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Special Events - Voice For The Defense Online

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Court of Criminal App~ls' . decision," he said. Each of us aodauds the&.admilable position Mr. Corn111 has taken. It was not a popular politicalposition, but, as Stan so aptly pointed out, it was a n~oral decision.Again, if our assessment of this entire controvmyca~'t be trustedfor objectivity, where do we look for a viewpoint which speaks to andfor the far right? How about Tlie D.dlas Mon~ing News? Surely there is nomore conselvative voice for law, order and strict enforcement.In early Febmaq the Dallas Morni~~g Rews expressed its editorialopinions on this issue, stating that Attor~~ey Gere~d Cornyn was correctin his opinions and actions, and that the Court of Crinunal Appealswas wrong, and that it uras imprudent for the burl to stage a showdownwith ll~c US. Supreme Court. <strong>The</strong> editorial concluded that hZ1: Cornyn'sposition should not be ignored by the Court of Crimi1al.4pppeals.Well, there )an ha\re it courts fans. Our hun~ble ooint ofview regarding this latest national embarrassment, suspect as i;luay beto some, happens once again to he shared by the ponwfi~l and conservative.We are not alone.1 think Stan Sclmeider has touched upon the one characteristic,its conspicuous absence being comnlon to all of the controversialdecisions which have rocked our system of c~iruinal justiceover the past seve~al years; it is tl~e characteristic of mo~ality!Tnle enough, the Court of Criminal Appeals is not legallybound to consider momlily in arriving at its decisions. <strong>The</strong> Court isnot, however, prohibited from being inhenced by some semblance ofmorality in making its decisions, all of wluch profoundly impacts eachof us, not just societ)>s perceived vermin.BobMid#dP.neiskell<strong>For</strong>tworth (1999-2000)KenthsdKIHerHouston (1998-1999)E.G. "&wy" M dAustin 11997-1998)MdLBoisfodAustin(1996-1997)Bin WdaemperLubbock(1995-1996)RomddLOorrnronDaiias(1994-1995)David R BirwHouston (1993-1994)OerclklH.OddrkinSan Antonio (1992-1993)R i d l m d h ~Dallas (1991-1992)Tim Evans<strong>For</strong>th Worth (1990-1991)Judge J.A. "Jim" BoboOdessa (13%-192)Edwarl A. MtdkwHouston (1988-1W)axa(er D. BultsSan Antonio (1987-1988)Knox Jones'McAiien (1986.137)Lou& Dugas, Jr.Orange (1985-1986)aii L "Saappy" HdmwLongview (1984-1985)Thomas Gilbert Shqwt, Jr.Brownsvile (1983-1984)aii w. BmwnLubhock(1982-1983)JudgeRoberID.JonesAustin (1980-1981)V i m Walker PeriniDailas(1979-1980)GeorseF-Luquetk'Houston 11378-1979)\Ilkklon HdcombTyler (1976.1977)C. David EvcdSan Antonio (1975-1976)George E. Gilk-Lubhock(1974-1975)Phil Buleson*Dallas (1973-1974)c. Admy hilorrx, Jr:Houston (1972-1973)Hon. hrnk MalolleyAustin (1911-1972)RRSTPRESIDENTSmRCH 200 l ( WWW.TCDLA.COMI VOICE FOR THE DEFENSE I 7 I

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