Community Pharmacist Preceptor Education Program - Library

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Community Pharmacist Preceptor Education Program - Library

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state board of pharmacy, can provide guidance on statespecificrequirements and any other issues that should beon your “radar screen.”Building an Effective LearningExperienceNow, let’s look at how you might map out the details ofthe rotation. You will address many important issues whenshaping the rotation to provide an optimal experience for yourstudent pharmacist. These activities range from establishingthe schedule for the rotation to planning activities that willengage the student and promote achievement of the rotation’sgoals and objectives to support the integration of the studentpharmacist into your practice site and community. Inaddition to carefully planning specific learning activities,attention to the infrastructure of the program is essential toa successful rotation experience.<strong>Program</strong> LogisticsThere are many factors to consider as you begin toestablish the details of the rotation at your site within theschool’s framework. General logistical issues affecting therotation include how long each rotation will last, how manyhours per week student pharmacists will be at the practicesite, and how many student pharmacists you will have atone time. If you host multiple student pharmacists, youwill want to either synchronize their schedules or devisecomplementary activities.The school that you partner with should supplya syllabus with objectives that are to be met during therotation. This syllabus should have been approved by theschool’s faculty and curriculum committees and should bethe foundation for the development of the rotation. Syllabishould include details about assignments, due dates, andother requirements for the rotation. The syllabus caninclude rotation times and dates, grading periods, anddetails of the grading process.Strive to design activities that lend themselves wellto assessments and to the administrative requirements ofthe school, including those outlined in the syllabus. Forexample, if your partner school wants you to report onthe student pharmacist’s progress every 2 weeks, designactivities that allow you to evaluate the student pharmacistshortly before evaluations are due. Follow the existingsyllabus to the extent possible, and use it as a driver for thedevelopment of your educational plans.Make sure you are aware of any requirements orguidelines that the school has for assessing studentpharmacists, so that you can integrate them into your plansfor the rotation. Keep in mind the grading system that theschool uses for rotations (e.g., pass/fail, competency based,or letter grades). Will you be expected to individually assessspecific sets of knowledge and skills, provide an overallassessment, or submit both types of reviews? Factor theseelements into both the development of the activities andyour plans for providing feedback and assessment.Schools should have a process or form for studentpharmacists to evaluate preceptors. You may want todetermine in advance how the student pharmacist willassess you, and how you will receive this feedback.Aligning Activities With Goals andObjectivesIt is essential that you develop rotation activities thatallow the student pharmacist to achieve the objectives andgoals for the rotation. These objectives may be knowledgebased or skill and competency based, and should be designedto help the student achieve the required competenciesof the pharmacy school and prepare the student to be abetter pharmacist. Objectives may relate to providingpatient care services (e.g., organize patient informationin a manner that allows identification and resolution ofdrug-related problems), medication use systems (e.g.,develop, implement, evaluate, and modify a formulary),communication (e.g., provide medication informationto patients), or other pharmacy-related issues. <strong>Preceptor</strong>sshould develop a plan for meeting all of the objectiveswithin the rotation.IPPE student pharmacists may be expected to gaina number of competencies during the rotation, includingthe development of basic technical skills, knowledge ofpharmacotherapeutics, and improved communicationskills. 3 APPEs generally involve more advanced objectivesthat support the student pharmacist’s ability to provideall aspects of patient care. Challenge student pharmacistsduring APPEs to produce evidence to support therapeuticdecisions and recommendations. Develop activities thatsupport achievement of each objective and develop astrategy to assess that objective.Ensure that you, as a preceptor, understand howthe objectives provided by the school are meaningful andmeasurable within the context of your rotation. Ideally, theobjectives for the rotation will be specific. For example, theobjective, “improve communication skills,” is rather vague.An objective such as “develop the ability to educate patientson the appropriate use of nonprescription medications,”provides greater detail on the outcome that is desiredand is more easily measurable. If there is ambiguity inthe objectives that are provided to you, clarify the desiredoutcome with the school’s department of experientialeducation and request assistance as needed. For example, ifyou are uncertain of how to best meet an objective, ask forguidance. The school’s experiential program administrativeteam can either provide guidance directly or arrange for youto network with other preceptors who are willing to sharetheir experiences with you.You will need to provide sufficient opportunitieswithin the rotation for the student pharmacist to worktoward each objective. For example, if student pharmacistsare to develop skills for communicating with other healthcare providers, you should make certain that the studentpharmacists have adequate interaction with other providers12 APhA and NACDS Foundation

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