYNAMIC A pathologically high percentage of blood that isforced from the heart ventricle to produce cardiacoutput. This is often the result of ventricular dilationdue to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Quantitatively,the ejection fraction is considered higher than 70%.C99507 MILD DYSFUNCTION Slightly less than normal amount of blood that isforced from the heart ventricle to produce cardiacoutput. Quantitatively, the ejection fraction isconsidered between 40% to 49%.C995<strong>08</strong> MODERATE DYSFUNCTION Moderately less than normal amount of blood that isforced from the heart ventricle to produce cardiacoutput. Quantitatively, the ejection fraction isconsidered between 30% to 39%.Hyperdynamic Ventricular EjectionFractionMildly Abnormal Ejection FractionModerately Abnormal EjectionFractionC99513NORMAL EJECTIONFRACTIONThe usual amount of blood that is forced from theheart ventricle to produce cardiac output.Quantitatively, the ejection fraction is consideredbetween 50% to 70%.Normal Ventricular EjectionFractionC99509 SEVERE DYSFUNCTION Severely less than normal amount of blood that isforced from the heart ventricle to produce cardiacoutput. Quantitatively, the ejection fraction isconsidered less than 30%.Severely Abnormal VentricularEjection FractionSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 267 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C76348 - MARISTAT - Marital StatusCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC76240 ANNULLED Marriage contract has been declared null and to nothave existed. (HL7)C51776 DIVORCED Marriage contract has been declared dissolved andinactive. (HL7)AnnulledDivorcedC53262 DOMESTIC PARTNER DomesticPartnerPerson declares that a domestic partnershiprelationship exists. (HL7)Domestic PartnershipC76241 INTERLOCUTORY Temporary order issued during the course of litigation.(HL7)C51777 LEGALLY SEPARATED A person living apart from his/her spouse by legalarrangement. (HL7)Interlocutory Marital StatusSeparatedC51773 MARRIED A current marriage contract is active. (HL7) MarriedC51774 NEVER MARRIED No marriage contract has ever been entered. (HL7) Never MarriedC76242 POLYGAMOUS More than 1 current spouse. (HL7) PolygamousC51775 WIDOWED The spouse has died. (HL7) WidowedSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 268 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102581 - MCIDCERT - Microbial Identification CertaintyCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62607 DEFINITIVE Supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement orresult.C102697 PRESUMPTIVE Supplying or being a probable or reasonable settlementor result.DefinitivePresumptiveSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 269 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101859 - MCRCSPTM - Mechanical Circulatory Support Placement TimingCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99981IN PLACE AT START OFPROCEDUREIn Place at Startof ProcedureMechanical Circulatory Support was in place at thestart of the procedure.Mechanical Circulatory Support inPlace at Start of ProcedureC99962INSERTED DURING ANON-PERCUTANEOUSCORONARYINTERVENTIONPROCEDUREInserted during aNon PCIProcedureMechanical Circulatory Support was inserted during anon-Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)procedure.Inserted During a Non-PercutaneousCoronary InterventionC99964INSERTED DURINGPROCEDURE AND AFTERPERCUTANEOUSCORONARYINTERVENTION STARTEDInserted duringProcedure andafter PCI StartedMechanical Circulatory Support was inserted duringthe procedure after Percutaneous CoronaryIntervention (PCI) started.Inserted During Procedure and AfterPercutaneous Coronary InterventionBeganC99963INSERTED DURINGPROCEDURE BUT PRIORTO PERCUTANEOUSCORONARYINTERVENTIONInserted duringProcedure butPrior to PCIMechanical Circulatory Support was inserted duringthe procedure prior to percutaneous coronaryintervention (PCI).Inserted During a Procedure butPrior to Percutaneous CoronaryInterventionSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 270 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C96777 - MEDEVAL - Medical EvaluatorCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96561 ADJUDICATOR An individual that presides over and arbitrates betweenindividuals or organizations.C17721 NEUROLOGIST A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treatingdiseases and disorders of the nervous system.C96692 NEUROLOGIST 1 A neurologist performing the assessment that is giventhe designation of one.C96606 NEUROLOGIST 2 A neurologist performing the assessment that is giventhe designation of two.C17821 ONCOLOGIST A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treatingcancer. (NCI)C96611 ONCOLOGIST 1 An oncologist performing the assessment that is giventhe designation of one.C96612 ONCOLOGIST 2 An oncologist performing the assessment that is giventhe designation of two.C17824 RADIOLOGIST A physician who specializes in the diagnostic and/ortherapeutic uses of radiation. (NCI)C94530 RADIOLOGIST 1 A radiologist performing the assessment that is giventhe designation of one.C94531 RADIOLOGIST 2 A radiologist performing the assessment that is giventhe designation of two.C28747 READER An individual who takes non-quantifiable data andprovides quantifiable assessments for that data.C94532 READER 1 A reader performing the assessment that is given thedesignation of one.C94533 READER 2 A reader performing the assessment that is given thedesignation of two.AdjudicatorNeurologistNeurologist 1Neurologist 2OncologistOncologist 1Oncologist 2RadiologistRadiologist 1Radiologist 2ReaderReader 1Reader 2Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 271 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC23015 ACID FAST STAIN A microscopy staining method used to examine aspecimen for the presence of acid-fastmicroorganisms, specifically mycobacteria.C85554 ACRIDINE ORANGE STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes acridineorange, a fluorescent cationic dye that is selective fornucleic acids, to determine the presence of viable cellsor microorganisms in a sample. Acridine orangeinteracts with RNA and DNA and the lysosomalcompartment of cells.C85555 AGAR DILUTION A method to determine microbial susceptibility toantibiotics in which test bacteria is inoculated ontoagar plates with serial dilutions of know quantities ofantibiotics. The minimum inhibitory concentration ofantibiotic is assessed.Acid Fast Bacillae Staining MethodAcridine Orange Staining MethodAgar Dilution MethodC92304ALCIAN BLUE ANDPERIODIC ACID SCHIFFSTAINA microscopy staining method that utilizes periodicacid, an oxoacid of iodine, Schiff reagent, the reactionproduct of fuchsine and sodium bisulfite, and Alcianblue, a water soluble copper phthalocyanine dye. Thisstaining method is used to differentially stainglycoproteins.Alcian Blue and Periodic Acid SchiffStaining MethodC92299 ALCIAN BLUE STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes alcian blue,a cationic, water soluble copper-containingphthalocyanine dye to determine the presence of acidmucopolysaccharides and glycosaminoglycans.C16805 ANGIOGRAM An X-ray representation of blood vessels made afterthe injection of a radiopaque substance.C85557 ANTIBIOTIC AGAR SCREEN A method used to detect organisms that haveresistance to a single concentration of antibiotics in anagar matrix.Alcian Blue Staining MethodLymphangiogramAntibiotic Agar Screening MethodC85558ANTIMICROBIALCOMBINATION TESTINGA method to determine the microbial susceptibility totwo or more antibiotics. Numerical result translatedinto indifference, antagonism, synergism, or additive.Antimicrobial Combination TestingMethodC85574ATOMIC ABSORPTIONSPECTROMETRYA spectrometric method that determines the type andconcentration of metal elements in a sample, basedupon the principle that each elemental metal absorbs aparticular wavelength of ultraviolet light when exposedto heat.Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyC38036 AUDIOMETRY Testing conducted utilizing a manual ormicroprocessor audiometer to test for hearing loss.C102599 AURAMINE STAIN Auramine O A microscopy acid fast staining method that utilizesauramine O, a bright yellow ketonimine dye, whichbinds to the mycolic acid in the cell walls of acid fastmicroorganisms.C85573 AUSCULTATION Listening with a device, such as a stethoscope, toanatomical locations that produce audible sounds likethe heart, lungs and abdomen.C85576 BETA LACTAMASE A test that detects beta lactamase produced byStaphylococcus species, Haemophilus species,Moraxella catarrhalis, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.Audiometric TestAuramine Staining MethodAuscultationBeta Lactamase Screening MethodSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 272 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85577CALCOFLUOR WHITESTAINA microscopy staining method that utilizes calcofluor,a fluorescent dye that preferentially stains chitin andcellulose on the cell walls of fungi, parasites, andsome cysts of the Pneumocystis genus.Calcofluor White Staining MethodC85578 CELLULOSE TAPE A microbiological technique for specimen collectionand mounting for microscopic examination thatutilizes a cellulose-based adhesive ribbon.C16431 CHROMATOGRAPHY A technique for the separation of complex mixturesthat relies on the differential affinities of substancesfor a gas or liquid mobile medium and for a stationaryadsorbing medium through which they pass.Cellulose Tape MethodChromatographyC40960 CISH Chromogenic inSituHybridizationC17204 CT SCAN ComputedTomography; CTA laboratory procedure that combines thesequence-specific detection aspects of FISH with thesimple detection methods of immunohistochemistry.Briefly, sequence-specific probes are hybridized tocells fixed on slides and the sequestered probe isvisualized by a peroxidase reaction. It has the advantageof being a less costly assay that does not requirefluorescence microscopy with results that are stableover time.A series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body;the pictures are created by a computer linked to anx-ray machine.Chromogenic in situ HybridizationComputed TomographyC85837 DARK FIELD MICROSCOPY A microscopic technique in which the light that doesnot come into contact with the structure or details ofinterest is subtracted from the ocular image. Thisyields an image in which the structure or details arealight while the areas where the structures or detailsare absent are dark.C85595 DISK DIFFUSION A method to determine microbial susceptibility toantibiotics in which filter paper disks containingknown concentrations of antibiotics are placed on theagar surface that has been previously inoculated withthe bacteria of interest. Microbial susceptibility isassessed by measuring the area around the disk that isfree of microbial growth.C48789 DXA SCAN A technique for scanning bone and measuring bonemineral density (BMD).Dark Field MicroscopyDisk Diffusion MethodDual X-ray AbsorptiometryC17455 EIA EnzymeImmunoassayAny of several immunoassay methods that use anenzyme covalently linked to an antigen or antibody as alabel; the most common types are enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA) and enzyme-multipliedimmunoassay technique (EMIT).Enzyme ImmunoassayC16536 ELECTROPHORESIS The motion of charged particles in a colloid under theinfluence of an electric field; particles with a positivecharge go to the cathode and negative to the anode.ElectrophoresisC16553 ELISA Enzyme-linkedImmunosorbentAssayAn immunoassay for detecting and measuring antigensor antibodies in a solution; the solution is run over asurface to which immobilized antibodies specific tothe substance have been attached, and if the substanceis present, it will bind to the antibody layer, and itspresence is verified and visualized with an applicationof antibodies that have been tagged in some way.ELISASource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 273 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102632 ELISPOT Enzyme-linkedImmunosorbentSpot AssayA highly sensitive immunoassay capable of detectingsecreted materials from individuals cells uponactivation. If the material of interest is secreted inresponse to a particular stimulus, then the material willbind to a specific immobilized antibody. Binding isthen verified and visualized by applying otherantibodies that have been tagged in some way.Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent SpotAssayC16546 ENDOSCOPY An examination of the body using an endoscope. Endoscopic ProcedureC85596 EPSILOMETER A method to determine microbial susceptibility toantibiotics in which a plastic strip impregnated with theantibiotic of interest is placed on an agar plate that hasbeen inoculated with bacteria. The antibiotic diffusesfrom the strip producing a concentration gradient ofdrug on the agar. The point at which the ellipticalshaped area of growth inhibition meets the strip is theminimum inhibitory concentration of the drug ofinterest.EpsilometryC17563 FISH Fluorescence inSituHybridizationA physical mapping approach that uses fluorescent tagsto detect hybridization of probes within metaphasechromosomes or less condensed somatic interphasechromatin. This technique can be used foridentification of chromosomal abnormalities and forgene mapping.Fluorescence in situ HybridizationC17370FLUORESCENTIMMUNOASSAYA bioassay in which fluorescent-coupled antibodies orantigens are used to quantify or qualify a biologicalresponse to a stimulus.Fluorescent Antibody ProcedureC16856FLUORESCENTMICROSCOPYMicroscopy of specimens stained with fluorescent dye(usually fluorescein isothiocyanate) or of naturallyfluorescent materials, which emit light when exposedto ultraviolet or blue light.Fluorescence MicroscopyC18091 GEL ELECTROPHORESIS A method of separating large molecules (such as DNAfragments or proteins) from a mixture of similarmolecules by electrophoretic filtration through agelatinous matrix. Subject to an electric field, eachmolecule in the sample mixture migrates through thematrix at a different rate, depending mainly onelectrical charge and size, resulting in spatialseparation within the matrix of each molecular speciesin the sample mixture. Agarose and acrylamide in acylindrical tube or slab gel are commonly used mediafor electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids.C85598 GIEMSA STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes Giemsa, amixture of ethylene blue and eosin, which formspurplish-black crystals when dried. This stainpreferentially binds to the phosphate groups of DNAand aggregates at areas with an increase inadenine-thymine binding, thus leading to chromosomalstaining patterns that lend themselves to g-bandinganalysis. Additionally Giemsa can be used as adifferential stain to determine microbial celladherence to human cells as well as in the diagnosis ofmalaria, spirochete, and protozoal infections.Gel ElectrophoresisGiemsa Staining MethodSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 274 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85599 GRADIENT DIFFUSION A method to determine microbial susceptibility toantibiotics in which an agar plate, which has aconcentration gradient of the drug within the agar, isstreaked with the microorganism of interest. Microbialsusceptibility as well as minimum inhibitoryconcentration of antibiotic is assessed.C23014 GRAM STAIN A microscopy staining method for staining andidentifying bacteria, based on the differential retentionof a crystal violet-iodine complex within the cellmembrane. Gram-positive organisms will appearblue-black or purple while Gram-negative organismswill appear red.Gradient Diffusion MethodGram Staining MethodC23011HEMATOXYLIN ANDEOSIN STAINH&E StainA microscopy staining method that utilizes twoseparate dyes, one staining the nucleus and the otherstaining the cytoplasm and connective tissue.Hematoxylin is a dark purplish dye that stains thechromatin (nuclear material) within the nucleus. Eosinis an orangish-pink to red dye that stains thecytoplasmic material including connective tissue andcollagen.Hematoxylin and Eosin StainingMethodC85556HIGH LEVELAMINOGLYCOSIDESCREENA method to determine microbial susceptibility to highconcentrations of aminoglycoside antibiotics.Aminoglycoside Screening MethodC16434 HPLC HighPerformanceLiquidChromatographyC18475 HPLC/MS HighPerformanceLiquidChromatography/MassSpectrometryC23020 IHC ImmunohistochemistryFrequently referred to simply as HPLC, this form ofcolumn chromatography is used frequently inbiochemistry. The analyte is forced through a columnby liquid at high pressure, which decreases the time theseparated components remain on the stationary phase.Less time on the column then translates to narrowerpeaks in the resulting chromatogram and thence tobetter selectivity and sensitivity.An analytical technique wherein high performanceliquid chromatography is coupled to massspectrometry in order to separate, identify, andquantify substances in a sample.Immunohistochemical staining techniques allow forthe visualization of antigens via the sequentialapplication of a specific antibody to the antigen(primary antibody), a secondary antibody to theprimary antibody and an enzyme complex with achromogenic substrate. The enzymatic activation ofthe chromogen results in a visible reaction product atthe antigen site. The specimen may then becounterstained and coverslipped. Results areinterpreted using a light microscope and aid in thedifferential diagnosis of pathophysiological processes,which may or may not be associated with a particularantigen.High Performance LiquidChromatographyLiquid Chromatography MassSpectrometryImmunohistochemistry StainingMethodSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 275 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85642 INDIA INK STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes India Ink, awater soluble carbon-based black ink, to determine thepresence of microorganisms that are surrounded by agelatinous capsule. This is a negative staining methodin which background is stained in black and themicrobes and microscopic structures of interestremain white.India Ink Staining MethodC85643INFRAREDSPECTROMETRYA spectrometric method that determines the type andconcentration of elements or chemicals in a sample,based upon the principle that the atoms in a sample willvibrate or rotate at a specific frequency when exposedto infrared light.Infrared SpectrometryC85649 IODINE STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes Iodine, anelement belonging to the halogen group, whichspecifically stains polysaccharides such as cellulose,chitin, glycogen, and starch a blue color.Iodine Staining MethodC85650IRON HEMATOXYLINSTAINA microscopy staining method that utilizes a mixtureof iron and hematoxylin to visualize intracellularstructures in a microscopic sample. In this dye system,iron acts as a mordant to hematoxylin rendering itinsoluble, thereby allowing irreversible blue-blackcolored dyeing to the cell nucleus.Iron Hematoxylin Staining MethodC85651 KINYOUN STAIN A microscopy acid fast staining method that utilizeskinyoun carbol fuchsin, a dye containing basic fuchsinin solution with ethyl alcohol and aqueous phenol. Thisacid fast staining technique does not require heatingduring the primary staining step involving the carbolfuchsin.C92301 LEAD CITRATE STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes leadcitrate, a mixture of lead nitrate and sodium citrate,and has applications for electron microscopy staining.C17995 LIGHT MICROSCOPY Light microscopy is a technique for producing visibleimages of structures or details which are too small tobe otherwise seen by the human eye. It involvespassing light transmitted through or reflected from thesubject through a series of lenses to be detecteddirectly by the eye, imaged on a photographic plate, orcaptured digitally.C102656 LINE PROBE ASSAY LiPA; LPA A microbial identification technique in whichpolymerase chain reaction is used to amplify specificnucleic acid sequences in a biospecimen. The productof this reaction is then applied to a nitrocellulose teststrip containing complementary DNA probes.Kinyoun Staining MethodLead Citrate Staining MethodLight MicroscopyLine Probe AssayC102661LOOP-MEDIATEDISOTHERMALAMPLIFICATIONLAMPA type of nucleic acid amplification test in whichsample DNA is exposed to a single temperature in thepresence of multiple sets of primers and a polymerasewith replication and high strand displacement activity.This test negates the need for thermal cyclers and maybe a low cost alternative to PCR.Loop-mediated IsothermalAmplificationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 276 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92300LUXOL FAST BLUE ANDCRESYL VIOLET STAINA microscopy staining method that utilizes luxol fastblue, an alcohol soluble copper phthalocyanine dye,and cresyl violet, an organic compound that iscommonly used as a counter stain, to determine thepresence of myelin as well as helicobacter andcampylobacter bacterial species.Luxol Fast Blue and Cresyl VioletStaining MethodC85697 MACRO BROTH DILUTION A method to determine the minimum inhibitoryconcentration (MIC) of antibiotics in which growthmedia is pipetted into a test tube. Each tube contains aknown concentration of drug and is inoculated with aknown quantity of bacteria. The tubes are incubated fora specified period of time and each is assessed forbacterial cell growth. The drug concentration in thefirst tube showing no growth is known as the MIC forthat antibiotic.Macro Broth Dilution MethodC48040 MALDI Matrix-AssistedLaser DesorptionIonization MassSpectrometryC19935 MALDI-TOF Matrix-AssistedLaserDesorption/Ionization-Timeof Flight MassSpectrometryA mass spectrometric technique that is used for theanalysis of large biomolecules. Analyte molecules areembedded in an excess matrix of small organicmolecules that show a high resonant absorption at thelaser wavelength used. The matrix absorbs the laserenergy, thus inducing a soft disintegration of thesample- matrix mixture into free (gas phase) matrixand analyte molecules and molecular ions. In general,only molecular ions of the analyte molecules areproduced and almost no fragmentation occurs. Thismakes the method well suited for molecular weightdeterminations and mixture analysis. (CHI)In MALDI-TOF, a laser pulse is fired into a protein orpeptide sample contained in a light-absorbing matrix. Asmall explosion vaporizes and ionizes the sample. Inthe presence of a high electric field, peptide ions areaccelerated down an evacuated flight tube. Becauselarge particles travel more slowly than small ones, themasses of the ionized particles are determined bymeasuring their arrival time at the end of the tube.Matrix-Assisted Laser DesorptionIonization Mass SpectrometryMALDI-TOF Mass SpectrometryC16818 MAMMOGRAPHY A type of radiography used specifically to examinebreast tissue. The procedure utilizes a low-dose ofx-rays or radiation to generate an image.C17156 MASS SPECTROMETRY An analytical technique wherein ions are separateaccording to their ratio of charge to mass. From themass spectrum produced, the atomic weight of theparticle can be deduced.C85701 MICRO BROTH DILUTION A method to determine the minimum inhibitoryconcentration (MIC) of antibiotics in which growthmedia is pipetted into a multi-well plate. Each wellcontains a known concentration of drug which isinoculated with a known quantity of bacteria. The plateis incubated for a specified period of time and eachwell is assessed for bacterial cell growth. The drugconcentration in the first well showing no growth isknown as the MIC for that antibiotic.MammographyMass SpectrometryMicro Broth Dilution MethodSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 277 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC44282 MICROARRAY A piece of glass or plastic on which different sampleshave been affixed at separate locations in an orderedmanner thus forming a microscopic array. The samplesare usually DNA fragments but may also be antibodies,other proteins, or tissues.MicroarrayC51955MICROBIAL BIOCHEMICALIDENTIFICATIONAny of a number of biochemical tests performed toidentify the genus and/or species of a microorganism.These may include the assessment of gram reaction ormetabolic characteristics.Bacterial Typing TechniqueC85702MICROBIALCONCENTRATIONAny technique in which a sample is condensed in orderto afford greater sensitivity for the detection ofmicroorganisms.Microbial Concentration MethodC25300 MICROBIAL CULTURE CultureProcedureAny method for growing microorganisms.Culture ProcedureC102668MICROBIAL CULTURE,LIQUIDA method for growing microorganisms in liquidculture media.Microbial Liquid CultureC102669MICROBIAL CULTURE,SOLIDA method for growing microorganisms in solid culturemedia.Microbial Solid CultureC85736MODIFIED ACID FASTSTAINA microscopy staining method, that does not utilizeheat in the slide preparation, used to examine aspecimen for the presence of acid-fastmicroorganisms, specifically nocardia.Modified Acid Fast Staining MethodC16809 MRI MagneticResonanceImagingImaging that uses radiofrequency waves and a strongmagnetic field rather than x-rays to provide amazinglyclear and detailed pictures of internal organs andtissues. The technique is valuable for the diagnosis ofmany pathologic conditions, including cancer, heartand vascular disease, stroke, and joint andmusculoskeletal disorders.Magnetic Resonance ImagingC20055NUCLEIC ACIDAMPLIFICATION TESTNAATAny of a number of molecular biological techniquesthat are used to copy nucleic acid sequences within aspecimen, leading to an increase in the number ofcopies of that sequence of interest. These techniquesmay be used for detection of a particular gene ormicroorganism of interest.Nucleic Acid Amplification TestsC16924NUCLEIC ACIDHYBRIDIZATIONA method in which single stranded nucleic acids areallowed to interact so that complexes, or hybrids, areformed by molecules with sufficiently similar,complementary sequences. By this means the degreeof sequence identity can be assessed and specificsequences detected. (From Biology-online)Nucleic Acid HybridizationC18881NUCLEIC ACIDSEQUENCINGThe process of determining the sequence of purinesand pyrimidines in nucleic acids and polynucleotides.Nucleic Acid SequencingC25598 OBSERVATION Watching something and taking note of what happens. ObservationC85776OPTICAL DENSITYMEASUREMENTA quantification of the amount of light that is absorbedby or transmitted through a substance.Optical Density MeasurementC16950 PALPATION A method of feeling with the hands during a physicalexamination. The health care provider touches andfeels the patient's body to examine the size,consistency, texture, location and tenderness of anorgan or body part.PalpationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 278 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC94528 PANENDOSCOPY An endoscopic examination of the pharynx, larynx,trachea and esophagus.C62298 PERCUSSION A diagnostic test performed on a tooth by tapping onthe crown with a dental instrument.PanendoscopyDental PercussionC23019PERIODIC ACID SCHIFFSTAINA microscopy staining method that utilizes Schiff'sreagent, a solution composed of pararosanilin treatedwith sulfurous acid, which selectively reacts with andstains aldehydes pink to determine the presence ofglycogen, mucin, mucoprotein, glycoprotein, as wellas fungi. Periodic Acid Schiff staining is useful foroutlining tissue structures such as basementmembranes, capsules and blood vessels.Periodic Acid Schiff StainingMethodC17007 PET/CT SCAN An imaging technique that utilizes positron emissiontomography and computed tomography in a singlemachine.Positron Emission TomographyC16857PHASE CONTRASTMICROSCOPYA microscopic technique in which the amplitude shiftthat occurs when light passes through a specimenhighlights structures or details within the specimen.Phase-Contrast MicroscopyC94527 PHOTOGRAPHY The process by which an image is acquired byrecording light emissions.PhotographyC17003POLYMERASE CHAINREACTIONPCRA method for amplifying a DNA base sequence usingmultiple rounds of heat denaturation of the DNA andannealing of oligonucleotide primers complementaryto flanking regions in the presence of a heat-stablepolymerase. This results in duplication of the targetedDNA region. Newly synthesized DNA strands cansubsequently serve as additional templates for thesame primer sequences, so that successive rounds ofprimer annealing, strand elongation, and dissociationproduce rapid and highly specific amplification of thedesired sequence. PCR also can be used to detect theexistence of the defined sequence in a DNA sample.Polymerase Chain ReactionC51962REAL-TIME POLYMERASECHAIN REACTION ASSAYqPCR; RealTime-PCRA modified polymerase chain reaction (PCR)technique in which DNA amplification is detected andquantified as the PCR reaction progresses, through theuse of fluorescent DNA probes in the reactionmixture.Real Time PCRC17057 RIA RadioimmunoassayRadioimmunoassay (RIA) is an immunologicaltechnique, which quantitatively determines antigen andantibody concentrations, using a radioactively labeledsubstance (radioligand), either directly or indirectly.RadioimmunoassayC85801 RYAN BLUE STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes a modifiedtrichrome stain to determine the presence ofmicrospordial, sporulating species. This stainingtechnique substitutes aniline blue for the fast greencounterstain of the original trichrome staining methodand decreased levels of phosphotungstic acid in thereagent.Ryan Blue Staining MethodC16855SCANNING ELECTRONMICROSCOPYAn electron microscopy imaging technique that isutilized to examine structural components of a sampleby passing electrons through a specimen that has beencoated with a heavy metal.Scanning Electron MicroscopySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 279 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62667 SCINTIGRAPHY An imaging technique that uses a small dose of aradioactive chemical (isotope) called a tracer that candetect sites of cancer growth, trauma, infection ordegenerative disorders. The tracer, which is eitherinjected into a vein or swallowed, travels through thebloodstream to the target organ, and emits gamma rays,which are detected by a gamma camera and analyzed bya computer to form an image of the target organ. (NCI)C75583 SLIT LAMP Examination of the anterior segment of the eye using amedical instrument called a slit lamp.C65126 SMEAR The action of spreading a thin layer of material acrossa surface.Radionuclide ImagingSlit-lamp ExaminationSmearC20645 SPIRAL CT Spiral ComputedTomographyA method of examining body organs by scanning themwith X rays and using a computer to construct a seriesof cross-sectional scans along a single axis.Spiral CTC50322 TEST STRIP A piece of chemically treated medium designed toreact in the presence of specific amounts of a triggersubstance.C85819 THICK SMEAR A blood smear technique used to make a thick bloodsmear on a microscope slide which is generally usedto look for blood parasites such as those causingmalaria.C85820 THIN SMEAR A blood smear technique used to make a thin bloodsmear on a microscope slide which is generally usedto look for blood parasites such as those causingmalaria.C92302 TOLUIDINE BLUE STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes toluidineblue, a solution composed of tolonium chloride, todetermine the presence of mast cells, lignin,proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans.C15350 TOTAL BODY IRRADIATION A therapeutic procedure that involves the irradiation ofthe whole body with ionizing or non-ionizing radiation.(NCI)Test Strip Device ComponentThick Smear TechniqueThin Smear TechniqueToluidine Blue Staining MethodTotal-Body IrradiationC96640TOTAL BODYRADIOGRAPHYA diagnostic radiologic test that involves theexamination of the entire body in a single procedure.Total Body RadiographyC18216TRANSMISSION ELECTRONMICROSCOPYAn electron microscopy imaging technique that isutilized to examine structural components of a sampleby passing electrons through the specimen.Transmission Electron MicroscopyC23012 TRICHROME STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes two ormore colored, acidic dyes of contrasting colors.Masson trichrome is a mixture of three dyes includinganiline blue, Beibrich scarlet and Weigert's ironhematoxylin. Other related, modified trichromestaining methods include Lillie's trichrome, Gomori'strichrome and Mallory's trichrome.C17230 ULTRASOUND A technique in which high-frequency sound waves arebounced off internal organs and the echo pattern isconverted into a 2 dimensional picture of thestructures beneath the transducer.Trichrome Staining MethodUltrasound ImagingSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 280 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85492 - METHOD - MethodCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92303 URANYL ACETATE STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes uranylacetate, a water insoluble yellow crystalline solid,which is used as a negative stain in electronmicroscopy.C85828 WEBER GREEN STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes a modifiedtrichrome stain to determine the presence ofmicrospordial, sporulating species. The stainingmethod utilizes chromotrope 2R, a red acidic dye, thecounterstain fast green, and phosphotungstic acid.C16357 WESTERN BLOT A method for the detection or identification ofproteins or peptides that have been separated by gelelectrophoresis and transferred onto nitrocellulose orother type of paper or nylon membrane. The proteinsare then detected by reaction with enzymaticallylabeled or radiolabeled antibody probes.C85829 WRIGHT STAIN A microscopy staining method that utilizes theRomanowsky stains, eosin and methylene blue,solubilized in methanol. In this staining protocol,methanol is also utilized as a fixative agent prior tostaining.C23041 WRIGHT-GIEMSA STAIN A microscopy staining method that is a combination ofthe Wright and Giemsa staining protocols and utilizesthe Romanowsky stains, which are mixtures of eosinand thiazine dyes such as methylene blue. It producesdarker blue and magenta shades than the giemsa stainalone, which may provide better contrast inmicroscopy.Uranyl Acetate Staining MethodWeber Green Staining MethodWestern BlottingWright Staining MethodWright-Giemsa Staining MethodC85830X-RAY FLUORESCENCESPECTROMETRYA spectrometric method that determines the type andconcentration of elements or chemicals in a sample,based upon the principle that each element emitsfluorescent light of a particular wavelength whenexposed to an X-ray.X-Ray Fluorescence SpectrometryC38101 XRAY Radiography A radiographic procedure using the emission of x-raysto form an image of the structure penetrated by theradiation.RadiographyC85831ZIEHL NEELSEN ACID FASTSTAINA microscopy acid fast staining method that utilizesZiehl-Neelsen carbol fuchsin, acid alcohol andmethylene blue, to determine the presence of acid fastmicroorganisms. This acid fast staining techniquerequires heating during the primary staining stepinvolving the carbol fuchsin.Ziehl Neelsen Acid Fast StainingMethodSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 281 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86077 ABIOTROPHIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Abiotrophia genus level.C86078 ABIOTROPHIA DEFECTIVA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Abiotrophia defectiva.C86079 ACHROMOBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Achromobacter genus level.AbiotrophiaAbiotrophia defectivaAchromobacterC86<strong>08</strong>0ACHROMOBACTERDENITRIFICANSALCALIGENESDENITRIFICANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Achromobacter denitrificans.Achromobacter denitrificansC86<strong>08</strong>1ACHROMOBACTERPIECHAUDIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Achromobacter piechaudii.Achromobacter piechaudiiC86<strong>08</strong>2ACHROMOBACTERXYLOSOXIDANSALCALIGENESXYLOSOXIDANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Achromobacter xylosoxidans.Achromobacter xylosoxidansC86<strong>08</strong>3 ACIDAMINOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Acidaminococcus genuslevel.AcidaminococcusC86<strong>08</strong>4ACIDAMINOCOCCUSFERMENTANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acidaminococcus fermentans.Acidaminococcus fermentansC86<strong>08</strong>5 ACIDOVORAX Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Acidovorax genus level.AcidovoraxC86<strong>08</strong>6ACIDOVORAXDELAFIELDIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acidovorax delafieldii.Acidovorax delafieldiiC86<strong>08</strong>7 ACIDOVORAX FACILIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acidovorax facilis.C86<strong>08</strong>8 ACIDOVORAX TEMPERANS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acidovorax temperans.C76200 ACINETOBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Acinetobacter genus level.Acidovorax facilisAcidovorax temperansAcinetobacterC86<strong>08</strong>9ACINETOBACTERANITRATUSACINETOBACTERBAUMANNII;ACINETOBACTERCALCOACETICUS SUBSP.ANITRATUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acinetobacter anitratus.Acinetobacter anitratusC86090ACINETOBACTERCALCOACETICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acinetobacter calcoaceticus.Acinetobacter calcoaceticusC86091ACINETOBACTERCALCOACETICUS-BAUMANNII COMPLEXA non-taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to theAcinetobacter genus that include the A. calcoaceticusand A. baumannii species.Acinetobactercalcoaceticus/baumannii ComplexC86092ACINETOBACTERHAEMOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acinetobacter haemolyticus.Acinetobacter haemolyticusC86093ACINETOBACTERJOHNSONIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acinetobacter johnsonii.Acinetobacter johnsoniiSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 282 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86094 ACINETOBACTER JUNII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acinetobacter junii.Acinetobacter juniiC86095 ACINETOBACTER LWOFFII ACINETOBACTERCALCOACETICUS SUBSP.LWOFFIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acinetobacter lwoffii.Acinetobacter lwoffiiC86096ACINETOBACTERRADIORESISTENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Acinetobacter radioresistens.Acinetobacter radioresistensC86097 ACTINOBACILLUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Actinobacillus genus level.ActinobacillusC86098ACTINOBACILLUSACTINOMYCETEMCOMITANSCDC GROUPHB-3Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans.ActinobacillusactinomycetemcomitansC86099 ACTINOBACILLUS EQUULI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinobacillus equuli.Actinobacillus equuliC86100ACTINOBACILLUSLIGNIERESIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinobacillus ligniersii.Actinobacillus ligniersiiC86101ACTINOBACILLUSPLEUROPNEUMONIAEHAEMOPHILUSPLEUROPNEUMONIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae.Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniaeC86102 ACTINOBACILLUS SUIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinobacillus suis.Actinobacillus suisC86103 ACTINOBACILLUS UREAE PASTEURELLAUREAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinobacillus ureae.Actinobacillus ureaeC86104 ACTINOMADURA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Actinomadura genus level.ActinomaduraC86105ACTINOMADURAMADURAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomadura madurae.Actinomadura maduraeC86106ACTINOMADURAPELLETIERIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomadura pelletieri.Actinomadura pelletieriC76201 ACTINOMYCES Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Actinomyces genus level.ActinomycesSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 283 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86107 ACTINOMYCES BOVIS PROACTINOMYCES BOVIS;SPHAEROTILUS BOVIS;CLADOTHRIXBOVIS;STREPTOTHRIXBOVIS;NOCARDIABOVIS;ACTINOCLADOTHRIX BOVIS;OOSPORABOVIS;SARCOMYCESBOVIS;DISCOMYCESBOVISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomyces bovis.C861<strong>08</strong> ACTINOMYCES ISRAELII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomyces israelii.C86109 ACTINOMYCES MEYERII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomyces meyerii.Actinomyces bovisActinomyces israeliiActinomyces meyeriiC86110ACTINOMYCESNAESLUNDIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomyces naseslundii.Actinomyces naseslundiiC86111 ACTINOMYCES NEUII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomyces neuii.Actinomyces neuiiC86112ACTINOMYCESODONTOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomyces odontolyticus.Actinomyces odontolyticusC86113 ACTINOMYCES RADINGAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomyces radingae.Actinomyces radingaeC86114ACTINOMYCESTURICENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomyces turicensis.Actinomyces turicensisC86115 ACTINOMYCES VISCOSUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Actinomyces viscosus.Actinomyces viscosusC86116AEROBICGRAM-NEGATIVEBACILLUSAEROBICGRAM-NEGATIVE RODAny rod-shaped bacteria with an oxygen-basedmetabolism and has a cell wall that contains low levelsof peptidoglycan and stains pink with the Gram stainingtechnique.Aerobic Gram Negative BacillusC86117AEROBICGRAM-NEGATIVE COCCUSAny spherical-shaped bacteria with an oxygen-basedmetabolism and a cell wall that contains low levels ofpeptidoglycan and stains pink with the Gram stainingtechnique.Aerobic Gram Negative CoccusC86118AEROBIC GRAM-POSITIVEBACILLUSAEROBICGRAM-POSITIVE RODAny rod-shaped bacteria with an oxygen-basedmetabolism and has a peptidoglycan-rich cell wall thatstains dark purple with the Gram staining technique.Aerobic Gram Positive BacillusC86119AEROBIC GRAM-POSITIVECOCCUSAny spherical-shaped bacteria with an oxygen-basedmetabolism and a peptidoglycan-rich cell wall thatstains dark purple with the Gram staining technique.Aerobic Gram Positive CoccusC86120AEROBICSTREPTOCOCCUSAny bacteria assigned to the genus Streptococcus thatrequires oxygen to grow or respirate.Aerobic StreptococcusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 284 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86121 AEROCOCCUS GAFFKYASPECIESAny bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Aerococcus genus level.AerococcusC86122 AEROCOCCUS URINAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aerococcus urinae.C86123 AEROCOCCUS VIRIDANS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aerococcus viridans.C86124 AEROMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Aeromonas genus level.Aerococcus urinaeAerococcus viridansAeromonasC86125AEROMONASHYDROPHILAAEROMONASHYDROPHILAGROUPAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aeromonas hydrophila.Aeromonas hydrophilaC86126 AEROMONAS JANDAEI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aeromonas jandaei.Aeromonas jandaeiC86127 AEROMONAS PUNCTATA AEROMONASCAVIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aeromonas punctata.Aeromonas punctataC86128AEROMONASSALMONICIDAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aeromonas salmonicida.Aeromonas salmonicidaC86129 AEROMONAS SCHUBERTII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aeromonas schubertii.C86130 AEROMONAS SOBRIA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aeromonas sobria.C86131 AEROMONAS VERONII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aeromonas veronii.C86132 AGGREGATIBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Aggregatibacter genus level.Aeromonas schubertiiAeromonas sobriaAeromonas veroniiAggregatibacterC86133AGGREGATIBACTERACTINOMYCETEMCOMITANSHAEMOPHILUSACTINOMYCETEMCOMITANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans.AggregatibacteractinomycetemcomitansC86134AGGREGATIBACTERAPHROPHILUSCDC GROUPHB-2;HAEMOPHILUSPARAPHROPHILUS;BETA-LACTAMASE NEGATIVEHAEMOPHILUSPARAPHROPHILUS;HAEMOPHILUSAPHROPHILUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aggregatibacter aphrophilus.Aggregatibacter aphrophilusC86135AGGREGATIBACTERSEGNISHAEMOPHILUSSEGNISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Aggregatibacter segnis.Aggregatibacter segnisC86011 AGROBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Agrobacterium genus level.AgrobacteriumC86137AGROBACTERIUMRADIOBACTERAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Agrobacterium radiobacter.Agrobacterium radiobacterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 285 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86138AGROBACTERIUMTUMEFACIENSCDC GROUPVD-3;RHIZOBIUMRADIOBACTERAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Agrobacterium tumefaciens.Agrobacterium tumefaciensC86012 ALCALIGENES Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Alcaligenes genus level.AlcaligenesC86140 ALCALIGENES FAECALIS ALCALIGENESODORANSC86871 ALISTIPES PUTREDINIS BACTEROIDESPUTREDINISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Alcaligenes faecalis.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Alistipes putredinis.Alcaligenes faecalisAlistipes putredinisC86142ANAEROBICGRAM-NEGATIVEBACILLUSANAEROBICGRAM-NEGATIVE RODAny rod-shaped bacteria that does not require oxygento grow or respirate and has a cell wall that containslow levels of peptidoglycan and stains pink with theGram staining technique.Anaerobic Gram Negative BacillusC86143ANAEROBICGRAM-NEGATIVE COCCUSAny spherical-shaped bacteria that does not requireoxygen to grow or respirate and has a cell wall thatcontains low levels of peptidoglycan and stains pinkwith the Gram staining technique.Anaerobic Gram Negative CoccusC86144ANAEROBICGRAM-POSITIVE BACILLUSANAEROBICGRAM-POSITIVE RODAny rod-shaped bacteria that does not require oxygento grow or respirate and has a peptidoglycan-rich cellwall that stains dark purple with the Gram stainingtechnique.Anaerobic Gram Positive BacillusC86145ANAEROBICGRAM-POSITIVE COCCUSAny spherical-shaped bacteria that does not requireoxygen to grow or respirate and has apeptidoglycan-rich cell wall that stains dark purplewith the Gram staining technique.Anaerobic Gram Positive CoccusC86146ANAEROBICSTREPTOCOCCUSAny bacteria assigned to the genus Streptococcus thatdoes not require oxygen to grow or respirate.Anaerobic StreptococcusC86872 ANAEROCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Anaerococcus genus level.AnaerococcusC86874ANAEROCOCCUSHYDROGENALISPEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUSHYDROGENALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Anaerococcus hydrogenalis.Anaerococcus hydrogenalisC86875ANAEROCOCCUSPREVOTIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Anaerococcus prevotii.Anaerococcus prevotiiC86876ANAEROCOCCUSTETRADIUSGAFFKYAANAEROBIA;PEPTOSTREPTOTOCCUSTETRADIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Anaerococcus tetradius.Anaerococcus tetradiusC86877ANAEROCOCCUSVAGINALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Anaerococcus vaginalis.Anaerococcus vaginalisC86147 ARCANOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Arcanobacterium genuslevel.ArcanobacteriumC86148ARCANOBACTERIUMBERNARDIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Arcanobacterium bernardiae.Arcanobacterium bernardiaeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 286 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86149ARCANOBACTERIUMHAEMOLYTICUMCORYNEBACTERIUMHAEMOLYTICUM;CORYNEBACTERIUMHAEMOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Arcanobacterium haemolyticum.Arcanobacterium haemolyticumC86150ARCANOBACTERIUMPYOGENESACTINOMYCESPYOGENES;CORYNEBACTERIUMPYOGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Arcanobacterium pyogenes.Arcanobacterium pyogenesC86152 ARCOBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Arcobacter genus level.ArcobacterC86153 ARCOBACTER BUTZLERI CAMPYLOBACTER BUTZLERIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Arcobacter butzleri.Arcobacter butzleriC86154ARCOBACTERCRYAEROPHILUSCAMPYLOBACTERCRYAEROPHILUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Arcobacter cryaerophilus.Arcobacter cryaerophilusC86155 ARTHROBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Arthrobacter genus level.ArthrobacterC86156 ATOPOBIUM MINUTUM LACTOBACILLUS MINUTIS;LACTOBACILLUS MINUTUSC86157 ATOPOBIUM PARVULUM STREPTOCOCCUS PARVULUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Atopobium minutum.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Atopobium parvulum.Atopobium minutumAtopobium parvulumC86158AVIBACTERIUMPARAGALLINARUMHAEMOPHILUSPARAGALLINARUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Avibacterium paragallinarum.Avibacterium paragallinarumC76202 BACILLUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Bacillus genus level.C86159 BACILLUS ALVEI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacillus alvei.C86160 BACILLUS ANTHRACIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacillus anthracis.C86161 BACILLUS CEREUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacillus cereus.C86162 BACILLUS LENTUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacillus lentus.C86163 BACILLUS LICHENIFORMIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacillus licheniformis.C86164 BACILLUS MEGATERIUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacillus megaterium.C86165 BACILLUS MYCOIDES Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacillus mycoides.BacillusBacillus alveiBacillus anthracisBacillus cereusBacillus lentusBacillus licheniformisBacillus megateriumBacillus mycoidesSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 287 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86166 BACILLUS POLYMYXA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacillus polymyxa.C86167 BACILLUS SUBTILIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacillus subtilis.Bacillus polymyxaBacillus subtilisC14187 BACTERIA BACTERIUM;EUBACTERIAAny organism assigned to the kingdom Bacteria.BacteriaC76204 BACTEROIDES Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Bacteroides genus level.BacteroidesC86168 BACTEROIDES CACCAE BACTEROIDESFRAGILISGROUP 3452AAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides caccae.Bacteroides caccaeC86169BACTEROIDESCAPILLOSUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides capillosus.Bacteroides capillosusC86170BACTEROIDESCELLULOSOLVENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides cellulosolvens.Bacteroides cellulosolvensC86171 BACTEROIDES EGGERTHII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides eggerthii.C86172 BACTEROIDES FRAGILIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides fragilis.Bacteroides eggerthiiBacteroides fragilisC86173BACTEROIDES FRAGILISGROUPA bacteria that belongs to the Fragilis group of thegenus Bacteroides.Bacteroides fragilis GroupC86174 BACTEROIDES NORDII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides nordii.C86175 BACTEROIDES OVATUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides ovatus.Bacteroides nordiiBacteroides ovatusC86176BACTEROIDESSPLANCHNICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides splanchnicus.Bacteroides splanchnicusC86177 BACTEROIDES STERCORIS BACTEROIDESFRAGILISSUBSP. AC86178 BACTEROIDES TECTUS BACTEROIDESTECTUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides stercoris.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides tectus.Bacteroides stercorisBacteroides tectusC86179BACTEROIDESTHETAIOTAOMICRONAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides thetaiotamicron.Bacteroides thetaiotamicronC86180 BACTEROIDES UNIFORMIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides uniformis.Bacteroides uniformisC86181BACTEROIDESUREOLYTICUSBACTEROIDESCORRODENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides ureolyticus.Bacteroides ureolyticusC86182 BACTEROIDES VULGATUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bacteroides vulgatus.C86184 BARTONELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Bartonella genus level.Bacteroides vulgatusBartonellaC86185BARTONELLAELIZABETHAEROCHALIMAEAELIZABETHAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bartonella elizabethae.Bartonella elizabethaeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 288 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86186 BARTONELLA HENSELAE ROCHALIMAEAHENSELAEC86187 BARTONELLA QUINTANA ROCHALIMAEAQUINTANAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bartonella henselae.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bartonella quintana.Bartonella henselaeBartonella quintanaC86188 BERGEYELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Bergeyella genus level.BergeyellaC86189BERGEYELLAZOOHELCUMWEEKSELLAZOOHELCUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bergeyella zoohelcum.Bergeyella zoohelcumC86191BETA STREPTOCOCCUS,GROUP CA non-taxonomic grouping of beta-hemolytic specieswithin the Streptococcus genus that are assigned to theC group.Beta Streptococcus Group CC86192BETA STREPTOCOCCUS,GROUP FA non-taxonomic grouping of beta-hemolytic specieswithin the Streptococcus genus that are assigned to theF group.Beta Streptococcus Group FC86193BETA STREPTOCOCCUS,GROUP GA non-taxonomic grouping of beta-hemolytic specieswithin the Streptococcus genus that are assigned to theG group.Beta Streptococcus Group GC86194 BIFIDOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Bifidobacterium genus level.BifidobacteriumC86195BIFIDOBACTERIUMADOLESCENTISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bifidobacterium adolescentis.Bifidobacterium adolescentisC86196BIFIDOBACTERIUMANGULATUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bifidobacterium angulatum.Bifidobacterium angulatumC86197BIFIDOBACTERIUMBIFIDUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bifidobacterium bifidum.Bifidobacterium bifidumC86198BIFIDOBACTERIUMDENTIUMBIFIDOBACTERIUMAPPENDICITISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bifidobacterium dentium.Bifidobacterium dentiumC86199BIFIDOBACTERIUMLONGUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bifidobacterium longum.Bifidobacterium longumC86200 BILOPHILA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Bilophila genus level.BilophilaC86201BILOPHILAWADSWORTHIAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bilophila wadsworthia.Bilophila wadsworthiaC86202 BORDETELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Bordetella genus level.C86203 BORDETELLA AVIUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bordetella avium.BordetellaBordetella aviumC86204BORDETELLABRONCHISEPTICABORDETELLABRONCHICANISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bordetella bronchiseptica.Bordetella bronchisepticaC86205BORDETELLAPARAPERTUSSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bordetella parapertussis.Bordetella parapertussisC76205 BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Bordetella pertussis.Bordetella pertussisSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 289 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86206 BORRELIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Borrelia genus level.C762<strong>08</strong> BORRELIA BURGDORFERI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Borrelia burgdorferi.C86207 BREVIBACILLUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Brevibacillus genus level.BorreliaBorrelia burgdorferiBrevibacillusC862<strong>08</strong>BREVIBACILLUSLATEROSPORUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Brevibacillus laterosporus.Brevibacillus laterosporusC86209 BREVIBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Brevibacterium genus level.C86210 BREVIBACTERIUM CASEI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Brevibacterium casei.BrevibacteriumBrevibacterium caseiC86211BREVIBACTERIUMEPIDERMIDISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Brevibacterium epidermidis.Brevibacterium epidermidisC86212 BREVUNDIMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Brevundimonas genus level.BrevundimonasC86213BREVUNDIMONASDIMINUTAPSEUDOMONAS DIMINUTAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Brevundimonas diminuta.Brevundimonas diminutaC86214BREVUNDIMONASVESICULARISPSEUDOMONAS VESICULARISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Brevundimonas vesicularis.Brevundimonas vesicularisC86215 BRUCELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Brucella genus level.C86216 BRUCELLA ABORTUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Brucella abortus.C86217 BRUCELLA CANIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Brucella canis.C86218 BRUCELLA MELITENSIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Brucella melitensis.C86219 BRUCELLA SUIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Brucella suis.C86220 BUDVICIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Budvicia genus level.C86221 BUDVICIA AQUATICA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Budvicia aquatica.C86222 BURKHOLDERIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Burkholderia genus level.BrucellaBrucella abortusBrucella canisBrucella melitensisBrucella suisBudviciaBudvicia aquaticaBurkholderiaC86223BURKHOLDERIACENOCEPACIAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Burkholderia cenocepacia.Burkholderia cenocepaciaC76376 BURKHOLDERIA CEPACIA PSEUDOMONAS CEPACIA;CDC GROUPEO-1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Burkholderia cepacia.Burkholderia cepaciaC86224BURKHOLDERIA CEPACIACOMPLEXA non-taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to andincluding at least nine related species from theBurkholderia genus.Burkholderia cepacia ComplexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 290 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86225BURKHOLDERIAGLADIOLIPSEUDOMONAS GLADIOLIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Burkholderia gladioli.Burkholderia gladioliC86226 BURKHOLDERIA MALLEI ACTINOBACILLUS MALLEIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Burkholderia mallei.Burkholderia malleiC86227BURKHOLDERIAPSEUDOMALLEIPSEUDOMONASPSEUDOMALLEI;BURKHOLDERIAPSEUDOMALLEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Burkholderia pseudomallei.Burkholderia pseudomalleiC86228 BUTTIAUXELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Buttiauxella genus level.C86229 BUTTIAUXELLA AGRESTIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Buttiauxella agrestis.C76211 CAMPYLOBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Campylobacter genus level.C86230 CAMPYLOBACTER COLI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Campylobacter coli.ButtiauxellaButtiauxella agrestisCampylobacterCampylobacter coliC86231CAMPYLOBACTERCONCISUSCDC GROUPEF-22Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Campylobacter concisus.Campylobacter concisusC86232CAMPYLOBACTERCURVUSWOLINELLACURVAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Campylobacter curvus.Campylobacter curvusC86233 CAMPYLOBACTER FETUS VIBRIO FETUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Campylobacter fetus.Campylobacter fetusC86234CAMPYLOBACTERGRACILISBACTEROIDESGRACILISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Campylobacter gracilis.Campylobacter gracilisC86235 CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Campylobacter jejuni.Campylobacter jejuniC86236 CAMPYLOBACTER LARI CAMPYLOBACTER LARIDISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Campylobacter lari.Campylobacter lariC86237CAMPYLOBACTER RECTUS WOLINELLARECTAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Campylobacter rectus.Campylobacter rectusC86238CAMPYLOBACTERUPSALIENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Campylobacter upsaliensis.Campylobacter upsaliensisC76269 CAPNOCYTOPHAGA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Capnocytophaga genus level.CapnocytophagaC86239CAPNOCYTOPHAGACANIMORSUSCDC GROUPDF-2Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Capnocytophaga canimorsus.Capnocytophaga canimorsusC86240CAPNOCYTOPHAGAGINGIVALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Capnocytophaga gingivalis.Capnocytophaga gingivalisC86241CAPNOCYTOPHAGAOCHRACEAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Capnocytophaga ochracea.Capnocytophaga ochraceaC86242CAPNOCYTOPHAGASPUTIGENAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Capnocytophaga sputigena.Capnocytophaga sputigenaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 291 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86243 CARDIOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Cardiobacterium genuslevel.CardiobacteriumC86244CARDIOBACTERIUMHOMINISCDC GROUPIIDAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Cardiobacterium hominis.Cardiobacterium hominisC86245 CEDECEA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Cedecea genus level.CedeceaC86246 CEDECEA DAVISAE CDC ENTERICGROUP 15Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Cedecea davisae.Cedecea davisaeC86247 CEDECEA LAPAGEI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Cedecea lapagei.Cedecea lapageiC86248 CEDECEA NETERI CEDECEASPECIES 4Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Cedecea neteri.Cedecea neteriC86249 CELLULOMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Cellulomonas genus level.C86250 CELLULOMONAS HOMINIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Cellulomonas hominis.C86251 CELLULOSIMICROBIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Cellulosimicrobium genuslevel.CellulomonasCellulomonas hominisCellulosimicrobiumC86252CELLULOSIMICROBIUMCELLULANSOERSKOVIAXANTHINEOLYTICA;ARTHROBACTER LUTEUS;CELLULOMONASCELLULANS;NOCARDIACELLULANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Cellulosimicrobium cellulans.Cellulosimicrobium cellulansC76271 CHLAMYDIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Chlamydia genus level.ChlamydiaC86253CHLAMYDIATRACHOMATISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Chlamydia trachomatis.Chlamydia trachomatisC86254 CHLAMYDOPHILA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Chlamydophila genus level.ChlamydophilaC76272CHLAMYDOPHILAPNEUMONIAECHLAMYDIAPNEUMONIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Chlamydophila pneumoniae.Chlamydophila pneumoniaeC86255CHLAMYDOPHILAPSITTACICHLAMYDIAPSITTACIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Chlamydophila psittaci.Chlamydophila psittaciC86256 CHROMOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Chromobacterium genuslevel.ChromobacteriumC86257CHROMOBACTERIUMVIOLACEUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Chromobacterium violaceum.Chromobacterium violaceumC86258 CHRYSEOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Chryseobacterium genuslevel.ChryseobacteriumSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 292 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86259CHRYSEOBACTERIUMGLEUMFLAVOBACTERIUM GLEUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Chryseobacterium gleum.Chryseobacterium gleumC86260CHRYSEOBACTERIUMINDOLOGENESFLAVOBACTERIUMINDOLOGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Chryseobacterium indologenes.Chryseobacterium indologenesC86261 CHRYSEOMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Chryseomonas genus level.C76273 CITROBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Citrobacter genus level.ChryseomonasCitrobacterC86262CITROBACTERAMALONATICUSLEVINEAAMALONATICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Citrobacter amalonaticus.Citrobacter amalonaticusC86263 CITROBACTER BRAAKII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Citrobacter braakii.C86264 CITROBACTER FARMERI CITROBACTERAMALONATICUS BIOGROUP 1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Citrobacter farmeri.Citrobacter braakiiCitrobacter farmeriC86265 CITROBACTER FREUNDII COLOBACTRUM FREUNDIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Citrobacter freundii.Citrobacter freundiiC86266CITROBACTER FREUNDIICOMPLEXA non-taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to andincluding eight related species from the Citrobactergenus.Citrobacter freundii ComplexC86267 CITROBACTER KOSERI CITROBACTERDIVERSUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Citrobacter koseri.Citrobacter koseriC86268 CITROBACTER YOUNGAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Citrobacter youngae.C76275 CLOSTRIDIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Clostridium genus level.Citrobacter youngaeClostridiumC86269CLOSTRIDIUMACETOBUTYLICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium acetobutylicum.Clostridium acetobutylicumC86270 CLOSTRIDIUM BARATII CLOSTRIDIUMBARATIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium baratii.Clostridium baratiiC86271CLOSTRIDIUMBEIJERINCKIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium beijerinckii.Clostridium beijerinckiiC86272CLOSTRIDIUMBIFERMENTANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium bifermentans.Clostridium bifermentansC86273CLOSTRIDIUMBUTYRICUMCLOSTRIDIUMPSEUDOTETANICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium butyricum.Clostridium butyricumC86274 CLOSTRIDIUM CADAVERIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium cadaveris.C86275 CLOSTRIDIUM CELATUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium celatum.Clostridium cadaverisClostridium celatumC86276CLOSTRIDIUMCLOSTRIDIOFORMECLOSTRIDIUMCLOSTRIDIIFORMEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium clostridioforme.Clostridium clostridioformeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 293 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86277CLOSTRIDIUMCOCHLEARIUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium cochlearium.Clostridium cochleariumC86278CLOSTRIDIUMCOCLEATUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium cocleatum.Clostridium cocleatumC76276 CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE CLOSTRIDIUMDIFFICILISC86279 CLOSTRIDIUM FALLAX CLOSTRIDIUMPSEUDOFALLAXAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium difficile.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium fallax.Clostridium difficileClostridium fallaxC86280CLOSTRIDIUMGLYCOLICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium glycolicum.Clostridium glycolicumC86281CLOSTRIDIUMHAEMOLYTICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium haemolyticum.Clostridium haemolyticumC86282CLOSTRIDIUMHISTOLYTICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium histolyticum.Clostridium histolyticumC86283 CLOSTRIDIUM INNOCUUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium innocuum.Clostridium innocuumC86284 CLOSTRIDIUM LIMOSUM CLOSTRIDIUMSPECIES CDCGROUP P-1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium limosum.Clostridium limosumC86285 CLOSTRIDIUM NOVYI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium novyi.Clostridium novyiC86286CLOSTRIDIUMOCEANICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium oceanicum.Clostridium oceanicumC86287CLOSTRIDIUMPARAPUTRIFICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium paraputrificum.Clostridium paraputrificumC86288CLOSTRIDIUMPERFRINGENSCLOSTRIDIUMWELCHIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium perfringens.Clostridium perfringensC86289CLOSTRIDIUMPUTRIFICUMCLOSTRIDIUMLENTOPUTRESCENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium putrificum.Clostridium putrificumC86290 CLOSTRIDIUM RAMOSUM ACTINOMYCESRAMOSUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium ramosum.Clostridium ramosumC86291 CLOSTRIDIUM RECTUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium rectum.C86292 CLOSTRIDIUM SEPTICUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium septicum.C86293 CLOSTRIDIUM SORDELLII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium sordellii.Clostridium rectumClostridium septicumClostridium sordelliiC86294CLOSTRIDIUMSPOROGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium sporogenes.Clostridium sporogenesC86295CLOSTRIDIUMSUBTERMINALEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium subterminale.Clostridium subterminaleC86296CLOSTRIDIUMSYMBIOSUMBACTEROIDESSYMBIOSUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium symbiosum.Clostridium symbiosumSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 294 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86297 CLOSTRIDIUM TERTIUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium tertium.C86298 CLOSTRIDIUM TETANI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium tetani.Clostridium tertiumClostridium tetaniC86299CLOSTRIDIUMTYROBUTYRICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Clostridium tyrobutyricum.Clostridium tyrobutyricumC62584COAGULASE NEGATIVESTAPHYLOCOCCUSAny bacteria assigned to the genus Staphylococcus thatdoes not express the enzyme coagulase.Coagulase-Negative StaphylococcusC62585COAGULASE POSITIVESTAPHYLOCOCCUSAny bacteria assigned to the genus Staphylococcus thatexpresses the enzyme coagulase.Coagulase-Positive StaphylococcusC86300 COLLINSELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Collinsella genus level.CollinsellaC86301COLLINSELLAAEROFACIENSEUBACTERIUMAEROFACIENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Collinsella aerofaciens.Collinsella aerofaciensC86302COLLINSELLAINTESTINALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Collinsella intestinalis.Collinsella intestinalisC86303 COMAMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Comamonas genus level.ComamonasC86304 COMAMONAS TERRIGENA CDC GROUPEF-19Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Comamonas terrigena.Comamonas terrigenaC86305COMAMONASTESTOSTERONIPSEUDOMONASTESTOSTERONIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Comamonas testosteroni.Comamonas testosteroniC763<strong>08</strong> CORYNEBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Corynebacterium genuslevel.CorynebacteriumC86306CORYNEBACTERIUMACCOLENSCORYNEBACTERIUM GROUPG-1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium accolens.Corynebacterium accolensC86307CORYNEBACTERIUMAFERMENTANSCORYNEBACTERIUM ANF-1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium afermentans.Corynebacterium afermentansC863<strong>08</strong>CORYNEBACTERIUMAMYCOLATUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium amycolatum.Corynebacterium amycolatumC86309CORYNEBACTERIUMARGENTORATENSEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium argentoratense.Corynebacterium argentoratenseC86310CORYNEBACTERIUMAURISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium auris.Corynebacterium aurisC86311CORYNEBACTERIUMBOVISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium bovis.Corynebacterium bovisC86312CORYNEBACTERIUMDIPHTHERIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium diphtheriae.Corynebacterium diphtheriaeC86313CORYNEBACTERIUMGENITALIUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium genitalium.Corynebacterium genitaliumC86955CORYNEBACTERIUMGLUCURONOLYTICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium glucuronolyticum.Corynebacterium glucuronolyticumSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 295 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC76307CORYNEBACTERIUMJEIKEIUMCDC GROUPJK;CORYNEBACTERIUM GROUPJKAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium jeikeium.Corynebacterium jeikeiumC86314CORYNEBACTERIUMKUTSCHERIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium kutscheri.Corynebacterium kutscheriC86315CORYNEBACTERIUMMACGINLEYIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium macginleyi.Corynebacterium macginleyiC86316CORYNEBACTERIUMMATRUCHOTIIBACTERIONEMAMATRUCHOTIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium matruchotii.Corynebacterium matruchotiiC86317CORYNEBACTERIUMMINUTISSIMUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium minutissimum.Corynebacterium minutissimumC86318CORYNEBACTERIUMPILOSUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium pilosum.Corynebacterium pilosumC86319CORYNEBACTERIUMPROPINQUUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium propinquum.Corynebacterium propinquumC86320CORYNEBACTERIUMPSEUDODIPHTHERITICUMCORYNEBACTERIUMHOFMANNIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum.CorynebacteriumpseudodiphtheriticumC86321CORYNEBACTERIUMPSEUDOTUBERCULOSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis.Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosisC86322CORYNEBACTERIUMRENALEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium renale.Corynebacterium renaleC86323CORYNEBACTERIUMSTRIATUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium striatum.Corynebacterium striatumC86324CORYNEBACTERIUMULCERANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium ulcerans.Corynebacterium ulceransC86325CORYNEBACTERIUMUREALYTICUMCDC GROUPD2;CORYNEBACTERIUM GROUPD-2Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium urealyticum.Corynebacterium urealyticumC86326CORYNEBACTERIUMXEROSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Corynebacterium xerosis.Corynebacterium xerosisC86327CORYNEFORMGRAM-POSITIVE BACILLUSCORYNEFORMGRAM-POSITIVE RODAny bacteria whose shape is similar to those bacteriaassigned to the Corynebacterium genus and have a cellwall that contains low levels of peptidoglycan andstains pink with the Gram staining technique.Coryneform Gram Positive BacillusC76309 COXIELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Coxiella genus level.C86328 COXIELLA BURNETII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Coxiella burnetii.CoxiellaCoxiella burnetiiC86329CRONOBACTERSAKAZAKIIENTEROBACTER SAKAZAKIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Cronobacter sakazakii.Cronobacter sakazakiiSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 296 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86330 CUPRIAVIDUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Cupriavidus genus level.CupriavidusC86331 CUPRIAVIDUS PAUCULUS CDC GROUPIVC-2;WAUTERSIAPAUCULA;RALSTONIAPAUCULAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Cupriavidus pauculus.Cupriavidus pauculusC86332 DELFTIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Delftia genus level.C86333 DELFTIA ACIDOVORANS COMAMONASACIDOVORANS;PSEUDOMONASACIDOVORANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Delftia acidovorans.C86334 DERMABACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Dermabacter genus level.C86335 DERMABACTER HOMINIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Dermabacter hominis.DelftiaDelftia acidovoransDermabacterDermabacter hominisC86336DERMACOCCUSNISHINOMIYAENSISMICROCOCCUSNISHINOMIYAENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Dermacoccus nishinomiyaensis.Dermacoccus nishinomiyaensisC86337 DERMATOPHILUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Dermatophilus genus level.DermatophilusC86338DERMATOPHILUSCONGOLENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Dermatophilus congolensis.Dermatophilus congolensisC86339 DESULFOVIBRIO DESULFOMONAS SPECIESAny bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Desulfovibrio genus level.DesulfovibrioC86340DESULFOVIBRIODESULFURICANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Desulfovibrio desulfuricans.Desulfovibrio desulfuricansC86341DESULFOVIBRIOFAIRFIELDENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis.Desulfovibrio fairfieldensisC86342 DESULFOVIBRIO PIGER DESULFOMONAS PIGRAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Desulfovibrio piger.Desulfovibrio pigerC86343 DIPHTHEROID BACILLUS Any of a number of rod-shaped bacteria that resembleCorynebacterium diphtheriae, either in morphology oretiology.C86344 EDWARDSIELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Edwardsiella genus level.Diptheroid BacillusEdwardsiellaC86345EDWARDSIELLAHOSHINAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Edwardsiella hoshinae.Edwardsiella hoshinaeC86346 EDWARDSIELLA ICTALURI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Edwardsiella ictaluri.C86347 EDWARDSIELLA TARDA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Edwardsiella tarda.Edwardsiella ictaluriEdwardsiella tardaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 297 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86348 EGGERTHELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Eggerthella genus level.EggerthellaC86349 EGGERTHELLA LENTA EUBACTERIUMLENTUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Eggerthella lenta.Eggerthella lentaC86350 EIKENELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Eikenella genus level.EikenellaC86351 EIKENELLA CORRODENS CDC GROUPHB-1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Eikenella corrodens.Eikenella corrodensC86352 ELIZABETHKINGIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Elizabethkingia genus level.ElizabethkingiaC86353ELIZABETHKINGIAMENINGOCEPTICACHRYSEOBACTERIUMMENINGOSEPTICUM;FLAVOBACTERIUMMENINGOSEPTICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Elizabethkingia meningoceptica.Elizabethkingia meningocepticaC86354 EMPEDOBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Empedobacter genus level.EmpedobacterC86355 EMPEDOBACTER BREVIS FLAVOBACTERIUM BREVEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Empedobacter brevis.Empedobacter brevisC76310 ENTEROBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Enterobacter genus level.EnterobacterC86356ENTEROBACTERAEROGENESAEROBACTERAEROGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterobacter aerogenes.Enterobacter aerogenesC86357ENTEROBACTERAMNIGENUSENTEROBACTER AMNIGENUSIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterobacter amnigenus.Enterobacter amnigenusC86358ENTEROBACTERASBURIAECDC ENTERICGROUP 17Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterobacter asburiae.Enterobacter asburiaeC86359ENTEROBACTERCANCEROGENUSCDC ENTERICGROUP 19;ENTEROBACTER TAYLORAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterobacter cancerogenus.Enterobacter cancerogenusC86360ENTEROBACTER CLOACAE ENTEROBACTER CLOACAESTRAIN 1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterobacter cloacae.Enterobacter cloacaeC86361ENTEROBACTERGERGOVIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterobacter gergoviae.Enterobacter gergoviaeC86362ENTEROBACTERHORMAECHEICDC ENTERICGROUP 75Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterobacter hormaechei.Enterobacter hormaecheiC86363ENTEROBACTERTAYLORAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterobacter taylorae.Enterobacter tayloraeC76311 ENTEROCOCCUS PRESUMPTIVEENTEROCOCCUSAny bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Enterococcus genus level.EnterococcusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 298 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86364 ENTEROCOCCUS AVIUM STREPTOCOCCUS AVIUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus avium.Enterococcus aviumC86365ENTEROCOCCUSCASSELIFLAVUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus casseliflavus.Enterococcus casseliflavusC86366 ENTEROCOCCUS DISPAR Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus dispar.Enterococcus disparC86367 ENTEROCOCCUS DURANS STREPTOCOCCUS DURANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus durans.Enterococcus duransC86368ENTEROCOCCUSFAECALISSTREPTOCOCCUS FAECALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus faecalis.Enterococcus faecalisC86369 ENTEROCOCCUS FAECIUM STREPTOCOCCUS FAECIUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus faecium.Enterococcus faeciumC86370ENTEROCOCCUSGALLINARUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus gallinarum.Enterococcus gallinarumC86371 ENTEROCOCCUS HIRAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus hirae.Enterococcus hiraeC86372ENTEROCOCCUSMALODORATUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus malodoratus.Enterococcus malodoratusC86373 ENTEROCOCCUS MUNDTII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus mundtii.Enterococcus mundtiiC86374ENTEROCOCCUSPSEUDOAVIUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus pseudoavium.Enterococcus pseudoaviumC86375ENTEROCOCCUSRAFFINOSUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Enterococcus raffinosus.Enterococcus raffinosusC86376 ERYSIPELOTHRIX ERYSIPELOTHRIX INSIDIOSAAny bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Erysipelothrix genus level.ErysipelothrixC86377ERYSIPELOTHRIXRHUSIOPATHIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiaeC772<strong>08</strong> ESCHERICHIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Escherichia genus level.C86378 ESCHERICHIA ALBERTII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia albertii.C86379 ESCHERICHIA BLATTAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia blattae.C14206 ESCHERICHIA COLI E. COLI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia coli.C86881 ESCHERICHIA COLI O111 Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia coli and strain O111.EscherichiaEscherichia albertiiEscherichia blattaeEscherichia coliEscherichia coli strain O111C86882ESCHERICHIA COLI O157(NOT H7)Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia coli and strain O157.Escherichia coli strain O157C86883ESCHERICHIA COLIO157:H7Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia coli and strain O157:H7.Escherichia coli strain O157:H7C86884 ESCHERICHIA COLI O26 Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia coli and strain O26.Escherichia coli strain O26Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 299 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86380 ESCHERICHIA FERGUSONII CDC ENTERICGROUP 10C86381 ESCHERICHIA HERMANNII CDC ENTERICGROUP 11C86382 ESCHERICHIA VULNERIS CDC ENTERICGROUP 1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia fergusonii.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia hermannii.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Escherichia vulneris.Escherichia fergusoniiEscherichia hermanniiEscherichia vulnerisC86383 EUBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Eubacterium genus level.EubacteriumC86384EUBACTERIUMALACTOLYTICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Eubacterium adactolyticum.Eubacterium adactolyticumC86385EUBACTERIUMCONTORTUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Eubacterium contortum.Eubacterium contortumC86386 EUBACTERIUM LIMOSUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Eubacterium limosum.C86387 EUBACTERIUM NODATUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Eubacterium nodatum.C86388 EUBACTERIUM RECTALE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Eubacterium rectale.Eubacterium limosumEubacterium nodatumEubacterium rectaleC86389EUBACTERIUMVENTRIOSUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Eubacterium ventriosum.Eubacterium ventriosumC86390 EWINGELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Ewingella genus level.EwingellaC86391 EWINGELLA AMERICANA CDC ENTERICGROUP 40Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Ewingella americana.Ewingella americanaC86885 EXIGUOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Exiguobacterium genuslevel.ExiguobacteriumC86886EXIGUOBACTERIUMACETYLICUMBREVIBACTERIUMACETYLICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Exiguobacterium acetylicum.Exiguobacterium acetylicumC86392 FACKLAMIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Facklamia genus level.C86393 FAECALIBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Faecalibacterium genuslevel.FacklamiaFaecalibacteriumC86394FAECALIBACTERIUMPRAUSNITZIIFUSOBACTERIUMPRAUSNITZIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Faecalibacterium prausnitzii.Faecalibacterium prausnitziiC86395FERMENTATIVEGRAM-NEGATIVEBACILLUSFERMENTATIVEGRAM-NEGATIVE RODAny rod-shaped, anaerobic bacteria that can convertcarbohydrates into acids and alcohols and has a cellwall contains low levels of peptidoglycan and stainspink with the Gram staining technique.Fermentative Gram NegativeBacillusC86887 FINEGOLDIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Finegoldia genus level.FinegoldiaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 300 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86888 FINEGOLDIA MAGNA PEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUSMAGNUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Finegoldia magna.Finegoldia magnaC76320 FLAVOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Flavobacterium genus level.C86396 FRANCISELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Francisella genus level.FlavobacteriumFrancisellaC86397FRANCISELLATULARENSISPASTEURELLATULARENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Francisella tularensis.Francisella tularensisC76323 FUSOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Fusobacterium genus level.FusobacteriumC86398FUSOBACTERIUMGONIDIAFORMANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Fusobacterium gonidiaformans.Fusobacterium gonidiaformansC86399FUSOBACTERIUMMORTIFERUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Fusobacterium mortiferum.Fusobacterium mortiferumC86400FUSOBACTERIUMNECROGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Fusobacterium necrogenes.Fusobacterium necrogenesC86401FUSOBACTERIUMNECROPHORUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Fusobacterium necrophorum.Fusobacterium necrophorumC86404FUSOBACTERIUMNUCLEATUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Fusobacterium nucleatum.Fusobacterium nucleatumC86405 FUSOBACTERIUM RUSSII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Fusobacterium russii.Fusobacterium russiiC86406FUSOBACTERIUMULCERANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Fusobacterium ulcerans.Fusobacterium ulceransC86407 FUSOBACTERIUM VARIUM FUSOBACTERIUMPSEUDONECROPHORUM;FUSOBACTERIUMNECROPHORUM BIOVAR CAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Fusobacterium varium.Fusobacterium variumC86409 GARDNERELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Gardnerella genus level.GardnerellaC86410GARDNERELLAVAGINALISCORYNEBACTERIUMVAGINALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gardnerella vaginalis.Gardnerella vaginalisC86889 GEMELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Gemella genus level.C86890 GEMELLA BERGERI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gemella bergeri.GemellaGemella bergeriC86891 GEMELLA HAEMOLYSANS NEISSERIAHAEMOLYSANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gemella haemolysans.Gemella haemolysansSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 301 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86892 GEMELLA MORBILLORUM STREPTOCOCCUSMORBILLORUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gemella morbillorum.Gemella morbillorumC86893 GEMELLA SANGUINIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gemella sanguinis.C86411 GLOBICATELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Globicatella genus level.Gemella sanguinisGlobicatellaC86412GLOBICATELLASANGUINISGLOBICATELLA SANGUISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Globicatella sanguinis.Globicatella sanguinisC86413GLOBICATELLASULFIDIFACIENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Globicatella sulfidifaciens.Globicatella sulfidifaciensC86414 GORDONIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Gordonia genus level.C86415 GORDONIA AICHIENSIS TSUKAMURELLA AICHIENSIS;GORDONAAICHIENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gordonia aichiensis.GordoniaGordonia aichiensisC86416 GORDONIA BRONCHIALIS RHODOCOCCUSBRONCHIALIS;GORDONABRONCHIALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gordonia bronchialis.Gordonia bronchialisC86417GORDONIARUBRIPERTINCTARHODOCOCCUSRUBRIPERTINCTA; GORDONARUBROPERTINCTAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gordonia rubripertincta.Gordonia rubripertinctaC86418 GORDONIA SPUTI GORDONASPUTIC86419 GORDONIA TERRAE RHODOCOCCUS TERRAE;GORDONATERRAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gordonia sputi.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Gordonia terrae.Gordonia sputiGordonia terraeC86420 GRACILIBACILLUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Gracilibacillus genus level.GracilibacillusC86421GRAM-NEGATIVEBACILLUSAny rod-shaped bacteria that contains low levels ofpeptidoglycan in its cell wall and stains pink with theGram staining technique.Gram Negative BacillusC86422 GRAM-NEGATIVE COCCUS Any spherical-shaped bacteria that contains low levelsof peptidoglycan in its cell wall and stains pink withthe Gram staining technique.C62589 GRAM-POSITIVE BACILLUS Any rod-shaped bacteria that has a peptidoglycan-richcell wall that stains dark purple with the Gram stainingtechnique.C86424 GRAM-POSITIVE COCCUS Any spherical-shaped bacteria that has apeptidoglycan-rich cell wall that stains dark purplewith the Gram staining technique.Gram Negative CoccusGram-Positive RodGram Positive CoccusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 302 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86425 GRANULICATELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Granulicatella genus level.GranulicatellaC86426GRANULICATELLAADIACENSABIOTROPHIAADJACENS;STREPTOCOCCUS ADJACENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Granulicatella adiacens.Granulicatella adiacensC86427 GRIMONTIA HOLLISAE VIBRIOHOLLISAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Grimontia hollisae.Grimontia hollisaeC76324 HAEMOPHILUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Haemophilus genus level.HaemophilusC86428HAEMOPHILUSAEGYPTIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Haemophilus aegyptius.Haemophilus aegyptiusC86429HAEMOPHILUSHAEMOGLOBINOPHILUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Haemophilus haemoglobinophilus.Haemophilus haemoglobinophilusC86430HAEMOPHILUSHAEMOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Haemophilus haemolyticus.Haemophilus haemolyticusC86431HAEMOPHILUSINFLUENZAEH-FLUAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Haemophilus influenzae.Haemophilus influenzaeC86432HAEMOPHILUSPARAHAEMOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Haemophilus parahaemolyticus.Haemophilus parahaemolyticusC86433HAEMOPHILUSPARAINFLUENZAEHEMOPHILUSPARAINFLUENZAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Haemophilus parainfluenzae.Haemophilus parainfluenzaeC86434 HAFNIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Hafnia genus level.HafniaC86435 HAFNIA ALVEI ENTEROBACTER ALVEIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Hafnia alvei.Hafnia alveiC86436 HALOBACILLUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Halobacillus genus level.C86873 HELCOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Helcococcus genus level.C86878 HELCOCOCCUS KUNZII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Helcococcus kunzii.HalobacillusHelcococcusHelcococcus kunziiC86879HELCOCOCCUSPYOGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Helcococcus pyogenes.Helcococcus pyogenesC86880HELCOCOCCUSSUECIENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Helcococcus sueciensis.Helcococcus sueciensisC14296 HELICOBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Helicobacter genus level.HelicobacterC86437 HELICOBACTER CINAEDI CAMPYLOBACTER CINAEDIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Helicobacter cinaedi.Helicobacter cinaediC14330 HELICOBACTER FELIS H. FELIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Helicobacter felis.Helicobacter felisSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 303 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86438HELICOBACTERFENNELLIAECAMPYLOBACTERFENNELLIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Helicobacter fennelliae.Helicobacter fennelliaeC86439HELICOBACTERMUSTELAECAMPYLOBACTERMUSTELAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Helicobacter mustelae.Helicobacter mustelaeC14289 HELICOBACTER PYLORI H. PYLORI;CAMPYLOBACTER PYLORIC86440 HELICOBACTER RAPPINI FLEXISPIRARAPPINIC86441 HISTOPHILUS SOMNI HAEMOPHILUSSOMNUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Helicobacter pylori.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Helicobacter rappini.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Histophilus somni.Helicobacter pyloriHelicobacter rappiniHistophilus somniC86442 HOLDEMANIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Holdemania genus level.C86443 HOLDEMANIA FILIFORMIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Holdemania filiformis.C86444 INQUILINUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Inquilinus genus level.C86445 INQUILINUS LIMOSUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Inquilinus limosus.C86446 JEOTGALIBACILLUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Jeotgalibacillus genus level.C86447 JOHNSONELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Johnsonella genus level.C86448 JOHNSONELLA IGNAVA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Johnsonella ignava.C86449 KINGELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Kingella genus level.HoldemaniaHoldemania filiformisInquilinusInquilinus limosusJeotgalibacillusJohnsonellaJohnsonella ignavaKingellaC86450KINGELLA DENITRIFICANS CDC GROUPTM-1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kingella denitrificans.Kingella denitrificansC86451 KINGELLA KINGAE MORAXELLAKINGAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kingella kingae.Kingella kingaeC86452 KINGELLA ORALIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kingella oralis.C86453 KINGELLA POTUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kingella potus.C28165 KLEBSIELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Klebsiella genus level.Kingella oralisKingella potusKlebsiellaC86454KLEBSIELLAGRANULOMATISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Klebsiella granulomatis.Klebsiella granulomatisC86455 KLEBSIELLA OXYTOCA K. OXYTOCA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Klebsiella oxytoca.Klebsiella oxytocaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 304 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86456 KLEBSIELLA OZAENAE KLEBSIELLAPNEUMONIAESUBSP.OZAENAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Klebsiella ozaenae.Klebsiella ozaenaeC86457KLEBSIELLAPNEUMONIAEK.PNEUMONIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Klebsiella pneumoniae.Klebsiella pneumoniaeC86458KLEBSIELLARHINOSCLEROMATISKLEBSIELLAPNEUMONIAESUBSP.RHINOSCLEROMATISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis.Klebsiella rhinoscleromatisC86459KLEBSIELLASINGAPORENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Klebsiella singaporensis.Klebsiella singaporensisC86460 KLEBSIELLA VARIICOLA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Klebsiella variicola.C86461 KLUYVERA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Kluyvera genus level.Klebsiella variicolaKluyveraC86462 KLUYVERA ASCORBATA CDC ENTERICGROUP 8Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kluyvera ascorbata.Kluyvera ascorbataC86463KLUYVERACRYOCRESCENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kluyvera cryocrescens.Kluyvera cryocrescensC86464 KLUYVERA GEORGIANA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kluyvera georgiana.C86465 KLUYVERA INTERMEDIA ENTEROBACTERINTERMEDIUM;ENTEROBACTERINTERMEDIUS;KLUYVERACOCHLEAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kluyvera intermedia.C86466 KNOELLIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Knoellia genus level.C86467 KOCURIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Kocuria genus level.Kluyvera georgianaKluyvera intermediaKnoelliaKocuriaC86468 KOCURIA KRISTINAE MICROCOCCUS KRISTINAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kocuria kristinae.Kocuria kristinaeC86469 KOCURIA ROSEA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kocuria rosea.C86470 KOCURIA VARIANS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kocuria varians.C86471 KURTHIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Kurthia genus level.C86472 KYTOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Kytococcus genus level.Kocuria roseaKocuria variansKurthiaKytococcusC86473KYTOCOCCUSSEDENTARIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Kytococcus sedentarius.Kytococcus sedentariusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 305 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC76352 LACTOBACILLUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Lactobacillus genus level.LactobacillusC86474LACTOBACILLUSACIDOPHILUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactobacillus acidophilus.Lactobacillus acidophilusC86475 LACTOBACILLUS BREVIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactobacillus brevis.C86476 LACTOBACILLUS CASEI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactobacillus casei.Lactobacillus brevisLactobacillus caseiC86477LACTOBACILLUSCATENAFORMISLACTOBACILLUSCATENAFORMEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactobacillus catenaformis.Lactobacillus catenaformisC86478LACTOBACILLUSFERMENTUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactobacillus fermentum.Lactobacillus fermentumC86479LACTOBACILLUSGALLINARUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactobacillus gallinarum.Lactobacillus gallinarumC86480 LACTOBACILLUS JENSENII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactobacillus jensenii.Lactobacillus jenseniiC86481LACTOBACILLUSJOHNSONIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactobacillus johnsonii.Lactobacillus johnsoniiC86482LACTOBACILLUSSALIVARIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactobacillus salivarius.Lactobacillus salivariusC86483 LACTOCOCCUS DOEDERLEINBACILLUSAny bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Lactococcus genus level.LactococcusC86484 LACTOCOCCUS GARVIEAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactococcus garvieae.C86485 LACTOCOCCUS LACTIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Lactococcus lactis.C86486 LECLERCIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Leclercia genus level.Lactococcus garvieaeLactococcus lactisLeclerciaC86487LECLERCIAADECARBOXYLATACDC ENTERICGROUP 41Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Leclercia adecarboxylata.Leclercia adecarboxylataC76353 LEGIONELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Legionella genus level.LegionellaC86488LEGIONELLALONGBEACHAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Legionella longbeachae.Legionella longbeachaeC86489LEGIONELLAPNEUMOPHILAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Legionella pneumophila.Legionella pneumophilaC86490 LEIFSONIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Leifsonia genus level.LeifsoniaC86491 LEIFSONIA AQUATICA CORYNEBACTERIUMAQUATICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Leifsonia aquatica.Leifsonia aquaticaC86492 LEMINORELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Leminorella genus level.LeminorellaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 306 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86493 LEMINORELLA GRIMONTII CDC ENTERICGROUP 57Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Leminorella grimontii.Leminorella grimontiiC86494 LEMINORELLA RICHARDII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Leminorella richardii.C76355 LEPTOSPIRA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Leptospira genus level.C76357 LEUCONOSTOC Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Leuconostoc genus level.C86495 LEUCONOSTOC CITREUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Leuconostoc citreum.C86496 LEUCONOSTOC LACTIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Leuconostoc lactis.Leminorella richardiiLeptospiraLeuconostocLeuconostoc citreumLeuconostoc lactisC86497LEUCONOSTOCMESENTEROIDESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Leuconostoc mesenteroides.Leuconostoc mesenteroidesC86498LEUCONOSTOCPSEUDOMESENTEROIDESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides.Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroidesC76359 LISTERIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Listeria genus level.C86499 LISTERIA GRAYI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Listeria grayi.C86500 LISTERIA INNOCUA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Listeria innocua.ListeriaListeria grayiListeria innocuaC86501 LISTERIA IVANOVII LISTERIAMONOCYTOGENES SEROVAR5Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Listeria ivanovii.Listeria ivanoviiC86502LISTERIAMONOCYTOGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Listeria monocytogenes.Listeria monocytogenesC86503 LISTERIA SEELIGERI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Listeria seeligeri.C86504 LISTERIA WELSHIMERI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Listeria welshimeri.C86505 MACROCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Macrococcus genus level.Listeria seeligeriListeria welshimeriMacrococcusC86506MACROCOCCUSCASEOLYTICUSSTAPHYLOCOCCUSCASEOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Macrococcus caseolyticus.Macrococcus caseolyticusC86507 MANNHEIMIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Mannheimia genus level.MannheimiaC865<strong>08</strong>MANNHEIMIAHAEMOLYTICAPASTEURELLAHAEMOLYTICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mannheimia haemolytica.Mannheimia haemolyticaC86895 MEGASPHAERA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Megasphaera genus level.MegasphaeraSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 307 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86896 MEGASPHAERA ELSDENII PEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUSELSDENIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Megasphaera elsdenii.Megasphaera elsdeniiC76361 METHYLOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Methylobacterium genuslevel.MethylobacteriumC86510METHYLOBACTERIUMMESOPHILICUMPSEUDOMONASMESOPHILICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Methylobacterium mesophilicum.Methylobacterium mesophilicumC85511 MICROBACTERIUM CDCCORYNEFORMGROUP A-4,A-5Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Microbacterium genus level.MicrobacteriumC86512MICROBACTERIUMPARAOXYDANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Microbacterium paraoxydans.Microbacterium paraoxydansC77<strong>08</strong>6 MICROCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Micrococcus genus level.MicrococcusC86513 MICROCOCCUS LUTEUS SARCINALUTEAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Micrococcus luteus.Micrococcus luteusC86514 MICROCOCCUS LYLAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Micrococcus lylae.C86515 MITSUOKELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Mitsuokella genus level.Micrococcus lylaeMitsuokellaC86516MITSUOKELLAMULTACIDAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mitsuokella multacida.Mitsuokella multacidaC86517 MOBILUNCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Mobiluncus genus level.C86518 MOBILUNCUS CURTISII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mobiluncus curtisii.C86519 MOBILUNCUS MULIERIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mobiluncus mulieris.C86520 MOELLERELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Moellerella genus level.MobiluncusMobiluncus curtisiiMobiluncus mulierisMoellerellaC86521MOELLERELLAWISCONSENSISCDC ENTERICGROUP 46Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moellerella wisconsensis.Moellerella wisconsensisC86898 MOGIBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Mogibacterium genus level.MogibacteriumC86899MOGIBACTERIUMTIMIDUMEUBACTERIUMTIMIDUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mogibacterium timidum.Mogibacterium timidumC86009 MORAXELLA BRANHAMELLA SPECIESC86523 MORAXELLA ATLANTAE CDC GROUPM-3Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Moraxella genus level.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moraxella atlantae.MoraxellaMoraxella atlantaeC86524 MORAXELLA BOVIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moraxella bovis.Moraxella bovisSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 3<strong>08</strong> of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonymCDISC DefinitionNCI Preferred TermC86525MORAXELLA CANISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moraxella canis.Moraxella canisC76210MORAXELLACATARRHALISBRANHAMELLACATARRHALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moraxella catarrhalis.Moraxella catarrhalisC86526MORAXELLA LACUNATAMORAXELLALIQUEFACIENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moraxella lacunata.Moraxella lacunataC86527MORAXELLA LINCOLNIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moraxella lincolnii.Moraxella lincolniiC86528MORAXELLANONLIQUEFACIENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moraxella nonliquefaciens.Moraxella nonliquefaciensC86529C86530C86531MORAXELLA OBLONGAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moraxella oblonga.MORAXELLA OSLOENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Moraxella osloensis.MORGANELLAAny bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Morganella genus level.Moraxella oblongaMoraxella osloensisMorganellaC86015MORGANELLA MORGANIIPROTEUSMORGANIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Morganella morganii.Morganella morganiiC76369MYCOBACTERIUMAny bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Mycobacterium genus level.MycobacteriumC86533MYCOBACTERIUMABSCESSUSMYCOBACTERIUM CHELONAESUBSP.ABSCESSUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium abscessus.Mycobacterium abscessusC85544MYCOBACTERIUMAFRICANUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium africanum.Mycobacterium africanumC86535MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium avium.Mycobacterium aviumC76368MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUMCOMPLEXA non-taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to andincluding at least three related subspecies from theMycobacterium avium species.Mycobacterium avium complexC85545MYCOBACTERIUM BOVISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium bovis.Mycobacterium bovisC85546MYCOBACTERIUM BOVISBCGAn attenuated form of Mycobacterium bovis that isused to generate the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine.Mycobacterium bovis BCGC85547MYCOBACTERIUMCANETTIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium canettii.Mycobacterium canettiC86536MYCOBACTERIUMCHELONAEMYCOBACTERIUM CHELONAESUBSP.CHELONAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium chelonae.Mycobacterium chelonaeC86537MYCOBACTERIUMFLAVESCENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium flavescens.Mycobacterium flavescensC86538MYCOBACTERIUMFORTUITUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium fortuitum.Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresourceSource Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 309 of 544 -A>

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86539MYCOBACTERIUMFORTUITUM COMPLEXA non-taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to andincluding related species from the Mycobacteriumgenus.Mycobacterium fortuitum ComplexC86540 MYCOBACTERIUM GASTRI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium gastri.Mycobacterium gastriC86541MYCOBACTERIUMGORDONAEMYCOBACTERIUM AQUAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium gordonae.Mycobacterium gordonaeC86542MYCOBACTERIUMHAEMOPHILUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium haemophilum.Mycobacterium haemophilumC91843MYCOBACTERIUMINTRACELLULAREAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium intracellulare.Mycobacterium intracellulareC85543MYCOBACTERIUMKANSASIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium kansasii.Mycobacterium kansasiiC86544MYCOBACTERIUMLEPRAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium leprae.Mycobacterium lepraeC86545MYCOBACTERIUMMARINUMMYCOBACTERIUM BALNEIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium marinum.Mycobacterium marinumC85548MYCOBACTERIUMMICROTIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium microti.Mycobacterium microtiC86546MYCOBACTERIUMPEREGRINUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium peregrinum.Mycobacterium peregrinumC86547MYCOBACTERIUMSCROFULACEUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium scrofulaceum.Mycobacterium scrofulaceumC86548 MYCOBACTERIUM SIMIAE MYCOBACTERIUM HABANAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium simiae.Mycobacterium simiaeC86590MYCOBACTERIUMSMEGMATISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium smegmatis.Mycobacterium smegmatisC86591MYCOBACTERIUMSZULGAIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium szulgai.Mycobacterium szulgaiC86592MYCOBACTERIUMTERRAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium terrae.Mycobacterium terraeC86593MYCOBACTERIUMTHERMORESISTIBILEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium thermoresistibile.Mycobacterium thermoresistibileC76370MYCOBACTERIUMTUBERCULOSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Mycobacterium tuberculosisC86594MYCOBACTERIUMTUBERCULOSIS COMPLEXA non-taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to andincluding related species from the Mycobacteriumgenus.Mycobacterium tuberculosisComplexC86595MYCOBACTERIUMULCERANSMYCOBACTERIUM BURULIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycobacterium ulcerans.Mycobacterium ulceransC73540 MYCOPLASMA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Mycoplasma genus level.C86597 MYCOPLASMA HOMINIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycoplasma hominis.MycoplasmaMycoplasma hominisSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 310 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86598 MYCOPLASMA ORALE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycoplasma orale.Mycoplasma oraleC86599MYCOPLASMAPNEUMONIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Mycoplasma pneumoniae.Mycoplasma pneumoniaeC86953 MYROIDES Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Myroides genus level.MyroidesC86954 MYROIDES ODORATUS FLAVOBACTERIUMODORATUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Myroides odoratus.Myroides odoratusC76371 NEISSERIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Neisseria genus level.C86600 NEISSERIA CANIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria canis.NeisseriaNeisseria canisC86601 NEISSERIA CINEREA MICROCOCCUS CINEREUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria cinerea.Neisseria cinereaC86602 NEISSERIA FLAVESCENS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria flavescens.Neisseria flavescensC86603NEISSERIAGONORRHOEAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria gonorrhoeae.Neisseria gonorrhoeaeC86604 NEISSERIA LACTAMICA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria lactamica.C86605 NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS BETA-LACTAMASE NEGATIVENEISSERIAMENINGITIDISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria meningitidis.C86606 NEISSERIA MUCOSA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria mucosa.Neisseria lactamicaNeisseria meningitidisNeisseria mucosaC86607NEISSERIAPOLYSACCHAREAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria polysaccharea.Neisseria polysacchareaC866<strong>08</strong> NEISSERIA SICCA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria sicca.C86609 NEISSERIA SUBFLAVA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria subflava.Neisseria siccaNeisseria subflavaC86610 NEISSERIA WEAVERII CDC GROUPM-5Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Neisseria weaverii.Neisseria weaveriiC76372 NOCARDIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Nocardia genus level.C86611 NOCARDIA ASTEROIDES Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Nocardia asteroides.NocardiaNocardia asteroidesC86612NOCARDIA ASTEROIDESCOMPLEXA non-taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to andincluding at least four related species from theNocardia genus.Nocardia asteroides ComplexC86613 NOCARDIA BRASILIENSIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Nocardia brasiliensis.Nocardia brasiliensisSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 311 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86614 NOCARDIA DASSONVILLEI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Nocardia dassonvillei.C86615 NOCARDIA FARCINICA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Nocardia farcinica.C86616 NOCARDIA NOVA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Nocardia nova.Nocardia dassonvilleiNocardia farcinicaNocardia novaC86617NOCARDIAOTITIDISCAVIARUMNOCARDIACAVIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Nocardia otitidiscaviarum.Nocardia otitidiscaviarumC86618NON-FERMENTATIVEGRAM-NEGATIVEBACILLUSNON-FERMENTATIVEGRAM-NEGATIVE RODAny rod-shaped, anaerobic bacteria that cannot convertcarbohydrates into acids and alcohols and has a cellwall that contains low levels of peptidoglycan andstains pink with the Gram staining technique.Non-Fermentative Gram NegativeBacillusC86619 OCHROBACTRUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Ochrobactrum genus level.OchrobactrumC86620OCHROBACTRUMANTHROPIACHROMOBACTER SUBSP.BIOTYPE 1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Ochrobactrum anthropi.Ochrobactrum anthropiC86621OCHROBACTRUMINTERMEDIUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Ochrobactrum intermedium.Ochrobactrum intermediumC86622 OERSKOVIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Oerskovia genus level.C86623 OERSKOVIA TURBATA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Oerskovia turbata.C86624 OLIGELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Oligella genus level.OerskoviaOerskovia turbataOligellaC86625 OLIGELLA UREOLYTICA CDC GROUPIVEC86626 OLIGELLA URETHRALIS CDC GROUPM-4Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Oligella ureolytica.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Oligella urethralis.Oligella ureolyticaOligella urethralisC86627 OLSENELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Olsenella genus level.OlsenellaC86628 OLSENELLA ULI LACTOBACILLUS ULIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Olsenella uli.Olsenella uliC86629 PANDORAEA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Pandoraea genus level.C86630 PANDORAEA PNOMENUSA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pandoraea pnomenusa.C86631 PANTOEA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Pantoea genus level.PandoraeaPandoraea pnomenusaPantoeaC86632 PANTOEA AGGLOMERANS ENTEROBACTERAGGLOMERANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pantoea agglomerans.Pantoea agglomeransC86633 PARABACTEROIDES Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Parabacteroides genus level.ParabacteroidesSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 312 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86634PARABACTEROIDESDISTASONISBACTEROIDESDISTASONISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Parabacteroides distasonis.Parabacteroides distasonisC86635PARABACTEROIDESMERDAEBACTEROIDESMERDAE;BACTEROIDESFRAGILIS T4-1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Parabacteroides merdae.Parabacteroides merdaeC86900 PARVIMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Parvimonas genus level.ParvimonasC86901 PARVIMONAS MICRA PEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUSMICROS;MICROMONASMICROSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Parvimonas micra.Parvimonas micraC86636 PASTEURELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Pasteurella genus level.PasteurellaC86637PASTEURELLAAEROGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pasteurella aerogenes.Pasteurella aerogenesC86638 PASTEURELLA BETTYAE CDC GROUPHB-5C86639 PASTEURELLA CANIS PASTEURELLAMULTOCIDABIOTYPE 6Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pasteurella bettyae.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pasteurella canis.Pasteurella bettyaePasteurella canisC76373PASTEURELLAMULTOCIDAPASTEURELLASEPTICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pasteurella multocida.Pasteurella multocidaC86640PASTEURELLAPNEUMOTROPICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pasteurella pneumotropica.Pasteurella pneumotropicaC86641 PEDIOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Pediococcus genus level.C86642 PEPTOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Peptococcus genus level.PediococcusPeptococcusC86643 PEPTOCOCCUS NIGER MICROCOCCUS NIGERAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Peptococcus niger.Peptococcus nigerC86902 PEPTONIPHILUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Peptoniphilus genus level.PeptoniphilusC86903PEPTONIPHILUSASACCHAROLYTICUSPEPTOCOCCUSASACCHAROLYTICUS;PEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUSASACCHAROLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Peptoniphilus asaccharolyticus.Peptoniphilus asaccharolyticusC86904PEPTONIPHILUSINDOLICUSPEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUSINDOLICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Peptoniphilus indolicus.Peptoniphilus indolicusC86644 PEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Peptostreptococcus genuslevel.PeptostreptococcusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 313 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86645PEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUSANAEROBIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Peptostreptococcus anaerobius.Peptostreptococcus anaerobiusC86646 PHOTOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Photobacterium genus level.PhotobacteriumC86647PHOTOBACTERIUMDAMSELAEVIBRIODAMSELA;CDC GROUPEF-5,PHOTOBACTERIUMDAMSELAESUBSP.DAMSELAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Photobacterium damselae.Photobacterium damselaeC86648 PHOTORHABDUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Photorhabdus genus level.PhotorhabdusC86649PHOTORHABDUSLUMINESCENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Photorhabdus luminescens.Photorhabdus luminescensC86650 PLANOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Planococcus genus level.C86651 PLESIOMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Plesiomonas genus level.PlanococcusPlesiomonasC86652PLESIOMONASSHIGELLOIDESAEROMONASSHIGELLOIDESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Plesiomonas shigelloides.Plesiomonas shigelloidesC86653 PORPHYROMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Porphyromonas genus level.PorphyromonasC86654PORPHYROMONASASACCHAROLYTICABACTEROIDESASACCHAROLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Porphyromonas asaccharolytica.Porphyromonas asaccharolyticaC86655PORPHYROMONASCATONIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Porphyromonas catoniae.Porphyromonas catoniaeC86656PORPHYROMONASENDODONTALISBACTEROIDESENDODONTALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Porphyromonas endodontalis.Porphyromonas endodontalisC86657PORPHYROMONASGINGIVALISBACTEROIDESGINGIVALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Porphyromonas gingivalis.Porphyromonas gingivalisC86658 PORPHYROMONAS LEVII BACTEROIDESLEVII;BACTEROIDESMELANINOGENICUS SUBSP.LEVIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Porphyromonas levii.Porphyromonas leviiC86659PORPHYROMONASSOMERAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Porphyromonas somerae.Porphyromonas someraeC86660 PREVOTELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Prevotella genus level.PrevotellaC86661 PREVOTELLA BIVIA BACTEROIDESBIVIAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella bivia.Prevotella biviaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 314 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86662 PREVOTELLA BREVIS BACTEROIDESRUMINICOLASUBSP.BREVUS;BACTEROIDESRUMINICOLASUBSP. BREVISC86663 PREVOTELLA BUCCAE BACTEROIDESBUCCAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella brevis.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella buccae.Prevotella brevisPrevotella buccaeC86664 PREVOTELLA BUCCALIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella buccalis.C86665 PREVOTELLA CORPORIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella corporis.C86666 PREVOTELLA DENTALIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella dentalis.Prevotella buccalisPrevotella corporisPrevotella dentalisC86667 PREVOTELLA DENTICOLA BACTEROIDESDENTICOLAC86668 PREVOTELLA DISIENS BACTEROIDESDISIENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella denticola.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella disiens.Prevotella denticolaPrevotella disiensC86669PREVOTELLAHEPARINOLYTICABACTEROIDESHEPARINOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella heparinolytica.Prevotella heparinolyticaC86670PREVOTELLA INTERMEDIA BACTEROIDESINTERMEDIAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella intermedia.Prevotella intermediaC86671PREVOTELLAINTERMEDIA/NIGRESCENSGROUPA non-taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to thePrevotella genus that include the P. intermedia and P.nigrescens species.Prevotella intermedia/nigrescensGroupC86672 PREVOTELLA LOESCHEII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella loescheii.Prevotella loescheiiC86673PREVOTELLAMELANINOGENICABACTEROIDESMELANINOGENICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella melaninogenica.Prevotella melaninogenicaC86674 PREVOTELLA NIGRESCENS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella nigrescens.Prevotella nigrescensC86675 PREVOTELLA ORALIS BACTEROIDESORALISC86676 PREVOTELLA ORIS BACTEROIDESORISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella oralis.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella oris.Prevotella oralisPrevotella orisC86677PREVOTELLARUMINICOLABACTEROIDESRUMINICOLAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella ruminicola.Prevotella ruminicolaC86678 PREVOTELLA TANNERAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella tannerae.C86679 PREVOTELLA VERORALIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Prevotella veroralis.C86013 PROPIONIBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Propionibacterium genuslevel.Prevotella tanneraePrevotella veroralisPropionibacteriumSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 315 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC14378PROPIONIBACTERIUMACNESBACILLUSACNES;CORYNEBACTERIUM ACNES;CORYNEBACTERIUMPARVUM; C.PARVUM;CPARVAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Propionibacterium acnes.Propionibacterium acnesC86681PROPIONIBACTERIUMAVIDUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Propionibacterium avidum.Propionibacterium avidumC86682PROPIONIBACTERIUMGRANULOSUMCORYNEBACTERIUMGRANULOSUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Propionibacterium granulosum.Propionibacterium granulosumC86683PROPIONIBACTERIUMPROPIONICUMACTINOMYCESPROPIONICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Propionibacterium propionicum.Propionibacterium propionicumC76374 PROTEUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Proteus genus level.C86684 PROTEUS HAUSERI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Proteus hauseri.ProteusProteus hauseriC84582 PROTEUS INCONSTANS PROVIDENCIAINCONSTANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Proteus inconstans.Proteus inconstansC86019 PROTEUS MIRABILIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Proteus mirabilis.C86687 PROTEUS MYXOFACIENS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Proteus myxofaciens.Proteus mirabilisProteus myxofaciensC86688 PROTEUS PENNERI INDOLENEGATIVEPROTEUSVULGARISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Proteus penneri.Proteus penneriC85250 PROTEUS VULGARIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Proteus vulgaris.C86690 PROVIDENCIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Providencia genus level.Proteus vulgarisProvidenciaC86691PROVIDENCIAALCALIFACIENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Providencia alcalifaciens.Providencia alcalifaciensC86692PROVIDENCIAHEIMBACHAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Providencia heimbachae.Providencia heimbachaeC86693 PROVIDENCIA RETTGERI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Providencia rettgeri.Providencia rettgeriC86694PROVIDENCIARUSTIGIANIIPROVIDENCIAALCALIFACIENS BIOGROUP 3Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Providencia rustigianii.Providencia rustigianiiC86695 PROVIDENCIA STUARTII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Providencia stuartii.C76375 PSEUDOMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Pseudomonas genus level.Providencia stuartiiPseudomonasSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 316 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86696PSEUDOMONASAERUGINOSAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Pseudomonas aeruginosaC86697PSEUDOMONASALCALIGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas alcaligenes.Pseudomonas alcaligenesC86699PSEUDOMONASCHLORORAPHISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas chlororaphis.Pseudomonas chlororaphisC86962PSEUDOMONASFLUORESCENS/PUTIDAGROUPA non-taxonomic grouping of bacteria assigned to thePseudomonas genus that include the P. fluorescens andP. putida species.Pseudomonas fluorescens/putidaGroupC86701 PSEUDOMONAS LUTEOLA CHRYSEOMONAS LUTEOLAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas luteola.Pseudomonas luteolaC86702PSEUDOMONASMENDOCINACDC GROUPVB-2Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas mendocina.Pseudomonas mendocinaC86703 PSEUDOMONAS MOSSELII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas mosselii.Pseudomonas mosseliiC76319PSEUDOMONASORYZIHABITANSFLAVIMONASORYZIHABITANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas oryzihabitans.Pseudomonas oryzihabitansC86704PSEUDOMONASPSEUDOALCALIGENESPSEUDOMONASALCALIGENESBIOTYPE BAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes.Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenesC86705 PSEUDOMONAS PUTIDA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas putida.Pseudomonas putidaC86706 PSEUDOMONAS STUTZERI PSEUDOMONAS GROUP VB-1Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Pseudomonas stutzeri.Pseudomonas stutzeriC86707 PSYCHROBACTER Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Psychrobacter genus level.PsychrobacterC867<strong>08</strong>PSYCHROBACTERIMMOBILISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Psychrobacter immobilis.Psychrobacter immobilisC86709PSYCHROBACTERPHENYLPYRUVICUSMORAXELLAPHENYLPYRUVICA; CDCGROUP M-2Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicus.Psychrobacter phenylpyruvicusC86710 RAHNELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Rahnella genus level.C86711 RAHNELLA AQUATILIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rahnella aquatilis.C86712 RALSTONIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Ralstonia genus level.RahnellaRahnella aquatilisRalstoniaC86713 RALSTONIA PICKETTII BURKHOLDERIA PICKETTII;PSEUDOMONAS PICKETTIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Ralstonia pickettii.Ralstonia pickettiiC86714 RAOULTELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Raoultella genus level.RaoultellaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 317 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86715RAOULTELLAORNITHINOLYTICAKLEBSIELLAORNITHINOLYTICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Raoultella ornithinolytica.Raoultella ornithinolyticaC86716RAOULTELLAPLANTICOLAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Raoultella planticola.Raoultella planticolaC86717 RAOULTELLA TERRIGENA KLEBSIELLATERRIGENAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Raoultella terrigena.Raoultella terrigenaC86718 RHIZOBIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Rhizobium genus level.C76378 RHODOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Rhodococcus genus level.RhizobiumRhodococcusC86719 RHODOCOCCUS EQUI CORYNEBACTERIUM EQUIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rhodococcus equi.Rhodococcus equiC76379 RICKETTSIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Rickettsia genus level.C86720 RICKETTSIA AFRICAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rickettsia africae.C86721 RICKETTSIA FELIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rickettsia felis.C86722 RICKETTSIA JAPONICA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rickettsia japonica.C86723 RICKETTSIA PROWAZEKII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rickettsia prowazekii.C86724 RICKETTSIA RICKETTSII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rickettsia rickettsii.C86725 RICKETTSIA TYPHI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rickettsia typhi.C86726 ROSEOMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Roseomonas genus level.C86727 ROTHIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Rothia genus level.RickettsiaRickettsia africaeRickettsia felisRickettsia japonicaRickettsia prowazekiiRickettsia rickettsiiRickettsia typhiRoseomonasRothiaC86728 ROTHIA DENTOCARIOSA NOCARDIADENTOCARIOSAC76382 ROTHIA MUCILAGINOSA STOMATOCOCCUSMUCILAGINOSUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rothia dentocariosa.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Rothia mucilaginosa.Rothia dentocariosaRothia mucilaginosaC86729 RUMINOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Ruminococcus genus level.RuminococcusC86730RUMINOCOCCUSPRODUCTUSPEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUSPRODUCTUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Ruminococcus productus.Ruminococcus productusC76380 SALMONELLA SALMONELLASEROGROUP D(NOT S. TYPHI)Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Salmonella genus level.SalmonellaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 318 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC91842 SALMONELLA BONGORI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Salmonella bongori.C86731 SALMONELLA ENTERICA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Salmonella enterica.Salmonella bongoriSalmonella entericaC86910SALMONELLA ENTERICASUBSP. ARIZONAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Salmonella enterica subspecies arizonae.Salmonella enterica subsp arizonaeC91844SALMONELLA ENTERICASUBSP. DIARIZONAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Salmonella enterica subspecies diarizonae.Salmonella enterica subsp diarizonaeC86913SALMONELLA ENTERICASUBSP. ENTERICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica.Salmonella enterica subsp entericaC91845SALMONELLA ENTERICASUBSP. HOUTENAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Salmonella enterica subspecies houtenae.Salmonella enterica subsp houtenaeC91846SALMONELLA ENTERICASUBSP. INDICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Salmonella enterica subspecies indica.Salmonella enterica subsp indicaC91847SALMONELLA ENTERICASUBSP. SALAMAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Salmonella enterica subspecies salamae.Salmonella enterica subsp salamaeC86915SALMONELLA SEROTYPECHOLERAESUISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thegenus Salmonella with serotype Choleraesuis.Salmonella Serotype CholeraesuisC86918SALMONELLA SEROTYPEDUBLINAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thegenus Salmonella with serotype Dublin.Salmonella Serotype DublinC86919SALMONELLA SEROTYPEENTERITIDISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thegenus Salmonella with serotype Enteritidis.Salmonella Serotype EnteritidisC86921SALMONELLA SEROTYPENEWPORTAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thegenus Salmonella with serotype Newport.Salmonella Serotype NewportC86922SALMONELLA SEROTYPEPARATYPHI AAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thegenus Salmonella with serotype Paratyphi A.Salmonella Serotype Paratyphi AC86924SALMONELLA SEROTYPEPARATYPHI BAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thegenus Salmonella with serotype Paratyphi B.Salmonella Serotype Paratyphi BC86925SALMONELLA SEROTYPEPARATYPHI CAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thegenus Salmonella with serotype Paratyphi C.Salmonella Serotype Paratyphi CC86926SALMONELLA SEROTYPETYPHIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thegenus Salmonella with serotype Typhi.Salmonella Serotype TyphiC86927SALMONELLA SEROTYPETYPHIMURIUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thegenus Salmonella with serotype Typhimurium.Salmonella Serotype TyphimuriumC86732 SELENOMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Selenomonas genus level.C86733 SELENOMONAS NOXIA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Selenomonas noxia.SelenomonasSelenomonas noxiaC86734SELENOMONASSPUTIGENAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Selenomonas sputigena.Selenomonas sputigenaC86010 SERRATIA SERRATIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Serratia genus level.C86736 SERRATIA FICARIA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Serratia ficaria.SerratiaSerratia ficariaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 319 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86737 SERRATIA FONTICOLA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Serratia fonticola.C86738 SERRATIA LIQUEFACIENS ENTEROBACTERLIQUEFACIENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Serratia liquefaciens.Serratia fonticolaSerratia liquefaciensC14272 SERRATIA MARCESCENS S.MARCESCENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Serratia marcescens.Serratia marcescensC86739 SERRATIA ODORIFERA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Serratia odorifera.C86740 SERRATIA PLYMUTHICA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Serratia plymuthica.Serratia odoriferaSerratia plymuthicaC86741 SERRATIA RUBIDAEA SERRATIAMARINORUBRAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Serratia rubidaea.Serratia rubidaeaC86742 SHEWANELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Shewanella genus level.ShewanellaC86743SHEWANELLAPUTREFACIENSALTEROMONASPUTREFACIENS;PSEUDOMONASPUTREFACIENSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Shewanella putrefaciens.Shewanella putrefaciensC76381 SHIGELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Shigella genus level.ShigellaC86744 SHIGELLA BOYDII SHIGELLABIOGROUP CC86745 SHIGELLA DYSENTERIAE SHIGELLABIOGROUP AC86746 SHIGELLA FLEXNERI SHIGELLABIOGROUP BC86747 SHIGELLA SONNEI SHIGELLABIOGROUP DAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Shigella boydii.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Shigella dysenteriae.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Shigella flexneri.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Shigella sonnei.Shigella boydiiShigella dysenteriaeShigella flexneriShigella sonneiC86957 SPHINGOBACTERIUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Sphingobacterium genuslevel.SphingobacteriumC86958SPHINGOBACTERIUMMIZUTAIIFLAVOBACTERIUM MIZUTAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Sphingobacterium mizutaii.Sphingobacterium mizutaiiC86959SPHINGOBACTERIUMMULTIVORUMCDC GROUPIIK-2Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Sphingobacterium multivorum.Sphingobacterium multivorumC86960SPHINGOBACTERIUMSPIRITIVORUMCDC GROUPIIK-3Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Sphingobacterium spiritivorum.Sphingobacterium spiritivorumC86961SPHINGOBACTERIUMTHALPOPHILUMFLAVOBACTERIUMTHALPOPHILUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Sphingobacterium thalpophilum.Sphingobacterium thalpophilumSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 320 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86748 SPHINGOMONAS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Sphingomonas genus level.SphingomonasC86749SPHINGOMONASPAUCIMOBILISCDC GROUPIIK-1;PSEUDOMONASPAUCIMOBILISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Sphingomonas paucimobilis.Sphingomonas paucimobilisC62583 STAPHYLOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Staphylococcus genus level.StaphylococcusC86750STAPHYLOCOCCUSARLETTAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus arlettae.Staphylococcus arlettaeC50921STAPHYLOCOCCUSAUREUSSTAPH.AUREUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus aureus.Staphylococcus aureusC86751STAPHYLOCOCCUSAURICULARISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus auricularis.Staphylococcus auricularisC86752STAPHYLOCOCCUSCAPITISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus capitis.Staphylococcus capitisC86753STAPHYLOCOCCUSCAPRAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus caprae.Staphylococcus capraeC86754STAPHYLOCOCCUSCARNOSUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus carnosus.Staphylococcus carnosusC86755STAPHYLOCOCCUSCHROMOGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus chromogenes.Staphylococcus chromogenesC86756STAPHYLOCOCCUSCOHNIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus cohnii.Staphylococcus cohniiC86757STAPHYLOCOCCUSEPIDERMIDISSTAPHYLOCOCCUS ALBUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus epidermidis.Staphylococcus epidermidisC86758STAPHYLOCOCCUSEQUORUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus equorum.Staphylococcus equorumC86759 STAPHYLOCOCCUS FELIS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus felis.Staphylococcus felisC86760STAPHYLOCOCCUSGALLINARUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus gallinarum.Staphylococcus gallinarumC86761STAPHYLOCOCCUSHAEMOLYTICUSSTAPH.HAEMOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus haemolyticus.Staphylococcus haemolyticusC86762STAPHYLOCOCCUSHOMINISCOAGULASENEGATIVESTAPHYLOCOCCUS HOMINISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus hominis.Staphylococcus hominisC86763STAPHYLOCOCCUSHYICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus hyicus.Staphylococcus hyicusC86764STAPHYLOCOCCUSINTERMEDIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus intermedius.Staphylococcus intermediusC86765STAPHYLOCOCCUSKLOOSIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus kloosii.Staphylococcus kloosiiSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 321 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86766STAPHYLOCOCCUSLENTUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus lentus.Staphylococcus lentusC86767STAPHYLOCOCCUSLUGDUNENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus lugdunensis.Staphylococcus lugdunensisC86768STAPHYLOCOCCUSPASTEURIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus pasteuri.Staphylococcus pasteuriC86769STAPHYLOCOCCUSSACCHAROLYTICUSPEPTOCOCCUSSACCHAROLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus saccharolyticus.Staphylococcus saccharolyticusC86770STAPHYLOCOCCUSSAPROPHYTICUSMICROCOCCUS SUBGROUP 3Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus saprophyticus.Staphylococcus saprophyticusC86771STAPHYLOCOCCUSSCHLEIFERIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus schleiferi.Staphylococcus schleiferiC86772 STAPHYLOCOCCUS SCIURI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus sciuri.Staphylococcus sciuriC86773STAPHYLOCOCCUSSIMULANSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus simulans.Staphylococcus simulansC86774STAPHYLOCOCCUSWARNERIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus warneri.Staphylococcus warneriC86775STAPHYLOCOCCUSXYLOSUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Staphylococcus xylosus.Staphylococcus xylosusC86776 STENOTROPHOMONAS STENOTROPHOMONASAny bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Stenotrophomonas genuslevel.StenotrophomonasC76377STENOTROPHOMONASMALTOPHILIAPSEUDOMONASMALTOPHILIA;XANTHOMONASMALTOPHILIAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.Stenotrophomonas maltophiliaC86777 STREPTOBACILLUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Streptobacillus genus level.StreptobacillusC86778STREPTOBACILLUSMONILIFORMISHAVERHILLIAMULTIFORMISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptobacillus moniliformis.Streptobacillus moniliformisC76383 STREPTOCOCCUS STREPTOCOCCI SP.Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Streptococcus genus level.StreptococcusC86779STREPTOCOCCUSACIDOMINIMUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus acidominimus.Streptococcus acidominimusC86780STREPTOCOCCUSAGALACTIAESTREPT. GPB(AGALACT)Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus agalactiae.Streptococcus agalactiaeC86781STREPTOCOCCUSALACTOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus alactolyticus.Streptococcus alactolyticusC86141STREPTOCOCCUSALPHA-HEMOLYTICALPHA-HEMOLYTICSTREPTOCOCCUSA bacteria that is assigned to the genus Streptococcusthat is able to reduce the iron content in hemoglobin inred blood cells, thus producing green-colored colonieson blood agar plates.Alpha-Hemolytic StreptococcusSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 322 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonymCDISC DefinitionNCI Preferred TermC86782STREPTOCOCCUSANGINOSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus anginosis.Streptococcus anginosisC86783STREPTOCOCCUSANGINOSUS GROUPA bacteria that belongs to the Anginosus group of thegenus Streptococcus.Streptococcus anginosus GroupC86190STREPTOCOCCUSBETA-HEMOLYTICBETA-HEMOLYTICSTREPTOCOCCUSA bacteria that is assigned to the genus Streptococcusthat is able to facilitate the complete rupturing of redblood cells, thus producing wide, clear, zones aroundcolonies on blood agar plates.Beta-Hemolytic StreptococcusC86784STREPTOCOCCUS BOVISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus bovis.Streptococcus bovisC86785STREPTOCOCCUS BOVISGROUPA bacteria that belongs to the Bovis group of the genusStreptococcus.Streptococcus bovis GroupC86786STREPTOCOCCUS CANISSTREPTOCOCCUSDYSGALACTIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus canis.Streptococcus canisC86787STREPTOCOCCUSCONSTELLATUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus constellatus.Streptococcus constellatusC86788STREPTOCOCCUSCRISTATUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus cristatus.Streptococcus cristatusC91848STREPTOCOCCUSDYSGALACTIAE SUBSP.DYSGALACTIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspeciesdysgalactiae.Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspdysgalactiaeC86906STREPTOCOCCUSDYSGALACTIAE SUBSP.EQUISIMILISSTREPTOCOCCUSEQUISIMILISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspeciesequisimilis.Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspequisimilisC86789STREPTOCOCCUS EQUIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus equi.Streptococcus equiC86790STREPTOCOCCUSEQUINUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus equinus.Streptococcus equinusC86791STREPTOCOCCUSGALLOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus gallolyticus.Streptococcus gallolyticusC864<strong>08</strong>STREPTOCOCCUSGAMMA-HEMOLYTICGAMMA-HEMOLYTICSTREPTOCOCCUSA bacteria that is assigned to the genus Streptococcusthat is unable to facilitate red blood cell lysis.Gamma-Hemolytic StreptococcusC86792STREPTOCOCCUSGORDONIIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus gordonii.Streptococcus gordoniiC86793STREPTOCOCCUSINFANTARIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus infantarius.Streptococcus infantariusC86794STREPTOCOCCUSINTERMEDIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus intermedius.Streptococcus intermediusC86795STREPTOCOCCUS MILLERISTREPTOCOCCUS MILLERI IAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus milleri.Streptococcus milleriC86796STREPTOCOCCUS MILLERIGROUPA bacteria that belongs to the Milleri group of thegenus Streptococcus.Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresourceSource Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 323 of 544 -A>

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonymCDISC DefinitionNCI Preferred TermC86797STREPTOCOCCUS MITISGROUPA bacteria that belongs to the Mitis group of the genusStreptococcus.Streptococcus mitis GroupC86798STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANSGROUPA bacteria that belongs to the Mutans group of thegenus Streptococcus.Streptococcus mutans GroupC86799STREPTOCOCCUS ORALISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus oralis.Streptococcus oralisC86800STREPTOCOCCUSPARASANGUINISSTREPTOCOCCUSPARASANGUISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus parasanguinis.Streptococcus parasanguinisC76384STREPTOCOCCUSPNEUMONIAEDIPLOCOCCUSPNEUMONIAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus pneumoniae.Streptococcus pneumoniaeC86802STREPTOCOCCUSPORCINUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus porcinus.Streptococcus porcinusC86803STREPTOCOCCUSPYOGENESGROUP ABETA-HEMOLYTICSTREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus pyogenes.Streptococcus pyogenesC86804STREPTOCOCCUSSALIVARIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus salivarius.Streptococcus salivariusC86805STREPTOCOCCUSSALIVARIUS GROUPA bacteria that belongs to the Salivarius group of thegenus Streptococcus.Streptococcus salivarius GroupC86806STREPTOCOCCUSSANGUINISSTREPTOCOCCUS SANGUISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus sanguinis.Streptococcus sanguinisC86807STREPTOCOCCUS SUISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus suis.Streptococcus suisC868<strong>08</strong>STREPTOCOCCUSTHERMOPHILUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus thermophilus.Streptococcus thermophilusC86809STREPTOCOCCUS UBERISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus uberis.Streptococcus uberisC86810STREPTOCOCCUSVESTIBULARISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptococcus vestibularis.Streptococcus vestibularisC86811STREPTOCOCCUSVIRIDANS GROUPSTREPTOCOCCUS VIRIDANS;VIRIDANSSTREPTOCOCCUSA non-taxonomic grouping of species within theStreptococcus genus that are alpha-hemolytic and donot express Lancefield antigens.Streptococcus viridans GroupC14278C86812C86813STREPTOMYCESAny bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Streptomyces genus level.STREPTOMYCES ALBUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptomyces albus.STREPTOMYCES GRISEUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptomyces griseus.StreptomycesStreptomyces albusStreptomyces griseusC86814STREPTOMYCESSOMALIENSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Streptomyces somaliensis.Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresourceSource Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 324 of 544 -A>

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86956 SUTTERELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Sutterella genus level.C86815 SUTTONELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Suttonella genus level.SutterellaSuttonellaC86816SUTTONELLAINDOLOGENESKINGELLAINDOLOGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Suttonella indologenes.Suttonella indologenesC86817 TATLOCKIA MICDADEI LEGIONELLAMICDADEIAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Legionella micdadei.Tatlockia micdadeiC86818 TATUMELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Tatumella genus level.TatumellaC86819 TATUMELLA PTYSEOS CDC GROUPEF-9Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Tatumella ptyseos.Tatumella ptyseosC86820 TETRAGENOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Tetragenococcus genuslevel.TetragenococcusC86821TETRAGENOCOCCUSSOLITARIUSENTEROCOCCUS SOLITARIUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Tetragenococcus solitarius.Tetragenococcus solitariusC86907 TISSIERELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Tissierella genus level.C869<strong>08</strong> TISSIERELLA PRAEACUTA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Tissierella praeacuta.C86822 TRABULSIELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Trabulsiella genus level.TissierellaTissierella praeacutaTrabulsiellaC86823TRABULSIELLAGUAMENSISCDC ENTERICGROUP 90Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Trabulsiella guamensis.Trabulsiella guamensisC76385 TREPONEMA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Treponema genus level.C86825 TREPONEMA PALLIDUM Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Treponema pallidum.TreponemaTreponema pallidumC91850TREPONEMA PALLIDUMSUBSP. ENDEMICUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Treponema pallidum subspecies endemicum.Treponema pallidum subspendemicumC91849TREPONEMA PALLIDUMSUBSP. PALLIDUMAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum.Treponema pallidum subsp pallidumC86909TREPONEMA PALLIDUMSUBSP. PERTENUETREPONEMAPERTENUEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Treponema pallidum and subspecies pertenue.Treponema pallidum subsp pertenueC86826 TROPHERYMA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Tropheryma genus level.C86827 TROPHERYMA WHIPPLEI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Tropheryma whipplei.C86828 TSUKAMURELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Tsukamurella genus level.TropherymaTropheryma whippleiTsukamurellaC86829TSUKAMURELLAPAUROMETABOLUMGORDONAAURANTIACAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Tsukamurella paurometabolum.Tsukamurella paurometabolumC86830 TURICELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Turicella genus level.TuricellaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 325 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86831 TURICELLA OTITIDIS RHODOCOCCUSAURANTIAZUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Turicella otitidis.Turicella otitidisC86832 UREAPLASMA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Ureaplasma genus level.UreaplasmaC86833UREAPLASMAUREALYTICUMT-MYCOPLASMAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Ureaplasma urealyticum.Ureaplasma urealyticumC86834 VAGOCOCCUS Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Vagococcus genus level.C86835 VARIBACULUM Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Varibaculum genus level.VagococcusVaribaculumC86836VARIBACULUMCAMBRIENSEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Varibaculum cambriense.Varibaculum cambrienseC86837 VEILLONELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Veillonella genus level.C86838 VEILLONELLA DISPAR Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Veillonella dispar.C86839 VEILLONELLA PARVULA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Veillonella parvula.C76386 VIBRIO Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Vibrio genus level.C86840 VIBRIO ALGINOLYTICUS Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Vibrio alginolyticus.VeillonellaVeillonella disparVeillonella parvulaVibrioVibrio alginolyticusC86841 VIBRIO CHOLERAE VIBRIOCOMMAC86842 VIBRIO FLUVIALIS CDC GROUPEF-6C86843 VIBRIO FURNISSII VIBRIOFLUVIALISBIOGROUP 2C86844 VIBRIO METSCHNIKOVII CDC ENTERICGROUP 16C86845 VIBRIO MIMICUS SUCROSENEGATIVEVIBRIOCHOLERAEAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Vibrio cholerae.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Vibrio fluvialis.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Vibrio furnissii.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Vibrio metschnikovii.Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Vibrio mimicus.Vibrio choleraeVibrio fluvialisVibrio furnissiiVibrio metschnikoviiVibrio mimicusC86846VIBRIOPARAHAEMOLYTICUSAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Vibrio parahaemolyticus.Vibrio parahaemolyticusC86847 VIBRIO VULNIFICUS BENECKEAVULNIFICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Vibrio vulnificus.Vibrio vulnificusC86848 WEEKSELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Weeksella genus level.C86849 WEEKSELLA VIROSA CDC GROUP IIF Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Weeksella virosa.WeeksellaWeeksella virosaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 326 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85491 - MICROORG - MicroorganismCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC86850 WOLINELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Wolinella genus level.WolinellaC86851WOLINELLASUCCINOGENESAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Wolinella succinogenes.Wolinella succinogenesC86852 YERSINIA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Yersinia genus level.C86853 YERSINIA ALDOVAE Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia aldovae.C86854 YERSINIA BERCOVIERI YERSINIAENTEROLITICABIOGROUP 3BAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia bercovieri.YersiniaYersinia aldovaeYersinia bercovieriC86855YERSINIAENTEROCOLITICAPASTEURELLAENTEROCOLITICAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia enterocolitica.Yersinia enterocoliticaC86856 YERSINIA FREDERIKSENII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia frederiksenii.C86857 YERSINIA INTERMEDIA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia intermedia.C86858 YERSINIA KRISTENSENII Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia kristensenii.C86859 YERSINIA MOLLARETII YERSINIAENTEROLITICABIOGROUP 3AAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia mollaretii.Yersinia frederikseniiYersinia intermediaYersinia kristenseniiYersinia mollaretiiC86860 YERSINIA PESTIS PASTEURELLAPESTISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia pestis.Yersinia pestisC86861YERSINIAPSEUDOTUBERCULOSISPASTEURELLAPSEUDOTUBERCULOSISAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.Yersinia pseudotuberculosisC86862 YERSINIA ROHDEI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia rohdei.C86863 YERSINIA RUCKERI Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yersinia ruckeri.C86864 YOKENELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Yokenella genus level.Yersinia rohdeiYersinia ruckeriYokenellaC86865YOKENELLAREGENSBURGEICDC ENTERICGROUP 45Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Yokenella regensburgei.Yokenella regensburgeiC86866 ZIMMERMANNELLA Any bacteria that is not assigned to the species levelbut can be assigned to the Zimmermannella genuslevel.C86867 ZIMMERMANNELLA ALBA Any bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Zimmermannella alba.ZimmermannellaZimmermannella albaC86868ZIMMERMANNELLABIFIDAAny bacterial organism that can be assigned to thespecies Zimmermannella bifida.Zimmermannella bifidaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 327 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85495 - MSRESCAT - Microbiology Susceptibility Testing Result CategoryCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85560 INTERMEDIATE Intermediate The growth of microorganisms may be inhibited byantimicrobials that approach usually attainable bloodand tissue concentrations. The response rates may belower than for susceptible isolates. This category alsoincludes a buffer zone, which should prevent small,uncontrolled, technical factors from causing majordiscrepancies in interpretations, especially for drugswith narrow pharmacotoxicity margins.C85561 NONSUSCEPTIBLE Non Susceptible A category used for microorganisms that have only asusceptible interpretive criteria, but not anintermediate or resistant interpretive category (i.e.,susceptible-only interpretive category). This categorymay be applied to new antimicrobial agents for whichno resistant microorganisms have been encountered atthe time the initial interpretive criteria are determined.Microorganisms that test with an MIC above or a zonemeasurement below the susceptible interpretivecriteria are designated as nonsusceptible. Adesignation of nonsusceptible does not necessarilymean that a resistance mechanism(s) exists in themicroorganism.Antimicrobial IntermediateSusceptibility ResultAntimicrobial NonsusceptibilityResultC48660 NOT APPLICABLE Not Applicable;NADetermination of a value is not relevant in the currentcontext. (NCI)Not ApplicableC85562 RESISTANT Resistant The growth of microorganisms are not inhibited by theusually achievable concentrations of the antimicrobialagent with normal dosages, and/or microorganismsdemonstrate MICs or zone diameters that fall in therange where specific microbial resistance mechanisms(e.g. Beta-lactamases) are likely, and clinical efficacyof the agent against the microorganism has not beenreliably shown in treatment studies.C85563 SUSCEPTIBLE Susceptible The growth of microorganisms are inhibited by theusually achievable concentrations of antimicrobialagent when the recommended dosage is used for thesite of infection.Antimicrobial Resistance ResultAntimicrobial Susceptibility ResultC85559SUSCEPTIBLE-DOSEDEPENDENTSusceptible-Dose DependentThe growth of microorganisms may be inhibited whenhigher than normal dosages of an antimicrobial agentare used and maximal possible blood concentration ofthe antimicrobial agent is achieved.Antimicrobial Dose DependentSusceptibility ResultC17998 UNKNOWN U; Unknown Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)UnknownSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 328 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78738 - NCF - Never/Current/Former ClassificationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25471 CURRENT Occurring in or belonging to the present time. (NCI) CurrentC25627 FORMER Previous Occurring prior to something else. (NCI) PreviousC70543 NEVER Not ever; at no time in the past. NeverSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 329 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66727 - NCOMPLT - Completion/Reason for Non-CompletionCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC41331 ADVERSE EVENT Any untoward medical occurrence in a patient orclinical investigation subject administered apharmaceutical product and which does not necessarilyhave a causal relationship with this treatment. Anadverse event (AE) can therefore be any unintendedsign (including an abnormal laboratory finding),symptom, or disease temporally associated with theuse of a medicinal (investigational) product, whetheror not related to the medicinal (investigational)product. NOTE: For further information, see the ICHGuideline for Clinical Safety Data Management:Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting.[Modified from ICH E2A] Synonyms: side effect,adverse experience. See also serious adverse event,serious adverse experience. (CDISC glossary)C25250 COMPLETED To possess every necessary or normal part orcomponent or step; having come or been brought to aconclusion. (NCI)Adverse EventCompleteC28554 DEATH The absence of life or state of being dead. (NCI) DeathC38155 DISEASE RELAPSE RecurrentDiseaseThe return of a disease after a period of remission.Recurrent DiseaseC48226 LACK OF EFFICACY The lack of expected or desired effect related to atherapy. (NCI)C48227 LOST TO FOLLOW-UP The loss or lack of continuation of a subject tofollow-up.Lack of EfficacyLost To Follow-upC49631NON-COMPLIANCE WITHSTUDY DRUGAn indication that a subject has not agreed with orfollowed the instructions related to the studymedication. (NCI)Non-Compliance With Study DrugC17649 OTHER Other Different than the one(s) previously specified ormentioned. (NCI)C48250 PHYSICIAN DECISION A position, opinion or judgment reached afterconsideration by a physician with reference to subject.(NCI)C25742 PREGNANCY Pregnancy is the state or condition of having adeveloping embryo or fetus in the body (uterus), afterunion of an ovum and spermatozoon, during the periodfrom conception to birth. (NCI)C35571 PROGRESSIVE DISEASE A disease process that is increasing in scope orseverity. (NCI)C48251 PROTOCOL VIOLATION An event or decision that stands in contrast to theguidelines set out by the protocol. (NCI)C25746 RECOVERY A healing process and/or an outcome implying relativehealth. The term is typically used in the context ofdirect and indirect effects of sickness or injury. (NCI)C49628 SCREEN FAILURE The potential subject who does not meet one or morecriteria required for participation in a trial.OtherPhysician DecisionPregnancyProgressive DiseaseProtocol ViolationRecoveryTrial Screen FailureC49632STUDY TERMINATED BYSPONSORAn indication that a clinical study was stopped by itssponsor. (NCI)Study Terminated By SponsorSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 330 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66727 - NCOMPLT - Completion/Reason for Non-CompletionCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49633 TECHNICAL PROBLEMS A problem with some technical aspect of a clinicalstudy, usually related to an instrument. (NCI)Technical ProblemC102355WITHDRAWAL BYPARENT/GUARDIANAn indication that a study participant has been removedfrom the study by the parent or legal guardian.Study Subject Withdrawal by Parentor GuardianC49634WITHDRAWAL BYSUBJECTAn indication that a study participant has removeditself from the study. (NCI)Withdrawal by SubjectSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 331 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66789 - ND - Not DoneCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49484 NOT DONE Indicates a task, process or examination that has eithernot been initiated or completed. (NCI)Not DoneSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 332 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC7644ADAMANTINOMA,MALIGNANTADAMANTINOMAA low-grade malignant neoplasm composed ofepithelial cells and a spindle cell osteo-fibrousproliferation.AdamantinomaC4200ADENOACANTHOMA,MALIGNANTADENOACANTHOMAA malignant neoplasm arising from glandular cells thatincludes focal or extensive areas of squamousmetaplasia.Adenocarcinoma with SquamousMetaplasiaC3766ADENOCARCINOMA,CLEAR CELL, MALIGNANTCLEAR CELLCARCINOMA;MESONEPHROID CLEAR CELLADENOCARCINOMA;MESONEPHROID CLEAR CELLCARCINOMAA malignant neoplasm comprising glandular epithelialclear cells.Clear Cell AdenocarcinomaC7359ADENOCARCINOMA,ENDOMETRIAL,MALIGNANTADENOCARCINOMA OFENDOMETRIUM;ADENOCARCINOMA OF THEENDOMETRIUMA malignant glandular neoplasm of the uterine lining.Endometrial AdenocarcinomaC2852ADENOCARCINOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm arising from glandular cells.AdenocarcinomaC26712ADENOCARCINOMA,MUCINOUS, MALIGNANTGELATINOUSADENOCARCINOMA; MUCOIDADENOCARCINOMA;MUCINOUSCARCINOMA;MUCOUS;ADENOCARCINOMA; COLLOIDADENOCARCINOMA; COLLOIDCARCINOMA;MUCOIDCARCINOMA;MUCOUSCARCINOMA;GELATINOUSCARCINOMAAn adenocarcinoma comprising neoplastic glandularcells containing intracytoplasmic mucin.Mucinous AdenocarcinomaC2853ADENOCARCINOMA,PAPILLARY, MALIGNANTAn adenocarcinoma with papillary growth pattern.Papillary AdenocarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 333 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC40310ADENOCARCINOMA,SEBACEOUS, MALIGNANTCARCINOMAOFSEBACEOUSGLAND;CARCINOMAOF THESEBACEOUSGLAND;SEBACEOUSGLANDCARCINOMAAn adenocarcinoma with sebaceous differentiation.Sebaceous CarcinomaC8984 ADENOFIBROMA, BENIGN BENIGNMIXEDMUELLERIANTUMORBenign mixed neoplasm comprised ofepithelial/glandular and mesenchymal structures.AdenofibromaC4159 ADENOLIPOMA, BENIGN Benign mixed neoplasm comprised ofepithelial/glandular and lipomatous structures.LipoadenomaC4196ADENOMA, ACINAR CELL,BENIGNACINIC CELLADENOMA;ACINARADENOMAA benign glandular epithelial neoplasm comprisingsecretory cells forming acinar patterns.Acinar Cell AdenomaC7580ADENOMA, ADNEXAL,BENIGNADENOMA OFADNEXA;ADENOMA OFSKINAPPENDAGE;ADNEXALADENOMAA benign glandular epithelial neoplasm comprisingsecretory cells forming acinar patterns.Skin Appendage AdenomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 334 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC9003ADENOMA,ADRENOCORTICAL ,BENIGNCORTICALCELLADENOMA;ADRENALCORTICALADENOMA;ADRENOCORTICALADENOMA;BENIGNADRENALADENOMA;BENIGNADENOMA OFTHE ADRENALGLAND;ADENOMA OFTHE ADRENALGLAND;ADRENALADENOMA;ADENOMA OFADRENALGLAND;ADENOMA OFTHE ADRENALCORTEX;BENIGNADRENALGLANDADENOMA;BENIGNADENOMA OFADRENALGLAND;ADENOMA OFADRENALCORTEX;ADRENALGLANDADENOMAA benign neoplasm arising from any of the adrenalcortical layers.Adrenal Cortex AdenomaC3329ADENOMA, ANTERIORLOBE PITUITARY GLAND,BENIGNADENOMA OFPITUITARYGLAND;ADENOMA OFPITUITARY;ADENOMA OFTHE PITUITARYGLAND;ADENOMA OFTHEPITUITARY;PITUITARYADENOMAA benign neoplasm of the anterior lobe of the pituitarygland.Pituitary Gland AdenomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 335 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC5950ADENOMA, BASAL CELL,BENIGNBASAL CELLADENOMA OFSALIVARYGLAND; BASALCELLADENOMA OFTHE SALIVARYGLAND; BASALCELLADENOMA;BENIGN BASALCELL TUMORA benign epithelial neoplasm characterized by thepresence of/arising from basal cells.Salivary Gland Basal Cell AdenomaC2855 ADENOMA, BENIGN A benign neoplasm arising from epithelium. AdenomaC3494ADENOMA, BRONCHIAL,BENIGNA benign neoplasia of the lung, arising from bronchialepithelium.Lung Papillary AdenomaC4140ADENOMA,BRONCHIOLOALVEOLAR,BENIGNADENOMA OFTHE ALVEOLI;ADENOMA OFALVEOLIA benign lung neoplasm arising from thealveolar/bronchiolar epithelium.Alveolar AdenomaC46101ADENOMA, C-CELL,BENIGNPARAFOLLICULAR CELLADENOMAA benign neoplasm arising from C-cells of the thyroidgland.Neoplastic C-Cell HyperplasiaC6<strong>08</strong>8ADENOMA, CERUMINOUSGLAND, BENIGNCERUMINOUSADENOMA;CERUMINOUSADENOMA OFEXTERNALAUDITORYCANAL;CERUMINOUSADENOMA OFTHEEXTERNALAUDITORYCANAL;CERUMINOMAA benign epithelial neoplasm derived from ceruminousglands in the external auditory canal.External Auditory Canal CeruminousAdenomaC4151ADENOMA, CLEAR CELL,BENIGNA benign neoplasm comprising glands containingepithelial clear cells.Clear Cell AdenomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 336 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3502ADENOMA, FOLLICULARCELL, BENIGNADENOMA OFTHE THYROIDGLAND;THYROIDADENOMA;FOLLICULARADENOMA OFTHE THYROID;THYROIDFOLLICULARADENOMA;ADENOMA OFTHYROID;ADENOMA OFTHYROIDGLAND;FOLLICULARADENOMA OFTHE THYROIDGLAND;FOLLICULARADENOMA OFTHYROIDGLAND;ADENOMA OFTHE THYROID;FOLLICULARADENOMA OFTHYROID;THYROIDGLANDADENOMA;FOLLICULARADENOMAA benign neoplasm arising from follicular cells of thethyroid gland.Thyroid Gland Follicular AdenomaC3758ADENOMA,HEPATOCELLULAR,BENIGNADENOMA OFTHE LIVERCELLS; LIVERCELLADENOMA;HCA;ADENOMA OFLIVER CELLSA benign epithelial neoplasm arising from hepatocytes.Hepatocellular AdenomaC7126ADENOMA,HEPATOCHOLANGIOCELLULAR, BENIGNA benign neoplasm arising from the intrahepatic bileduct.Intrahepatic Bile Duct AdenomaC65184ADENOMA, ISLET CELL,BENIGNISLET CELLADENOMAA benign neoplasm arising from the islet cells of thepancreas.Islet Cell AdenomaC46119ADENOMA, LIGHT CELL,BENIGNA benign epithelial neoplasm of the thyroid glandcomprising follicular cells with cytoplasmic clearing.Thyroid Gland Clear Cell FollicularAdenomaC2973ADENOMA, MUCINOUS,BENIGNPSEUDOMUCINOUSCYSTADENOMA; MUCINOUSCYSTOMA;MUCINOUSADENOMAA benign, cystic epithelial neoplasm comprising cellscontaining intracytoplasmic mucin.Mucinous CystadenomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 337 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC79951ADENOMA, PAPILLARY,BENIGNA benign epithelial neoplasm characterized by thepresence of papillary epithelial patterns.Papillary AdenomaC60490ADENOMA, PARSDISTALIS, BENIGNRat Pars DistalisAdenomaA benign epithelial neoplasm arising from the parsdistalis of the anterior pituitary gland.Rat Pars Distalis AdenomaC60493ADENOMA, PARSINTERMEDIA, BENIGNRat ParsIntermediaAdenomaA benign epithelial neoplasm arising from the parsintermedia of the anterior pituitary gland.Rat Pars Intermedia AdenomaC98723ADENOMA, PITUITARYGLAND, BENIGNA benign neoplasm of the pituitary gland.Experimental Organism PituitaryGland AdenomaC8383ADENOMA, RENAL CELL,BENIGNRENALTUBULEADENOMAA benign neoplasm arising from the renal cortex.Renal AdenomaC39956ADENOMA, RETE TESTIS,BENIGNA benign epithelial neoplasm arising from the retetestis.Rete Testis AdenomaC4174ADENOMA, SEBACEOUS,BENIGNSEBACEOUSGLANDADENOMA;ADENOMA OFTHESEBACEOUSGLAND;ADENOMA OFSEBACEOUSGLAND; SKINAPPENDAGESEBACEOUSADENOMAA benign neoplasm arising from sebaceous glands.Sebaceous AdenomaC92180ADENOMA, SERTOLIFORMTUBULAR, BENIGNRat SertoliformTubular AdenomaA benign tubular adenoma with Sertoli celldifferentiation.Rat Sertoliform Tubular AdenomaC7560ADENOMA, SWEATGLAND, BENIGNADENOMA OFTHE SWEATGLAND;ADENOMA OFSWEAT GLANDA benign epithelias neoplasm arising from sweatglands.Sweat Gland AdenomaC4133ADENOMA, TUBULARCELL, BENIGNA benign neoplasm arising from glandular epithelium,characterized by a tubular architectural pattern.Tubular AdenomaC79953ADENOMA,TUBULOSTROMAL,BENIGNA benign ovarian epithelial neoplasm characterized bythe presence of tubular structures and interstitialstroma.Tubulostromal AdenomaC84357ADENOMA, YOLK SAC,BENIGNA benign epithelial neoplasm arising from the yolk sac.Yolk Sac AdenomaC98800ADENOMA, ZYMBAL'SGLANDA benign neoplasm of the rodent Zymbal's gland withsebaceous and/or squamous differentiation.Zymbal's Gland AdenomaC3726 ADENOMYOMA, BENIGN A benign neoplasm characterized by the presence of aglandular and a mesenchymal component.AdenomyomaC83488ADRENAL TUMOR,SUBCAPSULAR, BENIGNSUBCAPSULARSINGLE CELLADENOMA,ADRENALA benign neoplasm located beneath the adrenalcapsule.Benign Subcapsular Adrenal TumorSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 338 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC83489ADRENAL TUMOR,SUBCAPSULAR,MALIGNANTSUBCAPSULARSINGLE CELLCARCINOMA,ADRENALA malignant neoplasm located beneath the adrenalcapsule.Malignant Subcapsular AdrenalTumorC82973ADRENAL TUMOR,SUBCAPSULAR,UNDETERMINEDSUBCAPSULARCELL TUMOR,ADRENAL;SUBCAPSULARCELL TUMOR,ADRENALA neoplasm located beneath the adrenal capsule inwhich the malignancy status has not been established.Subcapsular Adrenal TumorC2858ADRENOCORTICALNEOPLASM,UNDETERMINEDADRENALCORTEXTUMOR;ADRENOCORTICALNEOPLASM;ADRENOCORTICAL TUMORA neoplasm of the adrenal cortex in which themalignancy status has not been established.Adrenal Cortex NeoplasmC7111AMELOBLASTOMA,BENIGNA benign odontogenic neoplasm arising from theepithelial component of the embryonic tooth.Benign AmeloblastomaC54297AMELOBLASTOMA,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTAMELOBLASTOMAA malignant odontogenic neoplasm arising from theepithelial component of the embryonic tooth.Metastasizing AmeloblastomaC4313AMELOBLASTOMA,UNDETERMINEDA odontogenic neoplasm arising from the epithelialcomponent of the embryonic tooth of undeterminedmalignancy status.AmeloblastomaC3799 ANGIOFIBROMA, BENIGN FIBROANGIOMA, BENIGN;FIBROUSPAPULE;TELANGIECTATIC FIBROMA;ANGIOFIBROMATOUSHYPERPLASIAA benign, morphologic variant of fibromacharacterized by the presence of numerous dilatedvascular channels.AngiofibromaC3733 ANGIOLIPOMA, BENIGN ANGIOLIPOMA A lipoma characterized by prominent vascularization. AngiolipomaC9477ASTROCYTOMA,GRADE IIIANAPLASTIC , MALIGNANT ASTROCYTICTUMOR;GRADE IIIASTROCYTOMA; GRADE IIIASTROCYTICNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTASTROCYTOMAA malignant neoplasm of the brain or spinal cordoriginating from astrocytes, exhibiting poordifferentiation (anaplasia).Anaplastic AstrocytomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 339 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4047ASTROCYTOMA,PILOCYTIC, BENIGNGRADE IASTROCYTICNEOPLASM;GRADE IASTROCYTOMA; GRADE IASTROCYTICTUMORA benign neoplasm of the brain or spinal cord arisingfrom astrocytes associated with single or multiplecysts.Pilocytic AstrocytomaC60781ASTROCYTOMA,UNDETERMINEDASTROCYTOMA, DIFFUSEA neoplasm of the brain or spinal cord exhibitingastrocytic differentiation, but in which the malignancystatus has not been established.AstrocytomaC4614BASOSQUAMOUS TUMOR,BENIGNCUTANEOUSPAPILLOMA;PAPILLOMA OFSKIN;PAPILLOMA OFTHE SKINA benign papillary neoplasm of the skin.Skin PapillomaC2922BASOSQUAMOUS TUMOR,MALIGNANTBASOSQUAMOUSCARCINOMA;SKIN MIXEDBASAL ANDSQUAMOUSCELLCARCINOMA;BASOSQUAMOUS CELLCARCINOMAA basal cell carcinoma (skin neoplasm) which displayssquamous differentiation.Skin Basosquamous Cell CarcinomaC72074CARCINOID TUMOR,ATYPICAL, MALIGNANTMALIGNANTCARCINOIDTUMORA malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm arising fromenterochromaffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract and(less common) in the bronchi exhibiting atypia.Atypical Carcinoid TumorC2915CARCINOID TUMOR,UNDETERMINEDCARCINOID;WELL-DIFFERENTIATEDENDOCRINENEOPLASM;CARCINOIDNEOPLASMA neuroendocrine neoplasm arising fromenterochromaffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract and(less common) the bronchi with undeterminedmalignancy status.Carcinoid TumorC4147CARCINOMA, ACIDOPHIL,MALIGNANTEOSINOPHILCARCINOMA;ACIDOPHILADENOCARCINOMA;ACIDOPHILCARCINOMA;EOSINOPHILADENOMCARCINOMAA malignant epithelial neoplasm of the anteriorpituitary gland in which the neoplastic cells stainpositive with acidic dyes.Pituitary Gland Acidophil CarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 340 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3768CARCINOMA, ACINARCELL, MALIGNANTACINARADENOCARCINOMA; ACINICCELLADENOCARCINOMA; ACINARCARCINOMA;ACINAR CELLADENOCARCINOMA; ACINICCELLCARCINOMAA malignant glandular epithelial neoplasm comprisingsecretory cells forming acinar patterns.Acinar Cell CarcinomaC3727CARCINOMA,ADENOSQUAMOUS,MALIGNANTMIXEDADENOCARCINOMA ANDSQUAMOUSCARCINOMA;MIXEDADENOCARCINOMA ANDEPIDERMOIDCELLCARCINOMA;MIXEDADENOCARCINOMA ANDSQUAMOUSCELLCARCINOMA;MIXEDADENOCARCINOMA ANDEPIDERMOIDCARCINOMAAn epithelial neoplasm composed of malignantglandular and malignant squamous cells.Adenosquamous CarcinomaC3775CARCINOMA, ADNEXAL,MALIGNANTSKINAPPENDAGECARCINOMA;CARCINOMAOF ADNEXA;CARCINOMAOF SKINAPPENDAGEA malignant epithelial neoplasm arising fromsebaceous or sweat glands or from hair follicles.Adnexal CarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 341 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC9325CARCINOMA,ADRENOCORTICAL,MALIGNANTCORTICALCELLCARCINOMA;ADENOCARCINOMA,ADRENOCORTICAL,MALIGNANT;ADRENALCORTEXADENOCARCINOMA;ADRENALCORTEXCANCER;ADRENALCORTICALADENOCARCINOMA;ADRENALCORTICALCARCINOMA;ADRENOCORTICALCARCINOMAA malignant epithelial neoplasm arising from adrenalcortical cells.Adrenal Cortex CarcinomaC2921CARCINOMA, BASAL CELL,MALIGNANTBASAL CELLEPITHELIOMA;BASAL CELLCANCER;BASAL CELLCARCINOMAOF SKIN;BASAL CELLCARCINOMAOF THE SKIN;BASAL CELLCARCINOMA;BASAL CELLEPITHELIOMA;BASAL CELLSKINCARCINOMA;BASILOMA;BCC; RODENTULCERA malignant epithelial neoplasm arising from basalcells of the epidermis and pilosebaceous unit of skin[the dermis].Skin Basal Cell CarcinomaC35875CARCINOMA, BRONCHIAL,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasia of the lung, arising frombronchial epithelium.Bronchogenic CarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 342 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC2923CARCINOMA,BRONCHIOLOALVEOLAR,MALIGNANTBRONCHIOALVEOLARADENOCARCINOMA OF LUNG;BRONCHIOLO-ALVEOLARLUNGCARCINOMA;BRONCHIOLOALVEOLARADENOCARCINOMA OF LUNG;BRONCHIOLOALVEOLARLUNGADENOCARCINOMA; BAC;BRONCHIOLO-ALVEOLARCARCINOMAOF LUNG;BRONCHIOLO-ALVEOLARCARCINOMAOF THE LUNG;BRONCHIOALVEOLAR LUNGCARCINOMA;BRONCHIOLOALVEOLARADENOCARCINOMA OF THELUNG;BRONCHIOALVEOLARADENOCARCINOMA OF THELUNGA malignant lung neoplasm originating from thealveolar/bronchiolar epithelium.Bronchioloalveolar CarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 343 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3879CARCINOMA, C-CELL,MALIGNANTPARAFOLLICULAR CELLCARCINOMA; CCELLCARCINOMA;MEDULLARYCARCINOMAOF THYROIDGLAND;THYROIDGLANDNEUROENDOCRINECARCINOMA;MEDULLARYCARCINOMAOF THETHYROIDGLAND;MEDULLARYTHYROIDCANCER;PARAFOLLICULAR CELLCARCINOMA;MEDULLARYTHYROIDCARCINOMA;MEDULLARYCARCINOMAOF THYROID;MEDULLARYCARCINOMA;MTC;MEDULLARYCARCINOMAOF THETHYROID;MEDULLARYTHYROIDGLANDCARCINOMA;THYROIDMEDULLARYCARCINOMAA neuroendocrine malignant epithelial neoplasmarising from C-cells of the thyroid gland.Thyroid Gland Medullary CarcinomaC4176CARCINOMA,CERUMINOUS GLAND,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm derived from ceruminous glandsin the external auditory canal.Ceruminous AdenocarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 344 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4715CARCINOMA, CHOROIDPLEXUS, MALIGNANTCHOROIDPLEXUSCANCER;CARCINOMAOF THECHOROIDPLEXUS;CARCINOMAOF CHOROIDPLEXUS;CANCER OFTHE CHOROIDPLEXUS;CANCER OFCHOROIDPLEXUS;ANAPLASTICCHOROIDPLEXUSPAPILLOMAA malignant neoplasm arising from the choroid plexusof the brain.Choroid Plexus CarcinomaC3752CARCINOMA,EMBRYONAL, MALIGNANTCARCINOMA,EMBRYONAL,MALIGNANTA non-seminomatous malignant germ cell neoplasm ofthe testis or ovary.Embryonal CarcinomaC7558CARCINOMA,ENDOMETRIAL,MALIGNANTCARCINOMAOFENDOMETRIUM;CARCINOMAOF THEENDOMETRIUMA malignant epithelial neoplasm arising from the liningof the uterine body cavity.Endometrial CarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 345 of 544 -


CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3099CARCINOMA,HEPATOCELLULAR,MALIGNANTCARCINOMAOF LIVERCELLS;PRIMARYCARCINOMAOF THE LIVERCELLS; LIVERCELLCARCINOMA;HEPATOMA;CARCINOMAOF THE LIVERCELLS;PRIMARYCARCINOMAOF LIVERCELLS; HCCA malignant neoplasm arising from hepatocytes.Hepatocellular CarcinomaC3828CARCINOMA,HEPATOCHOLANGIOCELLULAR, MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm of the liver containingunequivocal elements of both hepatocellular andcholangiocarcinoma intimately admixed.Combined Hepatocellular Carcinomaand CholangiocarcinomaC2917CARCINOMA, IN SITU,MALIGNANTEPITHELIALTUMOR, INSITU,MALIGNANT;INTRAEPITHELIALCARCINOMA;NON-INVASIVECARCINOMA;CISA malignant epithelial neoplasm confined to theepithelial layer and without evidence of further tissueinvasion.Carcinoma In SituC3770CARCINOMA, ISLET CELL,MALIGNANTPANCREATICNEUROENDOCRINECARCINOMA;MALIGNANTPANCREATICENDOCRINETUMOR;MALIGNANTISLET CELLTUMOR; ISLETCELL CANCER;ISLET CELLCARCINOMAA malignant endocrine neoplasm arising from islets ofLangerhans of the pancreas.Pancreatic NeuroendocrineCarcinomaC2916 CARCINOMA, MALIGNANT EPITHELIOMAMALIGNANT;EPITHELIALCARCINOMA;MALIGNANTEPITHELIALNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTEPITHELIALTUMOR;MALIGNANTEPITHELIOMAA malignant epithelial neoplasm.CarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 347 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC6878CARCINOMA, MIXED,ACINAR-ISLET CELL,MALIGNANTA malignant pancreatic neoplasm characterized by thepresence of a mixture of acinar and islet cell elements.Mixed Acinar-NeuroendocrineCarcinoma of the PancreasC3773CARCINOMA,NEUROENDOCRINE CELL,MALIGNANTNEURALCREST TUMOR,MALIGNANT;NEUROENDOCRINE TUMOR,MALIGNANT;NEUROENDOCRINE CELLCARCINOMA;NEUROENDOCRINECARCINOMAA malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm comprisingcells containing secretory granules.Neuroendocrine CarcinomaC60491CARCINOMA, PARSDISTALIS, MALIGNANTRat Pars DistalisCarcinomaA malignant epithelial neoplasm arising from the parsdistalis of the pituitary gland.Rat Pars Distalis CarcinomaC92183CARCINOMA, PARSINTERMEDIA, MALIGNANTRat ParsIntermediaCarcinomaA malignant epithelial neoplasm arising from the parsintermedia of the pituitary gland.Rat Pars Intermedia CarcinomaC9385CARCINOMA, RENALCELL, MALIGNANTADENOCARCINOMA OF THEKIDNEY;RENAL CELLCANCER;KIDNEYADENOCARCINOMA; RCC;RENAL CELLCARCINOMA,STAGEUNSPECIFIED;RENAL CELLADENOCARCINOMA;ADENOCARCINOMA OFKIDNEYA malignant neoplasm arising from renal parenchyma.Renal Cell CarcinomaC39807CARCINOMA, RENAL,TUBULAR, MALIGNANTRENALTUBULECARCINOMA;MUCINOUSTUBULAR ANDSPINDLE CELLCARCINOMAOF THEKIDNEYA malignant neoplasm of the kidney, characterized bythe presence of tubules.Mucinous Tubular and Spindle CellCarcinoma of the KidneyC27004CARCINOMA, SPINDLECELL, MALIGNANTPSEUDOSARCOMATOUSCARCINOMA;SPINDLE CELLCARCINOMAA malignant epithelial neoplasm characterized by thepresence of spindle cells.Sarcomatoid CarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 348 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC27093CARCINOMA, SQUAMOUSCELL, IN SITU,MALIGNANTEPIDERMOIDCELLCARCINOMAIN SITU;EPIDERMOIDCARCINOMAIN SITU;GRADE IIISQUAMOUSINTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA;INTRAEPITHELIAL SQUAMOUSCELLCARCINOMA;SQUAMOUSCELLCARCINOMAIN SITU;GRADE 3SQUAMOUSINTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA;SQUAMOUSCARCINOMAIN SITUA malignant epithelial neoplasm confined to thesquamous epithelium, without invasion of underlyingtissues.Stage 0 Squamous Cell CarcinomaC2929CARCINOMA, SQUAMOUSCELL, MALIGNANTMALIGNANTEPIDERMOIDCELLNEOPLASM;SQUAMOUSCARCINOMA;EPIDERMOIDCARCINOMA;MALIGNANTSQUAMOUSCELL TUMOR;SQUAMOUSCELLEPITHELIOMA;EPIDERMOIDCELL CANCER;MALIGNANTSQUAMOUSCELLNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTEPIDERMOIDCELL TUMOR;SQUAMOUSCELL CANCERA malignant neoplasm arising from squamousepithelial cells.Squamous Cell CarcinomaC6938CARCINOMA, SWEATGLAND, MALIGNANTCARCINOMAOF SWEATGLAND;CARCINOMAOF THE SWEATGLANDA malignant neoplasm arising from sweat glands.Sweat Gland CarcinomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 349 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC2930CARCINOMA,TRANSITIONAL CELL,MALIGNANTTRANSITIONALCARCINOMAA malignant neoplasm arising from transitionalepithelium, usually affecting the urinary bladder,ureter, or renal pelvis.Transitional Cell CarcinomaC65192CARCINOMA, TUBULARCELL, MALIGNANTA malignant glandular neoplasm exhibiting tubularstructures.Tubular AdenocarcinomaC80356CARCINOMA,TUBULOSTROMAL,MALIGNANTA malignant epithelial neoplasm of the ovary withtubular and stromal neoplastic components.Tubulostromal AdenocarcinomaC3692CARCINOMA,UNDIFFERENTIATED,MALIGNANTANAPLASTICCARCINOMA;CARCINOMA,UNDIFFERENTIATEDA malignant epithelial neoplasm exhibiting poordifferentiation (anaplasia).Undifferentiated CarcinomaC98801CARCINOMA, ZYMBAL'SGLANDA malignant neoplasm of the rodent Zymbal's glandwith sebaceous and/or squamous differentiation.Zymbal's Gland CarcinomaC34448CARCINOSARCOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm comprising a mixture ofcarcinomatous and sarcomatous elements.CarcinosarcomaC5358CARDIAC SCHWANNOMA,BENIGNSCHWANNOMA,ENDOCARDIAL, BENIGNA benign peripheral nervous system neoplasm that iscomposed of well-differentiated Schwann cells andaffects the heart.Benign Cardiac SchwannomaC79950CHEMODECTOMA,BENIGNBENIGNCHEMODECTOMAA benign neoplasm of the chemoreceptor system (e.g.carotid body, glomus jugulare, glomus vagale).Benign Carotid Body ParagangliomaC3574CHEMODECTOMA,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTTUMOR OF THECAROTIDBODY;MALIGNANTCAROTIDBODY TUMOR;MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFTHE CAROTIDBODY;MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFCAROTIDBODY;MALIGNANTCAROTIDBODYNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTTUMOR OFCAROTIDBODYA malignant neoplasm of the chemoreceptor system(e.g. carotid body, glomus jugulare, glomus vagale).Malignant Carotid BodyParagangliomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 350 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonymCDISC DefinitionNCI Preferred TermC2932CHEMODECTOMA,UNDETERMINEDPARAGANGLIOMA OFCAROTIDBODY;CHEMODECTOMA;PARAGANGLIOMA OF THECAROTIDBODY; TUMOROF THECAROTIDBODY;CAROTIDBODY TUMOR;CAROTIDBODYCHEMODECTOMA; TUMOR OFCAROTIDBODYA neoplasm of the chemoreceptor system (e.g. carotidbody, glomus jugulare, glomus vagale) for which themalignancy status has not be established.Carotid Body ParagangliomaC35417CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA,INTRAHEPATIC,MALIGNANTPERIPHERALCHOLANGIOCARCINOMA;INTRAHEPATICCARCINOMAOF BILE DUCT;INTRAHEPATICCARCINOMAOF THE BILEDUCT;INTRAHEPATICBILE DUCTCARCINOMA;HEPATOCHOLANGIOCELLULARCARCINOMAA malignant neoplasm of the liver arisingfrom/comprising cells resembling those of bile ducts.Intrahepatic CholangiocarcinomaC4436CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA,MALIGNANTCHOLANGIOCELLULARCARCINOMAA malignant neoplasm arising from/comprising cellsresembling those of bile ducts.CholangiocarcinomaC2942CHOLANGIOMA, BENIGNHEPATOCHOLANGIOMA;CHOLANGIOMA; ADENOMAOF BILE DUCT;ADENOMA OFTHE BILEDUCT;CHOLANGIOADENOMA;CHOLANGIOFIBROMA;HEPATOCHOLANGIOCELLULAR ADENOMAA benign neoplasm arising from/comprising cellsresembling those of bile ducts.Bile Duct AdenomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresourceSource Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 351 of 544 -A>

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC53459 CHONDROMA, BENIGN A benign, well circumscribed neoplasm arising fromthe hyaline cartilage in soft tissue or bone. It ischaracterized by the presence of chondrocytes.ChondromaC2946CHONDROSARCOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant mesenchymal neoplasm arising fromcartilage-forming tissues.ChondrosarcomaC2947 CHORDOMA, MALIGNANT A malignant bone neoplasm arising from the remnantsof the fetal notochord.ChordomaC2948CHORIOCARCINOMA,MALIGNANTCHORIOEPITHELIOMA;CHORIOEPITHELIOMAA malignant neoplasm arising from placentaltrophoblast cells. They generally arise in the uterus.ChoriocarcinomaC2964CRANIOPHARYNGIOMA,BENIGNNEOPLASM OFRATHKE'SPOUCH;TUMOR OFRATHKE'SPOUCH;RATHKEPOUCHTUMOR;RATHKEPOUCHNEOPLASM;RATHKE'SPOUCHTUMOR;RATHKE'SPOUCHNEOPLASM;CYSTOMAA benign epithelial neoplasm of the sellar region,presumably derived from Rathke pouch epithelium.CraniopharyngiomaC79949CRANIOPHARYNGIOMA,MALIGNANTCARCINOMAARISING FROMCRANIOPHARYNGIOMAA malignant epithelial neoplasm of the sellar region,presumably derived from Rathke pouch epithelium.Carcinoma Arising fromCraniopharyngiomaC2971CYSTADENOCARCINOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant cystic epithelial neoplasm arising fromglandular epithelium.CystadenocarcinomaC3777CYSTADENOCARCINOMA,PAPILLARY, MALIGNANTA malignant cystic epithelial neoplasm arising fromglandular epithelium exhibiting papillary structures.Papillary CystadenocarcinomaC2972 CYSTADENOMA, BENIGN CYSTOMA A benign cystic epithelial neoplasm arising fromglandular epithelium.CystadenomaC2974CYSTADENOMA,PAPILLARY, BENIGNA benign cystic epithelial neoplasm arising fromglandular epithelium exhibiting papillary structures.Papillary CystadenomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 352 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3555 DECIDUOMA, MALIGNANT MALIGNANTPLACENTALTUMOR;MALIGNANTPLACENTALNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFPLACENTA;MALIGNANTTUMOR OF THEPLACENTA;MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFTHEPLACENTA;MALIGNANTTUMOR OFPLACENTA;MALIGNANTPLACENTALTUMORA malignant neoplasm arising from decidua (placental)cells.Malignant Placental NeoplasmC4858DECIDUOMA,UNDETERMINEDDECIDUOMANOS;PLACENTANEOPLASMS;PLACENTATUMORS;PLACENTATUMOR;TUMOR OFPLACENTA;TUMOR OF THEPLACENTA;PLACENTALTUMORS;PLACENTALTUMOR;NEOPLASM OFTHEPLACENTA;PLACENTANEOPLASM;NEOPLASM OFPLACENTAA neoplasm arising from decidua (placental) cells inwhich the malignancy status has not been established.Placental NeoplasmC9011 DERMOID CYST, BENIGN BENIGNCYSTICTERATOMA;DERMOID;MATURECYSTICTERATOMAA benign neoplasm comprised of a cyst, lined bymature epidermis-like tissue with dermal appendages.Dermoid CystC2996DYSGERMINOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant germ cell neoplasm characterized by thepresence of a monotonous primitive germ cellpopulation, primarily in the ovary.DysgerminomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 353 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4049EPENDYMOMA,WHO GRADE IIIANAPLASTIC , MALIGNANT EPENDYMALTUMOR;UNDIFFERENTIATEDEPENDYMALNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTEPENDYMOMA;UNDIFFERENTIATEDEPENDYMALTUMOR;UNDIFFERENTIATEDEPENDYMOMA; ANAPLASTICEPENDYMALNEOPLASM;ANAPLASTICEPENDYMALTUMOR; WHOGRADE IIIEPENDYMALNEOPLASMA malignant neoplasm of ependymal origin withanaplastic cellular morphology.Anaplastic EpendymomaC3017EPENDYMOMA,UNDETERMINEDWHO GRADE IIEPENDYMALTUMOR; WHOGRADE IIEPENDYMALNEOPLASMA neoplasm of ependymal origin, for which themalignancy status has not been established.EpendymomaC4092 EPITHELIOMA, BENIGN BENIGNEPITHELIALTUMOR;BENIGNEPITHELIOMA;BENIGNNEOPLASM OFEPITHELIUM;BENIGNTUMOR OF THEEPITHELIUM;BENIGNNEOPLASM OFTHEEPITHELIUM;BENIGNTUMOR OFEPITHELIUMA benign neoplasm arising from epithelial cells of theskin.Benign Epithelial NeoplasmC80349EPITHELIOMA, CYSTICKERATINIZING, BENIGNA benign cystic epithelial neoplasm featuring a centralkeratin mass surrounded by squamous epithelium.Cystic Keratinizing EpitheliomaC84356EPITHELIOMA,NON-KERATINIZING,BENIGNA benign cystic epithelial neoplasm characterized bythe absence of keratin production.Non-Keratinizing EpitheliomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 354 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC2928FIBROADENOCARCINOMA,MALIGNANTADENOCARCINOMA WITHPRODUCTIVEFIBROSIS;FIBROCARCINOMA;SCIRRHOUSCARCINOMAA malignant neoplasm originating from glandular cellswith a fibrous or fibroblastic component.Scirrhous AdenocarcinomaC3744 FIBROADENOMA, BENIGN FIBROADENOMA OFBREAST;BREASTFIBROADENOMA;FIBROADENOMA OF THEBREASTA benign neoplasm originating from glandular cellswith a fibrous or fibroblastic component.FibroadenomaC4249 FIBROLIPOMA, BENIGN A benign neoplasm comprising mature adipocytes,characterized by areas of abundant fibrous tissue.FibrolipomaC3041 FIBROMA, BENIGN A benign neoplasm arising from fibrous tissue. FibromaC4314FIBROMA, ODONTOGENIC,BENIGNCENTRALODONTOGENICFIBROMAA benign intraosseous neoplasm arising fromtooth-forming tissues in the mandible and maxilla,characterized by the presence of islands ofodontogenic epithelium.Odontogenic FibromaC8422FIBROMA, OSSIFYING,BENIGNOSSIFYINGFIBROMA;CEMENTIFYING FIBROMA;CEMENTO-OSSIFYINGFIBROMAA benign fibrous neoplasm characterized by amineralized component (woven bone, lamellar bone, orcementum-like material).Ossifying FibromaC66760 FIBROMYXOMA, BENIGN FIBROMYXOMAA benign soft-tissue neoplasm of uncertain lineage,characterized by the presence of neoplasticspindle-shaped to round cells and a fibromyxoidstroma.Fibromyxoid NeoplasmC3337FIBROPAPILLOMA,BENIGNA benign polypoid tumor comprising fibrous tissue andepithelium.Fibroepithelial PolypC3043FIBROSARCOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant mesenchymal neoplasm of the soft tissueand bone.FibrosarcomaC3788GANGLIOGLIOMA,UNDETERMINEDA neuroepithelial neoplasm comprised of neoplasticganglion cells and neoplastic glial cells, in which themalignancy status has not been established.GangliogliomaC3790GANGLIONEUROBLASTOMA, MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm characterized by the presence ofneuroblastic and ganglion cells and a stroma withSchwannian differentiation.GanglioneuroblastomaC3049GANGLIONEUROMA,BENIGNA benign neoplasm characterized by the presence ofganglion cells and spindle cell proliferation, locatedprimarily in the brain, ganglia, or adrenal medulla.GanglioneuromaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 355 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC27477GIANT CELL TUMOR,BENIGNOSTEOCLASTOMA, BENIGN;BENIGN BONEGIANT CELLTUMORA benign neoplasm of bone comprised of giant cells(osteoclast-like) and mononuclear cells.Benign Giant Cell Tumor of BoneC4090GIANT CELL TUMOR,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTGIANT CELLTUMORA malignant neoplasm of bone comprised of giantcells (osteoclast-like) and mononuclear cells.Malignant Giant Cell NeoplasmC3055GIANT CELL TUMOR,UNDETERMINEDTUMOR OFGIANT CELL;TUMOR OF THEGIANT CELLA neoplasm of bone comprised of giant cells(osteoclast-like) and mononuclear cells, for which themalignancy status has not been established.Giant Cell TumorC4822 GLIOMA, MALIGNANT MALIGNANTNEUROGLIALNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTGLIALNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTNEUROGLIALTUMOR;MALIGNANTGLIAL TUMORA malignant neuroglial neoplasm. The term can applyto several primary neoplasm of the brain and spinalcord, including astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma inaddition to others.Malignant GliomaC3903GLIOMA, MIXED,MALIGNANTGLIOMA,MIXED; MIXEDNEUROGLIALTUMOR;MIXEDNEUROGLIALNEOPLASM;MIXED GLIALTUMOR;MIXED GLIALNEOPLASMA malignant neoplasm comprising two or more glialcell types (e.g., astrocytes, ependymal cells,oligodendrocytes).Mixed GliomaC3252GRANULAR CELL TUMOR,BENIGNBENIGNGRANULARCELL TUMOR;BENIGNGRANULARCELLNEOPLASM;BENIGNGRANULARCELLMYOBLASTOMA;MYOBLASTOMAA benign neoplasm, comprised of large cells withcytoplasmatic granules, occurring in variousorgans/tissues.Benign Granular Cell TumorSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 356 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4336GRANULAR CELL TUMOR,MALIGNANTMYOBLASTOMA,MALIGNANT;MALIGNANTGRANULARCELLNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTGRANULARCELLMYOBLASTOMAA malignant neoplasm, comprised of large cells withcytoplasmatic granules, occurring in variousorgans/tissues.Malignant Granular Cell TumorC4205GRANULOSA CELLTUMOR, MALIGNANTGRANULOSACELLNEOPLASMA malignant neoplasm of the ovary, originating fromgranulosa cells.Malignant Granulosa Cell TumorC3070GRANULOSA CELLTUMOR, UNDETERMINEDGRANULOSACELLNEOPLASMA neoplasm of the ovary (or testis), originating fromgranulosa cells for which the malignancy status has notbeen established.Granulosa Cell TumorC27520HAIR FOLLICLENEOPLASM, BENIGNBENIGNFOLLICULARNEOPLASM;BENIGNFOLLICULARTUMOR;BENIGN HAIRFOLLICLETUMORA benign neoplasm that arises from the hair follicle.Benign Hair Follicle NeoplasmC43310HAIR FOLLICLENEOPLASM, MALIGNANTMALIGNANTHAIRFOLLICLETUMORA malignant neoplasm that arises from the hairfollicle.Malignant Hair Follicle NeoplasmC7367HAIR FOLLICLENEOPLASM,UNDETERMINEDHAIRFOLLICLETUMOR; HAIRMATRIXNEOPLASM;HAIR MATRIXTUMOR;NEOPLASM OFHAIRFOLLICLE;NEOPLASM OFTHE HAIRFOLLICLEA neoplasm that arises from the hair follicle, for whichthe malignancy status has not been established.Hair Follicle NeoplasmC3075 HAMARTOMA, BENIGN A benign and excessive tumor-like growth of maturecells and normal tissues which grow in a disorganizedpattern.HamartomaC40426HAMARTOMA,LIPOMATOUS, BENIGNA benign hamartomatous tumor composedpredominantly of adipose tissue.Lipomatous HamartomaC3<strong>08</strong>5 HEMANGIOMA, BENIGN ANGIOMA;BENIGNANGIOMA;BENIGNHEMANGIOMAA benign vascular neoplasm characterized by theformation of capillary-sized or cavernous vascularchannels.HemangiomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 357 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4300HEMANGIOPERICYTOMA,BENIGNA benign neoplasm originating from vascular pericytes(cells in the periphery of vessels).Benign HemangiopericytomaC4301HEMANGIOPERICYTOMA,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTHEMANGIOPERICYTOMANOSA malignant neoplasm originating from vascularpericytes (cells in the periphery of vessels).Malignant HemangiopericytomaC3<strong>08</strong>7HEMANGIOPERICYTOMA,UNDETERMINEDA neoplasm originating from vascular pericytes (cellsin the periphery of vessels), for which the malignancystatus has not been established.HemangiopericytomaC3<strong>08</strong>8HEMANGIOSARCOMA,MALIGNANTHEMANGIOSARCOMAA malignant vascular neoplasm arising fromendothelial cells.AngiosarcomaC3728HEPATOBLASTOMA,MALIGNANTHBL;PEDIATRICEMBRYONALHEPATOMA;PEDIATRICHEPATOBLASTOMAA malignant liver neoplasm composed of immaturehepatocytic elements.HepatoblastomaC3702 HIBERNOMA, BENIGN BROWN FATNEOPLASM;FETAL FATCELL LIPOMA;BROWN FATTUMORA benign neoplasm of the brown adipose tissue.HibernomaC987<strong>08</strong> HISTIOCYTOMA, BENIGN A benign dermal neoplasm comprising of round cells,resembling histiocytes. The tumor commonly occursin young dogs and may regress spontaneously.Benign HistiocytomaC3739HISTIOCYTOMA, FIBROUS,BENIGNFIBROUSHISTIOCYTOMAA benign neoplasm composed of a fibroblastic and ahistiocytic component.Benign Fibrous HistiocytomaC4247HISTIOCYTOMA, FIBROUS,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTFIBROUSHISTIOCYTOMA OF THE SOFTTISSUE ANDBONE;FIBROXANTHOSARCOMA;MALIGNANTFIBROXANTHOMA; MFH;MALIGNANTFIBROUSHISTIOCYTOMA OF SOFTTISSUE ANDBONEA malignant neoplasm composed of a fibroblastic anda histiocytic component.Malignant Fibrous HistiocytomaC8402HISTIOCYTOMA, FIBROUS,UNDETERMINEDFIBROHISTIOCYTIC TUMORA neoplasm composed of a fibroblastic and ahistiocytic component, for which the malignancystatus has not been established.Fibrohistiocytic NeoplasmC35765HISTIOCYTOMA,UNDETERMINEDA neoplasm composed of histiocytic cells, for whichthe malignancy status has not been established.HistiocytomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 358 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80351 ITO CELL TUMOR, BENIGN BENIGNSPONGIOTICPERICYTOMAA benign neoplasm of the liver composed of hepaticstellate cells (Ito cells).Benign Ito Cell TumorC80352ITO CELL TUMOR,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTSPONGIOTICPERICYTOMAA malignant neoplasm of the liver composed ofhepatic stellate cells (Ito cells).Malignant Ito Cell TumorC3146KERATOACANTHOMA,UNDETERMINEDAn epithelial skin neoplasm, composed of squamouscells, for which the malignancy status has not beenestablished.KeratoacanthomaC81854LEIOMYOBLASTOMA,BENIGNA benign neoplasm of the gastro-intestinal tract,originating from smooth muscle cells.Benign Epithelioid Cell TypeGastrointestinal Stromal TumorC81855LEIOMYOBLASTOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm of the gastro-intestinal tract,originating from smooth muscle cells.Malignant Epithelioid Cell TypeGastrointestinal Stromal TumorC3486LEIOMYOBLASTOMA,UNDETERMINEDLEIOMYOBLASTOMA;EPITHELIOIDCELL TYPEGIST; STOUT'SLEIOMYOBLASTOMAA neoplasm of the gastro-intestinal tract, originatingfrom smooth muscle cells, for which the malignancystatus has not been established.Epithelioid Cell TypeGastrointestinal Stromal TumorC3157 LEIOMYOMA, BENIGN LEIOMYOMATOUSNEOPLASM;LEIOMYOMATOUS TUMOR;FIBROIDNEOPLASM;FIBROIDTUMOR;FIBROIDA benign neoplasm, originating from smooth musclecells.LeiomyomaC3158LEIOMYOSARCOMA,MALIGNANTLEIOMYOSARCOMASA malignant neoplasm, originating from smoothmuscle cells.LeiomyosarcomaC8923LEUKEMIA, ACUTEERYTHROID, MALIGNANTDIGUGLIELMO'S DISEASE;DIGUGLIELMO'S SYNDROMA;ERYTHROBLASTIC LEUKEMIA;ACUTEERYTHROBLASTIC LEUKEMIA;DIGUGLIELMO'SDISEASE; M6ACUTEMYELOIDLEUKEMIA; DIGUGLIELMODISEASE; FABM6A progressive, proliferative disease of blood cells,originating from immature erythroid cells.Acute Erythroid LeukemiaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 359 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3167LEUKEMIA, ACUTELYMPHOBLASTIC,MALIGNANTLYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA;ALL - ACUTELYMPHOCYTICLEUKEMIA;ACUTELYMPHOIDLEUKEMIA;PRECURSORCELLLYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA;ALL;PRECURSORLYMPHOBLASIC LEUKEMIA;ACUTELYMPHOGENOUS LEUKEMIA;ACUTELYMPHOCYTICLEUKEMIAS;ACUTELYMPHOCYTICLEUKAEMIAA progressive, proliferative disease of blood cells,originating from immature lymphoid cells.Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaC3170LEUKEMIA, ACUTEMEGAKARYOCYTIC,MALIGNANTACUTEMEGAKARYOCYTICLEUKEMIA;ACUTEMEGAKARYOBLASTICLEUKEMIA(FAB TYPE M7);FAB M7;ACUTE M7MYELOIDLEUKEMIAA progressive, proliferative disease of blood cells,originating from immature megakaryocytes.Acute Megakaryoblastic LeukemiaC4861LEUKEMIA, ACUTEMONOCYTIC, MALIGNANTACUTEMONOCYTICLEUKEMIA(FAB M5B);MONOCYTICLEUKEMIAA progressive, proliferative disease of blood cells,originating from immature monocytes.Acute Monocytic LeukemiaC3172LEUKEMIA,GRANULOCYTIC,MALIGNANTLEUKEMIAGRANULOCYTIC; LEUKEMIAMYELOID;NON-LYMPHOBLASTICLEUKEMIA;MYELOCYTICLEUKEMIA;NON-LYMPHOCYTICLEUKEMIA;MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIAA progressive, proliferative disease of blood cells,originating from immature granulocytes.Myeloid LeukemiaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 360 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4664LEUKEMIA, LARGEGRANULARLYMPHOCYTIC,MALIGNANTT-GAMMALYMPHOPROLIFERATIVEDISORDER;LARGE CELLGRANULARLYMPHOIDLEUKEMIA;T-CELL LARGEGRANULARLYMPHOCYTICLEUKEMIA;LGLL;TGAMMALARGEGRANULARLYMPHOCYTELEUKEMIA; TGAMMALYMPHOPROLIFERATIVEDISORDER;LARGEGRANULARLYMPHOCYTOSIS; LARGEGRANULARLYMPHOCYTICLEUKEMIA;LARGE CELLGRANULARLYMPHOGENOUS LEUKEMIAA progressive, proliferative disease of blood cellswhich are large and granular, originating fromlymphoid cells.T-Cell Large Granular LymphocyteLeukemiaC7539LEUKEMIA,LYMPHOCYTIC,MALIGNANTLYMPHOGENOUS LEUKEMIA;LYMPHOCYTICLEUKEMIAA progressive, proliferative disease of blood cells,originating from lymphoid cells.Lymphoid LeukemiaC3161 LEUKEMIA, MALIGNANT LEUKEMIANOS;LEUKEMIAS,GENERAL;LEUKEMIAS;BLOOD(LEUKEMIA)A progressive, proliferative disease of blood cells,originating from myeloid or lymphoid stem cells.LeukemiaC4212LEYDIG CELL TUMOR,BENIGNADENOMA,INTERSTITIAL;BENIGNINTERSTITIALCELLNEOPLASM;BENIGNINTERSTITIALCELL TUMOR;BENIGNLEYDIG CELLNEOPLASMA benign neoplasm of the testis originating frominterstitial (Leydig) cells.Benign Leydig Cell TumorSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 361 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4213LEYDIG CELL TUMOR,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTINTERSTITIALCELL TUMOR;MALIGNANTLEYDIG CELLNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTINTERSTITIALCELLNEOPLASMA malignant neoplasm of the testis originating frominterstitial (Leydig) cells.Malignant Leydig Cell TumorC3188LEYDIG CELL TUMOR,UNDETERMINEDLEYDIG CELLTUMOR;LEYDIG CELLNEOPLASM;INTERSTITIALCELLNEOPLASM;INTERSTITIALCELL TUMORA neoplasm of the testis originating from interstitial(Leydig) cells, for which the malignancy status has notbeen established.Leydig Cell TumorC3192 LIPOMA, BENIGN A benign neoplasm composed of adipose tissue. LipomaC3194LIPOSARCOMA,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTHIBERNOMAA malignant neoplasm composed of adipose tissue.LiposarcomaC3202 LUTEOMA, BENIGN LUTEOMA;LUTEINOMA;LUTEAL CELLTUMOR;LUTEAL CELLNEOPLASM;OVARIANSTROMALUTEOMAA benign neoplasm of the ovary, composed ofleuteinized granulosa-theca cells.Ovarian Stromal LuteomaC8965 LYMPHANGIOMA, BENIGN A benign neoplasm arising from the lymphatics. LymphangiomaC3205LYMPHANGIOSARCOMA,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTLYMPHANGIOENDOTHELIOMA;LYMPHANGIOENDOTHELIALSARCOMAA malignant neoplasm arising from the endothelialcells of the lymphatic vessels.LymphangiosarcomaC3209LYMPHOMA, FOLLICULAR,MALIGNANTLYMPHOMA,FOLLICULARCENTRE CELL;FOLLICULARCENTRE CELLLYMPHOMA;FOLLICLECENTERLYMPHOMA;FOLLICULARNON-HODGKINLYMPHOMA;FOLLICULARNON-HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMAA neoplasm of lymphoid cells which has at least apartial follicular pattern.Follicular LymphomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 362 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC35382LYMPHOMA, HISTIOCYTIC,MALIGNANTLYMPHOMA,LARGE CELL,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm of large lymphocytes, whichresemble histiocytes.True Histiocytic LymphomaC3461LYMPHOMA,IMMUNOBLASTIC,MALIGNANTLYMPHOMA,LYMPHOCYTIC, MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm composed of immunoblasts(large B cells).Immunoblastic LymphomaC9360LYMPHOMA,LYMPHOBLASTIC,MALIGNANTPRECURSORCELLLYMPHOBLASTICLYMPHOMA;PRECURSORLYMPHOBLASTICLYMPHOMAA malignant neoplasm composed of lymphoblasts(lymphoid precursor cells).Lymphoblastic LymphomaC3212LYMPHOMA,LYMPHOPLASMACYTIC,MALIGNANTLYMPHOMA,PLASMACYTIC;IMMUNOCYTOMA,LYMPHOPLASMACYTICTYPE;LYMPHOPLASMACYTOIDLYMPHOMAA malignant neoplasm composed of lymphocytes(B-cells), lymphoplasmacytoid cells, and plasma cells.Lymphoplasmacytic LymphomaC32<strong>08</strong> LYMPHOMA, MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA,PLEOMORPHIC, MALIGNANT;LYMPHOMA(HODGKINANDNON-HODGKIN); LYMPHOMA(HODGKIN'SANDNON-HODGKIN'S);MALIGNANTLYMPHOMAA malignant neoplasm composed of lymphocytes of B-or T/NK-cell phenotype.LymphomaC3463LYMPHOMA, MIXED,MALIGNANTDIFFUSEMIXED LARGEAND SMALLCELLLYMPHOMAA malignant neoplasm composed of a mixedlymphocyte population.Diffuse Mixed Cell LymphomaC7540LYMPHOMA, SMALLLYMPHOCYTIC,MALIGNANTSMALL B-CELLLYMPHOCYTICLYMPHOMA;SLL; B-CELLSMALLLYMPHOCYTICLYMPHOMAA malignant neoplasm composed of smalllymphocytes.Small Lymphocytic LymphomaC26919LYMPHOSARCOMA,MALIGNANTAn antiquated term referring to a malignant lymphomathat is diffused and composed of small and largelymphocytes.LymphosarcomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 363 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3217MAST CELL TUMOR,BENIGNA benign neoplasm composed of mast cells.Benign MastocytomaC8991MAST CELL TUMOR,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm composed of mast cells.Malignant MastocytosisC9295MAST CELL TUMOR,UNDETERMINEDMAST CELLPROLIFERATIVE DISEASE;TUMOR OFMAST CELLS;NEOPLASM OFMAST CELLS;MASTOCYTOSIS; NEOPLASMOF THE MASTCELLS; MASTCELL TUMOR;TUMOR OF THEMAST CELLSA neoplasm composed of mast cells, for which themalignancy status has not been determined.Mast Cell NeoplasmC3222MEDULLOBLASTOMA,MALIGNANTMEDULLOBLASTOMASA malignant, invasive embryonal neoplasm arisingfrom the cerebellum.MedulloblastomaC98709 MELANOCYTOMA, BENIGN A benign neoplasm or hamartoma composed ofmelanocytes.Benign MelanocytomaC3802MELANOMA,AMELANOTIC,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm composed of melanocytes,which lack melanin.Amelanotic MelanomaC3224 MELANOMA, MALIGNANT MALIGNANTMELANOMAA malignant neoplasm composed of melanocytes.MelanomaC7712MELANOMA, UVEAL,MALIGNANTMELANOMAOF UVEA;MELANOMAOF THE UVEA;INTRAOCULARMELANOMAA malignant neoplasm of the uvea composed ofmelanocytes.Uveal MelanomaC4051MENINGIOMA,ANAPLASTIC, MALIGNANTANAPLASTICMENINGIOMA;MALIGNANTMENINGIOMA;MENINGIOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm of the meninges, exhibitingpoor differentiation (anaplasia).Anaplastic (Malignant) MeningiomaC4055 MENINGIOMA, BENIGN MENINGIOMA,BENIGNA benign neoplasm of the meninges.Benign MeningiomaC38938MENINGIOMA,MALIGNANTGRADE IIIMENINGIOMA;GRADE 3MENINGIOMA;WHO GRADE IIIMENINGIOMAA malignant neoplasm of the meninges.Grade III MeningiomaC3230MENINGIOMA,UNDETERMINEDA neoplasm of the meninges, for which the status ofmalignancy has not been determined.MeningiomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 364 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4267MESENCHYMAL TUMOR,BENIGNBENIGNCONNECTIVEAND SOFTTISSUENEOPLASM;BENIGNCONNECTIVEAND SOFTTISSUETUMOR;BENIGNMESENCHYMAL CELLNEOPLASM;BENIGNNEOPLASM OFTHE SOFTTISSUE ANDBONE; BENIGNTUMOR OF THESOFT TISSUEAND BONEA benign soft-tissue neoplasm comprising two ormore non-fibroblastic mesenchymal lines ofdifferentiation.Benign MesenchymomaC3762 MESOTHELIOMA, BENIGN ADENOMATOID TUMOR,BENIGN;BENIGNMESOTHELIOMA;MESOTHELIOMA, BENIGN;BENIGNNEOPLASM OFMESOTHELIUM; BENIGNMESOTHELIALNEOPLASM;BENIGNTUMOR OFMESOTHELIUM; BENIGNMESOTHELIALTUMOR;BENIGNLOCALIZEDEPITHELIALMESOTHELIOMA; BENIGNTUMOR OF THEMESOTHELIUM; BENIGNNEOPLASM OFTHEMESOTHELIUMA benign neoplasm arising from mesothelial cells.Adenomatoid TumorSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 365 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonymCDISC DefinitionNCI Preferred TermC4456MESOTHELIOMA,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTTUMOR OFMESOTHELIUM; MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFTHEMESOTHELIUM; MALIGNANTMESOTHELIALTUMOR;MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFMESOTHELIUM; MALIGNANTMESOTHELIALNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTTUMOR OF THEMESOTHELIUMA malignant neoplasm originating from mesothelialcells of the pleura or peritoneum.Malignant MesotheliomaC3234MESOTHELIOMA,UNDETERMINEDA neoplasm originating from mesothelial cells of thepleura or peritoneum, for which the malignancy statushas not been established.MesotheliomaC4050MIXED GLIOMA, BENIGNA benign neoplasm of the central nervous system withan astrocytic and oligodendrocytic component.OligoastrocytomaC8602MIXED TUMOR, BENIGNA benign neoplasm composed of epithelial and/ormyoepithelial cells and a mesenchymal component.Pleomorphic AdenomaC3729MIXED TUMOR,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTMIXED TUMORA malignant neoplasm composed of epithelial and/ormyoepithelial cells and a mesenchymal component. Ageneral term for which the transformed cell types havenot been specified.Malignant Mixed NeoplasmC6930MIXED TUMOR,UNDETERMINEDTUMOR,MIXED; MIXEDTUMORA neoplasm composed of an epithelial componentand/or a mesenchymal component, for which themalignancy status has not been established. A generalterm for which the transformed cell types have notbeen specified.Mixed NeoplasmC8975MUELLERIAN TUMOR,MIXED, MALIGNANTMALIGNANTMIXEDMESODERMALTUMOR;MALIGNANTMIXEDMULLERIANTUMOR;MMMTA malignant neoplasm of the female reproductivesystem (mostly uterus and ovaries) originating fromthe Muellerian ducts and composed of carcinomatousand sarcomatous elements.Malignant Mixed Mesodermal(Mullerian) TumorC3736MYELOLIPOMA, BENIGNMYELIPOMAA benign tumor of the adrenal gland composed ofadipocytes and hematopoietic/lymphoid cells.Adrenal Gland MyelolipomaC3242MYELOMA, PLASMA CELL,MALIGNANTMYELOMA;MULTIPLEMYELOMAA malignant neoplasm of the bone marrow composedof plasma cells.Plasma Cell MyelomaC7442MYOEPITHELIOMA,BENIGNSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresourceSource Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 366 of 544 -A>

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonymCDISC DefinitionNCI Preferred TermC7596MYOEPITHELIOMA,MALIGNANTMYOEPITHELIALCARCINOMA;MALIGNANTMYOEPITHELIOMAA malignant neoplasm composed of myoepithelialcells.Malignant MyoepitheliomaC6577MYXOMA, BENIGNA benign soft tissue neoplasm with a myxoid stromaformation.MyxomaC3255MYXOSARCOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant soft tissue neoplasm with a myxoidstroma formation.MyxosarcomaC4743NEOPLASM, BASAL CELL,BENIGNBENIGN BASALCELL TUMORA benign neoplasm composed of basal cells.Benign Basal Cell NeoplasmC7586NEOPLASM, BASAL CELL,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm composed of basal cells.Malignant Basal Cell NeoplasmC3677NEOPLASM, BENIGNBENIGNTUMOR;BENIGNUNCLASSIFIABLE TUMORA general term used to describe autonomous growth oftissue where the originating cell type has not beencharacterized. The term benign indicates the absenceof morphologic features associated with malignancy(for instance severe atypia, nuclear pleomorphism,tumor cell necrosis, and abnormal mitoses).Benign NeoplasmC9305NEOPLASM, MALIGNANTMALIGNANCY;CA; CANCER;MALIGNANTTUMORA general term for autonomous tissue growthexhibiting morphologic features of malignancy (e.g.severe atypia, nuclear pleomorphism, tumor cellnecrosis, abnormal mitoses, tissue invasiveness) andfor which the transformed cell type has not beenspecifically identified.Malignant NeoplasmC3262NEOPLASM,UNDETERMINEDA general term for autonomous tissue growth in whichthe malignancy status has not been established and forwhich the transformed cell type has not beenspecifically identified.NeoplasmC40407NEPHROBLASTOMA,MALIGNANTEMBRYONALNEPHROMA;NEPHROBLASTOMA; WILMSTUMOR OF THEKIDNEY;RENAL WILMS'TUMOR;WILMS'TUMOR OF THEKIDNEYA malignant embryonal neoplasm of the kidney.Renal Wilms TumorC3809NEURAL CREST TUMOR,UNDETERMINEDNEUROENDOCRINE TUMORNOS;NEUROENDOCRINE TUMORA neoplasm composed of cells of neuroendocrineorigin for which the malignancy status has not beenestablished.Neuroendocrine NeoplasmC3270NEUROBLASTOMA,MALIGNANTNEUROBLASTOMA(SCHWANNIANSTROMA-POOR)A malignant neoplasm composed of neuroblastic cells.Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresourceSource Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 367 of 544 -A>

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3789NEUROBLASTOMA,OLFACTORY, MALIGNANTESTHESIONEUROBLASTOMA;OLFACTORYESTHESIONEUROBLASTOMA;ESTHESIONEUROBLASTOMA;ESTHESIONEUROEPITHELIOMA;OLFACTORYNEUROEPITHELIOMAA malignant neoplasm of the olfactory receptor cells,composed of neuroblastic cells.Olfactory NeuroblastomaC3272 NEUROFIBROMA, BENIGN An intraneural or extraneural neoplasm arising fromnerve tissues and neural sheaths, composed ofperineurial-like fibroblasts and Schwann cells.NeurofibromaC3059NEUROGLIAL TUMOR,UNDETERMINEDGLIOMA;NEOPLASM OFTHENEUROGLIA;NEUROGLIALNEOPLASMS;TUMOR OF THENEUROGLIA;TUMORS OFNEUROGLIA;TUMOR OFNEUROGLIA;NEOPLASMSOFNEUROGLIA;GLIALNEOPLASM;GLIAL TUMOR;GLIOMA;NEOPLASM OFNEUROGLIA;NEUROGLIALNEOPLASMA neoplasm of the central nervous system composedof glial cells (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymalcells), for which the malignancy status has not beendetermined.Neuroglial TumorC4306ODONTOGENIC TUMOR,BENIGNBENIGNODONTOGENICTUMORA benign neoplasm arising from tooth-forming tissues.Benign Odontogenic NeoplasmC3286ODONTOGENIC TUMOR,UNDETERMINEDODONTOMA,UNDETERMINED;ODONTOGENICTUMORA neoplasm arising from tooth-forming tissues, forwhich the malignancy status has not been established.Odontogenic NeoplasmC3710ODONTOMA,AMELOBLASTIC, BENIGNAMELOBLASTICFIBROODONTOMA;FIBROAMELOBLASTICODONTOMAA benign neoplasm arising from tooth-forming tissueswith-enamel organ differentiation (but without enamelformation).Ameloblastic Fibro-OdontomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 368 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC7492ODONTOMA,AMELOBLASTIC,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm arising from tooth-formingtissues with-enamel organ differentiation (but withoutenamel formation).Ameloblastic CarcinomaC3287 ODONTOMA, BENIGN FIBROODONTOMA;FIBRO-ODONTOMAC4812 ODONTOMA, MALIGNANT ODONTOGENICCARCINOMA;MALIGNANTODONTOGENICTUMOR;ODONTOGENICCARCINOSARCOMAA benign neoplasm of tooth origin.A malignant neoplasm of tooth origin.OdontomaMalignant Odontogenic NeoplasmC4326OLIGODENDROGLIOMA,ANAPLASTIC, MALIGNANTWHO GRADE IIIOLIGODENDROGLIALNEOPLASM;OLIGODENDROGLIOMA;MALIGNANT;MALIGNANTOLIGODENDROGLIOMA;WHO GRADE IIIOLIGODENDROGLIALTUMOR;UNDIFFERENTIATEDOLIGODENDROGLIOMAA malignant neoplasm of the central nervous systemarising from oligodendrocytes, exhibiting poordifferentiation (anaplasia).Anaplastic OligodendrogliomaC3288OLIGODENDROGLIOMA,UNDETERMINEDWELLDIFFERENTIATEDOLIGODENDROGLIOMA;WELLDIFFERENTIATEDOLIGODENDROGLIALTUMOR; WHOGRADE IIOLIGODENDROGLIALTUMOR; WHOGRADE IIOLIGODENDROGLIALNEOPLASMA neoplasm of the central nervous system arising fromoligodendrocytes, for which the malignancy status hasnot been determined.OligodendrogliomaC7072 ONCOCYTOMA, BENIGN ONCOCYTOMA; ONCOCYTICTUMORA benign neoplasm composed of large cells withabundant eosinophilic granular cytoplasm (oncocytes).Oncocytic NeoplasmSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 369 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3679ONCOCYTOMA,MALIGNANTHURTHLECELLCARCINOMA;HURTHLECELLADENOCARCINOMA;ONCOCYTICADENOCARCINOMA;ONCOCYTICCARCINOMAA malignant neoplasm composed of large epithelialcells with abundant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm(oncocytes).Oxyphilic AdenocarcinomaC3294OSTEOBLASTOMA,BENIGNGIANTOSTEOIDOSTEOMA;OSSIFYINGGIANT CELLTUMORA benign neoplasm of bone, characterized by theformation of osteoid tissue and large osteoblast-likecells.OsteoblastomaC3295OSTEOCHONDROMA,BENIGNA benign cartiliginous neoplasm arising from themetaphysis of bone.OsteochondromaC7155OSTEOCHONDROSARCOMA, MALIGNANTPRIMARYCHONDROSARCOMA;CONVENTIONALCHONDROSARCOMA OFBONE;PRIMARYCHONDROSARCOMA OF THEBONE;PRIMARYCHONDROSARCOMA OFBONE;PRIMARYBONECHONDROSARCOMAA malignant cartiliginous neoplasm of bone.Conventional ChondrosarcomaC4304OSTEOCLASTOMA,MALIGNANTGIANT CELLSARCOMA OFTHE BONE;GIANT CELLSARCOMA OFBONE; GIANTCELL BONESARCOMA;DEDIFFERENTIATED GIANTCELL TUMORA malignant neoplasm of bone comprised ofosteoclast-like giant cells and mononuclear cells.Malignant Giant Cell Tumor of BoneSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 370 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3738OSTEOCLASTOMA,UNDETERMINEDGIANT CELLNEOPLASM OFBONE; BONEGIANT CELLTUMOR; BONEGIANT CELLNEOPLASMA neoplasm of bone comprised of osteoclast-like giantcells and mononuclear cells, for which the malignancystatus has not been established.Giant Cell Tumor of BoneC3740 OSTEOFIBROMA, BENIGN OSTEOFIBROMA, BONE;DESMOIDTUMOR OFBONE;DESMOPLASTIC FIBROMA OFBONE;DESMOPLASTIC FIBROMA OFTHE BONE;DESMOPLASTIC FIBROMA;OSSEOUSDESMOPLASTIC FIBROMAA benign neoplasm characterized by osteolysis and thepresence of a rich collagenous stroma and spindlecells.Bone Desmoplastic FibromaC3296 OSTEOMA, BENIGN A benign well-differentiated neoplasm of bone. OsteomaC8810OSTEOSARCOMA,EXTRASKELETAL,MALIGNANTOSSIFYINGSARCOMA;EXTRAOSSEOUSOSTEOSARCOMA;EXTRASKELETALOSTEOGENICSARCOMA;SOFT TISSUEOSTEOSARCOMAA malignant bone-forming neoplasm, arising in tissueother than bone.Extraskeletal OsteosarcomaC9145OSTEOSARCOMA,MALIGNANTOSTEOGENICSARCOMA;OSTEOGENICSARCOMAA malignant neoplasm usually arising from bone.OsteosarcomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 371 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC6803OVARIAN SEXCORD-STROMAL TUMOR,BENIGNSEX CORDSTROMALTUMOR,BENIGN;BENIGN SEXCORD-STROMAL NEOPLASMOF THEOVARY;BENIGN SEXCORD-STROMAL TUMOR OFTHE OVARY;BENIGNOVARIAN SEXCORD-STROMAL NEOPLASM;BENIGN SEXCORD-STROMAL TUMOR OFOVARY;BENIGN SEXCORD-STROMAL NEOPLASMOF OVARYA benign neoplasm of the ovary, originating from thesex-cord stroma.Benign Ovarian Sex Cord-StromalTumorC7440 PAPILLOMA, BENIGN A benign epithelial neoplasm that projects above thesurrounding epithelial surface.PapillomaC3698PAPILLOMA, CHOROIDPLEXUS, BENIGNPAPILLOMA OFCHOROIDPLEXUS;PAPILLOMA OFTHE CHOROIDPLEXUSA benign neoplasm of the choroid plexus of the centralnervous system.Choroid Plexus PapillomaC3712PAPILLOMA, SQUAMOUSCELL, BENIGNEPIDERMOIDPAPILLOMA;EPIDERMOIDCELLPAPILLOMA;KERATOTICPAPILLOMA;SQUAMOUSCELLPAPILLOMAA benign epithelial neoplasm characterized by apapillary growth pattern and a proliferation ofneoplastic squamous cells.Squamous PapillomaC4115PAPILLOMA,TRANSITIONAL CELL,BENIGNTRANSITIONALPAPILLOMAA benign papillary neoplasm composed of transitionalcells.Transitional Cell PapillomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 372 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC48314PARAGANGLIOMA,BENIGNNEURALCREST TUMOR,BENIGN;NEUROENDOCRINE TUMOR,BENIGN;BENIGNPARAGANGLIONICNEOPLASM;BENIGNNEUROENDOCRINE CELLTUMORA benign neoplasm arising from paraganglia locatedalong nerves composed of neoplastic neuroectodermalchromaffin cells.Benign ParagangliomaC8559PARAGANGLIOMA,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTTUMOR OF THEPARAGANGLION; MALIGNANTTUMOR OFPARAGANGLION; MALIGNANTPARAGANGLIONICNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTPARAGANGLIONIC TUMOR;MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFPARAGANGLION; MALIGNANTPARAGANGLION NEOPLASM;MALIGNANTPARAGANGLION TUMOR;PARAGANGLION NEOPLASM;MALIGNANT;MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFTHEPARAGANGLIONA malignant neoplasm arising from paraganglia locatedalong nerves composed of neoplastic neuroectodermalchromaffin cells.Malignant ParagangliomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 373 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC33<strong>08</strong>PARAGANGLIOMA,UNDETERMINEDPARAGANGLION NEOPLASM;NEOPLASM OFPARAGANGLION; TUMOR OFTHEPARAGANGLION;PARAGANGLION TUMOR;TUMOR OFPARAGANGLION;PARAGANGLIONICNEOPLASM;PARAGANGLIONIC TUMOR;NEOPLASM OFTHEPARAGANGLIONA neoplasm arising from paraganglia located alongnerves composed of neoplastic neuroectodermalchromaffin cells, for which the malignancy status hasnot been established.ParagangliomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 374 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3798PERIPHERAL NERVESHEATH TUMOR,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTNEURILEMMOMA;MALIGNANTSCHWANNOMA;NEUROFIBROSARCOMA,MALIGNANT;MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFPERIPHERALNERVESHEATH;MALIGNANTNEOPLASM OFTHEPERIPHERALNERVESHEATH;MALIGNANTNEURILEMMOMA;MALIGNANTNEURILEMOMA; MALIGNANTPERIPHERALNERVESHEATHNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTPERIPHERALNERVESHEATHTUMOUR;MALIGNANTTUMOR OFPERIPHERALNERVESHEATH;MALIGNANTTUMOR OF THEPERIPHERALNERVESHEATH;MPNSTA malignant neoplasm, originating from the sheaths ofthe peripheral nerve.Malignant Peripheral Nerve SheathTumorC48305PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA,BENIGNA benign neoplasm of the adrenal gland medulla.Benign Adrenal GlandPheochromocytomaC92181PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA,COMPLEX, BENIGNA benign neoplasm of the adrenal gland medulla,composed of medullary and neuroectodermalcomponents.Benign Adrenal Gland CompositePheochromocytomaC48306PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA,COMPLEX,UNDETERMINEDA neoplasm of the adrenal gland medulla, composed ofmedullary and neuroectodermal components, forwhich the malignancy status has not been established.Adrenal Gland CompositePheochromocytomaC92184PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA,COMPLEX,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm of the adrenal gland medulla,composed of medullary and neuroectodermalcomponents.Malignant Adrenal Gland CompositePheochromocytomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 375 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4220PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA,MALIGNANTMALIGNANTPHEOCHROMOCYTOMA;MALIGNANTADRENALMEDULLARYPHEOCHROMOCYTOMA;MALIGNANTADRENALPHEOCHROMOCYTOMA;MALIGNANTADRENALGLANDPARAGANGLIOMA;MALIGNANTADRENALGLANDCHROMAFFINOMA;MALIGNANTADRENALGLANDCHROMAFFINNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTADRENALGLANDCHROMAFFINTUMOR;MALIGNANTADRENALGLANDCHROMAFFINPARAGANGLIOMA;PHEOCHROMOBLASTOMA;MALIGNANTADRENALMEDULLARYPARAGANGLIOMAA malignant neoplasm of the adrenal gland medulla.Malignant Adrenal GlandPheochromocytomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 376 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3326PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA,UNDETERMINEDADRENALPHEOCHROMOCYTOMA;CHROMAFFINPARAGANGLIOMA OF THEADRENALGLAND;INTRAADRENALPARAGANGLIOMA; ADRENALMEDULLARYPARAGANGLIOMA; ADRENALGLANDPARAGANGLIOMA; ADRENALMEDULLARYPHEOCHROMOCYTOMA; PCC;ADRENALGLANDCHROMAFFINPARAGANGLIOMA;PHAEOCHROMOCYTOMA;ADRENALGLANDCHROMAFFINOMA;PHEOCHROMOCYTOMAA neoplasm of the adrenal gland medulla, for which themalignancy status has not been established.Adrenal Gland PheochromocytomaC7368 PILOMATRIXOMA, BENIGN BENIGNPILOMATRICOMA;PILOMATRIXOMA;CALCIFYINGEPITHERLIOMA OFMALHERBE;BENIGNPILOMATRIXOMA; BENIGNHAIRFOLLICLENEOPLASMA benign adnexal neoplasm arising from hair-bearingskin surfaces.PilomatricomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 377 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC9344PINEOBLASTOMA,MALIGNANTPINEAL GLANDPNET; PINEALGLANDPRIMITIVENEUROECTODERMALNEOPLASM;PINEAL GLANDPRIMITIVENEUROECTODERMALTUMOR;PINEAL PNET;PINEALPRIMITIVENEUROECTODERMALNEOPLASM;PINEALPRIMITIVENEUROECTODERMALTUMOR; PNETOF PINEALGLAND; PNETOF THE PINEALGLAND;PRIMITIVENEUROECTODERMALNEOPLASM OFPINEALGLAND;PRIMITIVENEUROECTODERMALNEOPLASM OFTHE PINEALGLAND;PRIMITIVENEUROECTODERMALTUMOR OFPINEALGLAND;PRIMITIVENEUROECTODERMALTUMOR OF THEPINEAL GLANDA poorly differentiated malignant embryonal neoplasmarising from the pineal region of the brain.PineoblastomaC6966 PINEOCYTOMA, BENIGN PINEALOMA;BENIGNPINEALOMAA benign neoplasm of the brain arising from the pinealgland.PineocytomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 378 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC7157 PITUICYTOMA, BENIGN POSTERIORPITUITARYTUMOR;POSTERIORPITUITARYGLANDTUMOR;NEUROHYPOPHYSISNEOPLASM;NEUROHYPOPHYSIS TUMOR;POSTERIORPITUITARYNEOPLASMA neoplasm arising from the posterior lobe of thepituitary gland.Posterior Pituitary Gland NeoplasmC4665PLASMA CELL TUMOR,MALIGNANTPLASMACYTICTUMOR;PLASMA CELLDYSCRASIA;PLASMACYTICTUMOR;PLASMA CELLTUMOR;PLASMACYTICNEOPLASMA malignant neoplasm composed of plasma cells.Plasma Cell NeoplasmC3764POLYP, ADENOMATOUS,UNDETERMINEDPOLYPOIDADENOMAA neoplasm, originating from glandular epithelium,exhibiting polypoid growth, for which the malignancystatus has not been determined.Adenomatous PolypC6433POLYP, ENDOMETRIALSTROMAL, BENIGNPOLYP,STROMAL;POLYP OF THEENDOMETRIUM;ENDOMETRIALSTROMALPOLYP; POLYPOFENDOMETRIUM; ADENOMA;ENDOMETRIAL; GLANDULARENDOMETRIALPOLYP;ENDOMETRIALADENOMAA benign polypoid neoplasm of the endometriumprojecting into the endometrial cavity.Endometrial PolypC5680POLYP, INFLAMMATORY,BENIGNINFLAMMATORY POLYP OFTHE LARGEBOWEL;LARGE BOWELINFLAMMATORY POLYP;INFLAMMATORY POLY OFLARGE BOWELA non-neoplastic inflammatory polypoid lesion in thecolon and rectum.Colorectal Inflammatory PolypSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 379 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3340 POLYP, UNDETERMINED A protruding growth attached to the underlying tissueby a broad base or a thin stalk, which can be eitherinflammatory, hamartomatous, or neoplastic.PolypC3664 POLYP, VAGINAL, BENIGN POLYP OF THEVAGINA;POLYP OFVAGINAA benign polypoid growth arising from the vaginalwall.Vaginal PolypC4684RETICULOSIS, MALIGNANT ANGIOCENTRIC T-CELLLYMPHOMAA malignant lymphoid neoplasm composed ofEBV-positive NK/T cells arranged in an angiocentricpattern.Nasal Type Extranodal NK/T-CellLymphomaC7541RETINOBLASTOMA,MALIGNANTRBA malignant neoplasm originating in the nuclear layerof the retina.RetinoblastomaC3358 RHABDOMYOMA, BENIGN A benign neoplasm arising from skeletal muscle,characterized by the presence of rhabdomyoblasts.RhabdomyomaC3359RHABDOMYOSARCOMA,MALIGNANTA malignant mesenchymal neoplasm arising fromskeletal muscle.RhabdomyosarcomaC35815SARCOMA,GRANULOCYTIC,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm composed of myeloblasts,neutrophils and neutrophil precursors.Granulocytic SarcomaC27349SARCOMA, HISTIOCYTIC,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm composed of cells resemblinghistiocytes.Histiocytic SarcomaC8312SARCOMA,LEPTOMENINGEAL,MALIGNANTSARCOMA,MENINGEAL;SARCOMA OFLEPTOMENINGES; SARCOMAOF THELEPTOMENINGESA malignant mesenchymal neoplasm arising from theleptomeninges.Leptomeningeal SarcomaC9118 SARCOMA, MALIGNANT SARCOMA OFSOFT TISSUEAND BONE;SARCOMA OFTHE SOFTTISSUE ANDBONE;SARCOMA;MESENCHYMAL TUMOR,MALIGNANTA malignant mesenchymal neoplasm. A general termfor which the transformed cell type has not beenspecified.SarcomaC3520SARCOMA, MYELOID,MALIGNANTCHLOROMA;EXTRAMEDULLARYMYELOIDTUMORA malignant neoplasm composed of myeloblasts orimmature myeloid cells. It occurs in extramedullarysites or the bone.Myeloid SarcomaC3400SARCOMA, SYNOVIAL,MALIGNANTSSA malignant neoplasm that usually arises in thesynovial membranes of the joints and the synovial cellsof the tendons and bursae.Synovial SarcomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 380 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC27096SARCOMA,UNDIFFERENTIATED,MALIGNANTEMBRYONALSARCOMA,UNDIFFERENTIATEDA rare malignant neoplasm of the liver that is mostcommon in youth.Undifferentiated Embryonal SarcomaC3269 SCHWANNOMA, BENIGN NEURILEMMOMA;SCHWANNOMA;NEURINOMA;SCHWANNOMA (WHOGRADE I)C9309 SEMINOMA, MALIGNANT SEMINOMA,PURE;SEMINOMAA benign neoplasm of the peripheral nervous systemcomposed of well-differentiated Schwann cells.A malignant germ cell neoplasm of the testis.SchwannomaSeminomaC67012SERTOLI CELL TUMOR,BENIGNARRHENOBLASTOMA,BENIGN;BENIGNANDROBLASTOMAA benign neoplasm of the testis or ovary, originatingfrom Sertoli cells.Benign Sertoli Cell TumorC67006SERTOLI CELL TUMOR,MALIGNANTARRHENOBLASTOMA,MALIGNANT;MALIGNANTANDROBLASTOMAA malignant neoplasm of the testis or ovary,originating from Sertoli cells.Malignant Sertoli Cell TumorC98794SERTOLI CELL TUMOR,UNDETERMINEDAn ovarian neoplasm comprising Sertoli cells in whichthe malignancy status has not been established.Undetermined Sertoli Cell TumorC6569STROMAL NEPHROMA,MALIGNANTCMN;MESOBLASTICNEPHROMAA congenital malignant neoplasm of the kidneycharacterized by the presence of fibroblastic cells.Congenital Mesoblastic NephromaC8973STROMAL SARCOMA,ENDOMETRIAL,MALIGNANTESSA malignant, mesenchymal tumor of the uterinestroma.Endometrial Stromal SarcomaC6926STROMAL SARCOMA,MALIGNANTSTROMALTUMOR,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm characterized by the presence ofatypical mesenchymal-stromal cells.Stromal SarcomaC66772STROMAL TUMOR,BENIGNA benign neoplasm composed of mesenchymalstromal cells.Benign Stromal TumorC67561STROMAL TUMOR,GONADAL, MALIGNANTSEX CORDSTROMALTUMOR,MALIGNANTA malignant neoplasm originating from the gonadal sexcord stroma.Malignant Sex Cord-Stromal TumorC3794STROMAL TUMOR,GONADAL,UNDETERMINEDSEXCORD-STROMAL TUMOR,UNDETERMINED; SEXCORD-STROMAL NEOPLASMA neoplasm originating from the gonadal sex cordstroma, for which the status of malignancy has notbeen determined.Sex Cord-Stromal TumorSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 381 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC3795SUBEPENDYMOMA,BENIGNWHO GRADE IEPENDYMALTUMOR; WHOGRADE IEPENDYMALNEOPLASM;SUBEPENDYMAL GLIOMAA benign neoplasm of the brain localized in the vicinityof a ventricular wall and is composed of glial tumorcell clusters embedded in an abundant fibrillary matrixwith frequent microcystic changes.SubependymomaC3829 SYNOVIOMA, BENIGN BENIGNNEOPLASM OFSYNOVIUM;BENIGNSYNOVIOMA;BENIGNNEOPLASM OFTHESYNOVIUM;BENIGNTUMOR OF THESYNOVIUM;BENIGNTUMOR OFSYNOVIUM;BENIGNSYNOVIALTUMORA benign neoplasm arising from the synovialmembrane.C67107 TERATOMA, BENIGN A benign germ-cell neoplasm derived from pluripotentcells and consisting of components from one or moreof the three germ-cell layers.Benign Synovial NeoplasmBenign TeratomaC4286 TERATOMA, MALIGNANT IMMATURETERATOMAA malignant germ-cell neoplasm derived frompluripotent cells and consisting of components fromone or more of the three germ-cell layers.Immature TeratomaC3403TERATOMA,UNDETERMINEDA germ-cell neoplasm derived from pluripotent cellsand consisting of components from one or more of thethree germ-cell layers, for which the malignancy statushas not been established.TeratomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 382 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC5219 THECOMA, BENIGN THECAL CELLTUMOR,BENIGN;BENIGNTHECAL CELLNEOPLASM OFTHE OVARY;BENIGNOVARIANTHECAL CELLTUMOR;BENIGNOVARIANTHECAL CELLNEOPLASM;BENIGNTHECAL CELLTUMOR OF THEOVARY;BENIGNTHECAL CELLTUMOR OFOVARY;BENIGNTHECOMA OFTHE OVARY;BENIGNTHECOMA OFOVARY;BENIGNTHECAL CELLNEOPLASM OFOVARYA benign sex-cord neoplasm of the ovary, originatingfrom theca cells.Benign Ovarian ThecomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 383 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC6929THECOMA, OVARIAN,MALIGNANTTHECOMA,MALIGNANT;MALIGNANTTHECOMA OFTHE OVARY;MALIGNANTTHECAL CELLNEOPLASM OFTHE OVARY;MALIGNANTTHECAL CELLNEOPLASM OFOVARY;MALIGNANTOVARIANTHECAL CELLNEOPLASM;MALIGNANTTHECAL CELLTUMOR OF THEOVARY;MALIGNANTTHECOMA OFOVARY;MALIGNANTOVARIANTHECAL CELLTUMOR;MALIGNANTTHECAL CELLTUMOR OFOVARYA malignant sex-cord neoplasm of the ovary,originating from theca cells.Malignant Ovarian ThecomaC66746 THYMOMA, BENIGN A benign neoplasm of the thymus, originating fromepithelial thymus cells.C7612 THYMOMA, MALIGNANT A malignant neoplasm of the thymus, originating fromepithelial thymus cells.Benign ThymomaMalignant ThymomaC3411THYMOMA,UNDETERMINEDA neoplasm of the thymus, originating from epithelialthymus cells, for which the malignancy status has notbeen established.ThymomaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 384 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C88025 - NEOPLASM - Neoplasm TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC27132TRICHOEPITHELIOMA,BENIGNBROOKE'STUMOR;TRICHOGENICTRICHOBLASTOMA;TRICHOGENICADNEXALTUMOR;TRICHOEPITHELIOMAA benign hair follicle neoplasm with trichoblasticdifferentiation.TrichoblastomaC3011YOLK SAC TUMOR,MALIGNANTENDODERMALSINUS TUMOR;YOLK SACTUMOR SITEUNSPECIFIED;YOLK SACNEOPLASM;ENDODERMALSINUSNEOPLASMA non-seminomatous malignant germ cell tumorcomposed of primitive germ cells and which producean eosinophilic substance (alpha-fetoprotein).Yolk Sac TumorSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 385 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101860 - NORMABNM - Normal Abnormal ResponseCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25401 ABNORMAL Deviating in any way from the state, position,structure, condition, behavior, or rule which isconsidered a norm. (NCI)C48658 INDETERMINATE Inconclusive Cannot distinguish between two or more possiblevalues in the current context. (NCI)C14165 NORMAL Being approximately average or within certain limits;conforming with or constituting a norm or standard orlevel or type or social norm. (NCI)C17998 UNKNOWN Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)AbnormalIndeterminateNormalUnknownSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 386 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78736 - NRIND - Reference Range IndicatorCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC78802 ABNORMAL Reported values outside the typical or expected range.(NCI)C78800 HIGH Reported values above the typical or expected range.(NCI)C78801 LOW Reported values below the typical or expected range.(NCI)C78727 NORMAL Reported values within the typical or expected range.(NCI)Abnormal Reference RangeValue Above Reference RangeValue Below Reference RangeNormal Reference RangeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 387 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101861 - NSYSPCID - Non-system Reason for PCI DelayCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99920CARDIAC ARREST BEFOREPCICardiac arrest which occurs before a percutaneouscoronary intervention can take place.Cardiac Arrest Prior to PercutaneousCoronary InterventionC99945DIFFICULT VASCULARACCESSAccess to the subject's vasculature is troublesome orformidable.Difficult Vascular AccessC99946DIFFICULTY CROSSINGTHE CULPRIT LESIONDURING THE PCIPROCEDUREPlacement of intracoronary devices across thecoronary stenosis is troublesome or formidable.Difficulty Crossing Culprit LesionDuring Percutaneous CoronaryInterventionC99950ENDOTRACHEALINTUBATION BEFORE PCIIntubation beforePCIEndotracheal intubation which occurs before apercutaneous coronary intervention can take place.Endotracheal Intubation beforePercutaneous Coronary InterventionC17649 OTHER Other Different than the one(s) previously specified ormentioned. (NCI)OtherC100016SUBJECT DELAY INPROVIDING CONSENTPatient Delay inProvidingConsentThe subject has not provided consent in a timelymanner for the procedure to take place.Subject Delay in Providing ConsentSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 388 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66742 - NY - No Yes ResponseCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49487 N No The non-affirmative response to a question. (NCI) NoC48660 NA NA Determination of a value is not relevant in the currentcontext. (NCI)C17998 U U; Unknown Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)Not ApplicableUnknownC49488 Y Yes The affirmative response to a question. (NCI) YesSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 389 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101862 - NYHAC - New York Heart Association Class ResponsesCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC66904 NYHA CLASS I New York HeartAssociationClass IC66905 NYHA CLASS II New York HeartAssociationClass IIC66907 NYHA CLASS III New York HeartAssociationClass IIIC669<strong>08</strong> NYHA CLASS IV New York HeartAssociationClass IVWithout limitations of physical activity. Ordinaryphysical activity does not cause undue fatigue,palpitations, or dyspnea.Slight limitation of physical activity. The patient iscomfortable at rest. Ordinary physical activity resultsin fatigue, palpitations, or dyspnea.Marked limitation of physical activity. The patient iscomfortable at rest. Less than ordinary activity causesfatigue, palpitations, or dyspnea.Inability to carry on any physical activity withoutdiscomfort. Heart failure symptoms are present evenat rest or with minimal exertion.New York Heart Association Class INew York Heart Association Class IINew York Heart Association ClassIIINew York Heart Association ClassIVSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 390 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66768 - OUT - Outcome of EventCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC48275 FATAL Grade 5; 5;FATALThe termination of life as a result of an adverse event.(NCI)Death Related to Adverse EventC49494NOT RECOVERED/NOTRESOLVEDOne of the possible results of an adverse eventoutcome that indicates that the event has not improvedor recuperated. (NCI)Not Recovered or Not ResolvedC49498 RECOVERED/RESOLVED One of the possible results of an adverse eventoutcome that indicates that the event has improved orrecuperated. (NCI)Recovered or ResolvedC49495RECOVERED/RESOLVEDWITH SEQUELAEOne of the possible results of an adverse eventoutcome where the subject recuperated but retainedpathological conditions resulting from the priordisease or injury. (NCI)Recovered or Resolved withSequelaeC49496 RECOVERING/RESOLVING One of the possible results of an adverse eventoutcome that indicates that the event is improving.(NCI)C17998 UNKNOWN U; Unknown Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)Recovering or ResolvingUnknownSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 391 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C95120 - PHSPRP - Physical Properties Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC37927 Color Color The appearance of objects (or light sources) describedin terms of a person's perception of their hue andlightness (or brightness) and saturation. (NCI)C95110 Consistency Consistency A description about the firmness or make-up of anentity.C25333 Depth Depth The extent downward or inward; the perpendicularmeasurement from the surface downward to determinedeepness. (NCI)C25365 Description Description A written or verbal account, representation, statement,or explanation of something. (NCI)C25285 Diameter Diameter The length of a straight line passing through the centerof a circle or sphere and connecting two points on thecircumference. (NCI)C95109 Hair Cover Hair Cover A description of the quantity or quality of the hair orfur covering a biological entity. (NCI)C25334 Length Length The linear extent in space from one end of somethingto the other end, or the extent of something frombeginning to end. (NCI)C25677 Shape Shape The spatial arrangement of something as distinct fromits substance. (NCI)ColorConsistencyDepthDescriptionDiameterHair or Fur CoverLengthShapeC25757 Ulceration Ulceration The formation or development of an ulcer. (NCI) UlcerationC25345 Width Width The extent or measurement of something from side toside. (NCI)WidthSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 392 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C95121 - PHSPRPCD - Physical Properties Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC37927 COLOR Color The appearance of objects (or light sources) describedin terms of a person's perception of their hue andlightness (or brightness) and saturation. (NCI)C95110 CONSIST Consistency A description about the firmness or make-up of anentity.C25333 DEPTH Depth The extent downward or inward; the perpendicularmeasurement from the surface downward to determinedeepness. (NCI)C25365 DESCR Description A written or verbal account, representation, statement,or explanation of something. (NCI)C25285 DIAMETER Diameter The length of a straight line passing through the centerof a circle or sphere and connecting two points on thecircumference. (NCI)C95109 HAIRCOV Hair Cover A description of the quantity or quality of the hair orfur covering a biological entity. (NCI)C25334 LENGTH Length The linear extent in space from one end of somethingto the other end, or the extent of something frombeginning to end. (NCI)C25677 SHAPE Shape The spatial arrangement of something as distinct fromits substance. (NCI)ColorConsistencyDepthDescriptionDiameterHair or Fur CoverLengthShapeC25757 ULCER Ulceration The formation or development of an ulcer. (NCI) UlcerationC25345 WIDTH Width The extent or measurement of something from side toside. (NCI)WidthSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 393 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85787AUC %Back ExtrapolationPredAUC %BackExtrapolationPredThe area under the curve (AUC) from the predictedconcentration value at time zero to the first measuredconcentration value as a percentage of the area underthe curve extrapolated to infinity. Applies only forintravascular bolus dosing.Predicted Area Under the CurvePercent Back ExtrapolationC85764 AUC %Extrapolation Obs AUC%ExtrapolationObsC85788 AUC %Extrapolation Pred AUC%ExtrapolationPredThe area under the curve (AUC) from the last observednon-zero concentration value to infinity as apercentage of the area under the curve extrapolated toinfinity.The area under the curve (AUC) from the last predictednon-zero concentration value to infinity as apercentage of the area under the curve extrapolated toinfinity.Observed Area Under the CurvePercent ExtrapolationPredicted Area Under the CurvePercent ExtrapolationC85564 AUC All AUC All The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation, regardlessof whether the last concentration is measurable or not.Area Under the Curve AllC92362 AUC All Norm by BMI AUC All Normby BMIC92306 AUC All Norm by Dose AUC All Normby DoseC92307 AUC All Norm by SA AUC All Normby SAC923<strong>08</strong> AUC All Norm by WT AUC All Normby WTThe area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation divided bythe body mass index, regardless of whether the lastconcentration is measurable or not.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation divided bythe dose, regardless of whether the last concentrationis measurable or not.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation divided bythe surface area, regardless of whether the lastconcentration is measurable or not.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation divided bythe weight, regardless of whether the lastconcentration is measurable or not.AUC All Normalized by Body MassIndexAUC All Normalized by DoseAUC All Normalized by SurfaceAreaAUC All Normalized by WeightC85761 AUC Infinity Obs AUC Infinity Obs The area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration.Observed Area Under the CurveInfinityC92316AUC Infinity Obs Norm byBMIAUC Infinity ObsNorm by BMIThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.AUC Infinity Observed Normalizedby Body Mass IndexC96695AUC Infinity Obs Norm byDoseAUC Infinity ObsNorm by DoseThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the dose.AUC Infinity Observed Normalizedby DoseC92317 AUC Infinity Obs Norm by SA AUC Infinity ObsNorm by SAThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the surface area.AUC Infinity Observed Normalizedby Surface AreaC92318AUC Infinity Obs Norm byWTAUC Infinity ObsNorm by WTThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the weight.AUC Infinity Observed Normalizedby WeightC85785 AUC Infinity Pred AUC InfinityPredThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration.Predicted Area Under the CurveInfinitySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 394 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92319AUC Infinity Pred Norm byBMIAUC InfinityPred Norm byBMIThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.AUC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby Body Mass IndexC85786AUC Infinity Pred Norm byDoseAUC InfinityPred Norm byDoseThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the dose.Predicted Area Under the CurveInfinity by DoseC92320AUC Infinity Pred Norm bySAAUC InfinityPred Norm bySAThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the surface area.AUC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby Surface AreaC92321AUC Infinity Pred Norm byWTAUC InfinityPred Norm byWTThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the weight.AUC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby WeightC85567 AUC Over Dosing Interval AUC OverDosing IntervalThe area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU).Area Under the Curve Over DosingIntervalC92322AUC Over Dosing IntervalNorm by BMIAUC OverDosing IntervalNorm by BMIThe area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU) divided by the bodymass index.AUC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by Body Mass IndexC92323AUC Over Dosing IntervalNorm by DoseAUC OverDosing IntervalNorm by DoseThe area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU) divided by the dose.AUC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by DoseC92324AUC Over Dosing IntervalNorm by SAAUC OverDosing IntervalNorm by SAThe area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU) divided by the surfacearea.AUC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by Surface AreaC92325AUC Over Dosing IntervalNorm by WTAUC OverDosing IntervalNorm by WTThe area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU) divided by the weight.AUC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by WeightC85566 AUC from T1 to T2 AUC from T1 toT2The area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2.Area Under the Curve from T1 to T2C92312AUC from T1 to T2 Norm byBMIAUC from T1 toT2 Norm by BMIThe area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2 divided by the body mass index.AUC from T1 to T2 Normalized byBody Mass IndexC92313AUC from T1 to T2 Norm byDoseAUC from T1 toT2 Norm byDoseThe area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2 divided by the dose.AUC from T1 to T2 Normalized byDoseC92314AUC from T1 to T2 Norm bySAAUC from T1 toT2 Norm by SAThe area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2 divided by the surface area.AUC from T1 to T2 Normalized bySurface AreaC92315AUC from T1 to T2 Norm byWTAUC from T1 toT2 Norm by WTThe area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2 divided by the weight.AUC from T1 to T2 Normalized byWeightC85565 AUC to Last Nonzero Conc AUC to LastNonzero ConcThe area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration.Area Under the Curve From Dosingto Last ConcentrationC92309AUC to Last Nonzero ConcNorm by BMIAUC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by BMIThe area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration divided bythe body mass index.AUC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Body Mass IndexC92310AUC to Last Nonzero ConcNorm by DoseAUC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by DoseThe area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration divided bythe dose.AUC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by DoseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 395 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92311AUC to Last Nonzero ConcNorm by SAAUC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by SAThe area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration divided bythe surface area.AUC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Surface AreaC92305AUC to Last Nonzero ConcNorm by WTAUC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by WTThe area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration divided bythe weight.AUC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by WeightC85766 AUMC % Extrapolation Obs AUMC %ExtrapolationObsC85790 AUMC % Extrapolation Pred AUMC %ExtrapolationPredC85765 AUMC Infinity Obs AUMC InfinityObsThe area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thelast observed non-zero concentration value to infinityas a percentage of the area under the moment curveextrapolated to infinity.The area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thelast predicted non-zero concentration value to infinityas a percentage of the area under the moment curveextrapolated to infinity.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration.Observed Area Under the FirstMoment Curve PercentExtrapolationPredicted Area Under the FirstMoment Curve PercentExtrapolationObserved Area Under the FirstMoment Curve InfinityC92330AUMC Infinity Obs Norm byBMIAUMC InfinityObs Norm byBMIThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thebody mass index.AUMC Infinity ObservedNormalized by Body Mass IndexC92331AUMC Infinity Obs Norm byDoseAUMC InfinityObs Norm byDoseThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thedose.AUMC Infinity ObservedNormalized by DoseC92332AUMC Infinity Obs Norm bySAAUMC InfinityObs Norm by SAThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thesurface area.AUMC Infinity ObservedNormalized by Surface AreaC92333AUMC Infinity Obs Norm byWTAUMC InfinityObs Norm byWTThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by theweight.AUMC Infinity ObservedNormalized by WeightC85789 AUMC Infinity Pred AUMC InfinityPredThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration.Predicted Area Under the FirstMoment Curve InfinityC92334AUMC Infinity Pred Norm byBMIAUMC InfinityPred Norm byBMIThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thebody mass index.AUMC Infinity PredictedNormalized by Body Mass IndexC92335AUMC Infinity Pred Norm byDoseAUMC InfinityPred Norm byDoseThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thedose.AUMC Infinity PredictedNormalized by DoseC92336AUMC Infinity Pred Norm bySAAUMC InfinityPred Norm bySAThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thesurface area.AUMC Infinity PredictedNormalized by Surface AreaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 396 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92337AUMC Infinity Pred Norm byWTAUMC InfinityPred Norm byWTThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by theweight.AUMC Infinity PredictedNormalized by WeightC85570 AUMC Over Dosing Interval AUMC OverDosing IntervalThe area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU).Area Under the First Moment CurveOver Dosing IntervalC92338AUMC Over Dosing IntervalNorm by BMIAUMC OverDosing IntervalNorm by BMIThe area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU) divided by thebody mass index.AUMC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by Body Mass IndexC92339AUMC Over Dosing IntervalNorm by DoseAUMC OverDosing IntervalNorm by DoseThe area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU) divided by thedose.AUMC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by DoseC92340AUMC Over Dosing IntervalNorm by SAAUMC OverDosing IntervalNorm by SAThe area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU) divided by thesurface area.AUMC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by Surface AreaC92341AUMC Over Dosing IntervalNorm by WTAUMC OverDosing IntervalNorm by WTThe area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU) divided by theweight.AUMC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by WeightC85569 AUMC to Last Nonzero Conc AUMC to LastNonzero ConcThe area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentration.Area Under the First Moment CurveFrom Dosing to Last ConcentrationC92326AUMC to Last Nonzero ConcNorm by BMIAUMC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by BMIThe area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentrationdivided by the body mass index.AUMC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Body Mass IndexC92327AUMC to Last Nonzero ConcNorm by DoseAUMC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by DoseThe area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentrationdivided by the dose.AUMC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by DoseC92328AUMC to Last Nonzero ConcNorm by SAAUMC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by SAThe area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentrationdivided by the surface area.AUMC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Surface AreaC92329AUMC to Last Nonzero ConcNorm by WTAUMC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by WTThe area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentrationdivided by the weight.AUMC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by WeightC85768 AURC % Extrapolation Obs AURC %ExtrapolationObsC85792 AURC % Extrapolation Pred AURC %ExtrapolationPredThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from the last observed non-zero rate value toinfinity as a percentage of the area under the urinaryexcretion rate curve extrapolated to infinity.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from the last predicted non-zero rate value toinfinity as a percentage of the area under the urinaryexcretion rate curve extrapolated to infinity.Observed Area Under the UrinaryExcretion Rate Curve PercentExtrapolationPredicted Area Under the UrinaryExcretion Rate Curve PercentExtrapolationC85841 AURC All AURC All The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate.Area Under Urinary Excretion RateCurve AllC92342 AURC All Norm by BMI AURC All Normby BMIC92343 AURC All Norm by Dose AURC All Normby DoseThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable ratedivided by the body mass index.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable ratedivided by the dose.AURC All Normalized by Body MassIndexAURC All Normalized by DoseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 397 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92344 AURC All Norm by SA AURC All Normby SAC92345 AURC All Norm by WT AURC All Normby WTC85571 AURC Dosing to Last Conc AURC to LastNonzero RateThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable ratedivided by the surface area.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable ratedivided by the weight.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate.AURC All Normalized by SurfaceAreaAURC All Normalized by WeightArea Under the Urinary ExcretionRate Curve From Dosing to LastConcentrationC92346AURC Dosing to Last ConcNorm by BMIAURC to LastNonzero RateNorm by BMIThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate,divided by the body mass index.AURC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Body Mass IndexC92347AURC Dosing to Last ConcNorm by DoseAURC to LastNonzero RateNorm by DoseThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate,divided by the dose.AURC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by DoseC92348AURC Dosing to Last ConcNorm by SAAURC to LastNonzero RateNorm by SAThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate,divided by the surface area.AURC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Surface AreaC92349AURC Dosing to Last ConcNorm by WTAURC to LastNonzero RateNorm by WTThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate,divided by the weight.AURC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by WeightC85767 AURC Infinity Obs AURC InfinityObsThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate.Observed Area Under the UrinaryExcretion Rate Curve infinityC92354AURC Infinity Obs Norm byBMIAURC InfinityObs Norm byBMIThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate, divided by thebody mass index.AURC Infinity Observed Normalizedby Body Mass IndexC92355AURC Infinity Obs Norm byDoseAURC InfinityObs Norm byDoseThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate, divided by thedose.AURC Infinity Observed Normalizedby DoseC92356AURC Infinity Obs Norm bySAAURC InfinityObs Norm by SAThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate, divided by thesurface area.AURC Infinity Observed Normalizedby Surface AreaC92357AURC Infinity Obs Norm byWTAURC InfinityObs Norm byWTThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate, divided by theweight.AURC Infinity Observed Normalizedby WeightC85791 AURC Infinity Pred AURC InfinityPredThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate.Predicted Area Under the UrinaryExcretion Rate Curve InfinityC92358AURC Infinity Pred Norm byBMIAURC InfinityPred Norm byBMIThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate,divded by the body mass index.AURC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby Body Mass IndexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 398 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92359AURC Infinity Pred Norm byDoseAURC InfinityPred Norm byDoseThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate,divded by the dose.AURC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby DoseC92360AURC Infinity Pred Norm bySAAURC InfinityPred Norm bySAThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate,divded by the surface area.AURC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby Surface AreaC92361AURC Infinity Pred Norm byWTAURC InfinityPred Norm byWTThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate,divded by the weight.AURC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby WeightC85572 AURC from T1 to T2 AURC from T1to T2The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2.Area Under the Urinary ExcretionRate Curve from T1 to T2C92350AURC from T1 to T2 Norm byBMIAURC from T1to T2 Norm byBMIThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2 divided by thebody mass index.AURC from T1 to T2 Normalized byBody Mass IndexC92351AURC from T1 to T2 Norm byDoseAURC from T1to T2 Norm byDoseThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2 divided by thedose.AURC from T1 to T2 Normalized byDoseC92352AURC from T1 to T2 Norm bySAAURC from T1to T2 Norm bySAThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2 divided by thesurface area.AURC from T1 to T2 Normalized bySurface AreaC92353AURC from T1 to T2 Norm byWTAURC from T1to T2 Norm byWTThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2 divided by theweight.AURC from T1 to T2 Normalized byWeightC102356 Accumulation Ratio AUC AccumulationRatio AUCC102357 Accumulation Ratio Cmax AccumulationRatio CmaxC102358 Accumulation Ratio Cmin AccumulationRatio CminC102426 Accumulation Ratio Ctrough AccumulationRatio CtroughC102363 Amt Rec Over Dosing Interval Amt Rec OverDosing IntervalThe area under the curve (AUCTAU) at steady statedivided by the area under the curve over the initialdosing interval.The maximum concentration at steady state divided bythe maximum concentration during the initial dosinginterval.The minimum concentration at steady state divided bythe minimum concentration during the initial dosinginterval.The trough concentration at steady state divided by thetrough concentration during the initial dosing interval.The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC between doses (TAU).Accumulation Ratio Area Under theCurveAccumulation Ratio CmaxAccumulation Ratio CminAccumulation Ratio CtroughAmount Recovered Over DosingIntervalC102364Amt Rec Over Dosing IntervalNorm by BMIAmt Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by BMIThe cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC between doses (TAU)divided by body mass index.Amount Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by Body MassIndexC102365Amt Rec Over Dosing IntervalNorm by SAAmt Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by SAThe cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC between doses (TAU)divided by surface area.Amount Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by Surface AreaC102366Amt Rec Over Dosing IntervalNorm by WTAmt Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by WTThe cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC between doses (TAU)divided by weight.Amount Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by WeightSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 399 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102359 Amt Rec from T1 to T2 Amt Rec fromT1 to T2The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC over the interval from T1 toT2.Amount Recovered from T1 to T2C102360Amt Rec from T1 to T2 Normby BMIAmt Rec fromT1 to T2 Normby BMIThe cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC over the interval from T1 toT2 divided by body mass index.Amount Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by Body Mass IndexC102361Amt Rec from T1 to T2 Normby SAAmt Rec fromT1 to T2 Normby SAThe cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC over the interval from T1 toT2 divided by surface area.Amount Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by Surface AreaC102362Amt Rec from T1 to T2 Normby WTAmt Rec fromT1 to T2 Normby WTThe cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC over the interval from T1 toT2 divided by weight.Amount Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by WeightC85575 Average Conc Average Conc;AverageConcentrationAUCTAU divided by TAU.Average ConcentrationC92367 Average Conc Norm by BMI Average ConcNorm by BMIC92368 Average Conc Norm by Dose Average ConcNorm by DoseAUCTAU divided by TAU and then divided by the bodymass index.Average Concentration Normalizedby Body Mass IndexAUCTAU divided by TAU and then divided by the dose. Average Concentration Normalizedby DoseC92369 Average Conc Norm by SA Average ConcNorm by SAC92370 Average Conc Norm by WT Average ConcNorm by WTAUCTAU divided by TAU and then divided by thesurface area.AUCTAU divided by TAU and then divided by theweight.Average Concentration Normalizedby Surface AreaAverage Concentration Normalizedby WeightC41185 Conc Conc The quantity of a specified substance in a unit volumeor weight of another substance.ConcentrationC102394 Conc Trough Conc Trough Concentration at end of dosing interval. Trough ConcentrationC102395 Conc Trough by BMI Conc Trough byBMIC102396 Conc Trough by Dose Conc Trough byDoseC102397 Conc Trough by SA Conc Trough bySAC102398 Conc Trough by WT Conc Trough byWTThe trough concentration divided by body mass index.The trough concentration divided by dose.The trough concentration divided by surface area.The trough concentration divided by weight.Trough Concentration Divided byBody Mass IndexTrough Concentration Divided byDoseTrough Concentration Divided bySurface AreaTrough Concentration Divided byWeightC102367 Conc by BMI Conc by BMI The concentration divided by body mass index. Concentration Divided by Body MassIndexC102368 Conc by Dose Conc by Dose The concentration divided by dose. Concentration Divided by DoseC102369 Conc by SA Conc by SA The concentration divided by surface area. Concentration Divided by SurfaceAreaC102370 Conc by WT Conc by WT The concentration divided by weight. Concentration Divided by WeightC85821Correlation Between TimeXand Log ConcYCorrelationBetween TimeXand Log ConcYThe correlation between time (X) and logconcentration (Y) for the points used in the estimationof lambda z.Time and Log ConcentrationCorrelationC95007 Effective Half-Life EffectiveHalf-LifeThe drug half-life that quantifies the accumulationratio of a drug following multiple dosing.Effective Half-lifeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 400 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85581 Fluctuation% Fluctuation% The difference between Cmin and Cmax standardizedto Cavg, between dose time and Tau.Concentration Variability BetweenDose Time and TauC85818 Half-Life Lambda z Half-LifeLambda zTerminal half-life.Terminal Half LifeC85644 Initial Conc Initial Conc Initial concentration. Given only for bolus IV models. Initial ConcentrationC92383 Initial Conc Norm by BMI Initial ConcNorm by BMIC92384 Initial Conc Norm by Dose Initial ConcNorm by DoseC92385 Initial Conc Norm by SA Initial ConcNorm by SAC92386 Initial Conc Norm by WT Initial ConcNorm by WTInitial concentration divided by the body mass index.Given only for bolus IV models.Initial concentration divided by the dose. Given onlyfor bolus IV models.Initial concentration divided by the surface area. Givenonly for bolus IV models.Initial concentration divided by the weight. Given onlyfor bolus IV models.Initial Concentration Normalized byBody Mass IndexInitial Concentration Normalized byDoseInitial Concentration Normalized bySurface AreaInitial Concentration Normalized byWeightC85652 Lambda z Lambda z The first order rate constant associated with theterminal (log-linear) portion of the curve.Lambda ZC85653 Lambda z Lower Limit Lambda z LowerLimitC85654 Lambda z Upper Limit Lambda z UpperLimitC85656 Last Meas Excretion Rate Last MeasExcretion RateThe lower limit on time for values to be included in thecalculation of Lambda z.The upper limit on time for values to be included in thecalculation of Lambda z.The last measurable (positive) excretion rate.Lambda Z Time Lower LimitLambda Z Time Upper LimitLast Measurable Observed ExcretionRateC92391Last Meas Excretion RateNorm by BMILast MeasExcretion RateNorm by BMIThe last measurable (positive) excretion rate dividedby the body mass index.Last Measurable Excretion RateNormalized by Body Mass IndexC92392Last Meas Excretion RateNorm by DoseLast MeasExcretion RateNorm by DoseThe last measurable (positive) excretion rate dividedby the dose.Last Measurable Excretion RateNormalized by DoseC92393Last Meas Excretion RateNorm by SALast MeasExcretion RateNorm by SAThe last measurable (positive) excretion rate dividedby the surface area.Last Measurable Excretion RateNormalized by Surface AreaC92394Last Meas Excretion RateNorm by WTLast MeasExcretion RateNorm by WTThe last measurable (positive) excretion rate dividedby the weight.Last Measurable Excretion RateNormalized by WeightC85655 Last Nonzero Conc Last NonzeroConcThe concentration corresponding to Tlast.Last ConcentrationC92387Last Nonzero Conc Norm byBMILast NonzeroConc Norm byBMIThe concentration corresponding to Tlast divided bythe body mass index.Last Concentration Normalized byBody Mass IndexC92388Last Nonzero Conc Norm byDoseLast NonzeroConc Norm byDoseThe concentration corresponding to Tlast divided bythe dose.Last Concentration Normalized byDoseC92389Last Nonzero Conc Norm bySALast NonzeroConc Norm bySAThe concentration corresponding to Tlast divided bythe surface area.Last Concentration Normalized bySurface AreaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 401 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92390Last Nonzero Conc Norm byWTLast NonzeroConc Norm byWTThe concentration corresponding to Tlast divided bythe weight.Last Concentration Normalized byWeightC85769 MRT Infinity Obs MRT InfinityObsC85793 MRT Infinity Pred MRT InfinityPredC85700 MRT to Last Nonzero Conc MRT to LastNonzero ConcThe mean residence time (MRT) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration.The mean residence time (MRT) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration.Mean residence time (MRT) from the time of dosingto the time of the last measurable concentration.Observed Mean Residence TimeInfinityPredicted Mean Residence TimeInfinityMean Residence Time LastC70918 Max Conc Max Conc The maximum concentration occurring at Tmax. CmaxC92371 Max Conc Norm by BMI Max Conc Normby BMIC85698 Max Conc Norm by Dose Max Conc Normby DoseC92372 Max Conc Norm by SA Max Conc Normby SAC92373 Max Conc Norm by WT Max Conc Normby WTC85699 Max Excretion Rate Max ExcretionRateThe maximum concentration occurring at Tmax,divided by the body mass index.The maximum concentration occurring at Tmax,divided by the dose.The maximum concentration occurring at Tmax,divided by the surface area.The maximum concentration occurring at Tmax,divided by the weight.The maximum excretion rate.Maximum Concentration Normalizedby Body Mass IndexMaximum Concentration DoseNormalizedMaximum Concentration Normalizedby Surface AreaMaximum Concentration Normalizedby WeightMaximum Observed Excretion RateC92395Max Excretion Rate Norm byBMIMax ExcretionRate Norm byBMIThe maximum excretion rate divided by the body massindex.Maximum Observed Excretion RateNormalized by Body Mass IndexC92396Max Excretion Rate Norm byDoseMax ExcretionRate Norm byDoseThe maximum excretion rate divided by the dose.Maximum Observed Excretion RateNormalized by DoseC92397Max Excretion Rate Norm bySAMax ExcretionRate Norm by SAThe maximum excretion rate divided by the surfacearea.Maximum Observed Excretion RateNormalized by Surface AreaC92398Max Excretion Rate Norm byWTMax ExcretionRate Norm byWTThe maximum excretion rate divided by the weight.Maximum Observed Excretion RateNormalized by WeightC85580Midpoint of CollectionIntervalMidpoint ofCollectionIntervalThe midpoint of collection interval, which isassociated with last Measurable rate.Collection Interval MidpointC85579 Min Conc Min Conc The minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin).CminC92374 Min Conc Norm by BMI Min Conc Normby BMIC92375 Min Conc Norm by Dose Min Conc Normby DoseC92376 Min Conc Norm by SA Min Conc Normby SAThe minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin) divided by the body massindex.The minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin) divided by the dose.The minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin) divided by the surfacearea.Minimum Concentration Normalizedby Body Mass IndexMinimum Concentration Normalizedby DoseMinimum Concentration Normalizedby Surface AreaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 402 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92377 Min Conc Norm by WT Min Conc Normby WTThe minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin) divided by the weight.Minimum Concentration Normalizedby WeightC102376 Nonrenal CL Nonrenal CL The total clearance of a substance from the blood lessthe renal clearance.Nonrenal ClearanceC85816Number of Points for LambdazNumber ofPoints forLambda zThe number of time points used in computing Lambdaz.Sum of Lambda Z TimepointsC102386 Pct Rec Over Dosing Interval Pct Rec OverDosing IntervalThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, between doses (TAU).Percent Recovered Over DosingIntervalC102387Pct Rec Over Dosing IntervalNorm by BMIPct Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by BMIThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, between doses (TAU) divided by the bodymass index.Percent Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by Body MassIndexC102388Pct Rec Over Dosing IntervalNorm by SAPct Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by SAThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, between doses (TAU) divided by surfacearea.Percent Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by Surface AreaC102389Pct Rec Over Dosing IntervalNorm by WTPct Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by WTThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, between doses (TAU) divided by weight.Percent Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by WeightC102382 Pct Rec from T1 to T2 Pct Rec from T1to T2The percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, over the interval between T1 and T2.Percent Recovered from T1 to T2C102383Pct Rec from T1 to T2 Normby BMIPct Rec from T1to T2 Norm byBMIThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, over the interval between T1 and T2 dividedby body mass index.Percent Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by Body Mass IndexC102384Pct Rec from T1 to T2 Normby SAPct Rec from T1to T2 Norm bySAThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, over the interval between T1 and T2 dividedby surface area.Percent Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by Surface AreaC102385Pct Rec from T1 to T2 Normby WTPct Rec from T1to T2 Norm byWTThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, over the interval between T1 and T2 dividedby weight.Percent Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by WeightC102381 Peak Trough Ratio Peak TroughRatioThe ratio of Cmax to Ctrough during a dosing interval.Peak Trough RatioC85542 R Squared R Squared The goodness of fit statistic for the terminalelimination phase.R SquaredC85553 R Squared Adjusted R SquaredAdjustedThe goodness of fit statistic for the terminalelimination phase, adjusted for the number of timepoints used in the estimation of Lambda z.Adjusted R SquaredC75913 Renal CL Renal CL The clearance of a substance from the blood by thekidneys.Renal ClearanceC85817 Sum of Urine Vol Sum of UrineVolThe sum of urine volumes that are used for PKparameters.Sum Urine VolumeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 403 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85824Time Until First NonzeroConcTime Until FirstNonzero ConcThe time prior to the first measurable (non-zero)concentration.Time until First NonzeroConcentrationC70919 Time of CMAX Time of CMAX The time of maximum observed concentration sampledduring a dosing interval.TmaxC85825 Time of CMIN Observation Time of CMINObservationC85822 Time of Last Nonzero Conc Time of LastNonzero ConcC85823 Time of Max Excretion Rate Time of MaxExcretion RateThe time of minimum concentration sampled during adosing interval.The time of the last measurable (positive)concentration.The midpoint of collection interval associated with themaximum excretion rate.TminTime of Last Nonzero ConcentrationTime of Maximum ObservedExcretion RateC85773 Total CL Obs Total CL Obs The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the observed value ofthe last non-zero concentration.Observed Total Body Clearance RateC92403 Total CL Obs Norm by BMI Total CL ObsNorm by BMIC92405 Total CL Obs Norm by SA Total CL ObsNorm by SAC92406 Total CL Obs Norm by WT Total CL ObsNorm by WTC85772 Total CL Obs by F Total CL Obs byFThe total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the observed value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the bodymass index.The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the observed value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the surfacearea.The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the observed value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the weight.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the observed value of thelast non-zero concentration.Total Clearance ObservedNormalized by Body Mass IndexTotal Clearance ObservedNormalized by Surface AreaTotal Clearance ObservedNormalized by WeightObserved Total Body Clearance byFraction of Dose AbsorbedC92399Total CL Obs by F Norm byBMITotal CL Obs byF Norm by BMIThe total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the observed value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.Total Clearance Observed byFraction Dose Normalized by BodyMass IndexC92401Total CL Obs by F Norm bySATotal CL Obs byF Norm by SAThe total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the observed value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the surfacearea.Total Clearance Observed byFraction Dose Normalized bySurface AreaC92402Total CL Obs by F Norm byWTTotal CL Obs byF Norm by WTThe total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the observed value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the weight.Total Clearance Observed byFraction Dose Normalized byWeightC85797 Total CL Pred Total CL Pred The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the predicted value ofthe last non-zero concentration.Predicted Total Body Clearance RateC92421 Total CL Pred Norm by BMI Total CL PredNorm by BMIThe total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the predicted value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the bodymass index.Total Clearance PredictedNormalized by Body Mass IndexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 404 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92423 Total CL Pred Norm by SA Total CL PredNorm by SAC92424 Total CL Pred Norm by WT Total CL PredNorm by WTC85796 Total CL Pred by F Total CL Pred byFThe total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the predicted value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the surfacearea.The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the predicted value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the weight.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the predicted value of thelast non-zero concentration.Total Clearance PredictedNormalized by Surface AreaTotal Clearance PredictedNormalized by WeightPredicted Total Body Clearance byFraction of Dose AbsorbedC92417Total CL Pred by F Norm byBMITotal CL Pred byF Norm by BMIThe total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the predicted value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by body massindex.Total Clearance Predicted byFraction Dose Normalized by BodyMass IndexC92419Total CL Pred by F Norm bySATotal CL Pred byF Norm by SAThe total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the predicted value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the surfacearea.Total Clearance Predicted byFraction Dose Normalized bySurface AreaC92420Total CL Pred by F Norm byWTTotal CL Pred byF Norm by WTThe total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the predicted value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the weight.Total Clearance Predicted byFraction Dose Normalized byWeightC102371 Vol Dist Initial Vol Dist Initial The initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing.Initial Volume of DistributionC102372 Vol Dist Initial Norm by BMI Vol Dist InitialNorm by BMIC102373 Vol Dist Initial Norm by Dose Vol Dist InitialNorm by DoseC102374 Vol Dist Initial Norm by SA Vol Dist InitialNorm by SAC102375 Vol Dist Initial Norm by WT Vol Dist InitialNorm by WTC85770 Vol Dist Steady State Obs Vol Dist SteadyState ObsThe initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing divided bythe body mass index.The initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing divided bythe dose.The initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing divided bythe surface area.The initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing divided bythe weight.The volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing.Initial Volume of DistributionNormalized by Body Mass IndexInitial Volume of DistributionNormalized by DoseInitial Volume of DistributionNormalized by Surface AreaInitial Volume of DistributionNormalized by WeightObserved Steady State Volume ofDistributionC102377Vol Dist Steady State ObsNorm by BMIVol Dist SteadyState Obs Normby BMIThe volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the body mass index.Observed Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by BodyMass IndexC102378Vol Dist Steady State ObsNorm by DoseVol Dist SteadyState Obs Normby DoseThe volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the dose.Observed Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by DoseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 405 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102379Vol Dist Steady State ObsNorm by SAVol Dist SteadyState Obs Normby SAThe volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the surface area.Observed Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by SurfaceAreaC102380Vol Dist Steady State ObsNorm by WTVol Dist SteadyState Obs Normby WTThe volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the weight.Observed Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by WeightC85794 Vol Dist Steady State Pred Vol Dist SteadyState PredThe volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing.Predicted Steady State Volume ofDistributionC102390Vol Dist Steady State PredNorm by BMIVol Dist SteadyState Pred Normby BMIThe volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the body mass index.Predicted Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by BodyMass IndexC102391Vol Dist Steady State PredNorm by DoseVol Dist SteadyState Pred Normby DoseThe volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the dose.Predicted Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by DoseC102392Vol Dist Steady State PredNorm by SAVol Dist SteadyState Pred Normby SAThe volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the surface area.Predicted Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by SurfaceAreaC102393Vol Dist Steady State PredNorm by WTVol Dist SteadyState Pred Normby WTThe volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the weight.Predicted Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by WeightC85774 Vz Obs Vz Obs The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration.Observed Volume of DistributionC92407 Vz Obs Norm by BMI Vz Obs Norm byBMIC102683 Vz Obs Norm by Dose Vz Obs Norm byDoseC924<strong>08</strong> Vz Obs Norm by SA Vz Obs Norm bySAC92409 Vz Obs Norm by WT Vz Obs Norm byWTThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the dose.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the surface area.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the weight.Volume of Distribution ObservedNormalized by Body Mass IndexObserved Volume of DistributionNormalized by DoseVolume of Distribution ObservedNormalized by Surface AreaVolume of Distribution ObservedNormalized by WeightC85775 Vz Obs by F Vz Obs by F The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration.Observed Volume of Distribution ofAbsorbed FractionSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 406 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92410 Vz Obs by F Norm by BM Vz Obs by FNorm by BMC102729 Vz Obs by F Norm by Dose Vz Obs by FNorm by DoseC92411 Vz Obs by F Norm by SA Vz Obs by FNorm by SAC92412 Vz Obs by F Norm by WT Vz Obs by FNorm by WTThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the body mass index.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the dose.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the surface area.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the weight.Volume of Distribution of FractionDose Observed Normalized by BodyMass IndexVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Observed Normalized by DoseVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Observed Normalized bySurface AreaVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Observed Normalized byWeightC85798 Vz Pred Vz Pred The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration.Predicted Volume of DistributionC92425 Vz Pred Norm by BMI Vz Pred Norm byBMIC102696 Vz Pred Norm by Dose Vz Pred Norm byDoseC92426 Vz Pred Norm by SA Vz Pred Norm bySAC92427 Vz Pred Norm by WT Vz Pred Norm byWTThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the dose.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the surface area.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the weight.Volume of Distribution PredictedNormalized by Body Mass IndexPredicted Volume of DistributionNormalized by DoseVolume of Distribution PredictedNormalized by Surface AreaVolume of Distribution PredictedNormalized by WeightC85799 Vz Pred by F Vz Pred by F The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration.Predicted Volume of Distribution ofAbsorbed FractionC92428 Vz Pred by F Norm by BMI Vz Pred by FNorm by BMIThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the body mass index.Volume of Distribution of FractionDose Predicted Normalized by BodyMass IndexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 407 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85493 - PKPARM - PK ParametersCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102730 Vz Pred by F Norm by Dose Vz Pred by FNorm by DoseC92429 Vz Pred by F Norm by SA Vz Pred by FNorm by SAC92430 Vz Pred by F Norm by WT Vz Pred by FNorm by WTThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the dose.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the surface area.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the weight.Volume of Distribution of FractionDose Predicted Normalized by DoseVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Predicted Normalized bySurface AreaVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Predicted Normalized byWeightSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 4<strong>08</strong> of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102356 ARAUC AccumulationRatio AUCC102357 ARCMAX AccumulationRatio CmaxC102358 ARCMIN AccumulationRatio CminC102426 ARCTROUG AccumulationRatio CtroughThe area under the curve (AUCTAU) at steady statedivided by the area under the curve over the initialdosing interval.The maximum concentration at steady state divided bythe maximum concentration during the initial dosinginterval.The minimum concentration at steady state divided bythe minimum concentration during the initial dosinginterval.The trough concentration at steady state divided by thetrough concentration during the initial dosing interval.Accumulation Ratio Area Under theCurveAccumulation Ratio CmaxAccumulation Ratio CminAccumulation Ratio CtroughC85564 AUCALL AUC All The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation, regardlessof whether the last concentration is measurable or not.Area Under the Curve AllC92362 AUCALLB AUC All Normby BMIC92306 AUCALLD AUC All Normby DoseC92307 AUCALLS AUC All Normby SAC923<strong>08</strong> AUCALLW AUC All Normby WTThe area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation divided bythe body mass index, regardless of whether the lastconcentration is measurable or not.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation divided bythe dose, regardless of whether the last concentrationis measurable or not.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation divided bythe surface area, regardless of whether the lastconcentration is measurable or not.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the time of the last observation divided bythe weight, regardless of whether the lastconcentration is measurable or not.AUC All Normalized by Body MassIndexAUC All Normalized by DoseAUC All Normalized by SurfaceAreaAUC All Normalized by WeightC85761 AUCIFO AUC Infinity Obs The area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration.Observed Area Under the CurveInfinityC92316 AUCIFOB AUC Infinity ObsNorm by BMIC96695 AUCIFOD AUC Infinity ObsNorm by DoseC92317 AUCIFOS AUC Infinity ObsNorm by SAC92318 AUCIFOW AUC Infinity ObsNorm by WTC85785 AUCIFP AUC InfinityPredThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.The area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the dose.The area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the surface area.The area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the weight.The area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration.AUC Infinity Observed Normalizedby Body Mass IndexAUC Infinity Observed Normalizedby DoseAUC Infinity Observed Normalizedby Surface AreaAUC Infinity Observed Normalizedby WeightPredicted Area Under the CurveInfinitySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 409 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92319 AUCIFPB AUC InfinityPred Norm byBMIC85786 AUCIFPD AUC InfinityPred Norm byDoseC92320 AUCIFPS AUC InfinityPred Norm bySAC92321 AUCIFPW AUC InfinityPred Norm byWTC85566 AUCINT AUC from T1 toT2C92312 AUCINTB AUC from T1 toT2 Norm by BMIC92313 AUCINTD AUC from T1 toT2 Norm byDoseC92314 AUCINTS AUC from T1 toT2 Norm by SAC92315 AUCINTW AUC from T1 toT2 Norm by WTC85565 AUCLST AUC to LastNonzero ConcC92309 AUCLSTB AUC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by BMIC92310 AUCLSTD AUC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by DoseC92311 AUCLSTS AUC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by SAC92305 AUCLSTW AUC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by WTC85787 AUCPBEP AUC %BackExtrapolationPredC85764 AUCPEO AUC%ExtrapolationObsThe area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.The area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the dose.The area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the surface area.The area under the curve (AUC) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the weight.The area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2.The area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2 divided by the body mass index.The area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2 divided by the dose.The area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2 divided by the surface area.The area under the curve (AUC) over the interval fromT1 to T2 divided by the weight.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration divided bythe body mass index.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration divided bythe dose.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration divided bythe surface area.The area under the curve (AUC) from the time ofdosing to the last measurable concentration divided bythe weight.The area under the curve (AUC) from the predictedconcentration value at time zero to the first measuredconcentration value as a percentage of the area underthe curve extrapolated to infinity. Applies only forintravascular bolus dosing.The area under the curve (AUC) from the last observednon-zero concentration value to infinity as apercentage of the area under the curve extrapolated toinfinity.AUC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby Body Mass IndexPredicted Area Under the CurveInfinity by DoseAUC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby Surface AreaAUC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby WeightArea Under the Curve from T1 to T2AUC from T1 to T2 Normalized byBody Mass IndexAUC from T1 to T2 Normalized byDoseAUC from T1 to T2 Normalized bySurface AreaAUC from T1 to T2 Normalized byWeightArea Under the Curve From Dosingto Last ConcentrationAUC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Body Mass IndexAUC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by DoseAUC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Surface AreaAUC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by WeightPredicted Area Under the CurvePercent Back ExtrapolationObserved Area Under the CurvePercent ExtrapolationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 410 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85788 AUCPEP AUC%ExtrapolationPredC85567 AUCTAU AUC OverDosing IntervalC92322 AUCTAUB AUC OverDosing IntervalNorm by BMIC92323 AUCTAUD AUC OverDosing IntervalNorm by DoseC92324 AUCTAUS AUC OverDosing IntervalNorm by SAC92325 AUCTAUW AUC OverDosing IntervalNorm by WTC85765 AUMCIFO AUMC InfinityObsC92330 AUMCIFOB AUMC InfinityObs Norm byBMIC92331 AUMCIFOD AUMC InfinityObs Norm byDoseC92332 AUMCIFOS AUMC InfinityObs Norm by SAC92333 AUMCIFOW AUMC InfinityObs Norm byWTC85789 AUMCIFP AUMC InfinityPredC92334 AUMCIFPB AUMC InfinityPred Norm byBMIC92335 AUMCIFPD AUMC InfinityPred Norm byDoseThe area under the curve (AUC) from the last predictednon-zero concentration value to infinity as apercentage of the area under the curve extrapolated toinfinity.The area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU).The area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU) divided by the bodymass index.The area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU) divided by the dose.The area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU) divided by the surfacearea.The area under the curve (AUC) for the definedinterval between doses (TAU) divided by the weight.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thebody mass index.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thedose.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thesurface area.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the observedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by theweight.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thebody mass index.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thedose.Predicted Area Under the CurvePercent ExtrapolationArea Under the Curve Over DosingIntervalAUC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by Body Mass IndexAUC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by DoseAUC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by Surface AreaAUC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by WeightObserved Area Under the FirstMoment Curve InfinityAUMC Infinity ObservedNormalized by Body Mass IndexAUMC Infinity ObservedNormalized by DoseAUMC Infinity ObservedNormalized by Surface AreaAUMC Infinity ObservedNormalized by WeightPredicted Area Under the FirstMoment Curve InfinityAUMC Infinity PredictedNormalized by Body Mass IndexAUMC Infinity PredictedNormalized by DoseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 411 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92336 AUMCIFPS AUMC InfinityPred Norm bySAC92337 AUMCIFPW AUMC InfinityPred Norm byWTC85569 AUMCLST AUMC to LastNonzero ConcC92326 AUMCLSTB AUMC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by BMIC92327 AUMCLSTD AUMC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by DoseC92328 AUMCLSTS AUMC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by SAC92329 AUMCLSTW AUMC to LastNonzero ConcNorm by WTC85766 AUMCPEO AUMC %ExtrapolationObsC85790 AUMCPEP AUMC %ExtrapolationPredC85570 AUMCTAU AUMC OverDosing IntervalC92338 AUMCTAUB AUMC OverDosing IntervalNorm by BMIC92339 AUMCTAUD AUMC OverDosing IntervalNorm by DoseC92340 AUMCTAUS AUMC OverDosing IntervalNorm by SAC92341 AUMCTAUW AUMC OverDosing IntervalNorm by WTThe area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by thesurface area.The area under the moment curve (AUMC)extrapolated to infinity, calculated using the predictedvalue of the last non-zero concentration, divided by theweight.The area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentration.The area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentrationdivided by the body mass index.The area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentrationdivided by the dose.The area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentrationdivided by the surface area.The area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thetime of dosing to the last measurable concentrationdivided by the weight.The area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thelast observed non-zero concentration value to infinityas a percentage of the area under the moment curveextrapolated to infinity.The area under the moment curve (AUMC) from thelast predicted non-zero concentration value to infinityas a percentage of the area under the moment curveextrapolated to infinity.The area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU).The area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU) divided by thebody mass index.The area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU) divided by thedose.The area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU) divided by thesurface area.The area under the first moment curve (AUMC) for thedefined interval between doses (TAU) divided by theweight.AUMC Infinity PredictedNormalized by Surface AreaAUMC Infinity PredictedNormalized by WeightArea Under the First Moment CurveFrom Dosing to Last ConcentrationAUMC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Body Mass IndexAUMC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by DoseAUMC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Surface AreaAUMC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by WeightObserved Area Under the FirstMoment Curve PercentExtrapolationPredicted Area Under the FirstMoment Curve PercentExtrapolationArea Under the First Moment CurveOver Dosing IntervalAUMC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by Body Mass IndexAUMC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by DoseAUMC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by Surface AreaAUMC Over Dosing IntervalNormalized by WeightC85841 AURCALL AURC All The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate.Area Under Urinary Excretion RateCurve AllC92342 AURCALLB AURC All Normby BMIThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable ratedivided by the body mass index.AURC All Normalized by Body MassIndexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 412 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92343 AURCALLD AURC All Normby DoseC92344 AURCALLS AURC All Normby SAC92345 AURCALLW AURC All Normby WTC85767 AURCIFO AURC InfinityObsC92354 AURCIFOB AURC InfinityObs Norm byBMIC92355 AURCIFOD AURC InfinityObs Norm byDoseC92356 AURCIFOS AURC InfinityObs Norm by SAC92357 AURCIFOW AURC InfinityObs Norm byWTC85791 AURCIFP AURC InfinityPredC92358 AURCIFPB AURC InfinityPred Norm byBMIC92359 AURCIFPD AURC InfinityPred Norm byDoseC92360 AURCIFPS AURC InfinityPred Norm bySAC92361 AURCIFPW AURC InfinityPred Norm byWTC85572 AURCINT AURC from T1to T2The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable ratedivided by the dose.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable ratedivided by the surface area.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable ratedivided by the weight.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate, divided by thebody mass index.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate, divided by thedose.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate, divided by thesurface area.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using theobserved value of the last excretion rate, divided by theweight.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate,divded by the body mass index.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate,divded by the dose.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate,divded by the surface area.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) extrapolated to infinity, calculated using thepredicted value of the last non-zero excretion rate,divded by the weight.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2.AURC All Normalized by DoseAURC All Normalized by SurfaceAreaAURC All Normalized by WeightObserved Area Under the UrinaryExcretion Rate Curve infinityAURC Infinity Observed Normalizedby Body Mass IndexAURC Infinity Observed Normalizedby DoseAURC Infinity Observed Normalizedby Surface AreaAURC Infinity Observed Normalizedby WeightPredicted Area Under the UrinaryExcretion Rate Curve InfinityAURC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby Body Mass IndexAURC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby DoseAURC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby Surface AreaAURC Infinity Predicted Normalizedby WeightArea Under the Urinary ExcretionRate Curve from T1 to T2Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 413 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92350 AURCINTB AURC from T1to T2 Norm byBMIC92351 AURCINTD AURC from T1to T2 Norm byDoseC92352 AURCINTS AURC from T1to T2 Norm bySAC92353 AURCINTW AURC from T1to T2 Norm byWTC85571 AURCLST AURC to LastNonzero RateC92346 AURCLSTB AURC to LastNonzero RateNorm by BMIC92347 AURCLSTD AURC to LastNonzero RateNorm by DoseC92348 AURCLSTS AURC to LastNonzero RateNorm by SAC92349 AURCLSTW AURC to LastNonzero RateNorm by WTC85768 AURCPEO AURC %ExtrapolationObsC85792 AURCPEP AURC %ExtrapolationPredThe area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2 divided by thebody mass index.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2 divided by thedose.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2 divided by thesurface area.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) over the interval from T1 to T2 divided by theweight.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate,divided by the body mass index.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate,divided by the dose.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate,divided by the surface area.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from time zero to the last measurable rate,divided by the weight.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from the last observed non-zero rate value toinfinity as a percentage of the area under the urinaryexcretion rate curve extrapolated to infinity.The area under the urinary excretion rate curve(AURC) from the last predicted non-zero rate value toinfinity as a percentage of the area under the urinaryexcretion rate curve extrapolated to infinity.AURC from T1 to T2 Normalized byBody Mass IndexAURC from T1 to T2 Normalized byDoseAURC from T1 to T2 Normalized bySurface AreaAURC from T1 to T2 Normalized byWeightArea Under the Urinary ExcretionRate Curve From Dosing to LastConcentrationAURC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Body Mass IndexAURC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by DoseAURC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by Surface AreaAURC Dosing to Last ConcentrationNormalized by WeightObserved Area Under the UrinaryExcretion Rate Curve PercentExtrapolationPredicted Area Under the UrinaryExcretion Rate Curve PercentExtrapolationC85644 C0 Initial Conc Initial concentration. Given only for bolus IV models. Initial ConcentrationC92383 C0B Initial ConcNorm by BMIC92384 C0D Initial ConcNorm by DoseC92385 C0S Initial ConcNorm by SAC92386 C0W Initial ConcNorm by WTC85575 CAVG Average Conc;AverageConcentrationInitial concentration divided by the body mass index.Given only for bolus IV models.Initial concentration divided by the dose. Given onlyfor bolus IV models.Initial concentration divided by the surface area. Givenonly for bolus IV models.Initial concentration divided by the weight. Given onlyfor bolus IV models.AUCTAU divided by TAU.Initial Concentration Normalized byBody Mass IndexInitial Concentration Normalized byDoseInitial Concentration Normalized bySurface AreaInitial Concentration Normalized byWeightAverage ConcentrationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 414 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92367 CAVGB Average ConcNorm by BMIC92368 CAVGD Average ConcNorm by DoseAUCTAU divided by TAU and then divided by the bodymass index.Average Concentration Normalizedby Body Mass IndexAUCTAU divided by TAU and then divided by the dose. Average Concentration Normalizedby DoseC92369 CAVGS Average ConcNorm by SAC92370 CAVGW Average ConcNorm by WTC85772 CLFO Total CL Obs byFC92399 CLFOB Total CL Obs byF Norm by BMIC92401 CLFOS Total CL Obs byF Norm by SAC92402 CLFOW Total CL Obs byF Norm by WTC85796 CLFP Total CL Pred byFC92417 CLFPB Total CL Pred byF Norm by BMIC92419 CLFPS Total CL Pred byF Norm by SAC92420 CLFPW Total CL Pred byF Norm by WTAUCTAU divided by TAU and then divided by thesurface area.AUCTAU divided by TAU and then divided by theweight.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the observed value of thelast non-zero concentration.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the observed value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the observed value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the surfacearea.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the observed value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the weight.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the predicted value of thelast non-zero concentration.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the predicted value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by body massindex.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the predicted value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the surfacearea.The total body clearance for extravascularadministration divided by the fraction of doseabsorbed, calculated using the predicted value of thelast non-zero concentration, divided by the weight.Average Concentration Normalizedby Surface AreaAverage Concentration Normalizedby WeightObserved Total Body Clearance byFraction of Dose AbsorbedTotal Clearance Observed byFraction Dose Normalized by BodyMass IndexTotal Clearance Observed byFraction Dose Normalized bySurface AreaTotal Clearance Observed byFraction Dose Normalized byWeightPredicted Total Body Clearance byFraction of Dose AbsorbedTotal Clearance Predicted byFraction Dose Normalized by BodyMass IndexTotal Clearance Predicted byFraction Dose Normalized bySurface AreaTotal Clearance Predicted byFraction Dose Normalized byWeightC85773 CLO Total CL Obs The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the observed value ofthe last non-zero concentration.Observed Total Body Clearance RateC92403 CLOB Total CL ObsNorm by BMIThe total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the observed value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the bodymass index.Total Clearance ObservedNormalized by Body Mass IndexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 415 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92405 CLOS Total CL ObsNorm by SAC92406 CLOW Total CL ObsNorm by WTThe total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the observed value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the surfacearea.The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the observed value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the weight.Total Clearance ObservedNormalized by Surface AreaTotal Clearance ObservedNormalized by WeightC85797 CLP Total CL Pred The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the predicted value ofthe last non-zero concentration.Predicted Total Body Clearance RateC92421 CLPB Total CL PredNorm by BMIC92423 CLPS Total CL PredNorm by SAC92424 CLPW Total CL PredNorm by WTC85655 CLST Last NonzeroConcC92387 CLSTB Last NonzeroConc Norm byBMIC92388 CLSTD Last NonzeroConc Norm byDoseC92389 CLSTS Last NonzeroConc Norm bySAC92390 CLSTW Last NonzeroConc Norm byWTThe total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the predicted value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the bodymass index.The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the predicted value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the surfacearea.The total body clearance for intravascularadministration, calculated using the predicted value ofthe last non-zero concentration, divided by the weight.The concentration corresponding to Tlast.The concentration corresponding to Tlast divided bythe body mass index.The concentration corresponding to Tlast divided bythe dose.The concentration corresponding to Tlast divided bythe surface area.The concentration corresponding to Tlast divided bythe weight.Total Clearance PredictedNormalized by Body Mass IndexTotal Clearance PredictedNormalized by Surface AreaTotal Clearance PredictedNormalized by WeightLast ConcentrationLast Concentration Normalized byBody Mass IndexLast Concentration Normalized byDoseLast Concentration Normalized bySurface AreaLast Concentration Normalized byWeightC70918 CMAX Max Conc The maximum concentration occurring at Tmax. CmaxC92371 CMAXB Max Conc Normby BMIC85698 CMAXD Max Conc Normby DoseC92372 CMAXS Max Conc Normby SAC92373 CMAXW Max Conc Normby WTThe maximum concentration occurring at Tmax,divided by the body mass index.The maximum concentration occurring at Tmax,divided by the dose.The maximum concentration occurring at Tmax,divided by the surface area.The maximum concentration occurring at Tmax,divided by the weight.Maximum Concentration Normalizedby Body Mass IndexMaximum Concentration DoseNormalizedMaximum Concentration Normalizedby Surface AreaMaximum Concentration Normalizedby WeightC85579 CMIN Min Conc The minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin).CminSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 416 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92374 CMINB Min Conc Normby BMIC92375 CMIND Min Conc Normby DoseC92376 CMINS Min Conc Normby SAC92377 CMINW Min Conc Normby WTThe minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin) divided by the body massindex.The minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin) divided by the dose.The minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin) divided by the surfacearea.The minimum concentration between dose time anddose time plus Tau (at Tmin) divided by the weight.Minimum Concentration Normalizedby Body Mass IndexMinimum Concentration Normalizedby DoseMinimum Concentration Normalizedby Surface AreaMinimum Concentration Normalizedby WeightC41185 CONC Conc The quantity of a specified substance in a unit volumeor weight of another substance.ConcentrationC102367 CONCB Conc by BMI The concentration divided by body mass index. Concentration Divided by Body MassIndexC102368 CONCD Conc by Dose The concentration divided by dose. Concentration Divided by DoseC102369 CONCS Conc by SA The concentration divided by surface area. Concentration Divided by SurfaceAreaC102370 CONCW Conc by WT The concentration divided by weight. Concentration Divided by WeightC85821 CORRXY CorrelationBetween TimeXand Log ConcYThe correlation between time (X) and logconcentration (Y) for the points used in the estimationof lambda z.Time and Log ConcentrationCorrelationC102394 CTROUGH Conc Trough Concentration at end of dosing interval. Trough ConcentrationC102395 CTROUGHB Conc Trough byBMIC102396 CTROUGHD Conc Trough byDoseC102397 CTROUGHS Conc Trough bySAC102398 CTROUGHW Conc Trough byWTC95007 EFFHL EffectiveHalf-LifeC85656 ERLST Last MeasExcretion RateC92391 ERLSTB Last MeasExcretion RateNorm by BMIC92392 ERLSTD Last MeasExcretion RateNorm by DoseC92393 ERLSTS Last MeasExcretion RateNorm by SAThe trough concentration divided by body mass index.The trough concentration divided by dose.The trough concentration divided by surface area.The trough concentration divided by weight.The drug half-life that quantifies the accumulationratio of a drug following multiple dosing.The last measurable (positive) excretion rate.The last measurable (positive) excretion rate dividedby the body mass index.The last measurable (positive) excretion rate dividedby the dose.The last measurable (positive) excretion rate dividedby the surface area.Trough Concentration Divided byBody Mass IndexTrough Concentration Divided byDoseTrough Concentration Divided bySurface AreaTrough Concentration Divided byWeightEffective Half-lifeLast Measurable Observed ExcretionRateLast Measurable Excretion RateNormalized by Body Mass IndexLast Measurable Excretion RateNormalized by DoseLast Measurable Excretion RateNormalized by Surface AreaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 417 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92394 ERLSTW Last MeasExcretion RateNorm by WTC85699 ERMAX Max ExcretionRateC92395 ERMAXB Max ExcretionRate Norm byBMIC92396 ERMAXD Max ExcretionRate Norm byDoseThe last measurable (positive) excretion rate dividedby the weight.The maximum excretion rate.The maximum excretion rate divided by the body massindex.The maximum excretion rate divided by the dose.Last Measurable Excretion RateNormalized by WeightMaximum Observed Excretion RateMaximum Observed Excretion RateNormalized by Body Mass IndexMaximum Observed Excretion RateNormalized by DoseC92397 ERMAXS Max ExcretionRate Norm by SAThe maximum excretion rate divided by the surfacearea.Maximum Observed Excretion RateNormalized by Surface AreaC92398 ERMAXW Max ExcretionRate Norm byWTC85823 ERTMAX Time of MaxExcretion RateThe maximum excretion rate divided by the weight.The midpoint of collection interval associated with themaximum excretion rate.Maximum Observed Excretion RateNormalized by WeightTime of Maximum ObservedExcretion RateC85581 FLUCP Fluctuation% The difference between Cmin and Cmax standardizedto Cavg, between dose time and Tau.C85652 LAMZ Lambda z The first order rate constant associated with theterminal (log-linear) portion of the curve.Concentration Variability BetweenDose Time and TauLambda ZC85818 LAMZHL Half-LifeLambda zC85653 LAMZLL Lambda z LowerLimitC85816 LAMZNPT Number ofPoints forLambda zC85654 LAMZUL Lambda z UpperLimitC85580 MIDPTLST Midpoint ofCollectionIntervalC85769 MRTIFO MRT InfinityObsC85793 MRTIFP MRT InfinityPredC85700 MRTLST MRT to LastNonzero ConcTerminal half-life.The lower limit on time for values to be included in thecalculation of Lambda z.The number of time points used in computing Lambdaz.The upper limit on time for values to be included in thecalculation of Lambda z.The midpoint of collection interval, which isassociated with last Measurable rate.The mean residence time (MRT) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration.The mean residence time (MRT) extrapolated toinfinity, calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration.Mean residence time (MRT) from the time of dosingto the time of the last measurable concentration.Terminal Half LifeLambda Z Time Lower LimitSum of Lambda Z TimepointsLambda Z Time Upper LimitCollection Interval MidpointObserved Mean Residence TimeInfinityPredicted Mean Residence TimeInfinityMean Residence Time LastC102376 NRENALCL Nonrenal CL The total clearance of a substance from the blood lessthe renal clearance.Nonrenal ClearanceC102381 PTROUGHR Peak TroughRatioThe ratio of Cmax to Ctrough during a dosing interval.Peak Trough RatioSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 418 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85542 R2 R Squared The goodness of fit statistic for the terminalelimination phase.R SquaredC85553 R2ADJ R SquaredAdjustedC102359 RCAMINT Amt Rec fromT1 to T2C102360 RCAMINTB Amt Rec fromT1 to T2 Normby BMIC102361 RCAMINTS Amt Rec fromT1 to T2 Normby SAC102362 RCAMINTW Amt Rec fromT1 to T2 Normby WTC102363 RCAMTAU Amt Rec OverDosing IntervalC102364 RCAMTAUB Amt Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by BMIC102365 RCAMTAUS Amt Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by SAC102366 RCAMTAUW Amt Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by WTC102382 RCPCINT Pct Rec from T1to T2C102383 RCPCINTB Pct Rec from T1to T2 Norm byBMIC102384 RCPCINTS Pct Rec from T1to T2 Norm bySAC102385 RCPCINTW Pct Rec from T1to T2 Norm byWTC102386 RCPCTAU Pct Rec OverDosing IntervalThe goodness of fit statistic for the terminalelimination phase, adjusted for the number of timepoints used in the estimation of Lambda z.The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC over the interval from T1 toT2.The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC over the interval from T1 toT2 divided by body mass index.The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC over the interval from T1 toT2 divided by surface area.The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC over the interval from T1 toT2 divided by weight.The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC between doses (TAU).The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC between doses (TAU)divided by body mass index.The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC between doses (TAU)divided by surface area.The cumulative amount recovered from the specimentype specified in PPSPEC between doses (TAU)divided by weight.The percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, over the interval between T1 and T2.The percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, over the interval between T1 and T2 dividedby body mass index.The percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, over the interval between T1 and T2 dividedby surface area.The percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, over the interval between T1 and T2 dividedby weight.The percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, between doses (TAU).Adjusted R SquaredAmount Recovered from T1 to T2Amount Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by Body Mass IndexAmount Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by Surface AreaAmount Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by WeightAmount Recovered Over DosingIntervalAmount Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by Body MassIndexAmount Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by Surface AreaAmount Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by WeightPercent Recovered from T1 to T2Percent Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by Body Mass IndexPercent Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by Surface AreaPercent Recovered from T1 to T2Normalized by WeightPercent Recovered Over DosingIntervalSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 419 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonymCDISC DefinitionNCI Preferred TermC102387RCPCTAUBPct Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by BMIThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, between doses (TAU) divided by the bodymass index.Percent Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by Body MassIndexC102388RCPCTAUSPct Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by SAThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, between doses (TAU) divided by surfacearea.Percent Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by Surface AreaC102389RCPCTAUWPct Rec OverDosing IntervalNorm by WTThe percentage of the administered dose that isrecovered from the specimen type specified inPPSPEC, between doses (TAU) divided by weight.Percent Recovered Over DosingInterval Normalized by WeightC75913RENALCLRenal CLThe clearance of a substance from the blood by thekidneys.Renal ClearanceC85824TLAGTime Until FirstNonzero ConcThe time prior to the first measurable (non-zero)concentration.Time until First NonzeroConcentrationC85822TLSTTime of LastNonzero ConcThe time of the last measurable (positive)concentration.Time of Last Nonzero ConcentrationC70919TMAXTime of CMAXThe time of maximum observed concentration sampledduring a dosing interval.TmaxC85825TMINTime of CMINObservationThe time of minimum concentration sampled during adosing interval.TminC102371V0Vol Dist InitialThe initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing.Initial Volume of DistributionC102372V0BVol Dist InitialNorm by BMIThe initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing divided bythe body mass index.Initial Volume of DistributionNormalized by Body Mass IndexC102373V0DVol Dist InitialNorm by DoseThe initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing divided bythe dose.Initial Volume of DistributionNormalized by DoseC102374V0SVol Dist InitialNorm by SAThe initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing divided bythe surface area.Initial Volume of DistributionNormalized by Surface AreaC102375V0WVol Dist InitialNorm by WTThe initial volume of distribution for a substanceadministered by bolus intravascular dosing divided bythe weight.Initial Volume of DistributionNormalized by WeightC85817VOLPKSum of UrineVolThe sum of urine volumes that are used for PKparameters.Sum Urine VolumeC85770VSSOVol Dist SteadyState ObsThe volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing.Observed Steady State Volume ofDistributionC102377VSSOBVol Dist SteadyState Obs Normby BMIThe volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the body mass index.Observed Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by BodyMass IndexC102378VSSODVol Dist SteadyState Obs Normby DoseThe volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the dose.Observed Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by DoseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresourceSource Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 420 of 544 -A>

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102379 VSSOS Vol Dist SteadyState Obs Normby SAC102380 VSSOW Vol Dist SteadyState Obs Normby WTC85794 VSSP Vol Dist SteadyState PredC102390 VSSPB Vol Dist SteadyState Pred Normby BMIC102391 VSSPD Vol Dist SteadyState Pred Normby DoseC102392 VSSPS Vol Dist SteadyState Pred Normby SAC102393 VSSPW Vol Dist SteadyState Pred Normby WTThe volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the surface area.The volume of distribution at steady state based on theobserved CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the weight.The volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing.The volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the body mass index.The volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the dose.The volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the surface area.The volume of distribution at steady state based on thepredicted CLST for a substance administered byintravascular dosing divided by the weight.Observed Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by SurfaceAreaObserved Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by WeightPredicted Steady State Volume ofDistributionPredicted Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by BodyMass IndexPredicted Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by DosePredicted Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by SurfaceAreaPredicted Steady State Volume ofDistribution Normalized by WeightC85775 VZFO Vz Obs by F The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration.Observed Volume of Distribution ofAbsorbed FractionC92410 VZFOB Vz Obs by FNorm by BMC102729 VZFOD Vz Obs by FNorm by DoseC92411 VZFOS Vz Obs by FNorm by SAC92412 VZFOW Vz Obs by FNorm by WTThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the body mass index.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the dose.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the surface area.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the observed value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the weight.Volume of Distribution of FractionDose Observed Normalized by BodyMass IndexVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Observed Normalized by DoseVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Observed Normalized bySurface AreaVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Observed Normalized byWeightC85799 VZFP Vz Pred by F The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration.Predicted Volume of Distribution ofAbsorbed FractionSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 421 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92428 VZFPB Vz Pred by FNorm by BMIC102730 VZFPD Vz Pred by FNorm by DoseC92429 VZFPS Vz Pred by FNorm by SAC92430 VZFPW Vz Pred by FNorm by WTThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the body mass index.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the dose.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the surface area.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following extravascular administrationdivided by the fraction of dose absorbed, calculatedusing the predicted value of the last non-zeroconcentration, divided by the weight.Volume of Distribution of FractionDose Predicted Normalized by BodyMass IndexVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Predicted Normalized by DoseVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Predicted Normalized bySurface AreaVolume of Distribution of FractionDose Predicted Normalized byWeightC85774 VZO Vz Obs The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration.Observed Volume of DistributionC92407 VZOB Vz Obs Norm byBMIC102683 VZOD Vz Obs Norm byDoseC924<strong>08</strong> VZOS Vz Obs Norm bySAC92409 VZOW Vz Obs Norm byWTThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the dose.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the surface area.The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the observed value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the weight.Volume of Distribution ObservedNormalized by Body Mass IndexObserved Volume of DistributionNormalized by DoseVolume of Distribution ObservedNormalized by Surface AreaVolume of Distribution ObservedNormalized by WeightC85798 VZP Vz Pred The volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration.Predicted Volume of DistributionC92425 VZPB Vz Pred Norm byBMIThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the body massindex.Volume of Distribution PredictedNormalized by Body Mass IndexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 422 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85839 - PKPARMCD - PK Parameters CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonymCDISC DefinitionNCI Preferred TermC102696VZPDVz Pred Norm byDoseThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the dose.Predicted Volume of DistributionNormalized by DoseC92426VZPSVz Pred Norm bySAThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the surface area.Volume of Distribution PredictedNormalized by Surface AreaC92427VZPWVz Pred Norm byWTThe volume of distribution associated with theterminal slope following intravascular administration,calculated using the predicted value of the lastnon-zero concentration, divided by the weight.Volume of Distribution PredictedNormalized by WeightSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresourceSource Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 423 of 544 -A>

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC66966 /h Per Hour A rate of occurrences of something within a period oftime equal to sixty minutes.Per HourC85645 IU/day IU/d International units per day. International Unit per DayC85646 IU/h IU/h International units per hour. International Unit per HourC85647 IU/min IU/min International units per minute. International Unit per MinuteC85648 IU/s IU/sec; IU/s International units per second. International Unit per SecondC48505 L Liter A unit of volume equal to a cubic decimeter, or onethousandth of cubic meter, or 1000 cubic centimeters,or approximately 61.023 744 cubic inches.(NCI)LiterC69110 L/day Liters per day. Liter per DayC85657 L/g/day mL/mg/day;uL/ug/day;L/day/g; L/g/dC85658 L/g/h L/h/g; mL/mg/h;uL/ug/h;mL/h/mg;uL/h/ug; L/g/hC85659 L/g/min mL/mg/min;uL/ug/min;L/min/g; L/g/minC85660 L/g/s L/g/sec;mL/mg/s;uL/ug/s; L/s/g;mL/mg/sec;uL/ug/sec;L/sec/g; L/g/sLiters per gram per day.Liters per gram per hour.Liters per gram per minute.Liters per gram per second.Liter per Gram per DayLiter per Gram per HourLiter per Gram per MinuteLiter per Gram per SecondC69160 L/h L/h Liters per hour. Liter per HourC73755 L/kg/day Milliliter perGram per Day;mL/g/day;uL/mg/day;L/day/kg;mL/day/g;uL/day/mg;L/kg/dLiters per kilogram per day.Milliliter per Gram per DayC73756 L/kg/h Milliliters per gram per hour. Milliliter per Gram per HourC73757 L/kg/min Milliliters per gram per minute. Milliliter per Gram per MinuteC85664 L/kg/s L/kg/sec; mL/g/s;uL/mg/s; L/s/kg;L/sec/kg; mL/s/g;uL/s/mg; L/kg/sC85672 L/mg/day mL/ug/day;L/day/mg;mL/day/ug;L/mg/dC85673 L/mg/h mL/ug/h; L/h/mg;mL/h/ug; L/mg/hLiters per kilogram per second.Liters per milligram per day.Liters per milligram per hour.Liter per Kilogram per SecondLiter per Milligram per DayLiter per Milligram per HourSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 424 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85674 L/mg/min mL/ug/min;L/min/mg;mL/min/ug;L/mg/minC85675 L/mg/s mL/ug/s; L/s/mg;mL/s/ug;mL/ug/sec;L/sec/mg;mL/sec/ug;L/mg/sC67388 L/min Liters perMinuteC85676 L/mmol/day mL/umol/day;L/day/mmol;mL/day/umol;L/mmol/dC85677 L/mmol/h mL/umol/h;L/h/mmol;mL/h/umol;L/mmol/hC85678 L/mmol/min mL/umol/min;L/min/mmol;mL/min/umol;L/mmol/minC85679 L/mmol/s L/mmol/sec;L/s/mmol;L/sec/mmol;mL/umol/s;mL/umol/sec;mL/s/umol;mL/sec/umoL;L/mmol/sC85680 L/mol mL/mmol;uL/umol; L/molC85681 L/mol/day L/day/mol;mL/mmol/day;uL/umol/day;mL/day/mmol;uL/day/umol;L/mol/dC85682 L/mol/h L/h/mol;mL/mmol/h;uL/umol/h;mL/h/mmol;uL/h/umol;L/mol/hC85683 L/mol/min L/min/mol;mL/mmol/min;uL/umol/min;mL/min/mmol;uL/min/umol;L/mol/minLiters per milligram per minute.Liters per milligram per second.A unit of volumetric flow rate defined as the rate atwhich one liter of matter travels during the period oftime equal to one minute.(NCI)Liters per millimole per day.Liters per millimole per hour.Liters per millimole per minute.Liters per millimole per second.Liters per mole.Liters per mole per day.Liters per mole per hour.Liters per mole per minute.Liter per Milligram per MinuteLiter per Milligram per SecondLiter per MinuteLiter per Millimole per DayLiter per Millimole per HourLiter per Millimole per MinuteLiter per Millimole per SecondLiter per MoleLiter per Mole per DayLiter per Mole per HourLiter per Mole per MinuteSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 425 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85684 L/mol/s L/mol/sec;L/s/mol;L/sec/mol;mL/mmol/s;mL/mmol/sec;mL/s/mmol;mL/sec/mmol;L/mol/sC85685 L/ng/day L/day/ng;mL/pg/day;mL/day/pg;L/ng/dC85686 L/ng/h L/h/ng; mL/pg/h;mL/h/pg; L/ng/hC85687 L/ng/min L/min/ng;mL/pg/min;mL/min/pg;L/ng/minC85688 L/ng/s L/s/ng; L/ng/sec;L/sec/ng;mL/pg/s;mL/s/pg;mL/pg/sec;mL/sec/pg;L/ng/sC85689 L/nmol/day mL/pmol/day;L/day/nmol;mL/day/pmol;L/nmol/dC85690 L/nmol/h mL/pmol/h;L/h/nmol;mL/h/pmol;L/nmol/hC85691 L/nmol/min mL/pmol/min;L/min/nmol;mL/min/pmol;L/nmol/minC85692 L/nmol/s L/nmol/sec;mL/pmol/s;mL/s/pmol;L/s/nmol;L/sec/nmol;L/nmol/sLiters per mole per second.Liters per nanogram per day.Liters per nanogram per hour.Liters per nanogram per minute.Liters per nanogram per second.Liters per nanomole per day.Liters per nanomole per hour.Liters per nanomole per minute.Liters per nanomole per second.Liter per Mole per SecondLiter per Nanogram per DayLiter per Nanogram per HourLiter per Nanogram per MinuteLiter per Nanogram per SecondLiter per Nanomole per DayLiter per Nanomole per HourLiter per Nanomole per MinuteLiter per Nanomole per SecondC85693 L/pg/day L/day/pg; L/pg/d Liters per picogram per day. Liter per Picogram per DayC85694 L/pg/h L/h/pg; L/pg/h Liters per picogram per hour. Liter per Picogram per HourC85695 L/pg/min L/min/pg;L/pg/minC85696 L/pg/s L/pg/sec; L/s/pg;L/sec/pg; L/pg/sLiters per picogram per minute.Liters per picogram per second.Liter per Picogram per MinuteLiter per Picogram per SecondC67390 L/s L/sec Liters per second. Liter per SecondSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 426 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85665 L/ug/day L/mcg/day;L/day/ug;L/day/mcg;mL/day/ng;mL/ng/dayC85662 L/ug/h L/mcg/h; L/h/ug;L/h/mcg;mL/h/ng;mL/ng/h; L/ug/hC85666 L/ug/min L/mcg/min;L/min/ug;L/min/mcg;mL/min/ng;mL/ng/minC85667 L/ug/s L/ug/sec; L/s/ug;L/ug/s; L/sec/ug;L/mcg/sec;L/s/mcg;L/mcg/s;L/sec/mcg;mL/ng/s;mL/s/ngC85668 L/umol/day L/mcmol/day;L/day/umol;L/day/mcmol;L/umol/dC85669 L/umol/h L/mcmol/h;L/h/umol;L/h/mcmol;L/umol/hC85670 L/umol/min L/mcmol/min;L/min/umol;L/min/mcmol;L/umol/minC85671 L/umol/s L/mcmol/s;L/umol/sec;L/s/umol;L/sec/umol;L/mcmol/sec;L/sec/mcmol;mL/nmol/s;mL/s/nmol;L/umol/sC85583 day*fg/mL pg*day/L;day*pg/L;fg*day/mL;d*fg/mLC85584 day*g/mL g*day/mL;day*kg/L;kg*day/L;d*g/mLLiters per microgram per day.Liters per microgram per hour.Liters per microgram per minute.Liters per microgram per second.Liters per micromole per day.Liters per micromole per hour.Liters per micromole per minute.Liters per micromole per second.Days times femtograms per milliliter.Days times grams per milliliter.Liter per Microgram per DayLiter per Microgram per HourLiter per Microgram per MinuteLiter per Microgram per SecondLiter per Micromole per DayLiter per Micromole per HourLiter per Micromole per MinuteLiter per Micromole per SecondDay Times Femtogram per MilliliterDay Times Gram per MilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 427 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85585 day*kg/mL kg*day/mL;g*day/uL;day*g/uL;d*kg/mLC85588 day*mg/mL mg*day/mL;day*g/L;g*day/L;day*ug/uL;ug*day/uL;d*mg/mLC85589 day*mmol/mL mmol*day/mL;day*mol/L;mol*day/L;day*umol/uL;umol*day/uL;d*mmol/mLC85590 day*mol/mL mol*day/mL;d*mol/mLC85591 day*ng/mL ng*day/mL;day*ug/L;ug*day/L;d*ng/mLC85592 day*nmol/mL nmol*day/mL;day*umol/L;umol*day/L;d*nmol/mLC85593 day*pg/mL pg*day/mL;day*ng/L;ng*day/L;d*pg/mLC85594 day*pmol/mL nmol*day/L;day*nmol/L;pmol*day/mL;d*pmol/mLC85586 day*ug/mL ug*day/mL;day*mg/L;mg*day/L;day*mcg/mL;mcg*day/mLC85587 day*umol/mL umol*day/mL;day*mmol/L;mmol*day/L;day*mcmol/mL;mcmol*day/mL;d*umol/mLDays times kilograms per milliliter.Days times milligrams per milliliter.Days times millimoles per milliliter.Days times moles per milliliter.Days times nanograms per milliliter.Days times nanomoles per milliliter.Days times picograms per milliliter.Days times picomoles per milliliter.Days times micrograms per milliliter.Days times micromoles per milliliter.Day Times Kilogram per MilliliterDay Times Milligram per MilliliterDay Times Millimole per MilliliterDay Times Mole per MilliliterDay Times Nanogram per MilliliterDay Times Nanomole per MilliliterDay Times Picogram per MilliliterDay Times Picomole per MilliliterDay Times Microgram per MilliliterDay Times Micromole per MilliliterC85597 fg/mL pg/L; fg/mL Femtograms per milliliter. Femtogram per MilliliterC48155 g Gram A metric unit of mass equal to one one thousandth of akilogram. (NCI)GramC85600 g/day gram/day; g/d Grams per day. Gram per DayC85601 g/h gram/h; g/h Grams per hour. Gram per HourSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 428 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64566 g/mL Kilogram perLiter; g/mL;Gram perMilliliter;gram/mL; kg/L;mg/uLA unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one kilogram of a substance in unitvolume of the mixture equal to one liter. The conceptalso refers to the unit of mass density (volumic mass)defined as the density of substance which mass equalto one kilogram occupies the volume one liter.(NCI)Kilogram per LiterC85602 g/min gram/min; g/min Grams per minute. Gram per MinuteC85603 g/s gram/sec; g/sec;gram/s; g/sC85611 h*fg/mL pg*h/L; h*pg/L;fg*h/mL;h*fg/mLC85612 h*fmol/mL pmol*h/L;h*pmol/L;fmol*h/mL;h*fmol/mLC85613 h*g/mL g*h/mL; h*kg/L;kg*h/L; h*g/mLC85614 h*kg/mL kg*h/mL;g*h/uL; h*g/uL;h*kg/mLC85620 h*mg/L/mg mg*h/L/mg;h*mg/mg/L;mg*h/mg/L;h*mg/L/mgC85621 h*mg/mL mg*h/mL; h*g/L;g*h/L; ug*h/uL;h*ug/uL;h*mg/mLC85622 h*mmol/mL mmol*h/mL;h*mol/L;mol*h/L;umol*h/uL;h*umol/uL;h*mmol/mLC85623 h*mol/mL mol*h/mL;h*mol/mLC85624 h*ng/mL ng*h/mL;h*ug/L; ug*h/L;h*ng/mLC85630 h*ng/mL*kg ng*h/mL*kg;h*ng/kg*mL;ng*h/kg*mL;h*ng/mL*kgC85625 h*ng/mL/g ng*h/mL/g;h*ng/g/mL;ng*h/g/mL;h*ng/mL/gGrams per second.Hours times femtograms per milliliter.Hours times femtomoles per milliliter.Hours times grams per milliliter.Hours times kilograms per milliliter.Hours times milligrams per liter per milligram.Hours times milligrams per milliliter.Hours times millimoles per milliliter.Hours times moles per milliliter.Hours times nanograms per milliliter.Hours times nanograms per milliliter times kilogram.Hours times nanograms per milliliter per gram.Gram per SecondHour Times Femtogram perMilliliterHour Times Femtomole perMilliliterHour Times Gram per MilliliterHour Times Kilogram per MilliliterHour Times Milligram per Liter perMilligramHour Times Milligram per MilliliterHour Times Millimole per MilliliterHour Times Mole per MilliliterHour Times Nanogram per MilliliterHour Times Nanogram per MilliliterTimes KilogramHour Times Nanogram per Milliliterper GramSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 429 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85626 h*ng/mL/kg ng*h/mL/kg;ng*h/kg/mL;h*ng/kg/mL;h*ng/mL/kgC85627 h*ng/mL/mg ng*h/mL/mg;h*ng/mg/mL;ng*h/mg/mL;h*ng/mL/mgC85628 h*ng/mL/mg/kg ng*h/mL/mg/kg;h*ng/mL/mgC85629 h*ng/mL/mg/m2 h*ng/mL/mg/m^2;h*ng/mL/mg/m*m;ng*h/mL/mg/m2C85631 h*nmol/L/umol h*nmol/L/mcmol;nmol*h/L/umol;h*nmol/umol/L;nmol*h/umol/LC85632 h*nmol/mL umol*h/L;h*umol/L;nmol*h/mL;h*nmol/mLC85634 h*nmol/mL/mg nmol*h/mL/mg;h*nmol/mg/mL;nmol*h/mg/mL;h*nmol/mL/mgC85635 h*pg/mL pg*h/mL;h*ng/L; ng*h/L;h*pg/mLC85636 h*pg/mL/kg pg*h/mL/kg;h*pg/kg/mL;pg*h/kg/mL;h*pg/mL/kgC85638 h*pg/mL/mg pg*h/mL/mg;h*pg/mg/mL;pg*h/mg/mL;h*pg/mL/mgC85637 h*pg/mL/ug h*pg/mL/mcg;pg*h/mL/ug;h*pg/ug/mL;pg*h/ug/mLC85639 h*pmol/L/ug pmol*h/L/ug;h*pmol/L/mcg;h*pmol/ug/L;pmol*h/ug/LC85640 h*pmol/mL pmol*h/mL;h*nmol/L;nmol*h/L;h*pmol/mLHours times nanograms per milliliter per kilogram.Hours times nanograms per milliliter per milligram.Hours times nanograms per milliliter per milligramper kilogram.Hours times nanograms per milliliter per milligramper meter squared.Hours times nanomoles per liter per micromole.Hours times nanomoles per milliliter.Hours times nanomoles per milliliter per milligram.Hours times picograms per milliliter.Hours times picograms per milliliter per kilogram.Hours times picograms per milliliter per milligram.Hours times picograms per milliliter per microgram.Hours times picomoles per liter per microgram.Hours times picomoles per milliliter.Hour Times Nanogram per Milliliterper KilogramHour Times Nanogram per Milliliterper MilligramHour Times Nanogram per Milliliterper Milligram per KilogramHour Times Nanogram per Milliliterper Milligram per Meter SquaredHour Times Nanomole per Liter perMicromoleHour Times Nanomole per MilliliterHour Times Nanomole per Milliliterper MilligramHour Times Picogram per MilliliterHour Times Picogram per Milliliterper KilogramHour Times Picogram per Milliliterper MilligramHour Times Picogram per Milliliterper MicrogramHour Times Picomole per Liter perMicrogramHour Times Picomole per MilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 430 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85641 h*pmol/mL/mg pmol*h/mL/mg;h*pmol/mg/mL;pmol*h/mg/mL;h*pmol/mL/mgC85615 h*ug/mL mg*h/L; h*mg/L;h*ng/uL;ng*h/uL;h*ug/mL;h*mcg/mL;mcg*h/mLC85617 h*ug/mL/mg ug*h/mL/mg;h*mcg/mL/mg;h*ug/mg/mL;ug*h/mg/mLC85618 h*umol/mL mmol*h/L;h*mmol/L;umol*h/mL;h*mcmol/mL;mcmol*h/mL;h*umol/mLC85606 h2*mg/mL mg*h2/mL;h^2*mg/mL;h*h*mg/mL;h2*g/L;h2*ug/uLC85607 h2*mmol/mL mmol*h2/mL;h^2*mmol/mL;h*h*mmol/mL;h2*mol/L;h2*umol/uLC856<strong>08</strong> h2*ng/mL ng*h2/mL;h^2*ng/mL;h*h*ng/mL;h2*ug/LC85609 h2*pg/mL pg*h2/mL;h^2*pg/mL;h*h*pg/mL;h2*ng/LC85610 h2*pmol/mL pmol*h2/mL;h^2*pmol/mL;h*h*pmol/mL;h2*nmol/LC85604 h2*ug/mL ug*h2/mL;h^2*ug/mL;h*h*ug/mL;h2*mcg/mL;h2*mg/LC85605 h2*umol/mL umol*h2/mL;h^2*umol/mL;h*h*umol/mL;h2*mcmol/mL;h2*mmol/LHours times picomoles per milliliter per milligram.Hours times micrograms per milliliter.Hours times micrograms per milliliter per milligram.Hours times micromoles per milliliter.Hours squared times milligrams per milliliter.Hours squared times millimoles per milliliter.Hours squared times nanograms per milliliter.Hours squared times picogram per milliliter.Hours squared times picomoles per milliliter.Hours squared times micrograms per milliliter.Hours squared times micromoles per milliliter.Hour Times Picomole per Milliliterper MilligramHour Times Microgram perMilliliterHour Times Microgram perMilliliter per MilligramHour Times Micromole perMilliliterHour Squared Times Milligram perMilliliterHour Squared Times Millimole perMilliliterHour Squared Times Nanogram perMilliliterHour Squared Times Picogram perMilliliterHour Squared Times Picomole perMilliliterHour Squared Times Microgram perMilliliterHour Squared Times Micromole perMilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 431 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC67376 mIU/mL InternationalUnit per Liter;IU/L; mIU/mLUnit of arbitrary substance concentration (biologicactivity concentration) defined as the concentration ofone international unit per one liter of systemvolume.(NCI)International Unit per LiterC28254 mL Milliliter; cm3 The unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter,one cubic centimeter, 10E-6 cubic meter, orapproximately to 0.061 023 7 cubic inch.(NCI)MilliliterC73753 mL/day Milliliters per day. Milliliter per DayC66962 mL/h Milliliters perHourC73758 mL/kg/day Milliliter perKilogram perDayC73759 mL/kg/h Milliliter perKilogram perHourC73760 mL/kg/min Milliliter perKilogram perMinute;uL/g/min;mL/min/kg;uL/min/g;mL/kg/minC85715 mL/kg/s mL/sec/kg;mL/s/kg;mL/kg/sec;mL/kg/sC64777 mL/min Milliliters perMinuteC85716 mL/mol/day uL/mmol/day;mL/day/mol;uL/day/mmol;mL/mol/dC85717 mL/mol/h uL/mmol/h;mL/h/mol;uL/h/mmol;mL/mol/hC85718 mL/mol/min uL/mmol/min;mL/min/mol;uL/min/mmol;mL/mol/minC85719 mL/mol/s mL/sec/mol;mL/s/mol;mL/mol/sec;mL/mol/sA unit of volumetric flow rate defined as the rate atwhich one milliliter of matter travels during the periodof time equal to one hour.(NCI)Milliliters per kilogram per day.Milliliters per kilogram per hour.Milliliters per kilogram per minute.Milliliters per kilogram per second.A metric unit of volumetric flow rate defined as therate at which one milliliter of matter travels during theperiod of time equal to one minute.(NCI)Milliliters per mole per day.Milliliters per mole per hour.Milliliters per mole per minute.Milliliters per mole per second.Milliliter per HourMilliliter per Kilogram per DayMilliliter per Kilogram per HourMilliliter per Kilogram per MinuteMilliliter per Kilogram per SecondMilliliter per MinuteMilliliter per Mole per DayMilliliter per Mole per HourMilliliter per Mole per MinuteMilliliter per Mole per SecondC69073 mL/s mL/sec Milliliters per second. Milliliter per SecondSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 432 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC28253 mg Milligram The unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a gram or1000 micrograms. One milligram equalsapproximately 0.015432 grain or 35.274 x 10E-6ounce.(NCI)MilligramC85710 mg/L/mg mg/mg/L;mg/L/mgC67399 mg/day Milligram perDayC66969 mg/h Milligram perHourC42576 mg/mL g/L; Gram perLiter; kg/m3;Kilogram perCubic Metre;Microgram perMicroliter;Milligram perMilliliter; ug/uL;mg/mLC85711 mg/mL/h g/L/h; ug/uL/h;mg/h/mL; g/h/L;ug/h/uLMilligrams per liter per milligram.A unit of measure referring to the ratio between massexpressed in milligrams per day.(NCI)A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at whichone thousandth of a gram of matter travels to a givenobject or space over a period of time equal to onehour.(NCI)A unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one kilogram of a substance per unitvolume of the mixture equal to one cubic meter, or theconcentration of one milligram of a substance per unitvolume of the mixture equal to one milliliter, or onegram of a substance per one liter of the mixture. It isalso a unit of mass density (volumic mass) defined asthe density of substance which mass equal to onemilligram occupies the volume one milliliter.(NCI)Milligrams per milliliter per hour.Milligram per Liter per MilligramMilligram per 24 HoursMilligram per HourKilogram per Cubic MeterMilligram per Milliliter per HourC73742 mg/min Milligrams per minute. Milligram per MinuteC85712 mg/s mg/sec; mg/s Milligrams per second. Milligram per SecondC85724 min*fg/mL pg*min/L;min*pg/L;fg*min/mL;min*fg/mLC85725 min*g/mL g*min/mL;min*kg/L;kg*min/L;min*g/mLC85726 min*kg/mL kg*min/mL;g*min/uL;min*g/uL;min*kg/mLC85729 min*mg/mL mg*min/mL;min*g/L;g*min/L;ug*min/uL;min*ug/uL;min*mg/mLC85730 min*mmol/mL mmol*min/mL;min*mol/L;mol*min/L;min*umol/uL;umol*min/uL;min*mmol/mLMinutes times femtograms per milliliter.Minutes times grams per milliliter.Minutes times kilograms per milliliter.Minutes times milligrams per milliliter.Minutes times millimoles per milliliter.Minute Times Femtogram perMilliliterMinute Times Gram per MilliliterMinute Times Kilogram perMilliliterMinute Times Milligram perMilliliterMinute Times Millimole perMilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 433 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85731 min*mol/mL mol*min/mL;min*mol/mLC85732 min*ng/mL ng*min/mL;min*ug/L;ug*min/L;min*ng/mLC85733 min*nmol/mL nmol*min/mL;min*umol/L;umol*min/L;min*nmol/mLC85734 min*pg/mL pg*min/mL;min*ng/L;ng*min/L;min*pg/mLC85735 min*pmol/mL nmol*min/L;min*nmol/L;pmol*min/mL;min*pmol/mLC85727 min*ug/mL ug*min/mL;min*mg/L;mg*min/L;min*mcg/mL;mcg*min/mLC85728 min*umol/mL umol*min/mL;min*mcmol/mL;min*mmol/L;mmol*min/L;min*umol/mLMinutes times moles per milliliter.Minutes times nanograms per milliliter.Minutes times nanomoles per milliliter.Minutes times picograms per milliliter.Minutes times picomoles per milliliter.Minutes times micrograms per milliliter.Minutes times micromoles per milliliter.Minute Times Mole per MilliliterMinute Times Nanogram perMilliliterMinute Times Nanomole perMilliliterMinute Times Picogram perMilliliterMinute Times Picomole perMilliliterMinute Times Microgram perMilliliterMinute Times Micromole perMilliliterC85720 mmol/h Millimoles per hour. Millimole per HourC48555 mmol/mL Mole per Liter;mol/L; mmol/mLC85721 mmol/mL/h mol/L/h;umol/uL/h;mmol/h/mL;mol/h/L;umol/h/uL;mmol/mL/hA unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onemole of solute in one liter of solution.(NCI)Millimoles per milliliter per hour.Mole per LiterMillimole per Milliliter per HourC85722 mmol/min Millimoles per minute. Millimole per MinuteC85723 mmol/s mmol/sec;mmol/sMillimoles per second.Millimole per SecondC85737 mol/day mol/d Moles per day. Mole per DayC85738 mol/h Moles per hour. Mole per HourC85739 mol/min Moles per minute. Mole per MinuteC85740 mol/s mol/sec; mol/s Moles per second. Mole per SecondC69188 nL Nanoliter A unit of volume equal to one billionth of a liter(10E-9 liter).(NCI)NanoliterC85760 nU/mL uU/L; mcU/L;nU/mLNanounits per milliliter.Nanounit per MilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 434 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC48516 ng Nanogram A unit of mass equal to one billionth (10E-9) of agram, or one millionth (10E-6) of a milligram.(NCI)NanogramC85741 ng/day ng/d Nanograms per day. Nanogram per DayC85742 ng/h Nanograms per hour. Nanogram per HourC85743 ng/kg/min ng/min/kg;pg/g/min;pg/min/g;ng/kg/minC67306 ng/mL mg/m3;Microgram perLiter; Milligramper Cubic Meter;Nanogram perMilliliter; ug/L;ng/mL; mcg/LC85748 ng/mL*kg ng/kg*mL;ng/mL*kgC67430 ng/mL/h ug/L/h; ng/h/mL;ng/mL/hC85746 ng/mL/kg ng/kg/mL;ng/mL/kgC85747 ng/mL/mg ng/mg/mL;ng/mL/mgC85744 ng/mg of Creatinine ug/g ofCreatinine;ng/mg ofCreatinineNanograms per kilogram per minute.A unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one microgram of a substance perunit volume of the mixture equal to one liter. Theconcept also refers to the unit of mass density(volumic mass) defined as the density of substancewhich mass equal to one microgram occupies thevolume one liter.(NCI)Nanograms per milliliter times kilogram.Nanograms per milliliter per hour.Nanograms per milliliter per kilogram.Nanograms per milliliter per milligram.Nanograms per milligram of creatinine.Nanogram per Kilogram per MinuteMicrogram per LiterNanogram per Milliliter TimesKilogramNanogram per Milliliter per HourNanogram per Milliliter perKilogramNanogram per Milliliter perMilligramNanogram per Milligram ofCreatinineC85749 ng/min Nanograms per minute. Nanogram per MinuteC85750 ng/s ng/sec; ng/s Nanograms per second. Nanogram per SecondC85755 nmol/L/umol nmol/L/mcmol;nmol/umol/L;nmol/mcmol/L;nmol/L/umolNanomoles per liter per micromole.Nanomole per Liter per MicromoleC85751 nmol/day nmol/d Nanomoles per day. Nanomole per DayC85752 nmol/g umol/kg;pmol/mg; nmol/gNanomoles per gram.Nanomole per GramC85753 nmol/h Nanomoles per hour. Nanomole per HourC85754 nmol/kg pmol/g; nmol/kg Nanomoles per kilogram. Nanomole per KilogramC85756 nmol/mL umol/L;mcmol/L;nmol/mLC85757 nmol/mL/h umol/L/h;nmol/h/mL;nmol/mL/hNanomoles per milliliter.Nanomoles per milliliter per hour.Nanomole per MilliliterNanomole per Milliliter per HourC85758 nmol/min Nanomoles per minute. Nanomole per MinuteSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 435 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC85759 nmol/s nmol/sec; nmol/s Nanomoles per second. Nanomole per SecondC67331 pg/dL Picograms per deciliter. Picogram per DeciliterC85778 pg/day pg/d Picograms per day. Picogram per DayC85779 pg/h Picograms per hour. Picogram per HourC67327 pg/mL ug/m3;Microgram perCubic Meter;ng/L; pg/mLC85781 pg/mL/ug pg/mL/mcg;pg/ug/mL;pg/mcg/mLC67396 pg/mg mcg/kg;Microgram perKilogram; ng/g;ug/kgC85780 pg/mg Creatinine ng/g ofCreatinine;pg/mg ofCreatinineA unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one nanogram of a substance per oneliter of the mixture, or one picogram of a substance inunit volume of the mixture equal to one milliliter, orone microgram of a substance per one cubic meter ofthe mixture. The concept also refers to the metric unitof mass density (volumic mass) defined as the densityof substance which mass equal to one nanogramoccupies the volume one liter.(NCI)Picograms per milliliter per microgram.A unit of a mass fraction expressed as a number ofmicrograms of substance per kilogram of mixture. Theunit is also used as a dose calculation unit.(NCI)Picograms per milligram creatinine.Nanogram per LiterPicogram per Milliliter perMicrogramMicrogram per KilogramPicogram per Milligram ofCreatinineC85782 pg/min Picograms per minute. Picogram per MinuteC85783 pg/s pg/sec; pg/s Picograms per second. Picogram per SecondC85784 pmol/L/ug pmol/L/mcg;pmol/ug/L;pmol/mcg/LC85802 s*fg/mL pg*s/L;sec*fg/mL;s*pg/L; fg*s/mL;fg*sec/mL;s*fg/mLC85803 s*g/mL g*s/mL;sec*g/mL;g*sec/mL;s*kg/L; kg*s/L;sec*kg/L;kg*sec/LC85804 s*kg/mL kg*s/mL; g*s/uL;s*g/uL;kg*sec/mL;g*sec/uL;sec*g/uL;s*kg/mLC85807 s*mg/mL mg*s/mL;sec*mg/mL;s*g/L; g*s/L;s*mg/mLPicomoles per liters per microgram.Seconds times femtograms per milliliter.Seconds times grams per milliliter.Seconds times kilograms per milliliter.Seconds times milligrams per milliliter.Picomole per Liter per MicrogramSecond Times Femtogram perMilliliterSecond Times Gram per MilliliterSecond Times Kilogram perMilliliterSecond Times Milligram perMilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 436 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC858<strong>08</strong> s*mmol/mL mmol*s/mL;sec*mmol/mL;s*mol/L;mol*s/L;sec*mol/L;mol*sec/L;s*mmol/mLC85809 s*mol/mL mol*s/mL;sec*mol/mL;mol*sec/mL;s*mol/mLC85810 s*ng/mL ng*s/mL;sec*ng/mL;ng*sec/mL;s*ug/L; ug*s/L;sec*ug/L;ug*sec/L;s*ng/mLC85811 s*nmol/mL nmol*s/mL;sec*nmol/mL;nmol*sec/mL;s*umol/L;umol*s/L;sec*umol/L;umol*sec/L;s*nmol/mLC85812 s*pg/mL pg*s/mL;sec*pg/mL;pg*sec/mL;s*ng/L; ng*s/L;sec*ng/L;ng*sec/L;s*pg/mLC85813 s*pmol/mL nmol*s/L;s*nmol/L;sec*pmol/mL;pmol*s/mL;pmol*sec/mL;s*pmol/mLC85805 s*ug/mL ug*s/mL;s*mcg/mL;ug*sec/mL;sec*ug/mL;sec*mcg/mL;mcg*sec/mL;s*mg/L; mg*s/LC85806 s*umol/mL umol*s/mL;s*mcmol/mL;sec*umol/mL;umol*sec/mL;mcmol*sec/mL;sec*mcmol/mL;s*mmol/L;mmol*s/L;s*umol/mLSeconds times millimoles per milliliter.Seconds times moles per milliliter.Seconds times nanograms per milliliter.Seconds times nanomoles per milliliter.Seconds times picograms per milliliter.Seconds times picomoles per milliliter.Seconds times micrograms per milliliter.Seconds times micromoles per milliliter.Second Times Millimole perMilliliterSecond Times Mole per MilliliterSecond Times Nanogram perMilliliterSecond Times Nanomole perMilliliterSecond Times Picogram perMilliliterSecond Times Picomole perMilliliterSecond Times Microgram perMilliliterSecond Times Micromole perMilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 437 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC67405 uIU/mL Micro-International Unit permilliliter; mIU/L;mcIU/mL;uIU/mLC48153 uL mcL; Microliter;mm3Microinternational units per milliliter.A unit of volume accepted for use with the SI and equalto one millionth of a liter (10E-6 liter).(NCI)Microinternational Unit perMilliliterMicroliterC48152 ug Microgram; mcg A unit of mass equal to one millionth of a gram or onethousandth of a milligram.(NCI)MicrogramC71205 ug/day Microgram perDay; mcg/dayC67394 ug/h Micrograms perHour; mcg/hA unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at whichone millionth of a gram of matter travels to a givenobject or space over a period of time equal to twentyfour hours. Microgram per day is also a doseadministration rate unit equal to the rate at which onemillionth of a gram of a product is administered perunit of time equal to twenty four hours.(NCI)A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at whichone millionth of a gram of matter travels to a givenobject or space over a period of time equal to onehour.(NCI)Microgram per DayMicrogram per HourC85703 ug/inh mcg/inh Micrograms per inhalation. Microgram per InhalationC64572 ug/mL g/m3; Gram perCubic Meter;mg/L;Microgram perMilliliter;Milligram perLiter; mcg/mL;ng/uL; ug/mLC71211 ug/min Micrograms perMinute; mcg/minA unit of mass concentration equal to theconcentration of one gram of a substance per unitvolume of the mixture equal to one cubic meter. Theconcept also refers to the metric unit of mass density(volumic mass) defined as the density of substancewhich mass equal to one gram occupies the volumeone cubic meter.(NCI)A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at whichone millionth of a gram of matter travels to a givenobject or space over a period of time equal to oneminute. Microgram per minute is also a doseadministration rate unit equal to the rate at which onemillionth of a gram of a product is administered perunit of time equal to one minute.(NCI)Microgram per MilliliterMicrogram per MinuteC85704 ug/puff mcg/puff Micrograms per puff. Microgram per PuffC85705 ug/s mcg/sec; mcg/s;ug/sec; ug/sC67406 umol/day Micromoles perDay; mcmol/dayMicrograms per second.A unit of amount of substance flow rate equivalent tothe rate at which one millionth of a mole of substancetravels to a given object or space over a period of timeequal to 24 hours.(NCI)Microgram per SecondMicromole per 24 HoursC85707 umol/h mcmol/h; umol/h Micromoles per hour. Micromole per HourSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 438 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C85494 - PKUNIT - PK Parameter Units of MeasureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64387 umol/mL Millimole perLiter; umol/mL;Micromole perMilliliter;mol/m3; Moleper Cubic Meter;mcmol/mL;mmol/L;nmol/uLC857<strong>08</strong> umol/min mcmol/min;umol/minC85709 umol/s umol/sec;mcmol/s;mcmol/sec;umol/sA unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onethousandth of a mole (10E-3 mole) of solute per oneliter of solution.(NCI)Micromoles per minute.Micromoles per second.Millimole per LiterMicromole per MinuteMicromole per SecondSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 439 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C99075 - PORTOT - Portion/TotalityCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC64916 ALL Being or representing the total number of individualentities.C25326 ENTIRE Whole Being or representing the complete extent of a singleentity.AllWholeC17648 MULTIPLE Many; Several More than one. (NCI) ManyC25378 PARTIAL Being or representing an incomplete extent of a singleentity.PartialC45312 SEGMENT One of the parts into which something is divided. SegmentC48440 SINGLE One. SingleSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 440 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71148 - POSITION - PositionCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC62173 FOWLERS Fowlers A semi-sitting position whereby the head of anadjustable bed is elevated to the desired height, about60-90 cm, to produce angulation of the body, usually45 degrees to 60 degrees. Knees may or may not bebent. (NCI)Fowler's PositionC100758 LATERAL DECUBITUS LateralDecubitusLying down on one side.Lateral Decubitus PositionC62172LEFT LATERAL DECUBITUS Left lateraldecubitusA recumbent left lateral side position. (NCI)Left Lateral Decubitus PositionC62165 PRONE Prone An anterior recumbent body position whereby theperson lies on its stomach and faces downward. (NCI)Prone PositionC62169REVERSETRENDELENBURGReverseTrendelenburgA supine position with the person inclined at an angleof 45 degrees so that the head is higher than the pelvis.(NCI)Reverse TrendelenburgC62171RIGHT LATERALDECUBITUSRight lateraldecubitusA recumbent right lateral side position. (NCI)Right Lateral Decubitus PositionC62174 SEMI-FOWLERS Semi-Fowlers A semi-sitting or semi-reclined body position wherebythe head is elevated on an angle of approximately 30degrees. (NCI)C62122 SITTING Sitting The state or act of one who sits; the posture of onewho occupies a seat. (NCI)C92604 SLING Sling A position in which the subject's body is supported bya sling.C62166 STANDING Standing The act of assuming or maintaining an erect uprightposition. (NCI)C62167 SUPINE Supine A posterior recumbent body position whereby theperson lies on its back and faces upward. (NCI)C62168 TRENDELENBURG Trendelenburg A supine position with the person inclined at an angleof 45 degrees so that the pelvis is higher than the head.(NCI)C90480 UNCONSTRAINED Unconstrained The ability to move body parts and limbs withoutphysical restriction. (NCI)Semi-Fowler's PositionSittingPatient in Body SlingStandingSupine PositionTrendelenburgUnconstrained Body MovementSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 441 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102582 - PRITBCON - Priority of Tuberculosis ContactCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102644HIGH-PRIORITYTUBERCULOSIS CONTACTAn individual that has tested positive for pulmonary,laryngeal, or pleural tuberculosis and may or may notpresent with cavitary disease.High-priority Tuberculosis SubjectC102662LOW-PRIORITYTUBERCULOSIS CONTACTAn individual that has had limited exposure to anindividual with tuberculosis and has a low probabilityof having had a recent infection.Low-priority Tuberculosis SubjectC102665MEDIUM-PRIORITYTUBERCULOSIS CONTACTAn individual that has tested negative for pulmonary,laryngeal, or pleural tuberculosis but has had anon-cavitary chest x-ray that is consistent withtuberculosis.Medium-priority TuberculosisSubjectSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 442 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101863 - PROCEDUR - ProcedureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99907ABLATION, ACCESSORYPATHWAYSAn invasive therapeutic procedure to destroy tissue inan accessory pathways in the atrioventricularconduction system that contributes to arrhythmia.Ablation of Cardiac AccessoryPathwayC80432 ABLATION, ATRIAL An invasive therapeutic procedure to destroy tissue inthe cardiac atria that is the source of an arrhythmia.C999<strong>08</strong> ABLATION, AV NODE An invasive therapeutic procedure to destroy tissue inthe AV-node that contributes to arrhythmia.C80433 ABLATION, VENTRICULAR An invasive therapeutic procedure to destroy tissue inthe cardiac ventricles that is the source of anarrhythmia.Atrial AblationAblation of Cardiac AtrioventricularNodeVentricular AblationC99916AORTIC BALLOONVALVOTOMYDilation of the valve between the left ventricle of theheart and the aorta by inflating a balloon.Aortic Balloon ValvotomyC5<strong>08</strong>15AORTIC VALVEREPLACEMENTSurgery performed with the purpose of replacing adegenerated, calcified, malformed, dysfunctional, etc.aortic valve with a bioprosthetic, homograft, orautograft valve.Aortic Valve ReplacementC99939 ATRIAL SEPTAL CLOSURE Repair of atrial septum. Closure of Cardiac Atrial SeptumC80436CARDIACRESYNCHRONIZATIONTHERAPYAn invasive procedure that includes an electronicdevice that stimulates both right and left cardiacventricles to improve coordination of ventricularcontraction.Cardiac Resynchronization TherapyC15246 CARDIAC TRANSPLANT Heart Transplant A surgical procedure in which a damaged heart isremoved and replaced by another heart from a suitabledonor.Heart TransplantationC99937CARDIOVERSION,CHEMICALCHEMICALCARDIOVERSIONThe administration of pharmacologic agents to correctabnormal heart rhythm.Chemical CardioversionC99948CARDIOVERSION,ELECTRICALELECTRICALCARDIOVERSIONThe administration of electric current to correctabnormal heart rhythm.Electric CardioversionC51998CORONARY ARTERYBYPASS GRAFTCAB; CABG;Coronary ArteryBypass Graft;Coronary ArteryBypass Grafting;Heart Bypass;AortocoronaryBypass;Coronary ArteryBypass;Coronary ArteryBypass GraftSurgerySurgery performed to bypass partially or completelyoccluded coronary arteries, thereby increasing theblood supply of the heart.Heart BypassC80435IMPLANTABLECARDIOVERTERDEFIBRILLATORImplantableCardioverterDefibrillatorProcedureA procedure involving an electronic device implantedin the body that delivers electrical stimulation to theheart to treat tachycardia. It may also have thecapability to treat bradycardia.ImplantableCardioverter-DefibrillatorPlacementC99934 LEAD Lead Procedure A procedure involving one or more wires used forpacemaker or implantable defibrillator devices.Cardiac Lead ProcedureSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 443 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101863 - PROCEDUR - ProcedureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC99965LEFT ATRIAL APPENDAGEOCCLUSIONThe therapeutic blockage of the muscular pouch in theleft atrium.Intentional Left Cardiac AtrialAppendage Occlusion ProcedureC80473LEFT VENTRICULARASSIST DEVICELVADA procedure involving a mechanical cardiac pumpwhich receives blood from the left ventricle anddelivers it to the aorta.Left Ventricular Assist DeviceC99975LEFT VENTRICULARSYSTOLIC DYSFUNCTIONEVALUATIONAn examination and assessment of the inability of theleft ventricle to effectively pump blood to the body.Left Cardiac Ventricular SystolicDysfunction EvaluationC99987MITRAL BALLOONVALVOTOMYDilation of the valve between the left atrium and theleft ventricle of the heart by inflating a balloon.Mitral Balloon ValvotomyC99988MITRALCOMMISSUROTOMYDilation of the valve between the left atrium and theleft ventricle of the heart by use of a surgeon's fingeror rigid instrument.Mitral CommissurotomyC80449 MITRAL VALVE REPAIR Surgery performed for the purpose of reducingregurgitation of the mitral valve.Mitral Valve RepairC5<strong>08</strong>25MITRAL VALVEREPLACEMENTSurgery performed with the purpose of replacing adegenerated, calcified, malformed, dysfunctional, etc.mitral valve with bioprosthetic, homograft or autograftvalve.Mitral Valve ReplacementC99995NON-CARDIOVASCULARSURGERYAn operative procedure that does not involve the heartor the blood vessels.Non-Cardiovascular SurgeryC99998 PACEMAKER PacemakerProcedureA procedure involving an electronic device thatdelivers electrical stimulation to the heart to treatbradycardia.Pacemaker ProcedureC99521PERCUTANEOUSCORONARYINTERVENTIONPCIA procedure on the coronary arteries of the heart thatis performed by the placement of an angioplasty guidewire, balloon, or other device (e.g. stent, atherectomy,brachytherapy, or thrombectomy catheter) into a nativecoronary artery or coronary artery bypass graft for thepurpose of mechanical coronary revascularization.Percutaneous Coronary InterventionC100003PERCUTANEOUS MITRALREPAIRInvasive procedure through a puncture in the skin,performed for the purpose of reducing regurgitation ofthe mitral valve.Percutaneous Mitral Valve RepairC100004 PERICARDIAL STRIPPING Removal or resection of the pericardium. Pericardial StrippingC51618 PERICARDIAL WINDOW A procedure in which an opening is made in thepericardium.C52010 PERICARDIOCENTESIS The aspiration of excess fluid between the pericardiumand the heart.Pericardial Window ProcedurePericardiocentesisC5<strong>08</strong>17PULMONARY VALVEREPLACEMENTSurgery performed with the purpose of replacing adegenerated, calcified, malformed, dysfunctional, etc.pulmonary valve with bioprosthetic, homograft orautograft valve.Pulmonary Valve ReplacementC100044PULMONICVALVULOPLASTYDilation of the valve between the right ventricle andthe pulmonary artery of the heart by inflating a balloon.Pulmonic ValvuloplastyC100010RIGHT VENTRICULARASSIST DEVICERVADA procedure involving a mechanical pump whichreceives blood from the right ventricle and delivers itto the pulmonary artery.Right Cardiac Ventricle AssistDevice ProcedureSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 444 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101863 - PROCEDUR - ProcedureCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC80439 SEPTAL ABLATION A cardiac catheterization procedure to relievesymptoms in patients with severe obstructivehypertrophic cardiomyopathy. A catheter is used toinject alcohol into a septal artery supplying the heartmuscle responsible for the obstruction, destroying themuscle tissue and relieving the obstruction.C100017 SURGICAL MAZE Cox Maze A cardiac procedure intended to inhibit atrialfibrillation, in which a series of incisions are made inthe atria to block abnormal electrical circuits thatcontribute to atrial fibrillation.Septal AblationSurgical Maze ProcedureC100022TRANSCATHETER AORTICVALVE IMPLANTUse of a thin tube to deliver an artificial valveapparatus between the left ventricle of the heart and theaorta.Transcatheter Aortic ValveImplantationC99935 TRICUSPID VALVE REPAIR Surgery performed for the purpose of reducingregurgitation of the cardiac valve between the rightatrium and right ventricle.Cardiac Tricuspid Valve RepairC5<strong>08</strong>16TRICUSPID VALVEREPLACEMENTSurgery performed with the purpose of replacing adegenerated, calcified, malformed, dysfunctional, etc.tricuspid valve with bioprosthetic, homograft orautograft valve.Tricuspid Valve ReplacementC80451VENTRICULAR ANEURYSMRESECTIONCardiac surgical procedure performed for the removalof an aneurysm from the ventricular wall.Ventricular Aneurysm ResectionC99940VENTRICULAR SEPTALCLOSURERepair of ventricular septum.Closure of Cardiac Ventricle SeptumSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 445 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101864 - PRURGNCY - Procedure Urgency StatusCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC51996 ELECTIVE Elective procedures can be deferred without increasedrisk of compromised outcome. Patient's clinicalcondition is currently stable and has been stable in thedays/weeks prior. The clinical situation does notdemand that the procedure take place at a specifiedtime.C62648 EMERGENCY Emergency procedures must be performed as soon aspossible because of substantial concerns that delaycould lead to death. Clinical situation demands thatprocedure should be performed immediately or in nextavailable room, even if it means another case must berescheduled.C15359 SALVAGE Performing a salvage procedure is the last resort. Theclinical situation involves either ongoing life supportmeasures, life support measures for more than 60seconds during the prior 10 minutes, or unanticipatedinstitution of extracorporeal circulatory support.C100031 URGENT Deferring an urgent procedure increases risk ofadverse outcome or clinical deterioration. Clinicalsituation warrants performing urgent proceduresduring the current episode of care to avoidcompromising patient safety.Elective Surgical ProcedureEmergencySalvage TherapyUrgent ProcedureSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 446 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74457 - RACE - RaceCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC41259AMERICAN INDIAN ORALASKA NATIVEA person having origins in any of the original peoplesof North and South America (including CentralAmerica), and who maintains tribal affiliation orcommunity attachment. (FDA)American Indian or Alaska NativeC41260 ASIAN A person having origins in any of the original peoplesof the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indiansubcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China,India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the PhilippineIslands, Thailand, and Vietnam. (FDA)AsianC16352BLACK OR AFRICANAMERICANA person having origins in any of the black racialgroups of Africa. Terms such as "Haitian" or "Negro"can be used in addition to "Black or African American."(FDA)African AmericanC41219NATIVE HAWAIIAN OROTHER PACIFIC ISLANDERDenotes a person having origins in any of the originalpeoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other PacificIslands. The term covers particularly people whoidentify themselves as part-Hawaiian, Native Hawaiian,Guamanian or Chamorro, Carolinian, Samoan, Chuu.(FDA)Native Hawaiian or Other PacificIslanderC41261 WHITE Denotes a person with European, Middle Eastern, orNorth African ancestral origin who identifies, or isidentified, as White. (FDA)WhiteSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 447 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102583 - REASTINT - Reason for Treatment InterruptionCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102638FORGOT TO TAKEMEDICATION DOSEA patient's failure to remember to take a dose ofmedication.Forgot to Take Medication DoseC71437 INTOLERANCE An inability to absorb or metabolize certain substancesin the normal way.C102664 MEDICATION MISPLACED Medications that were lost because they were put inthe wrong place.IntoleranceMedication MisplacedC91752PATIENTNONCOMPLIANCEFailure of a patient to follow medical advice, takemedication as directed, or adhere to a prescribedcourse of treatment.Patient NoncomplianceC48226 TREATMENT FAILURE The lack of expected or desired effect related to atherapy. (NCI)C80227 VACATION Leisure time away from work devoted to rest orpleasure.Efficacy LackVacationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 448 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102584 - REASTRT - Reason For TreatmentCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102635FAILURE AFTER FIRSTTREATMENTA lack of response to the first cycle of therapy.Failure After First TreatmentC102636FAILURE AFTER MULTIPLETREATMENTSA lack of response to more than one cycle of therapy.Failure After Multiple TreatmentsC102698PREVIOUS PATIENTNONCOMPLIANCEA previous episode of failure by a patient to followmedical advice, take medication as directed, or adhereto a prescribed course of treatment.Previous Patient NoncomplianceC38155 RECURRENT DISEASE RecurrentDiseaseThe return of a disease after a period of remission.Recurrent DiseaseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 449 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102585 - REASTRTF - Treatment Failure ReasonCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC17449 ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE The mechanisms, functions, activities, or processesexhibited by microorganisms, especially bacteria, toresist or to become tolerant to antibiotics.C49501 DRUG INTERRUPTED An indication that a medication schedule was modifiedby temporarily terminating a prescribed regimen ofmedication. (NCI)Antibiotic ResistanceDrug InterruptedC91752PATIENTNONCOMPLIANCEFailure of a patient to follow medical advice, takemedication as directed, or adhere to a prescribedcourse of treatment.Patient NoncomplianceC102715SUB-THERAPEUTIC DRUGLEVELA drug serum concentration below therapeutic levels.Sub-therapeutic Drug LevelSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 450 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102586 - REASTRTNA - Reason Treatment Not AdministeredCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102663 MEDICATION LOST The medication is no longer held or possessed by thesubject and is incapable of being recovered orregained.Medication LostC102682 NOT OFFERED Is not an option. Not OfferedC49161 REFUSE To decline to do, accept, give, or allow something. RefuseC77951 RELOCATION The act of changing your residence or place ofbusiness.RelocationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 451 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C100130 - RELSUB - Relationship to SubjectCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96569 AUNT, BIOLOGICAL Biological Aunt A female relative who is a sibling of either of thebiological parents, and who share a common ancestor.(NCI)Biological AuntC96575AUNT, BIOLOGICALMATERNALBiologicalMaternal AuntA female relative who is a sibling of the biologicalmother, and who both share a common ancestor. (NCI)Biological Maternal AuntC96581AUNT, BIOLOGICALPATERNALBiologicalPaternal AuntA female relative who is a sibling of the biologicalfather, and who both share a common ancestor. (NCI)Biological Paternal AuntC96570 BROTHER, BIOLOGICAL BiologicalBrotherA male who shares with his sibling the genetic makeupinherited from one or both of their shared biologicalparents.Biological BrotherC96656BROTHER, BIOLOGICALMATERNAL HALFHalf-brother withMother asCommon ParentA male who shares with his sibling the genetic makeupinherited from only the biological mother.Half-brother with Mother asCommon ParentC96655BROTHER, BIOLOGICALPATERNAL HALFHalf-brother withFather asCommon ParentA male who shares with his sibling the genetic makeupinherited from only the biological father.Half-brother with Father as CommonParentC71402 BROTHER, HALF Half Brother A male who shares with his sibling the genetic makeupinherited from only one of the biological parents.C17445 CAREGIVER Caregiver The primary person in charge of the care of a patient,usually a family member or a designated health careprofessional. (NCI)C10<strong>08</strong>07 CHILD, BIOLOGICAL Biological Child A son or daughter with genetic makeup inherited fromthe parent.C85499 CLINICIAN Clinician An individual, such as a physician, nurse practitioner orother health care professional, who takesresponsibility for a subject's care.Half BrotherCaregiverBiological ChildClinicianC96571 COUSIN, BIOLOGICAL BiologicalCousinA relative who is the offspring of a sibling of either ofthe biological parents, and who share a commonancestor. (NCI)Biological CousinC96576COUSIN, BIOLOGICALMATERNALBiologicalMaternal CousinA relative who is the offspring of a sibling of thebiological mother and share a common ancestor.Biological Maternal CousinC96582COUSIN, BIOLOGICALPATERNALBiologicalPaternal CousinA relative who is the offspring of a sibling of thebiological father and share a common ancestor.Biological Paternal CousinC53262 DOMESTIC PARTNER DomesticPartnerPerson declares that a domestic partnershiprelationship exists. (HL7)Domestic PartnershipC48284 DONOR Donor One that contributes something. (NCI) DonorC10<strong>08</strong>10 DONOR, ORGAN Organ Donor Someone from whom an organ is removed fortransplantation or other purpose.C25168 DONOR, TISSUE Tissue Donor Someone from whom tissue is removed fortransplantation or other purpose.C41256 FAMILY MEMBER Family Member Any of the individuals who are descended from acommon progenitor, related by marriage or other legaltie.C96572 FATHER, BIOLOGICAL Biological Father A male who contributes to the genetic makeup of hisoffspring through the fertilization of an ovum by hissperm. (NCI)Organ DonorTissue DonorFamily MemberBiological FatherSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 452 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C100130 - RELSUB - Relationship to SubjectCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC10<strong>08</strong>05GRANDCHILD,BIOLOGICALBiologicalGrandchildA biological child of an individual's biological child.Biological GrandchildC96573GRANDFATHER,BIOLOGICALBiologicalGrandfatherA male relative who is the biological father of eitherthe biological mother or the biological father. (NCI)Biological GrandfatherC96577GRANDFATHER,BIOLOGICAL MATERNALBiologicalMaternalGrandfatherA male relative who is the biological father of thebiological mother. (NCI)Biological Maternal GrandfatherC96583GRANDFATHER,BIOLOGICAL PATERNALBiologicalPaternalGrandfatherA male relative who is the biological father of thebiological father. (NCI)Biological Paternal GrandfatherC96574GRANDMOTHER,BIOLOGICALBiologicalGrandmotherA female relative who is the biological mother ofeither the biological mother or the biological father.(NCI)Biological GrandmotherC96578GRANDMOTHER,BIOLOGICAL MATERNALBiologicalMaternalGrandmotherA female relative who is the biological mother of thebiological mother. (NCI)Biological Maternal GrandmotherC96584GRANDMOTHER,BIOLOGICAL PATERNALBiologicalPaternalGrandmotherA female relative who is the biological mother of thebiological father. (NCI)Biological Paternal GrandmotherC10<strong>08</strong>06GRANDPARENT,BIOLOGICALBiologicalGrandparentA biological parent of the biological father orbiological mother.Biological GrandparentC96580 MOTHER, BIOLOGICAL BiologicalMotherA female who contributes to the genetic makeup of heroffspring from the fertilization of her ovum. (NCI)Biological MotherC2<strong>08</strong>21 NURSE Nurse A professional healthcare provider who has graduatedfrom a nursing program.NurseC10<strong>08</strong>11 PREGNANCY PARTNER PregnancyPartnerC21481 RELATIVE, FIRST DEGREE First DegreeRelativeAn individual who provides support to a pregnantindividual.Any individual related biologically or legally toanother individual and considered immediate family asin the case of a spouse, parent, sibling or child.Pregnancy PartnerFirst Degree RelativeC19811RELATIVE, SECONDDEGREESecond DegreeRelativeAny individual related biologically or legally toanother individual and considered one degree removedfrom the immediate family as in the case of in-laws,grandparents, aunts and uncles.Second Degree RelativeC10<strong>08</strong><strong>08</strong> RELATIVE, THIRD DEGREE Third DegreeRelativeAny individual related biologically or legally toanother individual and considered two degreesremoved from the immediate family as in the case ofcousins.Third Degree RelativeC10<strong>08</strong>12 SEXUAL PARTNER Sexual Partner A person with whom one has had sexual relations. Sexual PartnerC10<strong>08</strong>09 SIBLING, BIOLOGICAL BiologicalSiblingA person's brother or sister with whom they share agenetic makeup inherited from their shared biologicalparents.Biological SiblingC96586 SISTER, BIOLOGICAL Biological Sister A female who shares with her sibling the geneticmakeup inherited from one or both of their sharedbiological parents.Biological SisterC96658SISTER, BIOLOGICALMATERNAL HALFHalf-sister withMother asCommon ParentA female who shares with her sibling the geneticmakeup inherited from only the biological mother.Half-sister with Mother as CommonParentSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 453 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C100130 - RELSUB - Relationship to SubjectCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC96657SISTER, BIOLOGICALPATERNAL HALFHalf-sister withFather asCommon ParentA female who shares with her sibling the geneticmakeup inherited from only the biological father.Half-sister with Father as CommonParentC71403 SISTER, HALF Half Sister A female who shares with her sibling the geneticmakeup inherited from only one of the biologicalparents.Half SisterC62649 SPOUSE Spouse A person's partner in marriage. (NCI) SpouseC63861 TECHNICIAN Technician A person skilled in the performance of the technical orprocedural aspects of a profession. (NCI)C73427 TWIN Twin Either of two offspring born from the same pregnancy.(NCI)C73428 TWIN, DIZYGOTIC Dizygotic Twin Either of the two offspring resulting from twoseparately fertilized ovums during the same pregnancy.TechnicianTwinFraternal TwinC73429 TWIN, MONOZYGOTIC MonozygoticTwinEither of the two offspring resulting from a sharedovum. (NCI)Identical TwinC96587 UNCLE, BIOLOGICAL Biological Uncle A male relative who is a sibling of either of thebiological parents, and who share a common ancestor.(NCI)Biological UncleC96579UNCLE, BIOLOGICALMATERNALBiologicalMaternal UncleA male relative who is a sibling of the biologicalmother, and who both share a common ancestor. (NCI)Biological Maternal UncleC96585UNCLE, BIOLOGICALPATERNALBiologicalPaternal UncleA male relative who is a sibling of the biologicalfather, and who both share a common ancestor. (NCI)Biological Paternal UncleSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 454 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78737 - RELTYPE - Relationship TypeCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC78728 MANY Many; Several More than one. (NCI) ManyC66832 ONE A textual representation of the numeral 1. OneSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 455 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102587 - RISKSOC - Social Risk FactorCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102714CONTACT WITHTUBERCULOSIS SOURCEAn individual that came into contact with a source ofTuberculosis.Subject in Contact WithTuberculosis SourceC102613CURRENT OR RECENTEMPLOYEE ORVOLUNTEER IN HOMELESSSHELTERAn individual who is presently or not long ago workedor offered to assist without pay at a temporary housingfacility for persons without a stable or permanentresidence.Current or Recent Employee orVolunteer in Homeless ShelterC102614CURRENT OR RECENTEMPLOYEE ORVOLUNTEER IN JAIL ORPRISONAn individual who is presently or not long ago workedor offered to assist without pay at an institution wherepersons are confined for punishment and to protect thepublic.Current or Recent Employee orVolunteer in Jail or PrisonC102615CURRENT OR RECENTEMPLOYEE ORVOLUNTEER IN NURSINGHOMEAn individual who is presently or not long ago workedor offered to assist without pay at a residential healthcare facility for persons with chronic illness ordisability.Current or Recent Employee orVolunteer in Nursing HomeC102645HOMELESS DURING PASTYEARAn individual without a stable or permanent residencewithin the last 365 days.Homeless During Past YearC102648IMMIGRANT FROM HIGHTUBERCULOSISPREVALENT AREAAn individual that has migrated from a country with ahigh occurrence of tuberculosis.Immigrant From High TuberculosisPrevalent AreaC85521 INCARCERATION The state of being confined to jail or prison. IncarcerationC102657 LIVED IN REFUGEE CAMP An individual that resided in a camp for those displacedfrom their homeland.Lived in Refugee CampC102660LONG-TERM FACILITYRESIDENTAn individual that lives at a healthcare facility thatprovides rehabilitative, restorative, and/or ongoingskilled nursing care to patients or residents in need ofassistance with activities of daily living.Long-term Facility ResidentC102670 MIGRATORY WORKER An individual who moves from one location to anotherlocation within or outside of their homeland for work.Migratory WorkerC102705REFUGEE FROM HIGHTUBERCULOSISPREVALENT AREAAn individual that has fled a country for their ownsafety which has a high occurrence of tuberculosis.Refugee From High TuberculosisPrevalent AreaC102719TRAVEL TO HIGH BURDENCOUNTRYEntry into one or more of the 22 countries that have arelatively high prevalence of tuberculosis cases.Travel To High Burden TuberculosisCountryC75563 UNEMPLOYMENT The state of not having a job. UnemploymentSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 456 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66729 - ROUTE - Route of AdministrationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC38192 AURICULAR (OTIC) Administration to or by way of the ear. (FDA) Auricular Route of AdministrationC38193 BUCCAL Administration directed toward the cheek, generallyfrom within the mouth. (FDA)C38194 CONJUNCTIVAL Administration to the conjunctiva, the delicatemembrane that lines the eyelids and covers theexposed surface of the eyeball. (FDA)Buccal Route of AdministrationConjunctival Route ofAdministrationC38675 CUTANEOUS Administration to the skin. (FDA) Cutaneous Route of AdministrationC38197 DENTAL Administration to a tooth or teeth. (FDA) Dental Route of AdministrationC78373 DIETARY Administration by way of food stuff. (NCI) Dietary Route of AdministrationC38633 ELECTRO-OSMOSIS Administration of through the diffusion of substancethrough a membrane in an electric field. (FDA)C38205 ENDOCERVICAL Administration within the canal of the cervix uteri.Synonymous with the term intracervical. (FDA)C38206 ENDOSINUSIAL Administration within the nasal sinuses of the head.(FDA)Electro-osmosis Route ofAdministrationEndocervical Route ofAdministrationEndosinusial Route ofAdministrationC382<strong>08</strong> ENDOTRACHEAL IntratrachealRoute ofAdministrationAdministration directly into the trachea. Synonymouswith the term intratracheal. (FDA)Endotracheal Route ofAdministrationC38209 ENTERAL Administration directly into the intestines. (FDA) Enteral Route of AdministrationC38210 EPIDURAL Administration upon or over the dura mater. (FDA) Epidural Route of AdministrationC38211 EXTRA-AMNIOTIC Administration to the outside of the membraneenveloping the fetus. (FDA)Extraamniotic Route ofAdministrationC38212 EXTRACORPOREAL Administration outside of the body. (FDA) Extracorporeal Circulation Route ofAdministrationC38200 HEMODIALYSIS Administration through hemodialysate fluid. (FDA) Administration Via HemodialysisC38215 INFILTRATION Administration that results in substances passing intotissue spaces or into cells. (FDA)C38219 INTERSTITIAL Administration to or in the interstices of a tissue.(FDA)Infiltration Route of AdministrationInterstitial Route of AdministrationC38220 INTRA-ABDOMINAL Administration within the abdomen. (FDA) Intraabdominal Route ofAdministrationC38221 INTRA-AMNIOTIC Administration within the amnion. (FDA) Intraamniotic Route ofAdministrationC38222 INTRA-ARTERIAL Administration within an artery or arteries. (FDA) Intraarterial Route of AdministrationC38223 INTRA-ARTICULAR Administration within a joint. (FDA) Intraarticular Route ofAdministrationC38224 INTRABILIARY Administration within the bile, bile ducts orgallbladder. (FDA)Intrabiliary Route of AdministrationC38225 INTRABRONCHIAL Administration within a bronchus. (FDA) Intrabronchial Route ofAdministrationC38226 INTRABURSAL Administration within a bursa. (FDA) Intrabursal Route of AdministrationC38227 INTRACARDIAC Administration within the heart. (FDA) Intracardiac Route of AdministrationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 457 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66729 - ROUTE - Route of AdministrationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC38228 INTRACARTILAGINOUS Administration within a cartilage; endochondral. (FDA) Intracartilaginous Route ofAdministrationC38229 INTRACAUDAL Administration within the cauda equina. (FDA) Intracaudal Route of AdministrationC38230 INTRACAVERNOUS Administration within a pathologic cavity, such asoccurs in the lung in tuberculosis. (FDA)C38231 INTRACAVITARY Administration within a non-pathologic cavity, such asthat of the cervix, uterus, or penis, or such as that isformed as the result of a wound. (FDA)Intracavernous Route ofAdministrationIntracavitary Route of AdministrationC38232 INTRACEREBRAL Administration within the cerebrum. (FDA) Intracerebral Route ofAdministrationC38233 INTRACISTERNAL Administration within the cisterna magnacerebellomedularis. (FDA)C38234 INTRACORNEAL Administration within the cornea (the transparentstructure forming the anterior part of the fibrous tunicof the eye). (FDA)C38217 INTRACORONAL, DENTAL Administration of a drug within a portion of a toothwhich is covered by enamel and which is separatedfrom the roots by a slightly constricted region knownas the neck. (FDA)Intracisternal Route ofAdministrationIntracorneal Route of AdministrationIntracoronal Dental Route ofAdministrationC38218 INTRACORONARY Administration within the coronary arteries. (FDA) Intracoronary Route ofAdministrationC38235INTRACORPORUSCAVERNOSUMAdministration within the dilatable spaces of thecorporus cavernosa of the penis. (FDA)Intracorporus Cavernosum Route ofAdministrationC38238 INTRADERMAL Administration within the dermis. (FDA) Intradermal Route of AdministrationC38239 INTRADISCAL Administration within a disc. (FDA) Intradiscal Route of AdministrationC38240 INTRADUCTAL Administration within the duct of a gland. (FDA) Intraductal Route of AdministrationC38241 INTRADUODENAL Administration within the duodenum. (FDA) Intraduodenal Route ofAdministrationC38242 INTRADURAL Administration within or beneath the dura. (FDA) Intradural Route of AdministrationC38243 INTRAEPIDERMAL Administration within the epidermis. (FDA) Intraepidermal Route ofAdministrationC38245 INTRAESOPHAGEAL Administration within the esophagus. (FDA) Intraesophageal Route ofAdministrationC38246 INTRAGASTRIC Administration within the stomach. (FDA) Intragastric Route of AdministrationC38247 INTRAGINGIVAL Administration within the gingivae. (FDA) Intragingival Route of AdministrationC38249 INTRAILEAL Administration within the distal portion of the smallintestine, from the jejunum to the cecum. (FDA)Intraileal Route of AdministrationC102399 INTRAJEJUNAL Administration into the jejunum. Intrajejunal Route of AdministrationC38250 INTRALESIONAL Administration within or introduced directly into alocalized lesion. (FDA)Intralesional Route ofAdministrationC38251 INTRALUMINAL Administration within the lumen of a tube. (FDA) Intraluminal Route of AdministrationC38252 INTRALYMPHATIC Administration within the lymph. (FDA) Intralymphatic Route ofAdministrationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 458 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66729 - ROUTE - Route of AdministrationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC38253 INTRAMEDULLARY Administration within the marrow cavity of a bone.(FDA)C38254 INTRAMENINGEAL Administration within the meninges (the threemembranes that envelope the brain and spinal cord).(FDA)Intramedullary Route ofAdministrationIntrameningeal Route ofAdministrationC28161 INTRAMUSCULAR Administration within a muscle. (FDA) Intramuscular Route ofAdministrationC38255 INTRAOCULAR Administration within the eye. (FDA) Intraocular Route of AdministrationC38256 INTRAOVARIAN Administration within the ovary. (FDA) Intraovarian Route of AdministrationC102400 INTRAPALATAL Administration into the palate. Intrapalatal Route of AdministrationC38257 INTRAPERICARDIAL Administration within the pericardium. (FDA) Intrapericardial Route ofAdministrationC38258 INTRAPERITONEAL Administration within the peritoneal cavity. (FDA) Intraperitoneal Route ofAdministrationC38259 INTRAPLEURAL Administration within the pleura. (FDA) Intrapleural Route of AdministrationC38260 INTRAPROSTATIC Administration within the prostate gland. (FDA) Intraprostatic Route ofAdministrationC38261 INTRAPULMONARY Administration within the lungs or its bronchi. (FDA) Intrapulmonary Route ofAdministrationC38262 INTRASINAL Administration within the nasal or periorbital sinuses.(FDA)Intrasinal Route of AdministrationC38263 INTRASPINAL Administration within the vertebral column. (FDA) Intraspinal Route of AdministrationC65138 INTRASTOMAL Administration into a stoma. Administration via StomaC38264 INTRASYNOVIAL Administration within the synovial cavity of a joint.(FDA)Intrasynovial Route ofAdministrationC38265 INTRATENDINOUS Administration within a tendon. (FDA) Intratendinous Route ofAdministrationC38266 INTRATESTICULAR Administration within the testicle. (FDA) Intratesticular Route ofAdministrationC38267 INTRATHECAL Administration within the cerebrospinal fluid at anylevel of the cerebrospinal axis, including injection intothe cerebral ventricles. (FDA)C38207 INTRATHORACIC Administration within the thorax (internal to the ribs);synonymous with the term endothoracic. (FDA)Intrathecal Route of AdministrationEndothoracic Route ofAdministrationC38268 INTRATUBULAR Administration within the tubules of an organ. (FDA) Intratubular Route of AdministrationC38269 INTRATUMOR Intratumor RouteofAdministrationAdministration within a tumor. (FDA)Intratumoral Route of AdministrationC38270 INTRATYMPANIC Administration within the auris media. (FDA) Intratympanic Route ofAdministrationC38272 INTRAUTERINE Administration within the uterus. (FDA) Intrauterine Route of AdministrationC38273 INTRAVASCULAR Administration within a vessel or vessels. (FDA) Intravascular Route ofAdministrationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 459 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66729 - ROUTE - Route of AdministrationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC38276 INTRAVENOUS Administration within or into a vein or veins. (FDA) Intravenous Route of AdministrationC38274 INTRAVENOUS BOLUS Administration within or into a vein or veins all atonce. (FDA)C38279 INTRAVENOUS DRIP Administration within or into a vein or veins over asustained period of time. (FDA)Intravenous BolusIntravenous DripC38277 INTRAVENTRICULAR Administration within a ventricle. (FDA) Intraventricular Route ofAdministrationC38278 INTRAVESICAL Administration within the bladder. (FDA) Intravesical Route of AdministrationC38280 INTRAVITREAL Administration within the vitreous body of the eye.(FDA)C38203 IONTOPHORESIS Administration by means of an electric current whereions of soluble salts migrate into the tissues of thebody. (FDA)C38281 IRRIGATION Administration to bathe or flush open wounds or bodycavities. (FDA)Intravitreal Route of AdministrationIontophoresis Route ofAdministrationIrrigation-Route of AdministrationC38282 LARYNGEAL Administration directly upon the larynx. (FDA) Laryngeal Route of AdministrationC38284 NASAL Intranasal RouteofAdministrationAdministration to the nose; administered by way of thenose. (FDA)Nasal Route of AdministrationC38285 NASOGASTRIC Administration through the nose and into the stomach,usually by means of a tube. (FDA)Nasogastric Route of AdministrationC48623 NOT APPLICABLE Routes of administration are not applicable. (FDA) Route of Administration NotApplicableC38286OCCLUSIVE DRESSINGTECHNIQUEAdministration by the topical route which is thencovered by a dressing which occludes the area. (FDA)Occlusive Dressing TechniqueC38287 OPHTHALMIC Administration to the external eye. (FDA) Ophthalmic Route of AdministrationC38288 ORAL PO; IntraoralRoute ofAdministrationAdministration to or by way of the mouth. (FDA)Oral Route of AdministrationC78374 ORAL GAVAGE Administration through the mouth and into thestomach, usually by means of a tube. (NCI)C38289 OROPHARYNGEAL Administration directly to the mouth and pharynx.(FDA)C38290 OTHER Administration is different from others on this list.(FDA)C38291 PARENTERAL Administration by injection, infusion, or implantation.(FDA)Oral Gavage Route of AdministrationOropharyngeal Route ofAdministrationOther Route of AdministrationParenteral Route of AdministrationC38676 PERCUTANEOUS Administration through the skin. (FDA) Percutaneous Route ofAdministrationC38292 PERIARTICULAR Administration around a joint. (FDA) Periarticular Route ofAdministrationC38677 PERIDURAL Administration to the outside of the dura mater of thespinal cord. (FDA)Peridural Route of AdministrationC38293 PERINEURAL Administration surrounding a nerve or nerves. (FDA) Perineural Route of AdministrationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 460 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66729 - ROUTE - Route of AdministrationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC38294 PERIODONTAL Administration around a tooth. (FDA) Periodontal Route of AdministrationC38295 RECTAL Administration to the rectum. (FDA) Rectal Route of AdministrationC38216RESPIRATORY(INHALATION)Administration within the respiratory tract by inhalingorally or nasally for local or systemic effect. (FDA)Inhalation Route of AdministrationC38296 RETROBULBAR Administration behind the pons or behind the eyeball.(FDA)Retrobulbar Route of AdministrationC38198 SOFT TISSUE Administration into any soft tissue. (FDA) Soft Tissue Route Of AdministrationC38297 SUBARACHNOID Administration beneath the arachnoid. (FDA) Subarachnoid Route ofAdministrationC38298 SUBCONJUNCTIVAL Administration beneath the conjunctiva. (FDA) Subconjunctival Route ofAdministrationC38299 SUBCUTANEOUS SC Administration beneath the skin; hypodermic.Synonymous with the term SUBDERMAL. (FDA)Subcutaneous Route ofAdministrationC38300 SUBLINGUAL Administration beneath the tongue. (FDA) Sublingual Route of AdministrationC38301 SUBMUCOSAL Administration beneath the mucous membrane. (FDA) Submucosal Route of AdministrationC38304 TOPICAL TOP Administration to a particular spot on the outer surfaceof the body. The E2B term TRANSMAMMARY is asubset of the term TOPICAL. (FDA)C38305 TRANSDERMAL Administration through the dermal layer of the skin tothe systemic circulation by diffusion. (FDA)Topical Route of AdministrationTransdermal Route of AdministrationC38283 TRANSMUCOSAL Administration across the mucosa. (FDA) Mucosal Route of AdministrationC38307 TRANSPLACENTAL Administration through or across the placenta. (FDA) Transplacental Route ofAdministrationC383<strong>08</strong> TRANSTRACHEAL Administration through the wall of the trachea. (FDA) Transtracheal Route ofAdministrationC38309 TRANSTYMPANIC Administration across or through the tympanic cavity.(FDA)C38310 UNASSIGNED Route of administration has not yet been assigned.(FDA)Transtympanic Route ofAdministrationUnassigned Route of AdministrationC38311 UNKNOWN Route of administration is unknown. (FDA) Unknown Route of AdministrationC38312 URETERAL Administration into the ureter. (FDA) Ureteral Route of AdministrationC38271 URETHRAL Administration into the urethra. (FDA) Intraurethral Route of AdministrationC38313 VAGINAL Administration into the vagina. (FDA) Vaginal Route of AdministrationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 461 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101865 - RSKASMT - Risk AssessmentCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102401 HIGH RISK The potential future harm that may arise from somepresent action or attribute or condition is almostcertain.C102402 INTERMEDIATE RISK The potential future harm that may arise from somepresent action or attribute or condition is moderate.C102403 LOW RISK The potential future harm that may arise from somepresent action or attribute or condition is small.C17998 UNKNOWN Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)High RiskIntermediate RiskLow RiskUnknownSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 462 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C96785 - RSSTRESC - Tumor Response ResultCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4870 CR CompleteResponseThe disappearance of all signs of cancer in response totreatment. (NCI)Complete RemissionC48660 NA Not Applicable Determination of a value is not relevant in the currentcontext. (NCI)Not ApplicableC62222 NE Not Evaluable Unable to be evaluated. (NCI) UnevaluableC96700 NonCR/NonPD Non CompleteResponse/NonProgressiveDiseaseC35571 PD ProgressiveDiseasePersistence of one or more non-target lesion(s) and/ormaintenance of tumor marker levels above the normallimits. (RECIST)A disease process that is increasing in scope orseverity. (NCI)Non Complete Response/NonProgressive DiseaseProgressive DiseaseC18058 PR Partial Response A finding indicating that there is a decrease in the sizeand the extent of tissue involvement by a malignanttumor in a patient. (NCI)C18213 SD Stable Disease Cancer that is neither decreasing nor increasing inextent or severity. (NCI)Partial RemissionStable DiseaseC96644 UPD UnequivocalProgressionAn overall level of substantial worsening in non-targetdisease that is of a magnitude that, even in the presenceof SD or PR in target disease, the treating physicianwould feel it important to change therapy. (RECIST)Unequivocal ProgressionSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 463 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C96781 - RSTEST - Tumor Response Assessment Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC94536 Best Overall Response Best OverallResponse; BestResponseC966<strong>08</strong> Non-Radiological Progression Non-Radiological ProgressionC96609 Non-target Response Non-targetResponseC96613 Overall Response OverallResponseAn assessment of the most clinically favorable overallresponse of the disease to the therapy.A non-radiological determination of diseaseprogression based on symptoms or other findings.An assessment of the response of a non-targettumor(s) to the therapy.An assessment of the overall response of the diseaseto the therapy. (NCI)Best Overall ResponseNon-Radiological ProgressionNon-target ResponseOverall ResponseC96637 Target Response Target Response An assessment of the response of a target tumor(s) tothe therapy.Target ResponseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 464 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C96782 - RSTESTCD - Tumor Response Assessment Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC94536 BESTRESP Best OverallResponse; BestResponseC966<strong>08</strong> NRADPROG Non-Radiological ProgressionC96609 NTRGRESP Non-targetResponseC96613 OVRLRESP OverallResponseAn assessment of the most clinically favorable overallresponse of the disease to the therapy.A non-radiological determination of diseaseprogression based on symptoms or other findings.An assessment of the response of a non-targettumor(s) to the therapy.An assessment of the overall response of the diseaseto the therapy. (NCI)Best Overall ResponseNon-Radiological ProgressionNon-target ResponseOverall ResponseC96637 TRGRESP Target Response An assessment of the response of a target tumor(s) tothe therapy.Target ResponseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 465 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74559 - SCCD - Subject Characteristic CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC102625 CNTCINV ContactInvestigationC102631 CTRYDDTC Entry Date fromPtntl CntryDisease ExpC102612 CTRYDEXP Country ofPotentialDiseaseExposureA public health activity whereby individuals who havebeen exposed to a person with a suspected orconfirmed contagious illness are identified, usually forthe purpose of identifying additional cases of theillness, or to offer some form of prophylacticintervention to either prevent or ameliorate disease inthe exposed individual.The date on which the subject arrived in the reportingcountry from the country of potential diseaseexposure.System of classification based on the nation in whichan individual was exposed to a disease, regardless ofthe nation in which he/she currently resides.Disease Contact InvestigationEntry Date from Country ofPotential Disease ExposureCountry of Potential DiseaseExposureC17953 EDLEVEL Education Level Years of education that a person has completed. Education LevelC25193 EMPJOB Employee Job A code specifying the job performed by the employeefor the employer. For example, accountant,programmer analyst, patient care associate, staff nurse,etc.OccupationC74565 JOBCLAS Employee JobClassA code qualifying the employment in various ways,such as, full-time vs. part time, etc.Employee Job ClassC25188 MARISTAT Marital Status A demographic parameter indicating a person's currentconjugal status.C28407 NATORIGIN National Origin System of classification based on nation from which aperson originates, regardless of the nation in whichhe/she currently resides.Marital StatusNational OriginC102699 PRICON Priority ofDisease ContactC102666 RISKPOP Member of HighRisk PopulationC102711 RISKSOC Social RiskFactorC74566 SALTYP Employee SalaryTypeC1027<strong>08</strong> SETCON Setting ofContactC74563 SKINCLAS SkinClassificationThe categorization of individuals with or without thepotential for having a particular disease.An indication that a subject is part of a populationgroup that has a greater chance of contracting a diseaseor disorder.Social factors such as personal behavior, lifestyle, orenvironment belonging to the subject which are knownto increase the likelihood of infection and disease.A code specifying the method used by the employer tocompute the employee's salary or wages. For example,hourly, annual, or commission.The environment within which the person may havecome into contact with a disease carrier, or played therole of a disease carrier.A classification system used to categorize thesensitivity of a subject's skin to sunlight.Priority of Disease ContactMember Of High Risk PopulationSocial Risk FactorEmployee Salary TypeSetting of Disease ContactFitzpatrick Classification ScaleC74580 SKINTYP Skin Type A distinctive characteristic of the skin marked by theamount of sebum secreted by sebaceous glands.Skin TypeC102713 SRCCSINV Source CaseInvestigationA public health activity for the determination of whotransmitted a disease to another subject and whetherthis person: is still infectious; was reported to thehealth department as a disease case or suspect; or hasinfected others.Source Case InvestigationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 466 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74559 - SCCD - Subject Characteristic CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC4876 SYMPTOM Symptom Subjective evidence of disease perceived by thepatient.C102723 TYPCON Type of Contact Identification and clinical investigation of diseasecontacts.SymptomType of Contagion ContactSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 467 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101866 - SDTHSDTP - Sudden Death Syndrome TypeCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71059 BRUGADA SYNDROME Ventriculararrhythmiaassociated withBrugadasyndromePolymorphic ventricular tachycardia in the absence ofstructural heart disease, associated with a baselineECG pattern during sinus rhythm showing right bundlebranch block with ST segment elevation in leads V1through V3. It can also be characterized bydocumentation of ECG patterns associated withBrugada Syndrome, some of which may be unmaskedwhen provoked with drugs. The most common geneticmutations identified for Brugada syndrome are in thesodium channel gene SCN5A.Brugada SyndromeC99936CATECHOLAMINERGICPOLYMORPHICVENTRICULARTACHYCARDIAVentricular Tachycardia associated with syncopeand/or cardiac arrest triggered by emotion or exercisein patients whose baseline ECG is normal.Catecholaminergic PolymorphicVentricular TachycardiaC100036IDIOPATHIC PRIMARYVENTRICULARTACHYCARDIA/VENTRICULAR FLUTTERVentricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillationwhose cause is unknown.Idiopathic Primary VentricularTachycardia Ventricular FlutterC34786 LONG QT SYNDROME Ventriculararrhythmiaassociated withlong QTsyndromeLong QT Syndrome includes prolongation of thecorrected QT interval beyond 440 ms for adult males,460 ms for adult females and 50 ms in the presence ofventricular depolarization abnormalities (i.e., bundlebranch blocks or IVCB more than 120 ms. A normalQT interval in a resting ECG with a failure to shortenwith an increase in heart rate qualifies as Long QTSyndrome.Long QT SyndromeC17649 OTHER Other Different than the one(s) previously specified ormentioned. (NCI)OtherC71060 SHORT QT SYNDROME Ventriculararrhythmiaassociated withshort QTsyndromeShort QT Syndrome is characterized by a QT intervalof less than or equal to 300 ms.Short QT SyndromeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 468 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102588 - SETCON - Contact SettingCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC48953 FARM A tract of land cultivated for the purpose ofagricultural production or devoted to the raising andbreeding of domestic animals.FarmC102647HOUSEHOLDENVIRONMENTThe area in which an individual lives.Household EnvironmentC102679NON-HOUSEHOLDENVIRONMENTAn area outside of that in which an individual lives.Non-household EnvironmentC85862 PRISON An institution where persons are confined forpunishment and to protect the public.Correctional InstitutionC17118 SCHOOL An educational institution. SchoolC102712 SOCIAL SETTING The surroundings or environment in which socialactivities occur.Social SettingC17556 WORKSITE Place or physical location of work or employment. WorksiteSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 469 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66731 - SEX - SexCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16576 F Female A person who belongs to the sex that normallyproduces ova. The term is used to indicate biologicalsex distinctions, or cultural gender role distinctions,or both. (NCI)C20197 M Male A person who belongs to the sex that normallyproduces sperm. The term is used to indicatebiological sex distinctions, cultural gender roledistinctions, or both. (NCI)C17998 U U; Unknown Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)C459<strong>08</strong> UN Undifferentiated A person (one of unisexual specimens) who is bornwith genitalia and/or secondary sexual characteristicsof indeterminate sex, or which combine features ofboth sexes. (NCI)FemaleMaleUnknownIntersexSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 470 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66732 - SEXPOP - Sex of ParticipantsCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49636 BOTH One and the other; relating to or being two inconjunction. (NCI)C16576 F Female A person who belongs to the sex that normallyproduces ova. The term is used to indicate biologicalsex distinctions, or cultural gender role distinctions,or both. (NCI)C20197 M Male A person who belongs to the sex that normallyproduces sperm. The term is used to indicatebiological sex distinctions, cultural gender roledistinctions, or both. (NCI)BothFemaleMaleSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 471 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66733 - SIZE - SizeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC495<strong>08</strong> LARGE Of considerable or relatively great size, extent, orcapacity. (NCI)C49507 MEDIUM Mid-way between small and large in number, quantity,magnitude or extent. (NCI)C25376 SMALL Limited in number, quantity, magnitude or extent.(NCI)LargeMediumSmallSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 472 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C76351 - SKINCLAS - Skin ClassificationCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74569 TYPEI TYPE1 Individuals who never tan and always sunburn ifexposed to any appreciable amount of sunlight,primarily red headed individuals and lightlycomplected blondes. (Reference: Fitzpatrick TB: Thevalidity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types Ithrough VI. Arch. Dermatol. 1998 124: 869-871)C74570 TYPEII TYPE2 Individuals who frequently burn but are able to tan to asmall degree after extended sun exposure. (Reference:Fitzpatrick TB: The validity and practicality ofsun-reactive skin types I through VI. Arch. Dermatol.1998 124: 869-871)C74571 TYPEIII TYPE3 Individuals who burn infrequently and tan readily.(Reference: Fitzpatrick TB: The validity andpracticality of sun-reactive skin types I through VI.Arch. Dermatol. 1998 124: 869-871)C74572 TYPEIV TYPE4 Individuals who rarely burn and tan heavily withmoderate sun exposures, especially individuals ofAsian, American Indian, Mediterranean and LatinAmerican descent. (Reference: Fitzpatrick TB: Thevalidity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types Ithrough VI. Arch. Dermatol. 1998 124: 869-871)C74573 TYPEV TYPE5 Individuals who have dark constitutive pigmentation butbecome noticeably darker with sun exposure,especially light complected black individuals, those ofIndian descent. (Reference: Fitzpatrick TB: Thevalidity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types Ithrough VI. Arch. Dermatol. 1998 124: 869-871)C74574 TYPEVI TYPE6 Individuals who have the heaviest constitutivepigmentation, especially dark skinned blackindividuals. (Reference: Fitzpatrick TB: The validityand practicality of sun-reactive skin types I through VI.Arch. Dermatol. 1998 124: 869-871)Fitzpatrick Skin Type IFitzpatrick Skin Type IIFitzpatrick Skin Type IIIFitzpatrick Skin Type IVFitzpatrick Skin Type VFitzpatrick Skin Type VISource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 473 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C74561 - SKINTYP - Skin TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74592 DRY The pores are generally fine with a papery thin texturethat feels dry to the touch. Usually flaky and dulllooking.C74593 NORMAL The pores are visible but not large. The texture isneither fine or thick and it neither feels dry or oily tothe touch.C74591 OILY The pores of the skin are generally large and visiblewith a coarse or thick texture. It has a tendency to lookdull and greasy and feels oily to the touch.Dry SkinNormal SkinOily SkinSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 474 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78733 - SPECCOND - Specimen ConditionCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC78725 AUTOLIZED AutolizedSpecimenC78723 CALCIFIED CalcifiedSpecimenC78724 CLOTTED ClottedSpecimenA specimen that has undergone autolysis, orself-digestion by the specimen's own digestiveenzymes. (NCI)A specimen that has undergone calcification. (NCI)A specimen that has become coagulated. (NCI)Autolized SpecimenCalcified SpecimenClotted SpecimenC70717 FROZEN Frozen Specimen A specimen that has been subjected to andimmobilized by severe cold. (NCI)Frozen SpecimenC70720 HEMOLIZED Hemolysis inSpecimenA specimen that has undergone the destruction of redblood cells followed by the release of the hemoglobin.(NCI)Hemolysis in SpecimenC98744 ICTERIC Icteric Specimen A specimen that exhibits a yellowish pigmentation dueto jaundice. (NCI)Icteric SpecimenC70715 LIPEMIC LipemicSpecimenC70718 REFRIGERATED RefrigeratedSpecimenC70719 ROOM TEMPERATURE AmbientTemperature;Specimen atRoomTemperatureA specimen that consists of or contains excessiveamounts of fat and fatty substances. (NCI)A specimen that has been kept or preserved at a lowtemperature in a refrigerator. (NCI)A specimen that has been subjected to and adjusted tothe average ambient temperature of a room, usuallyconsidered to be around 20 degrees C (68 degrees F).(NCI)Lipemic SpecimenRefrigerated SpecimenSpecimen at Room TemperatureSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 475 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78734 - SPECTYPE - Specimen TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12472 ADIPOSE TISSUE A specialized form of connective tissue consistingprimarily of adipocytes (fat cells), surrounded by ameshwork of collagen fibers. (NCI)C13188 AMNIOTIC FLUID Aqua Amnii The fluid within the amniotic cavity which surroundsand protects the developing embryo. (NCI)C13190 AQUEOUS HUMOR The watery fluid which is present in the anterior andposterior chambers of the eye. (NCI)C78729 ARTERIAL BLOOD Oxygenated blood which is transported with nutrientsto body tissues through the arterial system. Theexception is blood within the pulmonary artery whichcarries deoxygenated blood to the lungs. (NCI)Adipose TissueAmniotic FluidAqueous HumorArterial BloodC78739ATHEROSCLEROTICPLAQUEFatty tissue which is deposited in the inner lining ofthe arterial wall. (NCI)Atherosclerotic PlaqueC13192 BILE Fluid composed of waste products, bile acids, salts,cholesterol, and electrolytes. It is secreted by the liverparenchyma and stored in the gallbladder. (NCI)C12434 BLOOD A liquid tissue with the primary function oftransporting oxygen and carbon dioxide. It supplies thetissues with nutrients, removes waste products, andcontains various components of the immune systemdefending the body against infection.C12366 BONE Calcified connective tissue that forms the skeletalcomponents of the body. (NCI)C12431 BONE MARROW The tissue occupying the spaces of bone. It consists ofblood vessel sinuses and a network of hematopoieticcells which give rise to the red cells, white cells, andmegakaryocytes. (NCI)C13257 BREAST MILK Milk produced by females for the purpose of feedingtheir young. (NCI)C357<strong>08</strong> CALCULUS Accumulated material from the secretions of an organ.It is solid and representative examples includegallbladder stones, kidney stones, and salivary glandstones. (NCI)C12692 CEREBROSPINAL FLUID CSF The fluid that is contained within the brain ventricles,the subarachnoid space and the central canal of thespinal cord. (NCI)BileBloodBoneBone MarrowBreast MilkStoneCerebrospinal FluidC32293 CERUMEN A wax secreted by glands in the ear canal. CerumenC32348 COLOSTRUM A thick, protein-rich substance secreted by the breastsduring the second half of pregnancy and for a few daysafter birth before the breast milk comes in.C77666 EMESIS Emesis; Vomit Stomach contents that have returned to the mouth orare ejected beyond the mouth. (NCI)C78741 EXPIRED AIR The air that moves out of the chest during expiration. Itcontains a higher percentage of carbon dioxide and alower percentage of oxygen compared to the inhaledair. (NCI)ColostrumVomitusExpired AirSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 476 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78734 - SPECTYPE - Specimen TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC13233 EXUDATE Fluid, cells or cellular debris that escapes from theblood vessels and accumulates in nearby tissues. It isthe result of inflammation and is rich in proteins.ExudateC13236 FLUID Liquid substances produced by the body. Body Fluid or SubstanceC32705 HAIR The filamentous outgrowth of the epidermis. (NCI) HairC78742 LOCHIA Vaginal discharge occurring during the post-partumperiod. It consists of a mixture of blood, mucus, andplacental remnants. (NCI)C13273 LUNG SURFACTANT Surfactant Pulmonary surfactant lines the lung epithelium andlowers surface tension to prevent collapse atend-expiration. Deficiency of pulmonary surfactantresults in respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) inpremature infants. Lung surfactant is synthesized inalveolar type II cells, stored in lamellar bodies andsecreted via exocytosis. (NCI)C13252 LYMPH A clear, transparent, sometimes faintly yellow andslightly opalescent fluid that is collected from thetissues throughout the body, flows in the lymphaticvessels (through the lymph nodes), and is eventuallyadded to the venous blood circulation. Lymph consistsof a clear liquid portion, varying numbers of whiteblood cells (chiefly lymphocytes), and a few red bloodcells. (NCI)C78743 MECONIUM The newborn's first intestinal discharge. It is adark-green, thick substance composed of mucus,intestinal secretions, hair, and intestinal mucosa cells.(NCI)C78740 MENSTRUAL BLOOD The discharged blood from the uterus during thereproductive years. The discharge occursapproximately once a month. (NCI)C13259 MUCUS The thick fluid secreted by the mucus glands in theaerodigestive tract and the vagina. (NCI)C33156 NAIL The cutaneous plate on the dorsal surface of the distalend of a finger or toe. (NCI)LochiaLung SurfactantLymphMeconiumMenstrual BloodMucusNailC13280 PERSPIRATION Sweat The liquid secreted by the sweat glands. (NCI) SweatC13356 PLASMA Plasma is the fluid (acellular) portion of thecirculating blood, as distinguished from the serum thatis the fluid portion of the blood obtained by removal ofthe fibrin clot and blood cells after coagulation.C77613 PLEURAL FLUID The fluid that is abnormally collected in the pleuralcavity. (NCI)C10<strong>08</strong>96 PROSTATIC FLUID A slightly alkaline, white fluid secreted from theprostate and is a constituent of semen.C50718 PUS A yellowish substance produced during bacterialinflammation. It contains necrotic cells and cellsfighting the infection. (NCI)C13275 SALIVA A clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivaryglands and mucous glands of the mouth; moistens themouth and starts the digestion of starches. (NCI)PlasmaPleural FluidProstatic FluidPusSalivaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 477 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C78734 - SPECTYPE - Specimen TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC13276 SEBUM A thick, oily substance produced by the sebaceousglands located in the dermis. (NCI)C13277 SEMEN Seminal Plasma The thick, whitish secretion of the male reproductiveorgans. It is composed of spermatozoa in their nutrientplasma, secretions from the prostate, seminal vesicles,and various other glands, epithelial cells, and minorconstituents.C33529 SEMINAL FLUID Part of the ejaculated fluid. It contains secretions fromthe seminal vesicles, Cowper gland, and prostate gland.C13325 SERUM Sera The clear portion of the blood that remains after theremoval of the blood cells and the clotting proteins.(NCI)C33574 SMEGMA A white secretion of the sebaceous glands of theforeskin. (NCI)C13278 SPUTUM Material containing mucus, cellular debris,microorganisms and sometimes blood or pus. It isejected through the mouth from the lungs, bronchi, andtrachea. (NCI)C13234 STOOL Feces The material discharged from the bowel duringdefecation. It consists of undigested food, intestinalmucus, epithelial cells, and bacteria. (NCI)C33718 SYNOVIAL FLUID A viscid fluid secreted by the synovial membrane,serving as a lubricant. (NCI)C12801 TISSUE An anatomical structure consisting of similarlyspecialized cells and intercellular matrix, aggregatedaccording to genetically determined spatialrelationships, performing a specific function. (NCI)C78744 TRANSUDATE The fluid that passes through the wall of the veins andcapillaries to the surrounding tissues because ofincreased intravascular pressure. It has low proteincontent. (NCI)C13283 URINE The fluid that is excreted by the kidneys. It is stored inthe bladder and discharged through the urethra. (NCI)C78730 VENOUS BLOOD Deoxygenated blood containing urea and other wasteproducts which is transported through the venoussystem to the heart and lungs. The exception is bloodwithin the pulmonary vein which is oxygenated andtravels from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart.(NCI)SebumSemenSeminal FluidSerumSmegmaSputumFecesSynovial FluidTissueTransudateUrineVenous BloodSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 478 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66728 - STENRF - Relation to Reference PeriodCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC380<strong>08</strong> AFTER The time period following a point or another period oftime. (NCI)PostC25629 BEFORE Earlier in time or order. (NCI) PriorC25456 COINCIDENT Occurring or operating at the same time. ConcurrentC25490 DURING At some point in a given period of time. (NCI) DuringC49640 DURING/AFTER Within a certain period of time or after a certain pointor period in time. (NCI)C53279 ONGOING Continuous Remain in force or carry on without letup; keep ormaintain in unaltered condition; exist in time or spacewithout stop or interruption. (NCI)C17998 U U; Unknown Not known, not observed, not recorded, or refused.(NCI)During Or AfterContinueUnknownSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 479 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C99077 - STYPE - Study TypeCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98722 EXPANDED ACCESS Studies that provide a means for obtaining anexperimental drug or device for patients who are notadequately treated by existing therapy, who do notmeet the eligibility criteria for enrollment, or who areotherwise unable to participate in another clinicalstudy. Expanded Access studies includeindividual-patient IND, treatment IND, compassionateuse, emergency use or continued access.C98388 INTERVENTIONAL Studies in which individuals are assigned by aninvestigator based on a protocol to receive specificinterventions. Subjects may receive diagnostic,therapeutic or other types of interventions. Theassignment of the intervention may or may not berandom. The individuals are then followed andbiomedical and/or health outcomes are assessed.C16<strong>08</strong>4 OBSERVATIONAL Studies in which biomedical and/or health outcomesare assessed in pre-defined groups of individuals.Subjects in the study may receive diagnostic,therapeutic, or other interventions, but the investigatordoes not assign specific interventions to the subjectsof the study.Expanded Access StudyInterventional StudyObservational StudySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 480 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66735 - TBLIND - Trial Blinding SchemaCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC15228 DOUBLE BLIND A study in which neither the subject nor theinvestigator nor the research team interacting with thesubject or data during the trial knows what treatment asubject is receiving. (CDISC glossary)C49659 OPEN LABEL A trial in which subjects and investigators know whichproduct each subject is receiving; opposite of a blindedor double-blind study. (CDISC glossary)C28233 SINGLE BLIND A study in which one party, either the investigator orthe subject, does not know which medication orplacebo is administered to the subject; also calledsinglemasked study. (CDISC glossary)Double Blind StudyOpen Label StudySingle Blind StudySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 481 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66785 - TCNTRL - Control TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49649 ACTIVE A type of control, which has a demonstrated effect,administered as a comparator, to subjects in a clinicaltrial. [From ICH E10].Active ControlC41132 NONE No person or thing, nobody, not any. (NCI) NoneC49648 PLACEBO Use of an inactive compound identical in appearance todrug or treatment being tested in experimentalresearch, which may or may not be known to thephysician and/or subject, administered to distinguishbetween drug action and suggestive effect of the drugor treatment under study. The effects of the active drugor treatment are compared to the effects of theplacebo. (NCI)Placebo ControlSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 482 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66787 - TDIGRP - Diagnosis GroupCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49651 HEALTHY SUBJECTS An individual who is or becomes a participant in aresearch study and has no significant health-relatedissues. (NCI)Healthy SubjectSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 483 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C101867 - TIMIFLOW - TIMI Flow ResponsesCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100040 TIMI-0 Thrombolysis inMyocardialInfarctionFlow - 0C100041 TIMI-1 Thrombolysis inMyocardialInfarctionFlow - 1C100042 TIMI-2 Thrombolysis inMyocardialInfarctionFlow - 2C100043 TIMI-3 Thrombolysis inMyocardialInfarctionFlow - 3No perfusion: No antegrade flow beyond the point ofocclusion. (www.TIMI.org accessed 21SEP2011)Penetration without perfusion: The contrast materialpasses beyond the area of obstruction, but fails toopacify the entire coronary bed distal to theobstruction for the duration of the cine run.(www.TIMI.org accessed 21SEP2011)Partial reperfusion: The contrast material passesacross the obstruction and opacifies the entirecoronary bed distal to the obstruction. However, therate of entry of contrast into the vessel distal to theobstruction and/or its rate of clearance from the distalbed are perceptibly slower than its entry into and/orclearance from comparable areas not perfused by theculprit vessel (e.g., the opposite coronary artery orcoronary bed proximal to theobstruction).(www.TIMI.org accessed 21SEP2011)Complete perfusion: Antegrade flow into the bed distalto the obstruction occurs as promptly as into the bedproximal to the obstruction and clearance of contrastmaterial from the involved bed is as rapid as from anuninvolved bed in the same vessel or the oppositeartery. (www.TIMI.org accessed 21SEP2011 )Thrombolysis in MyocardialInfarction Flow - 0Thrombolysis in MyocardialInfarction Flow - 1Thrombolysis in MyocardialInfarction Flow - 2Thrombolysis in MyocardialInfarction Flow - 3Source: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 484 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66736 - TINDTP - Trial Indication TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49654 CURE A type of study protocol designed to evaluateintervention(s) aimed to cure a disease or condition.(NCI)C49653 DIAGNOSIS A type of study protocol designed to evaluateintervention(s) aimed at identifying a disease orcondition. (NCI)C49655 MITIGATION A type of study designed to identify actions necessaryto eliminate or reduce the risk to human life orwell-being as a result of a particular medication ortreatment regimen. (NCI)C49657 PREVENTION A type of study designed to identify actions necessaryto permanently eliminate or reduce the long-term riskto human life as a result of a particular medication ortreatment regimen.C49656 TREATMENT A type of study protocol designed to evaluateintervention(s) for treatment of disease, syndrome orcondition.Cure StudyDiagnosis StudyAdverse Effect Mitigation StudyPrevention StudyTreatment StudySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 485 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66784 - TOXGR - Common <strong>Terminology</strong> Criteria for Adverse EventsCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC41338 1 Grade 1; 1 A type of adverse event that is usually transient andmay require only minimal treatment or therapeuticintervention. The event does not generally interferewith usual activities of daily living.C41339 2 Grade 2; 2 A type of adverse event that is usually alleviated withadditional specific therapeutic intervention. The eventinterferes with usual activities of daily living, causingdiscomfort but poses no significant or permanent riskof harm to the research participant.C41340 3 Grade 3; 3 A type of adverse event that interrupts usual activitiesof daily living, or significantly affects clinical status,or may require intensive therapeutic intervention.Mild Adverse EventModerate Adverse EventSevere Adverse EventC41337 4 Grade 4; 4; LIFETHREATENINGC48275 5 Grade 5; 5;FATALAn adverse event, and/or its immediate sequelae, whichis associated with an imminent risk of death or whichis associated with physical or mental disabilities thataffect or limit the ability of a person to performactivities of daily living (eating, ambulation, toileting,etc.) See NCI Common <strong>Terminology</strong> Criteria forAdverse Events.The termination of life as a result of an adverse event.(NCI)Life Threatening or DisablingAdverse EventDeath Related to Adverse EventSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 486 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C87162 - TOXGR - Common <strong>Terminology</strong> Criteria for Adverse Events V4.0Codelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC75533 0 ABSENT; Grade0; 0C84263 1 MILD; Grade 1;1C84264 2 MODERATE;Grade 2; 2C84265 3 SEVERE; Grade3; 3Grade 0 is universally defined as absence of AdverseEvents or within normal limits or values.An adverse event that is asymptomatic; or involvesmild or minor symptoms; or is of marginal clinicalrelevance; or consists of clinical or diagnosticobservations alone; or for which intervention is notindicated; or for which only non-prescriptionintervention is indicated.An adverse event for which only minimal, local, ornoninvasive intervention (e.g. packing, cautery) isindicated; or that limits instrumental activities of dailyliving (ADLs, e.g., shopping, laundry, transportation, orability to conduct finances).An adverse event that is medically significant but notlife-threatening; or for which inpatient care orprolongation of hospitalization are indicated; or that isan important medical event that does not result inhospitalization, but may jeopardize the patient or mayrequire intervention either to prevent hospitalization,to prevent the AE from becoming life-threatening orcausing death; or that is disabling; or that results inpersistent or significant disability, incapacity, orlimitation of self care activities of daily living (ADLs,e.g., getting in and out of bed, dressing, eating, gettingaround inside, bathing, or using the toilet).Absent Adverse EventMild Adverse EventModerate Adverse EventSevere Adverse EventC84266 4 LIFETHREATENING;Grade 4; 4An adverse event that has life-threateningconsequences; for which urgent intervention isindicated; that puts the patient at risk of death at thetime of the event if immediate intervention is notundertaken; or that causes blindness or deafness.Life Threatening Adverse EventC48275 5 FATAL; Grade 5;5The termination of life as a result of an adverse event.(NCI)Death Related to Adverse EventSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 487 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66737 - TPHASE - Trial PhaseCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC48660 NA NA Determination of a value is not relevant in the currentcontext. (NCI)C15600 Phase I Trial Trial Phase 1; 1 The initial introduction of an investigational new druginto humans. Phase 1 studies are typically closelymonitored and may be conducted in patients or normalvolunteer subjects. NOTE: These studies are designedto determine the metabolism and pharmacologicactions of the drug in humans, the side effectsassociated with increasing doses, and, if possible, togain early evidence on effectiveness. During Phase 1,sufficient information about the drug'spharmacokinetics and pharmacological effects shouldbe obtained to permit the design of well-controlled,scientifically valid, Phase 2 studies. The total numberof subjects and patients included in Phase I studiesvaries with the drug, but is generally in the range of 20to 80. Phase 1 studies also include studies of drugmetabolism, structure-activity relationships, andmechanism of action in humans, as well as studies inwhich investigational drugs are used as research toolsto explore biological phenomena or disease processes.[After FDA CDER Handbook, ICH E8] (CDISCglossary)Not ApplicablePhase I TrialC15693 Phase I/II Trial Trial Phase 1-2;1-2A class of clinical study that combines elementscharacteristic of traditional Phase I and Phase II trials.See also Phase I, Phase II.Phase I/II TrialC15601 Phase II Trial Trial Phase 2; 2 Phase 2. Controlled clinical studies conducted toevaluate the effectiveness of the drug for a particularindication or indications in patients with the disease orcondition under study and to determine the commonshort-term side effects and risks associated with thedrug. NOTE: Phase 2 studies are typically wellcontrolled, closely monitored, and conducted in arelatively small number of patients, usually involvingno more than several hundred subjects. [After FDACDER Handbook, ICH E8] (CDISC glossary)Phase II TrialC15694 Phase II/III Trial Trial Phase 2-3;2-3A class of clinical study that combines elementscharacteristic of traditional Phase II and Phase IIItrials.Phase II/III TrialC15602 Phase III Trial Trial Phase 3; 3 Phase 3. Studies are expanded controlled anduncontrolled trials. They are performed afterpreliminary evidence suggesting effectiveness of thedrug has been obtained, and are intended to gather theadditional information about effectiveness and safetythat is needed to confirm efficacy and evaluate theoverall benefit-risk relationship of the drug and toprovide an adequate basis for physician labeling.NOTE: Phase 3 studies usually include from severalhundred to several thousand subjects. [After FDACDER Handbook, ICH E8] (CDISC glossary)Phase III TrialC49687 Phase IIIa Trial Trial Phase 3A;3AA classification typically assigned retrospectively to aPhase III trial upon determination by regulatoryauthorities of a need for a Phase III B trial.Phase IIIa TrialSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 488 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66737 - TPHASE - Trial PhaseCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49689 Phase IIIb Trial Trial Phase 3B;3BC49686 Phase IIa Trial Trial Phase 2A;2AC49688 Phase IIb Trial Trial Phase 2B;2BA subcategory of Phase III trials done near the time ofapproval to elicit additional findings. NOTE: Dossierreview may continue while associated Phase IIIB trialsare conducted. These trials may be required as acondition of regulatory authority approval.A clinical research protocol generally referred to as apilot or feasibility trial that aims to prove the conceptof the new intervention in question. (NCI)A clinical research protocol generally referred to as awell-controlled and pivotal trial that aims to prove themechanism of action of the new intervention inquestion. A pivotal study will generally bewell-controlled, randomized, of adequate size, andwhenever possible, double-blind. (NCI)Phase IIIb TrialPhase IIa TrialPhase IIb TrialC15603 Phase IV Trial Trial Phase 4; 4 Phase 4. Postmarketing (Phase 4) studies to delineateadditional information about the drug's risks, benefits,and optimal use that may be requested by regulatoryauthorities in conjunction with marketing approval.NOTE: These studies could include, but would not belimited to, studying different doses or schedules ofadministration than were used in Phase 2 studies, useof the drug in other patient populations or other stagesof the disease, or use of the drug over a longer periodof time. [After FDA CDER Handbook, ICH E8](CDISC glossary)C47865 Phase V Trial Trial Phase 5; 5 Postmarketing surveillance is sometimes referred toas Phase V.Phase IV TrialPhase V TrialSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 489 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102589 - TRTEPSD - Treatment EpisodeCodelist extensible: NoNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25586 NEW Having no previous example or precedent or parallel;of a kind not seen before.C54055 RETREATMENT The repeated act of the dispensing, applying, ortendering of something to another after an initialtreatment.NewRetreatmentSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 490 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C96778 - TRTEST - Oncology Tumor Properties Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25244 Area Area The extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed withina boundary. (NCI)AreaC96566Average Metabolic StandardUptake ValueAverageMetabolicStandard UptakeValueA semiquantitative analysis of the average uptake ofanalyte by body tissue in relation to the totaladministered dose of the analyte.Average Metabolic Standard UptakeValueC25285 Diameter Diameter The length of a straight line passing through the centerof a circle or sphere and connecting two points on thecircumference. (NCI)DiameterC96684 Longest Diameter LongestDiameterC96685 Longest Perpendicular LongestPerpendicularThe longest possible length of a straight line passingthrough the center of a circular or spheroid object thatconnects two points on the circumference.The longest possible straight line or plane through abody or figure that is at a right angle to a given line orplane.Longest DiameterLongest PerpendicularC96621Percent Change FromBaselinePercent ChangeFrom BaselineThe value of the current measurement divided by theinitial value, taken at some baseline event or timepoint,multiplied by 100.Percent Change From BaselineC96622 Percent Change From Nadir Percent ChangeFrom NadirThe value of the current measurement divided by thelowest value previously recorded multiplied by 100.Percent Change From NadirC96627 Radiodensity Radiodensity The transparency of a material to the passage of X-raysand other forms of radiation.C94982 Short Axis Short Axis The plane through a body or figure that is at theshortest width of that body or figure.RadiodensityShort AxisC96630 Sum of Area Sum of Area A calculation of the aggregated area values. Sum of AreasC96631 Sum of Diameter Sum of Diameter A calculation of the aggregated diameter values. Sum of DiametersC96632 Sum of Longest Diameter Sum of LongestDiameterC96633 Sum of Longest Perpendicular Sum of LongestPerpendicularC96634 Sum of Viable Diameter Sum of ViableDiameterA calculation of the aggregated longest diametervalues.A calculation of the aggregated longest perpendicularvalues.A calculation of the aggregated diameter values takenfrom the viable portion of the tumor mass.Sum of Longest DiametersSum of Longest PerpendicularsSum of Viable DiametersC96635 Sum of Volume Sum of Volume A calculation of the aggregated volume values. Sum of VolumesC96643 Tumor State Tumor State A condition or state of a tumor at a particular time. Tumor StatusC96646 Viable Diameter Viable Diameter The diameter of the portion of the tumor mass that iscapable of growth, proliferation and metastasis.C25335 Volume Volume The amount of three dimensional space occupied by anobject or the capacity of a space or container. (NCI)Viable Tumor DiameterVolumeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 491 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C96779 - TRTESTCD - Oncology Tumor Properties Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25244 AREA Area The extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed withina boundary. (NCI)AreaC96566 AVMETSUV AverageMetabolicStandard UptakeValueA semiquantitative analysis of the average uptake ofanalyte by body tissue in relation to the totaladministered dose of the analyte.Average Metabolic Standard UptakeValueC25285 DIAMETER Diameter The length of a straight line passing through the centerof a circle or sphere and connecting two points on thecircumference. (NCI)DiameterC96684 LDIAM LongestDiameterC96685 LPERP LongestPerpendicularC96621 PCHGBL Percent ChangeFrom BaselineC96622 PCHGNAD Percent ChangeFrom NadirThe longest possible length of a straight line passingthrough the center of a circular or spheroid object thatconnects two points on the circumference.The longest possible straight line or plane through abody or figure that is at a right angle to a given line orplane.The value of the current measurement divided by theinitial value, taken at some baseline event or timepoint,multiplied by 100.The value of the current measurement divided by thelowest value previously recorded multiplied by 100.Longest DiameterLongest PerpendicularPercent Change From BaselinePercent Change From NadirC96627 RADIODEN Radiodensity The transparency of a material to the passage of X-raysand other forms of radiation.C94982 SAXIS Short Axis The plane through a body or figure that is at theshortest width of that body or figure.RadiodensityShort AxisC96630 SUMAREA Sum of Area A calculation of the aggregated area values. Sum of AreasC96631 SUMDIAM Sum of Diameter A calculation of the aggregated diameter values. Sum of DiametersC96632 SUMLDIAM Sum of LongestDiameterC96633 SUMLPERP Sum of LongestPerpendicularC96634 SUMVDIAM Sum of ViableDiameterA calculation of the aggregated longest diametervalues.A calculation of the aggregated longest perpendicularvalues.A calculation of the aggregated diameter values takenfrom the viable portion of the tumor mass.Sum of Longest DiametersSum of Longest PerpendicularsSum of Viable DiametersC96635 SUMVOL Sum of Volume A calculation of the aggregated volume values. Sum of VolumesC96643 TUMSTATE Tumor State A condition or state of a tumor at a particular time. Tumor StatusC96646 VDIAM Viable Diameter The diameter of the portion of the tumor mass that iscapable of growth, proliferation and metastasis.C25335 VOLUME Volume The amount of three dimensional space occupied by anobject or the capacity of a space or container. (NCI)Viable Tumor DiameterVolumeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 492 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67152 - TSPARM - Trial Summary Parameter Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98703 Actual Number of Subjects Actual Numberof SubjectsActual number of subjects enrolled; may includesubjects who were not randomized.Actual Subject NumberC98704 Adaptive Design Adaptive Design Indicate if the study includes a prospectively plannedopportunity for modification of one or more specifiedaspects of the study design and hypotheses based onanalysis of data (usually interim data) from subjects inthe study.Adaptive DesignC49703Added on to ExistingTreatmentsAdded on toExistingTreatmentsThe addition of a therapeutic product to the existingregimen in a clinical trial, where both entities remainas discrete products.Test Product Added to ExistingTreatmentC20587 Age Span Age Span Subgroups of populations based on age. (NCI) Age GroupC70793 Clinical Study Sponsor Clinical StudySponsor; StudySponsor;SponsorC68612 Comparative Treatment Name ComparativeTreatment NameAn entity that is responsible for the initiation,management, and/or financing of a clinical study.A therapeutically active agent that is intended toprovide reference measurements for the experimentalprotocol of a clinical trial.Clinical Study SponsorActive Comparator DrugC98715Confirmed ResponseMinimum DurationConfirmedResponseMinimumDurationThe protocol specified minimum amount of timeneeded to meet the definition of a confirmed responseto treatment.Confirmed Response MinimumDurationC49647 Control Type Control Type Comparator against which the study treatment isevaluated (e.g., concurrent (placebo, no treatment,dose-response, active), external (historical, publishedliterature).Control TypeC85582 Current Therapy or Treatment Current Therapyor TreatmentThe literal identifier of the therapy or medication thatis currently being given per protocol. This does notinclude treatment that has been given in the past.Current TherapyC98717 Data Cutoff Date Data Cutoff Date A date which indicates any data collected by this datewill be used for analysis.Data Cutoff DateC98718 Data Cutoff Description Data CutoffDescriptionText that describes the cutoff date.Data Cutoff Date DescriptionC49650 Diagnosis Group Diagnosis Group A grouping of individuals on the basis of a sharedprocedure or disease, or lack thereof (e.g. healthyvolunteers, type 2 diabetic subjects, subjects with renalcell cancer). Standardized naming systems areavailable that define the groups within which a subjectshould be placed. (NCI)Diagnosis GroupC73558 Dose Units Dose Units The unit of measure for the dosage form. Dosage Form UnitC25488 Dose per Administration Dose perAdministrationC89<strong>08</strong>1 Dosing Frequency DosingFrequencyThe amount of drug administered to a patient or testsubject at one time or the total quantity administered.[AMA Manual of Style] (CDISC Glossary)The number of doses administered per a specificinterval.DoseDose FrequencyC98724Exploratory OutcomeMeasureExploratoryOutcomeMeasureExploratory measures that will be used to evaluate theintervention(s) or, for observational studies, that areexploratory of the study.Exploratory Outcome MeasureSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 493 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67152 - TSPARM - Trial Summary Parameter Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98737 Healthy Subject Indicator Healthy SubjectIndicatorC98746 Intervention Model InterventionModelIndicate if persons who have not had the condition(s)being studied or otherwise related conditions orsymptoms, as specified in the eligibility requirements,may participate in the study.The trial design developed to compare treatmentgroups.Healthy Subject IndicatorIntervention ModelC98747 Intervention Type Intervention Type The kind of product or procedure studied in a trial. Intervention TypeC41161Investigational Therapy orTreatmentInvestigationalTherapy orTreatmentThe investigational product under study.Protocol AgentC98768Pharmacological Class ofInvestigational TherapyPharmacologicalClass ofInvestigationalTherapyThe pharmacological class of the investigationalproduct.Pharmacological Class ofInvestigational TherapyC98770Planned Country ofInvestigational Site(s)Planned Countryof InvestigationalSite(s)The country name of planned study facility which hasreceived IRB approval.Planned Country of InvestigationalSiteC49694Planned Maximum Age ofSubjectsPlannedMaximum Age ofSubjectsThe anticipated maximum age of the subjects to beentered in a clinical trial. (NCI)Planned Maximum Age of SubjectsC49693Planned Minimum Age ofSubjectsPlannedMinimum Age ofSubjectsThe anticipated minimum age of the subjects to beentered in a clinical trial. (NCI)Planned Minimum Age of SubjectsC98771 Planned Number of Arms Planned Numberof ArmsC49692 Planned Number of Subjects Planned Numberof Subjects;PlannedEnrollment;TargetEnrollment;AnticipatedEnrollmentC98772 Primary Outcome Measure PrimaryOutcomeMeasureC98775 Randomization Quotient RandomizationQuotientC98714 Registry Identifier RegistryIdentifierC38114 Route of Administration Route ofAdministrationThe planned number of intervention groups.The planned number of subjects to be entered in aclinical trial. (NCI)The primary measurement(s) or observation(s) used tomeasure the effect of experimental variables in astudy, or for observational studies, to describe patternsof diseases or traits or associations with exposures,risk factors or treatment. These are the outcomemeasures used to assess the primary objective(s).The randomization quotient is the number of plannedsubjects to be exposed to investigational therapy,independent of dose or other factors, divided by thetotal number of planned subjects.Identification numbers assigned to the protocol byct.gov, EudraCT, or other registries.The course by which a substance was administered inorder to reach the site of action in the body.Planned Number of ArmsPlanned Subject NumberPrimary Outcome MeasureRandomization QuotientClinical Trial Registry IdentifierRoute of AdministrationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 494 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67152 - TSPARM - Trial Summary Parameter Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98781 Secondary Outcome Measure SecondaryOutcomeMeasureC49696 Sex of Participants Sex ofParticipantsOther key measures that will be used to evaluate theintervention(s) or, for observational studies, that are afocus of the study. These are the outcome measuresused to assess the secondary objective(s).The specific sex, either male, female, or mixed of thesubject group being studied. (NCI)Secondary Outcome MeasureSex of Study GroupC98783Stable Disease MinimumDurationStable DiseaseMinimumDurationThe protocol specified minimum amount of timeneeded to meet the definition of stable disease.Stable Disease Minimum DurationC90462 Study End Date Study End Date Final date on which data was collected for any subject(Date/Time of End of Participation, RFPENDTC)based on the protocol.C692<strong>08</strong> Study Start Date Study Start Date The earliest date of informed consent among anysubject (Date/Time of Informed Consent, RFICDTC)that enrolled in the study. For studies conductedwithout informed consent (ie. emergency use) use thedate of treatment. Dates for subjects who were screenfailures are not included.C49698 Study Stop Rules Study Stop Rules The rule, regulation and/or condition that determinesthe point in time when a clinical trial will beterminated. (NCI)C15320 Study Type Study Type Describes the role the study plays in determining theinterventions a subject receives.Study End DateStudy DateStudy Stop RulesStudy DesignC49658 Trial Blinding Schema Trial BlindingSchemaThe name of a code list that contains terms to definethe type of blinding for the trial. (NCI)Trial Blinding SchemaC41184 Trial Indication Trial Indication The basis for initiation of a treatment for a disease orof a diagnostic test (causal, or symptomatic, ordisease-specific indication).IndicationC49652 Trial Indication Type Trial IndicationTypeThe name of a code list that contains terms to definethe type of trial, e.g. cure or prevention. (NCI)Trial Indication TypeC49697 Trial Length Trial Length Planned length of observation for a single subject. Trial LengthC48281 Trial Phase Classification Trial PhaseClassificationC85826 Trial Primary Objective Trial PrimaryObjectiveC85827 Trial Secondary Objective Trial SecondaryObjectiveClinical trials are broken into three or four phases:Phase I tests a new drug or treatment for safety in asmall group; Phase II expands the study to a largergroup of people; Phase III expands the study to an evenlarger group of people to measure whether thetreatment actually benefits patients, and whether itsbenefits exceed its risks; and Phase IV takes placeafter the drug or treatment has been licensed andmarketed. (NCI)The principal purpose of the trial.The auxiliary purpose of the trial.Trial PhaseTrial Primary ObjectiveTrial Secondary ObjectiveC49802 Trial Title Trial Title The name of a clinical trial. (NCI) Trial TitleSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 495 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67152 - TSPARM - Trial Summary Parameter Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49660 Trial Type Trial Type The type of clinical trial performed e.g. efficacy,safety. (NCI)Trial TypeC25196 Trial is Randomized Trial isRandomizedThe process of assigning trial subjects to treatment orcontrol groups using an element of chance todetermine the assignments in order to reduce bias.NOTE: Unequal randomization is used to allocatesubjects into groups at a differential rate; for example,three subjects may be assigned to a treatment groupfor every one assigned to the control group. [ICH E61.48] See also balanced study. (CDISC glossary)RandomizationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 496 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66738 - TSPARMCD - Trial Summary Parameter Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98703 ACTSUB Actual Numberof SubjectsActual number of subjects enrolled; may includesubjects who were not randomized.Actual Subject NumberC98704 ADAPT Adaptive Design Indicate if the study includes a prospectively plannedopportunity for modification of one or more specifiedaspects of the study design and hypotheses based onanalysis of data (usually interim data) from subjects inthe study.Adaptive DesignC49703 ADDON Added on toExistingTreatmentsThe addition of a therapeutic product to the existingregimen in a clinical trial, where both entities remainas discrete products.Test Product Added to ExistingTreatmentC49694 AGEMAX PlannedMaximum Age ofSubjectsThe anticipated maximum age of the subjects to beentered in a clinical trial. (NCI)Planned Maximum Age of SubjectsC49693 AGEMIN PlannedMinimum Age ofSubjectsThe anticipated minimum age of the subjects to beentered in a clinical trial. (NCI)Planned Minimum Age of SubjectsC20587 AGESPAN Age Span Subgroups of populations based on age. (NCI) Age GroupC68612 COMPTRT ComparativeTreatment NameC98715 CRMDUR ConfirmedResponseMinimumDurationC85582 CURTRT Current Therapyor TreatmentC98718 DCUTDESC Data CutoffDescriptionA therapeutically active agent that is intended toprovide reference measurements for the experimentalprotocol of a clinical trial.The protocol specified minimum amount of timeneeded to meet the definition of a confirmed responseto treatment.The literal identifier of the therapy or medication thatis currently being given per protocol.Text that describes the cutoff date.Active Comparator DrugConfirmed Response MinimumDurationCurrent TherapyData Cutoff Date DescriptionC98717 DCUTDTC Data Cutoff Date A date which indicates any data collected by this datewill be used for analysis.Data Cutoff DateC25488 DOSE Dose perAdministrationC89<strong>08</strong>1 DOSFRQ DosingFrequencyThe amount of drug administered to a patient or testsubject at one time or the total quantity administered.[AMA Manual of Style] (CDISC Glossary)The number of doses administered per a specificinterval.DoseDose FrequencyC73558 DOSU Dose Units The unit of measure for the dosage form. Dosage Form UnitC98770 FCNTRY Planned Countryof InvestigationalSite(s)C98737 HLTSUBJI Healthy SubjectIndicatorThe country name of planned study facility which hasreceived IRB approval.Indicate if persons who have not had the condition(s)being studied or otherwise related conditions orsymptoms, as specified in the eligibility requirements,may participate in the study.Planned Country of InvestigationalSiteHealthy Subject IndicatorC41184 INDIC Trial Indication The basis for initiation of a treatment for a disease orof a diagnostic test (causal, or symptomatic, ordisease-specific indication).IndicationC98746 INTMODEL InterventionModelThe trial design developed to compare treatmentgroups.Intervention ModelSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 497 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66738 - TSPARMCD - Trial Summary Parameter Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98747 INTTYPE Intervention Type The kind of product or procedure studied in a trial. Intervention TypeC49697 LENGTH Trial Length Planned length of observation for a single subject. Trial LengthC98771 NARMS Planned Numberof ArmsC85826 OBJPRIM Trial PrimaryObjectiveC85827 OBJSEC Trial SecondaryObjectiveC98724 OUTMSEXP ExploratoryOutcomeMeasureC98772 OUTMSPRI PrimaryOutcomeMeasureC98781 OUTMSSEC SecondaryOutcomeMeasureC98768 PCLAS PharmacologicalClass ofInvestigationalTherapyC49692 PLANSUB Planned Numberof Subjects;PlannedEnrollment;TargetEnrollment;AnticipatedEnrollmentC25196 RANDOM Trial isRandomizedC98775 RANDQT RandomizationQuotientC98714 REGID RegistryIdentifierC38114 ROUTE Route ofAdministrationThe planned number of intervention groups.The principal purpose of the trial.The auxiliary purpose of the trial.Exploratory measures that will be used to evaluate theintervention(s) or, for observational studies, that areexploratory of the study.The primary measurement(s) or observation(s) used tomeasure the effect of experimental variables in astudy, or for observational studies, to describe patternsof diseases or traits or associations with exposures,risk factors or treatment. These are the outcomemeasures used to assess the primary objective(s).Other key measures that will be used to evaluate theintervention(s) or, for observational studies, that are afocus of the study. These are the outcome measuresused to assess the secondary objective(s).The pharmacological class of the investigationalproduct.The planned number of subjects to be entered in aclinical trial. (NCI)The process of assigning trial subjects to treatment orcontrol groups using an element of chance todetermine the assignments in order to reduce bias.NOTE: Unequal randomization is used to allocatesubjects into groups at a differential rate; for example,three subjects may be assigned to a treatment groupfor every one assigned to the control group. [ICH E61.48] See also balanced study. (CDISC glossary)The randomization quotient is the number of plannedsubjects to be exposed to investigational therapy,independent of dose or other factors, divided by thetotal number of planned subjects.Identification numbers assigned to the protocol byct.gov, EudraCT, or other registries.The course by which a substance was administered inorder to reach the site of action in the body.Planned Number of ArmsTrial Primary ObjectiveTrial Secondary ObjectiveExploratory Outcome MeasurePrimary Outcome MeasureSecondary Outcome MeasurePharmacological Class ofInvestigational TherapyPlanned Subject NumberRandomizationRandomization QuotientClinical Trial Registry IdentifierRoute of AdministrationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 498 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66738 - TSPARMCD - Trial Summary Parameter Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC98783 SDMDUR Stable DiseaseMinimumDurationThe protocol specified minimum amount of timeneeded to meet the definition of stable disease.Stable Disease Minimum DurationC90462 SENDTC Study End Date Final date on which data was collected for any subject(Date/Time of End of Participation, RFPENDTC)based on the protocol.Study End DateC49696 SEXPOP Sex ofParticipantsC70793 SPONSOR Clinical StudySponsor; StudySponsor;SponsorThe specific sex, either male, female, or mixed of thesubject group being studied. (NCI)An entity that is responsible for the initiation,management, and/or financing of a clinical study.Sex of Study GroupClinical Study SponsorC692<strong>08</strong> SSTDTC Study Start Date The earliest date of informed consent among anysubject (Date/Time of Informed Consent, RFICDTC)that enrolled in the study. For studies conductedwithout informed consent (ie. emergency use) use thedate of treatment. Dates for subjects who were screenfailures are not included.C49698 STOPRULE Study Stop Rules The rule, regulation and/or condition that determinesthe point in time when a clinical trial will beterminated. (NCI)C15320 STYPE Study Type Describes the role the study plays in determining theinterventions a subject receives.Study DateStudy Stop RulesStudy DesignC49658 TBLIND Trial BlindingSchemaThe name of a code list that contains terms to definethe type of blinding for the trial. (NCI)Trial Blinding SchemaC49647 TCNTRL Control Type Comparator against which the study treatment isevaluated (e.g., concurrent (placebo, no treatment,dose-response, active), external (historical, publishedliterature).C49650 TDIGRP Diagnosis Group A grouping of individuals on the basis of a sharedprocedure or disease, or lack thereof (e.g. healthyvolunteers, type 2 diabetic subjects, subjects with renalcell cancer). Standardized naming systems areavailable that define the groups within which a subjectshould be placed. (NCI)Control TypeDiagnosis GroupC49652 TINDTP Trial IndicationTypeThe name of a code list that contains terms to definethe type of trial, e.g. cure or prevention. (NCI)Trial Indication TypeC49802 TITLE Trial Title The name of a clinical trial. (NCI) Trial TitleC48281 TPHASE Trial PhaseClassificationClinical trials are broken into three or four phases:Phase I tests a new drug or treatment for safety in asmall group; Phase II expands the study to a largergroup of people; Phase III expands the study to an evenlarger group of people to measure whether thetreatment actually benefits patients, and whether itsbenefits exceed its risks; and Phase IV takes placeafter the drug or treatment has been licensed andmarketed. (NCI)Trial PhaseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 499 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66738 - TSPARMCD - Trial Summary Parameter Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC41161 TRT InvestigationalTherapy orTreatmentThe investigational product under study.Protocol AgentC49660 TTYPE Trial Type The type of clinical trial performed e.g. efficacy,safety. (NCI)Trial TypeSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 500 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66739 - TTYPE - Trial TypeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49664 BIO-AVAILABILITY A study of the degree to which or rate at which a drugor other substance is absorbed or becomes available atthe site of physiological activity after administration.(NCI)C49665 BIO-EQUIVALENCE A study most often used to compare the efficacy ofdifferent formulations to treat a given disease. It is thetesting of an old versus a new formulation in healthyvolunteers or subjects with the disease under study andusually in one dose. (NCI)C49666 EFFICACY A study of the relative therapeutic efficacy oftreatment of a disease. Usually this is a Phase II or IIIstudy. (NCI)C98729 FOOD EFFECT Studies that are conducted to assess the effect of foodon the rate and extent of absorption of a drug, eithercompared to a fasted state or to a reference drug.C49662 PHARMACODYNAMIC A study of the biochemical and physiological effect ofa drug and the mechanism of drug action and therelationship between drug concentration and effect.(NCI)C39493 PHARMACOECONOMIC A study that assesses the value associated with a givendrug in therapeutic and economic terms. This type ofstudy is multidisciplinary in nature and takes intoconsideration the social and economic costs (resourceutilization costs including direct, indirect, andintangible costs) of drug therapy in addition to itsdirect therapeutic benefits. Analyses relate thedifference in therapeutic benefits to the difference incosts between treatment alternatives. (NCI)C49661 PHARMACOGENOMIC A study of identification and analysis of genomicvariations that affect the efficacy of a drug.Pharmacogenomic studies can potentially bepredictive of an individual's drug-response or adversereactions or susceptibility to iatrogenic disorders, andmay also reveal new targets that can help in the designof new drugs. (NCI)C49663 PHARMACOKINETIC A study of the process by which a drug is absorbed,distributed, metabolized, and eliminated by the body.(NCI)C49667 SAFETY A study that assesses the medical risks to a subject.Safety is usually assessed by examining a wide rangeof clinical parameters, including adverse events, vitalsigns, physical exam, laboratory tests.C98791 TOLERABILITY A type of safety study thatassesses the degree to whichovert adverse effects can be toleratedby the subject.Bioavailability StudyTherapeutic Equivalency StudyEfficacy StudyFood Effect StudyPharmacodynamic StudyPharmacoeconomic StudyPharmacogenomic StudyPharmacokinetic StudySafety StudyTolerability StudySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 501 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C96780 - TUMIDENT - Tumor Identification ResultsCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC94522 NEW The identification of a tumor which has not beenpreviously seen or characterized.C94521 NON-TARGET The identification of a tumor or site of disease that ispresent at baseline and not considered a target tumor,but may be part of the objective assessment of theresponse to the therapeutic intervention.C94520 TARGET The identification of a tumor that is present atbaseline, is measurable and is the primary target of thetherapeutic intervention.New Lesion IdentificationNon-Target Lesion IdentificationTarget Lesion IdentificationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 502 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C96783 - TUTEST - Tumor Identification Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC94523 Tumor Identification TumorIdentificationAn indication that a tumor has been located andcharacterized.Tumor IdentificationC94525 Tumor Merged Tumor Merged An indication that multiple tumors have coalesced intoone tumor.C96642 Tumor Split Tumor Split An indication that a single tumor has divided into twoor more tumors.Matted Tumor Mass PresentTumor SplitSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 503 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C96784 - TUTESTCD - Tumor Identification Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC94525 TUMERGE Tumor Merged An indication that multiple tumors have coalesced intoone tumor.Matted Tumor Mass PresentC94523 TUMIDENT TumorIdentificationAn indication that a tumor has been located andcharacterized.Tumor IdentificationC96642 TUSPLIT Tumor Split An indication that a single tumor has divided into twoor more tumors.Tumor SplitSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 504 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25613 % Percentage A fraction or ratio with 100 understood as thedenominator. (NCI)PercentageC48571 %(v/v) Percent Volumeper VolumeC48527 %(w/v) Percent Weightper VolumeC48528 %(w/w) Percent Weightper WeightC102695 /100 HPFs per 100 HighPowered FieldsC96619 /HPF per HighPowered FieldC96620 /LPF per LowPowered FieldA percent ratio of volume to volume, defined by theequation: [volume of solute (in ml)/ volume ofsolution (in ml)](100), typically used for admixturesof solutions.(NCI)A percent ratio of weight to volume, defined by theequation: [weight of solute (in gm)/volume of solution(in dl)](100). Since the numerator and denominator ofthis ratio have different units, it is not a truepercentage. A 1% w/v solution is defined as being 1gram of solute dissolved in 100 milliliters ofsolvent.(NCI)A percent ratio of weight to weight, defined by theequation: [weight of solute (in gm)/weight of solution(in gm)](100).(NCI)A unit of measurement of the number of entities perunit of area equal to one hundred high powered fields.A unit of measure equal to the instances of an entityper visual field of a microscope set to its maximummagnification power.A unit of measure equal to the instances of an entityper visual field of a microscope set to its minimummagnification power.Percent Volume per VolumePercent Mass per VolumePercent Mass per MassPer 100 High Powered FieldsPer High Powered FieldPer Low Powered FieldC66968 /day Per Day A frequency rate of occurrences of something within aperiod of time equal to twenty-four hours. (NCI)C66966 /h Per Hour A rate of occurrences of something within a period oftime equal to sixty minutes./day/hC64498 /month Every Month;Per MonthEvery month. (NCI)MonthlyC67254 /uL Per Microliter A volume unit equal to one microliter used as adenominator to build a derived unit expressed as aratio. (NCI)/uLC67069 /wk Every week; PerWeekC71185 100 IU/mL 100 Internationalunits/MilliliterEvery week. (NCI)A unit of arbitrary substance concentration (biologicactivity concentration) defined as the concentration ofone hundred international units per one milliliter ofsystem volume.(NCI)Weekly100 International Units per MilliliterC673<strong>08</strong> 10^12/L 10^6/uL A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the twelfthpower of the number of entities per unit of volumeequal to one liter.Million per MicroliterC68895 10^3 CFU Thousand ColonyForming Units;Thousand CFUC68899 10^3 CFU/g Thousand ColonyForming Unitsper Gram;Thousand CFU/gA unit of measurement of viable bacterial numbersequal to 10 to the third power colony forming units.A unit of measurement of viable bacterial organisms ina unit mass of substance of interest defined as thenumber of 10 to the third power colony forming unitsin one gram of substance.Thousand Colony Forming UnitsThousand Colony Forming Units perGramSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 505 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC68903 10^3 CFU/mL Thousand ColonyForming Unitsper Milliliter;ThousandCFU/mLA unit of measurement of viable bacterial organisms ina unit volume of substance of interest defined as thenumber of 10 to the third power colony forming unitsin one milliliter of substance.Thousand Colony Forming Units perMilliliterC98788 10^3 DNA copies/mL A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the third powerof the number of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) copiesper unit of volume equal to one milliliter.C98790 10^3 RNA copies/mL A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the third powerof the number of ribonucleic acid (RNA) copies perunit of volume equal to one milliliter.C10<strong>08</strong>97 10^3 copies/mL The unit of concentration expressed as the number of10 to the third power copies in unit volume equal toone milliliter. (NCI)Thousand DNA Copies per MilliliterThousand RNA Copies per MilliliterThousand Copies per MilliliterC71187 10^3 organisms ThousandOrganismsC71190 10^3 organisms/g ThousandOrganisms perGram; ThousandOrganisms/gC71195 10^3 organisms/mL ThousandOrganisms perMilliliter;ThousandOrganisms/mLA unit of measure of quantity of organisms expressedin 10 to the third power of organisms.A unit of measure of organism content expressed in 10to the third power of organisms per unit of mass equalto one gram.A unit of measure of organism concentrationexpressed in 10 to the third power of organisms perunit of volume equal to one milliliter.Thousand OrganismsThousand Organisms per GramThousand Organisms per MilliliterC98789 10^3/hpf A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the third powerof the number of entities per unit of area equal to onehigh powered field.C98787 10^4/hpf A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the fourth powerof the number of entities per unit of area equal to onehigh powered field.C98743 10^5/hpf A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the fifth powerof the number of entities per unit of area equal to onehigh powered field.Thousand per High Powered FieldTen Thousand per High PoweredFieldHundred Thousand per High PoweredFieldC68896 10^6 CFU Million ColonyForming Units;Million CFUC68900 10^6 CFU/g Million ColonyForming Unitsper Gram;Million CFU/gC68904 10^6 CFU/mL Million ColonyForming Unitsper Milliliter;Million CFU/mLA unit of measurement of viable bacterial numbersequal to 10 to the sixth power colony forming units.A unit of measurement of viable bacterial organisms ina unit mass of substance of interest defined as thenumber of 10 to the sixth power colony forming unitsin one gram of substance.A unit of measurement of viable bacterial organisms ina unit volume of substance of interest defined as thenumber of 10 to the sixth power colony forming unitsin one milliliter of substance.Million Colony Forming UnitsMillion Colony Forming Units perGramMillion Colony Forming Units perMilliliterC98756 10^6 DNA copies/mL A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the sixth powerof the number of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) copiesper unit of volume equal to one milliliter.Million DNA Copies per MilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 506 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC67335 10^6 IU MillionInternationalUnits; Million IUA unit of biological activity equal to 10 to the sixthpower international units.Million International UnitsC98757 10^6 IU/mL A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the sixth powerof the number of international units of an entity perunit of volume equal to one milliliter.C98760 10^6 RNA copies/mL A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the sixth powerof the number of ribonucleic acid (RNA) copies perunit of volume equal to one milliliter.C10<strong>08</strong>98 10^6 copies/mL The unit of concentration expressed as the number of10 to the sixth power copies in unit volume equal toone milliliter. (NCI)Million International Units perMilliliterMillion RNA Copies per MilliliterMillion Copies per MilliliterC71188 10^6 organisms MillionOrganismsC71191 10^6 organisms/g MillionOrganisms perGram; MillionOrganisms/gC71196 10^6 organisms/mL MillionOrganisms perMilliliter;MillionOrganisms/mLC71193 10^6 organisms/mg MillionOrganisms perMilligram;MillionOrganisms/mgA unit of measure of quantity of organisms expressedin 10 to the sixth power of organisms.A unit of measure of organism content expressed in 10to the sixth power of organisms per unit of mass equalto one gram.A unit of measure of organism concentrationexpressed in 10 to the sixth power of organisms perunit of volume equal to one milliliter.A unit of measure of organism content expressed in 10to the sixth power of organisms per unit of mass equalto one milligram.Million OrganismsMillion Organisms per GramMillion Organisms per MilliliterMillion Organisms per MilligramC67452 10^6/L 10^3/mL A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the sixth powerof the number of entities per unit of volume equal toone liter.C98758 10^6/g A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the sixth powerof the number of entities per unit of mass equal to onegram.C98759 10^6/hpf A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the sixth powerof the number of entities per unit of area equal to onehigh powered field.C98786 10^7/L 10^6/dL A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the seventhpower of the number of entities per unit of volumeequal to one liter.Thousand per MilliliterMillion per GramMillion per High Powered FieldTen Million per LiterC68897 10^9 CFU Billion ColonyForming Units;Billion CFUC68901 10^9 CFU/g Billion ColonyForming Unitsper Gram;Billion CFU/gA unit of measurement of viable bacterial numbersequal to 10 to the ninth power colony forming units.A unit of measurement of viable bacterial organisms ina unit mass of substance of interest defined as thenumber of 10 to the ninth power colony forming unitsin one gram of substance.Billion Colony Forming UnitsBillion Colony Forming Units perGramSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 507 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC68905 10^9 CFU/mL Billion ColonyForming Unitsper Milliliter;Billion CFU/mLC71189 10^9 organisms BillionOrganismsC71192 10^9 organisms/g BillionOrganisms perGram; BillionOrganisms/gC71197 10^9 organisms/mL BillionOrganisms perMilliliter;BillionOrganisms/mLC71194 10^9 organisms/mg BillionOrganisms perMilligram;BillionOrganisms/mgC67255 10^9/L 10^3/uL;10^3/mm3C77534 AFU ArbitraryFluorescenceUnitC48473 AMPULE Ampule DosingUnitC102404 APPLICATION ApplicationDosing UnitA unit of measurement of viable bacterial organisms ina unit volume of substance of interest defined as thenumber of 10 to the ninth power colony forming unitsin one milliliter of substance.A unit of measure of quantity of organisms expressedin 10 to the ninth power of organisms.A unit of measure of organism content expressed in 10to the ninth power of organisms per unit of mass equalto one gram.A unit of measure of organism concentrationexpressed in 10 to the ninth power of organisms perunit of volume equal to one milliliter.A unit of measure of organism content expressed in 10to the ninth power of organisms per unit of mass equalto one milligram.A unit of measurement equal to 10 to the ninth powerof the number of entities per unit of volume equal toone liter.Arbitrary unit(s) of fluorescent luminescence. (NCI)A dosing measurement based on the ampule unit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the amount ofsubstance applied.Billion Colony Forming Units perMilliliterBillion OrganismsBillion Organisms per GramBillion Organisms per MilliliterBillion Organisms per MilligramBillion per LiterArbitrary Fluorescence UnitsAmpule Dosing UnitApplication Dosing UnitC73686 AU Absorbance Unit A unit of optical density expressed as the absorbanceof light transmitted through the medium on thelogarithmic scale. (NCI)AUC70504 AU/mL Allergy Unit perMilliliterC73687 AU/min Absorbance Unitper MinuteC70500 AgU/mL Antigen Unit perMilliliterUnit of measure of potency of allergenic productexpressed as a number of allergy units per onemilliliter of formulation.(NCI)A unit of a speed of optical density change expressedas a logarithm of absorbance of light transmittedthrough a partially absorbing substance per minute.(NCI)A measure of an antigen potency defined as a numberof antigen units per one milliliter of product.(NCI)Allergy Unit per MilliliterAU/minAntigen Unit per MilliliterC48474 BAG Bag Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the bag unit.(NCI) Bag Dosing UnitC48475 BAR Bar Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the bar unit.(NCI) Bar Dosing UnitC70505 BAU BioequivalentAllergy UnitA unit used for standardization of an allergenic productbased on evaluation of product potency againstreference standard in combined in vivo (skin test) andin vitro (IgE-based ELISA) testing.(NCI)Bioequivalent Allergy UnitSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 5<strong>08</strong> of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49673 BEATS/MIN Beats per Minute The number of heartbeats measured per minute time.(NCI)Beats per MinuteC48476 BOLUS Bolus DosingUnitC48477 BOTTLE Bottle DosingUnitA dosing measurement based on the bolus unit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the bottle unit.(NCI)Bolus Dosing UnitBottle Dosing UnitC48478 BOX Box Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the box unit.(NCI) Box Dosing UnitC49674 BREATHS/MIN Breaths perMinuteThe number of breaths (inhalation and exhalation)taken per minute time. (NCI)Breaths per MinuteC42562 Bq Becquerel A unit of activity of a radionuclide, equal to onenuclear disintegration or other nuclear transition froma particular energy state occurring in an amount of aradionuclide during one second-long timeinterval.(NCI)BecquerelC71165 Bq/L Becquerel perLiterC70522 Bq/g Becquerel perGramC70521 Bq/kg Becquerel perKilogramC71167 Bq/mL Becquerel perMilliliter; kBq/L;Kilobecquerelper LiterC70524 Bq/mg Becquerel perMilligram;kBq/g;Kilobecquerelper GramC71166 Bq/uL Becquerel perMicroliter;kBq/mL;Kilobecquerelper Milliliter;MBq/L;Megabecquerelper LiterC70523 Bq/ug Becquerel perMicrogram;kBq/mg;Kilobecquerelper Milligram;MBq/g;Megabecquerelper Gram;Bq/mcgA unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one Becquerel per unit volume equalto one liter.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one Becquerel of the sample with totalmass of one gram.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one Becquerel of the sample with totalmass of one kilogram.(NCI)A unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one Becquerel per unit volume equalto one milliliter or one kilobecquerel per liter.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one Becquerel of the sample with totalmass of one milligram.(NCI)A unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one Becquerel per unit volume equalto one millionth of a liter.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one Becquerel of the sample with totalmass of one microgram.(NCI)Becquerel per LiterBecquerel per GramBecquerel per KilogramBecquerel per MilliliterBecquerel per MilligramBecquerel per MicroliterBecquerel per MicrogramSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 509 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42559 C Degree Celsius A unit of temperature, named after the Swedishastronomer Anders Celsius, who first proposed thetemperature scale designed so that the freezing pointof water is 0 degrees and the boiling point is 100degrees at standard atmospheric pressure. The currentofficial definition of the Celsius sets 0.01 C to be atthe triple point of water and a degree to be 1/273.16 ofthe difference in temperature between the triple pointof water and absolute zero. One degree Celsiusrepresents the same temperature difference as oneKelvin.(NCI)Degree CelsiusC48479 CAN Can Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the can unit.(NCI) Can Dosing UnitC102405 CAPFUL Capful DosingUnitC48480 CAPSULE Capsule DosingUnit; capC48481 CARTRIDGE Cartridge DosingUnitC70534 CCID 50 50 Percent CellCulture InfectiveDoseC70535 CCID 50/dose 50 Percent CellCulture InfectiveDose per DoseC68898 CFU/g Colony FormingUnit per GramC68902 CFU/mL Colony FormingUnit perMilliliterA unit of measure equal to the amount that the cap onthe bottle can contain.A dosing measurement based on the capsule unit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the cartridgeunit.(NCI)A potency unit defined as a minimal dose of infectiousmaterial at which preparation causes cytopathic effects(changes in the morphology and metabolism of cellculture cells, indicating cell death, due to suspectedinfection) in the 50% of the cell culture-containingvessels inoculated with that dilution of infectiousmaterial.(NCI)A potency unit equal to the potency at which one doseof preparation contains one 50 percent cell cultureinfective dose.(NCI)A unit of measurement of viable bacterial organisms ina unit mass of substance of interest defined as thenumber of colony forming units in one gram ofsubstance.(NCI)A unit of measurement of viable bacterial organisms ina unit volume of substance of interest defined as thenumber of colony forming units in one milliliter ofsubstance.(NCI)Capful Dosing UnitCapsule Dosing UnitCartridge Dosing Unit50 Percent Cell Culture InfectiveDose50 Percent Cell Culture InfectiveDose per DoseColony Forming Unit per GramColony Forming Unit per MilliliterC48483 COAT Coat Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the coat unit.(NCI) Coat Dosing UnitC48484 CONTAINER ContainerDosing UnitA dosing measurement based on the containerunit.(NCI)Container Dosing UnitC54703 CUP Cup Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the cup unit.(NCI) Cup Dosing UnitC48489 CYLINDER Cylinder DosingUnitA dosing measurement based on the cylinderunit.(NCI)Cylinder Dosing UnitC48466 Ci Curie A unit of radioactivity defined as 3.7 E10 atomicdisintegrations or other nuclear transformations persecond. One Curie is equal to 37 gigabecquerels.(NCI)CurieC71170 Ci/L Curie per Liter;uCi/uL;Microcurie perMicroliterA unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one Curie per unit volume equal toone liter.(NCI)Curie per LiterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 510 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC70528 Ci/g Curie per Gram;uCi/ug;Microcurie perMicrogram;mCi/mg;Millicurie perMilligramC70529 Ci/kg Curie perKilogram;uCi/mg;Microcurie perMilligram;mCi/g;Millicurie perGramC71172 Ci/mL Curie perMilliliterC70531 Ci/mg Curie perMilligram;mCi/ug;Millicurie perMicrogramC71171 Ci/uL Curie perMicroliter;Ci/mcLC70530 Ci/ug Curie perMicrogram;Ci/mcgA unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one Curie of the sample with total massof one gram.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one Curie of the sample with total massof one kilogram.(NCI)A unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one Curie per unit volume equal toone milliliter.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one Curie of the sample with total massof one milligram.(NCI)A unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one Curie per unit volume equal toone millionth of a liter.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one Curie of the sample with total massof one microgram.(NCI)Curie per GramCurie per KilogramCurie per MilliliterCurie per MilligramCurie per MicroliterCurie per MicrogramC42550 Coulomb Coulomb A unit of quantity of electricity, equal to the quantityof charge transferred in one second across a conductorin which there is a constant current of oneAmpere.(NCI)C25301 DAYS Day The time for Earth to make a complete rotation on itsaxis; ordinarily divided into twenty-four hours. Thisalso refers to a specific day. (NCI)C70501 DAgU D Antigen Unit A unit of potency of poliovirus vaccine used forpoliomyelitis prevention. The unit is poliovirustype-specific.(NCI)CoulombDayD Antigen UnitC70502 DAgU/mL D Antigen Unitper MilliliterA unit of potency of poliovirus vaccine expressed as anumber of D antigen units per one milliliter of vaccineformulation.(NCI)D Antigen Unit per MilliliterC10<strong>08</strong>99 DIOPTER Diopter A unit of measurement of the optical power of acurved mirror or lens represented by the inverse of thefocal length in meters.DiopterC48490 DISK Disk Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the disk unit.(NCI) Disk Dosing UnitC98719 DNA copies/mL DNA Copies perMilliliterThe unit of concentration of deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) copies expressed as a number of copies in unitvolume equal to one milliliter.DNA Copies per MilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 511 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC48492 DRUM Drum DosingUnitC70532 EID 50 50 PercentEmbryo InfectiveDoseC70533 EID 50/dose 50 PercentEmbryo InfectiveDose per DoseC68875 ELISA unit Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbentAssay UnitC68876 ELISA unit/dose Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbentAssay Unit perDoseC68877 ELISA unit/mL Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbentAssay Unit perMilliliterA dosing measurement based on the drum unit.(NCI)Amount of infectious agent or biological product thatcauses infection in the 50% of embryos such aschicken embryos used in the product potency assay orpathogen activity assay.(NCI)A potency unit for measuring infectious activity of abiologic product or an infectious agent preparationequal to the potency at which one dose of infectiousmaterial contains one 50 percent embryo infectivedose.(NCI)A unit for measuring concentration or/and reactivity ofa test substance (an antigen or antibody of interest) asdefined in the literature reference standard for theparticular quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay method. The enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay unit is used to express potency ofimmunologically active substances and products, e.g.vaccines.(NCI)A unit for measuring potency of immunologicallyactive substance in a product determined as reactivityin a quantitative immunoassay for particular antigen orantibody and expressed per quantity of preparationused as a single dose.(NCI)A unit for measuring potency of immunologicallyactive substance in a product determined as reactivityin a quantitative immunoassay for particular antigen orantibody and expressed per unit volume equal to onemilliliter.(NCI)Drum Dosing Unit50 Percent Embryo Infective Dose50 Percent Embryo Infective Doseper DoseEnzyme-Linked ImmunosorbentAssay UnitEnzyme-Linked ImmunosorbentAssay Unit per DoseEnzyme-Linked ImmunosorbentAssay Unit per MilliliterC96599 EU Ehrlich Units A unit of measure equal to one milligram ofurobilinogen per deciliter.Ehrlich UnitC44277 F DegreeFahrenheitC96649 FEU FibrinogenEquivalent UnitsThe Fahrenheit temperature scale is named after theGerman physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736),who proposed it in 1724. In this scale, the freezingpoint of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit and the boilingpoint is 212 degrees, placing the boiling and meltingpoints of water 180 degrees apart. In this scale adegree Fahrenheit is 5/9ths of a Kelvin (or of a degreeCelsius), and minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit is equal tominus 40 degrees Celsius. (NCI)A unit of measure for the concentration of fibrindegradation products in a sample, calculated basedupon the mass of fibrinogen contained within thatsample.Degree FahrenheitFibrinogen Equivalent UnitSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 512 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71321 FINGERTIP UNIT Fingertip Unit An arbitrary dosing unit used predominantly forsemisolid topical formulations such as cream,ointment, paste, etc. One fingertip unit is the amountof a product that is squeezed out from a standard tubewith 5-millimeter diameter nozzle along an adult'sfingertip. A fingertip length is defined from the tip ofthe index finger to the first finger crease. A fingertipdosing unit varies with age and size of the body. Theaverage fingertip unit is equal to approximately 0.5gram for an adult male and 0.4 gram for an adultfemale.(NCI)C42552 Farad Farad A unit of capacitance equal to the capacitance of acapacitor having an equal and opposite charge of onecoulomb on each plate and a potential difference ofone volt between the plates.(NCI)C70513 GBq Gigabecquerel A unit of radioactivity equal to one billion nucleardisintegrations or other nuclear transformations persecond, or to 10E9 Becquerels.(NCI)Fingertip Dosing UnitFaradGigabecquerelC70525 GBq/g Gigabecquerelper Gram;kBq/ug;Kilobecquerelper MicrogramC70527 GBq/mg Gigabecquerelper Milligram;Megabecquerelper Microgram;MBq/mcg;MBq/ugC70526 GBq/ug Gigabecquerelper microgram;MBq/ng;Megabecquerelper nanogram;GBq/mcgA unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one gigabecquerel of the sample withtotal mass of one gram.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one gigabecquerel of the sample withtotal mass of one milligram.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one gigabecquerel of the sample withtotal mass of one microgram.(NCI)Gigabecquerel per GramGigabecquerel per MilligramGigabecquerel per MicrogramC68915 Gauss Gauss The unit of magnetic flux density. A field of one Gaussexerts a force on a conductor, placed in the field of 0.1dyne per Ampere of current per centimeter ofconductor. One Gauss represents a magnetic flux ofone Maxwell per square centimeter of cross-sectionperpendicular to the field. One Gauss equals 10-4Tesla.(NCI)C18063 Gy Gray A unit of absorbed radiation dose. One gray is equal toan absorbed dose of one joule per kilogram of matter,or to 100 rads.(NCI)GaussGrayC48498 HOMEOPATHIC DILUTION HomeopathicDilution UnitA dosing measurement based on the homeopathicdilution unit.(NCI)Homeopathic Dilution UnitC25529 HOURS Hour; hr A unit measure of time equal to 3,600 seconds or 60minutes. It is approximately 1/24 of a median day.(NCI)HourC67274 HPF High PowerFieldThe area visible under the maximum magnificationpower of the objective being used inmicroscopy.(NCI)High Power FieldSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 513 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42558 Henry Henry A unit of electric inductance. A coil with an inductanceof one Henry requires a flux of one Weber for eachAmpere of induced current. If it is the current whichchanges, then the induced field will generate apotential difference within the coil: if the inductanceis one Henry a current change of one Ampere persecond generates a potential difference of one volt.The Henry is a large unit; inductances in practicalcircuits are measured in millihenrys ormicrohenrys.(NCI)C42545 Hz Hertz A unit of frequency equal to one cycle persecond.(NCI)HenryHertzC48499 IMPLANT Implant DosingUnitA dosing measurement based on the implant unit.(NCI)Implant Dosing UnitC48500 IN Inch A traditional unit of length equal to 2.54 centimeters.(NCI)InchC48501 INHALATION InhalationDosing UnitC48579 IU InternationalUnitC67376 IU/L InternationalUnit per Liter;IU/L; mIU/mLC70493 IU/g InternationalUnit per GramC67379 IU/kg InternationalUnit perKilogramC71209 IU/kg/h Internationalunits perKilogram perHourC67377 IU/mL InternationalUnit perMilliliter; kIU/L;KiloInternationalUnit per LiterA dosing measurement based on the inhalationunit.(NCI)The unitage assigned by the WHO (World HealthOrganization) to International BiologicalStandards - substances, classed as biological accordingto the criteria provided by WHO Expert Committee onBiological Standardization (e.g. hormones, enzymes,and vaccines), to enable the results of biological andimmunological assay procedures to be expressed inthe same way throughout the world. The definition ofan international unit is generally arbitrary andtechnical, and has to be officially approved by theInternational Conference for Unification ofFormulae.(NCI)Unit of arbitrary substance concentration (biologicactivity concentration) defined as the concentration ofone international unit per one liter of systemvolume.(NCI)A unit of measure of quantity of substance per unitmass, expressed in terms of the International Unit pergrams.(NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance content expressed ininternational units of biological activity per onekilogram of mass of the system. It is also used as adose calculation unit expressed in international unitsof biological activity per one kilogram of bodymass.(NCI)A dose calculation unit equal to one international unit(an arbitrary unit of biological activity) of a productper one kilogram of body mass administered per unitof time equal to one hour.(NCI)Unit of arbitrary substance concentration (biologicactivity concentration) defined as the concentration ofone international unit per one milliliter of systemvolume.(NCI)Inhalation Dosing UnitInternational UnitInternational Unit per LiterInternational Unit per GramInternational Unit per KilogramInternational Unit per Kilogram perHourInternational Unit per MilliliterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 514 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC67380 IU/mg InternationalUnit perMilligramUnit of arbitrary substance concentration (biologicactivity concentration) defined as the concentration ofone international unit per one milligram ofsubstance.(NCI)International Unit per MilligramC48502 JAR Jar Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the jar unit.(NCI) Jar Dosing UnitC42548 Joule Joule A unit of electrical, mechanical, and thermal energy(as well as work and quantity of heat), equal to thework done when the point of application of a force ofone Newton is displaced through a distance of onemeter in the direction of the force or the work donewhen a current of one Ampere passes through aresistance of one ohm for one second. One joule isequal to 0.23889 gram-calorie (mean).(NCI)JouleC48503KALLIKREIN INHIBITORUNITKallikreinInhibitor UnitA dosing measurement based on the Kallikreininhibitor unit.(NCI)Kallikrein Inhibitor UnitC48504 KIT Kit Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the kit unit.(NCI) Kit Dosing UnitC48505 L Liter A unit of volume equal to a cubic decimeter, or onethousandth of cubic meter, or 1000 cubic centimeters,or approximately 61.023 744 cubic inches.(NCI)LiterC69160 L/h Liters per hour. Liter per HourC73725 L/kg Liter perKilogramC67388 L/min Liters perMinuteA dose calculation unit expressed in liter(s) perkilogram. (NCI)A unit of volumetric flow rate defined as the rate atwhich one liter of matter travels during the period oftime equal to one minute.(NCI)L/kgLiter per MinuteC67390 L/s L/sec Liters per second. Liter per secondC48531 LB Pound A traditional unit of mass. By international agreement,one avoirdupois pound is equal to exactly 0.453 59237 kilogram, 16 ounces, or 1.215 28 troy pounds.(NCI)PoundC48506 LOZENGE Lozenge DosingUnitA dosing measurement based on the lozenge unit.(NCI)Lozenge Dosing UnitC67307 LPF Low Power Field The area visible in one view field of the microscopeunder the low magnification of the objective beingused in microscopy.(NCI)Low Power FieldC68878 Log10 ELISA unit Log10Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbentAssay UnitC68879 Log10 ELISA unit/dose Log10Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbentAssay Unit perDoseA logarithmic-scale (base 10) unit for measuringconcentration and/or reactivity of a test substance (anantigen or antibody of interest) as defined in theliterature reference for the particular quantitativeenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method.(NCI)A logarithmic-scale (base 10) unit for measuringpotency of immunologically active substance in aproduct determined as reactivity in a quantitativeimmunoassay for particular antigen or antibody andexpressed per quantity of preparation used as a singledose.(NCI)Log10 Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbent Assay UnitLog10 Enzyme-LinkedImmunosorbent Assay Unit per DoseC70512 MBq Megabecquerel A unit of radioactivity equal to one million nucleardisintegrations or other nuclear transformations persecond, or to 10E6 Becquerels.(NCI)MegabecquerelSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 515 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71169 MBq/uL Megabecquerelper Microliter;GBq/mL;Gigabecquerelper MilliliterC96691 MESF Molecules ofEquivalentSolubleFluorochromesC96687 MFI MedianFluorescenceIntensityA unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one million Becquerels per unitvolume equal to one millionth of a liter.(NCI)A unit of measure of the fluorescence intensity of afluorochrome-labeled sample, which is equivalent tothe fluorescence intensity of a solution containing anequivalent number of molecules of free fluorochromein solution, under identical experimental conditions.A unit of measure equal to the geometric meanfluorescence intensity of a log-normal distribution offluorescence signals.Megabecquerel per MicroliterMolecule of Equivalent SolubleFluorochromeMedian Fluorescence IntensityC67314 MHz Megahertz The SI derived unit of frequency; equal to one millionoscillations per second or to 10E6 hertz. (NCI)C29846 MONTHS Month One of the 12 divisions of a year as determined by acalendar. It corresponds to the unit of time ofapproximately to one cycle of the moon's phases,about 30 days or 4 weeks. (NCI)MHzMonthC71183 Mile InternationalMileA unit of distance equal to 5280 international feet,1760 international yards, or 1609.344 meters.(NCI)MileC71204 NEBULE Nebule A unit of measurement based on the nebule dosingunit.(NCI)C42546 Newton Newton A unit of force which, when applied in a vacuum to abody having a mass of one kilogram, causes anacceleration of one meter per second squared. It isequal to 10E5 dynes.(NCI)Nebule Dosing UnitNewtonC62653 PACK A number of individual items packaged as a unit. PackC48520 PACKAGE Package DosingUnit; PackDosing UnitC48521 PACKET Packet DosingUnitC48524 PATCH Patch DosingUnitC48525 PELLET Pellet DosingUnitC67264 PFU Plaque FormingUnitC71198 PFU/dose Plaque FormingUnit per DoseA dosing measurement based on the packageunit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the packet unit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the patch unit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the pellet unit.(NCI)A measure of viable infectious entities (e.g. viralparticle or group of particles) in the specimen orproduct defined as the smallest quantity that canproduce a cytopathic effect in the host cell culturechallenged with the defined inoculum, visible under themicroscope or/and to the naked eye as a plaque. Anumber of plaque forming units (PFU) per unit volumeis a conventional way to refer the titer of an infectiveentity in a specimen or preparation.(NCI)A unit of potency of a biological product expressed asa quantity of viable infectious entities capable toproduce a cytopathic effect in the appropriate cellculture per a single dose of the preparation.(NCI)Package Dosing UnitPacket Dosing UnitPatch Dosing UnitPellet Dosing UnitPlaque Forming UnitPlaque Forming Unit per DoseSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 516 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71199 PFU/mL Plaque FormingUnit perMilliliterC48530 POUCH Pouch DosingUnitA unit of potency of a biological product expressed asa quantity of viable infectious entities capable toproduce a cytopathic effect in the appropriate cellculture per one milliliter of the preparation.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the pouch unit.(NCI)Plaque Forming Unit per MilliliterPouch Dosing UnitC48532 PRESSOR UNITS Pressor Unit A dosing measurement based on the pressor unit.(NCI) Pressor UnitC65060 PUFF Puff A means of delivering a defined dose of a therapeuticaerolized solution into either the upper or lowerrespiratory tract. Metered-dose inhalers or spraypumps are devices that provide a puff dose for deliveryinto either the oral or the nasal cavity.(NCI)C42547 Pa Pascal A unit of pressure equivalent to one Newton per squaremeter or 10 bars or to 1.45x10(E-4) pounds per squareinch.(NCI)C73993 Pack Year A quantification of lifetime tobacco exposure definedas (number of cigarettes smoked per day x number ofyears smoked)/20. One pack-year is smoking 20cigarettes a day for one year.Puff Dosing UnitPascalPack YearC48590 QUANTITY SUFFICIENT QuantitySufficientA quantity of an ingredient or product needed to bringup a volume or weight of the preparation to a finalamount as it is indicated in the prescription; also refersto a determination of an adequate supply of medicineto fulfill either a prescribed amount or a sufficientquantity to provide treatment over a specified timeframe.(NCI)Quantity SufficientC44256 RATIO A unit of measurement for the quotient of the amountof one entity to another.RatioC62609 RING Ring Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the ring unit.(NCI) Ring Dosing UnitC67441 RNA copies/mL RNA Copies perMilliliterThe unit of concentration of Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)copies expressed as a number of copies in unit volumeequal to one milliliter.(NCI)RNA Copy per MilliliterC18064 Rad Rad The special unit for absorbed radiation dose, which isthe amount of energy from any type of ionizingradiation (e.g., alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons, etc.)deposited in any medium (e.g., water, tissue, air). Adose of one rad means the absorption of 100 ergs pergram of absorbing tissue. One rad is equal to 0.01gray.(NCI)C70575 Roentgen Roentgen A unit of exposure to ionizing radiation. One Roentgenis the amount of gamma or x-rays required to produceions resulting in a charge of 2.58E-4Coulombs/kilogram of air under standardconditions.(NCI)RadRoentgenC71324 SACHET Sachet dosingunitC48536 SCOOPFUL Scoopful DosingUnitA dosing unit that contains a solid pharmaceuticalpreparation in the form of a small packet or bag madefrom a flexible, often porous material.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the scoopfulunit.(NCI)Sachet Dosing UnitScoopful Dosing UnitSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 517 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC48537 SPRAY Spray DosingUnitC48538 STRIP Strip DosingUnitC48539 SUPPOSITORY SuppositoryDosing UnitC48540 SYRINGE Syringe DosingUnitA dosing measurement based on the spray unit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the strip unit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the suppositoryunit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the syringe unit.(NCI)Spray Dosing UnitStrip Dosing UnitSuppository Dosing UnitSyringe Dosing UnitC42555 Siemens Siemens A unit of electrical conductance, admittance, andsusceptance. A conductor has a conductance of oneSiemens if an electrical potential difference of onevolt produces a one Ampere current in it. Theconductance in Siemens is the reciprocal of itsresistance in ohms.(NCI)C42553 Sv Sievert A unit of equivalent radiation dose. One Sv is receivedwhen the actual absorbed dose of ionizing radiation,after being multiplied by the dimensionless factors Q(the relative biological efficiency or quality factor)and N (the product of any other multiplying factorsthat takes into account the distribution of energythroughout the dose), is one joule per kilogram. In thisscheme, the relationship between the absorbed dose ofradiation D and the dose equivalent H is, therefore,given by H = QND. Both Q and N are stipulated by theInternational Commission on Radiological Protection.One Sv is equal to 100 rem.(NCI)SiemensSievertC48542 TABLET Tablet DosingUnit; tabC48543 TAMPON Tampon DosingUnitC70537 TCID 50/dose 50 PercentTissue CultureInfective Doseper DoseC48547 TRACE Trace DosingUnitC48548 TROCHE Troche DosingUnitC48549 TUBE Tube DosingUnitC48541 Tbsp TablespoonDosing UnitA dosing measurement based on the tablet unit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the tampon unit.(NCI)A potency unit equal to the potency at which one doseof preparation contains one 50 percent tissue cultureinfective dose.(NCI)An extremely small amount.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the troche unit.(NCI)A dosing measurement based on the tube unit.(NCI)A unit of volume informally used in pharmacy. Thetablespoon has been standardized at 15 milliliters inUS, Britain, Canada, and New Zealand, and at 20milliliters in Australia and some Europeancountries.(NCI)Tablet Dosing UnitTampon Dosing Unit50 Percent Tissue Culture InfectiveDose per DoseTrace Dosing UnitTroche Dosing UnitTube Dosing UnitTablespoon Dosing UnitC42557 Tesla Tesla A unit of magnetic flux density equal to the magnitudeof the magnetic field vector necessary to produce aforce of one Newton on a charge of one coulombmoving perpendicular to the direction of the magneticfield vector with a velocity of one meter per second. Itis equivalent to one Weber per square meter.(NCI)TeslaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 518 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC44278 U Unit A single undivided thing occurring in the compositionof something else.UC67456 U/L mU/mL; Unit perLiterAn arbitrary unit of substance concentration equal tothe concentration at which one liter of mixturecontains one unit of a substance. (NCI)Unit per LiterC73773 U/animal Unit per Animal An arbitrary dosing unit expressed in unit(s) peranimal. (NCI)C77606 U/g Unit per Gram An arbitrary unit of substance content expressed inunit(s) per gram. (NCI)U/animalUnit per GramC73774 U/g/day Unit per Gramper DayC73775 U/g/h Unit per Gramper HourC73776 U/g/min Unit per Gramper MinuteC67465 U/kg Unit perKilogramC73777 U/kg/day Unit perkilogram per DayC73778 U/kg/h Unit perKilogram perHourC73779 U/kg/min Unit perKilogram perMinuteC67467 U/m2 Unit per SquareMeterC73783 U/m2/day Unit per SquareMeter per DayC73784 U/m2/h Unit per SquareMeter per HourC73785 U/m2/min Unit per SquareMeter perMinuteC77607 U/mL Unit perMilliliterC73780 U/mg Unit perMilligramAn arbitrary unit of substance rate expressed in unit(s)per gram per period of time equal to twenty-fourhours. (NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance rate expressed in unit(s)per gram per period of time equal to sixty minutes.(NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance rate expressed in unit(s)per gram per period of time equal to sixty seconds.(NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance content expressed inunits of biological activity per unit of mass equal toone kilogram. Unit per kilogram is also used as a dosecalculation unit expressed in arbitrary units per onekilogram of body mass. (NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance rate expressed in unit(s)per gram per period of time equal to twenty-fourhours. (NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance rate expressed in unit(s)per gram per period of time equal to sixty minutes.(NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance rate expressed in unit(s)per gram per period of time equal to sixty seconds.(NCI)A unit expressed as a number of arbitrary units ofsubstance per one square meter of a body surface area.An arbitrary unit of substance rate expressed in unit(s)per square meter per period of time equal totwenty-four hours. (NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance rate expressed in unit(s)per square meter per period of time equal to sixtyminutes. (NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance rate expressed in unit(s)per square meter per period of time equal to sixtyseconds. (NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance content expressed inunit(s) per milliliter. (NCI)An arbitrary unit of substance content expressed inunit(s) per milligram. (NCI)U/g/dayU/g/hU/g/minUnit per KilogramU/kg/dayU/kg/hU/kg/minU/m2U/m2/dayU/m2/hU/m2/minUnit per MilliliterUnit per MilligramSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 519 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92618 U/mmol Unit perMillimoleAn arbitrary unit of substance concentration equal tothe concentration at which one millimole of a mixturecontains one unit of a substance. (NCI)U/mmolC42551 V Volt A unit of electric potential and electromotive force,equal to the difference of electric potential betweentwo points on a conducting wire carrying a constantcurrent of one Ampere when the power dissipatedbetween the points is one watt. This is equivalent to thepotential difference across a resistance of one ohmwhen one Ampere of current flows through it.(NCI)VoltC48551 VIAL Vial Dosing Unit A dosing measurement based on the vial unit.(NCI) Vial Dosing UnitC48552 WAFER Wafer DosingUnitA dosing measurement based on the wafer unit.(NCI)Wafer Dosing UnitC29844 WEEKS Week Any period of seven consecutive days. (NCI) WeekC42549 Watt Watt A unit of power equal to the power which in onesecond produces or transfers the energy of one joule.The unit is used in measurements of power emitted,transferred or received as radiation, sound waves, heatflow rate, and rate of energy transfer. Equal to 1/746of horsepower.(NCI)C42556 Weber Weber A unit of magnetic flux, equal to the flux that producesin a circuit of one turn an electromotive force of onevolt, when the flux is uniformly reduced to zero withinone second.(NCI)C29848 YEARS Year The period of time that it takes for earth to make acomplete revolution around the sun, approximately365 days; a specific one year period.(NCI)C64553 ag Attogram A unit of mass equal to one quintillionth of a gram(10E-18 gram).(NCI)C68855 amol Attomole A unit of amount of substance equal to onequintillionth of a mole (10E-18 mole).(NCI)C42536 amp Ampere A unit of electric current, named after the Frenchphysicist Andre Ampere. It is that constant currentwhich, if maintained in two straight parallel conductorsof infinite length and zero diameter separated by onemeter in a vacuum, would produce between theseconductors a force equal to 2(10E7) Newton permeter of length. This is dependent upon the definitionsof the meter, kilogram, and second. One Ampererepresents 6.24 x 10(E18) unit electric chargecarriers, such as electrons, passing a specified fixedpoint in one second.(NCI)WattWeberYearAttogramAttomoleAmpereC64559 amu Atomic MassUnitC70497 anti-Xa IU Anti-Xa ActivityInternationalUnitA small unit of mass used to express atomic andmolecular masses. (NCI)A unit of unfractionated or low molecular weightheparin anticoagulation potency determined as theamount that neutralizes one unit of coagulation factorXa preparation defined as an international biologicalstandard by WHO (World Health Organization) FirstInternational Low Molecular Weight HeparinReference Standard.(NCI)amuAnti-Xa Activity International UnitSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 520 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC70498 anti-Xa IU/mL Anti-Xa ActivityInternationalUnit perMilliliterA specific anticoagulation activity of unfractionated orlow molecular weight heparin on factor Xa, expressedas a number of international anti-Xa heparin units perone milliliter of plasma.(NCI)Anti-Xa Activity International Unitper MilliliterC54711 atm Atmosphere A unit of pressure, equal to a barometer reading of 760mm Hg. 1 atmosphere is 101325 Pascals and 1.01325bar. This unit of pressure is roughly equal to theaverage atmospheric pressure at sea level on theearth.(NCI)C71200 bel Bel A logarithmic ratio unit (base-10 logarithms) used toexpress relative magnitude of a physical quantity(usually power or intensity) in comparison with aspecified or implied reference level. Particularly, Belis used as a unit of relative sound intensity. In the lattercontext it is equal to ten decibels or to approximately1.151293 nepers.(NCI)C67193 cal Calorie A measurement of nutritional energy. The quantity ofthermal energy required to raise one gram of water onedegree Centigrade under standard conditions. 1 calorieequals 4.186 joules. (NCI)C42538 cd Candela The candela is the basic unit of luminous intensity. It isthe luminous intensity in a given direction of a smallmonochromatic light source at 540 terahertz emitting1/683 watt per steradian in that direction. This isdependent upon the definitions of the meter, kilogram,and second.(NCI)C67242 cells/uL cells/mm3 A unit of cell concentration expressed in cells per unitof area equal to one cubic millimeter.AtmosphereBelcalorieCandelaCells per MicroliterC64554 cg Centigram A unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram.(NCI) CentigramC49668 cm Centimeter A basic unit of length equal to one hundredth of ameter or approximately 0.393 700 787 inch. (NCI)C91060 cm H2O A unit of pressure defined by a column of water with aheight of one centimeter, frequently used to measurecentral venous pressure, intracranial pressure, and forpressures during mechanical ventilation.C102406 cm/s cm/sec A unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (vector),defined as the distance of one centimeter travelled perunit time equal to one second. (NCI)CentimeterCentimeters of WaterCentimeter per SecondC48460 cm2 SquareCentimeterA unit of area measurement equal to a squaremeasuring one centimeter on each side. One squarecentimeter is equal to 10E-4 square meter.(NCI)Square CentimeterC68687 cmol Centimole A unit of amount of substance equal to one hundredthof a mole (10E-2 mole).(NCI)C100900 copies/mL A unit of concentration expressed as a number ofcopies per unit volume equal to one milliliter.C71176 cycle/min Cycle per Minute A unit of frequency equal to the frequency at whichone complete execution of a periodically repeatedphenomenon, alternation, event, or sequence of eventsoccurs per unit of time equal to one minute.(NCI)CentimoleCopies per MilliliterCycle per MinuteSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 521 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71480 cycle/sec Cycle perSecondA unit of frequency equal to the frequency at whichone complete execution of a periodically repeatedphenomenon, alternation, event, or sequence of eventsoccurs per unit of time equal to one second.(NCI)Cycle per SecondC102407 dB Decibel A unit of measure representing the intensity of anelectrical signal or sound which is equal to ten timesthe logarithm of the ratio of two signals.C64697 dL Deciliter The unit of volume equal to one tenth of a liter.Accepted for use with the SI. (NCI)DecibeldLC68667 deg Degree Unit ofPlane AngleA unit of plane angle measurement equal to the lengthof the arc cut out by the angle, divided by thecircumference of the circle, and multiplied by 360.The symbol for degrees is a small superscript circle.One radian is about 57 degrees and one degree ispi/180 radians.(NCI)Degree Unit of Plane AngleC68685 dmol Decimole A unit of amount of substance equal to one tenth of amole (10E-1 mole).(NCI)C64564 dram Dram A unit of mass equal to 1/16 Avoirdupois ounce or1/256 Avoirdupois pound. One dram equalsapproximately 1.7718451953125 grams.(NCI)C70470 dyn Dyne A unit of force defined as the force that accelerates amass of one gram at the rate of one centimeter persecond squared. One dyne is equal to 10E-5 Newtonand 2.248E-6 pounds of force.(NCI)DecimoleDram Mass UnitDyneC67273 eq EquivalentWeightA unit of relative amount of a substance that combineswith or displaces 8.0 grams of oxygen or 1.0<strong>08</strong> gramof hydrogen. The unit is usually expressed in grams andis equal to the amount of substance that gains or losesone mole of electrons in a redox reaction, or to theamount of substances that releases or accepts onemole of hydrogen ions in a neutralization reaction; orto the amount of electrolyte that carries one mole ofpositive or negative charge. This is a large unit andmeasurements are more often done in its derivatives,e.g. in milliequivalents.(NCI)Equivalent WeightC64780 fL Femtoliter The unit of volume equal 10E-15 liter. FemtoliterC64552 fg Femtogram A unit of mass equal to one quadrillionth of a gram(10E-15 gram).(NCI)C68854 fmol Femtomole A unit of amount of substance equal to onequadrillionth of a mole (10E-15 mole).(NCI)FemtogramFemtomoleC68887 fmol/L Femtomole perLiterC73711 fmol/g Femtomole perGramA unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onequadrillionth of a mole (10E-15 mole) of solute in oneliter of solution. (NCI)A molality unit that describes the amount of substance,expressed in femtomole(s) per gram. (NCI)fmol/Lfmol/gC71253 ft Foot A unit of length defined by the U.S. National Bureau ofStandards as 30.48 centimeters. It is equal to 0.3048meter, 12 inches, or to approximately 0.999998survey foot.(NCI)International FootSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 522 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC48461 ft2 Square Foot A unit of area equal to 144 square inches, 929.0304square centimeters, or 9.290304E-2 squaremeters.(NCI)Square FootC68859 ft3 Standard CubicFootA unit used in physical chemistry to express theamount of substance of an ideal gas in one cubic footat 60 degrees Fahrenheit and pressure of oneatmosphere.(NCI)Standard Cubic FootC48155 g Gram A metric unit of mass equal to one one thousandth of akilogram. (NCI)GramC42576 g/L g/L; Gram perLiter; kg/m3;Kilogram perCubic Metre;Microgram perMicroliter;Milligram perMilliliter; ug/uL;mg/mLA unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one kilogram of a substance per unitvolume of the mixture equal to one cubic meter, or theconcentration of one milligram of a substance per unitvolume of the mixture equal to one milliliter, or onegram of a substance per one liter of the mixture. It isalso a unit of mass density (volumic mass) defined asthe density of substance which mass equal to onemilligram occupies the volume one milliliter.(NCI)Kilogram per Cubic MeterC73713 g/animal Gram per Animal A unit of measure expressed in gram(s) per animal. g/animalC73714 g/animal/day Gram per Animalper DayC73715 g/animal/wk Gram per Animalper WeekA unit of measure expressed in gram(s) per animal perperiod of time equal to twenty-four hours.A unit of measure expressed in gram(s) per animal perperiod of time equal to seven days.g/animal/dayg/animal/weekC73716 g/cage Gram per Cage A unit of measure expressed in gram(s) per cage. g/cageC73717 g/cage/day Gram per Cageper DayC73718 g/cage/wk Gram per Cageper WeekC71201 g/cm2 Gram per SquareCentimeterC64783 g/dL Gram perDeciliter; g%A unit of measure expressed in gram(s) per cage perperiod of time equal to twenty-four hours.A unit of measure expressed in gram(s) per cage perperiod of time equal to seven days.A unit of area density defined as a spread rate at whichone gram of a substance is spread over the area of onesquare centimeter. The unit is also used as a dosecalculation unit.(NCI)A unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one gram of a substance per unitvolume of the mixture equal to one deciliter (100milliliters). The concept also refers to the metric unitof mass density (volumic mass) defined as the densityof substance which mass equal to one gram occupiesthe volume one deciliter.(NCI)g/cage/dayg/cage/weekGram per Square CentimeterGram per DeciliterC67372 g/day Gram per Day A dose calculation unit expressed in gram(s) perperiod of time equal to twenty-four hours.C70453 g/g Gram per Gram A unit of a mass fraction expressed as a number ofgrams of substance per gram of mixture.Gram per 24 Hoursg/gC73720 g/g/day Gram per Gramper DayC69104 g/kg Gram perKilogram; mg/g;Milligram perGramA unit of measure expressed in gram(s) per gram perperiod of time equal to twenty-four hours.A unit of a mass fraction expressed as a number ofgrams of substance per kilogram of mixture. The unitis also used as a dose calculation unit.(NCI)g/g/dayGram per KilogramSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 523 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC66975 g/kg/day Gram perKilogram perDayC67282 g/m2 Gram per SquareMeterC73722 g/m2/day Gram per SquareMeter per DayA dose administration rate unit equal to the rate atwhich one gram of a product per kilogram of bodymass is delivered or administered over the period ofone day. (NCI)A unit of area density defined as a spread rate at whichone gram of a substance is spread over the area of onesquare meter. It is equal to approximately 0.029 4935ounce per square yard. Also used as a dose calculationunit.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in gram(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to twenty-fourhours.g/kg/dayGram per Square Meterg/m2/dayC73721 g/mol Gram per Mole A unit of mass commonly used to express the molarmass of a substance in gram(s) per mole. (NCI)C48497 grain Grain A unit of mass derived from the weight of a grain andequal to one seven-thousandth of a pound, or 1/480troy ounce, or 64.79891 milligrams. The originalEnglish grain unit based on the mass of a ripe grainbarleycorn was larger the corresponding grain units ofFrance and other European nations which were basedon the weight of the smaller wheat grain.(NCI)C69442 gtt Drop A unit of volume equal to 0.05 milliliter (20drops/ml).(NCI)C68871 in2 Square Inch A unit of area equal to the area of a square with sidesof one inch. It is equal to 6.4516 squarecentimeters.(NCI)C70511 kBq Kilobecquerel A unit of radioactivity equal to one thousand nucleardisintegrations or other nuclear transformations persecond, or to 10E3 Becquerels.(NCI)g/molGrainMedical DropSquare InchKilobecquerelC71168 kBq/uL Kilobecquerelper Microliter;GBq/L;Gigabecquerelper Liter;MBq/mL;Megabecquerelper MilliliterC70492 kIU KiloInternationalUnitC92615 kN/cm2 Kilonewton perCentimeterSquared;kdyn/cm2A unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one thousand Becquerels per unitvolume equal to one millionth of a liter.(NCI)A unit equal to one thousand international units.(NCI)The kilonewton per centimeter squared is an SI derivedunit of pressure; one newton is computed as the forcenecessary to accelerate a mass of one gram at the rateof one centimeter per second squared. One kilonewtonper centimeter squared is descriptive of the amount offorce exerted in a particular area. This measurement isfrequently used when describing conditions of cellularmovement. (NCI)Kilobecquerel per MicroliterKilointernational UnitKilonewton per Centimeter SquaredC67284 kPa Kilopascal A SI derived unit of pressure equivalent to 1000newtons per square meter or 10000 bars or to 0.145pound per square inch. (NCI)kPaSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 524 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71202 kUSP Kilo UnitedStatesPharmacopoeiaUnitA unit of potency equal to one thousand USPharmacopoeia Units.(NCI)Kilo United States PharmacopeiaUnitC42566 kat Katal A unit for measuring catalytic (e.g. enzymatic) activity,the ability of the compound to accelerate the chemicalreaction by providing a lower energy pathway betweenthe reactants and the products. One katal is thatcatalytic activity which will raise the rate of reactionby one mole per second in a specified assay system.When the katal is used, the measurand should bespecified by reference to the measurement procedure;the measurement procedure must identify the indicatorreaction. The katal is not used to express a rate ofreaction itself, which should be expressed in moles persecond.(NCI)KatalC67194 kcal Kilogram-CalorieA unit of energy defined as the amount of heat requiredto raise the temperature of one kilogram of pure waterby one degree Centigrade under standard conditions(the specific heat of the water at 15 degrees Celsiusand the constant pressure of 101.325 kilopascals orone atm being defined as unity), equal toapproximately 4.1855 kJ. It is also is used bynutritionists in measuring the energy-producingpotential of food as a unit of potential energycontained by a substance, which can be liberated whenthe material is oxidized, usually by combustion in thepresence of oxygen.(NCI)CalorieC28252 kg Kilogram The basic SI unit of mass. It is defined as the mass ofan international prototype in the form of aplatinum-iridium cylinder kept at Sevres in France. It isthe only basic unit still defined in terms of a materialobject, and also the only one with a prefix [kilo]already in place. A kilogram is equal to 1,000 gramsand 2.204 622 6 pounds. (NCI)KilogramC64566 kg/L Kilogram perLiter; g/mL;Gram perMilliliter;gram/mL; kg/L;mg/uLC69094 kg/cm2 Kilogram perSquareCentimeterC49671 kg/m2 Kilogram perSquare MeterA unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one kilogram of a substance in unitvolume of the mixture equal to one liter. The conceptalso refers to the unit of mass density (volumic mass)defined as the density of substance which mass equalto one kilogram occupies the volume one liter.(NCI)A unit of spread rate of a substance by mass expressedin kilograms per area unit equal to one squarecentimeter, used also as a measure of area density andas a dose calculation unit.(NCI)A unit expressed as kilogram of mass per square meterof area.(NCI)Kilogram per LiterKilogram Per Square CentimeterKilogram Per Square MeterC71177 km Kilometer A unit of distance equal to 1000 meters, 0.621 miles,1094 yards, or 3281 feet.(NCI)KilometerC71203 km/h Kilometer PerHourA unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (vector),defined as the distance of one thousand meterstravelled per unit time equal to one hour.(NCI)Kilometer per HourSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 525 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42560 lm Lumen A unit of luminous flux. It is the amount of light thatfalls on a unit area at unit distance from a source ofone candela.(NCI)LumenC70480 log EID 50/dose Log10 50Percent EmbryoInfective Doseper DoseC70484 log10 CCID 50 Log10 50Percent CellCulture InfectiveDoseC70485 log10 CCID 50/dose Log10 50Percent CellCulture InfectiveDose per DoseA logarithmic-scale (base 10) potency unit formeasuring infectious activity of a biologic product orinfectious agent preparation equal to the potency atwhich one dose of infectious material contains one 50percent embryo infective dose.(NCI)A potency unit for measuring infectious activity of abiologic product or infectious agent preparation equalto a base-10 logarithm of amount of product or agentpreparation that causes infection in the 50% of the cellculture-containing vessels inoculated with that dilutionof infectious material in the product potency assay orpathogen activity assay.(NCI)A logarithmic-scale (base 10) potency unit formeasuring infectious activity of a biologic product orinfectious agent preparation equal to the potency atwhich one dose of infectious material contains one 50percent cell culture infective dose.(NCI)Log10 50 Percent Embryo InfectiveDose per DoseLog10 50 Percent Cell CultureInfective DoseLog10 50 Percent Cell CultureInfective Dose per DoseC102658 log10 CFU/g A logarithmic-scale (base 10) unit for measuringcolony forming units per unit of mass equal to onegram.C102659 log10 CFU/mL A logarithmic-scale (base 10) unit for measuringcolony forming units per unit of volume equal to onemilliliter.Log10 Colony Forming Units perGramLog10 Colony Forming Units perMilliliterC70479 log10 EID 50 Log10 50Percent EmbryoInfective DoseC70488 log10 TCID 50 Log10 50Percent TissueCulture InfectiveDoseC70489 log10 TCID 50/dose Log10 50Percent TissueCulture InfectiveDose per DoseA potency unit for measuring infectious activity of abiologic product or infectious agent equal to a base-10logarithm of amount of product or agent preparationthat causes infection in the 50% of embryos (such aschicken embryos) used in the product potency assay orpathogen activity assay.(NCI)A potency unit for measuring infectious activity of abiologic product or infectious agent preparation equalto a base-10 logarithm of amount of product or agentpreparation that causes infection in the 50% of thetissue culture-containing flasks inoculated with thatdilution of infectious material in the product potencyassay or pathogen activity assay.(NCI)A logarithmic-scale (base 10) potency unit formeasuring infectious activity of a biologic product orinfectious agent preparation equal to the potency atwhich one dose of infectious material contains one 50percent tissue culture infective dose.(NCI)Log10 50 Percent Embryo InfectiveDoseLog10 50 Percent Tissue CultureInfective DoseLog10 50 Percent Tissue CultureInfective Dose per DoseC42561 lx Lux A unit of illuminance equal to the direct illuminationon a surface that is everywhere one meter from auniform point source of one candela; a unit ofilluminance that is equal to one lumen per squaremeter.(NCI)C41139 m Meter A meter is defined as the length of the path traveled bylight in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792458 of a second and is equal to 1.093 61 yards.(NCI)LuxMeterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 526 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC42571 m/sec Meter PerSecondA unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (vector),defined as the distance of one meter travelled per unittime equal to one second.(NCI)Meter Per SecondC42569 m2 Square Meter The SI unit of area measurement equal to a squarewhose sides are one meter long. Square meter is equalto 10,000 square centimeters; 0.01 are; 1.196 squareyards; 10.76 square feet; 1550 square inches. (NCI)C42570 m3 Cubic Meter A unit of volume or capacity equal to the volume of acube with edges one meter in length. It is equal to1,000 liters; 1,000 cubic decimeters; 10(E6) cubiccentimeters; 25.3 cubic feet; 6.29 barrels.(NCI)C48511 mCi Millicurie A unit of radioactivity equal to one thousandth of aCurie or 37 megabecquerels, and corresponding to aradioactivity of 37 millions of atomic disintegrationsper second.(NCI)Square MeterCubic MeterMillicurieC71174 mCi/L Millicurie perLiter; uCi/mL;Microcurie perMilliliterC70570 mCi/kg Millicurie perKilogram; uCi/g;Microcurie perGramA unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one thousandth of a Curie per unitvolume equal to one liter.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one millicurie of the sample with totalmass of one kilogram.(NCI)Millicurie per LiterMillicurie per KilogramC48512 mEq Milliequivalent A unit of relative amount of a substance equal to onethousandth of an equivalent weight.(NCI)MilliequivalentC67474 mEq/L MilliequivalentPer Liter;mval/L;Millivalent perLiterC67473 mEq/dL Milliequivalentper DeciliterC67471 mEq/day Milliequivalentsper DayC70580 mEq/g MilliequivalentPer GramC67475 mEq/kg MilliequivalentPer KilogramC73737 mEq/mL Milliequivalentper MilliliterA concentration unit measured as a number ofmilliequivalents of solute per liter of solution.(NCI)A concentration unit measured as a number ofmilliequivalents of solute per deciliter of solution.(NCI)A unit of relative amount of substance flow rateequivalent to the rate at which one thousandth of anequivalent of substance travels to a given object orspace over a period of time equal to twenty fourhours.(NCI)A unit of relative amount of substance contentequivalent to the content at which one gram of mixturecontains one thousandth of an equivalent of acomponent. The unit is also used as a dose calculationunit.(NCI)A unit of relative amount of substance contentequivalent to the content at which one kilogram ofmixture contains one thousandth of an equivalent of acomponent. The unit is also used as a dose calculationunit.(NCI)A concentration unit expressed in milliequivalent(s) ofsolute per milliliter of solution. (NCI)Milliequivalent per LitermEq/dLMilliequivalent per 24 HoursMilliequivalent per GramMilliequivalent per KilogrammEq/mLSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 527 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC92616 mEq/mmol Milliequivalentper MillimoleC70578 mEq/uL MilliequivalentPer MicroliterC70581 mEq/ug MilliequivalentPer Microgram;mEq/mcgA concentration unit measured as a number of onethousandth of an equivalent weight per millimole ofsubstance. (NCI)A concentration unit measured as a number ofmilliequivalents of solute per microliter ofsolution.(NCI)A unit of relative amount of substance contentequivalent to the content at which one millionth of agram of mixture contains one thousandth of anequivalent of a component. The unit is also used as adose calculation unit.(NCI)Milliequivalent per MilliimoleMilliequivalent per MicroliterMilliequivalent per MicrogramC28254 mL Milliliter; cm3 The unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter,one cubic centimeter, 10E-6 cubic meter, orapproximately to 0.061 023 7 cubic inch.(NCI)MilliliterC73746 mL/animal Milliliter perAnimalC73747 mL/animal/day Milliliter perAnimal per DayC73748 mL/animal/wk Milliliter perAnimal per WeekC73749 mL/breath Milliliter perBreathC73750 mL/cage Milliliter perCageC73751 mL/cage/day Milliliter perCage per DayC73752 mL/cage/wk Milliliter perCage per WeekA unit of measure expressed in milliliter(s) per animal.A unit of measure expressed in milliliter(s) per animalper period of time equal to twenty-four hours.A unit of measure expressed in milliliter(s) per animalper period of time equal to seven days.A unit of measure expressed in milliliter(s) perinspiration or expiration of breath.A unit of measure expressed in milliliter(s) per cage.A unit of measure expressed in milliliter(s) per cageper period of time equal to twenty-four hours.A unit of measure expressed in milliliter(s) per cageexpressed per period of time equal to seven days.mL/animalmL/animal/daymL/animal/weekmL/breathmL/cagemL/cage/daymL/cage/weekC98755 mL/cm H2O A unit of pressure expressed in milliliter(s) percentimeter of water. (NCI)Milliliter per Centimeter of WaterC73753 mL/day Milliliter perDayC73754 mL/g Milliliter perGramC73755 mL/g/day Milliliter perGram per Day;mL/g/day;uL/mg/day;L/day/kg;mL/day/g;uL/day/mg;L/kg/dC73756 mL/g/h Milliliter perGram per HourC73757 mL/g/min Milliliter perGram per MinuteMilliliters per day.A unit of measure expressed in milliliter(s) per gram.Liters per kilogram per day.Milliliters per gram per hour.Milliliters per gram per minute.mL/daymL/gMilliliter per Gram per DaymL/g/hmL/g/minSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 528 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC66962 mL/h Milliliters perHourC67411 mL/kg Milliliter perKilogramC73758 mL/kg/day Milliliter perKilogram perDayC73759 mL/kg/h Milliliter perKilogram perHourC73760 mL/kg/min Milliliter perKilogram perMinute;uL/g/min;mL/min/kg;uL/min/g;mL/kg/minC73761 mL/m2 Milliliter perSquare MeterC66977 mL/m2/day Milliliter perSquare Meter perDayC73762 mL/m2/h Milliliter perSquare Meter perHourC73763 mL/m2/min Milliliter perSquare Meter perMinuteC64777 mL/min Milliliters perMinuteA unit of volumetric flow rate defined as the rate atwhich one milliliter of matter travels during the periodof time equal to one hour.(NCI)A dose calculation unit equal to one milliliter ofpreparation per one kilogram of body mass. (NCI)Milliliters per kilogram per day.Milliliters per kilogram per hour.Milliliters per kilogram per minute.A unit of measure expressed in milliliter(s) per squaremeter.A dose calculation unit expressed in milliliter(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to twenty-fourhours. (NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in milliliter(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to sixty minutes.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in milliliter(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to sixty seconds.(NCI)A metric unit of volumetric flow rate defined as therate at which one milliliter of matter travels during theperiod of time equal to one minute.(NCI)Milliliter per HourmL/kgmL/kg/daymL/kg/hmL/kg/minmL/m2mL/m2/daymL/m2/hmL/m2/minMilliliter per MinuteC67412 mL/min/1.73m2 A metric unit of volumetric flow rate defined as therate at which one milliliter of matter travels during theperiod of time equal to one minute per 1.73 meterssquared of body surface area.C67318 mOsm Milliosmole A unit of osmotic pressure equal to one thousandth ofan osmole or osmotic pressure of 0.001 molarsolution of a substance that does not dissociate. (NCI)Milliliter per Minute per 1.73 m2 ofBody Surface AreamOsmC67427 mOsm/kg Milliosmole perKilogramA unit of osmotic pressure equal to one thousandth ofan osmole per kilogram substance.mOsm/kgC73765 mPa Millipascal A SI derived unit of pressure equivalent to onethousandth of one pascal. (NCI)C674<strong>08</strong> mU/L An arbitrary unit of substance concentration equal tothe concentration at which one liter of mixturecontains one thousandth of a unit of a substance.C67324 mV Millivolt A unit of electric potential and electromotive forceequal to one thousandth of a volt.(NCI)mPaMicrounit per MilliliterMillivoltSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 529 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC28253 mg Milligram The unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a gram or1000 micrograms. One milligram equalsapproximately 0.015432 grain or 35.274 x 10E-6ounce.(NCI)MilligramC64572 mg/L g/m3; Gram perCubic Meter;mg/L;Microgram perMilliliter;Milligram perLiter; mcg/mL;ng/uL; ug/mLC73738 mg/animal Milligram perAnimalC67015 mg/dL Milligram perDeciliter; mg%C67399 mg/day Milligram perDayC74993 mg/g/day Milligram perGram per DayC73740 mg/g/h Milligram perGram per HourC73741 mg/g/min Milligram perGram per MinuteC66969 mg/h Milligram perHourC67401 mg/kg Milligram perKilogramC66976 mg/kg/day Milligram perKilogram perDayC71362 mg/kg/h Milligram perKilogram perHourC71207 mg/kg/min Milligram perKilogram perMinuteC67402 mg/m2 Milligram perSquare MeterA unit of mass concentration equal to theconcentration of one gram of a substance per unitvolume of the mixture equal to one cubic meter. Theconcept also refers to the metric unit of mass density(volumic mass) defined as the density of substancewhich mass equal to one gram occupies the volumeone cubic meter.(NCI)A unit of measure expressed in milligram(s) peranimal.A unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one milligram of a substance in unitvolume of the mixture equal to one cubic deciliter or100 cubic centimeters. It is also a unit of mass density(volumic mass) defined as the density of substancewhich mass equal to one milligram occupies thevolume one cubic deciliter or 100 cubiccentimeters.(NCI)A unit of measure referring to the ratio between massexpressed in milligrams per day.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in milligram(s) pergram per period of time equal to twenty-four hours.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in milligram(s) pergram per period of time equal to sixty minutes. (NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in milligram(s) pergram per period of time equal to sixty seconds. (NCI)A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at whichone thousandth of a gram of matter travels to a givenobject or space over a period of time equal to onehour.(NCI)A unit of a mass fraction expressed as a number ofmilligrams of substance per kilogram of mixture. Theunit is also used as a dose calculation unit.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in milligram(s) perkilogram per period of time equal to twenty-fourhours. (NCI)A dose calculation unit equal to one thousandth of agram of a preparation per one kilogram of body massadministered per unit of time equal to one hour.(NCI)A dose calculation unit equal to one thousandth of agram of a preparation per one kilogram of body massadministered per unit of time equal to oneminute.(NCI)A unit of area density equal to approximately2.94935E-5 ounce per square yard. Also used as adose calculation unit.(NCI)Microgram per Millilitermg/animalMilligram per DeciliterMilligram per 24 Hoursmg/g/daymg/g/hmg/g/minMilligram per HourMilligram per Kilogrammg/kg/dayMilligram per Kilogram per HourMilligram per Kilogram per MinuteMilligram per Square MeterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 530 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC66974 mg/m2/day Milligram perSquare Meter perDayC73743 mg/m2/h Milligram perSquare Meter perHourC73744 mg/m2/min Milligram perSquare Meter perMinuteC73742 mg/min Milligram perMinuteC48154 min Minute Unit ofTimeA dose calculation unit expressed in milligram(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to twenty-fourhours. (NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in milligram(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to sixty minutes.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in milligram(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to sixty seconds.(NCI)Milligrams per minute.A unit measure of time equal to 60 seconds.(NCI)mg/m2/daymg/m2/hmg/m2/minmg/minMinuteC70507 mkat Millikatal A unit of catalytic activity measurement equal to onethousandth of one katal (10E-3 katal).(NCI)C28251 mm Millimeter A unit of measure equal to one thousandth of a meter.(NCI)MillikatalMillimeterC67419 mm/h Millimeter perHourC65104 mm2 SquareMillimeterC49670 mmHg Millimeter ofMercuryC73764 mmHg/sec Millimeter ofMercury perSecondA unit of both speed (scalar) and velocity (vector),defined as the distance of one millimeter travels perunit time equal to one hour.(NCI)A unit of area measurement equal to a squaremeasuring one millimeter on each side. One squaremillimeter is equal to 10(E-2) square centimeter and10(E-6) square meter.(NCI)A unit of pressure equal to 0.001316 atmosphere andequal to the pressure indicated by one millimeter riseof mercury in a barometer at the Earth's surface. (NCI)A rate of inflation or deflation of a manometric devicebased on the unit of pressure equal to 133,332 Pa or1.316E10-3 standard atmosphere during period oftime equal to one sixtieth of a minute. (NCI)Millimeter per HourSquare MillimeterMillimeter of MercurymmHg/secC48513 mmol Millimole A unit of amount of substance equal to 0.001mole.(NCI)MillimoleC64387 mmol/L Millimole perLiter; umol/mL;Micromole perMilliliter;mol/m3; Moleper Cubic Meter;mcmol/mL;mmol/L;nmol/uLC67420 mmol/day Millimole per 24HoursC68740 mmol/g Millimole perGramA unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onethousandth of a mole (10E-3 mole) of solute per oneliter of solution.(NCI)A unit of amount of substance flow rate equivalent tothe rate at which one thousandth of a mole ofsubstance travels or is delivered to a given object orspace over a period of time equal to 24 hours.(NCI)A unit amount of substance content (molality unit)defined as one mole of solute per one kilogram ofsolvent.(NCI)Millimole per LiterMillimole per 24 HoursMole per KilogramSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 531 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC68892 mmol/kg Millimole perKilogramA unit of amount of substance content (molality unit)defined as one thousandth of mole (10E-3 mole) ofsolute per one kilogram of solvent.(NCI)Millimole per KilogramC42539 mol Mole A unit defined as the amount of substance that containsas many elementary units as there are atoms in 0.012kg of carbon-12. When the mole is used, theelementary entities must be specified and may beatoms, molecules, ions, electrons, other particles, orspecified groups of such particles.(NCI)MoleC48555 mol/L Mole per Liter;mol/L; mmol/mLA unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onemole of solute in one liter of solution.(NCI)Mole per LiterC68893 mol/g Mole per Gram A unit of amount of substance content (molality unit)defined as one mole of solute per one gram ofsolvent.(NCI)Mole per GramC68891 mol/mL Mole perMilliliterC68894 mol/mg Mole perMilligramA unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onemole of solute in one milliliter of solution.(NCI)A unit of amount of substance content (molality unit)defined as one mole of solute per one milligram ofsolvent.(NCI)Mole per MilliliterMole per MilligramC70455 mol/mol Mole per Mole A unit of fraction expressed as the ratio of the amountof substance of solute in moles to the amount ofsubstance of the mixture in moles.(NCI)C41140 msec Millisecond A unit of time, which is equal to one thousandth of asecond.(NCI)C67352 nCi Nanocurie A unit of radioactivity equal to one billionth of Curieor 37 Becquerels, and corresponding to a radioactivityof 37 atomic disintegrations per second.(NCI)C69188 nL Nanoliter A unit of volume equal to one billionth of a liter(10E-9 liter).(NCI)C48516 ng Nanogram A unit of mass equal to one billionth (10E-9) of agram, or one millionth (10E-6) of a milligram.(NCI)Mole per MoleMillisecondNanocurieNanoliterNanogramC67327 ng/L ug/m3;Microgram perCubic Meter;ng/L; pg/mLC67326 ng/dL Nanogram perDeciliterA unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one nanogram of a substance per oneliter of the mixture, or one picogram of a substance inunit volume of the mixture equal to one milliliter, orone microgram of a substance per one cubic meter ofthe mixture. The concept also refers to the metric unitof mass density (volumic mass) defined as the densityof substance which mass equal to one nanogramoccupies the volume one liter.(NCI)A unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one nanogram of a substance in unitvolume of the mixture equal to one deciliter. Theconcept also refers to the unit of mass density(volumic mass) defined as the density of substancewhich mass equal to one nanogram occupies thevolume one deciliter.(NCI)Nanogram per LiterNanogram per DeciliterC705<strong>08</strong> nkat Nanokatal A unit of catalytic activity measurement equal to onebillionth of one katal (10E-9 katal).(NCI)NanokatalSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 532 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC70510 nkat/L Nanokatal perLiterA unit of catalytic activity concentration defined as thecatalytic activity of the component equal to onebillionth of one katal (10E-9 katal) in the unit volumeof the system equal to one liter.(NCI)Nanokatal per LiterC67328 nm Nanometer A unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter(10E-9 meter). Nanometer is used as a unit for lightwavelength measurement.(NCI)C48517 nmol Nanomole A unit of amount of substance equal to one billionth(10E-9) of a mole.(NCI)NanometerNanomoleC67432 nmol/L Nanomole perLiterC92613 nmol/mL/min Nanomole perMilliliter perMinuteA unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onebillionth of a mole (10E-9 mole) of solute in one literof solution.(NCI)A unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onebillionth of a mole (10E-9 mole) of solute in onemilliliter of solution to be administered per minute oftime.Nanomole per LiterNanomole per Minute per MilliliterC73767 nsec Nanosecond A unit of time equal to one billionth of a second. (NCI) nsecC42554 ohm Ohm A unit of electrical resistance equal to the resistancebetween two points on a conductor when a potentialdifference of one volt between them produces acurrent of one Ampere. Ohm is also used to measureimpedance and reactance for complex resistance. Ameasurement in ohms is the reciprocal of ameasurement in Siemens. (NCI)C67330 osm Osmole A unit of osmotic pressure equal to that of an idealsolution of a nondissociating substance that has aconcentration of one mole of solute per liter ofsolution.(NCI)C48519 oz Ounce A unit of mass, the avoirdupois ounce is equal to 1/16pound, or 28.3495 grams, or 0.911 457 troyounce.(NCI)C45997 pH pH A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a fluid on ascale of 0 to 14.(NCI)C69189 pL Picoliter A unit of volume equal to one trillionth of a liter(10E-12 liter). (NCI)C66967 per min Per Minute The number of occurrences of something within aminute of time.(NCI)C66965 per sec Per Second The number of occurrences of something within asecond of time.(NCI)C64551 pg Picogram A unit of mass equal to one trillionth of a gram(10E-12 gram).(NCI)OhmOsmoleOuncepHpLPer MinutePer SecondPicogramC67331 pg/dL Picogram perDeciliterPicograms per deciliter.pg/dLC70509 pkat Picokatal A unit of catalytic activity measurement equal totrillionth of one katal (10E-12 katal).(NCI)C69148 pm Picometer A unit of length equal to one trillionth of a meter(10E-12 meter).(NCI)PicokatalPicometerSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 533 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC65045 pmol Picomole A unit of amount of substance equal to a trillionth(10E-12) of a mole.(NCI)PicomoleC67434 pmol/L Picomole perLiter; fmol/mL;Femtomole perMilliliterA unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onetrillionth of a mole (10E-12 mole) in one liter ofsolution.(NCI)Picomole per LiterC70565 ppb Part per Billion A unit of measure referring to one entity counted perone billion entities.(NCI)C48523 ppm Part per Million A unit of measurement referring to one entity countedper one million entities.(NCI)Per BillionPart Per MillionC69112 ppth Part perThousandA unit of proportion equal to 10E-3.(NCI)Part per ThousandC70566 pptr Parts per Trillion A unit of measure referring to one entity counted perone trillion entities.(NCI)C73768 psec Picosecond A unit of time equal to one trillionth of a second.(NCI)Per TrillionpsecC67334 psi Pounds perSquare InchC70469 rpm Revolution perMinuteC68858 scm m3; StandardCubic MeterA unit of pressure equivalent to 6.894757 kilopascals,or 703.0696 kilograms per square meter, or 51.71507millimeters of mercury.(NCI)A unit of frequency equal to one revolution per unit oftime equal to one minute.(NCI)A unit used in physical chemistry to express theamount of substance of an ideal gas in one cubic meterat standard conditions: temperature 273.15 K andpressure of one atmosphere (101.325kilopascals).(NCI)Pound per Square InchRevolution per Minutem3C42535 sec Second The second is a unit of time with a duration of 919 263177 0 periods of the specified light radiationcorresponding to the transition between the twohyperfine levels of the cesium 133 atom in its groundstate at 0 K. According to the convention, 60 secondsconstitute one minute; 3,600 seconds constitute onehour. Abbreviation Sec. is acceptable in non-scientificusage only.(NCI)SecondC48544 tsp Teaspoon DosingUnitA unit of volume used in pharmacy equal to 5milliliters.(NCI)Teaspoon Dosing UnitC65132 tuberculin unit Tuberculin Unit An arbitrary unit of tuberculin dosage defined bycomparison of clinical response with a preparation ofthe purified protein derivative standardized for use inhumans for tuberculin skin test reaction.(NCI)Tuberculin UnitC70506 tuberculin unit/mL Tuberculin Unitper MilliliterC48507 uCi Microcurie;mcCiA unit of biologic activity of tuberculin expressed as anumber of arbitrary units of tuberculin in one milliliterof preparation.(NCI)A unit of radioactivity equal to one millionth of aCurie or 37 kilobecquerels, and corresponding to aradioactivity of 37 000 atomic disintegrations persecond.(NCI)Tuberculin Unit per MilliliterMicrocurieSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 534 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC71173 uCi/L Microcurie perLiter; mcCi/LC70571 uCi/kg Microcurie perKilogram;mcCi/kgA unit of volumetric radioactivity concentrationdefined as a concentration of a radionuclide with anactivity equal to one millionth of a Curie per unitvolume equal to one liter.(NCI)A unit of specific radioactivity (massic activity) equalto activity of one microcurie of the sample with totalmass of one kilogram.(NCI)Microcurie per LiterMicrocurie per KilogramC73726 uEq Microequivalent A unit of relative amount of a substance equal to onemillionth of an equivalent weight.(NCI)uEqC67405 uIU/mL Micro-International Unit permilliliter; mIU/L;mcIU/mL;uIU/mLC48153 uL mcL; Microliter;mm3C69175 uL/mL Microliter perMilliliter;mcL/mLMicrointernational units per milliliter.A unit of volume accepted for use with the SI and equalto one millionth of a liter (10E-6 liter).(NCI)A unit of volume fraction expressed as a number ofmicroliters of the constituent per the volume of thesystem represented in milliliters.(NCI)uIU/mLuLMicroliter per MilliliterC73736 uOsM Microosmole A unit of osmotic pressure equal to one millionth of anosmole or the osmotic pressure of a 10E-6 molarsolution of a substance that does not dissociate. (NCI)C71175 uV Microvolt; mcV A unit of an electric potential and electromotive forceequal to one millionth of a volt.(NCI)C48152 ug Microgram; mcg The unit of mass equal to one millionth of a gram orone thousandth of a milligram.(NCI)uOsMMicrovoltMicrogramC67306 ug/L mg/m3;Microgram perLiter; Milligramper Cubic Meter;Nanogram perMilliliter; ug/L;ng/mL; mcg/LC73728 ug/animal Microgram perAnimalC67305 ug/dL Microgram perDeciliterC71205 ug/day Microgram perDay; mcg/dayA unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one microgram of a substance perunit volume of the mixture equal to one liter. Theconcept also refers to the unit of mass density(volumic mass) defined as the density of substancewhich mass equal to one microgram occupies thevolume one liter.(NCI)A unit of measure expressed in microgram(s) peranimal.A unit of mass concentration defined as theconcentration of one microgram of a substance perunit volume of the mixture equal to one deciliter. Theconcept also refers to the unit of mass density(volumic mass) defined as the density of substancewhich mass equal to one microgram occupies thevolume one deciliter. (NCI)A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at whichone millionth of a gram of matter travels to a givenobject or space over a period of time equal to twentyfour hours. Microgram per day is also a doseadministration rate unit equal to the rate at which onemillionth of a gram of a product is administered perunit of time equal to twenty four hours.(NCI)Microgram per Literug/animalug/dLMicrogram per DaySource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 535 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC74921 ug/g/day Microgram perGram per DayC74922 ug/g/h Microgram perGram per HourC74923 ug/g/min Microgram perGram per MinuteC67394 ug/h Micrograms perHour; mcg/hC67396 ug/kg mcg/kg;Microgram perKilogram; ng/g;ug/kgC73729 ug/kg/day Microgram perKilogram perDayC73730 ug/kg/h Microgram perKilogram perHourC71210 ug/kg/min Microgram perKilogram perMinute; Gammaper Kilogram perMinute;gamma/kg/min;mcg/kg/minC67312 ug/m2 Microgram perSquare MeterC73787 ug/m2/day Microgram perSquare Meter perDayC73727 ug/m2/h Microgram perSquare Meter perHourC73733 ug/m2/min Microgram perSquare Meter perMinuteC75905 ug/mL/h Microgram perMilliliter perHourC71211 ug/min Micrograms perMinute; mcg/minA dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) pergram per period of time equal to twenty-four hours.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) pergram per period of time equal to sixty minutes. (NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) pergram per period of time equal to sixty seconds. (NCI)A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at whichone millionth of a gram of matter travels to a givenobject or space over a period of time equal to onehour.(NCI)A unit of a mass fraction expressed as a number ofmicrograms of substance per kilogram of mixture. Theunit is also used as a dose calculation unit.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) perkilogram per period of time equal to twenty-fourhours. (NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) perkilogram per period of time equal to sixty minutes.(NCI)A dose calculation unit equal to one millionth of agram of a preparation per one kilogram of body massadministered per unit of time equal to oneminute.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) persquare meter.A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to twenty-fourhours. (NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to sixty minutes.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) persquare meter per period of time equal to sixty seconds.(NCI)A dose calculation unit expressed in microgram(s) permilliliter of solution per period of time equal to sixtyminutes. (NCI)A unit of mass flow rate equivalent to the rate at whichone millionth of a gram of matter travels to a givenobject or space over a period of time equal to oneminute. Microgram per minute is also a doseadministration rate unit equal to the rate at which onemillionth of a gram of a product is administered perunit of time equal to one minute.(NCI)ug/g/dayug/g/hug/g/minMicrogram per HourMicrogram per Kilogramug/kg/dayug/kg/hMicrogram per Kilogram per Minuteug/m2ug/m2/dayug/m2/hug/m2/minug/mL/hMicrogram per MinuteSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 536 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C71620 - UNIT - UnitCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC70562 ukat Microkatal;mckatC67397 ukat/L Microkatal perLiter; mckat/LA unit of catalytic activity measurement equal to onemillionth of katal (10E-6 katal).(NCI)Unit of catalytic activity concentration defined asactivity equal to one millionth of katal per one liter ofthe system volume.(NCI)MicrokatalMicrokatal per LiterC48510 um Micron; mcm A unit of length in metric system equal to 10E-6meter, or micrometer.(NCI)MicronC73770 um2 MicroSquareMeterC67565 um3 CubicMicrometerC48509 umol Micromole;mcmolC485<strong>08</strong> umol/L Micromole perLiterC67406 umol/day Micromoles perDay; mcmol/dayC73735 umol/mg/min Micromole perMilligram perMinuteA SI unit of area measurement equal to a square whosesides are one micrometer long. (NCI)A unit of volume equal to 10E-18 liter or one cubicmicrometer.A unit of amount of substance equal to one millionth(10E-6) of a mole.(NCI)A unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to oneone-millionth of a mole (10E-6 mole) of solute perone liter of solution. (NCI)A unit of amount of substance flow rate equivalent tothe rate at which one millionth of a mole of substancetravels to a given object or space over a period of timeequal to 24 hours.(NCI)A unit of concentration (molarity unit) equal to onemillionth of a mole (10E-6 mole) per milligram of asubstance per period of time equal to sixty seconds.(NCI)Square MicrometerAttoliterMicromoleumol/LMicromole per 24 Hoursumol/mg/minC69149 usec Microsecond A unit of time equal to one millionth of a second.(NCI)C48553 yd Yard A unit of length equal to 3 feet, or 36 inches, or0.9144 meter.(NCI)usecYardSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 537 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C102590 - VCNEVD - Vaccination Evidence SourceCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC34483 SCAR A mark left (usually on the skin) by the healing ofinjured tissue.C74528 SELF-REPORT An individual's perspective or subjective interpretationof an event or information.ScarSelf-ReportC86042WRITTENDOCUMENTATIONThe collecting, abstracting, and coding of printed orwritten information for future reference.DocumentationSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 538 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66770 - VSRESU - Units for Vital Signs ResultsCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC25613 % Percentage A fraction or ratio with 100 understood as thedenominator. (NCI)C49673 BEATS/MIN Beats per Minute The number of heartbeats measured per minute time.(NCI)PercentageBeats per MinuteC49674 BREATHS/MIN Breaths perMinuteThe number of breaths (inhalation and exhalation)taken per minute time. (NCI)Breaths per MinuteC42559 C Degree Celsius A unit of temperature of the temperature scaledesigned so that the freezing point of water is 0degrees and the boiling point is 100 degrees atstandard atmospheric pressure. The current officialdefinition of the Celsius sets 0.01 C to be at the triplepoint of water and a degree to be 1/273.16 of thedifference in temperature between the triple point ofwater and absolute zero. One degree Celsiusrepresents the same temperature difference as oneKelvin. (NCI)Degree CelsiusC44277 F DegreeFahrenheitThe Fahrenheit temperature scale is named after theGerman physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736),who proposed it in 1724. In this scale, the freezingpoint of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit and the boilingpoint is 212 degrees, placing the boiling and meltingpoints of water 180 degrees apart. In this scale adegree Fahrenheit is 5/9ths of a Kelvin (or of a degreeCelsius), and minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit is equal tominus 40 degrees Celsius. (NCI)Degree FahrenheitC48500 IN Inch A traditional unit of length equal to 2.54 centimeters.(NCI)C48531 LB Pound A traditional unit of mass. By international agreement,one avoirdupois pound is equal to exactly 0.453 59237 kilogram, 16 ounces, or 1.215 28 troy pounds.(NCI)C49668 cm Centimeter A basic unit of length in the former CGS version ofmetric system, equal to one hundredth of a meter orapproximately 0.393 700 787 inch. (NCI)C48155 g Gram A metric unit of mass equal to one one thousandth of akilogram. (NCI)C28252 kg Kilogram The basic SI unit of mass. It is defined as the mass ofan international prototype in the form of aplatinum-iridium cylinder kept at Sevres in France. It isthe only basic unit still defined in terms of a materialobject, and also the only one with a prefix [kilo]already in place. A kilogram is equal to 1,000 gramsand 2.204 622 6 pounds. (NCI)InchPoundCentimeterGramKilogramC49671 kg/m2 Kilogram PerSquare MeterThe SI derived unit of spread rate of a substance bymass, used also as a measure of area density. (NCI)Kilogram Per Square MeterC42569 m2 Square Meter The SI unit of area measurement equal to a squarewhose sides are one meter long. Square meter is equalto 10,000 square centimeters; 0.01 ares; 1.196 squareyards; 10.76 square feet; 1550 square inches. (NCI)Square MeterSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 539 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66770 - VSRESU - Units for Vital Signs ResultsCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49670 mmHg Millimeter ofMercuryA unit of pressure equal to 0.001316 atmosphere andequal to the pressure indicated by one millimeter riseof mercury in a barometer at the Earth's surface. (NCI)Millimeter of MercuryC42554 ohm Ohm A unit of electrical resistance equal to the resistancebetween two points on a conductor when a potentialdifference of one volt between them produces acurrent of one Ampere. Ohm is also used to measureimpedance and reactance for complex resistance. Ameasurement in ohms is the reciprocal of ameasurement in Siemens. (NCI)OhmSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 540 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67153 - VSTEST - Vital Signs Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC12472 Adipose Tissue Adipose Tissue A specialized form of connective tissue consistingprimarily of adipocytes (fat cells), surrounded by ameshwork of collagen fibers.C49680 Body Frame Size Body Frame Size The categorization of a person's body frame into small,medium and large based on the measurement of wristcircumference or the breadth of the elbow. (NCI)C16358 Body Mass Index Body Mass Index A general indicator of the body fat an individual iscarrying based upon the ratio of weight to height.(NCI)Adipose TissueBody Frame SizeBody Mass IndexC25157 Body Surface Area Body SurfaceAreaC25299 Diastolic Blood Pressure Diastolic BloodPressureC100946 Forearm Circumference ForearmCircumferenceC81255 Head Circumference HeadCircumferenceA measure of the 2-dimensional extent of the bodysurface (i.e., the skin). Body surface area (BSA) can becalculated by mathematical formula or from a chartthat relates height to weight. BSA is often an importantfactor in dosing. (NCI)The blood pressure after the contraction of the heartwhile the chambers of the heart refill with blood.(NCI)The distance around an individual's forearm.A circumferential measurement of the head at thewidest point, which is traditionally above theeyebrows.Body Surface AreaDiastolic Blood PressureForearm CircumferenceHead CircumferenceC49677 Heart Rate Heart Rate The number of heartbeats per unit of time, usuallyexpressed as beats per minute. (NCI)C25347 Height Height The vertical measurement or distance from the base tothe top of an object; the vertical dimension ofextension. (NCI)Heart RateHeightC100947 Hip Circumference HipCircumferenceC84372 Knee to Heel Length Knee to HeelLength; LowerLeg LengthThe distance around an individual's pelvic area or hips.A measurement of the length of the lower leg from thetop of the knee to the bottom of the heel. Thismeasurement may be taken with a knemometer orcalipers. (NCI)Hip CircumferenceKnee to Heel Length MeasurementC71258 Lean Body Mass Lean Body Mass The weight of all organs and tissue in an individual lessthe weight of the individual's body fat.Lean Body MassC49679 Mean Arterial Pressure Mean ArterialPressureThe mean pressure of the blood within the arterialcirculation. The arterial pressure may be directlymeasured by insertion of an intra-arterial catheterconnected to a transducer. The mean arterial pressure(MAP) can be calculated by subsequent analysis of thewaveform. MAP can be approximated without aninvasive procedure using the following formula:diastolic pressure plus 1/3 of the pulse pressure,where pulse pressure is systolic pressure - diastolicpressure. (NCI)Mean Arterial PressureC100945 Pulse Pressure Pulse Pressure The change in systolic to diastolic pressure whichproduces a pulse.Pulse PressureSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 541 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C67153 - VSTEST - Vital Signs Test NameCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC49676 Pulse Rate Pulse Rate The rate of the pulse as observed in an artery,expressed as beats per minute. It can be measured atseveral anatomical sites, including the wrist, neck,temple, groin, behind the knees, or on top of the foot.(NCI)C49678 Respiratory Rate Respiratory Rate The rate of breathing (inhalation and exhalation)measured within in a unit time, usually expressed asbreaths per minute. (NCI)Pulse RateRespiratory RateC87054 Sagittal Abdominal Diameter SagittalAbdominalDiameterA standard measure of visceral obesity, or abdominalfat, which is measured from the patient's back to upperabdomen between the bottom of the rib cage and thetop of the pelvic area. This measurement may be takenwith the patient standing or in the supine position.(NCI)Sagittal Abdominal DiameterC98785Subscapular SkinfoldThicknessSubscapularSkinfoldThicknessA measurement of the thickness of a pinch of skinsituated below or on the underside of the scapula.(NCI)Subscapular Skinfold ThicknessC25298 Systolic Blood Pressure Systolic BloodPressureThe blood pressure during the contraction of the leftventricle of the heart.Systolic Blood PressureC25206 Temperature Temperature The property of a body or region of space thatdetermines whether or not there will be a net flow ofheat into it or out of it from a neighboring body orregion and in which direction (if any) the heat willflow, perceptible by living organism as a somaticsensation of cold or heat. It is a measure of the averagetranslational kinetic energy associated with thedisordered microscopic motion of atoms andmolecules. Temperature is measured in one of thethree standard temperature scales: Celsius, Kelvin, andFahrenheit. (NCI)TemperatureC98793 Triceps Skinfold Thickness Triceps SkinfoldThicknessC100948 Waist Circumference WaistCircumferenceA measurement of the thickness of a pinch of skin onthe triceps. (NCI)The distance around an individual's midsection orwaist.Triceps Skinfold ThicknessWaist CircumferenceC252<strong>08</strong> Weight Weight The vertical force exerted by a mass as a result ofgravity. (NCI)WeightSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 542 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66741 - VSTESTCD - Vital Signs Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC16358 BMI Body Mass Index A general indicator of the body fat an individual iscarrying based upon the ratio of weight to height.(NCI)C12472 BODYFAT Adipose Tissue A specialized form of connective tissue consistingprimarily of adipocytes (fat cells), surrounded by ameshwork of collagen fibers.Body Mass IndexAdipose TissueC25157 BSA Body SurfaceAreaC25299 DIABP Diastolic BloodPressureC100946 FARMCIR ForearmCircumferenceA measure of the 2-dimensional extent of the bodysurface (i.e., the skin). Body surface area (BSA) can becalculated by mathematical formula or from a chartthat relates height to weight. BSA is often an importantfactor in dosing. (NCI)The blood pressure after the contraction of the heartwhile the chambers of the heart refill with blood.(NCI)The distance around an individual's forearm.Body Surface AreaDiastolic Blood PressureForearm CircumferenceC49680 FRMSIZE Body Frame Size The categorization of a person's body frame into small,medium and large based on the measurement of wristcircumference or the breadth of the elbow. (NCI)Body Frame SizeC81255 HDCIRC HeadCircumferenceA circumferential measurement of the head at thewidest point, which is traditionally above theeyebrows.Head CircumferenceC25347 HEIGHT Height The vertical measurement or distance from the base tothe top of an object; the vertical dimension ofextension. (NCI)HeightC100947 HIPCIR HipCircumferenceThe distance around an individual's pelvic area or hips.Hip CircumferenceC49677 HR Heart Rate The number of heartbeats per unit of time, usuallyexpressed as beats per minute. (NCI)Heart RateC84372 KNEEHEEL Knee to HeelLength; LowerLeg LengthA measurement of the length of the lower leg from thetop of the knee to the bottom of the heel. Thismeasurement may be taken with a knemometer orcalipers. (NCI)Knee to Heel Length MeasurementC71258 LBM Lean Body Mass The weight of all organs and tissue in an individual lessthe weight of the individual's body fat.Lean Body MassC49679 MAP Mean ArterialPressureThe mean pressure of the blood within the arterialcirculation. The arterial pressure may be directlymeasured by insertion of an intra-arterial catheterconnected to a transducer. The mean arterial pressure(MAP) can be calculated by subsequent analysis of thewaveform. MAP can be approximated without aninvasive procedure using the following formula:diastolic pressure plus 1/3 of the pulse pressure,where pulse pressure is systolic pressure - diastolicpressure. (NCI)Mean Arterial PressureC49676 PULSE Pulse Rate The rate of the pulse as observed in an artery,expressed as beats per minute. It can be measured atseveral anatomical sites, including the wrist, neck,temple, groin, behind the knees, or on top of the foot.(NCI)Pulse RateSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 543 of 544 -

CDISC <strong>SDTM</strong> Controlled <strong>Terminology</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03C66741 - VSTESTCD - Vital Signs Test CodeCodelist extensible: YesNCI CodeCDISC Submission ValueCDISCSynonym CDISC Definition NCI Preferred TermC100945 PULSEPR Pulse Pressure The change in systolic to diastolic pressure whichproduces a pulse.C49678 RESP Respiratory Rate The rate of breathing (inhalation and exhalation)measured within in a unit time, usually expressed asbreaths per minute. (NCI)Pulse PressureRespiratory RateC87054 SAD SagittalAbdominalDiameterC98785 SSSKNF SubscapularSkinfoldThicknessC25298 SYSBP Systolic BloodPressureA standard measure of visceral obesity, or abdominalfat, which is measured from the patient's back to upperabdomen between the bottom of the rib cage and thetop of the pelvic area. This measurement may be takenwith the patient standing or in the supine position.(NCI)A measurement of the thickness of a pinch of skinsituated below or on the underside of the scapula.(NCI)The blood pressure during the contraction of the leftventricle of the heart.Sagittal Abdominal DiameterSubscapular Skinfold ThicknessSystolic Blood PressureC25206 TEMP Temperature The property of a body or region of space thatdetermines whether or not there will be a net flow ofheat into it or out of it from a neighboring body orregion and in which direction (if any) the heat willflow, perceptible by living organism as a somaticsensation of cold or heat. It is a measure of the averagetranslational kinetic energy associated with thedisordered microscopic motion of atoms andmolecules. Temperature is measured in one of thethree standard temperature scales: Celsius, Kelvin, andFahrenheit. (NCI)TemperatureC98793 TRSKNF Triceps SkinfoldThicknessA measurement of the thickness of a pinch of skin onthe triceps. (NCI)Triceps Skinfold ThicknessC252<strong>08</strong> WEIGHT Weight The vertical force exerted by a mass as a result ofgravity. (NCI)WeightC100948 WSTCIR WaistCircumferenceThe distance around an individual's midsection orwaist.Waist CircumferenceSource: NCI <strong>EVS</strong> <strong>Terminology</strong> Resources website: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/terminologyresources/page6Source Date: <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>08</strong>-03- page 544 of 544 -

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