General Conditions for Information Technology Contracts

General Conditions for Information Technology Contracts

General Conditions for Information Technology Contracts

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GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS (Rev March 2011)Page 25 of 52cost to the Company any item of equipment or vehicles which in the opinion of theSuperintendent or the Superintendent’s Representative, is unsafe.23.11 The Contractor shall ensure that all Services are carried out with due diligence to thepreservation of air, water, soil and animal and plant life. Procedures adopted in this respectshall be in compliance with applicable Company’s HSEMS Guidelines <strong>for</strong> Contractors, HSEguidelines, procedures and regulations and with all regulatory requirements of the State ofKuwait. In the absence of specific national, regional or international standards or guidelines,normal good international oil & gas industry practices shall be adopted.23.12 The Company shall not permit disposal of untreated sewage, oil spills, chemicals and the liketo ground. The method of sewage disposal shall be subject to the Company approval. TheContractor shall collect untreated sewage in appropriate containers and remove it from theSite and transport it to State approved disposal facilities.23.13 The Company may inspect the Site from time to time to ascertain the Contractor’s HSEpreparedness and ensure compliance with the Company’s HSEMS Guidelines <strong>for</strong> Contractorsas well as with the Contractor’s approved HSE plan, and that the Services are beingper<strong>for</strong>med in accordance with safe working practices.23.14 The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s Representative may order the cessation of anywork, which in his sole opinion, he reasonably considers is not being carried out inaccordance with safe working practices. Work so suspended shall not be resumed until theContractor has satisfied the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s Representative to theadequacy of the safety precautions employed. The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim <strong>for</strong>extra expense or lost time arising out of any reasonable order to cease work <strong>for</strong> safety or <strong>for</strong>any reasonable requirement to take adequate safety measures having regard to thecircumstances of the Services.23.15 The Contractor shall in<strong>for</strong>m the Company immediately of any incident causing death, injuryto personnel, any adverse effect to the environment or damage to any property including nearmisses, followed by an accident/incident report within twenty-four (24) hours. The Contractorshall hold a thorough incident investigation immediately after any incident, determine thecause, and take preventive measures to avoid re-occurrence. The Contractor shall submit suchreport to the Superintendent. The Contractor if directed by the Company shall demonstratemock-up of the accident and the corrective action taken to prevent such reoccurrence in theCompany’s HSE <strong>for</strong>um and safety meetings.23.16 The Contractor, in case of any emergency, shall immediately mobilize all resources to combatthe emergency and coordinate with the Company and Company’s other contractors.23.17 The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to protect the Services and the Company’sexisting facilities against accidents and occupational hazards.23.18 The Contractor shall adhere to the Company’s driving procedures and specified speed limitsin Company’s operating areas and within Ahmadi. In the event that any of the Contractor’spersonnel do not follow the speed limits, the Company may direct the Contractor to replacesuch personnel at no additional cost to the Company.23.19 The Contractor’s HSE per<strong>for</strong>mance shall be measured with regards to their compliance withthe requirements stated in this clause 23, in the Company’s HSEMS Guidelines <strong>for</strong>March 2011

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