Italian - Straightforward

Italian - Straightforward

Italian - Straightforward

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Ordinal numbersfirstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtenth\f‰…st\\"seknd\\T‰…d\\fO…T\\fIfT\\sIksT\\"sevnT\\eItT\\naInT\\tenT\primo (a)secondo (a)terzo (a)quarto (a)quinto (a)sesto (a)settimo (a)ottavo (a)nono (a)decimo (a)The first person or thing comes or happens before all the others.The second person or thing is in the place or position counted as number two.The third person or thing is in the place or position counted as number three.The fourth person or thing is in the place or position counted as number four.The fifth person or thing is in the place or position counted as number five.The sixth person or thing is in the place or position counted as number six.The seventh person or thing is in the place or position counted as numberseven.The eighth person or thing is in the place or position counted as numbereight.The ninth person or thing is in the place or position counted as numbernine.The tenth person or thing is in the place or position counted as number ten.Other words & phrases11art (n)baby (n)big (adj)café (n)easy (adj)elevator (n)entrance (n)famous (adj)film star (n)floor (n)horrible (adj)information (n)lift (n)lovely (adj)modern (adj)museum (n)\A…t\\"beIbi\\bIg\\"kœfeI\\"i…zi\\"el´veIt´\\"entr´ns\\"feIm´s\\"fIlm stA…\\flO…\\"hÅr´bl\\Inf´"meISn\\lIft\\"løvli\\"mÅdn\\mju…"zi´m\artebambinograndecaffè, barfacileascensoreingresso, entratafamoso (a)star del cinemapianoorribileinformazioniascensoresimpatico (a)moderno (a)museoThe Tate Modern is Britain’s new museum of modern art.A baby is a very young child who cannot yet walk or talk.Gerard and his wife live in a big flat in Paris.“What floor is the café on?” “It’s on the second floor.”Easy is the opposite of difficult.Take the elevator up to the second floor and turn right.The entrance to Number 10 Downing Street is through a black door.Number 10 Downing Street is a famous house where the Prime Minister lives.Brad Pitt and Nicole Kidman are famous film stars.The café is on the second floor.Horrible is the opposite of lovely.For any information you need, go to the information desk.Take the lift or the stairs to the 3 rd floor.Michael and Catherine have a lovely big family house on the beach.The Tate Modern is Britain’s new museum of modern art.Tate Modern is the first British museum of the new millennium.

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