IMI Israel Military Industries Ltd. AERIAL LAUNCHED ... - Sibat

IMI Israel Military Industries Ltd. AERIAL LAUNCHED ... - Sibat

IMI Israel Military Industries Ltd. AERIAL LAUNCHED ... - Sibat


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ISRAEL at AERO INDIA 2011______________________________________________________________________________________<strong>IMI</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Military</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> <strong>Ltd</strong>.<strong>AERIAL</strong> <strong>LAUNCHED</strong> MISSILES & MUNITIONSDELILAHDelilah is a fix wing aircraft / helicopter /ship/ ground launched,stand -off, long range, multi-purpose missile system, for precision deepstrike against moving, re- locatable and fixed high value targets.Delilah is a man-in-the-loop system (with autonomous navigation andguidance), capable of loitering,attack, go around and re-attack,creating minimal collateral damagewhile reducing operator workload.Delilah features a low cost per killsystem, with real time intelligence,BDA, BDI and low sensitivity totarget location error.Delilah is combat proven and inproduction, operational onboard <strong>Israel</strong>’s Air-Force F-16.ATALD - Advanced Tactical Air Launched DecoyATALD is an active decoy used inSEAD missions, enhancing thesurvivability of friendly aircraftand guided munitions bysaturating enemy air defensesystems with multiple falsetargets. The ATALD can simulateattacks against early warning onthe decoys.ATALD modular design enables the use of the vehicle as a target dronefor different scenarios depending on the payload selection (RF or/andIR).___________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at AERO INDIA 2011______________________________________________________________________________________MPR-500 BOMB - 500 lbs Multi-Purpose Rigid BombAn Enhanced Urban Bomb for ImprovedEffects and Reduced.MPR-500 FEATURESPenetration of 3 double-reinforcedconcrete walls/floors, 200mm thick eachatall operational velocities and impactangles Penetration of more than 800mmmonolithic reinforced concrete targetControlled fragmentation to engage GPtargets.<strong>AERIAL</strong> COUNTERMEASURES & DISPENSING SYSTEMS<strong>IMI</strong> offers complete self-defense solutions for Fighter, Helicopters,Commercial and Transport Aircrafts against IR, laser and radar guidedmissiles.<strong>IMI</strong> is the <strong>Israel</strong> Air Force’s centre of expertise for countermeasures. Thecombat-proven experience gained in this relationship led todevelopment of a wide range of highly reliable and effective expendablecountermeasures and systems.Expendable Countermeasures• FG-3, FG-6 & FG-9 IR Decoy flares(including spectral flares) – combatproven. <strong>IMI</strong> equivalents MJU-7B &MJU-10B flares.• Multi-Blu provides three times thehelicopter protection of standard IRflares in the weigh/ volumeenvelope of a single FG-3 flare.• CG-17 (RR-170A/AL equiv.) like all<strong>IMI</strong> chaff products hides aircraft and ships from radar detection andprovides protection against radar guided missiles.___________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at AERO INDIA 2011______________________________________________________________________________________SAMP Countermeasure Dispensing systems (CMDS)• Threat adaptive dispensing systems with 16 simultaneously availablefiring programs.• Ideal for aircraft upgrade programs or as original equipment in newairframes.• Highly reliable, cost effective, provides full integration with aircraftsystems.AIRMOR Modular and Adaptable Protection Suite• Autonomous self defence systemincorporates missile warningsystem, CMDS, spectral flaresand chaff. Radar or laserwarning are optional.• Multi-mode managementcontrol system integrates andanalyzes information whileactivating the optimal countermeasuresagainst the relevantthreat.RED-SKY 2• A fast deployment VSHORAD modularsystem, against low – flying aircrafts &Helicopters. Based on existing MANPortable Air Defense (MANPAD) missileson a launcher, IR search unit (IRS) andc3 unit.___________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at AERO INDIA 2011______________________________________________________________________________________ADVANCED & HIGHLY ACCURATE ARTILLERY ROCKET SYSTEMSEXTRAThe Extended Range (EXTRA) rocket, jointly developed and marketedby <strong>IMI</strong> and IAI/MLM is a long range weapon providing artillery withdeep strike capability. Carrying a payload of 120 kg The rocket can befired at targetsranging from 20 to150 kilometers,maintaining 10meter CEP precision regardless of range. The 430 kg rocket can beadapted by a wide range of launching platforms, including the Pinaka.The rocket uses an aft section fitted with stabilizing fins, larger solidrocket motor, a warhead and the fin mounted control sectioncomprising guidance and control avionics, driving four flight controlcanard surfaces for trajectory shaping. The warhead can be loaded withup to 400 AT/AP Bomblets/ Scatterable Mines/ Anti-Runwaymunitions.ACCULAR –ACCURATE LAR 160 ARTILLERY ROCKET HAS ACCURACY OFTUBE ARTILLERYThe ACCULAR is an autonomous guided rocket, which utilizes steeringkit of 80 pulsers. Achieving accuracy of 10 meters cep.The ACCULAR has a range of 40 km. And with its 40 kg. Warhead is aefficient solution forurban fighting scenariosas well as other militaryoperations.TRAJECTORY CORRECTION SYSTEM (TCS) FOR ARTILLERYROCKETSThe TCS Enhances Free Flight Artillery Rockets accuracy to the Level ofTube Artillery by correcting the rocket’s trajectory during flight.The system simultaneously controls multiple rockets in the air,increasing engagement while reducing the number of rockets neededper target. The system is currently applied to the Pinaka system.___________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at AERO INDIA 2011______________________________________________________________________________________LYNXAutonomous & ModularArtillery Rocket LaunchingSystem, capable of firingVarious Artillery Rockets &Tactical Missiles includingGRAD,LAR, EXTRA and DELILAH-GL precision attack weapon.The launcher automaticallyidentifies the canister/POD onboard.ACTIVE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (APS) FOR AFVs - IRON FISTIron Fist is an advanced hard killactive protection systems aiming atenhancing self defence capability ofarmoured platforms, from lightvehicles to heavy AFVs, againstmodern battlefield threats.Iron Fist neutralizes all anti-tankthreats by a blast interceptor initiatedat a safe distance from the defendedplatform.Iron Fist uses radar & IR sensors, mounted on the platform, to detectpotential threats, measure distance and trajectory, providing thesystem’s fire control system with the relevant data to calculateengagement plans. When a threat is identified as imminent, aconsumable envelope shock-wave based interceptor is launched towardit. Eliminating much of the risk of collateral damage when employed inurban areas or near friendly forces.Iron Fist can be fully integrated with other on-board systems. Itssensors provide essential input to the crew's situational awareness,exploiting the radar's inherent ground surveillance, moving targetdetection, tracking and motion detection capabilities.The development is expected to be completed next year, with initialsystems delivered to clients for operational evaluation.___________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at AERO INDIA 2011______________________________________________________________________________________BRIGHT ARROWCombined Hard Kill Active ProtectionSystem With Remote ControlledWeapon Station For Light TacticalVehicles.Firepower, survivability and situationalawareness capabilities are all combinedin one system, where weight, volume,power and cost constraints aimed anddesigned specifically for light combatvehicles.The system is based on Iron Fist APSand the WAVE Remote Weapon Station.SHOCK ABSORBER - Man-Portable Active Protection SystemPortable Electro-Optical Soft Kill ProtectionSystem, Carried by an Infantry Soldier ProtectingInfantry Detachments & Stationery Posts againstAnti-Tank Guided Missiles.The SHOCK ABSORBER Based on Proven IRONFIST Technologies:• Electro-Optical Detectors• Laser based Infra-Red Directional Jammer.WAVE-ASRWSA Family of Light Wight, low profile, Advanced Stabilized RemoteWeapon Station designed for Launchers . Wave is a field proven systemand is currently in serial production.The low-profile system is designed for easyintegration with the vehicle maintaining acost effective solution. Both weapon andoptronic modules are stabilized, enablingsurveillance, observation and targeting instationary or on the move conditions, andeffective engagement of moving targets.The system comes with an integral,stabilized optronic assembly, designed tobe flexible and modular, accommodatingspecific customer furnished equipment or requirements.___________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at AERO INDIA 2011______________________________________________________________________________________125-MM TANK CARTRIDGESTwo types of tank munitions will be presented at <strong>IMI</strong> booth :The 125 mm MK1 and a model of Multi – Purpose 105mmAPAM cartridge, which will be the basic knowledge for thedevelopment of 125mm version.The 125-mm MK1 is a High-Velocity, KE, Flat-TrajectoryArmor- Piercing (APFSDS-T) cartridge, developed andproduced with state-of-the-art technology.The 125-mm MK1 has an excellent accuracy at all combatranges capable of defeating most modern tank Armour,including MBTs, with reactive Armour.This cartridge is operational with many armies.<strong>IMI</strong> has the experience and the knowledge to develop AMulti - Purpose (Anti-Personnel/Anti-Materiel) Cartridge - APAM125mm for the Indian Armor Corps in order to meet the requirementsof the modern battlefield.The cartridges can be operated as Anti-Personnel while dispersing its 6highly lethal air-burst warheads, striking prone and concealed troopsfrom above, or as a Wall breacher, bunker buster and anti – LAV's,when firing at impact mode. The APAM 105mm is in serial productionand Combat Proven.The APAM 120mm is in FSD (under contract for the IDF).120MM – GUIDED MORTAR MUNITION (GMM)• The120 GMM is a GPS and/or Laser guided mortarmunition.• The 120 GMM is equipped with:• GPS and/or SAL Seeker.• A canard servo and control mechanism.• Pure Heart (GPS/IMU and FCC) for guidance,navigation and flight control.• The 120 GMM warhead is effective against: Infantrytroups, Light Armored Vehicles, Masonry structures Earth& timber bunkers.• The GMM max. range is 9 Km.___________________________________________________________________________

ISRAEL at AERO INDIA 2011______________________________________________________________________________________MPRS - Multi Purpose Rifle SystemThe MPRS provides the infantrywarrior increased lethality andtarget engagement capabilitiesas well as enhanced targetincapacitation and suppressionthrough the use of HE air-burstmunitions.The MPRS can be embeddedwithin any existing assault rifle using 40mm launcher, Improvesindividual warrior and squad performance in modern battlefield via:• Enhanced Lethality• Operational Flexibility• Sustainability• Mobility• Survivability___________________________________________________________________________

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