Social & Environmental Justice - Australian Conservation Foundation

Social & Environmental Justice - Australian Conservation Foundation

Social & Environmental Justice - Australian Conservation Foundation

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One Earthopportunities available to them; that is they should be free and equal in the determinationof the conditions of their own lives, so long as they do not deploy this framework to negatethe rights of others’ (as stated by David Held).page273.The principle of free and open debate. We can only hope to reach understanding betweendifferent viewpoints if force is absent. Force must be kept out of arguments (for examplead hominem attacks, suppressions of fact, lies, distortions, and other rhetorical devices)and kept away from those engaging in argument (bribery and threats). Only the force ofthe better argument should prevail.4.The principle of consent. Global institution-building requires the consent of peoples ofdifferent political cultures. The principle of autonomy demands that individuals be freeto decide on the political system under which they live. But there are different valid waysin which individuals’ needs can be represented collectively, consistent with the principleof autonomy.How might these principles be applied to political institutionsand practices?Steps towards cosmopolitan democracy in the next century should include a series of globalinstitutional improvements. For example, proposals have been made for a directly electedWorld Environment Council and an International Court of the Environment. Other changes— to taxation and regulation — have been suggested, which could benefit both the economicand ecological security of nations. In the meantime the World Trade Organisation should bedirected to take account of ecological conservation in its rulings. There will be a debate aboutwhat powers should apply at what level, and how accountability should be ensured. But ifnation states are today powerless to pursue the proper aspirations of their people, then wemust in the next century found a global institutional system which will restore that powerwhile protecting the planetary environment.‘We need to merge the principles of social justice,environmental justice and ecological justice and applythis new ethic to the refashioning of all institutionsand practices — global and local.’

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