08/03/06 - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

08/03/06 - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

08/03/06 - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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8. Performance ReportThe Chief Executive advised that ideas were being developed on how the performancereport was presented and there may be changes in the future.Performance indicators missed or at risk were highlighted:• Decontamination – the business case to take part in a West Yorkshire-wide unit wasclose to being signed off.• Cancer Wait Times – there were breaches in the 62 day target (95%) from urgentreferral to treatment. It was expected that this target would be reached by the end ofMarch and would be consistently met from then on.• MRSA Blood Stream Infections – significant amounts of work had gone in to the actionplans resulting in 3 months of reduced figures. Achieving the target would be one of the<strong>Trust</strong>’s top 10 objectives.10. Governor FeedbackVisit of Monitor – The Chairman thanked the Governors who had attended the meetingwhen Bill Moyes and his team visited. The opportunity for them to meet with the Govenrorshad been appreciated. A copy of the letter received from Monitor had been circulated. NoraWhitham advised that she had found it very useful to meet Bill Moyes and that Monitor weresupportive of the work taking place in <strong>Bradford</strong>. She had confirmed to them that theorganisation was now looking forward; working openly, and that communication hadimproved.Voluntary Services Forum, Peter Sale – Copies of the draft directory were circulated.Printing costs would be sought, but it was understood they would be approximately £2k,and the group would be looking for sponsorship. A sub-group would be convened to assistwith the preparation of the AGM and consider a stand for the Voluntary Services Forum.Appreciation was expressed for the guidance and help given by Chris Heaton.Finance Tutorial, Grace Alderson – The tutorial was presented in a relaxed and easy tounderstand way. 28 slides had covered the finance framework, baseline borrowing,financial plan, financial assumptions and risks. In addition income and expenditure werefully explained. The tutorial had been clear and precise and plenty of time had been allowedfor questions. The group left with a clear idea of the financial challenges and would like torecord their appreciation for the time and effort given on the day.Members Visits, Maureen Sharpe – The visit to A&E had been well attended with a mixedage range, including students who were covering the visit as part of their course work. Thedepartment was busy but calm with a good atmosphere. A presentation was given by theConsultant Physician, Tony Shenton, which included future planning proposals. The workon infection control, which was obviously given a high priority in the hospital, was fullyexplained by Matron Terry Wood. An abusive visitor was dealt with quickly and calmly andwas escorted off the premises. The visit was informative and interesting.In the past Public Governors only had been circulated with the details of visits as this was amembership initiative. However it was agreed that this would be extended to includePartner Governors.Search Committee, Deidre Naylor – Two meetings of the Search Committee had been heldin connection with the vacancy for a Non-Executive Director. The first was to decide on thequalities that would be required, which included significant commercial experience andpreferably expertise in marketing. 21 applications had been received. The second meetinghad taken place to draw up a shortlist of 3 candidates and interviews would take place onthe 24 th March.Meeting of FT Governors, Astrid Hansen and Lee Hall – 2 sub-groups had been formed.One would be looking at the structure and refining a shortlist of hosting companies(facilitators who would organise venues, arrange invites etc.). The other group would bereviewing how the group would be financed, either <strong>Trust</strong> fees or the possibility of grants. Areport was expected in the next few weeks.

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