Hereford - Hirsche Herefords & Angus

Hereford - Hirsche Herefords & Angus

Hereford - Hirsche Herefords & Angus

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4HEREFORD BULL CALVESOnce again we’re offering the top 27 bull calves in the class of 2008. This group is stronger and more diversified thanever. We have calves with better EPD’s than ever and our Polled calves are stronger than ever with outcross pedigrees.We had an exceptional year for grass, so these calves weren’t started on grain until the 10th of August and then weanedSeptember 4th. There are proven pedigrees in the offering as well as fresh new genetics.3GH ADAMS FAST BREAK 129UGAH 129U 17/01/2008* Ped BW WW YW MM TMEst. +6.1 +43.1 +74.1 +15.1 +36.4GH ADAMS STETSON STAR 6UFE 17L STAN BRIT 179RNN 9K MISS QUIGLEY 37MLFF STAN BRIT LAD 17LRAR 83A RED MILLENIUM LASS 8MLCI 82H QUIGLEY 9KNN 36B EXECUTIVE LASS ET 51JBW 88 lbs. Never before have we had a LOT 3calf with this kind of potential. Many visitorspick him as our top calf and some claim atthis stage, he is the best we have ever raised.Pretty big shoes to fill when you considerof the likes of Icebreaker, Shadow, Rambo,Patton, Neon, the flushmates Boomerangand Bushman, Rawhide, Buck and Simba, allcalves that started our production sale. I toobelieve that “Fast Break” could lead the pack.His sire was one of the best investments wehave made in purchasing cattle. When we sawhim at the Calgary Bull Sale in 2007, we knewhe was coming home regardless of the price.He had everything we were looking for. Thedepth, power and style we need and that greatCanadian hair. Lots of times these fat bull salebulls will just melt away after hard use the firstyear, but 179R (Fenton) never did. The morewe used him the better he looked. Now after2 years of breeding of 60 cows each year, heis our best looking herd sire. “Fast Break’s”mother is the best cow we got from BarrySchalin when we leased his cows 2 years ago.Her 2007 bull calf is being saved as a featurefor the Calgary Bull Sale in 2009. Her pedigreeis second to none and is a granddaughter of ourgreat 19Y cow. We sold 13 herd bulls in 5different countries out of this great cow.C02910004 GAH 6U 01/01/2008MHPH 13P STETSON 102SREMITALL PATRIOT ET 13PBW WW YW MM TM SC REA IMFMHPH MS 24K NITA 109NREM STAR LAKE AMBER 143RCS BOOMER 29FEPDs +5.7 +59.3 +103.0 +20.7 +50.4 +0.8 +0.59 +0.16REMITALL AMBER ET 258NBW 78 lbs. It’s nice when you buy cattle and they payfor themselves the first year. We purchased 6u in damlast fall at Medonte Highland’s cow sale. She is a greatuddered cow with 100% eye pigmentation. 6U is ourtop performing calf and will be well over 1200 lbs saleday. He is big, thick and has lots of length. His sireis one of the best “Patriot” sons and is out breedinghimself. This calf has herd bull potential in all areas.Look at his EPDs and especially the carcass number.The Best in the Sale.Dam: REM STAR LAKE AMBER 143R12

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