CA Practical Experience Requirements

CA Practical Experience Requirements

CA Practical Experience Requirements

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2 The <strong>CA</strong> Training Office2.1 OverviewAll <strong>CA</strong> Students fulfill their practical experience requirements by working in a<strong>CA</strong> Training Office, which may be in a <strong>CA</strong> firm, in the corporate sector, or in thepublic sector. The practical experience they acquire, the environment in which it isprovided, and the <strong>CA</strong>s who guide the <strong>CA</strong> Students and set the example of <strong>CA</strong> professionalismare core to the development of every new <strong>CA</strong>.2.2 Characteristics of the <strong>CA</strong> Training OfficeA <strong>CA</strong> Training Office provides:• Support from the senior levels of the organization for the <strong>CA</strong> profession, a commitmentto learning and a vision of itself as a learning organization, and senior-levelownership of and commitment to the training of <strong>CA</strong>s;• A <strong>CA</strong> Training Program developed specifically for <strong>CA</strong> Students and approved by aProvincial Institute/Ordre (2.3 below);• <strong>CA</strong>s to create an ethical environment to teach, demonstrate and promulgate therules of professional conduct, and to provide an adequate support structure for the<strong>CA</strong> Student;• An appropriate ethical working environment, including:––A written code of conduct and/or acknowledgement of the profession’s Code ofConduct;––Encouragement of <strong>CA</strong> Students to develop and apply their professional judgementand work with integrity and objectivity at all times; and––Supervision, guidance and instruction on practical ethical issues as part of the<strong>CA</strong> Student’s on-the-job training and progress reviews.2.3 Characteristics of a <strong>CA</strong> Training ProgramAll <strong>CA</strong> Training Offices are required to provide <strong>CA</strong> Students with a <strong>CA</strong> TrainingProgram, developed specifically for <strong>CA</strong> Students, approved by the ProvincialInstitute(s)/Ordre, and featuring:• structured training positions with a sufficient range of progressively complexassignments, increasing responsibility and high quality practical experience in therequired <strong>CA</strong> competencies;<strong>CA</strong> <strong>Practical</strong> <strong>Experience</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong> 2009 7

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