Lindell Beach Residents Association

Lindell Beach Residents Association

Lindell Beach Residents Association


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<strong>Lindell</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Residents</strong> <strong>Association</strong>1975 Vera Rd. <strong>Lindell</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, BC V2R4X1The LBRA had an initial meeting with Graham in January which was very positive andwe all left with the agreement that if new information came in we would schedule afurther meeting to discuss. It would seem that an appropriate time for that meeting wouldbe before staff made the recommendation to go with a single option; and certainly morethan 5 days before the EASC Committee meets to adopt staff recommendations. It is notclear from the report whether representative of any other Cultus Lake Southcommunities have had a chance to meet with staff to discuss and understand thevarious options in this report.Graham did mention in conversation last week that there is still time to meet and discussthe report and options following the EASC meeting. However, if the EASC committeesupports recommendation #2 and supports the report (and OCP) going to the Board onthe 26th of this month, is there really time for meaningful conversation?If we are able to meet and agree on amendments to the plan that make sense for thecommunity, will staff be able to amend the report going to the Board without anotherEASC meeting?Sample questionsHere is a sample of the questions posed by the LBRA Directors:1. Has any other Cultus Lake groups reviewed and commented on the planamendments?2. Is there a requirement to have the process “rush” to the FVRD Board?3. In the plan there is reference to some of the options being combined or blended– was that done? What was contemplated?4. Option 1 is recommended partly because it has “park dedication” and referenceis made to where that land could be located. Option 4 refers to a similardedication, or cash in lieu. Does that apply to option 1 as well? With the loss ofthe golf course, park dedication (and options) becomes more important.5. The green areas in Option 1 appear to be quite large (a good thing) Are theriparian assessment areas in Option 1 fixed, or can they be reduced or adjustedthrough negotiation?The purpose for injecting these examples of questions is not to challenge the work ofstaff or to get answers via Email. It is merely to suggest that there is a need for someconsultation before the plan report and OCP is adopted by the FVRD Board.It would be a shame to see the OCP adopted without the various community boardshaving a chance to understand the options and explore possible alternatives with staff.The very least that could result from consultation would be greater support at the nextpublic hearing. A better outcome would be amendments that make sense for both theFVRD and the communities of Cultus Lake South.Delay Submission to the BoardThe Board of Directors of the LBRA requests that the EAS Committee arrange to havethe draft OCP with Plan Amendments agenda item be delayed until the April Boardmeeting, and that staff be instructed to meet with representatives from the various CultusLake South area to discuss the Plan and options for the “Whitlam property”. The planreport, with any recommended amendments would be brought back to the next EASCmeeting.

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