Senior College Handbook - St Andrew's College

Senior College Handbook - St Andrew's College

Senior College Handbook - St Andrew's College

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5. Sporting and Cultural ActivitiesYear 12 students will be required to take part in botha summer and a winter sporting activity or someother approved cultural activity, such as the PipeBand, the major drama production, musical groups,chess and debating. <strong>St</strong>udents may not use a parttimejob as an excuse to avoid sporting or culturalresponsibilities. There will be a consequence forstudents who fail to meet these requirements.Involvement is optional for Year 13 students, but theyare strongly encouraged to participate in some of themany extra curricular programmes available.Correct uniform is mandatory at all competitiongames, and a wide variety of official sporting and PEclothing is available for practices.There are over 50 sporting and cultural opportunitiesavailable to <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>College</strong> students. It isrecommended that you take advantage of them. Ifyou are a busy student you will feel more connectedwith the <strong>College</strong> and be more likely to reach yourpotential, both in and out of the classroom.Recent studies indicate that students who get activelyinvolved in a variety of experiences at school aremost likely to enjoy success and develop a positiveself image and attitude that translates into successin other aspects of their lives.6. LeadershipYour InvolvementIt is important that you have your say in what happensat the <strong>College</strong>. We want you to take an active role inrunning your own affairs, in order to develop yourskills in leadership, management and organisation.Being an effective leader involves service, and thereare a variety of opportunities available in the <strong>Senior</strong><strong>College</strong>. Leadership opportunities include Prefects,<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>College</strong> Council, Heads of Boarding, PeerSupport, Community Leaders, International Club,Sports Leaders, Sacristans and Captains of Culture,Sport and Academia.A <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>College</strong> Leadership booklet providingdetails of these opportunities has been distributedto students in September. The handbook providesinformation on the qualities, key tasks andapplication, appointment and feedback processes forall leadership positions.<strong>Senior</strong> students will be offered a maximum of twoleadership positions in any one year, to prevent overcommitment.All Year 13 students will take part in two eveningleadership/workshop sessions in early February.The sessions will be run by Mr David Garb, a privatepractitioner, who over the last 15 years has focusedon adolescent workshops. The theme for thesessions will be “real connection and relationships”.All Year 12 students will be involved in a compulsoryone-day leadership course late in Term 3 or early inTerm 4 and will complete an eight week semestercourse on leadership.22

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