Senior College Handbook - St Andrew's College

Senior College Handbook - St Andrew's College

Senior College Handbook - St Andrew's College

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1. Attendance Requirement for Terms<strong>St</strong>udents are expected to attend all theirscheduled classes and be on time. Any more thanthree unjustified absences in any single term willresult in Terms not being awarded. The attainmentor non-attainment of Terms attendancerequirements will be determined by current<strong>College</strong> absence and late systems.Please note:• Teachers will record unjustified absences and latearrivals. Three late arrivals will be considered theequivalent of one unjustified absence;• An adjusted weekly cumulative list of unjustifiedabsences and late arrivals will be posted in the<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>College</strong>;• It is the student’s responsibility to check theunjustified absence and late arrivals list and takewhatever action they think necessary;• The Attendance Officer, <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>College</strong> PA andYear 12 and 13 Deans will peruse the weekly listof unjustified absences and late arrivals and senda letter to parents where necessary;• If a student’s unjustified or explained absencesare in excess of what is reasonably expectedthen a contract based around attendance may beimposed immediately.Clarification around the use of “terms” –in particular attendance“Terms” is also an expression used to describethe ability of students to miss a limited number ofscheduled classes in order to undertake self-directedstudy. In the interests of clarity, this form of “terms”is represented here in quotation marks.• If a student chooses to miss an academic periodto take “terms”, it must be spent on academicstudy;• “terms” can be taken for a maximum of threeperiods in Terms 1, 2 and 3. Any student whohas not been awarded Terms is unable to take“terms”;• If a student intends to take “terms” it is expectedthey will first explain to the teacher whose classthey will miss;• No student is to ask to take “terms” in any onesubject more than once per term;• The teacher allowing “terms” to be taken hasevery right to insist that the student catchesup on work missed and provides evidence thatthis has occurred. Should a student fail to meetthis commitment, the teacher should issue aconsequence, such as not allowing “terms”to be taken in that subject for a period of timeat the teacher’s discretion, a <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>College</strong>consequence or referral of the matter to theDean;• No student can use “terms” to miss a class wherethere is any formative or summative assessmentbeing completed or due to be handed in;• “terms” cannot be used to miss options (Mondayperiod 6), RE, PE, Life Skills, Chapel or study(Year 12);• “terms” cannot be used to leave the <strong>College</strong>grounds, socialise or prepare for a sporting orcultural commitment;• Any student who takes “terms” inappropriatelymay have the privilege withdrawn for a period oftime decided by Deans and/or HOSC. Parents willbe informed.2. Academic <strong>St</strong>andard Requirement for Terms• <strong>St</strong>udents are required to meet the minimumstandard as set out in the <strong>St</strong>udent CourseOutline and Assessment Schedule. The nonattainmentof these academic requirementswill be communicated to parents or guardiansby letter, advising of the non-completion and/ornon-attendance of summative achievement orunit standard assessment included as part of thatsubject’s assessment schedule. HOD discretionprevails;• <strong>St</strong>udents are required to obtain an average scoreof 2.90 or higher in their Personal Learning Skillsacross all subjects in their interim, mid-year andend-of-year (Year 12 only) reports.16

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