Elbit Systems Ltd. - Sibat

Elbit Systems Ltd. - Sibat

Elbit Systems Ltd. - Sibat

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ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Ltd</strong>.<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Ltd</strong>. is an international defense electronics company engaged in a widerange of defense-related programs throughout the world. The <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> Group,which includes the company and its subsidiaries, operates in the areas of aerospace,land and naval systems, command, control, communications, computers,intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance ("C 4 ISR"), advanced electro-optic andspace technologies, EW suites, airborne warning systems, ELINT systems, data linksand military communications systems and equipment. The Group also focuses on theupgrading of existing military platforms and developing new technologies for defenseand homeland security applications.AeroSpaceFixed Wing Airborne <strong>Systems</strong><strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> is a world leader in addressing entireplatforms and upgrading existing aircraft withenhanced performance, extended life and nextgenerationcapabilities. In the majority of the largescaleprograms it performs, <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> performsand manages multidisciplinary integration andlifecycle support. Additionally, it partners with localindustries, leveraging capabilities and sharing knowhowand expertise.Fighter aircraft of the past become fighters of thefuture through advanced full scale programs encompassing integration of multiroleA/A and A/G capabilities, multimode radar, structural modifications, advancedavionics systems, display and sight helmets, head-up displays, advanced weaponsand pods. The full spectrum of systems and products, including helmet mounteddisplays and sights, mission computers, cockpit management systems and smartmunitions kits, has been broadened to include advanced laser designators, rangefinders, optronic payloads and airborne reconnaissance systems - virtually whateverthe mission demands.Over the past three decades, <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> has carried out major upgrade programsthat have met or even exceeded the diverse demands of air forces worldwide.HELMET MOUNTED SYSTEMSThree generations of innovating and integrating Helmet Mounted <strong>Systems</strong> (HMS) forboth fixed and rotary-wing aircraft has established <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> as a global leaderin the HMD field. The HMD business has been one of the Company’s key growthengines. There are currently over 5,500 <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> produced HMSs operational infixed and rotary-wing platforms in the Air Forces of over 30 countries.__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________DASH Display and Sight Helmet SystemDASH enables pilots to aim their weapons simply by looking at thetarget. DASH measures the pilot’s Line-Of-Sights (LOS) relative tothe aircraft, and transfers its information to other aircraft systems.Aircraft, sensors, avionics and weapons are thus enslaved to thetarget. DASH is adaptable to any fighter/attack aircraft and willaccommodate advanced missiles and smart weapon lock-onenvelopes. There are over 1000 helmets and 750 systemsoperational on 4 continents and onboard 6 different platforms.STARSTAR is a Laser Guidance Kit installed on 68/70 mm rockets to convert them into ametric precision guided weapon. STAR can be used for Air-to-Ground or Ground-to-Ground missions, against soft or lightly armored stationaryor fast-moving targets.STAR provides users with an optimal solution for today’sdynamic battlefield. It can be launched from a variety ofplatforms, providing high kill probability and very lowcollateral damage, at affordable costs.Laser-Guided Bomb Adapter (LIZARD)A Laser Seeker adaptation to normal "dumb" bombs forimproved hit accuracy against moving targets and strong winds,featuring improved jamming rejection.Rotary Wing Airborne <strong>Systems</strong>In the helicopter upgrade field, <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>' primary modernization activitiesinclude conversions of utility and assault helicopters into multi-role platforms,upgrading existing utility and attack platforms, supplying cutting-edge systems forlatest-generation aircraft and providing full maintenance and support packages.<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> has the flexibility to serve as prime contractor, systems integrator,component supplier or service contractor in order to meet the needs of the specificcustomer. We tailor our solutions to meet customer demands, whether they are for asingle system, large-scale systems, structural upgrades or maintenance and support.__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________UAVs<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>’ UAVs have earned international recognition and are playingincreasingly vital roles in the global war on terrorism. Military and homeland securityforces worldwide are benefiting from their sophisticated capabilities and onboardsystems which are taking on many of the complex challenges previously performedsolely by manned aircraft. <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>' extensive experience and innovativeapproach to all aspects of UAV systems result in the outstanding operationalsolutions for Israel Defense Forces and the UK MOD. In cooperation with Thales,<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> is providing Hermes UAV systems for the U.K. Watchkeeper TacticalUAV program. The company also supplies advanced UAV systems to the TurkishMOD as well as additional customers worldwide.With its established market position, <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>’ UAV line is constantly expandingto meet new and challenging applications. The company is a leading source ofturnkey solutions, advanced air vehicles, ground control stations, major systemhardware and software, UAV trainers, maintenance and support from field tooperational levels. The Hermes family of UAVs for MALE and high end tactical UAVmissions, along with the Skylark UAV series for close range tactical missions, providea comprehensive range of integral solutions for diverse operational needs .Skylark IThis mini man-pack UAV system is ideal for very close range, beyond-the-hillmissions. The system is especially designed for counter-terrorapplications. Performance-proven in cloudy, rainy and windyweather conditions, Skylark I has demonstrated excellentoptical survey, target identification and surveillancecapabilities. It features a gyroscopic stabilized gimbaledpayload and a high degree of autonomous flight from take-off toprecise recovery, yielding real-time intelligence at an affordableprice. This configuration, equipped with algorithms derivedfrom larger Hermes UAVs, can track fixed and moving targets,an impressive capability for a hand launched UAV. Skylark Ican be used for both defense and homeland securityapplications including perimeter security, border and coastalsurveillance, anti-terrorism surveillance and a variety of lawenforcement missions.Skylark I has already been selected by numerous customers. It is operational withthe IDF's Ground Force’s Command and in several other armed forces. Skylark I hasalready accumulated more than 2000 successful operational sorties and is currentlyoperationally active in several theatres of the global war on terror.Skylark I recently set a new world record in high altitude flights, climbing to analtitude exceeding 15,000 feet and has demonstrated outstanding performance inweather conditions ranging from arctic to equatorial weather.__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________Skylark I is equipped with <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>' new-generation night payload. Weighingonly 700 grams, the thermal payload is the lightest in its class. The payload’scapabilities include very wide area coverage, continuous tracking of moving targetsand a higher resolution rate than any of its predecessors.Skylark IIis a close range tactical UAV designed for day, night and adverse weatherobservation, data collectionand target marking atmission ranges exceeding 50kilometers. The Skylark IIsystem is designed tooperate in the battlefieldusing highly deployableHUMVEE class field vehiclesequipped with an integrallauncher for point launchand recovery and an advanced dual station Ground Control Station. The Skylark IIsystem full cycle operation is possible with a 2-person crew. The advanced UAV ishighly autonomous and offers high degree of mission centric capabilities including allof the Hermes family heritage flight and mission modes. The SkylarkII air-vehicleoutline and weight allow for handling by the 2-person crew during all phases of themission including the assembly, launching and recovery. The air vehicle cutting edgetechnology propulsion system is silent, lightweight and highly efficient. Thepropulsion system enables medium altitude as well as low altitude covert flights forhigh quality imagery and operational reconnaissance under cloud cover with no riskof exposure. The streamlined gimbaled and stabilized triple sensor payload includes acolor CCD day camera, 3 rd generation thermal imaging night camera and laserilluminator.Land <strong>Systems</strong>Digital Army Program<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>' DAP is the master program for computerizing all land forcesoperations. The automated, integrated solution is designed as a force multipliercombining all C 4 ISR activities of dispersed land forces. The DAP is based on <strong>Elbit</strong><strong>Systems</strong>' proprietary hardware and software C 4 I technologies and benefits from thecompany's extensive experience in multidisciplinary integration of computerizedcommand and control systems.DAP's uniqueness is that it covers a huge scope of activities. From high-levelintegration of all land C 4 I applications and systems, through cutting-edge hardwareand communication technology, to massive assimilation and training plans. DAPprovides a step-function in combat forces' operational capabilities from Headquartersto the single soldier.__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________Enhanced Tactical Computer ETCETC brings the power and versatility of advanced personal computers to the field. Itssun-readable display, multiple I/O capabilities and full Mil-Spec grade environmentalspecifications make an excellent solution for combat C 4 Iterminals. COTS architecture allows for easy and low-costupgrades and keeps the ETC adaptable to emerging newtechnologies. The ETC’s outstanding performance has made itthe choice of many armed forces worldwide, including the IDFand several NATO armies. Combat-proven, the ETC is installedin a wide range of armored fighting vehicles, attack helicopters, as well as fixed andmobile shelters. Thousands of units are currently in production; hundreds arealready operational on the battlefield.Integrated Operational Command Control Headquarters System TORC2H®TORC 2 H ® - is an automated, sensor integrated command and control solution forborder security. The system optimizes border securityactivities by providing common situational awareness, E-mail,command dissemination, and decision support tools for allborder protection units - Headquarters, Commanders, SensorOperators, Border Patrols and dismounted teams. TORC 2 H ®closes the sensor-to-shooter loop, optimizes data collectionand border patrol operation. Additionally, the systemfacilitates offline operational debriefing. TORC 2 H ® was selected by the Israel DefenseForces (IDF) for border protection command and control and is deployed alongIsrael’s borders.Battle Management System BMS<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>’ WIN BMS is an essential add-on to virtually any combat vehicle mountedsensor or weapon system forming coordinated battle teams thatperform their tasks with optimum precision. WIN BMS supports everyrequirement of battalion-and-below tactical units, meeting all theiroperational needs, including direct fire engagement & maneuver,indirect fire support, intelligence, and logistics. In addition to itscombat networking capabilities, this “super” system-of-systemsprovides commanders and crewmen with simplified operationalinterface, enhanced situational awareness and data communicationcapabilities. <strong>Elbit</strong> systems was chosen by the Israel Ministry of Defenseto serve as the prime contractor for the IDF program of BattleManagement <strong>Systems</strong> for Battalion Combat Teams.__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________Digital Soldier (DOMINATOR) Project<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> has been selected by Israel's Ministry of Defense to head up the"Digital Soldier" project. The project aims to equip soldiers in thefield with highly-advanced, miniaturized, high-tech toolsmounted on backs or helmets for enhanced situationalawareness, quicker response and ultimately, increased lethality.The plan is to empower infantry soldiers with capabilitiesallowing them to be networked into integrated informationsystems so they can send and receive information in real time,view up-to-the-minute situation pictures on personal displaysand transmit images and positions back to command units.TIGER-Tactical Intranet Geographic dissemination in Real-timeenhances real-time decision making at all force levels by unifying all channels,integrating them into one dynamic tactical intranet, and creating interest-based,geographic data disseminationData RadioThe backbone of the data communications infrastructure, the Data Radio supports avery high data rate for swift, efficient transmission.MaXess (MWLAN)Military Wireless LAN – a cost effective communication system for immune widebanddata wireless transmission featuring strong survivability in a dynamic militaryenvironment.Combat Vehicle Upgrades and <strong>Systems</strong><strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> is a pioneer in Combat Vehicle integrated systems. Its Land and C 4 I <strong>Systems</strong>Division, one of the world's largest developers, producers and integrators of such systems,has supplied more than 7,000 systems and subsystems for new Main Battle Tanks andLight Armored Vehicles as well as for upgrade programs worldwide. The Company'sdevelopment, manufacturing, integration and support capabilities enable it to providecustomized solutions for virtually every type of armored vehicle in service worldwide. <strong>Elbit</strong><strong>Systems</strong> continues to actively implement R&D programs in order to remain in the forefrontas a military electronics & electro-optical systems supplier. In a world of fast-movingtargets with small signatures, <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>' advanced integrated combat systems forarmored vehicles are designed to maximize first-round-hit probability, acquire targets atday and night, and increase survivability and protection - even in the harshest conditions.Overhead Remote Controlled Weapon Station - ORCWS 7.62mmThe ORCWS 7.62 mm, is fully stabilized and designed foroptimal integration into various platforms with no deckpenetration. The system has a very low silhouette andweighs less than 95 kg. It can be loaded with up to 1150rounds, ideal for most Armored Fighting Vehicles andUnmanned Ground Vehicles.__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________Overhead Remote Controlled Weapon Station - ORCWS 25-30mmThe ORCWS 25-30 mm, is a dual- axis stabilized fully overheadunmanned turret. This system is capable of transforming everyArmored Personnel Carrier into an Armored Fighting Vehicle –with no vehicle deck penetration whatsoever. Among itsoutstanding design features are a very low silhouette, lightweight and a fold-down position no higher than 50 cm.Fire Control <strong>Systems</strong> (FCS)For more than three decades <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> has designed, developed andmanufactured sights and Fire Control <strong>Systems</strong> (FCS) for alarge variety of armored vehicles. The Company's inhousetechnologies have continuously enhanced systemcapabilities. <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>' solutions tailored to customerneeds and budgets, range from the simplest sights withan image intensifier and direct optical viewing channel, tothe most sophisticated FCS available. Today's FCS forMain Battle Tanks incorporate a wide range oftechnologies and modules.ElopCompact Multi-Purpose Advanced Stabilized System - CoMPASSCoMPASS is a highly stabilized, multi-sensor, electro-optical payload.CoMPASS delivers superb 24/7 intelligence, surveillance, targetacquisition and tactical reconnaissance (ISTAR) capabilities, in harshweather conditions. The CoMPASS product range has been qualified andcertified and is currently in production for several platforms, includingmarine, UAV, fix and rotary wing platforms, and ground applications. TheCoMPASS system includes 4 major EO elements - Thermal Imager, ColorTV, Laser Rangefinder / Designator and Laser Target Illuminator, allintegrated into a single LRU payload configuration. The CoMPASS wasselected for the UK Armed Forces’ WATCHKEEPER Program.Micro Multi-Purpose Advanced Stabilized System – Micro CoMPASSMicro-CoMPASS is an 8" extremely lightweight and compact payloadsystem for small UAV's, airborne, marine and ground applications. Itfeatures excellent stabilization performance and high quality day andnight sensors. Sensors onboard include 3rd Generation 3-5 µm FPA zoomFLIR camera, zoom color CCD camera and a laser pointer.__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________Advanced Multi-sensor Payload System – AMPSAMPS is an outstanding "top end", highly stabilized, multi-sensor, electro-opticalpayload. Optimized for Airborne applications, AMPS delivers superb 24/7 intelligenceand surveillance. and tactical reconnaissance (ISTAR) capabilities in harsh weatherconditions It enhances the quality and increases the output of target intelligenceproduction, while allowing for increased crew survivability due to AMPS longobservation rangesAirborne Reconnaissance System – CONDOR 2<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> Electro Optics - ELOP Condor2 ® LOROP system produces real-time,high resolution, simultaneous dual-band (Visible and IR) imaging for Oblique ImageIntelligence (IMINT) at high and medium altitudes. TheCondor2 ® system is an integrated solution based on ELOP'scutting edge sensor technology and ELBIT <strong>Systems</strong>’ state-ofthe-artimage exploitation system. The Condor2 ® Systemincorporates an advanced and proven design, which has beenchosen by several air forces – and it is already operationalThe system’s autonomous navigation capability is based on anembedded INS/GPS configuration.Condor2 ® POD is designed for installation on a variety of airborne platformsincluding fighter aircraft, commercial aircraft and unmanned air vehicles.The Condor2 ® POD was designed for the compact F-16 carriage, thus enablingextended envelope for bigger A\C while providing an excellent solution based on a300 gallon IMINT system.Hand-held 3-5 µm FPA Thermal Imaging Camera – CORALA high resolution hand held Dual FOV personalThermal Imaging camera with integral GPS receiver. Itis lightweight, easy to operate and provides excellentpicture quality. The system’s applications includeinfantry, scout and perimeter defense missions.CORAL was selected by the US Marine Corps as theirstandard night binoculars.Surveillance & Warning Obstacle Ranging & Display for Helicopters –LORD<strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>’ LORD is a unique Laser Radar (LADAR) for helicopters, capable ofdetecting natural and man-made obstacles, such as electrical wires and antennas,and providing real-time alerts to pilots when flying at low altitude and adverseweather conditions. LORD offers both visual location and audio warnings, aboutobstacle.__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________Portable Lightweight Designator / Rangefinder – PLDRThe PLDR is a compact, low-cost, very lightweight laserdesignation system, which can be easily carried and operated byan individual soldier. The PLDR provides platoon leveldesignation capabilities for all types of laser guided munitions forboth stationary and moving targets. The PLDR is an excellentsolution for standoff designation, FAC missions, low intensityconflicts and urban warfare applications.The PLDR incorporates built-in compass and GPS, along with aTactical Computer to calculate targets’ co-ordinates, providingFAC/CAS capabilities, with data-link to remote datatransmission, thermal sight and test equipment. It also has anoptional built-in Laser Spot Camera.Multi-Spectral Infrared Countermeasure – MUSICMUSIC TM is an advanced fiber laser based DIRCM system thatprotects all types of aircraft and helicopters against manportableheat seeking surface-to-air missiles known asMANPADS. MUSIC TM has high reliability and low life cyclecosts and is an effective solution for protecting military, VIPand commercial aircraft.Tadiran CommunicationsWith over 40 years of experience Tadiran Communications is a recognized industryleader in the development, manufacture and marketing of combat-proven militarycommunications solutions. The company’s secure and immune militarycommunications systems and equipment - based on today’s most sophisticatedtechnologies – have made Tadiran Communications the main supplier of advancedsolutions to the Israel Defense Forces and have enabled the company’s products toserve the armed forces of over 50 countries worldwide.Tadiran’s wholly-owned U.S. subsidiaries, Talla-Com and Talla-Tech, focus onmilitary computers and advanced power amplifiers for the U.S. market. Through itswholly-owned German subsidiary, Telefunken Racoms, Tadiran offers an expandedselection of military HF radio systems, as well as advanced European standardcommunication modems and protocols. Tadiran’s offerings also include civilian__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________wireless communications solutions for homeland security, public safety andgovernment agencies.Tadiran Communications is a wholly-owned subsidiary of <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Ltd</strong>.CNR-9000HDR (High Data Rate)The world's highest rate data communications, 115 K over25 KHz standard bandwidth tactical VHF channels, thismulti-mode radio enables streaming video on the move.With enhanced speech intelligibility, widebandsynchronized orthogonal frequency hopping andCOMSEC/ECCM anti-jamming, the CNR-9000 HDR'sadvanced secure tactical IP radio provides a superiortechnological foundation for software radio systems.Bro@dnetBased on wireless broadband WiMAX technology to deliverlong-range, high-capacity broadband IP-Based data, videoand voice telecommunications, the Bro@dnet systemenables all combat units and commands to use a singleInternet network that includes all battlefield information.ELISRAThe ELISRA Group, in which <strong>Elbit</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> owns a 70% interest, specializes in thedesign, manufacture, integration and support of advanced defense solutions for air,sea, and land deployment for a range of customers worldwide. Its main businessareas include EW suites, airborne warning systems, ELINT&COMINT systems,artillery C4I systems, and data links for UAV's and guided munitions.Unified AIRBORNE Protection Solutions including Escort and Stand-Off JammersSpectrolite - The Unified DAS and ESM System forairborne platforms-The most advanced DAS and ESM capabilities have beenpacked into a single LRU, delivering superioridentification and location under challenging conditions.The resulting accurate Direction Finding of receivedsignals and geo-location, significantly increaseinterception probability and enable extremely rapidresponse time, minimizing the “sensor-to-weapon” loop.The system integrates with Chaff/Flare and a tie-in with__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________MWS and with various jamming systems such as integrated self-protection systems,Escort and Stand-Off Jammers.The Spectrolite enables the performance of any scenario required for the successfulprotection of the mission group. The Unified concept is also expressed in adaptability,simplifying and reducing training, installation and maintenance costs.PAWS-the Effective IR Missile Approach Warning SystemPAWS is a highly effective family of operationally deployed staring IR MissileApproach Warning <strong>Systems</strong>. Drawing on its all-in-one concept for cost-effectivelyintegrating multiple capabilities, Elisra’s IR solutions offer: Missile ApproachWarning, Panoramic display, Collision Avoidance, Small Arms Fire Warning andDetection.Software integration of these powerful capabilities eliminates the need for multipleunits on airborne platforms, saving space and considerably reducing costs. Theentire IR line of products features superior ultra-accurate real-time identification ofincoming missile direction, even when launched from a short range. Adoption of IRtechnologies enables the detection of incoming missiles during the boost and thesustainer phases, therefore increase in range detection and reduction in FAR isachieved for all types of missiles and at high altitudes.The IR line of products includes:PAWS - for helicopter protectionPAWS-2 - for fighter protectionSPIRS - for transport aircraft protectionLORICA - for commercial airliner protectionSWAD - for high-value infrastructure and strategic areaday/night protectionEXPLIR - for explosion locationIntelligence - COMINT-DF/ELINT/COMJAM/DFECM systems and payloads - for air,land, and naval applications - that detect and intercept the most sophisticatedthreats through rapid spectrum scanning processed by sophisticated algorithms andenabling Jamming/detection on selected threats.Tadiran Electronic <strong>Systems</strong> C4I solutions provide the real-time intelligence thatallows commanders to maximize their military might. The latest generation ofintegrated EW and C4I systems collects, processes, evaluates, assesses, presents anddistributes mission-critical information throughout all levels of command, providingcommanders at each echelon with immediate access to vital decision-makingsupport.__________________________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at Seoul Air Show 2007_____________________________________________________________________________________________Dissemination of Intelligence via data links, VoIP and Battlespace Video Net <strong>Systems</strong> fromcommand posts to the individual fighter. Decision-makers can take effective decisions andensure that they are implemented rapidly and accurately. TheDissemination System includes the recently launched Miniaturized V-RAMBO Video Receiver and Monitor introduced by Spectralink.The new V-RAMBO model features a video and telemetry receiverthe size of a small PDA, which can be carried in a pocket orpouch. The video and data can be displayed in real time, eitheron V-RAMBO’s proprietary wrist-wearable monitor, or on othertypes of portable display devices, including PDAs and laptop PCs.Data Links for UAV and Guided WeaponsFully integrated ground, airborne and control component units deliver outstandingtechnical characteristics, coupled with wide-ranging operational flexibility andexceptional multi-mission capabilities for Guided Weapons and UAVs.The system features high speed digital data transmission, advanced datacompression, and anti-jamming techniques.Search and RescueA new synergistic communications solution combines the capabilitiesof two types of systems to deliver an integrated SAR network, capableof performing other functions as well. This system provides Real-TimeOTH Communications Relay. Using a unique ID code and short-burstsignals, the SAR-UAV Suite interrogates the Survivor/Evader’sPersonal Survival Radio, such as the PRC-434G/SV, extracts its GPSdata, and relays the information, in real time, to tactical HQ, CombatCommunications Centers, and peer forces on the ground.SPS-45(V) Integrated Airborne Self-Protection SystemThe SPS-45(V) is a highly sophisticated airborne self-protection system offeringexcellent performance and reliability at low cost.The identified threats which are detected by both subsystems are presented to thepilot on a three-inch display unit which provides an alphanumeric and specialsymbol representation of the type, angle-of-arrival, relative lethality, range and statusof the threats.__________________________________________________________________________________________

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