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The dissertation of Andreas Stolcke is approved: University of ...

The dissertation of Andreas Stolcke is approved: University of ...

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CHAPTER 4. STOCHASTIC CONTEXT-FREE GRAMMARS 93likelihood loss in that case. Algorithms based on just the relative frequencies <strong>of</strong> samples, on the otherhand, will be indifferent to th<strong>is</strong> change in absolute frequencies. Also, the Bayesian approach gives anintuitive interpretation to the weighting factor that <strong>is</strong> useful in practice to globally balance the complexity andd<strong>is</strong>crepancy terms (Section 3.4.4).Cook et al. (1976) propose a larger set <strong>of</strong> operators which partly overlaps with our merging andchunking operations. Chunking <strong>is</strong> known under the name ‘substitution.’ Merging <strong>is</strong> not directly available,but similar effects can be obtained by an operation called ‘d<strong>is</strong>junction,’ which creates new nonterminalsthat expand to one <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> ex<strong>is</strong>ting nonterminals. <strong>The</strong>y also have special operations for removingproductions which are subsumed or made redundant by others. <strong>The</strong>se can mostly me emulated with merging,although explicit testing for, and elimination <strong>of</strong> redundant productions <strong>is</strong> also useful in our algorithm, sinceit shortcuts combinations <strong>of</strong> induction steps (i.e., they are macro operators in search parlance). 11Cook et al. (1976) evaluate their algorithm using a number <strong>of</strong> benchmark grammars; these will bereexamined below using our Bayesian algorithm.4.5 Evaluation<strong>The</strong> merging algorithm for SCFGs has been evaluated in a number <strong>of</strong> experiments. <strong>The</strong>se fallnaturally into two broad categories: simple formal languages and various grammar fragments modelingaspects <strong>of</strong> natural language syntax.4.5.1 Formal language benchmarksTh<strong>is</strong> group <strong>of</strong> test grammars has been extracted from the article by Cook et al. (1976) d<strong>is</strong>cussed inSection 4.4. Except for the last two, they represent examples <strong>of</strong> simple context-free formal languages as theyare typically given in textbooks on the subject.<strong>The</strong> main advantage <strong>of</strong> using th<strong>is</strong> same set <strong>of</strong> grammars <strong>is</strong> that the results can be compared. Sincethe two algorithms (ours and Cook’s) have similar underlying intuitions about structural grammar inductionwe expect similar results, but it <strong>is</strong> important to verify that expectation.Experimental setup To replicate the examples given by Cook, we used the following procedure. <strong>The</strong>samples given in the paper are used unchanged, except that sample probabilities were converted into countssuch that the total number was 50 for each experiment. <strong>The</strong>se were then incorporated into initial grammarsand merged in batch mode. Our SNF grammar format could introduce a subtle inductive bias not presentin Cook original experiments. <strong>The</strong> merging procedure was therefore constrained to always maintain aone-to-one correspondence between terminals and preterminals, effectively making terminals redundant andletting preterminals function as the true terminals, in terms <strong>of</strong> which arbitrary productions are now possible.Chunking <strong>of</strong> single nonterminals was allowed.11 Notice how repeated merging and chunking effectively eliminate redundant productions in the example <strong>of</strong> Section 4.3.2.

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