Art Life - University for the Creative Arts

Art Life - University for the Creative Arts

Art Life - University for the Creative Arts

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PROFILEBen MiddlebrookNational Diploma In <strong>Art</strong> and Design Year 1 - 2005-06Ben and Tim Steel, Chair of TheTurner Contemporary <strong>Art</strong>s Trust.Ben’s work is pictured in <strong>the</strong><strong>for</strong>eground and below right.Ben was always interested inart and design and grew up in ahousehold where he had accessto materials and tools and beganto make links between ‘creative’and ‘functional’.Ben feels that university hasoffered much more than a<strong>for</strong>mal degree. He has usedit as an opportunity to buildnetwork of like-minded friendsas sees this as a catalyst <strong>for</strong>future business; he feels thatacademic skills are only a smallpart of a individual’s potential.Ben’s experience at secondaryschool was generally positive,although he feels that creativeskills are not prioritised in <strong>the</strong>secondary curriculum, andafter one year in <strong>the</strong> sixth<strong>for</strong>m he decided to apply to<strong>the</strong> National Diploma in <strong>Art</strong>and Design course. ‘AttendingUCA completely changedmy aspirations. When I’dcompleted <strong>the</strong> BTEC, mywhole approach was far moreopen. Although I am morerouted towards business andenterprise now, <strong>the</strong> imaginativeethos of UCA has greatlybenefited my business thinking;creative thinkers drive <strong>the</strong>world <strong>for</strong>ward, whe<strong>the</strong>r it’s infine art or banking!’Ben is currently studyingtowards a Consumer Marketing& Product Development Degreeat Manchester Metropolitan<strong>University</strong> which combineshis interest in businessand <strong>the</strong> creative aspectsof product design. He stillsworks part-time at a buildingsociety to keep finance hiseducation, and this helps torein<strong>for</strong>ce his determinationto have a varied career:‘When people ask me whatprofession I want to have,<strong>the</strong> only thing I know is thatI DON’T want one! I wouldhate to have to work ‘nine-tofive’or even a have a job title.I would ideally like to have avariety of businesses in manyfields and this ra<strong>the</strong>r ‘fluid’approach to life is completelydown to my time at UCA <strong>for</strong>which I’m very grateful!’Ben’s piece was based on <strong>the</strong> wings of a seagull and included poetry by JMWTurner on <strong>the</strong> front of <strong>the</strong> piece.17

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