African Traditional Herbal Research Clinic ... - Blackherbals.com

African Traditional Herbal Research Clinic ... - Blackherbals.com

African Traditional Herbal Research Clinic ... - Blackherbals.com

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Continued from page 18 – <strong>Herbal</strong> Holocaustdisease, they died by the millions. Because Amerindiansbecame dependent on goods brought from the NewWorld, they forgot their traditional ways of life, and wereforced into trade. Skins for guns, metal kettles andknives. The fur trade opened up North America once andfor all to European settlers.Disease and dependence continue to be the tools bywhich multinational corporations enslave the world'spopulace. By placing themselves between Canadians andthe traditional healing arts, the multinationalpharmaceutical <strong>com</strong>panies ensure that their hold over usremains strong. The gardener and naturopath, the growerand the shaman, all are outlawed in a society that seeks toexchange our bond with the earth for a bond of slavery.With a monopoly on health, the pharmaceutical<strong>com</strong>panies will have the power to extort the last pennyfrom ailing seniors and sick children, while those whocan't pay will be left to die. Who won't be willing to selleverything they have to save a loved one from disease?Synthetic cures won't <strong>com</strong>e cheap when there's no<strong>com</strong>petition or alternative.A health food store owner, who wishes to remainanonymous, has visions of a Canada without medicare."Right now they have plans to pad the system. Becausesoon whenever someone wants to get Vitamin C, theywill have to go to a doctor for a prescription. All of thosevisits will be charged to medicare, and sooner or later themedicare system will be bankrupt."When the medicinally beneficial hemp plant wasoutlawed, North America lost a versatile medicine, aswell as an efficient means to produce paper, fabric, andmany other items. This resulted in the unchecked cuttingof our forests, and the massive use of pesticides to growless hardy cotton. When all herbs are outlawed, and ourattachment to the earth is more fundamentally shaken,what destruction will be unleashed upon the earth then?Canadians need to learn a lesson from the prohibition ofcannabis and act out against the banning of other healingherbs, before the entire world is sacrificed to greed.Banned SubstancesThe following herbs are among many considered by theHealth Protection Branch to be harmful substances whichmay be seized by Customs or wherever they are sold:American Mandrake, Mayapple, American Mistletoe,False Mistletoe, American Pennyroyal oil, AmericanSassafras oil, Autumn Crocus, Meadow Saffron, Barberryroot and its extract, Betel Nut, Bittersweet, Nightshade,Bloodroot, Brazilian Sassafras oil, Ocotea Cymbarumoil, Calabar Bean, Calamus, Camphor Oil, CannabisSativa, Cascara Sagrada, Castor Bean, Catha Edulis,Chaparral, Coltsfoot, Common Celandine, CommonComfrey, Coonties Seeds, Florida Arrowroot Seeds,Croton Daphne, Mezereum, Deadly Nightshade, DevilPepper, Dogbane, Ephedra, Euphorbia, Spurge,European Mandrake, European Mistletoe berries,European Pennyroyal Oil, Foxglove, Germander, GinkgoBiloba Seed and Fruit, Golden Ragwort, Gotu Kola,Hemlock, Henbane, Kenbane, Horse Chestnut, JimsonWeed, Thornapple, Lantana, Lily of the Valley, Lobelia,Indian tobacco, Micranthrum Oil, Narcissus, Daffodil,Jonquil, Opium Poppy, Poison Nut, Prickley Comfrey,Ragwort, Red Baneberry, Red Pokeweed, RussianComfrey, Sage Oil, Savan Oil, Senna, Spanish Arrowroot,Spreading Dogbane, Bitter Root, Strophanthus, TansyOil, Thuja, White Cedar, Tonka Bean, White Bryony,White Baneberry, Wormseed, Yellow Jessamine,Yohimbe.Over the past decade, the HPB has removed at least thefollowing natural supplements from Canadian health foodstores. They are generally available in the USA withoutprescription: Pau D'Arco (taheebo), Arginine, Ornithine,Lysine, Carnitine, Tyrosine, D,L-Phenylalanine,Goldenseal, Tryptophan, Kava Kava, Melatonin, DHEA,Pregnenolone, Stevia, Chromium Picolinate, Germanium,Zinc, Manganese and anything else picolinate, VitaminK, Cramp Bark, Boron, Selenomethione, Horsetail,Sodium Oxide Dismutase.If vitamins, herbs, and other dietary supplements arebeing banned or restricted to protect public health, then itwould make sense that such health foods must pose anequal or greater health risk than the patentedpharmaceutical drugs which are fated to replace them.Yet vitamins and herbs are the most risk-free treatmentsin the world. When released to the general population,herbal treatments for particular diseases have been shownto be both safer and more effective than theirsynthetically produced pharmaceutical counterparts.Footnotes1. Codex:International Threat to Health Freedom, JohnHammell. Essay. 1996.2. HPB-Codex Connection Kills DHEA, Zoltan P. Rona.Essay. 1997.3. Will International Harmonization End Health Freedom?,Suzanne Harris. Essay.4. Archives of Internal Medicine, Journal. October 9, 1995.5. The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben, Joseph Borkin.New York: The Free Press, 1978.6. Canadian Health Protection Branch under fire, LauraEggertson. Article in The Globe and Mail, May 30, 1997.http://www.blackherbals.<strong>com</strong>\herbal_holocaust____underground_.htm☻☻☻☻☻☻-21- <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>African</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> October 2007

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