The short Biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nizam RZ ...

The short Biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nizam RZ ...

The short Biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nizam RZ ...

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MIRACLES OF THE IMAM AS WITNESSED BYBANDAGI MIYAN SHAH NIZAM <strong>RZ</strong><strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> witnessed many miracles <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hazrat</strong>Imam Mahdi AS some <strong>of</strong> which are narrated below.During the migration to Khorasan, the <strong>Shah</strong>enshah-e-Vilayet,<strong>Hazrat</strong> Imam AS , was resting under a tree. <strong>Bandagi</strong> <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong><strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> had put his daughter, Bibi Nurullah RA , to sleep in acradle [made <strong>of</strong> cloth—jholi] which was tied to the branch <strong>of</strong> atree. A little later <strong>Hazrat</strong> Imam Mahdi AS gave the command totravel. <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> was so engrossed in [theremembrance <strong>of</strong>] Allah that when the place was vacated, heforgot his daughter and accompanied the Imam AS . <strong>The</strong>y hadtravelled for about three or four leagues when the Imam ASasked the <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> , “Where is your companion?” <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong><strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> then remembered that he had left his daughter behind.He said, “She may be at the same place where we had campedearlier.” <strong>The</strong> Imam AS said, “Allah Most High has protected it.Go and bring it back.” When the <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> reached the place, hesaw that a big lion was sitting under the tree guarding the child.On seeing the <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> , it got up and went away with its headcast down. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>RZ</strong>took the baby and started walking torejoin the caravan <strong>of</strong> the Imam AS . But it was a dense forest withno indication <strong>of</strong> a path and he could not make out which wayMahdi AS had gone. But Allah soon resolved his difficulty.<strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> heard an unknown voice saying, “This isMahdi Mau’ood, the Khalifa <strong>of</strong> Rahman.” Guided by thisunknown voice, <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> reached the Imam AS .When he recounted his experience to the Imam AS , he repliedthat the lions <strong>of</strong> Allah are protected by the lions <strong>of</strong> the jungleand he also said that he has the ears with which he hears suchunknown voices.*Once <strong>Hazrat</strong> <strong>Bandagi</strong> <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> asked the Imam AS ,“Meeranji! <strong>The</strong> ulama say that the sign <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hazrat</strong> ImamMahdi ASis that he would revive the dried trees.” At thatmoment, the Imam AS was brushing his teeth with a miswak 11 .He planted the miswak in the soil. Immediately, green leavessprouted from it. <strong>The</strong>n the Imam AS pulled it out from the soiland it returned to its original form. <strong>The</strong> Imam AS then said,“<strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong>! This is the work <strong>of</strong> jugglers. <strong>The</strong> meaning <strong>of</strong>the hadith is that the dead hearts would spring to life during thetime <strong>of</strong> Mahdi.”*It is narrated that whenever Imam Mahdi AS performed hisablutions (Vuzu) and the drops <strong>of</strong> water fell on the ground, asound would be heard, “This Imam Mahdi al-Mau’ood AS wastrue (Haq).” <strong>Bandagi</strong> <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> told the Imam ASthat a voice is coming from the drops <strong>of</strong> water and he (the<strong>Shah</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> ) hears the voice and it says that this Imam Mahdi al-Mau’ood AS is true. In reply, the Imam AS said: “O <strong>Miyan</strong><strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> , Allah has given you such ears with which you hearthe [unknown] voices.”*Apart from the above, the miracle <strong>of</strong> the Ka’bahcircumambulating the Mahdi AS was also witnessed by <strong>Miyan</strong>11 A piece <strong>of</strong> dried wood used as a toothbrush.2425

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