Gaston Bachelard 'The Poetics of Space' - WordPress.com

Gaston Bachelard 'The Poetics of Space' - WordPress.com

Gaston Bachelard 'The Poetics of Space' - WordPress.com

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xxxviii introductionwhat we imagine before what we know, what we dream beforewhat we verify, all wardrobes are full.At times when we believe we are studying something, weare only being receptive to a kind <strong>of</strong> day-dreaming. Thetwo chapters that I devoted to nests and shells--the tworefuges <strong>of</strong> vertebrates and invertebrates-bear witness to anactivity <strong>of</strong> the imagination which is hardly curbed by thereality <strong>of</strong> objects. During my lengthy meditation upon theimagination <strong>of</strong> the four elements, I re-lived countless aerialor aquatic day-dreams, according to whether I followed thepoets into the nest in the tree, or into the sort <strong>of</strong> animalcave that is constituted by a shell. Sometimes, even when Itouch things, I still dream <strong>of</strong> an element.After having followed the day-dreams <strong>of</strong> inhabiting theseuninhabitable places, I returned to images that, in orderfor us to live them, require us to be<strong>com</strong>e very small, as innests and shells. Indeed, in our houses we have nooks and<strong>com</strong>ers in which we like to curl up <strong>com</strong>fortably. To curlup belongs to the phenomenology <strong>of</strong> the verb to inhabit,and only those who have learned to do so can inhabit withintensity. In this respect, we have within ourselves an entireassortment <strong>of</strong> images and recollections that we wouldnot readily disclose. No doubt, a psychoanalyst, who desiredto systematize these images <strong>of</strong> <strong>com</strong>forting retreat, couldfurnish numerous documents. All I had at my disposal wereliterary ones. I thus wrote a short chapter on "nooks andcorners," and was surprised myself to see that importantwriters gave literary dignity to these psychological documents.After all these chapters devoted to intimate space, Iwanted to see what the dialectics <strong>of</strong> large and small <strong>of</strong>feredfor a poetics <strong>of</strong> space, how, in exterior space, the imaginationbenefited from the relativity <strong>of</strong> size, without the help<strong>of</strong> ideas and, as it were, quite naturally. I have put thedialectics <strong>of</strong> small and large under the signs <strong>of</strong> miniatureand immensity, but these two chapters are. not as antitheticalas might be supposed. In both cases, small and largeare not to be seized in their objectivity, since, in this presentwork, I only deal with them as the two poles <strong>of</strong> a projection

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