The short Biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nizam RZ ...

The short Biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nizam RZ ...

The short Biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nizam RZ ...

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promise, you will regret it.” He then cast a glance at the idolsand the idols became pure gold. Seeing this everyone wasovercome with greed and they started breaking the idols andthe walls <strong>of</strong> the temple. He said, “O people! Fulfill yourpromise first!” But they did not pay attention to him. Herepeated his words again but they were engrossed in theirgreedy work. Nobody listened to him. He said, “O Ignorants!<strong>The</strong> thing you are breaking is not gold; it is just mud andstone.” As soon as he said this, the temple and its idols turnedinto mud and stone as they were before. <strong>The</strong> people said thatthis man is our god and came towards him. He started walkingbriskly. <strong>The</strong>re was a dry river in the way. He crossed it quicklyand commanded the river to get inundated. Water gushed intothe river and the people who were following him wereastounded and stopped in their tracks.*Once, <strong>Bandagi</strong> <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> went to Mount Abu. Hewas seated along with his companions. <strong>Miyan</strong> Abdul Fatah <strong>RZ</strong>asked the <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> , “Who is called perfect (kamil)?” <strong>The</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>RZ</strong>said, “Perfect is one on whose command even the mountainsmove.” <strong>The</strong>re was a tremor and Mount Abu started to move atthat moment. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> said, “Stop. We were just explaining.We did not command you to move.” <strong>The</strong> mountain stopped.*One day <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> saw an old woman weeping. Oninquiring, she said that the legs <strong>of</strong> her lamb were broken and itcould not walk. <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> caught hold <strong>of</strong> the legs<strong>of</strong> the lamb, lifted it and threw it on the ground. <strong>The</strong> lambstarted running happily.*Sultan Harvi sent four scholars to <strong>Hazrat</strong> Imam Mahdi AS andsent a bow along with them. All the scholars had arrived at theconsensus that if this is the real Mahdi, then he will be able todraw the bow and if he is a Mahdi only in name [laghviMahdi], then he will not be able to draw the bow. When thispeople arrived with the bow, <strong>Hazrat</strong> Mahdi AS was washing hishair. He commanded <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> to go and draw thebow. <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> said, “Meeranji, this can be doneonly by you. How can I do it?” <strong>Hazrat</strong> Mahdi AS replied, “Wecommand that you go and draw the bow.” <strong>The</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> came tothe gathering, sat down, took the bow and drew it. <strong>The</strong> goldseals at the two arms <strong>of</strong> the bow came out and were put beforethe audience who were amazed. <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> said,“Brothers, this servant did not have any strength, but it is thecommand <strong>of</strong> Mahdi AS , which drew the bow. We are theservants <strong>of</strong> Mahdi AS .”*In Anondra, <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> took a pot and went out t<strong>of</strong>etch water. With a few strides, the traversed a long distanceand reached the pool <strong>of</strong> Pokharabad. He filled the pot withwater, placed it on his shoulder and started to return. With afew steps he reached his house in Anondra. Bibi Maryam <strong>RZ</strong>said, “<strong>Miyan</strong>ji, you have returned with the water so quicklythat it appears that someone was standing at the doorstep withthe water.” <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>Shah</strong> <strong>Nizam</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> smiled and said, “O Bibi, thiswater is from the fountain <strong>of</strong> Pokharabad.” <strong>The</strong> Bibi wasastounded.*4445

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