Hereford - Hirsche Herefords & Angus

Hereford - Hirsche Herefords & Angus

Hereford - Hirsche Herefords & Angus

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HEREFORD HEIFER CALVESNote to all Junior <strong>Hereford</strong> Members: Last year asa special feature in our female department we offered 20 of ourtop heifer calves for sale. Along with this feature was a specialoffer to all junior members. At no additional cost any Junior thatbought a heifer could leave their purchases at our farm wherethey were fed, bred and fit for the Junior National show eitherBonanza or the NJHA Junior Expo. We were pleased to see 19GAH 603U 23/01/2008females from our farm participate in this offer. Six of thoseheifers were Division or Reserve Division champions.This worked so well, we will once again extend this offer to ourjuniors. Your only cost will be transportation to B.C. or Tulsa.This group of heifers represents the best show prospects we’veraised. The selection is deeper than ever. None of the best arebeing held back.M A T E R N A L S I S T E R S28 GH ADAMS RAMBO PEARLEEN ET 603U 29 GH ADAMS 179R PEARL-LYN ET 41UC02910020 GAH 41U 05/01/2008GH RAMBO 279RGH NEON 17NHR GOLD DOMINO 251EGH PEARLINE ET 316NREMITALL ONLINE 122LJV PEARL 809*Ped BW WW YW MM TM REA IMFEst 5.2 74.7 121.4 16 53.4 +.89 +.05BW 88 lbs. Last year we were asked if we had a Polled Rambo hundreds of times,well this year we have three and each of them is special. This is the biggest andby far the most powerful. She will show at all levels today and again as a bredyearling. She will be an outcross to almost anypolled pedigree as she is only ¼ polled and therest horned blood and yet she’s smooth polled.Her mother is our most successful donor cowwith progeny around the world. Her dam isour great Pearl cow. She is also a flush mateto our Stoutline bull. This is a heifer that couldtruly change your whole breeding program.Powerful, yet feminine females are hard to findand even harder to buy.FE 17L STAN BRIT 179RLFF STAN BRIT LAD 17LRAR 83A RED MILLENIUM LASS 8MGH PEARLINE ET 316NREMITALL ONLINE 122LJV PEARL 809BW WW YW MM TM SC REA IMF+6.6 +57.1 +95.1 +18.9 +47.4 +0.8 +0.33 -0.05BW 98 lbs. As a maternal sister to Lot 28, this is picked by some as our bestprospect. Her depth of body and over all mass is second to none. Her sireis our new Fenton bull that is really breeding well and this is his best heifer.In July she was named Reserve Grand Champion Heifer Calfat the Junior National Show.She should have a great futureon the show circuit, but wetake more pride in the futurecow prospect we’re selling.41U comes to the top in thatdepartment as well. Hergrandmother is none otherthan Pearl.30GH ADAMS RAMBO DESIREE 17UC02910003 GAH 17U 01/01/2008GH RAMBO 279RGH NEON 17NHR GOLD DOMINO 251EANL BP 3D RH DESIRE 20SALLENDALE ROBIN HOODCIRCLE-D 29F DESIRE 23PBW WW YW MM TM SC REA IMFEPDs +4.7 +63.7 +98.8 +17.4 +49.3 +0.8 +0.75 0.00BW 86 lbs. This is the second polled Rambo and she is worth waiting for. I reallythink this could bet the best heifer next summer. She is long spined and extra longnecked.. The muscle shape from behind is powerful. All the Rambo’s have greatfeet and legs and this is no exception. They walk with such ease and flexibility.17U’s dam is really cool. She’s a small framed 2 year old with tons of guts andthickness. Of all the polled cows we’ve bought in the last 2 years this has to beone of the best by far. She’s got a perfect udder and has raised one of the topheifer calves out of a class of 150. They will be shown this fall.22Dam: 20S

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