CMNS 353 Syllabus - SFU Wiki

CMNS 353 Syllabus - SFU Wiki

CMNS 353 Syllabus - SFU Wiki


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Attendance/ParticipationThis course covers a lot of ground during the term and we have a lot of work to dotogether. First off (and so important), attendance is mandatory. Making it to classand tutorial (on time!) and being present for the lectures and discussions is a largepart of being successful in <strong>CMNS</strong> <strong>353</strong>. Second, group discussion is a central aspect ofour daily class and tutorial life, so please come prepared to talk about the readingsand issues of the day.I expect full, in-depth participation in discussion grounded in the assignedchapters and articles that you read before tutorial and class.Writing: Prospectus and Term PaperWriting for this course consists of two parts: the paper prospectus and the termpaper. The prospectus (2 pages) is due at the beginning of class day 8. In it, youwill outline the topic and give a supporting rationale for choosing it. Theoreticalperspectives, empirical site of study, and potential secondary sources (bibliography)will also be included. You are also required to include a working title and 1 or 2guiding research questions. At this point, you should be in dialogue with me and/orthe TA about how to approach reading, researching, organizing, and writing aboutyour topic. The term paper (3000 words) is due at the end of the course. Bothassignments will be further outlined in the coming weeks and deadlines posted onthe course wiki. Submission of final papers must be in both paper and electronicform to the TA. Submissions will not be considered complete until both are received.If you talk to us about your paper, it will improve your grade.ExamsThere will be two exams throughout the term. The first exam will be on materialcovered from Day 2 to Day 6, and the second will be on Day 8 to Day 11. Each examwill include readings, lectures, videos, and class/tutorial discussions. They are notcumulative. However, as we will discuss in class, learning about communication,technology, identity, and society does not mean simply moving from one topic to thenext. The issues and problems we discuss are interconnected and you will carryconcepts, theories, and ideas from one topic area into the next while making yourown connections between them.ParticipationAs mentioned above, it is crucial to make your voice heard in this course. There willbe plenty of different settings (lecture, tutorial, small group, online) to contribute tothe evolving discussion over the term.DeadlinesAssignments are due on the date indicated. I will not grant extensions except in thedirest of circumstances and under no circumstances will I grant an extension within24 hours of a due date. So please plan your semester ahead of time. As the oldadage goes: Plan your work. Then work your plan! Missed deadlines will be assesseda deduction of one third of a letter grade per day (e.g. from A- to B+ for 1 day late).The prospectus and term paper are due at the beginning of class on their duedates. The penalty for lateness begins immediately after class on the due date.All assignments must be completed in order to pass the course.Student MeetingsMy office time is at the top of the syllabus. Alternatively, you can make anappointment to meet at my office on the mountain or reach me via email.

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