Cross-border securities settlement and risk analysis framework for ...

Cross-border securities settlement and risk analysis framework for ...

Cross-border securities settlement and risk analysis framework for ...


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CROSS-BORDER SECURITIES SETTLEMENT ANDRISK ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK FOR CROSS-BORDER LINKSCHART 3IMPACT OF RISKS FOR THE INVESTOR (I)CSD PER TYPE OF CROSS-BORDER SETTLEMENTRisks in <strong>Cross</strong>-BorderSettlement related toType of <strong>Cross</strong>-BorderSettlement<strong>Cross</strong>-SystemSettlementInternalSettlement atInvestor (I)CSDLegal <strong>risk</strong> (1)Settlement modelFinancial strengthControl environmentOperational <strong>risk</strong>Large impactSmall impact(1) Including custody <strong>risk</strong>issuer (I)CSD. The quality of the control environment, aswell as the financial strength of the intermediary <strong>and</strong> / orthe issuer (I)CSD, also remain relevant <strong>for</strong> the investor(I)CSD.3. Risk <strong>analysis</strong> <strong>framework</strong> <strong>for</strong>cross-<strong>border</strong> (I)CSD linksCPSS-IOSCO Recommendation 19 requires (I)CSDs toconduct a <strong>risk</strong> <strong>analysis</strong> of the design of the link as well asof the financial integrity <strong>and</strong> operational reliability of thelinked issuer (I)CSD. The latter may per<strong>for</strong>m different setsof functions (i.e. provision of depository, credit, <strong>securities</strong>lending, collateral management, custodian <strong>and</strong> <strong>settlement</strong>services) which may also be provided through the link. Thedesign of the link is there<strong>for</strong>e determined by the choice offunctions, as well as by the structure of the issuer (I)CSDsthemselves <strong>and</strong> the legal <strong>framework</strong> applicable in therespective jurisdictions (1) . Recommendation 19 does not,however, provide detailed “tools” that specify how this<strong>analysis</strong> should be done in practice.In the assessment process of the links of investor (I)CSDslocated in Belgium, the NBB has set up, as overseer of<strong>securities</strong> <strong>settlement</strong> systems, a Risk Analysis Framework(“the Framework”) that provides guidance on the interpretationof CPSS-IOSCO Recommendation 19 relatingto cross-<strong>border</strong> links. It allows both the NBB, as overseer,<strong>and</strong> the investor (I)CSD to conduct a comprehensiveassessment of the relevant <strong>risk</strong>s in cross-<strong>border</strong> (I)CSDlinks set up by the investor (I)CSD, <strong>and</strong> to verify whetherthe investor (I)CSD, subject to the oversight by the NBB,meets CPSS-IOSCO Recommendation 19. The Frameworkis detailed in Annex 1.In accordance with CPSS-IOSCO Recommendation 19, theFramework is based on the principle that it is the investor(I)CSD (<strong>and</strong> not the issuer (I)CSD) that needs to conducta <strong>risk</strong> <strong>analysis</strong> of the link. In the case of indirect links, <strong>for</strong>example, the issuer (I)CSD might even be unaware thatit is linked with an investor (I)CSD as an intermediary willact on behalf of the investor (I)CSD by holding a <strong>securities</strong>account in its system. As a consequence, (I)CSDs locatedin Belgium operating as issuer (I)CSDs in links will not haveto meet the requirements of the Framework.In accordance with the Framework, the investor (I)CSDshould assess the <strong>risk</strong>s relating to cross-<strong>border</strong> <strong>settlement</strong>at the level of the issuer (I)CSD <strong>and</strong> all other intermediaries(i.e. local agent, global custodian, (I)CSDs) engaged in aparticular cross-<strong>border</strong> link (2) , regardless of the type of linkor cross-<strong>border</strong> <strong>settlement</strong>. When a security deposited by(1) For legal <strong>and</strong> custody <strong>risk</strong>s, CPSS-IOSCO refers to Recommendation 1 (“Legal”)<strong>and</strong> 12 (“Protection of customers’ <strong>securities</strong>”).(2) Since <strong>for</strong> a particular link, the intermediary may not function as cashcorrespondent, the latter should also be covered by some aspects of theFramework.133

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