African Traditional Herbal Research Clinic Why ... - Blackherbals.com

African Traditional Herbal Research Clinic Why ... - Blackherbals.com

African Traditional Herbal Research Clinic Why ... - Blackherbals.com

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Continued from page 11 – WHO Murdered Africamentees be promiscuous?The Centers for Disease Control reported in 1981 thatfour percent of those receiving the hepatitis-vaccinewere AIDS-infected. In 1984 they admitted to 60percent. Now they refuse to give out figures at allbecause they don't want to admit that 100 percent ofhepatitis vaccine receivers are infected with AIDS.Where is the data on the hepatitis vaccine studies?FDA? CDC? No, the U.S Department of Justice has itburied where you will never see it. What has thegovernment told us about AIDS?* It's a homosexual disease-WRONG. (Thehomosexuals certainly spread it but the primaryresponsibility wasn't theirs.)* It's related to anal intercourse only-WRONG.* Only a small percentage of those testing positive forAIDS would get the disease-WRONG.* It came from the <strong>African</strong> green-back monkey-WRONG.* It came from the cytomegalovirus-WRONG.* It was due to popping amyl nitrate with sex-WRONG.* It was started 400 years ago by the Portuguese-WRONG. (It started in 1972.)* You can't get it from insects-WRONG.* The virus can't live outside the body-WRONG.The head of the Human Leukemia <strong>Research</strong> Group atHarvard is a veterinarian. Dr. O. W. Judd, InternationalAgency for <strong>Research</strong> on Cancer, the agency thatrequested the production of the virus in the first place,is also a veterinarian. The leukemia research he isconducting is being done under the auspices of a schoolof veterinary medicine.Now there is nothing wrong with being a vet but, as wehave pointed out, the AIDS virus is a human virus. Youcan't test viruses in animals and you can't testleukemias in them either. It doesn't work. So whywould your government give Judd, a veterinarian, eightand one-half million dollars to study leukemia in aveterinary college? As long as we are being used asexperimental animals, maybe it's appropriate.The London Times should be congratulated foruncovering the smallpox-AIDS connection. But theirexpose was very misleading. The article states that the<strong>African</strong> AIDS epidemic was caused by the smallpoxvaccine "triggering" AIDS in those vaccinated.Dr. Robert Gallo, who has been mixed up in some verystrange scientific snafus, supports this theory. Whether theinfection of 75 million <strong>African</strong>s was deliberate oraccidental can be debated but there is no room for debateabout whether the smallpox shots; "awakened theunsuspected virus infection." There is absolutely noscientific evidence that this laboratory-engineered virus waspresent in Africa before the World Health Organizationdescended upon these hapless people in 1967 with theirdeadly AIDS-laced vaccine. The AIDS virus didn't <strong>com</strong>efrom Africa. It came from Fort Detrick, Maryland, U.S.A.The situation is extremely desperate and the medicalprofession is too frightened and cowed (as usual) to takeany action. Dr. Strecker attempted to mobilize the doctorsthrough some of the most respected medical journals in theworld. The prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine saidthat his material "appears to be entirely concerned withmatters of virology" and so try some other publication.In his letter to The Annals, Strecker said, "If correct humanexperimental procedures had been followed we would notfind half of the world stumbling off on the wrong path tothe cure for AIDS with the other half of the world coveringup the origination of the damned disease. It appears to methat your Annals of Internal Medicine is participating in thegreatest fraud ever perpetrated."I guess they didn't like that so Strecker submitted hissensational and mind-boggling letter with all of the properdocumentation to the British journal, Lancet. Their reply:"Thank you for that interesting letter on AIDS. I am sorryto have to report that we will not be able to publish it. Wehave no criticism" but their letter was "overcrowded withsubmissions." They're too crowded to announce the end ofwestern civilization and possibly all mankind? It doesn'tseem reasonable.What can we do? The first thing that should be done isclose down all laboratories in this country that are dealingwith these deadly retroviruses.Then we must sort out the insane irresponsible andtraitorous scientists involved in these experiments and trythem for murder. Then maybe, just maybe, we can re-staffthe laboratories with people who will work to save aremnant of people to repopulate and re-civilize the world.References:1. Allison, et al, Bull WHO 1972. 47:257-63 and Amos, etal. Fed Proc. 1972, 31:10872. Omni Magazine, March. 1986, p. 106.3. Jan. 11, 1986. [???]4. London Times Front page, May 11, 1987.http://healingtools.tripod.<strong>com</strong>/who_africa.html☻☻☻☻☻☻-12 - <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>African</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> October 2008

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