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Simple Strategies<strong>to</strong> Market Your BusinessJimmie Wilkins, Direc<strong>to</strong>rChemeketa Community CollegeSmall Business Development CenterFocusing on Business Promotion made me think of themost valuable resource we have as business owners – ourcus<strong>to</strong>mers. Rarely do we capitalize on this pricelessasset and, in simple terms, individuals love <strong>to</strong> be asked for theiropinion – especially when it is treated with respect!Here is a marketing strategy that is simple, will work for anybusiness, and can be implemented quickly <strong>to</strong> produce immediateresults. It does not cost much and the sales growth generatedcontinues as long as you use it.Ask your cus<strong>to</strong>mers.Ask them what they like about doing business with you. Thisgives you insight <strong>to</strong> the value added, the needs being met andthe environment you foster that may never have (deliberately)crossed your mind.Ask who they know that would also enjoy the way you dobusiness. Referred leads are so much easier <strong>to</strong> sell than cold calls,and leads from cus<strong>to</strong>mers better yet. And, they don’t cost youanything. This should be an integral part of your marketing.As a part of your sales follow-up, you will be asking yourcus<strong>to</strong>mers about their buying experience. You can generatereferrals with a simple, but subtle Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Survey. Send it bymail, email, fax or post it on your web site. Keep it simple, knowwhat you want and make it easy for your cus<strong>to</strong>mers <strong>to</strong> respond.Try this simple example.1. What did you like best about our (product or service)?2. What can we do <strong>to</strong> improve our (product or service) for you?3. Who else do you know that wants <strong>to</strong> (state the benefitprovided by your product or service)?The first two questions focus attention on the benefits youprovide. Your cus<strong>to</strong>mers are more likely <strong>to</strong> volunteer referralsat the third question when they are already thinking about thevalue of those benefits.You also gain something from the answersfrom the first two questions. The first questionoften generates a response you can use as atestimonial (with your cus<strong>to</strong>mer’s permission).The second question may provide an earlywarning of a problem you need <strong>to</strong> correct. Thethird question is obvious – but be prepared <strong>to</strong>follow-up. If your cus<strong>to</strong>mer gives you a name,they will want their efforts <strong>to</strong> be follow-up on.In addition <strong>to</strong> knowing what you cus<strong>to</strong>merswant, it is critical <strong>to</strong> know HOW you can dothe best job for them. If you really know yourcus<strong>to</strong>mer and you develop operations aroundthis knowledge, there is no reason for your cus<strong>to</strong>mers <strong>to</strong> leave.But, there is always room for improvement and complacency willcreate a slow but sure erosion of cus<strong>to</strong>mer service and inevitableloss of sales.Treat your cus<strong>to</strong>mers like you want <strong>to</strong> be treated. Remember,you are a cus<strong>to</strong>mer yourself. What affects your shoppingexperience? Why do you do business with a company? The nexttime you shop with this company, take the time <strong>to</strong> actually recordyour experience:• What did you like or dislike about the company?• Were you satisfied with your purchase and would youpurchase from them again?• What was unique about the sale?• What would you tell others about your experience dealingwith this company? (Good or bad.)Evaluate other companies.• Is it convenient <strong>to</strong> do businesses with them?• Is it easy <strong>to</strong> get information or find the products you need?• Can you buy what you need at a time and place that isconvenient for you?• Are the product/service features easily unders<strong>to</strong>od?• Can you easily return items that don’t meet your expectations?It is my opinion that there is no level of cus<strong>to</strong>mer expectation <strong>to</strong>ohigh. If you discover or hear of an expectation that you consideroutrageous examine it carefully. If a cus<strong>to</strong>mer has an expectation,chances are that he or she has experienced that level of serviceelsewhere. If it is a level that you simply cannot or will not meet,acknowledge that and see if there is an alternative <strong>to</strong> the expectedservice. Be all that you can be.Call 503-399-5088 or visit www.bizcenter.org.• Tax Planning & Preparation• Business & Financial Planning• Commercial & Municipal Auditing• Computerized Accounting Services• Agriculture & Timber Taxes503-390-78803085 River Road N. Salem, OR 97303 www.johnsonglaze.comPage 10<strong>SEDCOR</strong> Enterprise Magazine

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