CNO Newsletter March 2011 - Department of Health, Social ...

CNO Newsletter March 2011 - Department of Health, Social ...

CNO Newsletter March 2011 - Department of Health, Social ...


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N.I. Obstetric Ultrasound ForumCommittee – First Scientific DayThe Northern Ireland Obstetric Ultrasound Forum(NIOUF) was set up at the beginning <strong>of</strong> 2010 as amulti-disciplinary group for health pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsincluding ultrasonographers, radiographers,obstetricians, midwives and nurses who are involvedin obstetric ultrasound.NIOUF aims to improve the client/patient experience;provide a support and communication network;and a regional resource through the sharing <strong>of</strong>knowledge, expertise, service development, andinnovation. It also hopes to develop and maintainlinks with Obstetric Ultrasound networks throughoutIreland and the UK. NIOUF’s first year was very busyand successful. The inaugural meeting was heldJune 2010 and due to interest the venue had to bechanged to accommodate the numbers! Speakersincluded Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Alan Cameron (The Ian DonaldFetal Medicine Unit), Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Basky Thilaganathan(St Georges University Hospital, London), Pr<strong>of</strong>essorFionnuala McAuliffe (University College, Dublin)and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Jim Dornan (Royal Jubilee MaternityHospital, Belfast).The first Annual Scientific day on Saturday 20thNovember 2010 was a huge success with over 120delegates attending. Keynote speaker was Dr TrishChudleigh from Addenbrookes who spoke in detailabout the National Screening Committee’s 18 to20+6 weeks gestation fetal anomaly scan standardsThe Northern Ireland Obstetric Ultrasound ForumCommittee and Dr Trish Chudleigh (5 from right) atNIOUF’s First Scientific Day.and menu. Dr Frank Casey, a paediatric cardiologist,provided a live fetal cardiac scanning symposiumwhilst the regional cleft lip and palate team led byMr Chris Hill, covered USS diagnosis, subsequentmanagement and surgery. A ‘Spot Diagnosis’presentation, and sirenomelia and sextuplet casestudies ensured variation and a prize was presentedfor the best poster. Delegate evaluation was extremelypositive. The NIOUF committee is now organising itsspring event to be held in early April and developingan interactive website for all NIOUF members. Detailsabout both will be advertised throughout the Trusts!The <strong>of</strong>ficial launch <strong>of</strong> the document “DeliveringExcellence:Supporting Recovery” took place on28th October 2010 at Magee Campus, University<strong>of</strong> Ulster, Londonderry.The development <strong>of</strong> this document was featuredin the November 2010 edition <strong>of</strong> <strong>CNO</strong> News andcopies can be obtained from the <strong>Department</strong>’swebsite.L to R: Martin Bradley, <strong>CNO</strong>; Pr<strong>of</strong>essor OwenBarr, Head <strong>of</strong> School <strong>of</strong> Nursing, University <strong>of</strong>Ulster; Maurice Devine, Nursing Officer; DeirdreWebb, Public <strong>Health</strong> Agency23

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