RosicRucian - AMORC

RosicRucian - AMORC

RosicRucian - AMORC

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From Aristotle’s viewpoint the Absolute can be consideredas the sum total of these separate existences and is thereforegreater than the sum of the individual existences it iscomposed of.Absolute can be considered as the sum total ofthese separate existences and is therefore greaterthan the sum of the individual existences it iscomposed of. It is obvious that experiencing theAbsolute isn’t going to be a trivial matter. But justas we can effectively experience simple examplesof perfection such as those of mathematicalaxioms like 2+2=4, we can similarly experiencethe Absolute in small doses.Experience and KnowledgeExperience is the child of knowledge. Whenknowledge of a particular event manifests to ourphysical consciousness, we gain experience ofthat “knowledge event.”• Experiences of perfection concern eventsmainly of the material plane.• Experiences of the Absolute are moreapplicable to events on the immaterial plane.To be cognisant of knowledge from theAbsolute we have to gain experience of it, andin order to do so we must use techniques suchas concentration, contemplation and meditationwhich provide a bridge between the planes of ourconsciousness.REM and MeditationThere is a meditative technique we can employto our advantage that has much in common withthe phenomenon of rapid eye movement duringsleep. Scientists are aware that during our sleepingperiods a certain type of dreaming occurs whichis associated with rapid eye movement (REM).This is indicative of a vivid dream state which weexperience as if we were awake and which mayreadily be recalled upon awakening.This gives us a clue as to what we should beaiming for in order to raise the level of our outerconsciousness to the cosmic plane, our preparationfirstly involves the use of concentration techniquessuch as performing whole-body relaxation andquieting of the physical aspect of our mind/brain.We then move on to contemplation, though atthis stage most students continue with wholebodyrelaxation and mind. I would suggest atthis point that relaxing the facial muscles, eyesand eyelids are of paramount importance overother parts of the body, so as to bring about REMactivity. Alternatively, feel the muscles of theforehead, eyes and eyelids relax.This REM should occur involuntarily. Wecan’t try and twitch our eyes in order to induceREM, nor can we observe when REM occurs.Scientists are aware that during our sleeping periods acertain type of dreaming occurs which is associated withrapid eye movement (REM).24The Rosicrucian Beacon -- June 2009

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