Annual Report 2009 -2010 - Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Annual Report 2009 -2010 - Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Annual Report 2009 -2010 - Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

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Public Sector Payment Policy - Measure of ComplianceThe Department requires that <strong>Trust</strong>s pay their non HSC trade creditors in accordance with theCBI Prompt Payment Code <strong>and</strong> Government Accounting Rules. The <strong>Trust</strong>’s payment policy isconsistent with the CBI prompt payment codes <strong>and</strong> Government Accounting rules <strong>and</strong> its measureof compliance is:31<strong>2010</strong> <strong>2009</strong>Number NumberTotal bills paid 386,943 368,639Total bills paid within terms 310,919 306,205% of bills paid within terms 80% 83%Financial EnvironmentOne of the most difficult tasks we face within the health <strong>and</strong> social care sector is to manage ourexpenditure within reducing resources, while dealing with increasing dem<strong>and</strong>s for our services<strong>and</strong> clinical <strong>and</strong> technological advances.<strong>2009</strong>/10 was a particularly challenging year for us. Our funding was reduced by £31m; we had tomake cumulative efficiency savings of 5.5%; <strong>and</strong> at the same time healthcare <strong>and</strong> overhead costssuch as fuel <strong>and</strong> water, increased.Through a concerted effort by staff across the <strong>Trust</strong>, sound budget management, the receipt ofadditional in-year funding <strong>and</strong> the implementation of our comprehensive efficiency programme(MORE), we achieved a balanced financial position in <strong>2009</strong>/10.MORE - Maximising Outcomes, Resources <strong>and</strong> EfficienciesThe <strong>Trust</strong>, like all other government bodies, has to deliver cash efficiency savings of 9% over theyears 2008/09 to <strong>2010</strong>/11, as part of the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review. Essentially overthis period we have to deliver the same levels of service within a substantially reduced budget.Our MORE efficiency programme has enabled us to achieve the required levels of efficiencysavings in 2008/09 <strong>and</strong> <strong>2009</strong>/10. We did this by changing the way we deliver services,modernising <strong>and</strong> driving improvements in services, enhancing productivity, reducing waste <strong>and</strong>maximising value for money.The focus of our MORE programme is essentially about ensuring the right care is being deliveredby the right person, doing the right thing, in the right place.We are proud to outline the following achievements of our MORE programme during <strong>2009</strong>/10:• We had 150 reform <strong>and</strong> modernisation schemes up <strong>and</strong> running.• The projects were about changing practices <strong>and</strong> modernising the way we do things, theyhave clear benefits for the patient <strong>and</strong> client, as well as efficiency <strong>and</strong> productivity benefitsfor the organisation.• We engaged widely with the public, interested groups <strong>and</strong> staff on the changes which wemade, <strong>and</strong> have managed to maintain constructive relationships with staff representativegroups.

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