NDA HANDBOOK FOR CADETS - Nigerian Defence Academy

NDA HANDBOOK FOR CADETS - Nigerian Defence Academy

NDA HANDBOOK FOR CADETS - Nigerian Defence Academy

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. Directorate of Military Training.The Directorate of MilitaryTr a i n i n g ( D M T ) i sresponsible for thetraining of cadets inmilitary related subjectsa n d e xe rcises. T h eDirectorate is headed by aDirector of the rank ofBrigadier General who isr e s p o n s i b l e t o t h eCommandant. The DMToffers basic joint officerc a d e t s t r a i n i n g t opotential Army, Naval andAir Force officers to fosterearly development of esprit-de-corps among thecadets. The DMT has 5 Training Wings under itssupervision. These include the following:(1) Army Wing. The Army Wingruns 3 t y p e s o fcourses f o r t h eN i g e r i a n A r m y(NA). These are theRegular Combatant(RC), Short ServiceArmy Wing Complex(SS) and the Direct Short Service (DSS)5Directorate of Military TrainingComplexCadets Abseiling from a Hill

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