Sunday, March 29, 1:30-3:00 PM - Icmis.net

Sunday, March 29, 1:30-3:00 PM - Icmis.net

Sunday, March 29, 1:30-3:00 PM - Icmis.net

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SE2, <strong>Sunday</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>29</strong>, 4:<strong>30</strong>-6:<strong>00</strong> P.M.Session: HRM-ISession Chair: Abhilasha SinghInstitute of Management Technology114 Employee Motivation and Work Performance – A Study of Small-Scale Industry in the city of Belgaum,Karnataka State, IndiaPraveen Kulkarni, Karnatak Law Society’s Institute of Management Education & Research,praveenmkulkarni@gmail.comShashidhar Chiniwar, Karnatak Law Society’s Institute of Management Education & Research, sgchiniwar@gmail.comThere is tremendous pressure on organizations to maintain employee motivation and enhance work performance in today’srecession hit business environment. Organizations especially small-scale enterprises need to motivate employees and performbetter to remain competitive. This study focuses on understanding the work environment in small-scale industries, studies theimpact of business environment on employee motivation and work performance and suggests measures to improve performance inthis challenging environment. The study was conducted at as small scale company in the city of Belgaum, Karnataka state, India180 A Survey of Effective Factor on Performance Development based on Achieve ModelMaryam Yaghoubi, Medical University of Esfahan - Iran, yaghoobbi997@gmail.comMohamad Yarmohammadian, Health Management & Economic Research Center -Medical University of Esfahan,Yarmohammadian@mng.mui.ac.irIf a managers try for further income or productivity so they must attentive to their staff incentive.Achieve model present sevenfactors( ability, clarify, help, incentive , evaluation, validity ,environment)that effective to staff performance.It is descriptive,survey and inferential study ,the population is university hospital managers in Esfahan university203 Enhancing Graduates Competitiveness through Industry NetworkingNeuneung Hayati, Widyatama University, neuneung.ratna@widyatama.ac.idTanti Irawati, Widyatama University, tanti.irawati@widyatama.ac.idThe competitive key factor of a nation is having human resources that have competencies and ability to compete globally.Widyatama University has stated in its Strategic Plan that the increase of graduate quality can create sustainable growth. ODevelop external <strong>net</strong>working with Industry is one important things to get link & match their graduates with Industry. This studywants to measure and analyze the ability of graduates to compete with others.253 Maturity and Effectiveness of Human Capital ManagementIraj Soltani, Mobarakeh Steel Company, iso@mobarakeh-steel.irToday human capital management is an important factor in competitive advantage. The research tool for data gathering washuman capital five drive questionire designed by Bassi and Mc Murrer.The results showed that maturity level and effectiveness ofhuman capital management in Mobarakeh Steel Company was 64.5%. Examining five drive of human capital showed thefollowing means respectively: Mean 3.41 for learning capacity, mean 3.28 for availability of knowledge, mean 3.24 for peopleparticipation, mean 3.21 for optimizing work force, mean 3.08 for leadership practices.392 Stuck in the Middle with You: Agency Staff or Hotel Housekeeping Worker?Abhilasha Singh, Institute of Management Technology, abhilasha@imtdubai.ac.aeEbrahim Soltani, Kent Business School, e.soltani@kent.ac.ukYing-Ying Liao, Kent Business School, yl60@kent.ac.ukIn response to the flexibility literature’s neglect of employees’ response to flexible working arrangements, this paper aims toinvestigate whether flexibility offers a new approach that might benefit flexible workers. It adopts a qualitative methodology inthe form of semi-structured and in-depth interviews with hotel housekeeping managers, their partner agency managers, and theirflexible workers. The results demonstrate that while pursuing labour flexibility appears to be inevitable in hotel industry,employees are being relatively treated as a ‘cost’ rather than human resources.Intl Conference on Technology and Business Management, Al Ghurair University, UAE<strong>March</strong> <strong>29</strong>-April 1, 2<strong>00</strong>913

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