Donor Honor Roll - California State University, Dominguez Hills

Donor Honor Roll - California State University, Dominguez Hills

Donor Honor Roll - California State University, Dominguez Hills


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<strong>Dominguez</strong>Today<br />

S p r i n g 2 0 1 1<br />

Th e magaz i n e for alu m n i an d f r i e n ds of Cali for n ia sTaTe u n ive r s iT y, d om i ng u e z h i lls<br />

The Art<br />

of Giving<br />

2009–2010 Annual<br />

<strong>Donor</strong> <strong>Honor</strong> <strong>Roll</strong>

P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e doMinguez today is published<br />

by the Office of <strong>University</strong><br />

Communications and Public Affairs,<br />

an office within the <strong>University</strong><br />

The beginning of a new year is a natural time for us to pause and reflect on<br />

Advancement Division.<br />

what we have accomplished during the past year and to look ahead to the<br />

President<br />

future of <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>. In January 2010, we<br />

Mildred García<br />

began an 18-month-long commemoration of the university’s 50th anniversary,<br />

and one of the objectives was to engage the entire campus community, both<br />

Vice President of university<br />

advancement<br />

on- and off-campus constituents. We have certainly been doing that! In this<br />

Greg Saks<br />

issue of <strong>Dominguez</strong> Today, you can read about some of the wonderful events<br />

that have taken place and partnerships that have formed.<br />

editorial staff<br />

During the fall semester, the College of Business Administration and<br />

senior editor<br />

Brenda Knepper<br />

Public Policy 2010 Awards Luncheon was a record-breaking success in both<br />

attendance and funds raised. We cut the ribbon on a state-of-the-art clinical<br />

Managing editor<br />

Amy Bentley-Smith<br />

skills lab, the first such facility on campus in the nursing program’s 30-year<br />

art director<br />

history. The Multicultural Center unveiled “Manifest Diversity,” a large-scale<br />

John Lionel Pierce<br />

mural created by students under the guidance of nationally recognized Los<br />

Contributing Writers<br />

Angeles muralist Eliseo Art Silva. We also welcomed actress/comedienne<br />

Joanie Harmon<br />

Niecy Nash to campus for the 50th Anniversary Speaker Series: An Evening<br />

Mel Miranda<br />

with Niecy Nash. She shared stories from her time on campus and early escapades<br />

in show business, and had the audience laughing out loud!<br />

Photographer<br />

Gary Kuwahara<br />

In this issue’s Annual <strong>Donor</strong> <strong>Honor</strong> <strong>Roll</strong>, we pay tribute to friends<br />

of CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> who have given very generously to support the<br />

We want to hear from you!<br />

Send your letter to the editor, in 250<br />

words or less, to:<br />

university and its educational mission. Now more than ever, our students and<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> Today Editor<br />

their families are concerned about paying for college. There is much good<br />

that comes with giving back to those who are facing rising costs and more<br />

CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

1000 E. Victoria Street, WH 490<br />

Carson, CA 90747<br />

financial challenges than students had to face in prior decades. We invite you<br />

Or e-mail abentleysmith@csudh.edu<br />

to read stories in this issue about the impact of giving and contact us to learn<br />

Please include your name, year of graduation<br />

more about ways that you can contribute. Be a part of our success!<br />

if you are a CSUDH alumni, address, and<br />

daytime phone number. Letters will be<br />

We not only celebrate our donors, but are also amazed by the many gifts of<br />

printed at the discretion of the editor and<br />

art received this year that are helping to transform our university into a premier<br />

may be edited for publication.<br />

cultural center for the South Bay. We are very proud of our campus art, architecture,<br />

and state-of-the-art learning facilities. If you have not visited CSU<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> recently, please stop by in the near future!<br />

To change name or mailing address, e-mail<br />

jenosara@csudh.edu or call (310) 243-2182.<br />

The Art<br />

of Giving<br />

Warm regards,<br />

Mildred García, Ed.D.<br />

President<br />

Find Us on Facebook at<br />

www.facebook.com/CSUDH<br />

s p r i n g 2 0 1 1<br />

F e A T u R e s<br />

10 A skillful Addition<br />

14 The Art of Giving<br />

18 2009–2010 Annual<br />

<strong>Donor</strong> <strong>Honor</strong> <strong>Roll</strong><br />

D e p A R T m e n T s<br />

2 Anniversary news<br />

3 university spotlight<br />

6 Community news<br />

24 Faculty Focus<br />

26 Faculty news<br />

30 student successes<br />

32 Alumni profiles<br />

34 Class notes<br />

37 Toro Athletics<br />

C o n t e n ts<br />

O n T H e C O v e R<br />

Winston Hewitt was founding chair of<br />

the modern languages department at<br />

Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>. After his death in<br />

2006, executors of the Winston Hewitt<br />

estate created an endowed scholarship<br />

for students at the university.<br />

Photo Courtesy of the Winston russell heWitt foundation

a n n i V e r s a r y n e W s<br />

An evening with<br />

niecy nash<br />

Actress and comedienne Niecy Nash<br />

came home to CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

in early November 2010 as a guest<br />

speaker for the 50th Anniversary<br />

Speakers Series. Nash, who starred<br />

in the television series “Reno 911!,”<br />

hosted the Style Network’s show<br />

“Clean House,” and was a contestant<br />

on “Dancing with the Stars,”<br />

attended CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

2 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

Actress/comedienne<br />

niecy nash (left)<br />

with CsuDH president<br />

mildred García.<br />

in the early 1990s and performed<br />

in several Theatre Arts and Dance<br />

Department productions. She spoke<br />

candidly to an audience of 200<br />

students, alumni, staff, faculty and<br />

guests about her personal struggles,<br />

her successes and failures in the<br />

entertainment industry, and her time<br />

at the university.<br />

“I remember doing ‘The Colored<br />

Museum,’ ‘Fences,’” Nash reminisced.<br />

“There was one play where<br />

I was this pregnant. I appreciate this<br />

department because they asked,<br />

‘You’re not going to have that baby<br />

before opening night, are you?’ I said,<br />

‘No.’ They said, ‘Come on.’… I got<br />

to flex my dramatic muscle here so<br />

I was always grateful for having this<br />

foundation.” n<br />

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary<br />

of Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

<strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> continues to mark its 50th anniversary,<br />

celebrating five decades of academic scholarship and opportunity, achievements in preparing well-educated<br />

and productive citizens and leaders, and engaging with community partners for the benefit of the South Bay<br />

region. The 18-month-long celebration began in January 2010 with the launch of a special speaker series and will<br />

conclude with the 2011 Commencement in May.<br />

Additional information, campus history, and an events schedule, as well as memories and stories that have<br />

been submitted by members of the campus community can be found on the CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> 50th Anniversary<br />

website located at www.csudh.edu/50thAnniversary. n<br />

u n i V e r s i t y s P o t l i g h t<br />

Accreditation is music<br />

to Department’s ears<br />

The Department of Music has<br />

received the maximum accreditation<br />

renewal of 10 years from the<br />

National Association of Schools of<br />

Music (NASM). Accreditation by<br />

NASM, which is designated by the<br />

U.S. Department of Education as the<br />

accrediting agency for the field of<br />

music at the collegiate level, signifies<br />

that a music program meets a set<br />

of nationally recognized curricular<br />

standards for schools of music. The<br />

music department is now one of only<br />

A recent gift from the Mancillas<br />

family will not only provide support<br />

for the <strong>University</strong> Library, but will<br />

also contribute to campus beautification.<br />

Adriean Mancillas, an associate<br />

professor of graduate education on<br />

nine music programs in <strong>California</strong> to<br />

have dual accreditations with NASM<br />

and the <strong>California</strong> Commission on<br />

Teacher Credentialing.<br />

Chicana/o studies<br />

Celebrates the Big 4-0<br />

In 1970, an interdisciplinary program<br />

called Mexican American studies was<br />

offered at <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>. It was the<br />

beginnings of today’s Chicana and<br />

Chicano Studies Department. The<br />

department celebrated its 40th year<br />

of educating students on the historical<br />

and cultural contributions of<br />

Mexican American and other Latino<br />

populations in the United <strong>State</strong>s with<br />

a party in the Palm Courtyard during<br />

the 2010 Hispanic Heritage Month,<br />

and a series of talks throughout the<br />

fall semester. Additionally, faculty<br />

and students were recognized at a<br />

meeting of the Carson City Council.<br />

Grants support student<br />

success, Teacher<br />

education programs<br />

<strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> and its faculty were awarded a<br />

number of prestigious government<br />

(Continued on page 4)<br />

Library south Wing Courtyard Blooms with professor’s Gift<br />

CsuDH associate professor<br />

of graduate education<br />

Adriean mancillas and her<br />

family have made a threeyear<br />

pledge to maintain the<br />

courtyard outside the new<br />

Library south wing.<br />

campus, and her family, have made a<br />

three-year pledge to maintain an area<br />

outside the new Library South wing,<br />

to be named the Mancillas Courtyard.<br />

“We chose the courtyard as the<br />

place to direct our donation because<br />

it felt like it would be a peaceful<br />

and beautiful environment where<br />

students could go take a break while<br />

studying. Plus, when we bring our<br />

kids to visit, they could run around<br />

a bit and not disturb the necessary<br />

quietness inside!”<br />

Both Adriean and her husband,<br />

Ruben, are proud alumni of CSU<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>. She received her<br />

credential in school counseling, and<br />

he earned his bachelor’s degree<br />

in English. Mancillas hopes that<br />

her family’s gift to the university<br />

that provided them with education<br />

and professional training will help<br />

to foster “a sense of caring and<br />

commitment to our campus.” n<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 3

u n i V e r s i t y s P o t l i g h t<br />

(Continued from page 3)<br />

grants at the beginning of the fall<br />

2010 semester that will serve to further<br />

strengthen the university’s role in<br />

meeting the educational needs of its<br />

students and that of the Los Angeles<br />

region. They include:<br />

• A U.S. Department of Education<br />

TRIO grant to continue<br />

the university’s Student Support<br />

Services (SSS) program that helps<br />

improve college retention and<br />

graduation rates among the<br />

campus’s low-income, first<br />

generation or disabled students<br />

by providing advising, counseling,<br />

mentoring, tutoring, and career<br />

planning. The first year of the<br />

award is for $259,059, with the<br />

full award totaling $1.3 million.<br />

• A six-year $3 million grant from<br />

the National Science Foundation<br />

to create the CSUDH Master<br />

Science Teacher Fellowship.<br />

Through the fellowship, 30 science<br />

teachers from south Los Angeles<br />

public schools will complete a<br />

three-semester graduate-level<br />

program aimed at increasing their<br />

pedagogical and leadership skills,<br />

and ultimately impacting science<br />

teaching and student achievement<br />

in participating schools.<br />

Kamal Hamdan, director of<br />

the Transition to Teaching and<br />

Noyce Scholars programs in the<br />

Division of Teacher Education,<br />

and professor of biology Terry<br />

McGlynn are the co-principal<br />

investigators on the grant.<br />

• A five-year $9.2 million U.S.<br />

Department of Education School<br />

Leadership grant, which the<br />

Division of Graduate Education<br />

will use to create the Charter and<br />

Autonomous Public School Leadership<br />

Academy (CASLA), a new<br />

degree program specifically for<br />

current and aspiring charter and<br />

president García Attends White House signing<br />

<strong>University</strong> President Mildred García<br />

was one of only three Latino college<br />

presidents on stage with President<br />

university president mildred<br />

García shakes hands with<br />

president Obama at White<br />

House signing.<br />

Barack Obama as he signed an executive<br />

order renewing and revising the<br />

20-year-old White House Initia-<br />

4 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

tive on Educational Excellence for<br />

Hispanic Americans on Oct. 19,<br />

2010. While in Washington, García<br />

also participated in the National<br />

Education Summit and Call to Action<br />

hosted by the U.S. Department of<br />

Education.<br />

“Our university has long been<br />

a leader in expanding higher education<br />

access to Latino students and<br />

ensuring student success,” García<br />

said. “To have a seat at the table, at<br />

a national level, with other educational<br />

experts and Latino community<br />

leaders is a definite point of pride for<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>.” n<br />

independently operated public<br />

schools principals and assistant<br />

principals. A major goal of<br />

CASLA is to train knowledgeable<br />

and transformative school leaders<br />

who will improve the teaching<br />

and learning in the more than<br />

160 LAUSD-sponsored charter<br />

schools and 70-plus autonomous<br />

schools within the LAUSD<br />

service area. CASLA will be led by<br />

the grant’s principal investigator,<br />

Ann Chlebicki, professor in the<br />

Division of Graduate Education,<br />

along with co-directors Joe Scollo<br />

and Antonia Issa-Lahera, instructors<br />

in the Division of Graduate<br />

Education. CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

was one of only five universities<br />

nationwide to receive the grant.<br />

• A $171,788 grant through the<br />

National Endowment for the<br />

Humanities’ Landmarks of American<br />

History and Culture program<br />

to offer two week long professional<br />

development workshops<br />

in summer 2011 to high school<br />

teachers across the country, at<br />

which they will explore American<br />

history through the eyes of the<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> family. The grant<br />

was co-written by CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> assistant professor of<br />

history Laura Talamante, Cheryl<br />

McKnight, director of Service<br />

Learning, Internships and Civic<br />

Engagement, and Alison Bruesehoff,<br />

director of the <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

Rancho Adobe Museum. n<br />

Offering Limitless<br />

Opportunities<br />

for the Leaders<br />

of Tomorrow.<br />

Open the doors of opportunity through education. Invest in<br />

the next generation of change-makers with a gift to the CSU<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> Annual Fund.<br />

Participation in the Annual Fund sends a powerful message that<br />

you believe in CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>, its academic programs and<br />

the faculty, mentors and staff who are integral to the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Your gift to the CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> Annual Fund is critical to<br />

ensuring that future generations of students continue to receive<br />

an exceptional educational experience.<br />

OFFICe OF DeveLOPmenT<br />

(310) 243-2182 | giving@csudh.edu | www.csudh.edu/investinus

C o M M u n i t y n e W s<br />

CBApp Luncheon Celebrates scholarships, Community partners<br />

The College of Business Administration<br />

and Public Policy (CBAPP)<br />

hosted its Fourth Annual Awards<br />

Luncheon on Nov. 4, bringing<br />

together nearly 400 students, faculty,<br />

and members of the local business<br />

community. The college’s main fundraiser,<br />

the event raised approximately<br />

$54,000, the largest amount since<br />

the luncheon’s inception in 2007. In<br />

addition, three Paragon Sponsors<br />

joined the roll call of donors. Club<br />

Deportivo Chivas USA, Providence<br />

Little Company of Mary Community<br />

Health Foundation, and Toyota<br />

Motor Sales, USA, Inc. each gave a<br />

gift of $10,000 to support CBAPP<br />

student scholarships and faculty professional<br />

development activities.<br />

“Even in these difficult economic<br />

times, each one of you has<br />

helped us exceed attendance from<br />

last year with a packed ballroom<br />

because you believe in helping our<br />

[students] to go out to the South Bay<br />

and beyond,” university president<br />

Mildred García said. “Your generous<br />

support helps us provide the margin<br />

of excellence that enhances student<br />

success and gives our faculty the<br />

tools to develop the future leaders of<br />

this state and of this nation.”<br />

John Melendez, a senior majoring<br />

in business administration,<br />

represented the 2010-2011 scholarship<br />

recipients and gave a heartfelt<br />

testimony to the struggles of returning<br />

to college after a 28-year career<br />

that ended with a layoff due to the<br />

flagging economy.<br />

“With a family and the state of<br />

the economy, you have to make a<br />

decision, a difficult decision whether<br />

to pay for a degree or take care of<br />

your family,” he said. “The benefit of<br />

a scholarship such as this one makes<br />

the decision easy.”<br />

The Dean’s Medallion Awards in<br />

6 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

Awards Luncheon attendees<br />

(left to right) Kaye Bragg, CBApp;<br />

Bob Daly, Toyota; nancy Carlson,<br />

providence Little Company of<br />

mary medical Center; Antonio Cue<br />

sanchez-navarro, Club Deportivo<br />

Chivas usA; mildred Garcia,<br />

president, Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>;<br />

and Jerome miller, Toyota.<br />

recognition of the local CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> community were presented<br />

during the luncheon. The Organization<br />

of the Year Award was presented<br />

to Toyota Motor Sales, USA,<br />

Inc., Antonio Cué Sánchez-Navarro,<br />

owner of Club Deportivo Chivas<br />

USA, was honored as Executive of<br />

the Year, and Nancy Carlson (Class<br />

of ’94, B.S., nursing; ’96, MPA), chief<br />

executive officer of Providence Little<br />

Company of Mary Medical Center<br />

San Pedro was awarded Alumni of<br />

the Year.<br />

Platinum sponsors for the<br />

CBAPP Awards Luncheon included<br />

Broadway Federal Bank, Schools<br />

nancy Carlson shows<br />

the sweatshirt she wore<br />

while attending the<br />

university in the 1990s.<br />

Nancy Carlson was inspired to enter<br />

the nursing profession after watching<br />

how medical professionals cared<br />

for her first-born daughter, who had<br />

cystic fibrosis, and wanting to have<br />

Kaye Bragg, acting dean<br />

of the College of Business<br />

Administration and public<br />

policy, at the Fourth Annual<br />

CBApp Awards Luncheon.<br />

Federal Credit Union, and the Metropolitan<br />

Water District of Southern<br />

<strong>California</strong>. Gold Sponsors were The<br />

Home Depot Center, SA Recycling,<br />

and Watson Land Company. Silver<br />

nancy Carlson: CBApp Alumni of the Year<br />

“more understanding of her care and<br />

what was needed.”<br />

Carlson completed an associate’s<br />

degree in nursing at Santa Monica<br />

College. On the day she received her<br />

<strong>California</strong> nursing exam results, her<br />

daughter died at age 7. With a second<br />

daughter to care for, who also had<br />

cystic fibrosis, Carlson remained focused<br />

on her professional goals and<br />

what was best for her family.<br />

After 10 years of clinical nursing<br />

experience, Carlson found she could<br />

have a larger impact on the care of<br />

patients in a leadership position.<br />

“I realized… that you can make<br />

more differences in a management<br />

Sponsors were <strong>California</strong> United<br />

Bank, the CSUDH Alumni Association,<br />

Paula Moore, Patricia Williams<br />

of NKP Management, Staples Center,<br />

and Teledyne Controls. n<br />

role for a broader number of patients<br />

and staff,” recalls Carlson, now chief<br />

executive officer at Providence Little<br />

Company of Mary Medical Center<br />

San Pedro.<br />

Knowing she would benefit<br />

with additional education, Carlson<br />

enrolled at CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>,<br />

where she earned a bachelor’s degree<br />

in nursing and a master’s degree in<br />

public administration.<br />

“My daughter [now 35] and I<br />

were students on this campus at the<br />

same time, much to her chagrin, I’m<br />

quite sure,” Carlson quipped. “The<br />

education I received here… has allowed<br />

me to be a better leader.” n<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 7

C o M M u n i t y n e W s<br />

univision’s Feria es el momento, edúcate<br />

Brings Thousands to Campus<br />

CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> partnered with<br />

Univision Los Angeles to bring its<br />

education fair, “Feria Es El Momento,<br />

Edúcate,” to campus for a second<br />

year on Oct. 9. The event featured<br />

exhibitors representing elementary,<br />

secondary, and higher education, as<br />

well as representatives of Chivas USA,<br />

health care organizations, and other<br />

supplementary educational programs.<br />

An estimated 27,000 visitors<br />

walked through the CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> Torodome during the five-hour<br />

event, which was aimed at helping<br />

to increase the graduation rate and<br />

decrease the high school dropout<br />

rate among the Latino population<br />

and was largely targeted at the parents<br />

of soon-to-be college students.<br />

On-air personalities from Univision’s<br />

four Los Angeles radio and televi-<br />

visitors line up to attend the<br />

education fair, “Feria es el<br />

momento, edúcate,” held in the<br />

Torodome gymnasium.<br />

sion stations were on hand to sign<br />

autographs, and 47,000 free books in<br />

Spanish were distributed.<br />

Special guests on campus for the<br />

event included Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado,<br />

L.A. County Supervisor Mark<br />

Ridley-Thomas, <strong>State</strong> Assemblyman<br />

Warren Furutani, Rio Hondo College<br />

president Ted Martinez, Melvin<br />

Martinez, president of Los Angeles<br />

Harbor College, LAUSD Board of<br />

Education chair Monica Garcia, and<br />

Sandra Licon of the Bill and Melinda<br />

Gates Foundation.<br />

Campus Reception <strong>Honor</strong>s<br />

Filipino-American Leaders<br />

A reception honoring then-Chief<br />

Justice nominee Tani Cantil-Sakauye<br />

and former acting Lt. Gov. Mona<br />

8 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

Pasquil, the first Filipinas to serve in<br />

two of the highest offices in <strong>California</strong><br />

government, took place on Oct.<br />

23 on campus. The event, sponsored<br />

by the office of Assemblyman Warren<br />

Furutani (D-55th Dist.), was held<br />

in honor of October’s designation as<br />

Filipino American History Month.<br />

Mitch Maki, acting associate vice<br />

president of academic programs,<br />

welcomed guests and underscored<br />

the significance of Cantil-Sakauye<br />

and Pasquil’s success stories for firstgeneration<br />

college students.<br />

The evening’s program included<br />

greetings from Assemblyman<br />

Furutani, a performance by cultural<br />

dance troupe Kayamanan Ng Lahi, a<br />

look at the contributions of Filipinos<br />

to American culture by author<br />

and librarian Florante Ibanez, and<br />

speeches by Cantil-Sakauye, Pasquil,<br />

and alumnus Mario Carrasco (Class<br />

of ’10, M.A., negotiation, conflict<br />

resolution, and peacebuilding). The<br />

evening ended with a communityparticipation<br />

performance of “Profits<br />

Enslave the World,” a poem by Filipino<br />

labor activist Philip Vera Cruz.<br />

Cantil-Sakauye spoke on growing<br />

up in the delta region of Sacramento<br />

and participating in Filipino community<br />

events as a youth. “I was learning<br />

leadership,” she remembered. “I was<br />

learning courage. And I slowly began<br />

to appreciate my Filipino heritage. The<br />

sacrifices [my parents and grandparents]<br />

made for me to be here humble<br />

me and keep me grounded.”<br />

Former HuD secretary<br />

Cisneros speaks at<br />

Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

Henry Cisneros, former United<br />

<strong>State</strong>s Housing and Urban Development<br />

(HUD) secretary and executive<br />

chairman of CityView, delivered the<br />

inaugural lecture of the Presidential<br />

Lecture Series presented by Dr.<br />

Mildred García at <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> on Sept.<br />

Greg saks, Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> vice president of university<br />

advancement, and steve morikawa,<br />

assistant vice president of<br />

corporate community relations at<br />

American Honda motor Co.<br />

Former u.s. Housing and urban<br />

Development (HuD) secretary<br />

Henry Cisneros and CsuDH<br />

president mildred García at the<br />

presidential Lecture series.<br />

30. Cisneros, the former mayor of<br />

San Antonio, Tex., addressed an<br />

audience of students, administrators,<br />

faculty, and community members<br />

who filled the <strong>University</strong> Theatre.<br />

His talk, “The Essentials of Leadership<br />

for the 21st Century,” described<br />

the rapidly changing national and<br />

global society that today’s college students<br />

and graduates will be entering<br />

as future leaders of technological, environmental,<br />

economic, educational,<br />

and other professions.<br />

Inaugural Tri-Carson<br />

Brings Triathletes to<br />

Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

<strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> played host this fall to<br />

the first triathlon event in the city<br />

of Carson. Co-sponsored by Kaiser<br />

Permanente and presented by the<br />

City of Carson, the Carson Chamber<br />

of Commerce, and CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong>, the Tri-Carson triathlon<br />

was held on Oct. 23 on the campus<br />

and the surrounding city streets. A<br />

total of 195 participants took part<br />

in the 5K run, 12-mile bike ride, and<br />

200-meter swim, and each person<br />

received a ticket to that evening’s<br />

Chivas USA vs. Chicago Fire soccer<br />

match held at the Home Depot<br />

Center as well as a commemorative<br />

medal and T-shirt. n<br />

Honda Gift supports CAms<br />

science Opportunity program<br />

American Honda Motor Co., Inc. has donated $100,000<br />

to <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> to create<br />

an endowment fund that will support the university’s<br />

Science Opportunity Program, which provides collegelevel<br />

science courses to students of the <strong>California</strong> Academy of Math and Science high<br />

school located on the campus. Honda’s contribution ensures the program can continue<br />

to provide textbooks and course materials to the CAMS students free of charge. In<br />

honor of that support, the program will now be called the American Honda Science<br />

Opportunity Program. n<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 9

A skillful Addition<br />

the Csudh school of nursing opens state-of-the-art Clinical skills lab<br />

n amy Bentley-smith<br />

Walk into room A110 of<br />

the Social and Behavioral Sciences<br />

building and it no longer feels like<br />

you’re in a classroom, or on a college<br />

campus for that matter. Rather, it<br />

feels like you’ve entered a floor of a<br />

hospital. And in a way, you have.<br />

On November 8, the School of<br />

Nursing (SON) at <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> cut the<br />

ribbon on a new nursing clinical skills<br />

lab. Made to resemble a hospital<br />

recovery room—multiple beds and<br />

exam tables are separated by privacy<br />

curtains—the lab is a welcome addition<br />

to the program, which has not<br />

had a dedicated on-campus facility<br />

where students can hone their nursing<br />

skills in its 30-year history.<br />

“CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> understands<br />

the importance of a highly<br />

skilled nursing force, and for 30 years<br />

has been a leader in educating this<br />

state’s nurses,” said university president<br />

Mildred García. “The addition<br />

of this lab on our campus reaffirms<br />

our commitment to ensuring our diverse<br />

student body is trained in stateof-the-art<br />

facilities and standards of<br />

practice, and that we are producing<br />

well-prepared nursing professionals<br />

and healthcare leaders for our communities.”<br />

From virtual to Bricks and mortar<br />

While most college degree programs<br />

are taught at one physical campus,<br />

the CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> School<br />

of Nursing has been an off-campus,<br />

now students have the<br />

opportunity to learn<br />

the art and skill of nursing<br />

in a safe environment.<br />

mostly virtual program for most of<br />

its existence, with classes offered<br />

throughout the state. Established in<br />

1981 as the CSU <strong>State</strong>wide Nursing<br />

Program offering practicing registered<br />

nurses (RN) in <strong>California</strong> the<br />

opportunity to earn a bachelor’s or<br />

master’s degree at their pace and<br />

without leaving their home or place<br />

of employment, the CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> School of Nursing rarely<br />

conducted classes on the Carson<br />

campus until 2006 when it began its<br />

first pre-licensure program.<br />

The Master’s Entry Level Profes-<br />

sional Nurse (MEPN) program was<br />

created in response to the state’s<br />

nursing shortage and designed for<br />

individuals who have bachelor’s degrees<br />

in other fields but are interested<br />

in entering the nursing profession.<br />

For the first time, the school had a<br />

more traditional degree program—<br />

students take a full course load over<br />

20 months and take the majority of<br />

their coursework at CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong>. Scheduling classroom space was<br />

not a problem, but finding an appropriate<br />

facility where students could<br />

practice their nursing skills proved a<br />

The school of nursing<br />

at <strong>California</strong> state<br />

university, <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> holds a grand<br />

opening of its dedicated<br />

clinical skills lab.<br />

challenge. A rudimentary lab was set<br />

up in the SON administrative office<br />

space, and an agreement made with<br />

CSU Fullerton to have students and<br />

faculty use the lab there. Both arrangements<br />

highlighted the need for<br />

a dedicated facility on campus.<br />

1 0 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 1 1<br />

Lab Work<br />

Made possible with $1.6 million allocated<br />

through the CSU Chancellor’s<br />

Office systemwide nursing facilities<br />

improvement fund, construction<br />

began in late 2008 to convert four<br />

(Continued on page 12)

A skillful Addition (Continued<br />

students from the master’s<br />

entry Level professional nurse<br />

program demonstrate new<br />

equipment in the clinical skills<br />

lab at Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>.<br />

from page 11)<br />

classroom spaces on the lower level<br />

of the Social and Behavioral Sciences<br />

building into the 4,000-square-foot<br />

nursing skills lab. Features of the<br />

space include a reception area, a<br />

32-seat “smart” classroom with<br />

laptop computers at every seat and<br />

computerized whiteboards, a small<br />

simulation lab with high-tech human<br />

patient simulators known as METI<br />

men that were purchased through<br />

then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s<br />

<strong>California</strong> Nurse Education Initiative,<br />

as well as the hospital skills lab itself.<br />

The warm yellow walls and<br />

pastel polka dotted privacy curtains<br />

separating the beds in the skills<br />

lab belie the typical white-washed,<br />

sterile hospital room. But filled with<br />

student nurses practicing everything<br />

from changing beds to giving shots,<br />

running IVs and checking blood<br />

pressure, the space begins to take on<br />

the sights and sounds of a working<br />

medical center.<br />

The simulation lab is adjacent<br />

and includes two beds where the two<br />

METI men lay. These computerized<br />

mannequins can be programmed for<br />

any medical scenario and will present<br />

lifelike symptoms and responses<br />

accordingly to nursing students’ care.<br />

They are an added clinical skills educational<br />

tool for the students and one<br />

School of Nursing acting director<br />

Rose Welch believes will prove very<br />

useful to the nursing students.<br />

“It’s very dynamic and interactive,<br />

and a lot of literature supports<br />

that it really makes a difference in<br />

promoting safety and quality of<br />

patient care,” Welch said. “The whole<br />

point of it is to give students the opportunity<br />

to learn the art and skill of<br />

nursing in a safe environment before<br />

going into the real world, which also<br />

is the reason this entire skills lab for<br />

the School of Nursing is so critical.”<br />

Enhancing the student experience<br />

even further is the addition of<br />

cameras mounted above each bed in<br />

the labs, as well as television moni-<br />

tors throughout. As the students are<br />

practicing their skills, their instructors<br />

can choose to record them and<br />

view the footage, either at their stations<br />

or back in the computer lab, in<br />

The 4,000-square-foot,<br />

hospital-like nursing skills<br />

lab was created out of four<br />

classroom spaces on the<br />

lower level of the social and<br />

Behavioral sciences building.<br />

order to analyze the students’ actions<br />

more thoroughly.<br />

“Students look at how they perform<br />

and what they did right, what<br />

they did wrong, what they could have<br />

done differently,” Welch said. “Sometimes<br />

the most valuable part of the<br />

experience is the debriefing of it.”<br />

sOs Campaign<br />

Walking into the lab’s main entrance,<br />

individuals enter a reception area<br />

and are immediately drawn to a dark<br />

purple wall. Though currently blank,<br />

it will soon display the names of all<br />

the people who donated money or<br />

equipment to make the skills lab possible.<br />

Money from the CSU Chancellor’s<br />

Office fund only covered<br />

construction. The school had some<br />

equipment in their rudimentary lab<br />

space, but not enough to stock this<br />

much larger space.<br />

Lacking funds to purchase the<br />

necessary equipment and supplies,<br />

from gauze to hospital beds, the school<br />

launched a Stock Our Skills Lab<br />

(SOS) campaign. More than $130,000<br />

has been raised to-date, including<br />

major donations from Catalina businessman<br />

Ken Putnam, who chairs<br />

the CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> Foundation<br />

Board of Directors; Associated<br />

Students Inc.; and Providence Little<br />

Company of Mary Healthcare Foundation,<br />

which provided the beds. The<br />

SOS campaign will continue, according<br />

to Welch, who said the ongoing<br />

costs to keep the lab stocked are<br />

not covered in the school’s overall<br />

budget. In addition, the lab will be<br />

available for naming rights.<br />

“We really do need a lot more<br />

donations and to go in for grants,<br />

because ongoing maintenance and<br />

ongoing stocking is absolutely es-<br />

sential,” Welch said. “We’ve got this<br />

beautiful facility but it doesn’t help if<br />

it’s not utilized to its fullest.”<br />

At the ribbon cutting for the lab,<br />

MEPN student Jose Nava, a recipient<br />

of the Kaiser Permanente Dolores<br />

Jones Nursing Scholarship, summed<br />

up what the lab means to him and his<br />

classmates.<br />

“You are giving hope not only<br />

to us but to future generations of<br />

nurses that are going to come after<br />

us,” he said to the assembled supporters<br />

of the lab. “I hope that this<br />

nursing skills lab... will give us more<br />

time to practice and hone our skills.<br />

As good nurses, it’s not only that we<br />

have it here in our minds and in our<br />

hearts. We also have to have it in our<br />

hands.” n<br />

1 2 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 1 3

The Art of Giving<br />

“Where Cultures meet”<br />

scukpture (top) stands on<br />

a slope outside the new<br />

Library south wing. The<br />

state of Winston Hewitt<br />

(above) established an<br />

endowed scholarship for<br />

art and design students at<br />

Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>.<br />

Gifts of art and new Gallery space<br />

enhance the university’s stature<br />

as a Cultural Center for the region<br />

In this issue of <strong>Dominguez</strong> Today,<br />

the university presents its Annual<br />

<strong>Donor</strong> <strong>Honor</strong> <strong>Roll</strong> and acknowledges<br />

the generosity of all its donors.<br />

Thanks to contributions from alumni<br />

and friends, CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

continues to invest in student scholarships,<br />

faculty development and<br />

innovative programs, and is able to<br />

improve opportunities for our students<br />

and have a significant impact<br />

for generations to come.<br />

Charitable giving doesn’t always<br />

mean writing a check. Many donors<br />

choose to make a gift of art—either<br />

during their lifetime or by bequest—<br />

to enhance the university’s collections,<br />

to incorporate art into the CSU<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> environment, and<br />

to support its mission as a teaching<br />

institution, so future generations<br />

might experience the power and enjoyment<br />

of great works of art while<br />

attending the university.<br />

The CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> art<br />

collection has benefited and grown as<br />

a result of recent donations of gifts<br />

of art from individuals and corporate<br />

collectors, including paintings from<br />

the estate of former professor Winston<br />

Hewitt. These gifts are serving<br />

to enhance the aesthetics of the university<br />

for enjoyment by the campus<br />

and neighboring communities.<br />

The <strong>University</strong> Art Gallery in<br />

LaCorte Hall has offered outstanding<br />

exhibitions for several decades and is<br />

one of the major exhibition spaces<br />

in the South Bay. The Loker Student<br />

Union features large wall displays of<br />

historic photos and print memorabilia<br />

on both levels of the building, and<br />

offers additional areas for exhibits. In<br />

addition, the university has a myriad<br />

of new and beautiful spaces in which<br />

to display art works.<br />

The Library South wing that<br />

opened last April features large common<br />

areas on each floor of the fivestory<br />

building, as well as a dedicated<br />

six art and design department<br />

students were awarded the<br />

Winston Hewitt Art scholarship<br />

at the opening reception of an<br />

exhibition of Hewitt’s work in<br />

the university Art Gallery.<br />

multicultural art gallery. The <strong>University</strong><br />

Library Archives and Special<br />

Collections area has a “History Walkway,”<br />

featuring historic photos of<br />

the campus, and an exhibition area<br />

in its Reading Room. In October, the<br />

PICTURE Art Foundation partnered<br />

with CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

to open a museum space in the new<br />

wing for the benefit of the campus<br />

and donated a large-scale sculpture<br />

for an outside area. The growing art<br />

collection and exhibition spaces at<br />

CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> will continue<br />

to enhance the quality of campus life<br />

and the university’s value as an educational<br />

and cultural resource for the<br />

broader South Bay community.<br />

CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> thanks all<br />

our friends who have supported the<br />

university’s collections and students<br />

studying the arts.<br />

professor’s endowed<br />

scholarship, Gift of Art<br />

ensure His Legacy<br />

Winston Russell Hewitt was the<br />

founding chair of the modern languages<br />

department at CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong>, where he taught French<br />

literature from 1966 to 1982, but art<br />

was his true passion. After retiring<br />

from teaching, he devoted his life to<br />

painting. Executors of the Winston<br />

Russell Hewitt Foundation chose<br />

to honor his passion for art and his<br />

decades-long commitment to CSU<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>, after his death in<br />

2006, with the creation of the Winston<br />

Hewitt Art Scholarship.<br />

This past semester, six outstanding<br />

students majoring in art, became<br />

the first recipients of the $200,000<br />

scholarship. On Nov. 10, they were<br />

recognized at an opening reception<br />

for “Winston Hewitt: A Retrospective<br />

Exhibition of his Paintings and<br />

Prints,” that was on display in the<br />

<strong>University</strong> Art Gallery through December<br />

8. The recipients, who each<br />

received $1,000, were Jose Romero,<br />

Brian Banuelos, Alyssa Congdon,<br />

Jessica Portillo, Brenda Estrada, and<br />

Diana Homayonfar-Shahedi.<br />

At the reception, President Mildred<br />

García thanked the trustees of<br />

(Continued on page 16)<br />

1 4 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 1 5

The Art of Giving (Continued<br />

Hewitt’s estate and charged the schol-<br />

arship recipients with living life with<br />

the same pursuit of “authentic<br />

interests” that Hewitt demonstrated<br />

through pursuing his love of painting.<br />

“[Hewitt] was a renaissance man<br />

in that he was a language faculty<br />

member who later became an artist<br />

and left this for us to appreciate and<br />

show that you really can have multiple<br />

careers and ways of viewing the<br />

world,” she said.<br />

Brenda Estrada spoke on behalf<br />

of her fellow students and thanked<br />

the trustees for their support:<br />

from page 15)<br />

“With our commitment and<br />

dedication to our passion as artists,<br />

we hope that our artwork in the<br />

future will be deemed praiseworthy<br />

and reflect positively on the honor<br />

bestowed on us by the Winston<br />

Hewitt Scholarship.”<br />

Charles Winborne, a trustee of<br />

the Hewitt Estate, recalled his first<br />

visit to Hewitt’s studio and how he<br />

was impressed by the range of the<br />

painter’s work and commitment to<br />

his craft.<br />

“I realized not only from looking<br />

at the art but by the words he was us-<br />

50th Anniversary Commemorative Artwork<br />

1 6 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

ing, that he was involved in a life task<br />

that was extraordinary… and a good<br />

model for any of us who are doing<br />

anything we love and have passion<br />

for,” said Winborne.<br />

The Winston Hewitt Estate<br />

donated the brilliantly colored landscapes<br />

in the exhibit to the <strong>University</strong><br />

Library, where they will be put on<br />

permanent display.<br />

“Hewitt left the university a remarkably<br />

generous gift,” says Greg<br />

Saks, vice president for university<br />

advancement, “Not only has he<br />

provided a scholarship that will greatly<br />

Four original paintings by local artists are being unveiled throughout the<br />

2010–11 academic year to commemorate the university’s 50th anniversary.<br />

During the fall semester, renowned<br />

painter Synthia SAINT JAMES unveiled<br />

“Cincuenta,” and in January, Hispanic<br />

artist Aydee Lopez Martinez presented<br />

“The Heart of CSUDH.” Both<br />

bright, colorful paintings depict the<br />

cultural diversity of the campus.<br />

Plein air landscape and neoclassical<br />

artist Alexey Steele and Japanese American artist Mary<br />

Higuchi will also create paintings to celebrate the university community, not<br />

only because they are noted in their field, but because they represent the rich<br />

cultural tapestry that is CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>. n<br />

Posters of each painting will be available for sale in the <strong>University</strong> Bookstore.<br />

benefit many of our students, his<br />

wonderful paintings, along with other<br />

gifts of art that have recently come<br />

to the university, serve to increase<br />

the university’s stature as an arts and<br />

cultural center for the South Bay.”<br />

“Where Cultures meet”<br />

sculpture Installed<br />

A beautiful 10,000-pound bronze<br />

sculpture, titled “Where Cultures<br />

Meet,” was installed on campus and<br />

unveiled in October. The PICTURE<br />

Art Foundation, based in Redondo<br />

Beach, commissioned and donated<br />

the sculpture, valued at over<br />

$660,000, to the university for the<br />

benefit of the community.<br />

The centerpiece sculpture represents<br />

different ethnicities found<br />

around the world and features 10<br />

life-size figures emerging from and<br />

surrounding a globe of the world.<br />

Commissioned sculptor Benjamin<br />

Victor was selected by the foundation<br />

out of 53 applicants to create<br />

a sculpture that would best represent<br />

the university’s diversity. A <strong>California</strong><br />

native, Victor is artist-in-residence<br />

at Northern <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> in<br />

South Dakota, and best known for<br />

his sculpture of Sarah Winnemucca<br />

in the National Statuary Hall in the<br />

United <strong>State</strong>s Capitol.<br />

After researching the varying demographics<br />

and cultures at <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong>, Victor held a casting call<br />

for models and used students and<br />

faculty members of different ethnicities<br />

as a basis for the 10 human<br />

figures. The 15-foot-tall sculpture<br />

took eight months to complete.<br />

The “Where Cultures Meet”<br />

sculpture stands on a graded slope<br />

outside the new Library South wing,<br />

between the library and LaCorte Hall.<br />

“manifest Diversity”<br />

mural Celebrates<br />

America’s Diversity<br />

The campus community and guests<br />

gathered near the Loker Student<br />

Union at CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

in September, for the unveiling of<br />

“Manifest Diversity,” a mural created<br />

by students, faculty, staff and alumni<br />

under the guidance of muralist<br />

Eliseo Art Silva. The large-scale<br />

work depicting a multi-ethnic view<br />

of American history is now on view<br />

The Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

community celebrates the<br />

unveiling of “manifest Diversity”<br />

in september with student artists<br />

and volunteers and (l-r, starting<br />

with 7th from left) Lui Amador,<br />

multicultural Center coordinator,<br />

Karen Bass, <strong>California</strong> state<br />

Assembly speaker emeritus;<br />

muralist eliseo Art silva; and<br />

CsuDH president mildred García.<br />

in the Multicultural Center (MCC).<br />

“Manifest Diversity” was inspired<br />

largely by the writings of historian/<br />

social activist Howard Zinn and<br />

features close to 100 images of individuals<br />

and iconic scenes in American<br />

history, from Pre-Columbian Native<br />

Americans to present-day struggles<br />

for social justice in issues such as<br />

health care and immigrant rights.<br />

<strong>University</strong> President Mildred<br />

García and MCC Coordinator Lui<br />

Amador welcomed guests to the<br />

mural’s unveiling, including Speaker<br />

Emeritus of the <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

Assembly Karen Bass (Class of ’90,<br />

B.S., health sciences), whose image is<br />

depicted in the mural. Johnny Itliong,<br />

son of late United Farm Workers of<br />

America labor leader Larry Itliong,<br />

also attended the event to celebrate<br />

the commemoration of his father’s<br />

accomplishments in the mural. n<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 1 7

D o n o r H o n o r r o l l<br />

Your Gift makes educational<br />

Dreams a Reality<br />

Dear Friends,<br />

I am pleased to present the first-ever <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> Annual <strong>Donor</strong> <strong>Honor</strong><br />

<strong>Roll</strong>. In this <strong>Honor</strong> <strong>Roll</strong>, we recognize the support<br />

given between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010.<br />

I am excited to report that 2009–10 saw another<br />

strong year in giving. Over $3.8 million in philanthropic<br />

gifts were given to CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>;<br />

this represents almost a doubling of support since<br />

FY 2006-07. Our alumni have also stepped up their<br />

support—the number of alumni donors quadrupled<br />

between FY 2006–07 and the close of FY 2009–10.<br />

The state’s economic crisis has had a dramatic<br />

impact on our campus. Your willingness to give during<br />

difficult economic times makes it possible for students<br />

to pursue their dreams of attaining a college education<br />

and makes it easier for our faculty and staff to maintain<br />

a high level of support for our students.<br />

Without the generosity and vision of our philanthropic<br />

friends, CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> would not be<br />

the outstanding campus it is today. CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> continues to be a great investment. Through<br />

your contributions, we are better able to provide<br />

excellent academic programs, offer comprehensive<br />

student services, and evolve into a vibrant cultural<br />

center for the community<br />

On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, we<br />

thank you for the loyalty, goodwill, and support you<br />

provide that makes CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> stronger<br />

and better able to fulfill its educational mission. We are<br />

able to provide transformational opportunities to our<br />

students because of donors like you.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Greg Saks<br />

Vice President for <strong>University</strong> Advancement<br />

NOTE: Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this <strong>Honor</strong> <strong>Roll</strong>. Please<br />

contact the Office of Development at (310) 243-2182 if you have any questions or to<br />

report an error.<br />

1 8 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

pResIDenT’s HOnORs $1,000,000 +<br />

Bernard Osher Foundation<br />

BeneFACTOR $100,000–$499,999<br />

Ossur North America<br />

pATROn $50,000–$99,999<br />

Chivas USA Soccer, LLC<br />

Coca Cola Enterprises Bottling<br />

Company<br />

Georgia and Nolan Payton<br />

Foundation<br />

The Maureen P. McCarthey<br />

Foundation<br />

The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.<br />

The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert<br />

Foundation<br />

Verizon Foundation<br />

LeADeR $25,000–$49,999<br />

Bernard and Barbro Foundation<br />

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center<br />

CSUDH Alumni Association<br />

Northrop Grumman - Ground<br />

Combat Systems<br />

Shell Oil Products, US<br />

Southern <strong>California</strong> Edison<br />

The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris<br />

Foundation<br />

UCLA Medical Center Pathology<br />

and Laboratory Medicine<br />

AssOCIATe $10,000–$24,999<br />

Anonymous<br />

<strong>California</strong> Water Service Company<br />

Eleanor Chang<br />

Charles Pollock Reproduction,<br />

Incorporated<br />

Beverly and Donald Gerth<br />

Home Depot Center<br />

Huntington Memorial Hospital<br />

Johnetta Jones ’77<br />

Arnold L. Klein<br />

Monica Little<br />

Northrop Grumman Corp.<br />

Nels Dennis Pearson ’08<br />

Raytheon Matching Gifts<br />

Saint John’s Health Center-Sisters<br />

of Charity of Leavenworth Health<br />

System<br />

Schools Federal Credit Union<br />

Specialty Laboratories, Inc.<br />

(AmeriPath)<br />

The Boeing Company<br />

The Carson Companies<br />

The Wenner-Gren Foundation for<br />

Anthropological Research, Inc.<br />

Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.<br />

Watson Land Company<br />

West Basin Municipal Water District<br />

Western Pathologist Quality<br />

Assurance Service<br />

sCHOLAR $5,000–$9,999<br />

American Honda Motor Co., Inc<br />

Anonymous<br />

Blaine Labs Incorporated<br />

Chevron Products Company<br />

Classic Resort Limited<br />

Employees Community Fund<br />

of Boeing <strong>California</strong><br />

Enterprise Rent-A-Car<br />

Fatburger Corporation<br />

Dr. Mildred García ◆<br />

◆ Faculty/staff l Credential/Certificate Alumni n Deceased<br />

Shirley and Robert l Hashimoto<br />

Kinder Morgan Foundation<br />

Barbara and Neil l Minami<br />

T. Roy Nakai<br />

Northrop Grumman Information<br />

Systems<br />

Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities —<br />

Brad Warner Scholarship Fund<br />

South Bay F.O.R. Jr. Sports<br />

Association<br />

<strong>State</strong> Farm Mutual Automobile<br />

Insurance Company<br />

Hui-Ting Sun<br />

Tetsu Tanimoto<br />

VIRCO Manufacturing<br />

France Wong<br />

Gail and Frank Yanai<br />

TORO $1,000–$4,999<br />

Academic Basketball Association<br />

Allergan Foundation<br />

Anonymous<br />

Association of American Colleges<br />

and Universities<br />

Brandes Portraiture<br />

Katie Burridge<br />

<strong>California</strong> Water Service Company<br />

Carson City Center<br />

Martín Donaciano Chavez ’82, ’85<br />

Chevron Humankind Matching<br />

Gift Program<br />

Citibank, N.A.<br />

ConocoPhillips Company—<br />

Los Angeles Refinery<br />

CSUDH Associated Students,<br />

Incorporated<br />

Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Fund, Inc.<br />

Diane Middleton Foundation<br />

Double Pump, Inc<br />

Lorraine and Amer ◆ El-Ahraf<br />

Karen and James Ellis<br />

Keith Feder, M.D.<br />

Deborah Feldman<br />

First Class Vending Incorporated<br />

Maier Family<br />

Alejandro Freire<br />

Janice Fukai<br />

Rick Fukai<br />

Pamela and Richard ’70 Goacher<br />

Traci A. Goodbar<br />

Nancy and David ’99 Harper<br />

Harvard Grand Investment, Inc.<br />

HealthCare Partners<br />

Jackson N. Henry ◆<br />

Herbalife Int’l Communications, Inc<br />

Hualalai Resort<br />

International Alliance of Theatrical<br />

Stage Employees<br />

International Research and<br />

Exchanges Board, Inc.<br />

Catherine and William ◆ Jacobs<br />

John Johnson ◆<br />

Jostens, Incorporated<br />

Helen S. Kawagoe<br />

Valerie and Randolph Kitani<br />

David Lederer<br />

Yon Sun and Hyangkey ◆ Lee<br />

LegoLand <strong>California</strong> Resort<br />

Measured Progress, Incorporated<br />

Metropolitan West Capital<br />

Management, LLC<br />

Milken Family Foundation<br />

Paula and Brad Moore<br />

Scott S. Morris ◆<br />

Naomi l ◆ and Terrence Moy<br />

Michael Mulligan<br />

Dennis Y. Nakatani<br />

Nisei Athletic Union, Incorporated<br />

John A. Nojima ’87<br />

Gregg Okada<br />

Orange County Employees Association<br />

Craig K. Ota<br />

Frank Ota<br />

Henry Y. Ota<br />

Tsuyoko Sue Ota<br />

Phoenix PDQ, Incorporated<br />

Professional Document Services,<br />

Incorporated<br />

Raymond and Barbara Alpert<br />

Foundation<br />

Mary Ann ’04 ◆ and Jose Rodriguez<br />

Rotary Club of Carson-Gardena-<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

Ann Gunvalsen and Gregory Saks ◆<br />

Sempra Energy<br />

Calvin G. Sims<br />

Shirley and Gilbert Smith, Former<br />

Mayor City of Carson<br />

Soccer Event Specialist, Incorporated<br />

South Bay Workforce Investment<br />

Board<br />

South Bay Youth Basketball<br />

Jeff Stark<br />

Stroyke Properties<br />

Sysco Foods Services of<br />

Los Angeles, Inc.<br />

Teamsters Local Union No. 572<br />

Tesoro Refining and Marketing<br />

Company<br />

The Heads Up Youth Foundation, Inc.<br />

The Metropolitan Water District of<br />

Southern <strong>California</strong><br />

U.S. Army Healthcare Professions<br />

UFCW Union Local No. 324<br />

United Way <strong>California</strong> Capital Region<br />

Universal Copy<br />

Tieli Wang ◆<br />

Westin Coral Gables<br />

Aileen and Stephen Worrell<br />

Walter Wu<br />

Xi Theta Chapter —Sigma Theta Tau<br />

International<br />

Saeko and David ◆ Yanai<br />

Garrett Yanai<br />

FRIenD $500–$999<br />

Acento Advertising, Incorporated<br />

Jill Allison Aguilar ’84, ’97 ◆<br />

All West Camp, Incorporated<br />

Anonymous<br />

Gilbert J. Arrellano<br />

Susan and Jeffer ◆ Badrtalei<br />

Bakersfield Prosthetics & Orthotics<br />

Center, Incorporated<br />

Kicheka Baltrip<br />

Fairveola Banks<br />

Carrie Ann Blackaller ◆<br />

Kenneth Blaire<br />

Sharon and William ◆ Blischke<br />

Geraldine Bonner ’97<br />

<strong>California</strong> Faculty Association<br />

Lee and Miguel l ◆ <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

Jamie L. Dote-Kwan ◆<br />

Downey, Smith & Fier L.L.C<br />

Edison International Matching Gift<br />

Program<br />

Mohamed H. El-Badawi n<br />

Norman L. Epstein<br />

Southern <strong>California</strong> Junior Bach<br />

Festival<br />

Jean C. Ferguson<br />

Fox Entertainment Group, Inc.<br />

Galaxy West - Carson Crest<br />

Homeowners Association<br />

Dawn and Michael Gogan<br />

Deja Grant<br />

Patrick J. Guillen ◆<br />

Gregory Haeseler/Wells Fargo<br />

Advisors, LLC<br />

Dr. Donald T. Hata, Jr.◆<br />

Joy and Douglas Heiner<br />

Eve Martin Hemmans<br />

In-N-Out Burger<br />

Jackson Hewitt, Incorporated<br />

Cheryl A. Jackson-Harris ’82 ◆<br />

Kameda USA, Incorporated<br />

June and Alan Kaneko<br />

Kim Tours Sports, Inc.<br />

Deborah and Carl Kitani<br />

Harvey Kitani<br />

Genevieve and Ernest Klinger<br />

Brenda K. Knepper ’09 ◆<br />

Law Office of Petillon, Hiraide and<br />

Loomis, LLP<br />

Loker Student Union<br />

Donileen Rae Loseke ’73, ’76<br />

Cayleen and Mitchell ◆ Maki<br />

Eric Manabe<br />

Adrieanna l ◆ and Ruben ’96<br />

Mancillas<br />

Antoinette Marich ’81 ◆<br />

Mark E. McGann Corporation<br />

Mike Matsunaga<br />

Dale Minami<br />

Dean Morris<br />

Carmelita Navarro<br />

Sherri and Thomas ◆ Norman<br />

Northrop Grumman Foundation<br />

Kirsten Panell<br />

Peninsula Sports Camp, Inc<br />

Laura M. Phillips<br />

Thomas E. Philo ◆<br />

Piping Industry Progress and Education<br />

Trust Fund<br />

Gary Plunkett ◆<br />

Prima Solutions, Incorporated<br />

Renaissance Agoura <strong>Hills</strong> Hotel<br />

<strong>Roll</strong> Giving and Paramount<br />

Community Giving<br />

Jeannette Rosado<br />

Ted Sakaida<br />

Carole A. Shea ◆<br />

Naomi and Les Shibata<br />

Laura and Donn ’98 Silvis<br />

Melissa St. James ◆<br />

Frank A. Stricker ◆<br />

Angela Hsu and Victor Sze<br />

Edie Thompson<br />

Top Ladies of Distinction<br />

United Steel Workers Local 675,<br />

AFL-CIO<br />

Verizon<br />

Marcus K. Vincent l ◆<br />

Wachovia Foundation Matching<br />

Gifts Program<br />

Waste Management<br />

Luz C. Watts, Ph.D ◆<br />

Victoria Weston<br />

Shelley Wilborn<br />

Samuel L. Wiley ◆<br />

Kimberly Fain and Cedric Williams l<br />

Mary Louise Williams<br />

Oliver W. Wilson<br />

Diana Wolff l ◆<br />

Yukiko Yabuta<br />

Mark Yanai<br />

Catherine Mitsuko Yanai Lew<br />

Randy and Rosemary Zarn<br />

suppORTeR $250–$499<br />

Victor Abadia<br />

Janice and Brian Akahiji<br />

American Institute of Higher<br />

Education Resources<br />

Angeles National Golf Club<br />

Anonymous<br />

Association of International<br />

Calligraphy Arts<br />

AT&T <strong>California</strong><br />

Beach Cities Orthopedics & Sports<br />

Medicine, Inc.<br />

Beverly Sakura Foods<br />

Susan E. Borrego ◆<br />

Boice M. Bowman ◆<br />

C. Kaye Bragg ◆<br />

Gwen Yoshiko Brockman ’96<br />

Gary L. Cain<br />

Carson Chamber of Commerce<br />

Carson Sheriff Station Support<br />

Foundation<br />

Carson Venture Magazine<br />

Eugenia and Eli Chang<br />

Alan Ronald Chao<br />

Coast to Coast Installation, Inc.<br />

Communications Workers of<br />

America Southern <strong>California</strong><br />

Council<br />

Lenora ◆ and Roger Cook<br />

Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach and<br />

Marina Hotel<br />

Nicholas DeFrance<br />

Mercedes and Alan ’90 Dempsey<br />

Lorna Brillantes Diaz-Guiting, MSN,<br />

RN ’08<br />

Disneyland Resort<br />

Barbara and W. Timothy Doherty<br />

Joseph P. Douglass<br />

Linda J. Ellis<br />

Executive Perils<br />

Fanny Lou Hamer Queen Mothers<br />

Society<br />

Kathleen Fawver ◆ and Chris Monty ◆<br />

Deron Filip<br />

Carol Frey<br />

Friends of Cabrillo Marine Aquarium<br />

Reiko Fujinami and Melvin LeBeauf<br />

Brian Daniel Gardner ’81, ’89<br />

James O. Gierlich<br />

Barbara Gomez ’05<br />

Lawrence Edmund Gray ’70 ◆<br />

Guy Fox & Associates, Inc.<br />

Herman Miller Workplace Resource<br />

Henry Hines<br />

Ernest M. Hiroshige<br />

Holiday Inn - Santa Monica Beach<br />

Bridget Horan<br />

Marcia Ann Huskey ’86<br />

Hyatt Regency Suites Palm Springs<br />

Diana ’06 and Eric Inouye<br />

J & L Press, Incorporated<br />

Josephine A. Jackson<br />

Bonnie and James Jeffers<br />

Shirley Jempson<br />

Cynthia G. Johnson ’95<br />

Rena ’02 and Stephen Johnson<br />

James K. Kawahito<br />

Walter Kawamura<br />

Teiji Kawana<br />

Mary and Roger Kehew<br />

Keiei Senryaku Corporation<br />

David Y. Kim<br />

Jean and Keith Kobata<br />

Gary M. Kuwahara ’83 ◆<br />

Christine L. La Marre<br />

Sam Lagana<br />

Michael Li ’02 ◆<br />

Barbara M. Long<br />

Los Angeles College Faculty Guild,<br />

Local 1521 American Fed. of<br />

Teachers<br />

Christopher Madigan<br />

Clarence A. Martin ◆<br />

James Mathews<br />

Dean Matsuura<br />

William C. McClintock<br />

Sergio Minassi, CPA ’88<br />

Lamont Miya<br />

Joe Montenegro<br />

Jolene ’85 and Wayne Moomey<br />

Lisa Mulvaney<br />

◆ Faculty/staff l Credential/Certificate Alumni n Deceased<br />

Lenore ’81 and Michael Neidorf<br />

NKP Management DBA McDonalds<br />

North High School Associated<br />

Student Body<br />

Norwalk Youth Sports<br />

Cliff Numark<br />

Marlene and Rudy Nunez<br />

On-Camera Audiences, Inc.<br />

Ryoko Onishi ’08<br />

Ono Design Works<br />

Orange County Central Labor<br />

Council, AFL-CIO<br />

Pacific Park<br />

Pacific Physical Therapy<br />

Sofia Pappatheodorou ◆<br />

Pi Sigma Sigma<br />

Damaine M. Powell ◆<br />

Deann ◆ and James Schlobohm<br />

Steven Robert Silbiger ’88, ’94<br />

Skydive Santa Barbara<br />

Janet C. Smith ’90<br />

Michael P. Smith ◆<br />

James Edward Sneed ’93<br />

SouthBay Pavilion at Carson<br />

Southwest Labor Studies Association<br />

Janie Mae ’86 and Clinton Speare<br />

Jane and James ◆ Strong<br />

The Aerospace Corporation<br />

The <strong>California</strong> Landscape<br />

Contractors Association<br />

The Ice House Comedy Nightclub<br />

& Restaurant<br />

Human Resources Advisory Board<br />

Twining Laboratories, Incorporated<br />

Estela and Ray Uchima<br />

Ultimate Power, Incorporated<br />

United Way Inc. of Greater<br />

Los Angeles<br />

<strong>University</strong> Bookstore<br />

Nicole and Gary Vasquez<br />

Karen J. Wall ◆<br />

Alfredie Ward ’75<br />

Cathy and Alan ’84 Watanabe<br />

Edward J. Whetmore ◆<br />

Sheila A. Wood ’94 ◆<br />

Writers Guild of America, West Inc.<br />

Mei Jen Wu and Myron Sheu<br />

Ryan Yahata<br />

Shari and Bart ’89 ◆ Yamachika<br />

Zdonek & Wolowicz<br />

Zoe Christian Fellowship<br />

DOnOR $1–$249<br />

Abbott Fund<br />

Mary and Jesse ’77 Abrajano<br />

Academic Professionals of <strong>California</strong><br />

Dean Lee Adams ’07<br />

Jeanetta Marie Adams ’95<br />

Linda ’94 and Adrian Adams<br />

Regina Anne Adams ’76 n<br />

Michele Albano Ahkuoi ’00<br />

Wendy and Thomas Ahlering<br />

AHTKY Insurance Agency, L.L.C.<br />

Mudassar Ajmal<br />

Ariel Albarece<br />

Lorraine ’70 and Harry Albaugh<br />

Carol ’80 and Robert ’83 Aleman<br />

Cara ’96 and Kenneth Alfieri<br />

Anne M. Allen ’94<br />

Stephanie Allen ’99<br />

Patricia A. Allison ’06<br />

Irene ’77 and Arthur Almeida<br />

Katherine M. Almeida ’84<br />

Sharon S. Alston ’89, ’07<br />

Mary and Warren ’80 Altstatt<br />

Kathleen ’82, ’04 and Richard ’81<br />

Alvarez<br />

Marlene Amaral Jones ’00 and<br />

George Jones<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 1 9

D o n o r H o n o r r o l l<br />

Marylou ’80 and James Amato<br />

Kyra Katherine Amberik ’86, ’02<br />

Bahiyya Amh-Shere ’05<br />

Kathy Amico<br />

Lita and Peter ’85 Amico<br />

Jack L. Amsell ’78, ’01<br />

Jan Marie Anderson ’86, ’89<br />

Jeanne A. Anderson ’09<br />

Robert James Anderson<br />

Susan Gail Anderson ’85<br />

Angels Baseball Club<br />

Halaevalu Angilau<br />

Anonymous<br />

Theresa C. Anyim ’03, ’09<br />

Aquarium of the Pacific<br />

Alex Aragon<br />

Barbara Ann Aranguren ’86<br />

Diane M. Archer ’81<br />

Toni I. Arenstein ’04<br />

Terri Lynn Ares ’98, ’05 ◆<br />

Shelly and Michael Arevalo<br />

Maria De Lourdes Arias ’07<br />

Gloria C. Armstrong-Mosely ’78<br />

Faye Williams Arnold ’75 ◆<br />

Warren J. Ashley ◆<br />

Beverly Ann Athey ’94<br />

Steven D. Atkinson<br />

Arbutus K. Atsumi<br />

Eileene Atwood ’95, ’97<br />

John William Auld l ◆<br />

Aldo Avalos ’05, ’09<br />

Avi Resort and Casino<br />

Evelyn Ayers<br />

B J Discount, Incorporated<br />

Babouch Moroccan Restaurant<br />

Yvonne Bae-Barter ’05 and<br />

Duncan Barter ’05<br />

Regina Cecilia Baggett l<br />

Mara Victoria Bagier ’95<br />

Francine Baldwin ’04<br />

Arnetha and Frederick Ball<br />

Sylvia Ballard ’88<br />

Gayle Arnise Ball-Parker ’78 ◆<br />

Bianca Banks<br />

Sharon and Donald ’72 Bannister<br />

Patricia Baptiste<br />

Barbara Lynn Barak ’87<br />

Marisol Barba ’99 and Marco Arizaga<br />

Vivian and Louis ’80 Barberi<br />

Laura E. Baril ’02<br />

Annette ’69 and Charles Barnes<br />

Donald Joseph Barnett l ◆<br />

Irma ’91 and Arturo Barragan<br />

Maurine and Lon ’05 Barrett<br />

Barbara and Gene Barrie<br />

Beatriz Garcia-Barrientos and<br />

Enio Barrientos ’08<br />

Corazon G. Barrios ’84, ’90<br />

Patricia Ann Barrow ’75<br />

Varlyne and Richard Bartlett<br />

Ruth ’79 and William Bartron<br />

Addisababa Ishemeil Abdul Bass ’01<br />

Henrietta Bassey<br />

Kristal L. Basua ’89<br />

Catherine Galiano Batcha, RN ’93<br />

Araceli and Mariano ’09 Bautista<br />

Iris ’90, ’92 ◆ and Henry Baxter<br />

Helen Bayard-Dillis<br />

Adelbert Cornelius Baylis ’03 ◆<br />

Betty Dixon Bell ’99, ’04<br />

Jeanne Edyth Bell ’79<br />

Laura ’86 and Todd Benjamin<br />

Tracy ’03, ’08 and Lawrence Bennett<br />

Ronda Benware ’09<br />

Shaunah and Eric Berg<br />

Lynne and Mark ’72 Berney<br />

Beverly <strong>Hills</strong> Chapter—Mu Phi<br />

Epsilon<br />

Billy’s Deli<br />

Margaret E. Bilson ’77<br />

◆ Faculty/staff l Credential/Certificate Alumni n Deceased<br />

Willda Bingham<br />

Constance and Thomas Birk<br />

Maria and Theodore ’98 Bistarkey<br />

Virginia Jane Bixler ’92<br />

Margaret and Louis ’79 Black<br />

Betty J. Blackman ◆<br />

Ralph Blahnik ’04<br />

Roger Carlisle Blake ’98<br />

Matthew James Blanchard ’08<br />

Bloc Talent Agency, Inc.<br />

Margaret Roemer Blue ’80<br />

Gwendolyn J. Bob ’08<br />

Kathleen J. Bochum ’95<br />

Colleen A. Boeding ’94<br />

Ben Boish ◆<br />

Katherine Jeannette Bolden ’98, ’05<br />

Joyce Bonds ◆<br />

Naomi E. Booker-Mallory ’89, ’95<br />

Frances ’95 and Thomas Booth<br />

Carol A. Bosman-Anderson ◆<br />

Aleta ’99 and Dean Boston<br />

David Tyler Bouffard ’08<br />

Timothy Michael Bowler ’03<br />

Carla Renee Bradford ’91<br />

Paulette A. Bradley ’85<br />

Loyce and Joseph ◆ Braun<br />

Margaret Ann Brechbuehl, RN ’93<br />

James William Breedlove ’71<br />

Courtney Raphael Brett ’05<br />

Jeannette Brewer ’06<br />

Thomas Clinton Brewer, III ’91<br />

Robert Michael Brezina ’08<br />

Billy Brice ’81<br />

Linda Paulette Brice ’97<br />

Patricia Jane Bridenstine ’91, ’94<br />

Ann S. Brigden ’77, ’93<br />

Brinker International<br />

David Brinson<br />

Nelsa ’80 and Les Brodie<br />

Clifford Brodsky ’80<br />

Ingrid Dawn Brookler ’96<br />

Lawanna Broussard ’09<br />

Carla D. Brown ’84<br />

Chenelle Brown<br />

Cynthia Brown ’06, ’09<br />

Janice Ann Brown ’90, ’96 ◆<br />

Linda ’88 ◆ and Joseph Brown<br />

Marvin D. Brown ’99, ’01<br />

Pearlie ’07 and Roy Brown<br />

Patricia A. Broyard<br />

Louis A. Buchanan<br />

Margaret Johnson Buika ’95<br />

Elwood James Bunting ’88<br />

Alma Burch ’82<br />

Ann and Timothy ’05 Burley<br />

Theodore Emmett Burton ’89<br />

Detris Bush ’01<br />

Jayne Bush ’87, ’93<br />

Toby Bushee ◆<br />

Steven L. Bussell<br />

Eileen Butcher<br />

Brian Butelo<br />

Joanna Mosso-Butler and<br />

Sean Butler ’83<br />

Butterfield Communications, Inc.<br />

Pamela ’80 and Marvin ’79 Byrd<br />

Cafe 50’s<br />

Cal Bowl<br />

Claudia Calandrino ’81, ’86<br />

Hansonia Caldwell ◆<br />

Dolores ’77 and Joseph Calhoun<br />

<strong>California</strong> Credit Union<br />

Ann Camp ◆<br />

Delma Madelein Campbell ’74<br />

Edward A. Campbell ’86<br />

Morgan Campbell ’05<br />

Guadalupe ’06 and Jose Campos<br />

Curtis E. Canion ’83<br />

Edward Ernest Canler ’72<br />

Juanita and Clifford l Cannon<br />

2 0 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

Daniel R. Cano ’78, ’85<br />

John J. Capulli ’79<br />

Davea ’95 and James Carr<br />

Mario Alberto Carrasco ’08<br />

Jamye and Robert Carter<br />

Jamylle L. Carter<br />

Traci D. Carter ’06, ’09<br />

Cecilia and Antonio ’87, ’99<br />

Carter-Loza<br />

Karina Castaneda ’08<br />

Elena M. Castillo ’99<br />

Marivic Reyes-Castillo and<br />

Raul Castillo ’92, ’00<br />

Castle Financial, Incorporated<br />

Lynn Dell Cates ’86<br />

Paulette Caudill ’74<br />

Cristina Cazares ’08<br />

Cengage Learning<br />

Center for the Study of Political<br />

Graphics<br />

Cerritos Center for Performing Arts<br />

Janice ’82 and David l ◆ Champion<br />

Nischal Chandra ’07<br />

Daniel Scott Charles ’82<br />

Donald Neil Charnofsky<br />

Michel Lee Chauvin ’08<br />

Margaret R. Chavez ’94<br />

Mario F. Chavez ’93<br />

Yolanda Chavez ’00<br />

Stella Cheng<br />

Lois ◆ and Henry Chi<br />

Maria Rosanna Chian-Clifton ’78<br />

Chicago For Ribs-Redondo Beach<br />

Chicago For Ribs-San Pedro<br />

Diane ’77, ’79 and John Chillington<br />

Al B. Christman ’82<br />

David Churchman ◆<br />

Dominick Cistone<br />

Jonathan L. Clark ’04<br />

Patricia ’75 and Leonard Cleary<br />

Patricia ’89, ’95 and James Clemons<br />

Mary Lou V. Clinkenbeard<br />

Theresa ’85 and Kevin ’85, ’86<br />

Clutterbuck<br />

Mark Douglas Coates ’99<br />

John Paul Cochrum ’09<br />

Deborah ’06 and Paul Cocola<br />

Karin ’06 and Mark Cohick<br />

Alicia Lettia Coleman ’01<br />

Taursha L. Coleman ’08<br />

Douglas F. Collins ’81, ’93<br />

Cynthia D. Collins-Banks ’77<br />

Communications Workers<br />

of America<br />

Communications Workers of<br />

America- Local 9400, AFL-CIO<br />

Communications Workers of<br />

America- Local, 9573 AFL-CIO<br />

Communications Workers of<br />

America, Local 9586<br />

Samuel Contreras<br />

Ann M. Cook<br />

Shelby ’07 and Douglas Cook<br />

Judith R. Cooper<br />

Loretta Mack Cooper ’00<br />

Carolett ’91 and Jeffrey Cooperstein<br />

Coquis Hideaway Restaurant and<br />

Sports Bar<br />

John Cordova, R.N.<br />

Margie and Paul ’76 Cordova<br />

Jimmy Cortes ’01<br />

Denis R. Costello ’06<br />

Frances D. Cottrell<br />

Patricia and Joseph Covino<br />

Makeda Cowan ’03<br />

Sandi ’02 and Dennis Cox<br />

CPMG International, Incorporated<br />

Catherine Crawford, MFT<br />

Carolyn Kay Crossley ’83<br />

Harvey R. Crow ’74<br />

Lorenzo R. Cruz<br />

Theresa C. Cuarenta l<br />

Maricela Cuellar ’97, ’04<br />

Elnora Cunningham ’84<br />

Frankie M. Curry ’76, ’80<br />

Vickie E. Curtis ’99<br />

Patricia Curtois<br />

Custom Hotel<br />

Ellen and Robert ’79 Dahms<br />

Kevin Patrick Daly ’09<br />

Blanche ’81 and James Daniel<br />

Donald F. Daniels<br />

James Daniels<br />

Carolyn Ann Danko ’10<br />

Carol J. Davies ’05<br />

Hakeem A. Davies ’85, ’03<br />

Belinda W. Davis ’93<br />

Daisy Lee Davis ’76 n<br />

Jalonda A. Davis<br />

Susan and Blair ’80 Davis<br />

Theotis Davis<br />

Jennifer Davis-Barnett ’97<br />

Dawn ’07 and Eugenio De la Cruz<br />

Rosa ’06 and Victor De la Torre<br />

Cynthia ’76 and Frank Dean<br />

Craig DeCrescenzo<br />

Kim ’99 and Donald Degner<br />

Cecilia ’09 and Jose Delgado<br />

Ronald Michael Delhomme ’83<br />

Barbara Jean Deol ’97<br />

Yvonne ’91 and John Depinet<br />

Elizabeth Yuki DeSoto l ◆<br />

Lillian J. Diaz ’00<br />

Rae L. Dickerson-Patrick ’84<br />

Nancy A. DiCristina ’78, ’84<br />

Patricia Susann Dillon ’05<br />

DIRECTV Matching Gift Center<br />

Linda C. Disbro<br />

Virginia l and Dale Divers<br />

Ophelia ’87 and Adolphus Dixon<br />

Candelaria ’02 and Adrian Dizon<br />

Leona Danette Dobyns l ◆<br />

Dolores Doll-Sales ’00<br />

Rosa <strong>Dominguez</strong> ’01<br />

Nancy Donahoe l<br />

Donald and Gayle Koch Family Trust<br />

Shirley Jean Dones ’99<br />

Cynthia Kyte Donnelly ’91<br />

James Dooley ’85 and James Green<br />

Delbara and Lee ’83 Dorsey<br />

Deirdre Douglas ’07<br />

Maria Doulaverakis<br />

Anedra Juree Downs ’99<br />

Madge ’75 and Ulysses Dredd<br />

Dubunne Salon, Inc.<br />

John R. Duffy ’80<br />

Gregory David Duhon ’91<br />

Joanna l ◆ and Alfred Dunklee<br />

Mary ’88 and Douglas Durand<br />

Eddy Sewing Machine<br />

Lisa Kennedy Edmondson ’07<br />

Adria R. Edwards ’95 ◆<br />

Joanna and Graham ’04 Edwards<br />

Fred Eguchi<br />

Mary Ehman ’92, ’98 and<br />

Charles Faust<br />

Jone and Alan ’76 Elfaye<br />

Barbara ’72 and Neil Elliott<br />

Terry Engelberg<br />

Sadie Marie English ’08<br />

Jami Enosara ’02 ◆ and Eric Enosara<br />

Jorge Escamilla ◆<br />

Christy K. Evans ’09<br />

Suzanne Elizabeth Evans ’05<br />

Cynthia and John Evich<br />

Debra and Richard Faigh<br />

William Fain<br />

Sharon Fair ’83<br />

Kathryn ’75 and Michael ’74 Farmer<br />

Stephanie Farmer<br />

Joanna L. Fawzy Morales, Esq.<br />

Mary Therese Feeley ’77<br />

Michael Harvey Feer ’93<br />

H Fetcenko ◆<br />

Janet F. Feuer ’03<br />

Melba ’82 and Arthur Fields<br />

Dorothy M. Fisher ◆<br />

Ena Elizabeth Fisk ’96<br />

Five Guys Burgers and Fries<br />

Fleming Entertainment Centers, Inc.<br />

Robert Mauricio Flor ’07<br />

Melissa Flores<br />

Nancy Flores ’07<br />

Linda A. Flower ’02<br />

Margaret Flowers-Hamilton ’84<br />

James Richard Forman ’76<br />

Joan Forman l and Arturo Adame<br />

Lila Forray<br />

Carolyn ’05, ’07 and Randall Foster<br />

Alma F. Fowlkes<br />

Yvonne and Charles France<br />

Martha E. Franco-Gonzalez<br />

Lynn Marie Frangos ’94<br />

Dalia ’83 and Lawrence Frank<br />

David Laurence Frazee ’09<br />

Wanda Frederick<br />

Sandra ’99 and Robert Freeman<br />

Cathy Carolyn French ’01<br />

Colleen L. Frenck<br />

Suzanne M. Fuentes ’96<br />

Yoko Fujii<br />

Rodney Fukaye<br />

Joanna Fulton<br />

Functional Amputee Support Team<br />

John A. Fung ’78<br />

Samuel Fung<br />

Randy Furushiro<br />

Katrina ’03 and Robert Fusco<br />

Karolina P. Gage ’00<br />

Dawn and Anthony ’78 Galante<br />

Nita and Bernard ’09 Gallagher<br />

Yvonne Gallegos-Vincent and<br />

Paul Vincent<br />

Thomas Gamble l<br />

Brittany Gamboa<br />

David Andres Gamboa ’05 ◆<br />

Sharon and Steven ’71 Garber<br />

Alison Marie Garcia ’08<br />

Diana and Raymond Garcia<br />

William Gardiner ’80<br />

Janet M. Gardner ’82<br />

Margie Nell Garrett ’76<br />

Marianne and Ray ’80 Gassaway<br />

Alveta Christine Gatlin l<br />

Eunice Ann Gearhart ’09<br />

Lila Geller ◆<br />

General Electric Share Owner<br />

Services<br />

Norma D. Gill<br />

Karen Elaine Gilyard<br />

Hugo D. Giron ’09<br />

Charlotte ’94, ’96, ’99 and<br />

Arthur Gittleman<br />

Beverly Glenn ’76<br />

Peggy and Mervin ’79 Glover<br />

Go Kart World<br />

Sandra Dee Goetz ’02<br />

Gerald Goins ’71<br />

Betty ’78 and Arthur Goldberg<br />

Constance G. Golds ’09<br />

Golf N’ Stuff<br />

Steven J. Golightly ’07<br />

Gerardo Gomez<br />

Roxana M. Gomez ’07<br />

Jose Antonio Gomez-Ramos ’89<br />

Andres A. Gonzales ’77<br />

Sherwin Goo<br />

Eva Goodwin-Noriega<br />

Porsche Gordon ◆<br />

Marie Goree<br />

William E. Gould ◆<br />

Beatrice Graham<br />

Ann ’01 and Frank Graziano<br />

◆ Faculty/staff l Credential/Certificate Alumni n Deceased<br />

Patsy J. Green ’04<br />

Martin Steven Greenspan ’88<br />

Sherri Beth Greif ’08<br />

Nancy and Judson ◆ Grenier<br />

Darryl A. Griffin ’08<br />

Gail C. Griffith ’99<br />

Danny K. Grissett ’99<br />

Candy Grone<br />

Scott Alan Grosz ’04<br />

Claudia Argentina Guerrero ’99<br />

Bonnie ’83 and Howard Gunderson<br />

Myra Gurian<br />

Josefina and Roland ’71 Gutierrez<br />

Pamela F. Gutierrez ’71<br />

Silvia Anne Gutierrez ’81 ◆<br />

Jan M. Guy ’86<br />

Marilyn J. Haag ’07<br />

Margaret Ann Haase ’91<br />

Donna Margaret Hadrian ’90<br />

Carol Hafer ’01<br />

Gwendolyn L. Hale ’80<br />

Margaret A. Hall ’06<br />

Roberta and William Hall<br />

Sha’Quana Hall ’08<br />

Caryn Hanks ’09<br />

Darlene L. Hansen ’86<br />

Wesley Y. Harada ’78<br />

Judith Gale Hardaker ’71<br />

Delores J. Hardison ’81<br />

Joanie A. Harmon ’03 ◆<br />

Elizabeth and Kenneth Harper<br />

Kathleen P. Harren<br />

Mieko Charlene Harrington ’93, ’06<br />

George William Harris ’94<br />

Helen ’01 and Henry Harris<br />

Deann Kay Harrison ’76<br />

Anneliese Lori Hart ’93<br />

Pamela ’81 and William Hastings<br />

Hathorn Portrait Designs, LLC<br />

Beverley Kohler Hayhurst<br />

Steven Darrell Hazzard ’86<br />

Gregory Matthew Hearne ’76<br />

Thomas Emmett Heaton ’77<br />

Alexis and Anthony ’80 Heaverlo<br />

Carmen and Robert ’86 Hedges<br />

Celina Ann Henderson<br />

Marilyn D. Henderson<br />

Gladys ’73, ’76 and William<br />

Henderson<br />

Robert D. Hendricks<br />

Irvin Henry, Jr. ’80<br />

Juana Lavetta Henry-Turner ’80, ’90 ◆<br />

Paulette L. Hentzen<br />

Darlene Nan Herbets ’08, ’10<br />

Hilda Hernandez ’06, ’09<br />

Rosa A. Hernandez ’09<br />

Victor Hernandez l<br />

Arlene Y. Herrera ’03<br />

Christopher P. Herrera ’71<br />

Elsa ’73 and Michael Herrera<br />

Matthew Lawrence Hetz ’85<br />

Jackie Ann and Robert Hiegert<br />

Wanda Sunami Higaki ’96, ’00<br />

Kay ’79 and Lewis Hiigel<br />

Richard C. Hildebrand ’82<br />

James Clifford Hinkle ’91<br />

Elizabeth Diaz Hinojosa ’09<br />

Dale H. Hirayama l<br />

Linda Ho<br />

Van Thanh Ho ’02, ’10<br />

Chere Desire Hooks ’04<br />

Judith and Joseph ’76 Hopkins<br />

Malaika W. Horne ’99, ’07 ◆<br />

Iris E. Hosea ’07<br />

Fumiko Hosokawa ’84 ◆<br />

Marilyn C. Hostetler ’85<br />

Ernest F. Howard, CPA ’75<br />

Mary Lynn and William ’73 Howard<br />

Betty Jean Howells<br />

Geraldine ’71 and Charles Howey<br />

Eunice ’85 and David Hughes<br />

Joseph R. Hughes, Jr. ’79<br />

Mary Irene Hults ’04<br />

Cheryl and Joseph ’85 Hunt<br />

Damion Duard Hunter ’07<br />

Felice Hunter ’81<br />

Kristine A. Hurst ’00<br />

Lynn Hutcheson ’81, ’92, ’97 ◆<br />

Peter Huyen ’07<br />

Robert Ideishi<br />

Jeffrey Cabuenias Idica ’09<br />

George (Jr.) Igawa<br />

Pilar and Filemon Ilao<br />

Elizabeth Ann Ingraham-Ono ’04<br />

Valerie Inklebarger ’73<br />

Miwako Inoue<br />

Carolyn and William ’90 Insalaco<br />

Jane and George Iwanaga<br />

J.Vann Trucking<br />

Faye ’78 and Jackawa Jackson<br />

Fleeter H. Jackson ’81<br />

Keith Keley and Randy Jackson ’06<br />

Lagina DeAnn Jackson ’05<br />

Karen ’78 and David Jacobs<br />

Ruth Helen Jacobs ’74<br />

Victoria ’71 and Harry Jacobs<br />

Carol L. Jacobus ’09<br />

Sainey Musa Jallow ’09<br />

Barbara Clary James ’97, ’99<br />

Brooke and Darren James<br />

Elise R. James ’09<br />

Harold Dean James ’81<br />

Lina ’01 and Willie James<br />

Lorie Diane James ’04, ’07<br />

Pamela Jarman, PA-C ’83, ’02<br />

Lori Collins-Jarvis and<br />

Stephen Jarvis l<br />

Nina and Hagop ’82 Jazmadarian<br />

Vladimir Jefferson ’80<br />

Nancy Jefferson-Mance ’00 and<br />

Roger Mance<br />

Therese Marie Jelnick ’92<br />

Edith Jenkins-Weinrub ’94 and Allen<br />

Weinrub<br />

Cassandra D. Jenkins-Wilson ’01, ’10<br />

Stephen Richard Jenner l ◆<br />

Gregory R. Jennings ’80<br />

Linda and George ◆ Jennings<br />

Charlene Jensen<br />

Patricia L. Jensen ’77, ’80<br />

Marcel Marketto Jeter ’90<br />

Gail and Ernest Jewell<br />

Monica Christina Jimenez l ◆<br />

Raquel and Manuel ’03 Jimenez<br />

Johnnie’s Pizza<br />

Vernon Edward Johns ’74<br />

Bolesha and Brian ’94 Johnson<br />

Everett V. Johnson ’81<br />

George Johnson ’71<br />

Joyce Johnson ’72 ◆<br />

Katherine L. Johnson ’82<br />

Maria ’01 and Dennis Johnson<br />

Rory Johnson<br />

Sonia M. Johnson ’08<br />

Steven D. Johnson ’84, ’08<br />

Walter James Johnson ’75<br />

Althea Jones<br />

Corinne and Paul ’86 Jones<br />

Darylun Gayl and Reginald ’79 Jones<br />

Kristal Lynn Jones ’08<br />

Mexie ’03 and Peter Jones<br />

Rosalyn C. Jones ’02, ’07<br />

Constance Marie Jones-Watson ’95<br />

Karen and Mark Jordan<br />

Katie Jordan<br />

Paul M. Jordan ’86<br />

Cynthia Jorgensen-Mobley ’82 and<br />

Lester Mobley<br />

Cynthia Miller Jortner ’80, ’86<br />

Anupama Joshi<br />

Scott Kajiya<br />

Rebecca L. Kanehl ’99, ’09<br />

Allan Marshall Kaplan ’73<br />

Eric David Kaplan ’87<br />

Pamela and Robert ’05 Karabin<br />

Jolene Gay Kasai ’75<br />

Noura Kassis<br />

Yoko Kato<br />

Lester Katz ’09<br />

Robert Kawahara<br />

Reiko Hori Kaye<br />

Cynthia Adelle Keene ’92<br />

Annie Chavira Kelly ’02<br />

Catriona Murphy-Kelly and<br />

Todd Kelly ’97<br />

Patrick L. Kelly ’05<br />

Tracy Kelly-Baum ’05 and<br />

Gerald Baum<br />

Dan W. Kelso ’81<br />

Joann Kennelly<br />

Joanna ’79 and Michael Kerrigan<br />

Kevin M. Kershaw ’07<br />

Tiffany ’03, ’06 and Fei ’07 Khoo<br />

Yoriko Ikeda Kikuchi ’90<br />

Samuel Kim<br />

Lela Sue Kimbriel ’89<br />

Jack E. King ’80<br />

Kellee Ann King ’03<br />

Ryan Morgan King ’08<br />

Mark Kitabayashi<br />

Suzanne Kitchens ’79, ’81<br />

Ann ’09 and Michael Klein<br />

Rebecca and Michael ’84 Klinicke<br />

Betty ’71 and John Knapp<br />

Edward Joseph Knight ’00<br />

Regina and Irving ’73 Kodimer<br />

Henriette B. Koerselman ’81<br />

Carolyn E. Kolb ’74, ’76<br />

Kent Komae ’76<br />

Sandra and Alan Kosaka<br />

Kraft Foods Foundation<br />

Julia Heinen and Richard Kravchak ◆<br />

Setsuko and Alois Krickl<br />

Tracy S. Kubo ’83<br />

LA Promenade<br />

Labor Studies Club<br />

Jean Arlene Lacy ’97<br />

Kray R. Lambert ’77<br />

Lydia Jael Lambert ’77<br />

Robert L. Lane ’79<br />

Langers Juice Company, Inc.<br />

Laura Langworthy ’09<br />

Patricia ’81 and George ’74 Lapointe<br />

Antoinette Henderson and<br />

Michael Lary ’04<br />

Jane ’89 and John Patrick Laughlin<br />

Steve Lavin<br />

Sally Le Clerc<br />

Joan Alexia Lecesne ’00<br />

Alicia L. Lee ’71<br />

Donald Lee<br />

Harold Lee ’98, ’00<br />

James Henry Lee ’85<br />

Theresa Lee-Hatch ’87 and<br />

Charles Hatch<br />

Eleanor Lefevre-Wall ’72 and<br />

Raymon Wall<br />

James E. Lehenbauer ’76<br />

Sarah B. Leigh ’74, ’80<br />

Beatriz Lemus ’07, ’09<br />

Peter Lenker<br />

Lennard Family Trust<br />

Bertie Jean Lewis ’84<br />

Dianne B. Lewis<br />

Gloria G. Lewis ’79, ’09<br />

Brenda Joyce Lindsay ’78<br />

Ernestine O. Lindsay<br />

Rosa and Rene Lira<br />

Leticia Llamas ’03<br />

Wanda Cleo Lockwood ’90<br />

Carolyn and Herman ◆ Loether<br />

Beverly ’00 and La Salle Lofton<br />

Beverly Logan ’01<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 2 1

D o n o r H o n o r r o l l<br />

Brenda R. Logan ’00<br />

Cynthia Alfred Logan ’99<br />

Delores C. Lombardi ’79, ’81<br />

Lomeli’s Italian Restaurant<br />

Virginia W. Long ◆<br />

Long Beach Symphony Orchestra<br />

G M. Lopez<br />

Richelle Anne ’77 and Michael ’71<br />

Lordanich<br />

James Lorentz ’88<br />

Los Angeles Zoo<br />

Laurie ’75 and Stephen Love<br />

Shirley Ann Love ’92<br />

Paige and David ’05 Loverin<br />

Janice and Frank ’74 Lowery<br />

Luau Larry’s<br />

Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que<br />

Josephine A. Luesse<br />

Deborah Joyce Luke ’76<br />

Phyllis and Ralph Lusskin<br />

Dennis P. Luzon ’98<br />

M. G. Enterprises, Incorporated<br />

Pamela MacLeod ’08<br />

Macy’s West G.I.F.T.<br />

Tomiye ’91 and Tad Maeda<br />

Helen Louise Magee ’78<br />

Irma D. Maggio l<br />

Richard Malamud ◆<br />

Brayan H. Maldonado ’05<br />

Sonia ’83 and Minas Maljian<br />

Jennifer ’95 and Timothy Mandel<br />

Arturo Juan Manjarrez ’08<br />

Don Manning ’08<br />

Lorraine ’98 and Greg Manosar<br />

Urania and William ’01 Mantz<br />

Ana ’02 and David Marcelletti<br />

David March<br />

Guy W. March ’06<br />

Mary Jo and Lawrence Marchese<br />

Rosemarie P. Marcotte ’85<br />

Luselia Marin<br />

Marine Carbonics<br />

Mary Marken<br />

Alvin Marks<br />

Cynthia Marlow<br />

Cynthia Marrot ’06<br />

Anita and Donald Marsolais<br />

Monica ’98 and David Martin<br />

Phil Scott Martin ’79<br />

Ana A. Martinez ’02<br />

Ernest Martinez<br />

Margarita Martinez ’02<br />

Ines V. Martos ’03<br />

Paulette ’97 and Dasol Mashaka<br />

Preston Mason, Jr. ’73<br />

Dee Masters ’90<br />

Barbara ’84 and Michael Masterson<br />

C. Kay Mathias<br />

Barbara Matthews<br />

Sally and George ’79 Matuskey<br />

Courtney Nicole Matz l<br />

Mark G. Maughan ’76, ’78<br />

Mary A. Maxwell ’93<br />

Barbara and Mark ’88 Mayo<br />

Ali Mazhin ’01<br />

Verna Anne McBride ’03<br />

James E. McClune ’80<br />

Dannie and Gerald ’81 McClurg<br />

William H. McCullers ’78<br />

Brenda and Robert ’76 McFarland<br />

McGraw Hill Textbook Publisher<br />

James Edward McIlroy ’88<br />

Paula McIntosh-Strode ◆<br />

Benjamin F. McKee ’85<br />

Amari Nicole McKinney ’06<br />

Marilyn McKnight ’95<br />

Shelby C. McNutt-Phillips ’79<br />

Mary Concetta McPherson ’75<br />

Darlene McPherson-Ventura ’92, ’97<br />

and Greg Ventura<br />

Jean Marie McTaggart ◆<br />

Joe J. Medina ◆<br />

Lilia R. Medina ’04<br />

Tania Medina ’03<br />

Caron Mellblom-Nishioka ◆ and<br />

David Nishioka ◆<br />

John Menary<br />

Isidro Mendoza ’08<br />

Maria Meraz<br />

Stephana ’75 and Robert ’78 Metoyer<br />

Trudy and Douglas Meyer<br />

Jo Ann Michetti ’78<br />

David F. Middleton ’82<br />

Gilbertea Mikel ◆<br />

Gwendolyn ’86 and Bobby Miles<br />

Herbert Milgrim ◆<br />

Christy Miller<br />

Nancy ’84 and Bill Miller<br />

Camille Mills ’95<br />

Mary ’84 and Leroy Mills<br />

Lanie S. Minami<br />

Kathy and Peter Mirich<br />

Erick Craig Mitchell ’99<br />

Roberta Mitzenmacher ’82<br />

Allison Tom-Miura and Ramsey<br />

Miura ’94<br />

Russell T. Mizukami<br />

Carol Kiyoko Mochizuki, Pharm.D.<br />

Carol Jean Moen ’92<br />

Amin Momand<br />

Alice Ann Montgomery ’08<br />

Brian Walker Montgomery ’92<br />

Laurine A. Montgomery<br />

Ernest Liggett Moore ’83<br />

Gerald K. Moore ’94<br />

Pat Mora<br />

Daniel Raymond Morales ’71<br />

Rosaura and Fredy Morales<br />

Jennifer Diane Morehouse ’08<br />

Dolores and William Morris<br />

Nikki Grace Morrison ’06<br />

Brenda ’98, ’05 and Robert Moseley<br />

Diana ’05, ’09 and Victor Moseley<br />

Lisa and Lang ’75, ’78 Moy<br />

Robert Peter Moylan ’06<br />

La Neasha and Terrence ’06, ’10<br />

Mudd<br />

Irma ’79 and Paul Mudge<br />

Josephine Muett<br />

Genevieve ’84 and Hugh Muller<br />

Maritza Rae Garcia Munoz ’07<br />

Maxamina Sarah Muro ’02<br />

Jane ’97 and Donald Murray<br />

Marion Annabelle Murray, Ph.D.<br />

’77, ’79<br />

Sherriel Lanece Murry ’02<br />

Museum of Tolerance<br />

M Stephanie Myers ’90<br />

Mary and Bill Myers<br />

Mary ’92 and Steve Nagle<br />

Fariba Najmi ’03, ’05<br />

Grant Nakagawa<br />

Timothy James Nakano<br />

Lily and David Nakatani<br />

Dorothy Fumi Nambu ’99<br />

Naples Rib Company<br />

National Association of Letter<br />

Carriers<br />

Marlene B. Naumann ’91<br />

Betty and Robert Nease<br />

Linda Nedleman ’81<br />

Gregory Neely ’08<br />

Cleva Jean Nelson<br />

Lucy ’08 and Michael Nelson<br />

Valerie ’94 and Theodore Nelson<br />

Vivian M. Nemie ’03, ’06<br />

Marvin Alvis Nevens ’78<br />

Kathleen ’90 and Elven Newbill<br />

Newport Harbor Nautical Museum<br />

Tai H. Nguyen ’08<br />

2 2 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

Thao Tina Dam and Thuc Nguyen ’02<br />

Sharon Nguyen-Nicholas ’05<br />

Ralph Nicassio, D.D.S<br />

Maria and Jeffrey ’02 Niedenthal<br />

Theresa Hernandez Nino ’06<br />

Norman Lloyd Nishizu ’90<br />

Veronica Njoku ’06<br />

Bernard A. Nkemere ’86<br />

Nancy R. Nofield ’85<br />

Valena and Henry Noguchi<br />

Hannah Nojima<br />

Mary ’73 and David Notari<br />

Lupe ’99 and Jorge ’95, ’05 Nuno<br />

OBC Publishing Company<br />

Constance Ebere Obialisi ’09<br />

Janet and George O’Brien<br />

Dennis M. Ogawa<br />

Jackie Oglesby-Gilbert ’04<br />

Humphrey Ogot ’93<br />

John A. Ohara ’85<br />

Marlene Okada<br />

Tomiaki Okada<br />

Old Faithful Geyser of <strong>California</strong><br />

Reina Melinda Oliver ’03, ’05<br />

Ursula ’71 and Chidi Omeze<br />

Leticia Oregel ’09<br />

Nicole Orlando l<br />

John E. Oropeza ’07<br />

Erlinda and Reynaldo Ortega<br />

Tajauta A. Ortega ’07<br />

Fabiola A. Ortiz<br />

Barbara ’73 and Robert Ottinger<br />

Karina Flores-Owen ’01 and Don<br />

Owen ’07<br />

Ronald L. Pace<br />

Alfredo Pacheco ’76 n<br />

So Ynu and Scott ’08 Paek<br />

Betty ’80, ’85 and Victor Paieda<br />

Martha L. Palermo ’05<br />

Beverly ◆ and Richard Palmer<br />

Daisy Panichella ’06<br />

Laureen ’09 and Michael Paolozzi<br />

Michael Lewis Paone ’98<br />

Roger A. Papet<br />

Kim Dalette Parchman ’82<br />

Cynthia Ann Pardi ’91<br />

Pasadena Playhouse<br />

Ofelia and German Pasiliao<br />

Pat & Oscars Restaurant<br />

Ruth M. Paton ’84<br />

Patrick P. Patterson<br />

Gregory Stephen Pavlakis ’95<br />

Theresa ’98 and Mike Pazzulla<br />

Ruth Pease ◆<br />

Rosi and Curtis Pedersen<br />

David Pederson ’09<br />

Candelaria Pedro-Luin ’03<br />

Ann and Fred Peitzman<br />

James William Pekkala l<br />

Teresa Peoples ’07<br />

Barbara and Jesus Perez<br />

Mercie and Robert Perez<br />

Michael A. Perez ’75, ’84<br />

Patricia and Eduardo Perez<br />

Kelly ’97 and Mario Persico<br />

Marilyn F. Pettit ’82<br />

Ava Petty ◆<br />

Jerry Lewis Phillips ’73<br />

Patricia Anne Phillips ’93, ’96<br />

Pimwadee Phumathon ’99, ’04<br />

Elizabeth J. Piburn ’89<br />

Linda and John ◆ Pierce<br />

Marianne and David ’85 Pierson<br />

Estoria and Robert ’83, ’06 Pittman<br />

Rose M. Pitts ’05<br />

Janice A. Plank ’75<br />

Lee Anne and Kenneth ◆ Poertner<br />

Delores Polk ’09<br />

Marina Porcho ’08<br />

Shirley Porter ’78<br />

Cindy ’99, ’05 and Richard Porterfield<br />

Ports O’ Call Restaurant<br />

Neva and Joe ’79 Potts<br />

Sudha S. Prakash ’06<br />

Precision Products<br />

Prentice Hall Textbook Publishers<br />

Michelle Press<br />

Ronald D. Prettyman<br />

Barbara J. Price ’79<br />

Emma Louise Price ’85, ’95<br />

Regina W. Price ’07<br />

Profile Nutrition<br />

Beverly and Kenneth ’92 Prouty<br />

Antoinette Purcell ’79<br />

Teresita and Sterling Putman<br />

Ken Putnam<br />

Janet K. Pyne<br />

Mollie ’92 and Mike Quintana<br />

Grace and Roberto ’80 Rabot<br />

Willene Dawson-Racle and<br />

James Racle ’72<br />

Radisson Hotel Los Angeles Westside<br />

Ricard Rametta<br />

Vashti Marissa Ramgoolam ’09<br />

Carolina Ramirez ’08<br />

Thembi Ramos ’09<br />

Rancho Cucamonga Quakes<br />

Abe C. Ravitz ◆<br />

Cory Rayala ’08<br />

Marina and Earl Raymond<br />

Noel Ray-Wysinger ’98<br />

Constance Read<br />

Sharon Redditt ’98<br />

Norma Dean Redmon ’94<br />

Leo Michael Reese ’04<br />

Elena Taborda Reigadas ’92<br />

Doris Ressl<br />

Oralia Reyes ’02<br />

Delia and Andrew ’09 Reynoso<br />

Fahimeh Rezayat, Ph.D ◆<br />

Vera ’82 and Herman Rhone<br />

Richard C. Palmer, M.D.,<br />

Incorporated<br />

Lillie M. Richie ’82<br />

Marcia A. Riehle ’03<br />

Marion Laura Ring l<br />

Delia Rios ’96<br />

Patricia ’81, ’84 ◆ and James Riple<br />

Angel Lea Risher ’08<br />

Kathleen ’81 and Robert Roberts<br />

Mary and Jack ’91 Roberts<br />

Laura J. Robles ◆<br />

Karen Joy Rodriguez ’07, ’09<br />

Mary and Lawrence Rodriguez<br />

Sylvia Rodriguez ’02<br />

Joan <strong>Roll</strong>ins<br />

Lauren and Paul ’08 Romagnoli<br />

Robert Romero<br />

Margarita Buelna Romo ’88<br />

Martha and George ’03 Romo<br />

Ronald Reagan Library and Museum<br />

Evangeline V. Ross ’95<br />

Paula Jean Ross ’96<br />

Willie James Ross ’82<br />

Marian ’83 ◆ and William Rosser<br />

Jacques F. Roux ’94<br />

Vernetta ’89 and John Wesley Rowe<br />

Carol and Marvin Rowen<br />

Eugenia Rozenman ’87, ’96<br />

George Rudnicki<br />

Daniel Ruiz ’09<br />

Kim D. Runkle ’02<br />

Helen and Michael ’89 Ryan<br />

Alan Lincoln Ryave l ◆<br />

Sandra and Rick Sabosky<br />

Emily S. Sadamoto<br />

Eugenia Rochelle Saintvilnoel ’07<br />

Penny and Jimmy Sakoda<br />

Reginald L. Saldana ’08<br />

Rosanna Edith Salice ’08<br />

Maria Guadalupe Samaniego ’03<br />

Guillermina Sanchez<br />

Arene Sanders ’09<br />

Barnetta H. Sanford ’90<br />

Wendy ’91 and Luis ’02, ’09 Santana<br />

Johnny Santa Catalina Santo<br />

Domingo ’07<br />

Sandra and Steven ’82 Sarandis<br />

Alyese Sargent<br />

Yoshiko Alice Sasahara ’91<br />

Herbert Y. Sato ’83<br />

Susan ’94, ’96 and Theodore<br />

Schirmer<br />

Susan Schlichting ’95<br />

Lisa ’09 and Donald Schmude<br />

Josephine and Charles Schneider<br />

Dale Thomas Schrodetzki ’87<br />

Julia Ann Schumann ’94<br />

Frederick Gordon Scott<br />

Ahmed Seedat ’05<br />

Sara E. Seehusen ’07<br />

Lyndra and Oliver ◆ Seely<br />

V. B. Seibert<br />

Mark Seigle ◆<br />

SEIU Local 721, CTW, CLC<br />

Candice Michiko Selag<br />

Clementine Sessoms ◆<br />

Jasmeet Singh Sethi ’05<br />

Victor L. Setterholm ’73<br />

Melody Jean Severson ’93<br />

Mary ’81 and Alan Shadbourne<br />

Asilah Shakoor ’95<br />

Irina Sharf<br />

Ora and Marshall ’82 Sharpe<br />

Denise and Kevin ’92, ’09 Shaw<br />

Donna and James ’84 Shaw<br />

Sheffield Manufacturing,<br />

Incorporated<br />

Sheraton Hotel<br />

Karen and Anthony ’02 Sherrod<br />

Pamela Silva ’09<br />

Susan Lee Silverstein ’90<br />

Sharon Simek<br />

Trina L. Simmons<br />

Verne S. Simon ’03<br />

Kathleen Simons-Lorenzen ’75 and<br />

Joseph Lorenzen<br />

Deborah Simpson ’84<br />

Fay Louise Simpson ’02, ’08<br />

Jacquelyn M. Sims<br />

Nour Gassim Sinayoko ’93<br />

Reena K. Singh<br />

Martha Cecilia Sirolli ’05<br />

Sisters of St. Francis<br />

Glenn Palmer Skalland l<br />

Skateland of Northridge<br />

Karlton D. Skindrud ◆<br />

Tara and Werner ’06 Sladek-Maharg<br />

Olga Slavich, MFT ’83<br />

Marvin Eugene Smalling ’76<br />

Sherilyn D. Small-Pierce ’03<br />

Cynthia and Robert Smith<br />

Dottie G. Smith ’89<br />

Earl Dean Smith ’09<br />

Emma Lee Smith ’82<br />

Kristina and Jeffrey ’86 Smith<br />

Marilyn and George Smith<br />

Marion D. Smith ’96 ◆<br />

Paula G. Smith ’88<br />

Sadie Bell Smith ’81<br />

Virginia ’79 and Winston Smith<br />

Natasha Antoinette<br />

Smith-Patterson ’08<br />

Danny Sneed ’80<br />

Jody ’99 and Steven Solinski<br />

Sandra Solis ’98, ’00<br />

Elizabeth Lusskinn and Marc<br />

Solomon ’78, ’81<br />

Richard Owen Solomon ’96<br />

Kelly and David Solorzano<br />

Bernadine Sonnier ’88<br />

Evelyn ’07 and Jose Sosa<br />

Lydia Sosa ’02<br />

Shanaita A. Spain-Calvert<br />

◆ Faculty/staff l Credential/Certificate Alumni n Deceased ◆ Faculty/staff l Credential/Certificate Alumni n Deceased<br />

Marion Spencer ’80<br />

Maxine ’84 and Karl Spingarn<br />

Spirit Cruises<br />

Splash Aquatic Center<br />

Sandra Darlene Sproat ’93<br />

Sharon Squires ◆<br />

St. Louis Rams<br />

Connie F. Stallings ’82<br />

<strong>State</strong> Street Corporation<br />

Carol ’88 and Robert Steinhauer<br />

Patricia A. Stenehjem ’72<br />

Diana Dean Stevens ’02, ’06<br />

Keith Robert Stilson ’75<br />

Kimberly and Thomas Stone<br />

Strategic Marketing Affiliates<br />

Georgia Stuart ’97<br />

Gina and Brian Stuart<br />

Patricia Stuart-Cherri<br />

Nelda and Monte Stuck<br />

Studio Elrey, Incorporated<br />

Gloria Jane Stuntebeck ’79<br />

Nina and Murphy ◆ Su’a<br />

Subway Sandwiches & Salad Store<br />

#20714<br />

Sharon K. Sugano ’04<br />

Xandria and Arnold Sugimoto<br />

Janet and Theodore ’76 Sulzen<br />

Sunstone Vineyards and Winery<br />

Surf City Squeeze<br />

Zoila ’09 and Gry Sweet ’09<br />

Kathleen T. Taira ’74 ◆<br />

J. Carmelita Tallada<br />

Vivian ’98 and Frank l Talluto<br />

Rodney Tange<br />

Lois C. Taniguchi ’78<br />

Archie P. Taylor ’79<br />

Deborah W. Taylor ’89, ’96<br />

Katherine and Michael ’93 Taylor<br />

Alicia and Jose Tellez<br />

Alma and Jose ’04 Tellez<br />

Yoh Teramoto ’09<br />

The Bingham Group, Incorporated<br />

The Boeing Gift Matching Program<br />

The Diamond Factory, Inc.<br />

The Foundry on Melrose<br />

The Huntington Library<br />

The Lazy Dog Cafe<br />

The Warehouse Restaurant<br />

Susan and Ronald ’71 Thom<br />

Devric Anthony Thomas ’88<br />

Deborah Marie Thompson ’75<br />

Jimmie L. Thompson ’92, ’94<br />

Virgie ’08 and Kenneth Thompson<br />

Charmaine and Bertram ’75<br />

Thruston<br />

Thomas Tiede<br />

Claudine Timsit ’08<br />

Jennifer Ann Tisdale ’09<br />

TK Risto, Incorporated<br />

Emeline Matua Toalepai ’84<br />

Dixie Tobey<br />

Judith L. Todd l ◆<br />

Angela and Thomas Togia<br />

Jon Masaru Tokeshi ’96<br />

Claudia Sachiyo Tokumoto l<br />

Derek L. Toledo ’08<br />

Tommy’s World Famous Hamburgers<br />

Ann ’82 and Clinton Tompkins<br />

Betty B. Torrey<br />

Evelyn ’92 and Billy Towns<br />

Anorene and Thomas Townsend<br />

Donna Toy-Chen ’79, ’81 and Peter<br />

Chen<br />

Robert D. Tribble ’84<br />

Joseph Raymond Trovato ’09<br />

Stephanie Marie Trujillo ’07<br />

Mike John Trutanich ’88<br />

Richard Tso<br />

Minako and Christie ’70 Tsuji<br />

Jeanne Tsujimoto<br />

Irene Chizu Tsuzuki ’89<br />

Carol ◆ and Randahl ◆ Tubbs<br />

Kathryn and Marco ◆ Turk<br />

Cicelyn A. Turkson ’09<br />

Booker Turner<br />

Cynthia ’88, ’96 ◆ and Gregory<br />

Turner<br />

Leslie E. Turner<br />

Sabrena Turner-Odom<br />

Charles Tyszkiewicz<br />

UCLA Bruins<br />

Ultrazone Laser Tag<br />

Frederick Ung ’77<br />

Yajaira Uribe ’06<br />

Robert W. Usher l<br />

Darren K. Uyeda ’91<br />

Mauro Valdivia<br />

Sally ’99 and Robert Valentine<br />

Theresa Kay Van Dusen ’07<br />

Adele S. Vanarsdale ◆<br />

Bonnie Varker<br />

Clark Everett Veals, Sr. ’72<br />

Matthew D. Veatch ’04<br />

Nancy Vega ’09<br />

Martha E. Velasco ’01<br />

Sylvia Anne Velasco ’75<br />

L. N. Venen<br />

Vergie’s Manor<br />

Leatina ’93 and Bernard Vernooij<br />

Linda Rosinski Verret ’91<br />

Brandilynn Joanna Villarreal ’09 ◆<br />

Sergio Villasenor ’08<br />

Susan Marie Vitale-Olson ’78<br />

Oni Vitandham<br />

Ronald E. Vogel ◆<br />

Cheryl A. Von Mirbach ◆<br />

Desiray Mai Phuong Vu ’04<br />

George M. Wade ’07<br />

Kristen L. Wade ’04<br />

Marcia Melton Wade ’95<br />

Joyce Marie Wagner ’91<br />

Jane Walker ’09<br />

Joan N. Walker ’76<br />

Scott Lawrence Walker ’95<br />

Yasmine S. Walrath ’00<br />

Ardis ’00 and Booker Walton<br />

Kai Wang ’09<br />

Cheryl A. Ward ’78<br />

Teryl ’96 and Joseph Ward<br />

June Velez Ware ’88<br />

Felicia Warren ’01 and Wesley<br />

Newman<br />

Kimberly Mai Watkins ’07, ’10<br />

Sandra Watson ’82<br />

Samantha L. Watts ’06<br />

James Waycaster<br />

Deborah ’73 and Ulysses Weathersby<br />

Diana and George ’75 Webber<br />

Jamie Lytle Webb-King l ◆<br />

Ladonna ’76 and David Weeks<br />

Mary ’94 and Erland Weemering<br />

Patricia and Ralph Weil<br />

Wendie and Daniel ’73 Weinell<br />

Arlene ’03 and Joseph Weissmann<br />

Erna ’79, ’81 and Warren Wells<br />

Wells Fargo Bank Foundation Educational<br />

Matching Gift Program<br />

Vanessa Wenzell ◆<br />

Janet ’83 and Jake West<br />

Western Tube and Conduit Corporation<br />

Charles E. Wheeler<br />

Alice Marie Whitaker ’87<br />

Gregory Stanis White ’05, ’07<br />

Roselyn ’71 and Alonzo White<br />

Rosemary and Gregory ’77 White<br />

Sean Thomas White<br />

Whitener Graphics<br />

Walter Wilbourn ’85<br />

Wild Rivers Waterpark<br />

Carol Wiley ’78 ◆<br />

Brenda and John Wilkes<br />

Lewiette D. Wilkins<br />

Aleane Williams ’84<br />

Amy Elizabeth Williams ’06<br />

Anthony C. Williams ’06<br />

Donald Ray Williams ’08<br />

Elbert Williams ’04<br />

Emmit L. Williams ◆<br />

Greg Williams ◆<br />

Jacquelyn ’84, ’94 and Leonard<br />

Williams<br />

Joan B. Williams ’80<br />

Linda and Gary ’82 Williams<br />

Martha Jean Williams ’76<br />

Patricia and Steven ’71 Williams<br />

Sydney O. Williams ’76, ’85<br />

Teyanna L. Williams ’09<br />

Judith and William ’81 Williams<br />

Betty J. Williams-Hill ’73<br />

Sylvia Willis ’77<br />

James C. Wilson ’79<br />

Ralph Ensign Wilson, Jr.<br />

Stephanie and David ’86 Wilson<br />

Avater Jane Winborne ’04<br />

WineStyles-Torrance Towne Center<br />

Rody ’98 and George ◆ Wing<br />

Susan ’91 and Michael Woodard<br />

Natalie Woods ’93, ’97 and David<br />

Maciel<br />

Craig Yamada<br />

Eiko Yamamoto<br />

Sheau ’87 and Fang Chou Yang<br />

Yasukochi’s Sweet Stop<br />

Alice and James Yates<br />

Burhan Yavas ◆<br />

Akemi and Richard ’78, ’82 Yoshida<br />

Midori ’70 and James Yoshimura<br />

Devona Janell Young ’95, ’99<br />

M. Antoinette Young<br />

Terri Vennis Young ’99<br />

Joy Youngdale<br />

Betty Yumori<br />

Al M. Zaninovich ’73<br />

Peggy and Ben Zask<br />

Xia Zhao ◆<br />

Kathy Zimmerer-Mckelvie ◆<br />

Joanne Janet Zitelli l ◆<br />

Zoological Society of San Diego<br />

LeO F. CAIn sOCIeTY *<br />

Lee Anderson<br />

William Blischke ◆<br />

Margaret Blue ’80<br />

Boice Bowman ◆<br />

Hansonia Caldwell ◆<br />

Eleanor Chang<br />

Lois and Henry Chi ◆<br />

Lynn Chu<br />

Lynne Cook ◆<br />

Joyce and Garold Faber<br />

Jackson Henry ◆<br />

Woodell Jackson ’79<br />

Yvonne Johnson ◆<br />

Johnetta Jones ’77<br />

Helen Kawagoe<br />

Monica Little<br />

Mary McFall ’74<br />

Victoria Peasley ’85<br />

Helen Proctor ’95<br />

Charldene Schneider ’84<br />

Carolyn Sensabaugh ’92, ’99<br />

Carole Shea ◆<br />

Frank Stricker ◆<br />

Jean Thompson ’99, ’00<br />

Roselyn White ’71<br />

* Leo F. Cain Society members are those<br />

who have established estate gifts to benefit the<br />

university. If you have named the university<br />

in your estate, we thank you! For more<br />

information, please contact the Office of<br />

Development at (310) 243-2182.<br />

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2<br />


F a C u l t y F o C u s<br />

Leaving a Faculty Legacy<br />

since 2007, emeriti and retired faculty members of the emeritus faculty<br />

association have been donating to the faculty legacy fund<br />

n amy Bentley-smith<br />

u<br />

pdating a catalog of literary<br />

work for a book proposal. Purchasing<br />

specialized equipment to conduct<br />

experiments that could lead to<br />

further research on muscle diseases.<br />

A summer trip to Sequoia National<br />

Park to study stalagmites in assessing<br />

long-term drought. Training graduate<br />

students to analyze and code interviews<br />

for a study of sexual health<br />

communication. These are just a few<br />

of the projects that current professors<br />

at <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> have been able to<br />

pursue thanks, in part, to the monetary<br />

contributions of faculty who<br />

came before them.<br />

Since 2007, emeriti and retired<br />

faculty members of the Emeritus<br />

Faculty Association at CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> have been donating to<br />

the Faculty Legacy Fund, which the<br />

association established to offer finan-<br />

2 4 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y<br />

cial support for the scholarship and<br />

professional development of junior<br />

faculty. The way emeritus professor<br />

of sociology Bill Blischke sees it,<br />

the Faculty Legacy Fund’s benefits<br />

extend well beyond faculty.<br />

“The Emeritus Faculty Association<br />

gives two students scholarships<br />

each year, but what attracted me to<br />

the Faculty Legacy Fund was how<br />

many more students we could help,”<br />

said Blischke, who along with Sue<br />

Gemmell and Lenora Cook, both<br />

emeriti professors of teacher education,<br />

helped develop the<br />

Kenneth Rodriguez, assistant<br />

professor of chemistry, received a<br />

Faculty Legacy Award in 2010.<br />

fund. “Faculty touches the lives of<br />

tens of thousands of students, and<br />

if we are able through the Faculty<br />

Legacy Fund to assist junior faculty<br />

in enhancing their teaching and<br />

research, I feel they can have an even<br />

greater impact.”<br />

In the four award cycles since<br />

its inception, the fund has handed<br />

out awards to 10 faculty members to<br />

begin or return to research work.<br />

Ericka Verba, associate professor<br />

in the Department of History was<br />

one of the first recipients. She used<br />

the money to compile a literary<br />

catalog for preliminary work toward<br />

a book-length biography of Chilean<br />

folklorist and composer Violeta<br />

Parra. Verba has written widely<br />

about Parra, often using her story<br />

as anecdote in articles<br />

and presentations<br />

that examine<br />

the broader cultural and political<br />

context of Latin America during the<br />

1950s and 1960s. This book, she said,<br />

would be a culmination of her lifelong<br />

interest in the artist. To be given<br />

some financial support in the early<br />

stages of the book project—and to<br />

know it came from former faculty<br />

members—was just what she needed<br />

to move the project forward.<br />

“It’s been an ongoing project of<br />

mine, and the grant has given me the<br />

boost to put aside other things and<br />

refocus my attention,” said Verba.<br />

“It’s psychologically motivating to<br />

know there are people out there<br />

who appreciate your work and want<br />

to see you succeed. It says a lot<br />

about <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> that we have<br />

faculty who remain committed to the<br />

university. The value of the program<br />

is much more than the monetary<br />

award. You get to feel like you’re part<br />

of a legacy.”<br />

In many ways, Kenneth Rodriguez,<br />

assistant professor in the Department<br />

of Chemistry and Biochemistry, is the<br />

embodiment of the “pay it forward”<br />

legacy members of the Emeritus<br />

Faculty Association seek to leave<br />

through the fund and their continued<br />

involvement with the university.<br />

Rodriguez first came to CSU<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> as a student.<br />

After earning his bachelor’s degree<br />

in chemistry in 2001, he went on<br />

to Ohio <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, where he<br />

got his Ph.D. in 2007. As one of<br />

the newest faculty members in the<br />

chemistry department—he is in his<br />

second year as a professor—Rodriguez<br />

is literally just starting his career.<br />

However, he entered academia in<br />

an age of shrinking state university<br />

budgets and subsequent waning<br />

financial support of faculty research.<br />

Rodriguez, a 2010 recipient, said he<br />

is thankful that the Faculty Legacy<br />

Fund is giving him the start he needs.<br />

The award money he received<br />

will go toward purchasing a specialized<br />

piece of equipment for the<br />

chemistry department, known as a<br />

ZnSe (zinc selenide) wired polarizer.<br />

ericka verba, associate<br />

professor of history,<br />

was a Faculty Legacy Fund<br />

awardee in 2007.<br />

Rodriguez plans to use the polarizer<br />

to conduct research on the structure<br />

of the protein actin, which is found<br />

in muscles fibers, by using surface<br />

enhanced infrared absorption.<br />

Rodriguez hopes the preliminary data<br />

he collects will lead to major grants<br />

from the National Institutes of<br />

Health or the National Science Foundation<br />

to conduct further research<br />

into the protein’s effect on muscle<br />

diseases.<br />

“This is where it all starts,”<br />

Rodriguez said of grants like the<br />

Faculty Legacy Fund. “I’m really<br />

grateful for the Emeritus Faculty<br />

Association. It means a lot that they<br />

believe in me and the work I want<br />

to do to start my research here as<br />

a young faculty member…. They<br />

are truly planting the seed for my<br />

research to grow.”<br />

In addition to accepting annual<br />

contributions, the Faculty Legacy<br />

Fund is endowed by the estate gifts<br />

of several Emeritus Faculty Association<br />

members. The association<br />

accepts donations from its members<br />

as well as the general public, foundations<br />

and corporations.<br />

For more information on the<br />

Emeritus Faculty Association at CSU<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>, visit www.csudh.<br />

edu/EmeritusFaculty. n<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 2 5

F a C u l t y n e W s<br />

Interdisciplinary Studies/PACE assistant<br />

professor Anne Choi and her<br />

American Consumerism class were<br />

featured on a segment of American<br />

Public Media’s “Marketplace Money”<br />

show in December. The topic of the<br />

day was buyer’s remorse, part of a<br />

larger discussion of why people buy<br />

the things they buy. Choi is currently<br />

researching the subject for a book.<br />

nancy Erbe, chair and associate professor<br />

of the Negotiation, Conflict<br />

Resolution and Peacebulding program,<br />

was appointed to the Fulbright<br />

Discipline Peer Review Committee,<br />

where she will review the applications<br />

to the Fulbright Specialist Program<br />

for senior specialists in Peace<br />

Studies and Conflict Resolution.<br />

Mildred garcía, president of <strong>California</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong>, delivered “On the Margin and<br />

at the Center: Presidential Leadership<br />

for a Pluralistic Democracy” at<br />

the 27th Annual Howard R. Bowen<br />

Lecture hosted by the School of<br />

Educational Studies on October 6 at<br />

Claremont Graduate <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Jonathon grasse, assistant professor<br />

in the Department of Music, was<br />

one of four ethnomusicologists to<br />

serve as faculty at the Institute on the<br />

Pedagogies of World Music Theory<br />

bi-annual meeting at the <strong>University</strong><br />

of Colorado, Boulder last semester.<br />

In his role as institute faculty,<br />

he presented lectures on Brazilian<br />

rhythms, Indonesian gamelan, and<br />

problems of musical universalism to<br />

other university-level instructors of<br />

music. In August, he completed “The<br />

Informal Sector,” a new work for<br />

the Harvey Mudd College Gamelan<br />

scored for gamelan and two trombones,<br />

which premiered December 5<br />

in Claremont.<br />

Kimberly Kalaja, adjunct faculty in<br />

the Graduate Humanities External<br />

2 6 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

Photo Josh roGosin, ameriCan PuBliC media (marKetPlaCe.orG)<br />

professor Anne Choi teaches<br />

a consumer education class<br />

behind a mountain of buyer’s<br />

remorse items provided by<br />

her students.<br />

Education Program (HUX), has been<br />

named a Fulbright Scholar for 2010.<br />

She will be spending the spring 2011<br />

semester at the <strong>University</strong> of Tirana<br />

in Tirana, Albania, where she will be<br />

lecturing and conducting research on<br />

memory, history and national identity<br />

in the emerging Albanian state.<br />

Terry Mcglynn, professor in the Department<br />

of Biology and a group of<br />

12 undergraduate and graduate students<br />

and K-12 teachers conducted<br />

research in the tropical rainforests of<br />

Costa Rica over the summer that has<br />

resulted in six scientific papers from<br />

the participants. McGlynn also has been<br />

elected president of the North American<br />

section of the International Union<br />

for the Study of Social Insects.<br />

Hedy Moscovici, professor and<br />

director of the Division of Teacher<br />

Education, has been awarded the distinction<br />

of Fellow by the American<br />

Association for the Advancement of<br />

Science for her contributions to research<br />

in elementary, secondary, and<br />

college science teaching, national and<br />

international science teacher professional<br />

development and for service<br />

to professional organizations.<br />

José Muñoz, a lecturer in the Department<br />

of Sociology, was awarded a<br />

visiting professor fellowship from the<br />

Advertising Educational Foundation.<br />

During summer 2010 he spent two<br />

weeks at the Grey Group advertising<br />

agency in New York, N.Y., observing<br />

the processes involved in deciding<br />

advertising content, focusing on how,<br />

and to what extent women or racial/<br />

ethnic minorities are portrayed, which<br />

he discusses in his lectures on the social<br />

construction of race and gender<br />

in his Theory and Methods courses.<br />

Matt Mutchler, associate professor<br />

in the Department of Sociology, has<br />

been named interim director of the<br />

CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> Urban Community<br />

Research Center, a multidisciplinary<br />

applied research center<br />

focused on the needs, problems and<br />

solutions that arise in urban areas.<br />

Additionally, during summer and<br />

fall 2010, he presented his research<br />

X-ray imaging is one of the most<br />

common ways to test for osteoporosis,<br />

but a major study led by Kenneth<br />

ganezer, professor in the Department<br />

of Physics, considers a different<br />

on sexual health communication,<br />

substance abuse and HIV/AIDS at a<br />

number of conferences, including at<br />

the International AIDS Conference<br />

in Vienna, Austria.<br />

For the 2010-11 academic year, Jung<br />

Sun park, professor and coordinator<br />

of the Asian Pacific studies program,<br />

is serving a fellowship at the Academy<br />

of Korean Studies in South Korea,<br />

conducting research on issues of South<br />

Korean social and cultural citizenship.<br />

The work complements her previous<br />

research on the legal citizenship of<br />

foreign-born Koreans in Korea.<br />

Clare Weber, chair of the Depart-<br />

method of X-ray diagnosis that<br />

could potentially improve the quality<br />

of such testing. An article detailing<br />

the study, “Bone Densitometry Using<br />

X-ray Spectra,” was recently published<br />

in Physics in Medicine and Biology,<br />

a leading journal in medical physics.<br />

Funded through a National Institutes<br />

of Health grant, with experiments performed<br />

on campus, the study examined<br />

a new method of testing for osteoporosis<br />

that looks at X-ray energy<br />

distribution, or spectrum, something<br />

conventional X-ray images usually do<br />

ment of Sociology, has completed<br />

a community-based participatory<br />

action research project (CBPAR)<br />

funded by the <strong>California</strong> Endowment’s<br />

Building Healthy Community<br />

Long Beach Initiative. Working with<br />

an immigrant women’s community<br />

organization in central Long Beach<br />

from July to September 2010, the<br />

project supported the leadership of<br />

the Community Partners Council in<br />

addressing concerns of community<br />

violence and community support for<br />

youth, and will be integrated into a<br />

policy report that will be presented<br />

to city officials.<br />

(Continued on page 28)<br />

physics Research Looks at new method<br />

of Detecting Osteoporosis<br />

not collect. Ganezer said that used<br />

in combination with conventional Xrays,<br />

the X-ray spectral method could<br />

significantly reduce statistic errors in<br />

testing of osteoporosis, and possibly<br />

imaging dosage.<br />

Ganezer and his co-authors on<br />

the paper, Miodrag Krmar from the<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Noi Sad in Serbia and<br />

Shailendra Shulka of the <strong>University</strong><br />

of Florida, hope to perform additional<br />

tests to provide direct comparisons,<br />

and ultimately test the method<br />

on human subjects. n<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 2 7

F a C u l t y n e W s<br />

(Continued from page 27)<br />

new Books from Faculty<br />

r. iset Anuakan, adjunct faculty in<br />

the Graduates Humanities External<br />

Education Program (HUX),<br />

examines how African Americans<br />

reshaped stereotypical images of<br />

themselves into preferred desirable<br />

ones in her recently published book,<br />

We Real Cool: Beauty, Image, and Style<br />

in African American History (Lambert<br />

Academic Publishing, 2010).<br />

Jim Cooper, professor in the Division<br />

of Graduate Education, and pamela<br />

robinson, assistant chair of the<br />

Department of Liberal Studies, had<br />

a chapter on small group instruction,<br />

“The Interactive Lecture in a Research<br />

Methods and Statistics Class”<br />

published in Cooperative Learning in<br />

Higher Education: Across the Disciplines,<br />

Across the Academy (National Teaching<br />

and Learning Forum, 2010). In addition,<br />

a second edition was published<br />

of their 2003 book Small Group<br />

Instruction in Higher Education: Lessons<br />

from the Past, Visions of the Future<br />

(New Forums Press, 2009, 2nd ed.),<br />

and a new volume on research based<br />

teaching, also published by New<br />

Forums, is scheduled to be published<br />

in early 2011.<br />

giacomo Jack Bono, adjunct faculty<br />

in the Departments of Psychology<br />

and Child Development, co-authored<br />

“Being Grateful is Beyond Good<br />

Manners: Gratitude and Motivation<br />

to Contribute to Society among Early<br />

Adolescents” in the June 2010 issue<br />

of Motivation and Emotion. It was one<br />

of a number of articles related to<br />

forgiveness and gratitude that Bono<br />

has had published or has in press in<br />

professional psychology journals.<br />

Keith Myatt, adjunct faculty in the<br />

Division of Graduate Education, coauthored<br />

Culturally Proficient Education:<br />

An Asset-Based Response to Conditions of<br />

Poverty (Corwin, 2010), which examines<br />

equity and social issues through<br />

the lens of cultural proficiency and<br />

serves as a resource for educators on<br />

how to maximize educational opportunities<br />

for all students independent<br />

of their socioeconomic status.<br />

Susan Johnston, professor in the<br />

Division of Teacher Education, and<br />

Matthew Jones, associate professor<br />

in the Department of Mathematics,<br />

co-authored an article titled “Using<br />

Lesson Design as a Vehicle for Faculty<br />

Professional Development” in<br />

the October issue of PRIMUS: Problems,<br />

Resources, and Issues in Mathematics<br />

Undergraduate Studies.<br />

Carole Casten, professor in the<br />

Division of Kinesiology and Recreation,<br />

had the seventh edition of her<br />

lesson plan textbook, Lesson Plans for<br />

Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary<br />

Students (Benjamin-Cummings, 2011,<br />

7th ed.), published in January 2011.<br />

Emeritus professor in the Department<br />

of Accounting, Finance and<br />

Economics Franklin Strier contributed<br />

a chapter on “Reform Proposals”<br />

to The Handbook of Trial Consulting<br />

(Springer Press, 2010). In addition,<br />

two of his articles on executive compensation<br />

were published over the<br />

summer: “Runaway CEO Pay? Blame<br />

the Boards” in IUP Journal of Corporate<br />

Governance, and “What the Private<br />

Sector Can Do to Corral Runaway<br />

CEO Pay” in Southern Business Review.<br />

Michael Desrochers, adjunct professor<br />

in the Department of History,<br />

contributed a chapter, “Traditions<br />

of the Ancient World,” to World<br />

Religions: Western Traditions (Oxford<br />

<strong>University</strong> Press, 2010, 3rd ed.),<br />

a book that features a number of<br />

scholars exploring the development<br />

of religious traditions.<br />

Master of Social Work assistant<br />

professor Susan D. Einbinder had<br />

her article, “A Qualitative Study of<br />

Exodus Graduates: Family-Focused<br />

Residential Substance Abuse Treatment<br />

as an Option for Mothers to Retain or<br />

Regain Custody and Sobriety in Los<br />

Archeology Bridges Divide between Two nations<br />

Despite many parallels in village life<br />

in southern Ecuador and Peru circa<br />

3,500–1,000 B.C., there has been little<br />

collaboration among archeologists<br />

of the two countries due to tensions<br />

between their nations for most<br />

of the 20th century. Jerry Moore,<br />

professor in the Department of<br />

Anthropology, is working to bridge<br />

Angeles, <strong>California</strong>,” published in<br />

the November/December issue of<br />

Child Welfare League of America’s Child<br />

Welfare Journal. The article is based on<br />

her study at the Shields for Families<br />

social service agency.<br />

nancy Erbe, chair and associate professor<br />

of the Negotiation, Conflict<br />

Resolution and Peacebulding program,<br />

contributed chapters to two<br />

books released in 2010: “Advancing<br />

the Potential of Diversity for Innovation”<br />

in Innovation in Business and<br />

Enterprise: Technologies and Frameworks<br />

(IGI Global, 2010), and “Mediating<br />

and Negotiating Peace in Africa” in<br />

Jerry moore, professor of<br />

anthropology (far left) with<br />

international colleagues in Rio<br />

Alto, a principal site of the<br />

valdivia culture in ecuador.<br />

that divide and help advance archeology<br />

study in the region, and this past<br />

summer co-organized a series of<br />

mobile workshops that took place at<br />

four locations in the South American<br />

countries. With funding from<br />

Wenner-Gren Foundation and support<br />

from the Institut de Recherche<br />

pour le Développement, the “Diver-<br />

Seeds Bearing Fruit: Pan-African Peace<br />

Action in the Twenty-First Century (African<br />

World Press, 2010).<br />

The fourth edition of Japanese Americans<br />

and World War II: Mass Removal,<br />

Imprisonment, and Redress (Harlan<br />

Davidson, 2011, 4th ed.), originally<br />

written in 1974 by Don Hata, emeritus<br />

professor in the Department of<br />

History, and his late wife Nadine<br />

Hata, emeritus professor of history<br />

at El Camino College, was published<br />

in January 2011. The new edition was<br />

expanded to 84 pages and contains a<br />

selected bibliography, key documents,<br />

and photographs. n<br />

gent Trajectories to Prehistoric Social<br />

Complexity in the Equatorial Andes”<br />

workshops attracted approximately<br />

300 people over the course of the<br />

summer. With participation of 15<br />

archeologists from Peru and Ecuador,<br />

as well as the United Kingdom<br />

and the United <strong>State</strong>s, the workshops<br />

were a first step in facilitating scholarly<br />

exchanges between the region’s<br />

archeologists. Archeological study of<br />

the region is believed to be significant<br />

for what it can reveal about the<br />

transition of ancient indigenous societies<br />

and from hunting and gathering<br />

to an early agricultural subsistence,<br />

and the beginnings of village governance<br />

and social strata. n<br />

2 8 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 2 9

s t u d e n t s u C C e s s e s<br />

Katlin Choi, a graduate student in the<br />

Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and<br />

Peacebuilding (NCRP) program, was<br />

awarded a Fulbright<br />

U.S. Student Program<br />

Scholarship<br />

to teach English as<br />

a foreign language<br />

in Macau, China.<br />

Throughout the 2010-11 academic<br />

year, she will be working in the English<br />

Language Center at the <strong>University</strong><br />

of Macau, assisting with English<br />

improvement classes and organizing<br />

extracurricular programs in English.<br />

Chaka Dodson, a psychology graduate<br />

student, and Erin Cooper (Class<br />

of ’10, M.A., psychology) have had<br />

their study, “Pharmacy participation<br />

in nonprescription syringe sales in<br />

Los Angeles and<br />

San Francisco<br />

Counties, 2007”<br />

published in the<br />

Journal of Urban<br />

Health. The study<br />

is timely given ongoing legislative debates<br />

about providing clean syringes<br />

to injection drug users for purposes<br />

of preventing HIV.<br />

Eleven students from the Minority<br />

Biomedical Research Support program<br />

(MBRS) and the Minority<br />

Access to Research Careers (MARC)<br />

program at <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> attended the 2010<br />

national conference of the Society<br />

for Advancement of Chicanos<br />

and Native Americans in Science<br />

(SACNAS), which took place at the<br />

beginning of the fall semester. MBRS<br />

students in attendance included senior<br />

psychology majors Vanessa Black,<br />

Esbeyde garcia, John gibson, and<br />

Monique Turner; Ashley Martin,<br />

senior, biochemistry; Brittany Tillman,<br />

senior, biology; Destinie Thompson,<br />

freshman, biochemistry; Kumar Tiger,<br />

junior, biology; and ludivina Vasquez,<br />

junior, psychology. The MARC cohort<br />

was represented by Kristie gordon,<br />

senior, sociology, and Erika Torres,<br />

senior, psychology. Three students—<br />

Garcia, Tiger and Turner—presented<br />

posters or papers on research they did<br />

with faculty members.<br />

phuong nguyen is the university’s<br />

recipient of the 2010 William<br />

Randolph Hearst/CSU Trustees<br />

Award for Outstanding Achievement.<br />

Nguyen immigrated to the<br />

United <strong>State</strong>s from South Vietnam<br />

at the age of 9. Overcoming<br />

language and cultural barriers and<br />

personal tragedy,<br />

she graduated from<br />

CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> in 2009 with a<br />

degree in math<br />

education and<br />

completed her teaching credential<br />

in 2010. Currently teaching at<br />

John C. Fremont High School in<br />

Los Angeles, Nguyen is enrolled<br />

in the master’s in teaching mathematics<br />

program through the<br />

Department of Mathematics.<br />

3 0 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

Joni Johnson<br />

(Class of ’10, B.A.,<br />

English literature)<br />

has received a<br />

Graduate Equity<br />

Fellowship toward<br />

her master’s degree in English at<br />

<strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong>.<br />

Graduate student robert Keel (Class<br />

of ’09, B.S., applied studies/public<br />

administration cum laude) received<br />

an Outstanding Graduate Student<br />

Award from the<br />

<strong>California</strong> Sociological<br />

Association<br />

(CAS) at the organization’s<br />

annual<br />

conference in<br />

November. He was recommended by<br />

sociology lecturer Susan Fellows and<br />

professor of criminal justice Theodore<br />

Byrne.<br />

Byrne, who was Keel’s criminal<br />

justice professor and also serves as<br />

faculty advisor to Veterans Alliance<br />

at CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>, says that<br />

Keel has been a role model and mentor<br />

to his fellow veteran students.<br />

“As a distinguished military veteran,<br />

Robert supports other veterans<br />

working toward their educational<br />

goals,” says Byrne. “His prior military<br />

experience has provided him with<br />

unique insights into the world and its<br />

relationship to issues involving sociology<br />

as well as criminal justice. I’ve<br />

observed him working closely with<br />

other students who were challenged<br />

by the material. His assistance proved<br />

instrumental to their success in the<br />

course.”<br />

Sophomore Samantha Hernandez<br />

didn’t necessarily see that making<br />

good grades in high school and getting<br />

accepted to college made her<br />

a role model. If anything, she was<br />

inspired by others to set those goals.<br />

However, the sociology major at<br />

<strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> has become just that as the<br />

featured student in a Spanishlanguage<br />

video<br />

produced by the<br />

U.S. Department<br />

of Education to<br />

promote college attendance<br />

among<br />

children of Latino families.<br />

The video, “La universidad: un<br />

sueño alcanzable (College: An Attainable<br />

Dream),” is part of the Department<br />

of Education’s effort to achieve<br />

President Barack Obama’s goal of<br />

increasing college graduation rates<br />

in the United <strong>State</strong>s by 20 percent<br />

by 2020, is also currently streaming<br />

on the website for the documentary<br />

“Waiting for Superman.”<br />

The video can be viewed at<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DKx<br />

OPfSzak. n<br />

Follow Us on Twitter at<br />

www.twitter.com/dominguezhills<br />

networking.<br />

Friendship.<br />

memories.<br />

Why Join? The CSUDH Alumni Association builds lifelong<br />

relationships between alumni and their alma mater and works<br />

to make CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> the strongest academic institution<br />

possible.<br />

Your partner for life! The CSUDH Alumni Association connects<br />

alumni, students, and friends to each other and to the <strong>University</strong><br />

through programs, services, and communications.<br />

There are no dues for membership. All the benefits and rewards of<br />

being an Alumni Association member are yours, free!<br />

To read more about being a member, visit www.csudh.edu/alumni.<br />

Become active today by clicking on and completing the online<br />

Alumni Information Update form.<br />

OFFICe OF ALUmnI PrOgrAmS<br />

(310) 243-2237 | alumniprograms@csudh.edu | www.csudh.edu/alumni

a l u M n i P r o F i l e s<br />

John Tracy: Alumnus Gives Boeing Technology its Wings<br />

Among the attendees of<br />

the historic 1910 Air Meet, which<br />

took place on <strong>Dominguez</strong> Rancho<br />

Adobe land not far from where <strong>California</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> now sits, was William Boeing,<br />

who went on to create what would<br />

become the world’s largest aviation<br />

and aerospace company.<br />

A century later, the head of<br />

The Boeing Company’s technology<br />

efforts can claim he got his<br />

beginnings there too. As senior vice<br />

president of engineering, operations<br />

and technology and chief technology<br />

officer, John Tracy (Class of ’76,<br />

B.S., physics) is responsible for the<br />

strategic direction of more<br />

than 100,000 Boeing<br />

employees worldwide.<br />

Within the<br />

corporation, he<br />

is responsible<br />

for a multitude of<br />

organizations that<br />

include engineering,<br />

operations, supplier<br />

management, quality assurance<br />

and information<br />

technology.<br />

3 2<br />

Tracy, a Southern <strong>California</strong><br />

native, says his parents inspired him<br />

to become an engineer. When he was<br />

in elementary school, his father gave<br />

him a model of the X-15, a rocketpowered<br />

airplane that was used<br />

mainly for research in the 1960s.<br />

“This rocket-powered airplane<br />

didn’t land on three wheels, [but] on<br />

a wheel and two skids,” says Tracy,<br />

“and I thought, ‘Wow, what an amazing<br />

sight! How can I get involved in<br />

designing and building something<br />

like that?’”<br />

Tracy joined McDonnell Douglas,<br />

now part of Boeing, as a stress<br />

analyst in 1981. He’s held a wide variety<br />

of leadership roles at the company,<br />

including vice president of engineering<br />

and mission assurance for<br />

Boeing’s defense and space business<br />

unit and vice president of structural<br />

technologies, prototyping and quality<br />

for the company’s advanced research<br />

and development organization.<br />

He said his education from<br />

CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

contributed greatly to his<br />

successful career.<br />

“The [campus] was<br />

small enough to give me<br />

the chance to have direct<br />

interactions with my<br />

professors,” Tracy said,<br />

who went on to earn a Ph.D. in engineering<br />

from the <strong>University</strong> of <strong>California</strong>,<br />

Irvine and an M.S. in physics<br />

from CSU Los Angeles. “I especially<br />

remember James Imai [emeritus<br />

professor of physics]. I started out<br />

at <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> as a math major<br />

with a minor in physical education,<br />

but he convinced me I could be a<br />

physics student.”<br />

Tracy believes that with a little<br />

inspiration and encouragement like<br />

the kind he received, more students<br />

would pursue STEM (science, technology,<br />

engineering and math) fields.<br />

“I can’t say enough about the<br />

importance of inspiration when it<br />

comes to getting young people interested<br />

in science and technology,” he<br />

said. “The sight of a rocket airplane<br />

helped inspire me to pursue a career<br />

in this field. I hope the products that<br />

[we at Boeing] are working on today<br />

will encourage students to become<br />

the designers of tomorrow’s aweinspiring<br />

products.”<br />

A fellow of the American Society<br />

of Mechanical Engineers and the<br />

past chair of its 6,000-member aerospace<br />

division, Tracy has also been<br />

elected as a fellow of the American<br />

Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics<br />

and the Royal Aeronautical<br />

Society, and was inducted into the<br />

Hispanic Engineer National Achievement<br />

Awards Corporation (HE-<br />

NAAC) Hall of Fame in 2009. n<br />

Travis Kamiyama: Chef Oversees Restaurant on Cruise ship<br />

When Travis Kamiyama<br />

(Class of ’97, B.S. economics)<br />

opened Kamiyama Sushi in 2000 in<br />

Lomita, he served his unique interpretation<br />

of sushi in a tiny storefront<br />

that seated about five at the bar. Ever<br />

expanding his international restaurant<br />

empire—he has a sushi and<br />

tapas bar in Osaka and contracts with<br />

the Market Broiler in Orange—the<br />

Okinawan native is now executive<br />

sushi chef and consultant aboard the<br />

Oasis of the Seas. The Oasis is the<br />

largest cruise ship in the world with<br />

16 decks and accommodations for up<br />

to 5,400 guests.<br />

“I broke out of the South Bay<br />

into international waters,” says<br />

Kamiyama. “I hope in the future to<br />

become the authority in the cruise<br />

ship industry in terms of Asian food<br />

and sushi.”<br />

Kamiyama enjoys the challenge<br />

of serving sushi to an international<br />

audience—some of whom may never<br />

have had it before their cruise. Used<br />

to running restaurants on land, where<br />

the accessibility of exotic ingredients<br />

are almost never an issue, Kamiyama<br />

had to learn to strategize on what his<br />

ocean-bound restaurant Izumi could<br />

offer while keeping its quality high.<br />

More than 20 specialty restaurants<br />

and concessions on board gather<br />

their weekly food supply through<br />

an elaborate provision system that<br />

enables them to serve 25,000 meals a<br />

day during a week-long cruise to approximately<br />

8,000 people on board.<br />

As a student at CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong>, he says he appreciated the<br />

“great staff, great teachers, great curriculum.”<br />

He also relied on his own<br />

self-motivation.<br />

“When I attended <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> in the early 1990s, it was a small<br />

campus compared to now,” he says.<br />

“But I applied myself enough and<br />

took full advantage of every opportunity<br />

I had, asking questions, reading<br />

a lot, and networking.”<br />

As an entrepreneur, Kamiyama<br />

holds firm to the same drive, and<br />

says that, “valuing people and valuing<br />

relationships is a huge part of it.”<br />

In December 2010, Kamiyama<br />

helped launch the Allure of the Seas,<br />

a sister ship to the Oasis with a second<br />

Izumi restaurant on board. Last<br />

fall, he participated with the Patina<br />

Restaurant Group in providing highend<br />

dining for the Alltech FEI World<br />

Equestrian Games in Lexington, Ky.<br />

Kamiyama has also done volunteer<br />

work with the Boarding House<br />

Mentors, a surfing, skateboarding<br />

and snowboarding program for underserved<br />

youth, and for Camp Musubi,<br />

a summer program that teaches<br />

Nikkei middle school students to<br />

preserve their Japanese heritage. The<br />

father of a young son and daughter,<br />

Kamiyama emphasizes the importance<br />

of “being able to balance all of<br />

it, not just the career aspect.”<br />

“And always have integrity. Never<br />

discount your services or passion,” he<br />

says. “If you commit to something,<br />

make sure it happens and that you<br />

deliver every time. If you do that,<br />

your chances of getting referrals or<br />

more business increases by tenfold.” n<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 3 3

C l a s s n o t e s<br />

1970s<br />

ron Dowell (B.A. ’75), a retired<br />

manager for the Los Angeles County<br />

Sheriff ’s Department, has published<br />

Compton 4 COPS: Community-Based<br />

Crime Fighting in Disadvantaged Racially<br />

and Ethnically Diverse Urban Communities.<br />

1980s<br />

Steve Moreau (M.S. ’80) has been<br />

named the president and chief executive<br />

officer at St. Joseph Hospital in<br />

Orange, Calif.<br />

Damien lui Toilolo (B.A. ’87) was<br />

confirmed as abbot of the St. Andrew’s<br />

Abbey Benedictine Monastery<br />

in Valyermo, Calif., in June. He will<br />

serve an eight-year term.<br />

1990s<br />

Karen Bass (B.S. ’90) has been<br />

elected to represent <strong>California</strong>’s 33rd<br />

Congressional District in the U.S.<br />

House of Representatives. Since<br />

2004 she had served as the state assemblywoman<br />

for the 47th District,<br />

and in 2008 she was sworn in as<br />

speaker of the <strong>California</strong> Assembly,<br />

becoming the first African-American<br />

woman in the nation to hold that post.<br />

Mike paulson (B.A. ’93) was recently<br />

promoted to manager of the heat<br />

management group for MovinCool,<br />

a manufacturer of Densco Corporation<br />

spot air conditioners.<br />

Kathryn leMere (B.A. ’93) has been<br />

elected president of the Colo-<br />

3 4 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

Alumni from Long Beach came<br />

out to the Long Beach Alumni<br />

Reception on november 18.<br />

Hosted by the law firm Keesal,<br />

Young and Logan, the reception<br />

was held in the firm’s penthouse<br />

suite of offices in downtown<br />

Long Beach with beautiful views<br />

of the Long Beach harbor and<br />

downtown skyline.<br />

rado Federation of Women’s Clubs<br />

(GFWC), an international community<br />

service organization that has clubs<br />

in every state.<br />

rory natividad (B.A. ’93) is the new<br />

dean of health sciences and athletics<br />

at El Camino College in Torrance,<br />

Calif. In this role, he will oversee<br />

nursing, physical eduation, athletics,<br />

disabled students, radiological<br />

technology, respiratory care, and the<br />

student center.<br />

linda Berri (M.A. ’94) was recently<br />

appointed president of Westchester<br />

Playa Village, a volunteer-based,<br />

member-based nonprofit organization<br />

that aims to address the demand<br />

among baby boomers and the elderly<br />

to remain living in their own homes.<br />

Tammy Tumbling (B.S., ’90; M.p.A,<br />

’94) was named Southern <strong>California</strong><br />

Edison’s director of philanthropy<br />

and community involvement.<br />

rudy p. Melson (M.B.A. ’96) received<br />

the Director of the Year Award from<br />

Garden Valley Chamber of Commerce.<br />

He has been recognized by<br />

Cambridge Who’s Who for demonstrating<br />

dedication, leadership and<br />

excellence in project management.<br />

Tatsumi paredes (B.A. ’98) has been<br />

hired as brand administrator for<br />

Toyota Financial Services, which provides<br />

financing and vehicle protection<br />

products for Toyota customers.<br />

2000s<br />

Terri norwood (M.A. ’00) was a top 5<br />

finalist in the Great American Teacher<br />

of the Year award given by the Ron<br />

Clark Academy in Georgia. She<br />

founded Bright Star Reading Club, a<br />

nonprofit literacy program in Inglewood.<br />

Jabari Steward (B.A. ’00) was recently<br />

appointed to worship director at<br />

Saddleback Church Anaheim.<br />

luis Campo (B.A. ’01) joined the<br />

faculty at Columbia <strong>University</strong> as<br />

assistant professor of chemistry.<br />

The third novel of CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

alumnus and Santa Monica College English<br />

professor Daniel Cano (B.A. ’78; M.A., ’85),<br />

Death and the American Dream (Bilingual Review<br />

Press, 2009), has won the best novel<br />

in the historical fiction category at the<br />

12th International Latino Book Awards.<br />

“As a student at CSUDH, I was<br />

awarded the Del Amo Fellowship to<br />

study in Spain during the academic year ’77–’78. I owe many thanks to such past<br />

CSUDH teachers and scholars as Porfirio Sanchez and Frances Lauerhass, Spanish<br />

dept.; Michael Mahon, Michael Shaeffer, Abe Ravitz, and Agnes Yamada,<br />

and the English department for both my successes in writing and teaching.” n<br />

Fatima rivas (B.A. ’01) was recently<br />

named a faculty research associate in<br />

the department of chemical biology<br />

and therapeutics at St. Jude Children’s<br />

Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.<br />

Damon Carr (B.A. ’00; M.A. ’02), a pilot<br />

for Skywest Airlines, recently published<br />

Stop Being a Passenger: How to<br />

Become the Captain of Your Own Life.<br />

Kent Bullard (M.S. ’03) was recently<br />

appointment to Lee Enterprises<br />

Biodiesel Consulting Group of Little<br />

Rock, Ark., as their new Quality Assurance<br />

Specialist. He is the longest<br />

serving auditor with the National<br />

(Continued on page 36)<br />

Alum Daniel Cano Authors Third novel—<br />

Death and the American Dream<br />

W W W . C S U D H . E D U | C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S 3 5

C l a s s n o t e s<br />

(Continued from page 35)<br />

Biodiesel Accreditation Commission,<br />

and since 2005 has audited biodiesel<br />

production, marketing and laboratory<br />

facilities across the U.S. and in Canada.<br />

Joanie Harmon (B.A. ’03) received<br />

“honorable mention” in the Los Angeles<br />

Press Club’s 52nd annual SoCal<br />

Journalism Awards for her weblog,<br />

Girl Meet Soup.<br />

Shonni Albritton (B.A. ’04) was honored<br />

by the 2010 NAACP Theatre<br />

Awards, hosted by the Director’s<br />

Guild of America with the best supporting<br />

actress award for her role in<br />

the CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> production<br />

of “Jitney.”<br />

nels Dennis pearson (Class of ’08,<br />

B.S., physics) has generously given<br />

$40,000 to CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

to benefit the physics department,<br />

including an endowment fund for<br />

student scholarships, funds for new<br />

equipment and equipment maintenance,<br />

and an endowment for the<br />

Jason Coleman (B.S. ’04) has been<br />

named one of the “Top 25 Agents<br />

of 2010” by Travel Agent Magazine.<br />

Carol Davies (M.p.A. ’05) was honored<br />

by the Association of Fundraising<br />

Professionals <strong>California</strong> Valley<br />

Chapter with the Distinguished<br />

Achievement Special Award for Excellence<br />

in Fundraising.<br />

gary l. Singer (B.A. ’05) is the new<br />

emergency management and preparedness<br />

coordinator at his alma<br />

mater, <strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>.<br />

Carmelita Jeter (B.A. ’06) placed third<br />

nels pearson endowments Benefit physics students<br />

professor John price<br />

(left, with nels pearson)<br />

says the physics<br />

department is “grateful<br />

for the opportunity he’s<br />

given us to enhance our<br />

laboratories and provide<br />

the colloquium series.”<br />

N.D. Pearson Colloquium Series in<br />

Physics, which hosts talks by physicists,<br />

researchers, and academicians<br />

in the sciences.<br />

Pearson was back on campus in<br />

October to attend one of the three<br />

colloquium talks given during the fall<br />

semester – a presentation by Dr. Mark<br />

3 6 C A L i F O r n i A S T A T E U n i V E r S i T y , D O M i n G U E z H i L L S | W W W . C S U D H . E D U<br />

in the women’s 100 meters with a<br />

finish of 10.83 seconds at the elite<br />

2010 IAAF Diamond League series<br />

of track and field.<br />

lisa Mabry (M.B.A. ’06) is the new associate<br />

athletic director at <strong>California</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Long Beach.<br />

Kathleen percival (M.S. ’06) of Simi<br />

Valley Hospital was appointed to the<br />

Moorpark College Foundation Board<br />

of Directors. n<br />

Find Us on Facebook at<br />

www.facebook.com/CSUDH<br />

Helmlinger, an electro-optic calibration<br />

specialist at Northrop Grumman.<br />

He did his share of repairing<br />

equipment in the labs while attending<br />

the university, recalls Pearson, a<br />

software engineer at Raytheon, and<br />

wanted to give physics students access<br />

to the best learning experience<br />

possible.<br />

“Inherently, I’m an engineer<br />

and like build things,” he says. “I<br />

designed some support modules to<br />

make the experiments go more easily<br />

and accurately. The equipment was<br />

in disrepair and kind of minimal. I<br />

figured with a little extra money, we<br />

could do something.” n<br />

t o r o a t h l e t i C s<br />

Toros <strong>Honor</strong> All-American Athletes on Wall of <strong>Honor</strong><br />

A throng of nearly 300 To-<br />

ros gathered at the CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> campus in January to recognize<br />

and honor 69 former student-athletes<br />

in a three-part Toros All-American<br />

Wall of <strong>Honor</strong> unveiling ceremony, a<br />

special event planned as part of the<br />

ongoing celebration of the university’s<br />

50th anniversary.<br />

Beginning in the spring of 1979,<br />

Toro student-athletes have received<br />

94 total awards and honors, with<br />

an unbroken record of at least one<br />

university member receiving an<br />

award every year since the 1981-82<br />

academic year. In fact, 10 programs<br />

have received at least two All-Americas,<br />

with men’s soccer leading the<br />

way with 28 total awards. The 2003<br />

some former and current<br />

Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

All-American, Academic<br />

All-American recipients and<br />

Rhodes scholar Finalists<br />

in front of a display their<br />

legacies have created.<br />

calendar year witnessed the largest<br />

number of awards handed out to<br />

CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> students, with<br />

eight total going to five athletes.<br />

The event, which welcomed<br />

back a who’s who of former studentathletes,<br />

coaches, administrators,<br />

and their families, including six-time<br />

All-American women’s track and field<br />

sensation and current fastest woman<br />

in the world, Carmelita Jeter, and<br />

men’s soccer’s six-time All-American<br />

and two-time National Player of the<br />

Year, Kevin Gallaugher, began in<br />

Loker Student Union for a pre-ceremony<br />

meet-and-greet before segueing<br />

into the Torodome gymnasium.<br />

In the Torodome, each All-<br />

America, Academic All-America<br />

and Rhodes Scholar Finalist was<br />

announced, with those in attendance<br />

being presented a plaque commemorating<br />

their accomplishments.<br />

Following the plaque presentation,<br />

the recipients and their<br />

families, along with special VIPs in<br />

attendance, made their way to the<br />

Torodome lobby where the display<br />

was unveiled by President Mildred<br />

García, Vice President of Enrollment<br />

Management and Student Affairs Sue<br />

Borrego and Director of Athletics<br />

Patrick Guillen.<br />

“What a great way to celebrate<br />

and honor the rich history and tradition<br />

that is Toros Athletics,” Guillen<br />

said. “It was fantastic to bring back<br />

our athletic and academic All-Americans,<br />

and our Rhodes Scholar Finalists,<br />

and recognize them for their<br />

tremendous past achievements.<br />

“Some had not been on campus<br />

in 25–30 years so it was a great way<br />

to reconnect, show off our beautiful<br />

campus and show them the positive<br />

direction in which CSUDH and its<br />

Athletics Department are moving.”<br />

Among the special guests in attendance<br />

were alumnus Rick Goacher,<br />

who made a special presentation<br />

to the university’s first-ever athletics<br />

director and current golf coach,<br />

Dr. John Johnson; former men’s<br />

basketball head coach, Dave Yanai;<br />

and ten current CSU <strong>Dominguez</strong><br />

<strong>Hills</strong> All-Americans whose faces<br />

and accomplishments will grace the<br />

All-American Wall of <strong>Honor</strong> once<br />

their careers are complete, including<br />

baseball’s Abel Medina and track and<br />

field’s Chanel Parker. —Mel Miranda

765<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> Today<br />

<strong>California</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

<strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong><br />

1000 East Victoria Street, WH 490<br />

Carson, CA 90747<br />

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Thalia Gomez, AsI president<br />

“set your sights high, and get the skills and<br />

knowledge you need to achieve your goals.”<br />

As president of Associated students, Inc., Thalia Gomez is working to ensure that students have access to the guidance and support she has received during<br />

her education at Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> that has empowered her to become a scholar and leader.<br />

With the help of counselors, faculty and staff at the university, Gomez says she received the mentoring she needed to propel her not only toward her<br />

bachelor’s degree, but to even consider attaining an advanced degree and becoming a professor.<br />

Your gift to Csu <strong>Dominguez</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> is critical to ensuring that future generations of students continue to receive an outstanding educational experience.<br />

office of development | (310) 243-2182 | giving@csudh.edu | www.csudh.edu/investinus

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