Italian - Straightforward

Italian - Straightforward

Italian - Straightforward

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Language reference 1Verb to be: present simpleForma affermativaForme non contratteForme contratteI am I’mHe/She/It is from Canada. He’s/She’s/It’s fine.You/We/They are You’re/We’re/They’rePer volgere to be alla forma negativa si aggiunge not (o n’t) al verbo.Possesive adjectivesI my It’s my book.you your What’s your name?he his It’s his mobile phone.she her Is it her pen?it its What’s its name?we our It’s our class.they their I am their teacher.Forma negativaForme non contratteI am not from Spain.He/She/It is not a teacher.You/We/They are not in class.Forme contratteI’m not from Spain.He/She/It isn’t a teacher.You/We/They aren’t in class.oYou’re/We’re/They’re not in class.Gli aggettivi possessivi precedono il nome.This/these/that/thoseThis/these indicano cose o persone vicine a chi parla.31Per volgere to be alla forma interrogativa si premette il verbo al soggetto.verbo soggettoAre you married?Forma interrogativaAmIIs he/she/it 30 years old?Areyou/we/theyThat/those indicano cose o persone lontane da chi parla.Risposte breviYes,No,Ihe/she/ityou/we/theyam.’m not.is.isn’t.are.aren’t.

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