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ˆ¯Ö×¾Ö³ÖÖ ÖßμÖ †×¬Ö úÖ¸üß, ¾Ö Öß Sub ... - Yavatmal District

ˆ¯Ö×¾Ö³ÖÖ ÖßμÖ †×¬Ö úÖ¸üß, ¾Ö Öß Sub ... - Yavatmal District


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कमर्चारी यांचे पगार िबल,गोपनीय अहवाल व यासंबंधीत इतर शासकीयकामे.2. िशरस् तेदार िनरंक3. अव् वल कारकु न(1)िनरंक4. अव् वल कारकु न(2)5. अव् वल कारकु न(3)6. ú×−Öšü ×»Ö¯Ößú िनरंक7. लघुटंकलेखक िनरंककायार्लयातील कमर्चारी वतलाठी यांचे आस् थापनािवषयक बाबी.िनरंक3. Powers – MagisterialSr.No.Designation Powers – Magisterial Under whichlegislation/rules/orders/GRs./circularsRemark1 <strong>Sub</strong>-DivisionalMagistrateContinuedAll Powers as Indicated inthe respective act andrulesPreventive action, Morguesummary, arm’s license,Hotel/Lodging license,Performance license,Enquiry and action intreasure trove cases,Unclaimed property,Inspection in explosivelicense, Law and ordersituations control,Prevention of publicnuisance, Inspection ofPetrol pumps and solventlicensees,Code Of CriminalProcedure 1973sections 107 to 111Section 133, Section144, Section 145 to147 and all otherrelevant sections ofthe codeMumbai Police Act1951 Sections33,56,57 and 59.Bombay (Liquor)Prohibition Act 1949sections 93 BArms ActExplosive <strong>Sub</strong>stancesAct,Petroleum Productscontrol orderTreasure Trove ActEssentialCommodities Act,2 Shirastedar Nil

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