The dissertation of Andreas Stolcke is approved: University of ...

The dissertation of Andreas Stolcke is approved: University of ...

The dissertation of Andreas Stolcke is approved: University of ...

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iAcknowledgmentsLife and work in Berkeley and at ICSI for me are marked by a wonderful wealth <strong>of</strong> friends,colleagues, collaborators, and acquaintances. It will be hard to do justice to the many ways in which thepeople below, and probably some I will forget to mention, have enriched the years at th<strong>is</strong> extraordinaryplace—but I will try.Jerry Feldman, adv<strong>is</strong>or who patiently guides h<strong>is</strong> students by letting them wander about their ownways—a true Doktorvater.Steve Omohundro, collaborator and friend, an endless source <strong>of</strong> ideas, insight, and above all,enthusiasm.My extended academic support group, who taught me most <strong>of</strong> what I know and made Berkeley theplace to be (in approximate order <strong>of</strong> appearance): John Canny, Bob Wilensky, Stuart Russell, George Lak<strong>of</strong>f,Chuck Fillmore, Lotfi Zadeh, Jitendra Malik, John Ousterhout, and David Culler.Peter Cheeseman and Wray Buntine, who introduced me to the powers <strong>of</strong> Bayes’ Rule at just theright moment and have been a willing source <strong>of</strong> advice ever since—may their book be on the shelves soon.Nelson Morgan, who adopted me into h<strong>is</strong> group, and continues to be a valuable source <strong>of</strong> adviceabout the real data, and RAP.Subutai Ahmad, Dekai Wu, Terry Regier and Ben Gomes, <strong>of</strong>ficemates, friends and collaborators:thanks for making these such fun years.<strong>The</strong> ICSI AI and realization groups, Bertrand Ir<strong>is</strong>sou, Brian Kingsbury, Chr<strong>is</strong> Bregler, ChuckWooters, Dan Jurafsky, David Bailey, David Stoutamire, Eric Fosler, Gary Tajchman, Hervé Bourlard, JeffBilmes, Joachim Diederich, Jonathan Segal, Krste Asanovic, Lokendra Shastri, Nikki Mirghafori, SriniNarayanan, Steve Greenberg, Susan Weber, and Yochai Konig. Apart from being an utterly fun crowd,several <strong>of</strong> them did much <strong>of</strong> the work that was crucial in obtaining results.All <strong>of</strong> the ICSI staff, past and present, who have developed perfection in providing unobtrusivesupport and afternoon tea and cookies. Special thanks go to Alix Coll<strong>is</strong>on for friendship and help in feeling,quite literally, at home.<strong>The</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> the Berkeley AI and Cogsci crowd, Adele Goldberg, Francesca Barrientos, Jane Edwards,Marti Hearst, Mike Braverman, Mike Schiff, NJ, and Peter Norvig—never short <strong>of</strong> advice, encouragement,good humor, rhythm, and blue notes.Kathryn Crabtree, who has been ind<strong>is</strong>pensable in steering me (as well as everyone else) through,and where possible clear <strong>of</strong> the thicket <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> regulations and requirements.My former academic adv<strong>is</strong>ors at Munich, Erwin Kloeck, Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Freksa, Wilfried Brauer, and<strong>The</strong>o Vennemann, who in many ways laid the foundations for the present work and encouraged me to try myluck in Berkeley.Fernando Pereira, who I first ran into on the Internet, and who has since made himself ind<strong>is</strong>pensablewith valuable insights and bibliographic references.Our ‘Foster’ parents, Bill and Donna, and everybody at WCPC, who made us feel so welcome inthe very beginning and thereafter.David Blake, Berkeley student par excellence and important source <strong>of</strong> information about Americanand Berkeley culture.

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