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ANNUAL REPORT 2001-2002CHAPTER XII<strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>SECTOR</strong> <strong>UNDERTAKINGS</strong>1. NATIONAL TEXTILE CORPORATIONLIMITED:National Textile Corporation Ltd (NTC)was set up with the main objective <strong>of</strong>managing the affairs <strong>of</strong> the Sick TextileUndertakings taken over by the Government.It was also proposed to rehabilitate andmodernize these Mills after take -over andexpand them wherever necessary with a viewto making them economically viable.NTC was incorporated in April, 1968 andstarted functioning in October, 1968. Atpresent there are 119 mills, managed by theHolding Company and its 9 subsidiaryCorporations namely, NTC(APKKM), NTC(DPR), NTC(MP) , NTC(MN), NTC(SM),NTC(GUJ), NTC (TN&P) NTC(UP) & NTC(WBABO).Capital Structure:The NTC Ltd. (Holding Company) startedwith an Authorized Capital <strong>of</strong> Rs.10.00Crores, which was raised from time to time. Itstands at Rs. 600 Crores as on date. Thepaid up capital as on date is Rs. 512.10Crores.Capacity:The Installed capacity <strong>of</strong> the mill underNTC as on 30.06.2001 was 34.03 lakhspindles and 32,454 looms whereas thecommissioned capacity was 26.49 lakhsspindles and 18,972 looms.Performance During 2001-2002:During the period April-June, 2001 NTCGroup has reported a net loss <strong>of</strong> Rs. 297crore. The Group's anticipated net loss for theyear 2001-2002 is expected to be Rs.1189crore.The Cash Loss suffered by the NTCGroup before depreciation, tax and intereston Government loans and expenditure onVRS is Rs.159.17 crores for the period April-June, 2001. Looking at the trend, this figurefor the year 2001-2002 is likely to be Rs. 637crore.our major factors, namely, shortage <strong>of</strong>working capital stoppage/curtailment <strong>of</strong>activities, payment <strong>of</strong> idle wage to employeesand lack <strong>of</strong> modernization put together, areresponsible for deteriorating performance <strong>of</strong>NTC mills. Added to this is poor <strong>of</strong>f-take <strong>of</strong>yarn during the first half <strong>of</strong> 2001-2002 dueto slackening <strong>of</strong> demand.Production:During the period April- June,2001, NTCmills have reported a production <strong>of</strong> 9 millionkgs <strong>of</strong> Market Yarn (own) and 5 million kgs <strong>of</strong>121
MINISTRY OF TEXTILESjob work yarn. Based on this trend, theannual production is estimated to be <strong>of</strong> theorder <strong>of</strong> about 56 million kgs, including jobwork.NTC mills have produced 9 millionmeters cloth (own) during the period April-June,2001. In addition NTC mills haveundertaken job work for cloth production tothe extent <strong>of</strong> 1 million meters during thisperiod. The annual production <strong>of</strong> the cloth,both own production as well as job work, isexpected to be <strong>of</strong> the order <strong>of</strong> about 40million meters.Turnover:The sales <strong>of</strong> the Market yarn (own) invalue terms for the period April-June 2001 isapprox. Rs.76 crore. During this period, themills have also earned Rs 14 crore byundertaking job work <strong>of</strong> market yarn. Theestimated turnover for the whole year 2001-2002, for yarn, both own production as wellas job work is expected to be around Rs. 360Crore.The sale <strong>of</strong> Cloth (own) in value terms forthe period April-June 2001 is <strong>of</strong> the order <strong>of</strong>Rs. 27 Crore. The mills have also earnedabout Rs.0.40 crore during April-June,2001,by way <strong>of</strong> doing Job Work for clothproduction. The turnover for cloth for thewhole year is expected to be <strong>of</strong> the order <strong>of</strong>about Rs 112 crores.Exports:Orders for export <strong>of</strong> bed sheets for avalue <strong>of</strong> Rs.23.87 lakhs have been received.The same is expected to be completed by theend <strong>of</strong> December, 2001. Similarly,negotiations are being conducted for export<strong>of</strong> towels for which samples have beenapproved by the importersEmployment:At the end <strong>of</strong> June,2001, there were82343 employees on roll in NTC Group.During 2000-2001, 1535 employees havegone on VRS and an amount <strong>of</strong> Rs.2621.73lakhs was paid to them.Readymade Garments:NTC has diversified into production andsale <strong>of</strong> readymade garments by using NTCproduced cloth. These include shirts,trousers, Bermuda, shorts, handkerchiefs,kurta-pyjamas etc. These have resulted inboosting up <strong>of</strong> retail sale. They have beenwidely accepted in the market.Activity Status:Due to acute shortage <strong>of</strong> working capitalfunds and other reasons, the mills, underNTC Group have not been able to utilize theirfull capacities. The activity status <strong>of</strong> millsduring April-June, 2001 was as under:-(i) Mills with no production activity 41(ii) Mills with partial production activities 53(iii) Mills with normal production activities 25Rehabilitation:8 out <strong>of</strong> the 9 Subsidiary Corporations,122
ANNUAL REPORT 2001-2002which were referred to BIR under theprovisions <strong>of</strong> the Sick Industrial Companies(Special provisions) Act, 1985. BIRcirculated Draft Revival Schemes (DRSs)prepared by Operating Agencies namelyIDBI/ICI and fixed hearings for finalizing thesame in ebruary 2002. It was proposed inDRSs for revival <strong>of</strong> 44 viable mills and closure<strong>of</strong> 60 unviable mills after giving VRS toaffected workers.The Government considered the DRScirculated by BIR and conveyed theirconcurrence for the proposed course <strong>of</strong>action consisting <strong>of</strong> closure <strong>of</strong> unviable millsand modernizing <strong>of</strong> viable mills along withthe sacrifices consisting conversion <strong>of</strong> loaninto equity, waiver <strong>of</strong> interest on loan, waiver<strong>of</strong> damages on statutory dues. NTC underinstructions <strong>of</strong> Government had also filedsubmissions before BIR in each <strong>of</strong> the 8individual cases giving consent to thesacrifices proposed therein. Governmenthad also taken preparatory steps forimplementing the Rehabilitation Plan underfinalization with BIR.2. THE BRITISH INDIACORPORATION LIMITED,KANPUR:The British India Corporation Ltd. wastaken over by the Government <strong>of</strong> India on11.6.1981 by acquisition <strong>of</strong> private shares.BIC has two woollen mills, namely, CawnporeWoollen Mills Branch (Lalimli) and NewEgerton Woollen Mills Branch (Dhariwal)under its direct control. Besides it has twocotton Subsidiary companies, namely, ElginMills Co. Ltd. and Cawnpore <strong>Textiles</strong> Ltd. Thetwo woollen mills have 10,176 woollenspindles and 22,092 worsted spindles, 518powerlooms and 162 handlooms. The totalshare capital <strong>of</strong> the BIC is Rs.44.66 croresout <strong>of</strong> which the share holding <strong>of</strong> theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India is Rs.42.96 crores. Thetotal number <strong>of</strong> employees in the BIC is3537.inancial Performance:The net loss for the financial year1999-2000 was Rs.37.62 crores while the net lossfor the year 2000-2001 is Rs.37.41 crores.The cumulative net loss upto 2000-01 isRs.449.02 crores against which cumulativebudgetary support including amountsreleased for salaries and wages have beenRs.224.32 crores upto 2000-01. The mainreasons for losses suffered by BIC Ltd. includeobsolete machinery, excess man-power,shortage <strong>of</strong> working capital etc.Physical Performance:The capacity utilisation for the year 2000-01 is 12.40% in worsted spindles and 8.88%in the woollen spindles while the capacityutilisation in weaving Sulzer looms is 31.78%and in old power looms 5.52%. The value <strong>of</strong>production is Rs.16.04 crores as againstRs.10.73 crores for last year.Reference to the BIR:In 1993, the Company was referred tothe BIR which declared it as a sick industrialCompany. The BIR passed orders on123
MINISTRY OF TEXTILES31.10.94 recommending the winding up <strong>of</strong>the company. Against the order <strong>of</strong> BIR thecompany filed an appeal before the AAIR on26.12.1996. AAIR also dismissed theappeal <strong>of</strong> BIC at its hearing held on9.5.1997 as the AAIR felt that norehabilitation scheme was feasible for the BICLtd. The Government asked the WoolResearch Association (WRA) to prepareTechno-Economic Viability Report <strong>of</strong> the twowoollen Mills separately, to consider thefeasibility <strong>of</strong> reviving the units/company. On21.11.2000, Govt. <strong>of</strong> India, approved therehabilitation package <strong>of</strong> the company andthe High Court was requested to remand thecase to BIR for reconsideration. The HighCourt, remanded the matter to BIR forreconsideration <strong>of</strong> the matter and approval <strong>of</strong>the revival package. The BIR held hearingon 13.6.2001 and appointed IDBI asoperating agency to prepare DraftRehabilitation Scheme(DRS) by December,2001. IDBI is in the process <strong>of</strong> finalisation <strong>of</strong>DRS.(a) The Elgin Mills Company Limited,KanpurThe Elgin Mill Company Ltd., is aComposite Textile Mill known as Elgin MillNo. 1 and Elgin Mill No. 2 and is asubsidiary <strong>of</strong> the British India CorporationLtd., Kanpur. It has an installed capacity <strong>of</strong>1,18,092 spindles and 2,376 looms.Physical & inancial Performance:The capacity utilisation both spinning andweaving for the year 2000-01 was 'Nil' ( themills operation has been totally stopped sinceDecember, 1995). The Company incurred aloss before charging interest anddepreciation <strong>of</strong> Rs.4.98 crores in the year2000-01. The accumulated net loss as on31.3.2001 stood at Rs.724.48 croresincluding interest <strong>of</strong> Rs.366.36 crores onGovernment loan.Reference to the BIR:BIR on September, 1994 recommendedwinding up <strong>of</strong> the Elgin Mills Company Ltd.,before the Hon'ble High Court, Allahabad.The appeal preferred by the Company beforeAAIR against the order <strong>of</strong> BIR wasdismissed on 9th May, 1997. The Hon'bleHigh Court, Allahabad passed order forwinding up <strong>of</strong> the Company and appointment<strong>of</strong> Liquidator on 29th September, 1999. OnSpecial appeal No. 1121/99 preferredagainst aforesaid order <strong>of</strong> the Hon'ble HighCourt passed on 13th October, 1999 stayingfurther action <strong>of</strong> take over by the OfficialLiquidator. However, at the hearing on 24thJuly, 2000, the Hon'ble High Court,Allahabad directed that the said stay orderdated 13.10.99 would remain in operationonly upto 18..8.2000.Voluntary Separation Scheme(V.S.S.):With a view to protect the interest <strong>of</strong> theworkers and as a special case, Governmentintroduced the Voluntary Separation Schemeeffective from 1st June, 2001 upto 30th June,2001 which has been implemented almost fully.124
ANNUAL REPORT 2001-2002(b) Cawnpore <strong>Textiles</strong> Limited, KanpurThe Cawnpore <strong>Textiles</strong> Limited is aCotton Textile Subsidiary <strong>of</strong> the British IndiaCorporation Limited, located at Kanpur. Ithas an installed capacity <strong>of</strong> 37800 spindles,604 looms per shift.Physical & inancial Performance:The production has been completelystopped since 12th May,1997 after thedisclosure <strong>of</strong> Government orderdiscontinuing the Budgetary support againstsalary & wages and VRS after 11th August,'97 (original date extended till 22.3.2000).The Company incurred losses, amounting toRs.2.31 crore before interest anddepreciation during 2000-01. Theaccumulated net losses as on 31.3.2001stood at Rs.132.56 crore including interestamounting to Rs.68.97 crore onGovernment loans.Reference to BIR:BIR in January '95 recommendedwinding up <strong>of</strong> Cawnpore <strong>Textiles</strong> Limitedbefore Hon'ble High Court, Allahabad. Anappeal was preferred by the Companybefore AAIR against the aforesaid orders,which was dismissed on 9th May, 1997 andthe matter was referred to the CompanyCourt at Allahabad High Court, whichpassed an order appointing Liquidator on29.9.1999. However further action on takeover by the Official Liquidator was stayed bya Division Bench on 28.10.99. urther, on24th July, 2000, the Hon'ble High Court,Allahabad directed that Stay Order dated28.10.99 shall remain in operation only till18..8.2000.Voluntary Separation Scheme (V.S.S.):With a view to protect the interest <strong>of</strong> theworkers as a special case, Governmentintroduced the Voluntary Separation Schemeeffective from 1st June, 2001 upto 30thJune, 2001 which has been implementedalmost fully.3. BIRDS JUTE & EXPORT LTD.(BJEL), KOLKATA:The Birds Jute & Export Ltd., is theonly subsidiary Corporation <strong>of</strong> the NationalJute Manufactures Corporation (NJMC) Ltd.This company has been incurring losses forthe last several years. The total sales havedecreased from Rs. 166 lakhs in 1994-95to nil in 1999-2000. The losses suffered bythe Corporation during the past years havealso been increasing continuously. Thereasons for loss were poor machinerycondition coupled with the steep increase ininput price, high increase in wage costs andhuge interest on loans. Poor <strong>of</strong>f take in themarket is also the reason for recurringlosses.The company has repaired andrenovated some machinery. However, theshortage <strong>of</strong> working capital coupled withaccumulated losses does not permit thecompany to run even partially at present.The company is preparing a revival plan inconsultation with the operating agency.125
MINISTRY OF TEXTILES4. NATIONAL JUTE MANUACTURESCORPORATION LIMITED (NJMC),KOLKATA:National Jute ManufacturesCorporation Limited (NJMC) wasincorporated in 1980. There are sixnationalised Jute Mills under itsmanagement <strong>of</strong> which five are locatedin and around Calcutta and one atKatihar, Bihar. NJMC is the only PublicSector Undertaking engaged in Jute goodsmanufacture. The Undertakings <strong>of</strong> the sixPERORMANCE INDICATORSSacking, Jute Twine and also Jute CarpetBacking Cloth (CBC).Production, Productivity &Performance:At the time <strong>of</strong> Nationalisation production<strong>of</strong> the mills under NJMC was around 1.10Lac tons per annum, which went up to 1.33Lac tons in the year 1985-86. There ishowever, a decline in production during thelast several years. The present trend <strong>of</strong>production, productivity & performance istabulated below:Particulars 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-2002(UptoNov'01)Production (M.T.) 77583 76313 70013 46605 54245 17969Production per day (M.T.) 257 253 235 214 180 127CapacityUtilisation (%) 49 48 45 41 34 24Average hands per day 23066 22431 22400 20952 19387 17373Mandays per M.T. 90 89 95 98 108 137(Rs. in crores)Export Sales 42.37 34.00 25.47 12.43 0.16Domestic Sales 123.05 131.14 102.46 121.79 46.14(Rs. in crores)Total Sales 187.86 157.05 156.61 114.89 127.04 46.14(Rs. in crores)Net Loss* 92.57 127.23 132.99 116.33 82.27(Rs. in crores)G.O.I Loan 80.00 70.00 104.11 96.00 96.00 64.00(Rs in crores)* excluding interest on Govt. LoanJute Mills viz. National, Kinnison, Khardah,Alexandra, Union and RBHM, themanagement <strong>of</strong> which were earlier takenover by the Govt. under the Industries(Development & Regulation) Act 1951 werenationalised and vested in NJMC. The Millsproduce traditional Jute goods like Hessian,Reference to BIR:In view <strong>of</strong> continuous cash loss andcomplete erosion <strong>of</strong> net worth, NJMC wasreferred to the Board for Industrial andinancial Reconstruction (BIR) on 11th Aug.,1992. IIBI, the Operating Agency, prepareda Unit wise viability Plan and accordingly126
ANNUAL REPORT 2001-2002BIR issued show cause notice for winding up<strong>of</strong> the Company. Government <strong>of</strong> India with aview to protect employment to the extentpossible and to safeguard the interest <strong>of</strong> theworkers has submitted to BIR that the orders<strong>of</strong> winding up <strong>of</strong> NJMC may be kept inabeyance and mill wise approach for revivalattempted. The mills are to be handed overwith the condition that they shall be run forten years and workers' interest protected. IIBI,which is the operating agency appointed byBIR, has issued the necessary advertisementin this regard and some private sectorcompanies have shown interest in the <strong>of</strong>fer.Bids have been received by IIBI, which hassent its report to BIR.5. THE JUTE CORPORATION OINDIA LTD. (JCI), KOLKATA:The Jute Corporation <strong>of</strong> India Ltd. isthe Official Agency <strong>of</strong> the Govt. <strong>of</strong> India inimplementing its policy <strong>of</strong> providing MinimumSupport Price to the jute growers and to serveas a stabilising agency in the raw jute sector.However, in years when prices <strong>of</strong> raw jute hadruled above the minimum support level theJCI had also undertaken CommercialOperation. It has completed 30 years <strong>of</strong>service to the jute growers in April, 2001.Infrastructure:Currently JCI is operating through 171purchase centers situated in 7 jute growingStates, namely, West Bengal, Assam,Meghalaya, Bihar, Orissa, Andhra Pradeshand Tripura. In order to increase its marketcoverage JCI during the current season it hasinvolved cooperative Societies <strong>of</strong> the jutegrowing States to participate in the MSPoperation in raw jute mesta through theircenters. In response to this, 40 cooperativecenters are acting as agents <strong>of</strong> JCI inprocuring raw jute during the current season2001-2002 under MSP operation. Apartfrom this attempts were made to utilize thevillage level service societies to procure rawjute directly from the growers and to deliverthe same to their nearest JCI/Cooperativecenters. By this arrangement, a few villagelevel service societies are procuring raw jutein Assam.Range <strong>of</strong> Services Provided:Price Support operation aims atprocuring raw jute from the small andmarginal farmers at the minimum supportprices (MSP) fixed by the Government <strong>of</strong> Indiafrom time to time.During the current season, theCorporation procured a quantity <strong>of</strong> around374707 quintals through its own purchasecenters and 66449 quintals through its agentcooperatives i.e. altogether 441156 quintals,equivalent to approx. 2.45 lakh bales as on13.02.2002 under minimum support priceoperation.Undertaking price support operation bythe Corporation was found to be mosteffective measure to arrest inter-seasonal andintra-seasonal fluctuation in raw jute prices asit creates a notional buffer stock in siphoning127
MINISTRY OF TEXTILESthe excess supply in the market and holds ittill a shortage situation is attained when thisjute is supplied to jute mills so that prices donot reach an unhealthy peak and by that wayboth the producer and consumer arebenefited in the process.Another important activity <strong>of</strong> theCorporation is to undertake commercialoperation i.e. purchase <strong>of</strong> raw jute at pricesabove the minimum support level oncommercial consideration to generate pr<strong>of</strong>it.The Corporation has entered the field <strong>of</strong>marketing <strong>of</strong> non-traditional jute products incollaboration with the Jute ManufacturesDevelopment Council with inauguration <strong>of</strong> aSales Emporium named 'SONALI' at Calcuttain April, 1989.The Corporation also provides service inthe field <strong>of</strong> marketing research and acts as adecision-support-system in the field <strong>of</strong>agriculture marketing.6. THE COTTON CORPORATION OINDIA LTD., MUMBAI(CCI):The CCI was set up in 1970. It came intoexistence with the objective <strong>of</strong> acting as thecanalising agency for import <strong>of</strong> cotton andundertaking purchase <strong>of</strong> raw cotton for givingnecessary price support to enterprisingcultivators growing new varieties <strong>of</strong> cottondeveloped as substitute for imported Longand Extra Long Staple Cotton and also forprocuring raw cotton for textile mills both inpublic and private sectors. Over the years, itsoperations have undergone significantchanges in tune with the needs <strong>of</strong> the Indiancotton economy during the past two decades.Subsequently, the CCI's role was expanded tocarry out commercial operations includingexport <strong>of</strong> cotton.With the launching <strong>of</strong> the TechnologyMission on Cotton, the CCI has now beenmade the implementing agency for MiniMissions III and IV, relating toimprovement <strong>of</strong> marketing infrastructureand modernisation <strong>of</strong> existing ginning andpressing factories.The turnover <strong>of</strong> the Corporation isexpected to be around Rs.952 croresduring the year 2001-2002 as comparedto Rs.741 crores in the year 2000-2001.The net loss was Rs.8.58 crores in theyear 2000-2001 as against a pr<strong>of</strong>it beforetax <strong>of</strong> Rs.2.10 crores in the previous year.Sharp decline in cotton export activity andhigher overheads mainly attributed to poorfinancial performance <strong>of</strong> the Corporation.The CCI's sales <strong>of</strong> cotton to qualityconscious mills in the private sector(particularly the 100% Export OrientedUnits) marginally increased from 68.9 percent to 72.42% during the year 2000-2001. The sales to NTC mills registered anominal decrease from 15.04% to 14.48%during the year 2000-2001.The CCI intensified its developmentalactivities during the year while continuingthe existing activities and taking up newones during the year. These were aimed at128
ANNUAL REPORT 2001-2002supplementing the efforts <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong>Agriculture, Government <strong>of</strong> India and theconcerned State Governments to increaseproduction and productivity <strong>of</strong> cotton andalso for improvement in the quality <strong>of</strong>cotton as well as increase the over-allincome <strong>of</strong> the cotton farmers.The developmental activities involved'Village Adoption Programme' fordissemination <strong>of</strong> technology to the farmersto increase the yield per hectare,distribution <strong>of</strong> genetically pure certifiedseeds and pesticides, distribution <strong>of</strong>genetically improved parental lines <strong>of</strong>DCH-32 variety, funding Research Projectsfor genetic improvement <strong>of</strong> parental lines<strong>of</strong> DCH-32 Hybrid cotton in Karnataka,crop surveillance, Research Projects onnaturally coloured cotton, promotion <strong>of</strong>medium staple cotton, promoting cottoncultivation in non-traditional cottongrowing States etc. or the variousdevelopmental activities listed above, theCorporation spent an amount <strong>of</strong> Rs.43.84 lakhs during the year 2000-2001.The CCI also implemented an ActionPlan to modernise the Ginning andPressing factories with a view to ensuringprocessing <strong>of</strong> cotton with leastcontamination for improvement in qualityand also for ensuring that processing <strong>of</strong>cotton conforms to BIS norms. The CCIcontinued with this incentive schemeduring 2000-2001 and incentiveamounting to Rs. 1.11 lakhs were given toGinning and Pressing factories.The performance <strong>of</strong> the CCI, as perthe Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding(MOU) for the year 2000-2001, was ratedas 'air'. The MOU for the year 2001-2002 was also signed with the <strong>Ministry</strong> inMarch, 2001.7. HANDICRATS & HANDLOOMSEXPORT CORPORATION (HHEC),NEW DELHI:The Handicrafts & Handlooms ExportCorporation <strong>of</strong> India Limited (HHEC) wasset up in June, 1962 with the twinobjectives <strong>of</strong> (I) Export promotion, and (ii)Trade development <strong>of</strong> handicrafts andHandloom products. HHEC is a tradinghouse in the export <strong>of</strong> handicrafts andHandloom products (includingHandknotted woolen carpet and readymade garments) besides undertakingexport <strong>of</strong> Gold and Silver Jewelry/Articles. In the year 1997-98, videGovernment notification No.80/97Customs dated 21st October, 1997,HHEC along with other ten agencies wasnominated for import <strong>of</strong> bullion underOGI, and sale in the domestic market. Inkeeping with its plan for diversificationHHEC also undertook import <strong>of</strong> mulberryraw silk.Turn Over:The Corporation achieved a highestever turnover <strong>of</strong> Rs. 426.07 crores during2000-01 surpassing the earlier highest <strong>of</strong>129
MINISTRY OF TEXTILESRs. 370.12 Crores recorded in the year1999-2000. Target for total turnover for2001-02 is Rs. 522.90 crore whichinclude export direct <strong>of</strong> Rs.71.60 crore.Working Results:During the year 2000-01 the totalincome increase to Rs. 30.42 crore asagainst Rs. 22.87 crore during theprevious year. The overheads during theyear 2000-01 increased to Rs. 25.01 croreas against Rs. 18.74 crore during previousyear. The net pr<strong>of</strong>it <strong>of</strong> Rs. 6.03 Crores is alsoa record, surpassing the previous recordpr<strong>of</strong>it <strong>of</strong> Rs.4.01 Crores achieved in the year1999-2000. The company has proposed tothe Government enhanced divided <strong>of</strong> 20%on paid share capital amounting toRs.236.40 lakhs during 2000-01.Statistics:The summarized working results for thelast three years alongwith achievements for2000-2001 is given in table below:-1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01Total Turnover 318.28 139.73 370.12 426.07Gross pr<strong>of</strong>it 2.42 1.87 4.13 7.21Net Pr<strong>of</strong>it 2.04 1.59 4.01 6.03Mulberry Raw Silk Imports:The import <strong>of</strong> Mulberry Raw Silk wasplaced in the canalized list vide Notificationno. 18 (RE- 990 1997-2002 dated 8th July,1999 and the Corporation was one <strong>of</strong> thedesignated agencies for imports. TheCorporation undertook import <strong>of</strong> MulberryRaw Silk and achieved sales <strong>of</strong> Rs.38.27crores during 2000-01, as compared toRs.177.71 Crores in the previous year. Theimports for mulberry raw silk has been againplaced in the restricted list <strong>of</strong> imports w.e.f.1.4.2000.Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding:A memorandum <strong>of</strong> understanding for theyear 2000-01 duly approved by the HighPower Committee in the Department <strong>of</strong> PublicEnterprises was signed between <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Textiles</strong> and the Corporation on 22.03.2000.The performance evaluation Report for2000-01 MOU on the basis <strong>of</strong> provisionaldata has been submitted with Department <strong>of</strong>public Enterprises and the Corporation hasbeen rated as "Excellent". The MOU for theyear 2001-02 has also been signed.Export Promotion and TradeDevelopment:The Corporation continued its exportpromotion and trade development activitiesduring the year by developing new samples,engaging pr<strong>of</strong>essional designers andentering new areas <strong>of</strong> Handicrafts and wasable to generate business for new products innew markets. The Corporation alsointroduced e-commerce, which is givingpositive results and we are beginning toreceive orders. HHEC has undertakenpromotion <strong>of</strong> Indian Handicrafts andhandloom products in foreign marketsthrough improved design inputs. Wecontinue giving exposure to traditionalIndian, especially lesser known products in130
ANNUAL REPORT 2001-2002the world market by participating in a number<strong>of</strong> international fairs on handicrafts,handlooms, ready to wear and carpets.Capital:The authorized share capital <strong>of</strong> HHECremained Rs. 20 Crores and paid up capitalis Rs. 11.82 Crores as on 31st March, 2001.8. NORTH EASTERN HANDICRATSAND HANDLOOMS DEVELOMENTCORPORATION (NEHHDC),GUWAHATI:The NEHHDC Ltd. was established in1977 as a Regional Nodal Agency for thepromotion and development <strong>of</strong> Handicraftsand Handlooms in the region. The areasidentified for undertaking promotional anddevelopmental activities includedinfrastructural and input support for research,design development, training <strong>of</strong> craftsmenand weavers, technical upgradation, supply<strong>of</strong> raw materials through appropriatebudgetary support. The Corporation wasalso required to market the products outsidethe region and promote export.Activities:The main activity <strong>of</strong> the Corporation isdevelopmental covering different spheresmentioned above. Its secondary activity isrelated to marketing. Its marketing operationis being conducted through a net work <strong>of</strong> 6(six) emporia located in metropolitan andother cities. These emporia also organizeand participate in a variety <strong>of</strong> exhibitions,Handlooms and Handicrafts Expos, N.E.Crafts air, etc. The Corporation has alsobeen participating in I.I.T. ., other Tradeairs, and Gifts airs, etc. on regular basis.During 2001-2002, NEHHDC has beenconveyed administrative approval forconducting 56 exhibitions and 7 N.E. Craftsairs and participation in IIT 2001. T h eCorporation has organized 21 exhibitionssponsored by the Office <strong>of</strong> the DevelopmentCommissioner (Handicrafts) till 31 October,2001.The functioning <strong>of</strong> the Dye House wasstopped from 1st April, 1994 under thedirection <strong>of</strong> the Government <strong>of</strong> India . Inebruary 1997, the Government furtherordered winding up <strong>of</strong> the Dye House anddisposal <strong>of</strong> plant, machinery and other assetsby auction or leasing to other institution.However, complete winding up <strong>of</strong> the DyeHouse has not been possible in absence <strong>of</strong>Government decisions on the treatment <strong>of</strong>outstanding secured and unsecured loansavailed in the setting up <strong>of</strong> the Dye House.Due to closure <strong>of</strong> the Dye House themanpower numbering 63 have beenrendered idle initially but have redeployed invarious showrooms and to the CC.However, Government has sanctioned fundsin March" 98 for a Cane & BambooCommon acility Center, which will facilitateduse <strong>of</strong> the Dye House building and alsoredeployment <strong>of</strong> about 25 staff <strong>of</strong> the DyeHouse. 20 <strong>of</strong> whom were trained at IPIRT,Bangalore, The Common facility centre hasstated its trial production from April 2000and is now fully operational. Orders forseveral tones <strong>of</strong> bamboo sticks have beenreceived. So far about 6 tonnes <strong>of</strong> bamboo131
MINISTRY OF TEXTILESsticks from one stick making machine hasbeen produced and training is beingimparted to 12 craftsmen <strong>of</strong> Barpeta andKamrup districts <strong>of</strong> Assam with whom it isproposed to have production tie ups at a laterstage.The authorized share capital <strong>of</strong> theCorporation is Rs. 2 Crores which is fully paidup and subscribed by the Government <strong>of</strong>India. The Corporation has submitted aproposal to enhance the share capital toRs.15 Crores to accommodate enhancedequity capital after the conversion <strong>of</strong>outstanding loans/ interest into equity, grantor write <strong>of</strong>f proposal under the capitalrestructuring plan submitted to Government<strong>of</strong> India. The Corporation has proposed toraise share capital from Rs. 2 Crores to Rs.10 crores and convert the entire Governmentloans into grant-in-aid. Consultancy work onthe restructuring <strong>of</strong> NEHHDC is also in goodprogress.Performance:The detailed financial performance overa period <strong>of</strong> five years from 1996-97 to2000-2001 is given in table 12.1:The net loss position is due to thefollowing:a) Increased overheads particularly insalaries on account <strong>of</strong> revision <strong>of</strong> payscale.b) Huge 'Idle works force <strong>of</strong> dye-house.c) Discontinuation <strong>of</strong> promotional anddevelopment reimbursement schemes.(The Corporation has been shifted underthe administrative charge <strong>of</strong> Deptt. forDivision <strong>of</strong> NER.)9. CENTRAL COTTAGE INDUSTRIESCORPORATION O INDIA (CCIC),NEW DELHI:The Central Cottage Industries Emporiumwas established in Delhi in the year 1952under the Management <strong>of</strong> the Indian CooperativeUnion and was later on taken overby the Central Cottage Industries Associationin 1964. The Central Cottage IndustriesCorporation <strong>of</strong> India was incorporated in4.2.1976 as a wholly owned subsidiary <strong>of</strong> theHandicrafts and handicrafts and HandloomsExport Corporation <strong>of</strong> India Ltd. However,with effect from 27.3.1991, CCIC hasceased to be a subsidiary <strong>of</strong> HHEC <strong>of</strong> IndiaLtd. and has been brought under theadministrative control <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Textiles</strong>.The main objective <strong>of</strong> the CCIC is toact as dealer, exporter, Manufacturer andagent <strong>of</strong> Indian quality handicrafts andHandlooms and to develop Markets forthese products in India and abroad.However, it also engages itself in exportTable No. 12.1(Rs. in lakhs)1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001Turnover 589.87 325.54 3000.70 466.48 551.59Gross Pr<strong>of</strong>it 136.07 89.39 84.07 117.49 148.37Total Loss 61.93 139.23 140.86 165.00 169.96132
ANNUAL REPORT 2001-2002activities and is eligible export house. TheCorporation has five showrooms Viz; atDelhi, Calcutta, Mumbai, Bangalore andChennai. besides this, the Corporationhas its own production centre at NOIDAfor manufacture <strong>of</strong> readymade garmentsand accessories. The production centrealso has a printing unit where Sarees,fabrics etc. are printed.10. NATIONAL HANDLOOMDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION(NHDC) Ltd. LUCKNOW:National Handloom DevelopmentCorporation (NHDC) Ltd., Lucknowwas set up in ebruary, 1983 by theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India as anautonomous body under theCompanies Act, 1956, in pursuance <strong>of</strong>the imperative need for a NationalLevel Agency to assist the Governmentin the speedy development <strong>of</strong> theHandloom Sector by co-ordinating theprocurement and supply <strong>of</strong> inputs atreasonable prices, augmenting themarketing efforts <strong>of</strong> State Handloomagencies and initiating developmentalactivities for upgrading the technologyin the handloom sector and improvingtheir productivity.The main objectives <strong>of</strong> theCorporation are :-1. To carry on the business <strong>of</strong> all types <strong>of</strong>yarn for the benefit <strong>of</strong> the handloomsector.Shri Kashiram Rana, Hon’ble Minister <strong>of</strong> <strong>Textiles</strong> at an inaugural function alongwith Smt. Tinoo Joshi, DC(HC) and ShriDurgesh Shankar, MD CCIC133
MINISTRY OF TEXTILES2. To organise supply <strong>of</strong> quality dyesand related materials needed by thehandloom sector.3. To promote marketing <strong>of</strong> handloomfabrics including exports.4. To aid, assist and implement theprojects connected with theproduction <strong>of</strong> handloom fabricsincluding taking up modernizationprogramme, introduction <strong>of</strong>appropriate technology for thehandloom sector.The total authorized capital <strong>of</strong>NHDC Ltd. is Rs. 20.00 crore and itspaid up capital was Rs. 17.00 croreupto the year 2000-01. During the year2001-2002, a further sum <strong>of</strong> Rs.1.00crore has been released to NHDC asequity participation.The turn over and pr<strong>of</strong>it account <strong>of</strong>the Corporation for the last three yearshave been as under:-(Rs. in lakhs)Year Turnover Pr<strong>of</strong>it1998-1999 18545.73 75.711999-2000 21697.48 92.082000-2001 19470.66 33.00During the year 2000-2001, theCorporation has paid dividend <strong>of</strong> a sum<strong>of</strong> Rs.10.20 lakh to the Government <strong>of</strong>India.The NHDC supplied 167.90 lakh kg.<strong>of</strong> yarn <strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong> Rs. 17302.11 lakh,and 10.53 lakh kg. <strong>of</strong> dyes and chemicals<strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong> Rs. 1711.51 lakh duringthe year 2000-2001 to user agencies.During the current year 2001-2002,134.49 lakh kg. <strong>of</strong> yarn <strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong>the Rs.13276.50 lakh and 5.63 lakh kg.<strong>of</strong> dyes and chemicals <strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong>Rs.1121.76 lakh were supplied to the userorganisations upto December 31, 2001.134