Detailed Curriculum Vitae - Centro de Química Estrutural

Detailed Curriculum Vitae - Centro de Química Estrutural

Detailed Curriculum Vitae - Centro de Química Estrutural


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34II.15II.16II.171981II.18II.19II.20II.21II.22N.M.R. Study", J. Organometal. Chem., 1980, 190 , 297-304.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-328X(00)83987-XA.J.L. Pombeiro*, R.L. Richards, "Reactions of trans-[Mo(CNMe) 2 (PMe 2 Ph) 4 ] and mer-[W(CNMe) 3 (PMe 2 Ph) 3 ] Complexes with Methanol and with Mineral Acids to giveAmines, Ammonia and Hydrocarbons", Transition Met. Chemistry, 1980, 5, 281-284.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01396938A.J.L. Pombeiro*, C.J. Pickett, R.L. Richards, S.A. Sangokoya, "Mechanism ofDisplacement of Dinitrogen from cis-[Mo(N 2 ) 2 (PMe 2 Ph) 4 ] and trans-[Mo(N 2 ) 2 (Ph 2 PCH 2 CH 2 PPh 2 ) 2 ] by Isocyani<strong>de</strong>s. Evi<strong>de</strong>nce for the First Mixed Complexof Dinitrogen and Isocyani<strong>de</strong>", J. Organomet. Chem., 1980, 202, C15-C17.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-328X(00)81392-3A.J. L. Pombeiro*, "A biological Chemistry in the Interpretation of the EnzymaticNitrogen Fixation: Mechanistic Hypotheses on the Natural Reduction of Isocyani<strong>de</strong> andDinitrogen" (in Portuguese), Memories of the Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences of Lisbon (Class ofSciences), 1980, 23, 393-462.A.J.L. Pombeiro*, R.L. Richards, "Diazadiene-Isonitrile Complexes of Molyb<strong>de</strong>num(II)and Molyb<strong>de</strong>num(III)",Transition Met. Chem., 1981, 6, 255-258.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00620740A.J.L. Pombeiro*, M.F.N.N. Carvalho, P.B. Hitchcock, R.L Richards, "Preparation of theIsocyani<strong>de</strong> Complexes trans-[ReCl(CNR)(dppe) 2 ] (R = Me or Bu t ) and their Reactionswith Acid to give Carbyne Complexes. X-Ray Structure of trans-[ReCl(CNHMe)(dppe) 2 ]BF 4 ", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans, 1981, 1629-1634.http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/dt9810001629A.J.L. Pombeiro*, M.F.N.N. Carvalho, "Diazadiene and Isocyani<strong>de</strong> Chlorocomplexes ofTungsten in Various Formal Oxidation States", Rev. Port. Quím., 1981, 23, 23-32.A.J.L. Pombeiro*, "Studies on the Net Electron Donor-Acceptor Properties of theDinitrogen and Isocyani<strong>de</strong> Ligands in the Complexes trans-[ReCl(L)(dppe) 2 ] (L = N 2 ,CNR)", Rev. Port. Quím., 1981, 23, 179-183.A.J.L. Pombeiro*, "Studies on a Novel Route for Carbyne-Type Ligands Through Attackof Iminium Hali<strong>de</strong> to a Dinitrogen Monophosphine Complex, cis-[Mo(N 2 ) 2 (PMe 2 Ph) 4 ] ",Memories of the Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences of Lisbon (Class of Sciences), 1981/82, 24, 85-99.II.23 A.J.L. Pombeiro*, "Oxidation Reactions of the Dinitrogen Complex trans-[Mo(N 2 ) 2 (dppe) 2 ] with Halogenated Reagents", Memories of the Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences ofLisbon (Class of Sciences), 1981/82, 25, 221-234.II.241982II.25II.26A.J.L. Pombeiro*, "Metallocarbynes as Intermediates in Organic Reactions" (inPortuguese), Symposium on Organic Chemistry (<strong>de</strong>dicated to Prof. Andra<strong>de</strong> Gouveia),Coimbra, 1981, in press (36 pages).A.J.L. Pombeiro*, C.J. Pickett, R.L. Richards, "The Electronic Properties of Isocyani<strong>de</strong>sat Rhenium-Dinitrogen Binding Sites. Preparation and Redox Properties of theIsocyani<strong>de</strong> Complexes trans-[ReCl(CNR)(Ph 2 PCH 2 CH 2 PPh 2 ) 2 ]", J . Organomet. Chem.,1982, 224, 285-294. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-328X(00)85840-4F.N.N. Carvalho, A.J.L. Pombeiro*, O. Orama, U. Schubert, C.J. Pickett, R.L. Richards,"Preparation of New Dinitrogen Complexes of Rhenium(I) with Organophosphite andIsocyani<strong>de</strong> Ligands. X-Ray Structure of mer -[ReCl(N 2 ) (CNMe){P(OMe) 3 } 3 ] ", J.

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